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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20068770 No.20068770 [Reply] [Original]

I know EVOO is the healthiest oil. But I think it only goes well with tomatoes and salads. I tried it with rice and other stuff, but it just didn't taste all that great. Am I missing something?

>> No.20068774

maybe you're buying a cheap one.
For me, it's fried eggs in olive oil.
But yeah, I basically use it for most things.

>> No.20068775

I started a house fire with this recently.. pan started bursting in smoke so I put water on it and a huge ball of flame lit a bunch of shit on fire

>> No.20068782

I love a fried egg cooked in olive oil, on top of toast, where a bit of the oil flavors the toast too.

I don't use olive oil in recipes like pancakes or brownie or cake mixes, but I think it's fine most other ideas.

I think a glug in the rice cooking water of olive oil, a chopped onion or a single garlic clove is how I prefer rice for most applications.

>> No.20068785

you deserve a darwin award

>> No.20068796

next time don't leave the pan unattended, the moment you see smoke pull it off the burner and slap the lid on it. The lid should be handy anyway. Also if you don't have a fire extinguisher in a good spot, accessible when and if there are 5 foot flames, then you need to move it or get another one.

I was warming oil once while housesitting, had a couple popcorn kernels in the bottom of the pot with the oil, and it smoked and made flames so fast. I did put the lid on and walked the pan out to the balcony and tossed it into the lake below. Coincidentally I had to buy a new pot, but no fire alarm called the authorities through the alarm, phew. There's a fine for that.

>> No.20068803

just clarifying, you're using extra virgin oil?

>> No.20068807

avocado oil is better in every way, including a higfer smoke point so it's better for any high temperature cooking besides also tasting better AND being healthier so olive oil or whatever EVOO nickname you wanna give it it's always gonna be second best no matter what the Italians say because the avocado burns hotter and can have a more mild or a stronger flavor depending on how you cook it or what you want it do so so pour that olive outside for the birds or the squirrels and get some avocados into your home

>> No.20068819

I think EVOÖ tastes like chlorophyll. I stick with the regular kind of olivölle for everything.

>> No.20068827
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Avocado oil has it's uses, but some people really like the taste of olive oil, and the negative effects of cooking EVOO with high heat are heavily exaggerated. I like to use a combination of ghee and EVOO when searing most meats. The ghee helps boost the smoke point a bit, and just tastes really good in combination with the flavor of the EVOO. I mainly use avocado oil to make mayo mixed 50/50 with EVOO, or I also like it in a spray form for getting an even coat of oil on a sheet pan.

>> No.20068847

based retard

>> No.20068860
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Lol, reminds me of the /k/ negligent discharge copy pasta. Somebody should make a /ck/ rendition about kitchen fires and various cooking mishaps.

>> No.20068875


If you don't start four to five kitchen fires per year, you're not cooking enough.

>> No.20068878
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>le darwin award

>> No.20068888

just retard

>> No.20068908

The Darwin award has been a joke since at least the 80's. Are there any other long established jokes or phrases that have retroactively become soy-reddit-cringe that I should know about?

>> No.20068941

Reddit takes things and turns them soy, doesn't matter if it originated somewhere else

>> No.20069242
File: 152 KB, 753x499, Soy menace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soy lives rent free in your head.

>> No.20069450

>fried eggs in olive oil
Imagine being this much of a cooklet

>> No.20069453 [DELETED] 

use lard or butter in for rice

>> No.20069462

Normies with no understanding of how cooking works will put olive oil on everything even though there are much better options. They never learned how too cook.

>> No.20069472 [DELETED] 

Ghee and avocado oil are the only other oils you want to use at temps above 350.

>> No.20069506

it's great

>> No.20070798

How do I determine what is good and not fake Olive Oil?

>> No.20070850

It costs good money and tastes like shit if you cook with it

>> No.20070854

Use lard or beef tallow instead if you want something that contributes little of it's own flavor but is not a seed oil.

>> No.20071207

Certification on the label by someone who does lab testing like NAOOA, Applied Sensory or COOC.

>> No.20071214

We don't have this third party labels here in europe. Who knows why, seems almost like there is a mafia.

>> No.20071252

be american and get yours from california like the rest of us, fuck italians

>> No.20071345

If I had a fire alarm that reported me that mother fucker would get tossed off the balcony as well.

>> No.20071476

Only really good for lightly frying onion/garlic/cured meats before making a soup or stew. Otherwise using it to cook is a bit of a waste. It's better used as a garnish on things like tomato, toast, ham etc. If you want to panfry something you're better off saving money and using vegetable oil or butter instead.

>> No.20071494
File: 1.02 MB, 1315x1315, Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 08-53-59 8040a96c-765b-463f-a422-c5fa4d35f5a9_2.c77b0aee1b904ec839ce778f045e1973.jpeg (WEBP Image 2400 × 2400 pixels) — Scaled (54_).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not missing anything. Olive oil has a very distinctive flavor that doesn't go well with most foods. Most people, like >>20068774, have zero sense of taste and will gaslight you about it, claiming it goes with eggs at all. These are the same people who have never once salted their food, or if they do, they'll give one shake of the salt shaker on their steak and one turn of a pepper mill before throwing it on a gas grill. Olive oil is also not really suitable for most types of stovetop cooking anyway, even if it had a neutral flavor, due to its low smoke point. IMO, extra virgin olive oil is not the most suitable cooking oil, but more of a salad and bread oil.

