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20075235 No.20075235 [Reply] [Original]

Why did craft beer fail? What happened to the days when Blind Pig and Pliny reigned supreme? It's just a marketing hype trend hopping cash grab scam! Any brewery that has released a hazy IPA, sour IPA, or milkshake IPA is illegitimate…

>> No.20075237

I judge a brewery on how well they can brew a Pilsner or other traditional styles like a Dortmunder or even Blonde Ale. Any brewery can make a big, hopped out IPA now...there are no secrets, everyone has access to any kind of hops they want. The $18 4pk IPA is killing craft beer.

>> No.20075239

tragedy of the commons? Any asshole can brew beer so everyone saw the OG craft people doing well and jumped on with terrible beer with names like "Big Haze Super Cluster IPA".

>> No.20075243

they didn't fail. they'll always be around at some background level
they're the beer equivalent of unsustainable fads
like cherry coke or those chocolate bars that 'pop' in your mouth

>> No.20075253
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>Why did craft beer fail?
there's too many so people opt to just go for a big brand instead. i sure as fuck can't be bothered going through an aisle like this to find a beer

>> No.20075257

That is a pretty modest selection compared to some places these days

>> No.20075262

yeah I wasnt gonna spend an hour looking for the most ridiculous photo I could find, but you get the idea

>> No.20075342

Why pick on little hazy? That's probably the best macro you can buy

>> No.20075371
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, cheap beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah I wasnt gonna spend an hour looking for the most ridiculous photo I could find, but you get the idea
How was that photo not ridiculous?
$1.49 for a six pack of craft beer?!
My lips are getting moist just thinking about that. *smacks lips* For real, for real.

>> No.20075495
File: 56 KB, 624x640, cereal-1551222271 Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. so many IPAs are so deeply unbalanced. it's like the brewmaster was a 3-year old playing with mommy and daddy's spice rack

>> No.20076188

pliny still reigns supreme my local bar has it on tap and every 30 seconds an old guy walks in and goes "holy shit you guys have pliny the elder"

>> No.20076193

yeah sierra nevada scaled pretty well honestly
deschuttes too, i'm not a stone guy really but i feel like they've stayed in their lane well enough

>> No.20076195

this pic taken from 1940? $1.49 for your own fucking six pack?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.20076197

are you guys actually retarded

>> No.20076219
File: 100 KB, 1216x722, Craft-Beer-Market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't like it ergo it's a failure!
typical arrogant midwittery. VERY common on this site

>> No.20076223

1939* happy?

>> No.20076249

True, but for all IPAs. Every craft brewery I have been to has amazing beer at the brewery, but only distribute IPA. I talked up an owner about his choice
>But you have this amazing belgian dubble, this robust stout, all of these other tasty beers, but you sell IPA in the stores like eveyone else
His claim
>It's the only thing that sells
I ask
>How well is it selling?
>He gets angry and someone calls him from the back
One finally got it's legs and guess what they sell in stores? A lager, a cheap table beer.
I told brewers along the coast for 10 years that they should stop selling IPA because that isn't what the casual drinker wants from their beer and every time they would laugh at my opinion or be angry at it. Well they're (almost) all gone now! HOW DID THE IPA DICKRIDE PARADE TREAT YOU?

>> No.20076251

>it has been successful so it will continue to be successful for the next 10 years
typical arrogant midwittery. VERY common on this site

>> No.20076258

the entire industry is catering to tourists, people who only want to say they've had something. no one who drinks the stuff wants to have it a second time. it all tastes the same anyway.

>> No.20076277

i agree op. why try to invent a new beer when we already have Miller High Life

>> No.20076286

>Any brewery can make a big, hopped out IPA now...there are no secrets, everyone has access to any kind of hops they want
>this. so many IPAs are so deeply unbalanced
Do you not realize that you're making completely opposite points? If you're saying so many IPAs are unbalanced, then you're saying that many breweries actually CAN'T make IPAs. You literally agreed with him and them immediately contradicted his argument. In any case, the idea that IPAs are somehow easier to brew has always been retarded, and is either trolling or gives away that the person knows absolutely nothing about beer.

>> No.20076303

I think it's a combination of them brewing more these days (I don't really know, but it sure feels that way) and some people conflating the elder with the younger. Pliny is often the best thing on tap, but it's not exactly a rare event.

>> No.20076306

The best IPA in American history is Bells Two Hearted Ale, you can get it anywhere, it's still consistent.

>> No.20076312

it may not be at 2010s growth levels but it's still growing. you know things can still grow at reduced rates compared to the past right? is that a difficult concept for all 10 of your brain cells to comprehend?

fucking hell man it's sad how confidently wrong some of you love being

>> No.20076316
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>my grocery haul from last night

>> No.20076319

Hasn't been good since 2015, and I know why...

>> No.20076322
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 0075452701207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped drinking IPAs all together. I just can't anymore. At almost 40 they give me vicious hangovers, even the moderate ABV ones - I swear its all of the retarded shit these breweries are throwing in to make them "unique". It's sad too that it's almost exclusively what these craft breweries make anymore.

I often struggle to find a good local brewed lager, pilsner, or even just a basic ale.

I knew it was really over when I drove by a billboard for whatever this shit is. They're just selling 4Loko for "adults" at this point.

>> No.20076332

my friend you just got beer del taco and snacks how are you going to support your family

>> No.20076350

I haven't had it in years, but they just happened to stock the shelf and it was canned like 2 weeks ago so I just grabbed one.
There's 12 tacos there. DT is selling them for 60 cents each for the next 2 months for their 60th anniversary. Between the tacos, alfalfa sprouts, and shrimp cocktail, there's plenty of food for the whole troupe.

>> No.20076382

>they didn't fail. they'll always be around at some background level
It's actually the opposite. The "craft beer" craze isn't as big of a thing as it used to be because "craft beer" is just thought of as "beer" now (and lets be honest, even for the places that haven't sold out - yet - many of them have gotten so big that the "craft" designation has become pretty much meaningless). Craft beer isn't niche anymore. When people talk about getting a beer today they're usually talking about "craft" beer, i.e., good beer.

>> No.20076433

>bob ross mints
man his estate really is shameless

>> No.20076509
File: 81 KB, 629x874, 1646067999625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find the discourse surrounding IPA to be both interesting and kind of amusing. Literally nobody cares if you don't like IPA. LITERALLY NOBODY. It's quite hop forward, usually a higher abv, and many just don't find bitterness refreshing. That's all perfectly understandable. But some of these people feel like they're being persecuted for not liking it (again, they're not), so they construct these grand narratives and conspiracy theories explaining how everyone else is just pretending to like it, which is exactly how picky eaters talk (which they aren't...necessarily).

