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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20071141 No.20071141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thread discussing mainly food, but also life and how to live long and happily.
For smart people that know how the world and human body works, as well as open-minded people looking to learn extremely valuable information.

The Grimoire:

The OP will probably get expanded with time or I'll give up if there's not enough interest and too much shitposting.

>> No.20071147 [DELETED] 

for me, it's roasted cabbage

>> No.20071165

Not food

>> No.20071388

I want to do raw carnivore but I keep
making excuses and I am a
glutton addicted to the taste
of charred carcinogenic meat.

I am somewhat worried that since I can’t afford pastured beef that I would get ill from the factory-farmed corn-fattened stuff that is available.
obsequiously I am based and sv3rige pilled but fear is holding
me back. I have a couple pounds of grass fed liver from a farmer I trust in the freezer I guess it is time to fly.

>> No.20071399
File: 97 KB, 800x533, celeryfriesroastedcucumber-1-4-800x533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's roasted cucumber.

>> No.20071406
File: 7 KB, 250x202, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raw Carnivore
this is microdick for "I have a small pecker and this is how I cope"

>> No.20071457

I tried it because I have a lot of health issues and it did help in some ways but also made things worse in other ways.

I don't think we're really carnivores anyway. We have tastebuds for sweetness and enzymes to help us break down starch as we chew. Carnivores would have no use for those things.

>> No.20071465

This is the only diet to turn even the most pathetic manlet into a seven foot tall mongolian battle wizard in less than a year.

>> No.20071491

You won't know how you react to factory meat if you don't eat it. I live in a relatively small city and I've been eating mainly local but cheap grain fed trash for the past year and a half and I'm fine. Situation might be different depending on how a specific factory or country handles their animals. Again, try and find out, trust your body since the alternative isn't even better, it's far worse (processed garbage, toxic sprayed veggies and fruit, charcoal meat)
Frog posting in 2024, I don't think I even have to say anything
We are carnivores, you can eat other trash as an alternative food when you're starving just like any other animal, herbivores can eat animals and digest them but are worse at it than carnivores.
Raw Carnivore cannot give you new issues unless you ate some mystery meat from supermarket exclusively with no organs or chugged too much animal milk and got too much calcium. What did you fuck up?

>> No.20071493

Carnivore means 80+% of daily calories from meat. That's the actual definition, and that is very much what we are.

>> No.20071501

Calories don't exist and these definitions are very loose and nondescriptive

>> No.20071535

>Salmonella and E Coli are both responsible for improving your digestion, creating B vitamins and fixing food poisoning caused by chemicals in food, which is why you’ll see high concentrations of them in sick people. Blame the healer, don’t say anything about the real cause of the issue.
>Having 1 kid is pathetic and hurtful to the only kid, incest is healthier than mixing with other blood and races. Kids need to be taught sex from the parents and their sexual needs satisfied from as early as ~5 years old or they will fall prey to modern dangers like porn and masturbation.


>> No.20071561
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Holy shit imagine writing all that goobledeegook lmao heres the most important part btw:
>Raw carnivore+no salt: 1.5 year and counting, I’ve never felt better and happier
Come back when youve done the diet for 15 years and lets see where you are. In fact show me carnivores who been on the diet for decades. Show me how theyre doing. Nobody gives a shit how you feel after 1.5 year. Also:
>Standard diet: ~22 years
>Keto (fairly plant heavy)+supplements+omad+too much salt: 1 year
>Cooked carnivore+small amount of salt: 4 months
>Raw carnivore+no salt: 1.5 year and counting
Kek so this faggot is 25 years old. At that age you can eat literal shit and still feel good and look good.

>> No.20071584

>What did you fuck up?
I think my body is just better suited to getting more of its calories from dairy. But that's not "real" carnivore. I was trying meat only for a while to see if it would help with a chronic health condition but it was impossible for me to get enough calories that way. I'd feel worse after trying to force myself to eat as much meat as I could and I kept having messy poops. But maybe most people won't feel that way and it's due to my health problems which affects my digestive system. I can easily get 70%+ of my calories from dairy and feel great but I get sick of eating meat really quickly.

Some definitions say that's hypercarnivore. Some carnivore dieters say milk and eggs are okay while others say no, different opinions on seasonings and even just salt, some say they need lemon juice for the vitamin C, etc. There isn't really a clear and widely accepted definition for all of these things.