That said, they do make an "extra light" olive oil for frying, which has a higher smoke point and much more neutral flavor. It's not extra virgin, and I'm not sure how they "lighten" it. Possibly, they adulterate it with canola oil or some other type of oil.

Personally, I use peanut oil as my workhorse cooking oil.

>the moment you see smoke pull it off the burner and slap the lid on it.
Smoke point and flash point are not the same thing. You don't have to freak out if your oil is just starting to smoke. I have no idea why faggotanon put water in his pan, but the oil was most likely well beyond the flash point, and the water simply agitated it and put it in contact with air by displacing it out of his pan. If your oil is starting to smoke, just turn the heat down, take the pan off the heat for a few seconds, or just add more food, which will cool it down, and then continue cooking as usual.

>I was warming oil once while housesitting
I don't even know what this is. You were "warming oil"? Your pan is not a space heater. Oil is meant to be in the pan with food, not to heat up like a pot of boiling water.

Cost prohibitive, particularly for shit like frying.
>avocado oil
Isn't literally all of it rancid or adulterated with canola oil?

>> No.20071502 [DELETED] 

2 liters of extra virgin olive oil from costco is less than 20 bucks, so at most you'll be using like 50 cents worth of oil for most things lmao

>> No.20071505

You really think that you're buying olive oil?

>> No.20071510 [DELETED] 

Yes, because I make sure to get the spanish or california ones, not the Italian fugazi shit.

>> No.20071513 [DELETED] 

also I have a functioning nose and tongue and set of eyes and can tell the difference between olive oil and vegetable oil lmao

>> No.20071578

Vegetable oil is flavorless and odorless. You'd never notice that your olive oil was slightly blander than it should be. You'd just think "hup, I guess costco olive oil jus' be like dat"

>> No.20071835

I use Canola Oil for everything because of its mild flavor and high smoke point
I do not care

>> No.20071854 [DELETED] 

>You'd never notice that your olive oil was slightly blander than it should be
Yes I would. You don't know shit about me, retard, so stop pretending that you do.

>> No.20071935 [DELETED] 

You an American retard, retard.

>> No.20071943
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>You don't know shit about me, retard
You buy olive oil at costco half a gallon at a time.

Anything you'd like to add which you think might exonerate you of these crimes?

>> No.20071965 [DELETED] 

Yeah, and? You forgot to make an actual point.
>buying olive oil at costco is retarded
>because you buy costco at olive oil

>> No.20072008

>It's not extra virgin, and I'm not sure how they "lighten" it
they cut it with soy oil or some other seed oils and typically use the same process of heating, washing with acids and deodorizing it as they do with seed oils to get the remaining oils out of the waste products of the cold pressed olive oil production.

>> No.20072017

It's cheap shit, and you have reiterated over and over that you can't tell the difference between cheap shit and premium product. You revoked your own right to have an opinion.

>> No.20072029

>Thinks you can buy 2L of real, authentic EVOO for 20 bucks
Amerifat moment

>> No.20072221

you just outed yourself

>> No.20072390
File: 80 KB, 1200x1200, 1681906101542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoor moment. Costco doesn't fuck around with adulterated products. I prefer this bottle which is a little more expensive at about $12 for 1 liter.

>> No.20072396

>I prefer this bottle which is a little more expensive at about $12 for 1 liter.
forgot to link to my other post with the image

>> No.20072399

>Italian oil
Cheap waste oil they disguise as TRUE ITALIANA OLIVEO OIGLIO

>> No.20072410

Goddamm I hate you faggots and your learned helplessness. Just do like 15 minutes of research on brands that have been independently tested to be pure. You can even take your smart phone to the store to see what they have, and Google whichever product you want before you buy it.

>> No.20072420

>but it just didn't taste all that great. Am I missing something?

I hardly even notice the olive taste in my food. You don't always have to use it though. Substitute it with lard or butter sometimes.

>> No.20072426

>>20068785 >>20068775 >>20068875

I've been cooking for years and I still started a similar oil fire. Fireball went up to the ceiling. Restaurant fires happen all the time no matter how experienced you are.

>> No.20072477

I just don't buy shitalian oil niggerfaggot. Thank God I'm from a country where they can't sell their slog.

>> No.20072481

There's a difference between a busy kitchen with a pan of oil going unattended on the burner too long causing a fire, and throwing water on a pan of smoking oil because you're a literal room temp IQ retard that has no place in a kitchen. I've been cooking for 15 years and I've never once had an oil fire, brief flare ups that last half a second and resolve themselves? Sure, but I can't even imagine how retarded I would have to be to actually start an oil fire.

>> No.20072506
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 1704451379882915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayo is mostly olive oil. What's stopping you from frying with mayo.

>> No.20072510

I use mayo for my grilled cheese but most mayo is made with shit seed oils

>> No.20072526

Stop using mayo for grilled cheese. Your coating the outside of your sandwich in a layer of old overcooked eggs. Ghee, beef tallow, and bacon grease are the best for grilled cheese. I like to save the rendered fat from pot roasts since its basically beef tallow thats been confit with shallots, garlic, herbs, and spices which makes for an amazing tasting crust on a grilled cheese.

>> No.20072530

>Mayo is mostly olive oil.
There is no mayonnaise that you can buy from any store that's made with "mostly olive oil."

>> No.20072537

>I hardly even notice the olive taste in my food.
Do you smoke?

>> No.20072539

Thank you my personal search engine.

>> No.20072540

I do use those, mostly butter, but I like mayo. It's fine, I make my own with healthy fats. And I am not fat.