I've worked in a few places with rotating taps, and do you know how they decide if they're going to reorder the same keg or not? By popularity, i.e., demand, just like in everything else. If a keg goes fast you typically buy it again because turnover=money, while a keg that sits for a month is taking up precious real estate which means losing money. Do you want to guess what consistently sold the fastest? IPAs, both classic West Coast and non-flavored hazies when those started to become ubiquitous, followed by brown and blonde ales, followed by a basic 5.2% ale or lager (but you only need one of those because there's really not much nuance to the style). That's it. People actually do like particular styles, but there's lots of other styles if you don't like the most popular one, so you just sound retarded when you get mad you're not included or whatever. Just say it's not your thing and people will just say, "okay, that's cool" - which is the literal point of that comic that always gets posted: if you don't like it, don't drink it. There's no big conspiracy or psyop.

>> No.20076526

Yeah, but I couldn't resist either. I remove a lot of decals at my job and am always looking for a good way to carry razor blades, and then I saw that dumb mint tin which will probably not be sold 2 years from now. I also waste money on a lot of stupid shit because I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.20076527

>>It's the only thing that sells
it is probably true. There is a trend for it, afterall. I live in Florida and I see people order Sweetwater 420 IPA left and right every time I go out. Maybe, you just stick to what you know won't offend.

>> No.20076589

>Why did craft beer fail?
$7-8 for a single can
Too much money/time/effort spent on ironic marketing and hippie graphic design for the labels
Its all IPAs when 90% of the beer people drink is lagers and other refreshing beers.
Bad economy, whenever the economy goes to shit the first things to fail are expensive luxury goods. In a time where its $7 for a dozen eggs people dont have the money to casually drop $50 on a sixpack of shit tasting beer, they'd rather buy a few cases of cheap tasty macrobrew instead.

>> No.20076613

Pretty much. I look at them all and wind up buying carlton regardless.
Partially because it fucking sucks finding a really nice beer, only for it to never be stocked ever again.
So I just stick with my favourite brands.

>> No.20076620

Gen Xer alchys all thought it would be a cool idea to open a craft brewery over the last 10 years instead of a restaurant like boomers, too saturated and daily beer drinkers aren't going to buy 24 packs of marshmellow fart ipa for $79.98

>> No.20076626

you seriously just don't drink beer dude. what anon said made perfect sense. you just like fruity faggoty milkshake strawberry ipa shit. it's alright, you can change. but you shouldn't be posting on this board. thanks.

>> No.20076629
File: 55 KB, 590x441, budweiser_craft_beer-crop-promovar-mediumlarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you just make shit up? More and more people choose to drink flavorful beer every year, and it's only going to keep increasing. Certain fads will come and go, but people aren't going back to fucking macro lagers.

>> No.20076647

>any brewery can make an ipa
>many breweries can't make an ipa
Explain how you think that makes "perfect sense". I'll wait. The only possible reasoning I can see is that you think IPAs are inherently unbalanced, but that 1) assumes the conclusion you're arguing for as a premise and 2) directly contradicts the second anon who wrote "so many IPAs are deeply unbalanced", not that ALL IPAs are unbalanced, which is a tacit acknowledgement that balanced IPAs do exist (they do; they're the good ones - just like every other fucking style).

>> No.20076665

people realized that its not worth paying €5-8 for 33-45cl beer when you habe the tried and tested throughout generations €1 33cl lager

>> No.20076853

anon if you're going to shitpost at least use a reputable macro brew lol
fucking no-one drinks bud, how are you surprised?

>> No.20076895

Anon, even with your little tranny controversy last year, Bud still outsold the next most popular brewery nearly 2 to 1. I would say people like you really need to take some time off the internet, but you can literally look this shit up on the internet in 2 seconds. Macro lagers are like cigarettes. People have their brand and stick to it, even though they're all basically the same. But it's like you're saying nobody smokes Marlboros because something went viral on tick tock and did the 2 week fear mongering news rounds on Fox News 6 months ago.

>> No.20076954

so many people on this website are in such heavily-insulated bubbles from the outside world it's insane. they will say the most inane bizarre shit (e.g. OP) and staunchly believe they are in the right

>> No.20076995
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It's not about drinking flavoured beers, it's just that the majority of the big brands really are piss in a can.
Anyone could outcompete the boomerbrau simply by releasing a product that didn't taste like it's been filtered through another man's bladder.

>> No.20077015
File: 36 KB, 559x404, 1472033850887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Bud the beer, or Bud the corporation that has dozens of beers under its umbrella?

It's not like Andrew Tate is going WUT CULER UR VOLKSWAGON despite Bugatti being owned by Volkswagon. The Lamborghini is my favourite Volkswagon
So, are you comparing Bud the corporate entity, or Bud the beer? Are you driving a Volkswagon or a car manufactured under the umbrella of the Volkswagon Group?

>> No.20077043
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they will say the most inane bizarre shit (e.g. OP) and staunchly believe they are in the right
I honestly don't even know what OP was trying to say with this thread. The literal reading is that he prefers classic West Coast IPAs over the current trend of hazies and sours, and is saying that the beer scene kind of sucks now because of the current trend. In this reading, the word "fail" is being used metaphorically. People aren't actually turning away from "craft beer" because of the current fad. It's more like saying that the movie industry has failed because it's nothing but shitty Marvel movies - even though those movies are making record amounts of money. It could also be read as ironic/sarcastic, in which case he's attacking some weird strawman that only exists in his head, and honestly would have been more clear if it was in green text.

The problem is that 90% of the posts in this thread only read "IPA" and "craft beer failing", and then proceeded to repeat all the exact same, stale talking points they always do about how nobody likes IPA, they're all "fake" (somehow never really specified), everybody just wants more lagers (lol), and then they celebrate the downfall of an industry that becomes more and more mainstream every year because they are completely divorced from reality but find some sociopathic comfort in circlejerking their delusions on an anonymous image board most people come to because they actually like and are knowledgeable about the subject matter and will immediately call them out for spouting blatant nonsense.

>> No.20077053

>the idea that IPAs are somehow easier to brew has always been retarded, and is either trolling or gives away that the person knows absolutely nothing about beer.
NTA, but brewing IPA isn't easier it's just easier to mask off flavors and faults in the beer by adding more hops. Brewing and distributing an actually good IPA is pretty difficult since they're more sensitive to oxygen, light, and temperature fluctuation than most beers. I think that's partly why IPAs get a bad rap is just because people are buying packages that have sat in a warehouse, and on a store shelf for months and months, losing a lot of the pleasant flavors and creating some harsher ones.
>t. homebrewer that gas brewed dozens of IPAs and dry hopped pale ales.

>> No.20077057

A crazy amount of competition for limited dollars. Personally I was into IPAs when they were new to me and as time has passed I favor them less and less. Probably a lot of that going on too.

>> No.20077110

that's nice and all but the people going to the bar/pub for an $8 IPA aren't the same people buying a 6-pack at kroger. nobody is shocked that IPA would sell well in that kind of environment, because we all know the kinds of people who go to those places, but they aren't ubiquitous and they don't represent the entirety of the beer market. anecdotall speaking I drink exclusively stouts, and I haven't set foot in a bar/pub in close to 8 years.