Anyway, I think you should just try every diet until you find what works best for you. It's hard to develop any real problems within even a year of having a nutritionally deficient diet, and most people will change things if they feel something is off before getting to that point. I think everyone needs to experiment to find what works best for them until we have some kind of medical technology that can completely analyze your entire body and tell you exactly what you should eat. Widespread recommendations for everyone don't work because we're not all exactly the same.

>> No.20071640

That's my experience and the truth
Come back when you know what you're talking about. I'll give you a free tip, anything that solves all of your health issues, doesn't introduce any new ones and makes you feel good day to day is what you should be eating and it doesn't take much time to see this stuff working or not working.
Calories don't exist, you eat when you're hungry until you're full, don't follow made up macros. You had diarrhea because you were forcing too much fatty meat, buy learner meat like porkchop, chicken, turkey breasts etc. Eating too much fat and not knowing how much you can eat in a day is another common problem I had that took me some time to figure out. You should experiment with fat amount in the day. Too much gives diarrhea, too little gives constipation.

>> No.20071651

I feel like this is an elaborate troll to give me food poisoning, parasites, and diarrhea

>> No.20071653

Why would anyone subject himself to this shit?

>> No.20071658

Trolls don't write 100000 character long documents. Food poisoning you get from plants and modern food. Prove parasites exist or that they can do anything to you. Diarrhea you can only get from overeating fat, you'll get it faster from eating toxic modern food.
Because that's how you're supposed to eat.

>> No.20071663

Why the meme diets?
Can't you just eat a balanced diet as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

>> No.20071672

>Come back when you know what you're talking about. I'll give you a free tip, anything that solves all of your health issues, doesn't introduce any new ones and makes you feel good day to day is what you should be eating and it doesn't take much time to see this stuff working or not working.
Lmao you could be developing ass cancer or a tumour in your balls for all we know. Show me raw carnivore whos been on the diet for decades. Surely if the diet is as amazing as you claim, there must be people out whos been doing it for that long? Heck if i wanted to see the long term effect if veganism i can just go to east asia and look at monks. Theyve been doing it for THOUSANDS of years. Surely you can find one or two nutcases whos done what youre doing?

>> No.20071681

No, you have to eat raw meat and maybe an occasional nut. Live happy and fullfilled till the age of 120 or die miserably at 40 if you look at a turnip.

>> No.20071686

No but I saw a cartoon about a cave man eating a cartoon piece of meat with a cartoon bone through it so that means "we" (sic) were "meant to" (sic) eat nothing but meat all the time. I'm a self reliant cave man because I bought some subsidized CAFO garbage at walmart, rrawwrr!

>> No.20071690

That's propaganda, only thing you're supposed to eat is meat, rest is alternative foods that will give you a suboptimal life, some worse than others.
Cancer heals your body from modern toxins and lifestyles. Sv3rige is raw carnivore for 10+ years
Are you done sperging out? You're pathetic.

>> No.20071704

Why is your viewpoint not propaganda?

>> No.20071707

I'm not a government official but a poor peasant that's tried all of this stuff out on himself.

>> No.20071708

Based on what OP has said in previous threads, he used to be a fatso who couldn’t help but stuff his face with processed slop, and that’s why he’s been doing this dumb fad shit recently. He also hasn’t been able to take a shit in months. I’m not kidding.

>> No.20071712

What is it with right wingers, meme diets and the "wellness" industry in general?

Is it just autism?

>> No.20071714

What previous thread? Do you know what #1 means? I haven't been on this board since yesterday you mongoloid.

>> No.20071718

*filter "Raw Carnivore General"*

>> No.20071728

In threads you’ve made previously about carnivore diets.

>> No.20071735

So you're unable to read. I won't waste my time then.

>> No.20071737

low IQ people gravitate towards highly simplified accounts of their world that make them feel like they're privy to some secret information that "they" don't want you to know (who is "they"? why, liberals, academics, city people scientists jews you name the group, they've got a grievance about it if it's not mouth breathing ogres who look and live exactly like they do)

kinda like their need for a sky daddy who punishes from on high, or their just world fallacy in general, or their tendency to fall for prepper/survival marketers when they try to dabble in the stock market and realize it's all so complicated and the TRUTH is that there will be an apocalypse and soon the girl who ignored them will have no choice because they're literally the last man alive and they just need to stock up on colloidal silver, ammunition, MREs, and ivermectin pills

>> No.20071761

How many kids do you have?

