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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20071582 No.20071582 [Reply] [Original]

Trying it out for the first time today. What am I in for?

>> No.20071591


>> No.20071593

Food I guess

>> No.20071603

You're trying out...driving? Leaving your home town for the first time? Eating at the exact same chains you've eaten at before, but one town over? Eat whatever you feel like. They're fucking chains. They'll be exactly the same as the ones in your town, except the bathroom might be a little dirtier.

>> No.20071623

well, whatever it is, good luck OP
I'm guessing you're in for a new experience.

>> No.20071722

Should have been more clear, I'm trying Arbys

>> No.20071741

well, that looks like a cracking station, so...
volatile chemicals, cancer, etc.

>> No.20071777

It's a recycling center in bumfuck Georgia. Maybe OP is trying pagpag?

>> No.20071785

Shit mains, based sides. Shakes are goat

>> No.20071851

Arby's isn't on this menu. Whats with your pic?

>> No.20071860 [DELETED] 

Usa usa USA

>> No.20071866

I was going to get Wendy's but changed my mind

>> No.20071904

out of those 6, Wendy's is top pick.
1. Wendys
2. Taco Bell
3. McDicks
4. burger kang
5. Awful House
6. Subway

In that exact order. If there were an Arbys just not on the board, I'd have to put it probably #3 or 2, depending if I felt like tacos or not.

>> No.20071966

Switch BK with McDonald's and add a power gap and you're spot-on.

>> No.20071980

Switch bk with taco bell dumbass. Taco bells way too expensive

>> No.20072003

McDonald's is way more expensive than Taco Bell and half the quality. But yeah, I haven't been to TB in over a year.

>> No.20072011

The fuck you on? Taco Bell is the only one offering a filling meal box for 5 bucks with a drink. Everyone else's "Value menu" is like 2 tiny ass sandwiches for 5 bucks.

>> No.20072027

Tbh I haven't been to McDonald's in over a decade it makes my tummy hurt and back then tasted like straight sugar.
Bs, I only ever get value menu shit at taco bell a single filling meal for a non manlet is gonna run at least 25 bucks for the grande meal or party box whatever they call it now. Fuck that I'll make a months supply at home for that money. Granted I can make a burger cheaper than bk and Wendy's but not a months supply.

>> No.20072034

BK is trash and you know it. Their fries suck, burgers are tiny and flavorless, they're such low tier across the board and only marginally better qualitywise above subway.

Tacobell jacked up their prices, but you can still come out ahead on value with them: $5 classic cravings box, add $2chipotle wrap. $7.57 big box combo meal clone.

That or you can do their promo box with whatever dumb item they're pushing for $10. Still cheaper than a $12-16 combo at burger places. Do not fucking argue with me on this, you're out of your element.

>> No.20072060

Fuckin retard that "craving box" isn't a full meal for a non manlet. Grande meal, 25 or probably 30 bucks
5 double cheeseburgers. Like 12 to 15. You're retarded

>> No.20072078
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good list but i may switch bk and subway. every few years i get a craving for that disgusting meatball sub. Ive never had a craving for bk. I might if they brought back the angy whopper

>> No.20072085
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>you're out of your element
And you have no idea who you're talking to. Taco Bell hasn't been worth it for nearly 3 years now, but BK has ALWAYS been better than McDonald's. 30 years ago this was just considered common knowledge. The only place worse than McDonald's is Subway (which actually wasn't that bad 30 years ago).

>> No.20072097

>Fuckin retard that "craving box" isn't a full meal for a non manlet.
I know you're trolling but:
A classic combo box with a diet pepsi is 880 calories. at $6 (add a few hundred more for the liquid sugar option).
"Build your own" cravings box again with a 0 calorie drink is 1250 calories at about $6.50
A Deluxe cravings box with current promo (diet pepsi) is 1330 calories. a couple variations on that box is like 1500-2000 calories.

Add on my favorite beefy melt burrito of $2 for 620 calories alone. You can eat a days worth of calories in 1 meal at t-bell for under $10.

>> No.20072109

I said meal not calories, your pricing is bs as well, and nobody's lookin up promos for fast food. If I wanted to put in work for my food I wouldn't be at any of them. And no, I'm not trolling you're just a retarded shill

>> No.20072120

Then start getting the cravings box. I get whatever the cravings box is, and one chicken chipotle ranch grilled burrito for 8 bucks, and it's plenty of food. I'm 6 foot and 240 lbs for reference. If you're spending 25 bucks for a single person at taco bell, it's not that you're "Not a manlet". It's that you're a fucking fatass.

>> No.20072125

>nobody's lookin up promos for fast food
Are you literally 80 years old? You don't have to "look up" promos anymore. They're right there on the app, and of fucking course everybody uses them. Why wouldn't you?