>> No.20077111

I'm talking about Budweiser, not AB InBev. I know that doesn't answer your question, but you made a bad analogy. Nobody says Bud is brewed by Anheuser-Busch, including myself. If you want to make a distinction between Bud, Bud Light, Bud Ice, and Bud Light Lime or whatever the fuck variations they have, then no, I don't agree with that, and view those all as "Bud". Budweiser isn't a brewery that makes an assortment of different styles of beer; they brew Bud, and then a few slight variations of Bud, the same way that Lays or Pringles are specific brands of potato chips, even though they both have a bunch of different flavors. We can get in to how hypocritical it was when ""everyone"" boycotted Bud and then started drinking other things also owned by the same parent corporation, but that's irrelevant to the topic at hand and would support my position anyway.

>> No.20077315

For me I got into whisky and ended up not liking beer that much anymore. I'll drink one occasionally but I'd rather spend my money on something nicer. For the price of a few craft six-packs I can get a single malt scotch instead.

>> No.20077323

Good and bad. As an IPA enjoyer, variety is great. However, very few really get it right. You just have more to sift through and some stuff you know is going to suck, ultimately.

>> No.20077325
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It just got too expensive and everyone stretched it out too far. I think we will see the rise of pubs making 1 small run of beer at their own pub, but not distributing outside of that. The rest on tap will be from larger breweries, and that is what you will get at the store too.

>> No.20077349

Also IPAs are pushed by large scale craft breweries because they are high ABV, can consequently charge higher amounts for them, and most importantly because IPAs are meant to be drank "fresh" and don't need to be aged or conditioned at all, as aging IPAs actually degrades the hop acids. Stouts, amber ales, porters etc. all need to be aged longer, and lagers have an even more time and resource intensive lagering step.
As well, US & Pacific intensively bred hop varieties let "beer snobs" pretend to be sommeliers even though most hops can be readily substituted for varieties with similar alpha and beta acid contents without the consumer realizing it.
>t. also a homebrewer

>> No.20077371

>Also IPAs are pushed by large scale craft breweries because they are high ABV, can consequently charge higher amounts for them, and most importantly because IPAs are meant to be drank "fresh" and don't need to be aged or conditioned at all, as aging IPAs actually degrades the hop acids. Stouts, amber ales, porters etc. all need to be aged longer, and lagers have an even more time and resource intensive lagering step.
Basically, for a small scale brewery it is more economical to market IPAs rather than traditional ales or lagers because it requires less storage space and yields higher batch turnover. An IPA can be brewed, bottled and shipped in about 3 weeks, while stouts & porters can take at least a month or two to age properly, and other high ABV styles like Belgian abbey ales need almost a year to condition before they're drinkable.

>> No.20077375
File: 71 KB, 512x345, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Del Taco

>> No.20077411

I just miss simple lagers and pilsner.

>> No.20077549

>Partially because it fucking sucks finding a really nice beer, only for it to never be stocked ever again.
this is what keeps me from trying out any IPA sampler packs, i'm terrified i'll find a beer better than fat tire and then it's never available again. i know fat tire will be around for decades so i'm fine with it, there might be something better out there but unless it's a big brand i'm not willing to take the risk.

>> No.20077557

>those kind of places
>those kind of people
I hate to break it to you, but beer really doesn't have a "type". That's one of the great things about it compared to something like wine; it's very democratic. Poor people, rich people, old people, young people, left wing people, right wing people, men, women, rural, city, white people...well, it's actually mostly white people drinking craft beer/IPA. But you get the point. You're creating this artificial divide that doesn't exist. Of fucking course IPA doesn't represent the entirety of the beer market. Nobody ever made that claim, and if someone did I'd be the first to call them retarded. There's nothing outright wrong with anecdotal evidence, but nobody cares that you haven't gone out in almost a decade. In my anecdotal experience every grocery store and liquor store has virtually the exact same beer selection as restaurants/bars/pubs, relatively speaking. And that's not just my anecdotal experience; it's what people like you always complain about in these threads, where you say you go to a liquor store and two thirds of the selection is IPAs. By the way, stouts are also pretty popular if you ever get the courage to leave your basement and see what's new out in the world.

>> No.20077593

What measure are you using to determine "craft beer failed"? \

>> No.20077700

They changed the Fat Tire recipe recently though, didn't they?

>> No.20077727

You say a number of things that are true, and then draw a bunch of conclusions that are bat shit crazy.
>breweries can charge more for higher abv
Yes, because that's what people are used to paying, because even if they (you) don't understand understand it, a higher abv means more ingredients used, which means higher cost of production. It's also a cultural thing. A restaurant can charge virtually the same for a dish with tofu or chicken than they do for steak because people kind of just expect that a particular restaurant's dishes are going to fall within a general price range. But with beer people don't expect to pay the same for a 5% lager than they would for a Belgian triple or 9% wee heavy.
>most importantly because IPAs are meant to be drank "fresh"
This actually makes IPAs less profitable to large scale breweries, as they're more difficult to mass produce due to their short shelf life. This is literally the reason why something like Pliny is produced in such small amounts (no, it's not to produce artificial scarcity).
>even though most hops can be readily substituted
I don't even understand what point you're making here. Nobody thinks of hops in the same way they think of wine grapes in relation to terroir. Nobody is substituting Simcoe or Citra with a cheap knock-offs because there is no cheap knock-off. Those are popular varieties so are grown more, which means there's more of a supply. Maybe you're referring to something I've never heard about.
>lagers have an even more time and resource intensive lagering step
They take longer, but require LESS resources.

>> No.20077738

>for a small scale brewery it is more economical to market IPAs rather than traditional ales or lagers because it requires less storage space and yields higher batch turnover
IPAs are ales, and more basic styles of ale are generally cheaper and faster to produce than IPAs. You are correct about small breweries not liking lagers because of the longer turnover, but I thought we were talking about large scale breweries? You just made the exact same argument for large and small. Lagers are predominately made by large scale brewers precisely because they’re the cheapest to produce. The only real expense is the real estate they take up, which is outweighed by the lower cost/effort involved when done at a large enough scale. There’s also just not that much demand for lagers because they’re just not very interesting. As a dozen people in this thread have in more or less words already said, if you feel like a lager you can always just go with one of the tried and true brands, because they’re going to be able to do it cheaper, and it’s such an unnuanced style it hardly makes much of a difference.
>IPA can be brewed, bottled and shipped in about 3 weeks, while stouts & porters can take at least a month or two to age properly, and other high ABV styles like Belgian abbey ales need almost a year
You jumped from 3 weeks to 4 weeks to a year…for Belgian abbey ales, which no craft brewer is brewing because – and I’m sure you’re aware of this – they’re not Belgian abbeys. You're also making individual points and then seemingly forgetting the last thing you said. Yes, some beer styles take longer, but a Belgian ale also costs more to reflect the time and resources involved. Again, beer costs more when it uses more resources. That is why higher abv beer like IPAs and Belgians are more expensive. You're doing this weird thing where you keep trying to conflate longer brew time with more resources, but every time you go back and forth you have to ignore 5 other things.