>> No.20071781

Yeah, better not waste any time considering you’re on a highway to hell with this idiotic diet.

>> No.20071782
File: 588 KB, 566x1220, 11-B65-C7-E-DC32-4600-9-F61-CDF5-BB0-BA427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cancer heals your body from modern toxins and lifestyles. Sv3rige is raw carnivore for 10+ years
Holy shit your best example is the nutcase who stabbed people and threw acid at the mother of his child?
There's a video out there of a girl who he stayed with when he was in USA i think and she said he doesnt eat carnivore at all but it was just an act. I'm sure youve seen the video seeing as youre such a fan of his.

>> No.20071786

watching dumbs try to cope with their inability to figure out birth control is depressing

>> No.20071787

You don't have any proof

>> No.20071794

Answer the question, or am I speaking to a massive failure?

>> No.20071813

Kek proof of what? That he didnt stab people? Or he didnt throw acid? Or he didnt eat fast food in usa?

>> No.20071818

the only Based Man in the entire thread

>> No.20071820

how can you tell if it's a turd you're shitting out vs another crotch monster? is it true you have to look in the toilet bowl to know for sure?

>> No.20071826

>Trolls don't write 100000 character long documents
hence elaborate
>Diarrhea you can only get from overeating fat, you'll get it faster from eating toxic modern food.
I got pretty bad diarrhea from eating spoiled meat once

>> No.20071841

I already elaborated.
The chance that's just your delusion and you got diarrhea from something else is extremely high.

>> No.20071853

you shouldn't have any you incestuous nonce

>> No.20071858

I'm gonna have at least a 100 just to spite you

>> No.20071862

You should eat raw meat and just cut it up with onions and garlic and some bell peppers and eat it with some lightly melted butter or really good quality olive oil and eat it with some organic bread. I'm extremely open minded when it comes to the benefits of raw nutrition but there is no sense of going strict raw carnivore I am able to eat raw dairy raw eggs and raw meat just fine with no issues and mix it with other cooked foods like rice and even cooked food and pasteurized dairy. There is no way in hell that we are not designed to eat grains or anything even simple grains like rice or oats? makes no fucking sense. If you cant digest anything other than raw meat and even the tiniest bit of fiber fucks your day up there is something wrong w You... Just make sure that you focus on quality and eat organic foods and wash all pesticides.

>> No.20071868

sv3rige eats fast food off cam

>> No.20071875

Onions, garlic, bell peppers, olive oil, bread, rice, oats and fiber are all toxic
You're contradicting yourself by saying that you can eat them but you have to cook them.

>> No.20071876

I literally didn't eat anything else that day and it was in the evening and I was squirting liquid shit all over the place and out of action the next day

>> No.20071887

Where was the meat bought, how fat was it and did you cook it?
Again no proof

>> No.20071897

>Where was the meat bought, how fat was it and did you cook it?
It was at a beachside 'restaurant' in eastern europe, it was I guess regular fatty pork shashlik, it was grilled above coals

>> No.20071908

How did you know it was spoilt if you bought it at a restaurant and it was cooked? This is why I said you're delusional. Cooked meat is already at least 20 times less digestible than raw, if it was from a restaurant then it was probably the lowest quality trash possible to save costs, cooked in 3 days old vegetable oils with toxic spices.

>> No.20071921

I assume it was spoiled because I wouldn't expect such a reaction from fresh meat
Also I'm pretty sure I saw flies walking around on the meat in the display they had
Are you suggesting it wasn't spoiled and that regular meat makes you shit yourself like that? Cos that's even worse then

>> No.20071930

And it wasn't cooked in vegetable oils it was grilled above coals like I said, no spices either
Not that I haven't had things cooked in oil with spices before (and I didn't shit myself after)
Same goes for low quality shit tier meat btw
I mean hence I called it an elaborate troll

>> No.20071955

I don't know I don't go to restaurants because you are a prime example of what happens when you buy food there. Flies don't mean anything, they go wherever there is food, spoilt or not. Them touching the meat doesn't do anything to it.
It ultimately doesn't matter if it was spoilt or not since spoilt meat is better probiotically than fresh meat, the taste can be worse though.
What I'm saying is that cooked meat is always worse than raw in every way possible so there's no point in ever eating it. It's less digestible so if it was really fat I wouldn't be surprised if it made you shit yourself.
It's not impossible they could have reused old, already cooked meat too, can you confirm they cooked raw?