>> No.20072132

6', 180 pounds. I'm just not lazy. Taco bell is grande meal, don't know what a craving box is. Burger place is 5 or 6 double cheeseburgers, maybe a large fry if I'm feeling spend. Whether I was fat or not, the prices of each of these meals is around double. Fuck taco bell they used to be great but they fucked it up never going back shill.

>> No.20072140

ive never used a fast food app lol, how fat are you?

>> No.20072159

>just give us your data for free so we can advertise to you better goy, everyone does it!
Confirmed shill fuck off.

>> No.20072170

I was probably one of the last people on the planet to buy a smart phone. What the hell does that have to do with being fat? Or is that just your comeback to anything and everything?

>> No.20072175

Muh data is so precious. Heaven forbid a restaurant know I tend to want a crunchwrap at 2am when the bars are closing.

>> No.20072189

You've never noticed the "new item" menu placards on the menu board? Like the latest cravings box combo, the latest burger, the newest value combo they promote by plastering "NEW!" everywhere from the parking lot all the way up to the ordering counter?

Or are you a superboomer that ignores all that shit, stares at the menu as if its the first time you've seen civilization, mumble out a combo number without looking at the cashier, then being upset because they forgot your extra biscuits you never communicated?

>> No.20072195

If it's breakfast, the clear winner there would be McDs and the McGriddle with sausage, egg, and cheese. They have a tasty peppermint mocha coffee still.

>> No.20072202

The only "data" they're collecting they would be collecting whether or not you use an app. Do you retards actually think you have to give them you SS and mother's maiden name?

>> No.20072222

Steak, Egg, and Cheese bagel. McGriddles taste like something I'd get from a frozen food aisle.

>> No.20072225

are you retarded? waffle house is #1. this is not subjective

>> No.20072227

They're getting an email address usually. But this is easily dealt with by having a separate email address meant for that kind of shit.

>> No.20072233

>I only ever get value menu shit at taco bell a single filling meal for a non manlet is gonna run at least 25 bucks
what the fuck no i've never spent more than $10 on myself there. you must be fat as fuck

>> No.20072235

Waffle House is only an option when you're drunk, and nothing else is open. I mean come on. When does hashbrowns with a slice of American cheese, and the worst sausage and bacon known to man actually sound good? It's like paying for single dad's failed cooking attempts.

>> No.20072238

>taste like something I'd get from a frozen food aisle
>he says while unironically defending mcdonalds bagels
Jesus fucking christ.
Yeah, and everyone uses a separate/throwaway email for that kind of stuff.

>> No.20072256
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>> No.20072271

i wouldn't be the man i am today without my single dad's failed cooking attempts. he pushed boundaries. he tested himself. he took risks. it taught me to never give up, and that sometimes things don't go the way you planned, but you just have to suck it up and keep moving forward.

>> No.20072285

Yes, bless your dad. I'm still not paying my money to eat his shitty food.

>> No.20072401

Man these shills are desperate to convince me to sign up. Wonder why?
Already posted my weight sedentary manlet anon. It does fluctuate about 10 pounds throughout the day though so really somewhere between 175 and 185

>> No.20072424

Yes, people are shilling for "fast food app". Fucking retard.

>> No.20072455

you said 5 double cheeseburgers is normal for you, and since you keep calling people manlets, i'm assuming you're under 5'6". you're a fat fuck

>> No.20072482

I always get the shits after I eat there

>> No.20072491

>it makes my tummy hurt
This is my main problem with it. McDonald's would be *fine* if it was still cheap and I was drunk, but it always makes me feel like shit almost immediately and it continues for the next few hours. I don't even know what it is; it's just a bad feeling in my stomach that makes everything feel off. I can pounds of Taco Bell or Burger King and feel (relatively) fine, but a single burger from McDonald's is pretty much a guaranteed ticket to feeling like shit for the next 4 hours.

>> No.20072503

Glad you see it too
I did not say that, I do not normally eat fast food. I said that when I do, yes, 5 to 6 double cheeseburgers. Taco bell, back when it's prices made sense, 1 grande meal (12 tacos). 6 foot, 180 been so since high-school. Eating doesn't make one fat, sedentary lifestyles do sedentary manlet anon.

>> No.20072511

Always thought I was alone actually most people I know say they don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.20072518

no one eats that much that isn't fat as fuck. seriosuly that's disgusting.

>> No.20072529

Do you generally avoid overly sugary things? I don't even know if McDonald's contains more sugar than other fast food places, but it's the only thing I can think of. I kind of naturally cut out sweet stuff for most of my 20's and now can't even drink a single can of soda without feeling bad (same with caffeine, which sucks because I really like coffee). People look at me like I'm crazy, but back when I used to work in kitchens and smoked cigarettes I still had a better palate than the cooks who didn't smoke but regularly drank soda. I could be completely off-base with that, but seriously, more people should try to stop consuming overly sweet stuff. Not even for health reasons, but just because it turns your sense of taste/smell up to 11 and everything becomes more enjoyable, with the caveat that dessert might make your tummy hurt (but it tastes nasty anyways so it doesn't matter).