>> No.20077855

yeah think that was early 2023, i didn't start drinking it til june of 2023 so i have no idea how the old brew tasted. mildly concerning though as they could do that again 10 years from now. i have some fallbacks though, worst case i can always drink stela or even sam adams boston lager, those are passable.

>> No.20078006

They're one of the last of a dying breed.

>> No.20078048
File: 36 KB, 271x500, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as craft? my favorite beer. yeah its a sour ale but not an ipa. 2nd favorite is dogfishhead seaquench ale.

>> No.20078065

I quit drinking it when it started costing $10+ for a six pack. I can get 12 pints of macro beer for the price of a single six pack of craft shit.

>> No.20078068

Everything is being bought up by investment firms and consolidated into a few mega corporations because most Americans hate small businesses and want everything to be a bland dystopian hellhole where they will own nothing, but yes, Victory is still considered a craft brewery insofar as that term still means anything.

>> No.20078486

If a case of macro only costs double what a 6 pack of craft goes for per bottle/can, it really seems like the problem is with craft beer but with the macro shit. Sounds like the same thing that's happened with fast food. While everything has gotten more expensive, fast food has gone up so much that it just doesn't make sense any more, as the entire point was buying an inferior version of a good thing at a heavily reduced price. If the cost of macros have come that close to good beer it also seems like it's basically going obsolete. If a McDonald's burger only costs a couple dollars less than a real burger, cooked to order, at a bar/restaurant where you can also buy a beer, nobody is going to choose McDonald's. Similarly, if all beers are around the same price people are just going to start buying the better stuff.

>> No.20078526

wacky, gimmicky IPAs are the only way to make the style interesting

>> No.20078539

IPAs were easily the most interesting style before the variants listed in the OP became ubiquitous. That's why brewers love them so much. There's not really another style that has as much depth to it.

>> No.20079566

The problem with your chart is the gray line represents a single company, whilst the blue line represents about 16 thousand different micro breweries.

>> No.20079571

Why is that a problem?

>> No.20079613
File: 44 KB, 500x500, Pardon_The_Interruption_is_brought_to_you_by...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Red Stripe. Hooray beer!

>> No.20079635
File: 113 KB, 350x264, Orson_Welles_Paul_Masson_Tasting_party_insert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American beer in 2024 is where american wine was in 1994. 100 point scoremaxxing mentality incentivized production of overbearing swill designed to impress judges with the palate of a 3 year old in 10 seconds flat. It will take another few decades for them to recover but in the meantime just as wine drinkers with taste buds turned to europe for comfort, so it will be with beer

inb4 that same guy who spams muh judgment of paris misses the point again

>> No.20079667

In 1994 it was basically macro-lagers and imports. The number and quality of imports available has skyrocketed over the last 30 years as interest in beer has grown, but people absolutely don't think of imports as where to look for the "good stuff" anymore. Obviously there's lots of good stuff coming over from Europe, but generally speaking the US has left them in the dust. It's laughable to suggest that American beer is in its infancy and when people just grow up a little more they'll start looking to Europe again.

>> No.20079672

t. neckbeard who uses IBU as a 100 point score for how good it will taste

>> No.20079711

Wait, so you're disagreeing with OP and think that hazies and milkshake IPAs were a positive step forward? Or when you said "palate of a 3 year old" were you referring to extremely bitter drinks and not sweet and fruity stuff? You're being completely incoherent.

>> No.20079725

I got sick of seeing shit like "Disco Forklift Truck Hazy IPA" and ridiculous fruity sours.

>> No.20079739

no, you just have the reading comprehension of a 3 year old who ate too many lead paint chips. you actually thought I was talking about 1994 american beer too, what else needs to be said

>> No.20079748

>you actually thought I was talking about 1994 american beer too
No? I didn't? But great reading comprehension. If your post was so clear why can't you answer my questions? It shouldn't be difficult. I really don't think you know what you're talking about, though, which is why you're not going to answer me and will just call me a retarded American or something because that's all you have, i.e. nothing.

>> No.20079754

It thinks I'm european too. Waiting for your >muh judgment of paris now

>> No.20079759

If you're American that makes it even worse, as you have no excuse to be so ignorant about the current state of American beer when you come into a thread about American beer and start spouting incoherent nonsense.

>> No.20079771

you're making a fool of yourself on multiple levels right now

>> No.20079781

Just answer my questions. Prove you actually know what you're talking about and I'm wrong. If you just keep calling me dumb you're doing exactly what I said you'd do, which means you concede I'm right and you have nothing.

>> No.20079785

not how this works, perhaps you should consume a few more lead paint chips and you'll eventually start scoring as well as someone picking answers at random, which would be a major improvement over your current performance

>> No.20079790

Wow, I was hoping you'd at least try to rationalize an explanation to save face, but you really just have nothing.

>> No.20079801

I'd say you're the only one losing face here but you were starting from a position of zero and your best best now would be to just slink away and cower in shame

>> No.20079818

>your best best now would be to just slink away and cower in shame
I said I don't think you know what you're talking about and that you're probably just going to call me a retard over and over and you did. I telegraphed what YOU were going to do, to YOU, and you still fucking did it. You're the only one who should be slinking away here.

>> No.20079827

He was talking about the people who buy IPAs, which definitely are more of a customer type

>> No.20079841

I predicted your inane, zero-IQ replies from before you even posted. you're awfully worked up over this considering how much practice you must have at being wrong all the time. have you considered just mashing the keyboard next time? you might actually have a better chance of saying something interesting that way

>> No.20079844

And I was saying that they aren't (aside from mostly being white). The only white people who tend to avoid IPAs are hipsters and redneck types - but that usually tracks with ideological reasons rather than an actual dislike of the style.

>> No.20079855

If you predicted my replies you would have seen how incoherent your position is before you hit submit. But you didn't, because you don't even understand why your position is incoherent because you don't even understand what this thread is about. You just read "craft beer" and "IPA" and started screeching.

>> No.20079893

see >>20079739
you saw a post that was beyond your little microbrain's limited capacity to process, but rather than sit down and listen to the adults of /ck/ talking, you insisted on flapping your meat flaps anyway, for what reason not even god knows. and now, predictably, you're about 20 posts in and no closer to having communicated anything insightful

>> No.20079920

I already addressed that post. Is that really all you've got? Do you really not understand why I went back to beer in 1994 to give you a narrative of the last 30 years that invalidated your analogy between current beer and wine three decades ago? Do you also not see the irony of you reading my post where I mentioned "3 year old" and then immediately repeated "3 year old" to make a different point? DiD yOu ReAlLy ThInK i WaS tAlKiNg AbOuT rEaDiNg CoMpReHeNsIoN??!