>> No.20071959

are you genuinely braindead or do you actually think food digests faster if it's raw

>> No.20071961

Raw meat digests in about an hour, cooked in about a day while making you burp or fart the whole time. This is not hard to figure out.

>> No.20071962

you don't have to cook them I don't believe in germ theory. In the book The Recipe for Living Without Disease Aajanous has many recipes that use olive oil and eats some very specific vegetables and fruit raw that will not cause gut issues.

>> No.20071972

Aajonus wasn't right on everything due to being a doctor he also had to make money somehow by lying, selling out and putting useless shit into his book, or he just didn't know at the time. Literally everything you listed will cause gut issues, are you mad?

>> No.20071981

Flies mean something because they fucking lay eggs in meat and fish (I've seen it happen first hand) and they walk around in dumpsters and on literal shit and then walk around on meat, and they especially love decaying things. Also it just suggests in general the place doesn't have good hygiene.
And like I said I've eaten plenty of meat and much fattier meat no problem in restaurants, so this doesn't make sense
>It's not impossible they could have reused old, already cooked meat too, can you confirm they cooked raw?
I watched them take it out of the display case, onto the grill, and onto my plate

>> No.20071982

causes gut issues for u

>> No.20072000

You are a stupid child with no life experience
Your arrogance is proof of this
Your past dietary habits and flip flopping around are proof of this
This is just a manifesto of autism

>> No.20072033

Chief, this document implies you plan to have sex with your children when they reach five. any comment on this? are you attracted to five year old boys?

>> No.20072045

Hygiene doesn't exist, fly eggs are food just like quite a lot of squishy bugs and larvae. You can look into what the Chinese eat. Should we eat bugs? No, but it's a backup food to meat just like anything else. Arguably better than plants as long as you find something non-toxic. Why you shat yourself from that particular meat how would I know? There's more to this than just that one meal, could have been something before as well, or you ate something fat yesterday then topped up with fat cooked meat again and got fat overload. It being cooked is a problem but you are correct that it shouldn't cause too many issues. I'd just chalk it up to mystery restaurant meat rather than spoilage.
No, for all humans
I'm not stupid and I've plenty of life experience, flip flopping would be trying something for like 1 month, year+ for both of the things I've done are more than enough to start preaching what I know.
It's a manifesto of knowledge.
That remains to be seen. I know I'm not wrong though since I was interested in sexual things since the age of 5 hence the number.

>> No.20072071

Maybe the reason you cant eat olive oil and bell peppers and it hurts your tummy is because you are gay. Have you ever thought of that?

>> No.20072074

How else do you show love to your son, this question eludes me to this day.

>> No.20072148

I give up

>> No.20072152

You don't have the answer to my questions because you're too scared to even think about what matters in this world

>> No.20072203

On point

>> No.20072210

This diet is stupid and I wouldn't ever do it.
Thank you for reading my post

>> No.20072211

That's what you want to believe to give yourself a pat on the back for not learning anything.

>> No.20072718


>> No.20073556
File: 132 KB, 720x960, cheyak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been eating raw meat my entire life and i feel great, everyone i know who eats a (((balanced diet))) of imported grains, fruits and vegetables (which don't exist in nature) are all fat and prediabetic. they get all bitchy when their blood sugar gets too low, kind of like the seething carbtards itt. go eat a chocolate bar, fatty.

>> No.20073852

Derek Nance has been eating raw for 12 years. Not decades, but getting there.

>> No.20074671
File: 675 KB, 2560x2013, Lactose tolerance in the old world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if dairy is okay, especially become I'm northern european, I feel great on a mostly dairy diet (cheese, milk, and yoghurt) with occasional filet steaks. But I haven't heard much about dairy and it's effects, let alone a diet consisting of it. It's also high carbs which is probably why I love it so much.

>> No.20074691

>imported grains, fruits and vegetables (which don't exist in nature)
Hunter-gatherers often ate a lot of meat but still consumed wild grains, tubers, honey, wild fruit, etc. These things most definitely exist in nature although not in their current domesticated forms. There is some truth to the modern varieties of a lot of crops being higher in calories but lower in nutriton though.

