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20063103 No.20063103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's a "safe" amount of drinking?

i am getting into spirits and never drink to get drunk, maybe one or max two of a barely filled glass. not every single day, and i know it's never "safe", so at this point should I just ditch it to avoid the long-term effects? or is there an "ok" amount?

>> No.20063113

What, do you have some long term plans?

>> No.20063115

1 to 3 standard drinks (ie one shot, or one beer or glass of wine) a day is probably fine.

>> No.20063124


i am just trying to find the right balance where I can enjoy something like whiskey (a drink or two, not even a buzz), and try to avoid the worst long-term effects, if that is even possible (i know it is not). i have had wine every so often for a few years but diving into spirits as a temporary replacement has me rethinking a bit

>> No.20063154

Just drink what you want nobody's opinion matters

>> No.20063188

>maybe one or max two of a barely filled glass
That could be anywhere between 2 to 8 shots depending if you're using ice, a large glass, or mixers.
Spirits are high enough concentration that you need to explicitly measure them to track how much you've had.

Units are 1.5 oz hard, 12oz beer, or 5oz of wine. Doctors say not to drink more than 2 a day if you're male. But body size also factors into that. Realistically, you can get away with about 4 a day without long term damage, but you're really testing your luck with that.

>> No.20063266

As much as it takes to prevent me from ending it all that night, I suppose

>> No.20063274

Here's hoping the safe amount is ~2 bottles of wine a day.

>> No.20063458

Just drink a lot and kill yourself before cirrhosis sets in, or die of liver failure i've heard it can be shitty, or even some people have claimed it is a painless death

>> No.20063478

For absolutely no negative health effects it is literally no more than 2 drinks per WEEK. But if you keep it to like 2 drinks a day that is probably fine. The recently passed Queen Elizabeth II drank 2 to 3 drinks a day and lived to a ripe old age.

>> No.20063710

>The recently passed Queen Elizabeth II drank 2 to 3 drinks a day and lived to a ripe old age.
yeah but they were probably pumping that cunt full of baby blood or something to keep her alive

>> No.20063863
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As long as it's no more than a liter of vodka a day, you're probably going to be fine. Hey, I'm still here and it's been 15 years or so at that rate. Feeling superb, going to go finish building my treehouse today and send off the final draft on my fifth novel. Don't listen to those teetotalers, the water of life keeps you sane and young!

>> No.20063924

>1.5oz shot = 12oz beer
This rule of thumb is no longer valid, had some rye IPAs over the holidays that were 9.1 abv, meaning 1.8 *shots* (almost 3oz) of booze. Hangovers and weight to lose now.

>> No.20063925

Don't do it anon. I started with the "i'll just stick to the standard 2 drinks a day". Spiralled into halve a bottle of whisky a day. But then again I have no discipline and am tapering benzo and that apparently makes you drink even more.

>> No.20063937

>Just drink a lot and kill yourself before cirrhosis sets in, or die of liver failure i've heard it can be shitty, or even some people have claimed it is a painless death

I watched my uncle die from liver failure and it was brutal to watch. I've since learned that it's very common for you to shit everywhere around your house because you lose control of your bowels. He could no longer taste food. He could no longer walk. He never wanted a catheter inserted in him but it came to a point where he had no choice. He asked us why are there bugs crawling on the hospital walls when there were none there. Just watching himself fade away. In the final days I tried talking to him, and he could only repeat the words I was saying, at that point I knew he was already dead. And now I live in his house and his death is the only reason why.

>> No.20063946

safest is not to start at all

>> No.20063958

How much did he drink?

>> No.20064075

>This rule of thumb is no longer valid
That's like saying the rule of thumb is no longer valid because some shots of liqour have 60% or 25% alcohol.
The existence of high or low ABV variants isn't enough to change the average beer. It's still rule of thumb because it's a practical and rough estimate.

>> No.20064298

The beer rule is generally assumed to mean about 5% ABV, if you're drinking an IPA with 9.1% that means you should just treat it as roughly two standard drinks. Shit shit ain't hard.

>> No.20064320

As you said, there is no safe amount of alcohol at all. Zero. It is literally poison but people drink it as a legal drug. So, it is up to you whether the psychological and social buzz it gives is worth the health problems later on or not.

>> No.20064323

Have a look at the cirrhosis subreddit if you want to scare the shit out of yourself

I was always under the impression that to get cirrhosis (death sentence btw) you had to drink HARD daily for like 30 years straight, but that sub is full of people with a cirrhosis diagnosis at 25 and younger who apparently just started drinking during quarantine, and not even daily

From what I’ve read it seems like the endurance of your liver is largely genetic, some can take an insane beating, some turn cirrhotic after relatively short stints of heavy drinking

>> No.20064350
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375ml of 40%abv per day won't kill you but 750ml will take you right to withdraw town and 1.75L a day will send you right into full blown life threatening DTs if you don't reapply more alcohol ever 4-6 hours

>> No.20064359

I have no fucking earthly idea why a fucking faggot would ever drink alcohol at all if it wasn't to feel the effects of it. I even do enjoy the taste of many liquors but seriously there's no point in drinking it at all unless you want to feel it.
Just drink fucking water or something and never, ever come back here.

>> No.20064394

Those people are likely severely underestimating how much they drink. Genetics does play a factor but a fuckload of people aren't honest with themselves about how much they're drinking. I've literally seen someone call two bottles of wine a night "moderate". You don't get full cirrhosis at 25 without going hard as fuck even if you have shit genetics.

>> No.20064418

Less than these guys.