>> No.20079929
File: 136 KB, 220x223, cringe-face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DiD yOu ReAlLy ThInK i WaS tAlKiNg AbOuT rEaDiNg CoMpReHeNsIoN??!

>> No.20079934

I was parroting you, retard.

>> No.20079989

Bro you're so dumb holy shit lmao

>> No.20080115

It didn't fail, but big corporations caught on and started selling their own slop varieties. Now they can sell shittier tasting, much faster to produce piss with industrial byproduct at different abv, more thoroughly cornering the alcoholic market which is where all their money comes from.

>> No.20080127

checked, yes and it was fucking heartbreaking. genuinely felt a bit of my fondness for this world fizzle away when I bought a pack and could easily tell something was different about it

>> No.20080153

IPAs and how they are made are directly influenced by how dirty smelly pajeet Indians go about making their slop. An unserious beer style without any balance or depth. It has no nuance, no complexity, just batches of hops thrown in. They all taste the same.

>> No.20080169

I wonder what will be the next 4chan boogyman of the week, it seems like trannies and pajeets are tied for first place but that's just setting us up for a huge power vacuum when people get tired of those

>> No.20080187

>big corporations started brewing their own craft beer
>this is where they get all their money from
What in the actual fuck are you rambling about? Nothing in your post is remotely correct.

>> No.20080223

that is...not the reason at all, but keep believing it if it makes you feel better incel

>> No.20080248

People here have been repeating all those exact same talking points about IPAs for years. The Indian thing is new, though. I guess he just made loose connection in his head between the "I" in IPA and Indian shitposting? Just goes to show it's all complete nonsense.
>no depth, nuance, complexity

>> No.20080278

You can call me an incel but you can’t say I’m wrong
Obviously you’re a dirty Indian, no one capes for Indians except Indians

>> No.20080290

Nobody is "caping" for Indians you fucking moron. They're laughing at you for bringing up Indians in the first place.

>> No.20080297

Lay off the butter chicken and try a steak sometime Rajesh, it’s not good for you to exerting yourself like this

>> No.20080681

it's not a matter of caring about them, it's a matter of not being so fragile that seeing the word IPA makes you have a meltdown over a group of people

>> No.20080752

are there actually people who believe indians are behind the IPA fad? is this a weird joke or what the fuck?

>> No.20080766

do americans really?

>> No.20080895

Why does it have India in its name then? It’s golden brown, just like the piss and shit they consume, and flavored to their local tastes

>> No.20080907

I’m tired of Indians shitting on everything, beer included. It’s about time someone stood ten toes down and let them know what’s the what

>> No.20080923

Don't give the retard oxygen.

>> No.20080930

I’m actually trying to have legitimate debate

>> No.20080944

it's just fragile white incel seething, nothing new

>still crying about them

>> No.20080960

Pajeet confirmed

>> No.20080962

There's no white person on the planet who spends this much time thinking about Indians.

>> No.20080968

You are both trannies.

>> No.20080994
File: 2.19 MB, 2200x4961, BadSantaPour_E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy beer unless it's at least 8% abv. At 99% of retailers in my area (PNW) that mean either malt liquor or IPA.

Sometimes I find a nice imperial stout at an affordable range. Thas my favorite. Recently I've been really enjoying Bad Santa which I can find at some grocery stores for around $9 for a sixer of 12oz bottles. Bretty gud.

>> No.20081106

The arguments in this thread are retarded. Every craft brewery is producing more than just IPAs. Boomers and women don't like IPAs so they all have alternatives. They all have at least a blonde, fruity one, and a stout.
And there is a big difference between a good IPA (or beer in general) and most of the crap you find in stores. The problem is the fuckers sell it for $20/4pack.

>> No.20081222
File: 1.98 MB, 498x374, 1668940166815878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are unironically one of the biggest demographics of IPA drinkers. If they all lived to 100 they probably would be its biggest audience, but they're all kind of dying now, so in just another decade or so we wont have to pretend to care about veterans, which will be pretty cool, and by then there will be probably just as many zoomers getting into IPAs (they're buying fucking CRTs, so why not?)

>> No.20081280
File: 49 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do these bots ever get new updates? all they can do is call you either a tranny or a jew

>> No.20081303
File: 123 KB, 1024x1017, 1702597730976032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm drinking a milkshake IPA right now

>> No.20081329

You may not be able to overcome your homosexuality, but you should at least be ashamed of it.

>> No.20081359

uh it didnt?

>> No.20081390

I don't drink beer that often now, but when I do I just want a decent beer, not some hops nightmare or corn adjunct shit, so I tend to get imports from Germany, Belgium, etc. I went through a little phase of trying different craft beers each week but I never got into them.

>> No.20081409

beer is bad for you

>> No.20081413

Drink better beer.

>> No.20081430

then why do i feel good when i drink it?

>> No.20081470


>> No.20081474

>Noooo I want to live to be a decrepit old man who's kept alive by painful and invasive medical treatments and die in an abusive nursing home!!!
I don't get it

>> No.20081484

People like that are typically sociopaths. The worst part is that they often work their way into positions of power in order to receive the social validation they've never gotten, and then end up even more unhappy and take it out on everyone they have power over.

>> No.20081511

I just want a good pilsner. Beer fills me up and I can't drink IPAs anymore. Problem is every craft pilsner is around 4-4.5% but I usually want something with a little higher ABV. So far the only pils that's worth a shit I've found is Buoy's at 6% ABV, but it seems to be stocked really sporadically.

>> No.20081517

Maybe they just haven't actually seen what it's like for someone to get that old and slowly die, with everything that entails.

>> No.20081544

Most people don't want to think about dying. Their problem is that they don't allow themselves to enjoy life (and no, that doesn't mean you have to drink beer to have a fulfilling life; that attitude permeates every aspect of their personality).

>> No.20081908

It's insane how you can just make up a completely false premise, then ask a question about it and people will come in and hallucinate explanations like they already knew the premise was true. Hundreds of posts in this thread posting confidently about "why craft beer failed" when it's literally not even true by any metric. Most goyim are truly cattle, no better than chatbots, and the proof is here.

>> No.20081930

Did you even read the thread? It's a bunch of bot posts and then a dozen people saying exactly what you're saying.

>> No.20081945

Recent sales data shows that craft beer sales have plummeted.
>S-show me the data
I made it up so no.

>> No.20081984
File: 106 KB, 1080x1211, 1684183148655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20081989

While that is an extreme example I've read that alcohol sales are down overall

>> No.20082005

I've never bought Bud Light in my life, but when these same 2 or 3 images started getting posted I would walk by it at the store and it was always at full price, or maybe just a couple dollars off, which is a normal sale price. These images are obviously staged.

>> No.20082018

That's a fairly small amount of beer for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason beer brewd so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to drink all that beer, but I could easily.