I'm American with a lot of Irish heritage and also feel great with a lot of dairy in my diet. I don't really notice any negative effects from it. The carbs in milk don't affect your blood sugar nearly as much as refined sugar or refined starchy foods. If you've tried different eating habits and find one in particular makes you feel best, that's probably for a good reason.

>> No.20074696

Fun fact: Sv3rige was also one of the BIGGEST RuneScapefags back in the day before he went off the rails and became a menace to society

>> No.20075014

Good man, good link
Lactose intolerance doesn't exist, only a fucked up gut from vax and toxic food and idiots drinking pasteurized milk which has no lactase enzyme for lactose.
You can't prove what people in the past did, even information from a 100 years ago can be false. That being said, hunter-gatherer ancestors seem to be the most logical conclusion but the only reason they gathered anything was to secure themselves food for when meat was scarce. If meat was plentiful no one would ever bother gathering thousands of berries, you just kill an animal and get fed for weeks.

>> No.20075015

Only menace to society I see is you

>> No.20075018

what is it with leftwings and fear of being healthy?

>> No.20075020

They were hurt their entire life so now they mistrust everyone and everything they see and only believe what they want to believe. Getting through to someone this ignorant is near impossible, I've tried many times.

>> No.20075021

>Lactose intolerance doesn't exist
Genes have been identified that are linked to lactase persistence. Raw milk might be easier to digest but I think it's wrong to say that everyone is suitable to consume something that was only introduced into our diets 10,000~ years ago.

>You can't prove what people in the past did
There is pretty clear evidence of grains being ground and cooked thousands of years before people started farming. Of course it's hard to say if they did that due to meat being scarce but there are some theories that it can't be the only reason because preparing would burn more calories than they'd get from consuming it.

>> No.20075023

Prove genes exist and that your information is correct and not a lie. You literally can't. You blindly trust research and people above you when you should mistrust them the most since they want you dead.

>> No.20075047

I live with a bunch of vegetarians so I'm not allowed to cook meat
Yesterday I made something called carne apache
It's basically ceviche with beef rather than fish
Gonna try it soon, not really looking forward to it
Hope I don't die

>> No.20075049
File: 523 KB, 1000x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck did he just say? People drink milk from 10000 years ago? Any retard would know that animal that has tits can give milk, it's literally the first thing you learn when born, it's instinct. Drinking milk from mother and animals has been around since the start of humanity and this isn't even up for debate or needs to be explained or proven.

>> No.20075064

Domestication of dairy animals happened only around 10,000 years ago. Before that dairy never would've been a significant part of anyone's diet after infancy. I didn't mean humans never drank milk before 10,000 years ago, obviously that doesn't make sense since women produce milk. But there were genetic changes in people who were able to produce large amounts of dairy from domesticated animals around 10,000 years ago and that's why people from those places have much higher rates of lactase persistence.

>> No.20075075

Again with the bullshit and no proof, you're really hard to talk to

>> No.20075077

Don't worry bro eventually I'll have a time machine and show you. I hope you're ready...

>> No.20075079

Not talking about the past like you know everything is a good starting point rather than doing the impossible

>> No.20075080

Horrible texture
I threw it away

>> No.20075083

What did you expect when you burned it?

>> No.20075086
File: 27 KB, 460x499, 1644973525684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about frogs in current year
Kike detected

>> No.20075088

Mentally ill

>> No.20075092

>Not talking about the past like you know everything
But you're doing the same thing and offering less proof than what I have, just saying "trust me bro".

>> No.20075098

There's a difference between using logic that applies to modern day and therefore to the past as well versus saying people didn't have animal milk 10000 years ago. One is based on extremely high probability, almost a fact even that even a baby knows what tits and milk are and grown humans would try to milk animals out of sheer curiosity or instinct whenever they didn't feel like killing or eating them. While the other one is based on pure bullshit "trust me and the medical mafia bro" tier nonsense I can't stomach anymore.

>> No.20075099
File: 56 KB, 700x505, 1644995358558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me, im so mentally perfect, everyone else is crazy, im normal
Remove the plank from thine own eye before commenting on the speck in another's.

>> No.20075102

You post frogs, you're outing yourself as a retard to everyone around.

>> No.20075106

You don't like frogs, you're very uncool. Frogs are fun. You're a square.