>> No.20064678
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This. Those people are probably work from home fags who were doing nothing but guzzling wine and munching on tendies all day when they would have normally been in the office. No shit they fucked themselves up. No responsible adult who works a real job feels the urge to get inebriated every day. One or two drinks per week is fine as long as you also drink water afterward, but only alkies are drinking every day or even every other day.

>> No.20064687

Not him but my uncle died pretty much the same way. He lost the use of his legs and became incontinent, then ended up spending the end of his life in a nursing home. This was all in his 60s btw. I'm not sure how much he drank, but he was having bottles of Everclear delivered from the local liquor store.

>> No.20064723

if u cant chug a 40 ur a bich

>> No.20064742

dude, drinking enough to get a buzz a few times a week is not going to result in any long term health effects. just listen to your body. when you start to feel that buzz coming on, just stop drinking and enjoy it. the health problems come from idiots who drink every night, eventually turning into all day. if you give yourself a couple days to dry out in between you'll be fine.

>> No.20064752

If you're able to keep it to a small amount you're fine. The big thing to watch out for is feeling like you HAVE to have a drink rather than simply enjoying it.

>> No.20064753

addicts lie all the time about how much they use. just watch the clips from that weight loss show with dr.no. they constantly swear up and down that they're only consuming 1000 calories a day despite gaining an extra 50 pounds in 3 months and they may believe that themselves in their fucked up brain but the reality they're consuming 3500+

>> No.20064787

You're fine. Just set your limits and stick to them. Health care professionals drink WAY more on average.

>> No.20064791

You're a writer. You're immune.

>> No.20064808

As a male you can drink up to 2 standard drinks a night safely, as a female 1. Either of these are shown to basically have no major negative health implications outside of what any about of drinking at any point would do. Giving it a rest every now and then is still obviously more healthy than not.

>> No.20064827

Based Stan Rogers poster

>> No.20064860

Alcohol, moderate alcohol, can reduce clotting and add antioxidants to your diet, ie healthy. Moderate for a male is no more than 2-3 servings.

Ask yourself: do your grandparents, mom or dad, siblings or cousins have issues with drinking or drugs? Do your genes predispose you to addiction or gambling? Did someone smoke or drink while they were pregnant with you?

If the answer is yes, just be careful not to ever ever drink alone, overdrink or binge drink. Never. That said, if you're not flirting with disaster, probably just fine to do a lot of food pairing and various spirits just to enhance your education and palate further. Mexican night, then try a tequila or two with your salsa and chips starter. Find out if you prefer resposado in a margarita, and premium orange liquer, and only freshly squeezed citrus. Try the paloma next time. Have a sangria next visit.
Are you a dark beer, sour, or ipa fan. next ttime you do a heavy fried main or side, see what you like with it.
Japanese still make DRY beer, and it's because it's so crisp with food.
Italian night, lots of choices here by course, chilled white, robust or light red, get into exploring your wines.

>> No.20064872

A safe amount is just as much as you need for the shaking to stop. Then you are good to go for a while.

>> No.20064986

A finger of whiskey or a beer in the evening isn't going to kill you even if you do it every day. People have done that for centuries and nothing bad happened. It's not good for you. No amount of alcohol is. But it's not going to be your cause of death.
But be active in maintaining that moderation. If it's just you keeping yourself accountable, and you're not good at that, you can slip into much more problematic drinking very easily. You should be able to stop drinking at any time for any reason. Couple times a year I get paranoid and stop drinking for a few days/weeks to be sure because I like alcohol.

>> No.20065206
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It really does depend. My liver is basically unkillable. A bottle of hard booze (700ml 40% in this Szenario, a day), she doesn't mind and can work with.
Yours may be entirely different though.

>> No.20065247
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x720, bearfun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12oz x 5% = 0.6oz alcohol
5oz x 12% = 0.6oz alcohol
1.5oz x 40% = 0.6oz alcohol
adjust accordingly

>> No.20065493

I did this and it was truly a cursed thing to do. Now I can't have my red wine with my homemade pizza tonight, you're a bastard

>> No.20065530

I drink one or two glasses of scotch each weekday after work. On the weekends I drink four or five but spread it out.

>> No.20065683
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If you measure 1.5 oz for your glass you should be fine. I hope, because I'm doing the same.

>> No.20065695

I drink around 2oz but I don't measure it so sometimes I overpour a bit :)

>> No.20065728

that amount will have negative effects on your health. up to you to decide if it's worth it.

>> No.20066122

quite frankly cancer is the scariest part. it seems like the only thing that can happen regardless of intake.

>> No.20066160

My father's uncle died a similar way too. He drank a liter of gin at a minimum a day and never ate anything besides toast with smoked fish. He was forced to sit at the dinner table by his wife, but never ate anything. His whole house was packed with alcohol for 'a rainy day'. He lasted years before dying in some hospital. The doctors did a couple tests and said he had nothing in him that a normal person would have, blood work wise. On his death bed he said he had lived a wrong life, he died regretting everything.

>> No.20066218

>toast with smoked fish

>> No.20066262

>stop being a fucking pussy I drank a fifth of spirits every day for a decade and I'm completely healthy now like nothing even happened

>> No.20066266


>> No.20066764

Don’t know what the perfect amount is. I started with a couple of shots a day, by the end I was downing a quarter of a handle a day for quite a while, then my doctor was like, your liver enzymes are bad, stop, so I did. No tapering, just stopped. Couple of months off it, liver now returning to normal. Resume drinking on special occasions, but no more daily.

>> No.20066846

Literally just have them during or after a big meal, it binds with the food or whatever and you're fine.
If you use this strategy 4 drinks a week, spread out, you'll be fine. 7 introduces some risk, and past that is probably bad. But it really depends on when and how much