>> No.20082023

You probably just live somewhere that Budweiser's advertising fail wouldn't have an effect. And that still looks full price, a rebate isn't a discount at point of sale.

>> No.20082041

It's a $20 rebate on a $19.98 case of beer...

>> No.20082434

IPA drinkers also got a bad rap when they were associated with the hipster crowd. If you lived in a heavily hipster area in the 2010s the only beer you'd find at a party is an IPA, making it more obnoxious of a drink than it actually is since it's your only option. Not to mention every hipster asshole is personally offended that you dont enjoy IPAs when it gets brought up.

>> No.20082476

This is such bullshit. I lived in PDX from the mid-aughts to the early 2010's, then spent the next 5 years in Brooklyn and then Providence, while regularly going back to Portland to visit friends and family, in addition to Berkely from time to time. I knew A LOT of hipsters, and IPA was NEVER a hipster thing. If there's some other "heavily hipster area" where this did happen I'll take your word for it, but it seems pretty fucking weird that I never saw it. (Yes, of course hipsters aren't all drones, and I did know a few people who were really into beer, but they would try all sorts of shit. If you actually went to a party or a hipster bar you'd never see IPA.)

>> No.20082937

>we were into another kind of beer, you've probably never heard of it
Confirmed hipster
You're lying though so there's that too ;-)

>> No.20082947

Who are you quoting? And if you don't know what kind of beer hipsters drank why are you even replying?

>> No.20082960

people on this website love making up whole mythologies and headcanons because they're social rejects that avoid talking to others like the plague

>> No.20082975

Alcohol in general is dying. Coke and Annheiser both announced they think non-alcoholic beers are going to become popular. When most people drink they're doing spiked seltzers

>> No.20083087

>social rejects that avoid talking to others like the plague
Except the difference between people like that and people who have actually gone outside is that one thinks hipsters drink IPA while the other knows that they don't.

>> No.20083118

Rare TB anon sighting. Blind pig is still one of the best IPAs after all these years

>> No.20083130 [DELETED] 

>moving goalposts

typical braindead retardation

>> No.20083154
File: 2.28 MB, 2945x1982, Xmas 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always around. I just keep my cooking threads separate.

>> No.20083429

Tacoma/Seattle hipsters where very into IPAs, any bar-cade you'd go to would have 10+ IPAs on tap (in the mid 2010s). You could walk into any coffee shop and ask the asshole in a beany and a flannel shirt their thoughts on IPAs and they'd list off at least 5 'little know' IPA brands that you 'just have to try' off the top of their head

>> No.20083452

>flannel shirt
There's your problem. Those weren't hipsters. Hipsters don't go to barcades and weren't wearing flannel shirts in the mid-2010s. Those were normies who had adopted aspects of the hipster look from a decade earlier after it had become mainstream.

>> No.20083462

>Those weren't REAL hipsters
Lmao, faggot

>> No.20083475

Craft beer hasn't "failed" in any sense of the word. If anything it's too successful and causing market oversaturation.

>> No.20083497

They literally weren't, though. Fucking Target was selling flannel shirts and skinny jeans to middle schoolers in the mid-2010s...

>> No.20083533

>it's too successful and causing market oversaturation
At least in America, that bubble happened 7 or 8 years ago, and caused a lot of new breweries to go out of business. Things are actually pretty good now, with the majority of breweries being pretty solid, as they were the ones who survived that period of oversaturation by offering products people wanted to buy again. That "race for the highest IBUs" that people always like to talk about also happened in the couple years leading up to that bubble bursting, so it's really strange that people STILL talk about IPAs like they're all just unbalanced hop-bombs. The same thing happened/is happening with hot sauces going for the highest scovilles. It also happened in the 90's, when there was a few years when grocery stores probably had twice as many hot sauces on the shelf as they do today, and then seemingly overnight it all disappeared when the novelty wore off and people stopped buying 90% of them because they weren't actually very good (of course today it's dragging on because of things like Hot Ones and social media challenges constantly brining in more people to sustain hot sauces that offer nothing but heat).

>> No.20083594

I should also clarify that there is a significant difference between IPAs and hot sauce, in that specifically searching out beers with the highest IBU was never really about a "challenge", but primarily about flavor. The first successful high-IBU IPAs (Russian River, Green Flash, Dogfish Head, etc.) were actually very well balanced, complex, and a pleasure to drink despite the high IBU and ABV. That's why all those beers are still around today (Green Flash even makes a beer called Palate Wrecker that uses a complicated multi-boil, multi-hopping process to make the hoppiest beer they could, and unlike all those companies that went out of business because they were just jumping on the IBU train but couldn't pull it off, they still sell it today because it's actually good). This also debunks that tired talking point that, "IPAs are the easiest style to brew" and "everyone can brew an IPA because they just use hops to mask the flavor of their shitty beer" (as though the hops aren't a main component in any style). A really good IPA is actually one of the most difficult styles to get right because of how much complexity and nuance there is involved. Brewers love the style because it represents the furthest you can push the basic ingredients of the German purity law to create something really deep and unique without resorting to specialized methods like using wild yeast or bottle aging as with Abbeys.

>> No.20083716

Me and my hipster fag friends in brooklyn drank a lot of miller high life, narragansett, and yuengling (because we're all racist)

>> No.20083754

Yep, those ARE hipster beers.

>> No.20083993

Haven't seen a "who's a REAL hipster" argument in years, this board is making me feel young again

>> No.20084036

This isn't about some people being "authentic" and others being posers. The people wearing flannel and going to bar-cades in 2015 wouldn't have called themselves hipsters either, so its just stupid to ascribe that to them.

>> No.20084081

ok hipster

>> No.20084116

based, I love this too

>> No.20084119

I'm pretty sure any moderately high iq hipster would never use the word "poser", because that would undermine their own authenticity as a hipster. But I was never a hipster so am willing to admit there were a lot of dumb hipsters, and they all became social media influencers when hipsters stopped being a thing.

>> No.20084323

>N-no those weren't hipsters they were normalfags okay??
Something being popular with normalfags is just as bad as it being a hipster trend.

>> No.20084349

Okay, then call IPA mainstream instead of hipster. Of course IPAs aren't only popular with normies; they're popular with just about everyone (except hipsters).

>> No.20084358

Don't care

>> No.20084665
File: 1.08 MB, 1155x1573, IMG_2802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s Orion beer.

>> No.20085687

it was a product of an economy that didn't know that it was dead yet

>> No.20085714
File: 50 KB, 1080x608, FB_IMG_1678079263231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know the GOAT, you will never know the GOAT and I feel bad for you. That being said pick related was the re-launch they tried about a decade ago and it sadly was not the GOAT. The original, if you can find it with it's little gold medallions intact, was is and forever will be the best beer ever brewed.

>> No.20085718

Because a 5th of everclear is $24 and all alcohol tastes like shit compared to soda. Ethanol a hard drug and everyone pays to pretend it isn't.