>> No.20075109

What wild animals would let humans try to milk them? That seems really unlikely. Most wild animals don't like it when you approach them and they especially wouldn't like it if you started touching them. I'm just saying that animal milk wouldn't have made up a significant part of anyone's diet before the domestication of dairy animals because gathering that much from wild animals would be nearly impossible. It's not like having more controllable domesticated cattle that produce more milk than their wild counterparts.

It's okay to try and apply a bit of logic to things but you're saying we shouldn't blindly trust these things while you're supporting a blind distrust of it. Maybe there can be a middleground.

>> No.20075120

Unlikely? There's like 2 scenarios and they both play out very similarly with you getting free milk.
How to milk wild animal:
1. Approach carefully and milk if it's friendly enough
2. If not very friendly, subjugate with force, make it follow you around on a leash and get free milk
This is obviously not gonna be worth the effort with big or dangerous animals and predators so dumb and gullible herbivores are preferred which is what we have right now.

>> No.20075123

>2. If not very friendly, subjugate with force, make it follow you around on a leash and get free milk
This one sounds more plausible as I've seen tribal people keeping pets on leashes like this. But wild animals still don't produce nearly as much milk as modern breeds of cows do, so there still wouldn't be much milk in the diet before full domestication. It'd be like trying to make bread from wild grains. It's possible and there's proof of it being done, but it didn't make up a large portion of our diets until farming started.

Even lactose intolerant people have been shown to be able to drink about 8 oz of milk before experiencing symptoms with pasteurized milk. Maybe that number would go up with raw milk. But I can drink unlimited amounts of pasteurized milk with no symptoms at all, so there must be a difference in the amount of lactase produced by our bodies depending on our genetics. Perhaps even with raw milk if you drank a large amount but your body didn't produce any lactase, you might get some from the milk itself but your body still wouldn't digest it as well as someone else.

>> No.20075127

>But wild animals still don't produce nearly as much milk as modern breeds of cows do
No proof
>But I can drink unlimited amounts of pasteurized milk with no symptoms at all
This doesn't sound right at all unless you got a video of drinking nothing but burnt milk the entire day without shitting yourself

>> No.20075133

>without shitting yourself
Bro, you do realize that you only get gassy or diarrhea if you are lactose intolerant? If you're not, drinking milk affects you the same as drinking tea or juice. I regularly drink a half gallon of milk over a few hours and never have any gastrointestinal distress.

>> No.20075134

It's not just lactose but also fat content and gut damage. Tea is toxic, juice is better limited.

>> No.20075141

There are stories of people healing their gut and suddenly being able to eat all the foods they were allergic or intolerant to. This cannot be explained with genes but only acquired gut damage from eating trash your entire life and getting poisoned by various toxins.

>> No.20075142

Where are you getting any of this from? Gut damage? Tea is absolutely not toxic. Juice should be limited because of large amounts of sugars, and in some cases like apple juice, excess fructose. And no, large amounts of milkfat have never caused me to have toilet issues.

>> No.20075156

>No proof
You can compare two breeds of modern cattle and the A1 cows produce much more milk than the A2 cows. That's why A1 is more popular in northern and western Europe where lactase persistence is more common because they had cows producing much more milk and it made up a bigger part of their diet. It doesn't make sense for wild animals to produce more milk than they need to feed their offspring. We bred cows that could feed their offspring but also supply us with a lot of milk. To the point where if these modern cows don't get milked by humans they end up with infections and other issues because they're producing more milk than even their calves need.

>This doesn't sound right at all unless you got a video of drinking nothing but burnt milk the entire day without shitting yourself
Yeah people keep saying this and I suppose it does sound like it shouldn't be true. But I did a milk only diet for a while and had perfectly fine poops. Only had to people every other day or so, wasn't a lot, was solid and clean. My body digests dairy really, really well, and it's always been my favorite food. If you shit yourself from drinking a lot of pasteurized milk then your body doesn't produce lactase, or it's just not used to that quantity and you have to work your way up to drinking that amount by starting small.

>> No.20075161

All plants are toxic to the human body, doesn't matter if you eat them raw or brew them in hot water. Tea are literally tree leaves. You don't go around eating random trees do you? You were taught that this is a beverage when it is not. It's toxic just like any other leaves you could pick up outside. Tea is bitter for a reason, anything bitter is toxic (other than liver due to bile which is good for extra fat digestion)

Agree with limiting juice due to fructose.

