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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20071279 No.20071279 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>tourist in Berlin
>American tourist tells me I absolutely HAVE to try Five Guys because American burger places are THE BEST
>go into Five Guys
>order a burger, small fries, and a milkshake
>it’s fucking €24
>receive a bag filled to the brim with fries, like an entire kilogram of fries just dumped into the bag
>the burger is twice the size of my hand, completely impossible to bite into
>go to ask if they have cutlery but there are too many people in line
>end up eating burger in two halves over an hour
>persevere through the mountain of fries
>drink the milkshake
>feel like my stomach is about to explode
>am full until dinner the following day
Is American food all in absolutely gigantic sizes like this?

>> No.20071282 [DELETED] 

>go to Germany
>eat at American restaurant
stopped reading there

>> No.20071285

Yes they are fat

>> No.20071287
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Choose your fighter

>> No.20071293

Yes bur they learned big portions from Germans and Italians
a proper schnitzel is as big if not bigger than the plate it's served on

>> No.20071297 [DELETED] 

We learned big portions from post-WWII abundance.

>> No.20071307

i always wondered why americans are so fat then i went on holiday and saw their portion sizes and it all made sense to me

>> No.20071310 [DELETED] 

It's also because we don't walk anywhere because our cities were designed by car companies.

>> No.20071413

I still can't believe Vegas spent $50 million on a Tesla car tube

>> No.20071428

>guys guys guys! I have an idea! what if we had a road, but it only allows one brand of car, and we dig it underground so it's as expensive as a subway, but it only carries 4 people at a time!?!? SOLAR FREAKIN ROADWAYS!!!! I'm a mad scientist genius gieb monies plox

>> No.20071464

5 guys burgers are only quarter pounders you absolute weiner

>> No.20071798

Americans will do anything but build a railway

>> No.20071881

Yes, Americans have disposable income and enjoy abundance in quality and quantity of cuisine. What's the problem?

>> No.20071895
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>> No.20071963

80% of Americans are overweight. Take that into account whenever you talk to one on the internet. The numerous fast food posts, corn syrup defending and hatred of walking makes a lot more sense.

>> No.20071987

white Americans are not significantly more overwheight or obese than the British or most other European populations.

>> No.20072005 [DELETED] 

90% of those overweight people are coca cola addicted new arrivals from latin america. Just look at border crossings and see how many of them are obese.

>> No.20072025

>Obesity affects more than 2 in 5 non-Hispanic white men (44.7%), more than 2 in 5 non-Hispanic Black men (41.1%), more than 1 in 6 non-Hispanic Asian men (17.5%), and more than 2 in 5 Hispanic men (45.7%).
No matter your race, you're still American (and fat)

>> No.20072036

Yes, that's what i said.

You will never be American, and i'll live rent free in your head for as long as i can stand to remain in such a vapid shithole.

>> No.20072054

>Obesity affects more than 2 in 5 non-Hispanic white men (44.7%), more than 2 in 5 non-Hispanic Black men (41.1%), more than 1 in 6 non-Hispanic Asian men (17.5%), and more than 2 in 5 Hispanic men (45.7%).
Where did you get that bullshit out, brownoid?

>> No.20072072

Once again Asians have to drag the rest of America up with us

>> No.20072113

5 guys is notably larger portion sizes than a typical burger joint and are well known for being generous with their fries. They're also notable for using higher quality meat than other chain burger joints

>> No.20072128

Judging a country’s cuisine based on fast food is fucking retarded. I dont know why every european is like that. A lot of americans and canadians think that fast food is disgusting too, its just that the fatty population keeps growing

>> No.20072138

Europe's home cooking was ruined by the ww2, that's why they have to look at restaurants and fast food joints when talking about national cuisines.

>> No.20072171

I spent a month camping in Norway eating Norwegian camping food and when I got back to the US I went straight to a 5 Guys and projectile vomited it into the dining area trashcan perfectly. Had to run over and open the flap. Some guy stopped eating.

>> No.20072265

They are not that big desu, I'm 5'5 and wouldn't go as far as to say that they are "twice the size of my hand." I will concede, however, that Five Guys is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted, and I can only WISH they were 2x bigger at 1/2 the cost.

>> No.20072432

America has no other food culture, they're a nation of mutts and processed food is the only cusine they ever developed

>> No.20072445

I would not have normally but people in Australia are obsessed with the US, we recently got Taco Bell solely because of American influence. Apparently we’ve had Starbucks for years but I didn’t even know until I googled it now.
I’m 160cm tall and 45kg and female but I thought that a ‘small’ portion of food would be small? Not like larger than the largest commercially available portion of food you can order in my country?

>> No.20072556
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That doesn't argue anything.

>> No.20073031
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OP how much were you paid to make this thread? "Filled to the brim, twice the size of my hand".this is an advertisement in disguise...

>> No.20073115

Obese ≠ overweight

>> No.20073120

for me, its no money no money

>> No.20073122

a milkshake is a pretty heavy thing to eat with burger/fries. you are partly at fault.

>> No.20073160
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The duality of (wo)man.

>> No.20073163

Obese is being so overweight you fall into a new category of fatness.

>> No.20073174

5 guys sucks you dumb cuntrag. Women (male or female) shouldn't be allowed to use the internet

>> No.20073185

>Go into Five Guys
>Read Menu
>burger is two patties
>order the smaller size of burger
>eat the free peanuts with it

Not complicated.

>> No.20073189

No one forced you to eat all the fries or to order a fucking milkshake and drink all of it. Why didn't you just stop when you were full and toss the rest out or save it for a later meal?

>> No.20073199

I forced her (male). On threat of Sodomy

>> No.20073203
File: 212 KB, 636x995, A339C0A6-F33C-4E95-8643-526216BD581C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shared this with my gf yesterday and OP absolutely right I’m still full and it’s not even dinner yet

>> No.20073205

What kind of APR did you get on the bank loan for that?

>> No.20073239

Just because we can afford to eat out in the most expensive country in the world doesn’t mean I’m jewish you poorfag lol

>> No.20073318

>the most expensive country in the world

>> No.20073326 [DELETED] 

Nigger I said not jewish

>> No.20073336
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I can eat 2x double cheeseburgers from Five Guys and I have abs.

some people can handle American portions and some can't. its OK dude.

>> No.20073395

Honestly, in terms of price and calories, I think it is more cost effective to just buy a bag or two of large fries
I mean, dem bitches bees drippdizzling wif fat and salt, my homies, for real for real