>> No.20085727
File: 22 KB, 480x640, IMG_4069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is filled with so many cringey redditfags trying to look cool. Somehow IPAchads won. IPAs went from being the only choice of faggy Reddit hipsters to being despised by them once they got too popular.

>> No.20086025

But I can buy a 40% handle of decent vodka for $12 and it's actually drinkable. After getting a good buzz I can then enjoy a nice IPA and then go back to my vodka. Best of all worlds.

>> No.20086045

Statistics show that three craft breweries go into bankruptcy each day.

>> No.20086048

you need to GO BACK

>> No.20086080

>IPA sales down 300% percent

>> No.20086091
File: 50 KB, 453x545, 63014d1e04a806424cd3e7d1ffc2fe95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IPA was invented by mexicans and indians
I'm going to run with this new meme because it's refreshingly dumb

>> No.20086100

good morning sir i will having 100 ibu please sir

>> No.20086804

>unsustainable fads
>cherry coke

>> No.20086820

I like hazy IPA too.

>> No.20086824

I'm 41 years old and I still have no idea what IPA means or any of those other beer versions. I just let my friends order for me when we go out.

>> No.20086856

I don't really care hazy IPAs or other memes. The regular version of Sierra Nevada is fine and all you'll ever need desu

>> No.20086869

Sturgeon's law. 90% of everything is shit. Nothing happened.

>> No.20086911

>real hipsterism has never been tried

>> No.20086918

It's horrifying that someone who larps as a chef is ok with eating cold fast food or cold food in general. Fast food is already bad enough but not eating it 45 seconds after receiving it means it's already lost 80% of it's flavor. And you do it all just to get some attention, is that really worth the loss in food quality?

>> No.20086928
File: 41 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disappointing to see how far New Belgium has fallen over the years. They used to have a tasteful selection (and packaging), now it's ridiculous shit like what you posted. I used to get pic related before they discontinued it in place of higher and higher ABV IPAs. Like you I've moved away from IPAs for similar reasons, but it's just sad to see things get this bad.

>> No.20086946

What's wrong with Voodoo Ranger? Skeletons are cool, jet planes are cool, skeleton jet fighter pilots are double cool. You lose sir.

>> No.20087023

why are people who don't like hoppy beers so angsty all the time? There are thousands of options for non-hoppy beers out there. maybe buy them instead?

>> No.20088101

Because the cool thing for a while was to like hoppy IPAs, then hoppy IPAs became mainstream and contrarian hipsters broke their necks doing a 180 to pretend they never liked hoppy IPAs and instead liked sours/porters/trippels or whatever the latest hipster trend is the entire time.

Sours are now reaching the peak of popularity so soon you’ll see a bunch of vitriol against sour beers in these threads. Porters and stouts will soon follow, by that time hipsters will be singing the virtues of real ale or they’ll only drink pilsners or SMaSH beers claiming that simplicity is key.

>> No.20088206
File: 473 KB, 1000x1000, Great-Divide-Herc-Hazy-DIPA-19.2-oz-Can_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the superior strong Colorado beer

>> No.20088449

Thinking that chefs eat well is one of the most childish takes I've ever heard on /ck/. It says so much about the person, and how little they know about food and cooking.

>> No.20088457

>I don't buy beer unless it's at least 8% abv
>posts a beer with 7.5%
alcohol has fried your brain kek

>> No.20088527

>Liking something I don't like
Fuck you buddy

>> No.20088725
File: 2.74 MB, 1694x3747, Thomas_Hardy's_Ale_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one addressing Thomas Hardy, and I think for a reason. No beer drinker on this board knows the legend. Nor could they, the proper bottles stopped being brewed in 2008, and they came in tiny 250 ml bottles and back then it was 20+ bucks for a 4 pack if you could find it. I stan for this because it is that good. I want a movement to bring it back even if you haven't tried it. You deserve to try it. You should want to try it. It's the best beer ever made.

>> No.20088761

>Why did craft beer fail?
just like every other thing millenials consume, it was funded by cheap debt. once that ran out, the herd was bound to get thinned out.

>> No.20088777

If it's the best beer ever made why isn't it made anymore?

>> No.20089216

>just like every other thing millenials consume
Craft beer blew up before most millennials were even old enough to drink. If it's associated with one generation more than others, it would be (literal) boomers. Boomers fucking love IPA.

>> No.20089446

I tried that Fruit Force that people are shitting on in this thread and it's honestly not bad. A bit gimmicky with the fruit punch notes but there's nothing glaringly wrong with it, and ragging on it for the packaging alone is just petty. I do try to stay away from craft shit that is obviously using its presentation as a gimmick itself, but even then I've been surprised a few times.

>> No.20089486

>ragging on it for the packaging alone is just petty
Anon, most people who come into threads like this don't care about beer or even know anything about beer. They want to talk about how much they hate IPA because they associate it with a certain kind of person who they hate. It's always the exact same narrative about how people only pretend to like it and it's a contrarian hipster thing (which is an oxymoron, btw), and I used to drink it when I was young and stupid but then I moved on to the more complex and refined lagers and German beers in general. They have no clue what they're talking about. Most people in this thread don't even realize that OP is claiming the craft beer industry is failing because beer has become LESS hoppy.

>> No.20089580

this argument reeks of strawberries and faggotry

>> No.20089604

>strawberries are in season in the southern hemisphere
>faggots tend to be more rhetorical than logical
Did you reply to the wrong post? You're wrong on both counts.

>> No.20089653
File: 85 KB, 575x423, NB_Ranger_12oz_Label-2877616205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind the default Voodoo Ranger too much, I still get it every now and then when I want something heavier at my local supermarket. The issue really is the same as has been described in this thread, the oversaturation of IPAs in the market. A lot of places around here only have the higher ABV and/or gimmicky variants. Add to that their black lager, trippel, etc that I now have go across town to a larger liquor store to get. I don't drink them but even Fat Tires are becoming rarer, those used to be common enough to show up in gas stations.

>Skeletons are cool
>ragging on it for the packaging alone is just petty

Yea, sure, but it starts to get silly when you're looking at 5 different variants with their mascot playing dressup. It gets tiresome if you want to try them all and compare, when at the end of the day casual beer drinkers are mostly just looking to get an IPA because of the higher ABV. I just miss their more modest beers that got suffocated by their Voodoo line.

>> No.20091111

Are you seriously yearning for the days when shit like Fat Tire and Sam Adams were often your only options in a sea of macro swill? Jesus christ dude.

>> No.20091351
File: 95 KB, 636x848, john_plaster_vietnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suffering from Craft beer fatigue. Yeah its a real thing. Just give me a simple beer dawg.

>> No.20091384
File: 91 KB, 1024x980, 1704766717219628m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is cringe

>> No.20091399

>Can't find 8%+
>Belgians/Triples/Quads/Stouts galore at that percent
>Buying beer based off of % and not flavor
>Complaining about IPA's

>> No.20091460

>why am i being stigmatized for just wanting to wear diapers and be fed tendies and spaghettios while i stare at shiny colors move around and be reminded that i'm a good boy!!?
That's literally what you sound like. There is no such thing as "craft beer fatigue". That is not a "real thing".