Where I'm getting my info from is my body and experiences. Green tea and rooibos in the past were some of the prime suspects for me getting a full body rash but I'm not 100% sure to this day since back when I had many issues and my diet was chaos it was hard to pinpoint what did what. Insulin resistance and chugging too much HFCS juice are the other suspects. When ditching the teas and fixing my carb overload by going keto the rash disappeared so they were in a similar time frame and are all suspects. Did the teas cause it who knows, what I know is that they're bitter toxic garbage now and I'm better off without them.

Eating too much fat from any source will make you shit yourself if your gut is not in the best shape. If your gut can stomach it that's good for you. Mine's not in the best shape after keto. Due to milk being 50/50 on fat/protein ratio it's not advised to drink just milk due to it having too much fat. My ratio for shitting a normal shit every 3~ days is about 70% protein 30% fat gram-wise give or take. Drinking too much milk when your kidneys aren't working at 100% is also not a good idea due to calcium overload being a possibility, something I also have.
Right another possibility to disprove lactose intolerance is A1 proteins being more inflammatory than A2. This, breeding is a whole another topic alongside evolution, all of which are hard to prove or straight up false. Cow infections probably come from them being drugged etc and the infections are a healing mechanism.

>> No.20075165

How much an animal gives milk depends on how much offspring it has. With wild animals having a harder time to survive and domesticated ones being bred constantly for production it's easy to see which one has more offspring to take care of. If you bred wild cows they'd probably rival modern cows or even make more milk due to being healthier. This is true for any animal as far as I know.

>> No.20075170

Those sound like cool stories bro

>> No.20075174

Imagine getting stuck listening to this blowhard at a party

>> No.20075176

>All plants are toxic to the human body
I think that might be true to some extent for vegetables, but not fruits. Fruits frequently evolved to be eaten to help spread their seeds. There are some toxic fruits that spread in other ways or have specialized in relying on one specific animal that can tolerate their toxins, kind of like how birds are immune to the capsaicin in chili peppers. But I notice I tolerate most fruits better than I do most vegetables.

>Cow infections probably come from them being drugged etc and the infections are a healing mechanism.
Women have issues too if they have breast milk that isn't being expressed and can get infections. It's milk sitting in the body that provides a suitable environment for bacteria to grow. And these domesticated cows produce more milk than their calves can drink which means they need to be milked by us to stay healthy during their milk producing times.

>> No.20075191

This isn't a party. You want your kids to be malformed or something? That's what is likely to happen if you start a family in 2024 without any knowledge. Parties can wait.
Obviously fruit are less toxic than plants and vegetables but some still have their own defense mechanisms and all are sprayed with pesticides and made out of fiber which is completely useless and harmful to the gut, hence I labeled them toxic. They're a backup food at best. Juice is better since it removes fiber, then you just pick the least toxic, most bio stuff you can find.
>Women have issues too
Slave women that don't know how to take care of themselves aren't a good metric for this discussion.

>> No.20075207

>Juice is better
I get diarrhea from drinking juice, even in smaller amounts or when diluted with water. But I don't have that issue when eating fruit. We don't break down fiber like other herbivores but I don't think that means it's toxic.

>Slave women that don't know how to take care of themselves aren't a good metric for this discussion.
I don't know what you mean by that. It feels like you're veering off course of the discussion.

>> No.20075209
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science invented corn syrup and canola oil for a reason chud

>> No.20075214

Women that aren't raw carnivore I cannot call real women, the difference is like night and day.

>> No.20075636
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in canada, the only wild grain is rice, which only grows in the great lakes region and the only tuber is the lily pad root. these cannot be eaten raw and require a watercraft to harvest, so you might as well just go fishing, which can also be done during winter. bumblebees produce very little honey and humans have a natural instinct to avoid insects. fruit is only good to gain fat for winter, i'll eat around 20 gallons of blueberries over the course of 4 months to gain enough fat to fit into my size 34 wool pants.

>> No.20075687

>humans have a natural instinct to avoid insects
Now that you say it I have to agree, but would you consider them as a backup food if you can't find meat and fruit?

>> No.20075749

Me on the right.

>> No.20076202


>> No.20076296
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bumblebees build their autistic nests underground, so they'd be pretty hard to find. you'd have to follow one back to the nest, then wait for them to fall asleep. i'd pick them all off, then eat the whole thing, wax, honey and larvae. look how retarded this nest looks compared to a honeybees.