>> No.20072535
File: 426 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240105_141641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even at half that retard. Get out of you basement now and again and you won't have such trouble with getting fat.

>> No.20072547
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It's so bizarre how many people seem to forget that everyone on 4chan is a multimillionaire small business owner and Olympic athlete.

>> No.20072549

I didn't cut sugar out or anything but you might be onto something, I've never really liked sweets even as a kid. Dessert for me is more dinner. If there's a candy bar in front of me I might eat it but it's a rare occurrence type of thing.

>> No.20072550

Did you read the post?
>I'm not even half that
Isn't equal to
>I'm an Olympic swimmer
It's quite the opposite really.

>> No.20072567

>never really liked sweets even as a kid
That's kind of what I meant by "naturally cut out sweet stuff". It wasn't an active decision I made, but once I was making my own choices and not just consuming what was in the fridge or given to me, I just stopped consuming soda and ice cream and candy and whatever, simply because I didn't have the desire. I think one day I must have gone out with someone and gotten like a root beer float or something and just all of a sudden realized that it was disgusting in a way I'd never experienced before.

>> No.20072574
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>i only make $250k a year, bro
>that's like the complete opposite of being a millionaire

>> No.20072595

Well u don't find sweets disgusting actually, but I'd much rather something savory any time. For example a dinner desert might be a couple pork chops, broccoli, and a few taters. For dessert I'll have grilled chicken legs. When I drank coffee I preferred it black, but if someone got me a coffee with sugar I'd still happily drink it.

Anyway, I think your theory has some merit.
Dude were talking about maybe 3k calories. You're just incredibly sedentary if that's a lot to you.

>> No.20072617

it's a lot to eat for one meal, not necessarily in total for a whole day. again I just want to say that eating 6 burgers/12 tacos is disgusting and nor normal.

>> No.20072628

I only eat once a day anon. Back when I was a teenager I used to do 5 or 6 whoppers before skate trips

>> No.20072660

What the fuck are "skate trips"? Like, you went to figure skating camp when you were a kid? Or you used to make skateboarding videos where you drove around to different locations? And why would you eat fast food BEFORE going on a trip? 90% of all the fast food I've eating in my life took place during a trip, because that's often what's available when you're traveling and short on time. Your story is falling apart.

>> No.20072685

Skate trip. Jump on skateboard, skate to skate spot, skate it, skate to next spot, skate it, move on. Sometimes get distracted by shenanigans like finding a couch on the curb so we put it on the swing set and swung on that. Is this not common vernacular? It was in my town. And videos are not required I never did any of that never got good enough.

>> No.20072770


>> No.20072779

>is this not common vernacular?
I mostly hung out with the punk kids in high school, many of whom were skaters, and I've never heard anyone say "skate trip". It was more like, "hey anon, want to hang out/go skating/meet up with whoever at wherever". And then there was skating involved, and moving around to different places. But it was more just hanging out with skating involved, not a "skate trip". I also didn't live in a city, so it involved a lot of getting rides, hitchhiking, stopping at peoples houses to get high or play music or just fuck around, so maybe that's the difference.

>> No.20072810
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glad to know i maybe wasn't schizo/the only one who thought mcdonalds tasted like sugar/plain cake frosting in its aftertaste

>> No.20072822 [DELETED] 

>3k calories
thats a lot to a normal person. but then youre an american, so yeah.

>> No.20072864

I usually ignore murrica posting because it's just low quality, low effort, not saying anything, not triggering anyone, not funny, not bait, just boring, uninspired shitposting. But it is interesting that Americans are generally far less active than yuros, but anon's entire point was that he's *somewhat* active and doesn't think 3k is anything excessive, while yuros typically walk enough to make up for anon's occasional skate trips but still don't eat that much. 3k calories is actually a lot for an average American, so I'm not saying that yuros are just poor, but it kind of sounds like yuros just might be poor.

>> No.20072926

you sound retarded

>> No.20072932

5 double cheeseburgers has to be under 2500 cals

>> No.20072954

No sensible Person eats fats food.
Have you never learned how to cook or something?

>> No.20072987

wow, cool, thanks for the masterful insight and such a hot take.

>> No.20073012

big sloppashit

>> No.20073182

Skate trips was as a teenager. I don't do that anymore. I mostly just work and shit post to get a breather. Mechanic, and I run a snow plow and own a home I do all my own maintenance on the land and home. So for example, tonight I've gotta drag my plow about 20 yards by and to get it where I can mount it to my truck that might not start then I'll be wiring up a 220 line in my shed for my welder so in the morning I can mend some bits on the plow and the trucks floor pans if I have time. Like I said, don't be sedentary and you won't get fat.

>> No.20073304

>t. never been to Waffle House

>> No.20073580

This. Even the dumbest nagger can make eggs and bacon.
>t. travels for work and have eaten at many a Waffle House in nagger country (looking at you, South Memphis).