Yes, while it is true that sometimes having too many options can be frustrating and counterproductive, that does not apply to beer. Whatever this "simple beer" is that you're referring to, it still exists, and is still just as available as it ever was. If that's what you want, nobody is stopping you from ordering or buying it.

Even if you have a favorite brand that's not always available, you know what the style is, and can literally always ask for something like that if you don't want to read through a bunch of beers/breweries you're not familiar with. So where the fuck is the fatigue? Nobody is forcing anyone to try everything and write a fucking essay on every variation of every style.

I literally don't understand. Do you just not like people having freedom? Do you want everyone to only eat steak and burgers well-done because that's the way you like them, because you're a child?

>> No.20091701

Because it was very expensive. The first time I tried it in the early 2000s, it was 20 dollars for 4 (I think) 8oz bottles. Didn't make sense when a 6 pack back then was 5 or 6 bucks for normal sized bottles. However, once I tried one I realized why it cost so much. I bought a 4 pack every time I had some extra money. I was stupid though, and I drank it right away instead of letting the bottles age. I just had a 16 year old bottle this Christmas and it tasted better than I remember.

>> No.20091939

>t. the reason people hate ipa fags

>> No.20091945

>giant wall of text essentially saying you're projecting and nobody actually cares what kind of beer you like
>not one mention of ipa
>"see! you're proving my point!!
The irony is palpable.

>> No.20091947

>Pretending you don't drink IPAs
I didn't ready our post

>> No.20091952

This is the perfect answer and it's gone completely ignored.

>> No.20091955

That "answer" was btfo here >>20083533, and it went completely ignored.

>> No.20092794

Oh that must be why breweries are still closing down monthly

>> No.20092798

It’s a shame the same can’t be said about your mother’s legs.

>> No.20092817

There's lots of reasons, retard. Things open and close all the time, and just because we're not still in that craft brewery bubble doesn't mean people aren't still opening breweries. And lots of things aren't doing well these days as we're still coming off of Trump's economy. Beer is an easy thing to cut back on if people are budgeting and in a competitive market that means there's going to be some casualties. Lastly, your idiotic point about craft beer being a "tourist" thing (I don't even know what that means), you have it backwards. If people are cutting back, they're more likely to stick with what they know they like rather than always try new things, which used to be the norm. You've got the timeline reversed.

>> No.20092837

That's the first time I've seen breweries closing down blamed on Donald Trump

>> No.20093733

>And lots of things aren't doing well these days as we're still coming off of Trump's economy.
The utter delusion you people experience must be something else.

>> No.20093745

nigger i can't go a day on this site without rightoids whining about "biden's economy" despite trump being the reason for the trillion+ dollars being injected into the economy and being the real cause of inflation

>> No.20093751

No idea what this thread is on about. There’s more craft breweries than ever and it’s not like they’re shutting down.
The problem for breweries is that the total market cap for beer is shrinking every year while liquor gets bigger.

>> No.20093759

It's a build your own six pack 1.49(and up) per single bottle. So really it's like a $15 six pack. Please learn to read or end your life immediately

>> No.20093774

It's usually safe to assume that he had a hand in anything bad that's happened in the last 6 or 7 years, if only indirectly.

>> No.20093789

You have shit taste in beer lad

>> No.20094002

Why is it Trump's fault

>> No.20094506
File: 220 KB, 1080x846, Screenshot_20240111-222640_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food, you haven't tried the tropic force yet? ermehgerd it's amazing!

>> No.20094548

As someone nearing 1000 distinct beers on untappd, this hits the nail pretty much right on the head - except the last part. they can be worlds apart

>> No.20094607

>no one drinks the 2nd best-selling beer (formerly 1st) in the US
the horseshit people makie up on here to try and make a point...

>> No.20095366

Literal projection.

>> No.20096666

What in the literal sense of fuck?

>> No.20096680
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>> No.20096689

>on untappd
yeah? What beard oil do you use?

IPAs are trash and taste like dumpster juice. Your average person wanting to enjoy a beer may try an IPA and think its fucking gross and simply not drink any beers because IPAs are disgusting. This is why craft beers are failing; when a brewery's offerings are 50% IPA, some bullshit pillsner that tastes like bud light, and 2 beers that are serviceable like an amber and stout, you're just not going to capture someone trying something new.

Should I go to bumblefuck's burger shack that has mixed reviews, or mcdonalds for a shitty burger I already know what its going to taste like, the exact price, and how much diarrhea I'm going to get. Yeah bumblefucks might have a fantastic burger and the shittiest fries imaginable and all for $20, or I can just go with what I know. This is how the average consumer makes their choices.

>> No.20097334
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fuck you faggot

>> No.20097340
File: 3.75 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20240112_214403065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's $7 for the equivalent alcohol of a 6 pack

>> No.20097360
File: 11 KB, 400x600, ci-unibroue-grande-reserve-17-c81987d8be307640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it's even more depressing than that; i can't even grow a beard.
most IPAs are boring at best, sure - they're probably one of my least favourite styles - but there are excellent IPAs out there that aren't just citrusy and hopped to shit. Lickinghole Creek's Imperial IPA and Dieu de Ciel's Moralité are examples of IPAs done really well and totally distinct from the common swill. if you disagree you don't know anything about beer or are a huge tastelet.
remember you're on a food board. i feel like we should be at least somewhat obligated to be faggots about this kind of shit.
>pic not rel, but kino

>> No.20097376

i liked it kinda grapefruity

>> No.20097399

I've drank a lot of beers, don't worry. But to suggest more IPAs to try because they're not like other IPAs at the 2% chance of it being tolerable? Thats a waste for everyone.

>> No.20098632

If you don't have a beard you aren't allowed to drink IPAs anymore, sorry.

>> No.20099010

I don't have a soijak big enough for this

>> No.20099158

They're still doing ok north of the 49th. Most of them still haven't figured out how to balance out IPAs of any kind, or sours, but some of them make some pretty good beer. As long as the brewery can make alright beer with blended hops, lactobacillus/brettanomyces or lactose, I'm willing to give them a shot - probably more willing considering how awful some sours, NEIPAs, and lactose beers can be.

but also

The first part of this. A pilsner, ESB, or even a marzen/festbier will show that the brewer is capable of fine tuning a recipe. It isn't that styles like IPAs and stouts (or even Belgians for that matter) are more forgiving in the QC department - DMS, mold, and acetaldehyde are all really strong off flavours - it's that they're easier to round off. More/sweeter malts, and a balanced hop profile for IPAs, more hops and midrange malts for heavier stouts.

>> No.20099242

yeah the latest build depracated the jew module and is heavily pushing pajeet

>> No.20099656

Man I miss citradelic, was my go to beer in college.