>> No.20076379

Even literal cavemen were smart enough to cook their food

>> No.20076389
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>I don't believe in germ theory

>> No.20076544

>i'll eat around 20 gallons of blueberries over the course of 4 months to gain enough fat
That's about 200 calories per day from 2.5 cups of blueberries. You could get that many calories from 1.5 tablespoons of fat.

You can gain weight from fruit but it's a lot harder than it is with other food sources. That's why most people on fruit only diets are usually underweight. Some bears will eat berries to gain weight before hibernation but that's typically only because other bears have control over the areas with salmon. The bears eating berries have to work a lot harder to gain weight compared to the ones eating salmon where they'll often only eat the skin and brain because it has the most fat and calories.

>> No.20076554

is honey okay
is it an animal based food or a plant based food ?

>> No.20076640
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>> No.20078176


>> No.20078247

Don't you have to cook vegetables and meat to get all the nutrients out of it? I heard that when the neanderthals learned how to make fire and started cooking the meat that's when their brain started getting larger and they turned into humans.

>> No.20078279

Certain parts yeah, like bones and tough collagen to extract all the impossible to get nutrients into a broth. But if something can be easily consumed raw it's better
Vegetables however should always be cooked to neutralize toxins

>> No.20078286

Humans and neanderthals coexisted
You can digest collagen, it's just not easy to eat, certainly not as easy as gelatin (what collagen breaks down into)
Your stomach is full of battery acid, Anon

>> No.20078435


>> No.20078635
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>> No.20078706

Obviously he doesn't eat just that, calories don't exist, carbs are what make you fatter.
If you can eat it with no problems it's ok, pretty much same boat as fruit juice, don't overdo the fructose, get the most natural stuff, read about what flowers the bees use, if the farmer uses potentially toxic mite insecticide etc.
You can break bones with your hands and eat them raw, same with cartilage etc. Your stomach has a PH of ~1, it melts everything that goes into it even if you don't chew. Vegetables should never be eaten.
Not a keto thread, keto is dogshit but can fix some problems which is why people religiously adhere to it if it fixes theirs

>> No.20078713
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Man I could really go for a campfire right now, I'm hungry and I think we can sacrifice a camel tonight

>> No.20078714
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Obviously propaganda but this is what idiots believe, people "started" in Africa with campfire, a place with almost no wood unless you live in the humid jungle where you can't start fires.

>> No.20078718

campfire cooking*

>> No.20078728

i'm not sure if the climate in africa millions of years ago was exactly the same as it is today

>> No.20078737

Again no proof

>> No.20078754

prove it

>> No.20078757

You said it

>> No.20078762

>Not a keto thread
Same thing. Retarded hairloss grifter diet perpetuated by fatasses.

>> No.20078763

The hairloss is from salt of which there is none on raw carnivore

>> No.20078771
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Post teeth and hairline

>> No.20078775
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>humans evolved
>out of africa

>millions of years ago
The universe isn't even over 10,000 years; if you deny this, you are denying science.

Christians (people who think lying is deserving of divine punishment) have already debunked the materialist/naturalist world view, the billions of years mantras which are only ever asserted, the evolutionism creation myth, the chemical evolution or abiogenesis myth, and all the rest of it.

There wouldn't even be any C14 left if the universe was as old as the naturalists claim, but they think it can be used to date fossils when radio dating on samples of known age are all wrong. Different dating methods can get ages as different as a billion years. And if the earth was as old as they claim, all of continents would've eroded into the seas. And if the universe was uncreated or had an infinite past, i.e. an uncreated universe, there'd be no life as the heat death would've happened infinite years ago (at any point on such a system's timeline). This is only a few examples, not even getting into the mathematical impossibilities or the logical and physical impossibilities of nothing creating everything or life coming from nonlife or DNA not spontaneously generating or just on and on.

People just don't want to learn, they just want to keep their atheist fairy tales indoctrinated into them in government schools to live a life of impenitence and sin, but every one of their naturalist/materialist beliefs requires blind faith. The government schools teach naturalism as the state religion and evolutionism as its creation myth because it makes good slaves who think man is the supreme authority rather than God Almighty, and they're more easily persuaded by appeals to man's so-called authority like "trust the experts".

Most of them have NEVER studied any of this beyond what they were indoctrinated to believe in government schools, they all always think they're experts and know-it-all so why learn something new?

>> No.20078781

Religion was created to control the masses, the one with blind faith is you.