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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20060743 No.20060743 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing goffee and goffee-related topics.

Sneed edition.

Deficient outdated info: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous thread: >>20045715

>> No.20060749

Who is the bottom left person

>> No.20060753

your mum

>> No.20060767

sumatra soon

>> No.20060772

thanks friends

>> No.20060794
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The Flair has been shipped and it’s 1200 km from me. :coolguy:

I’ve just ordered the 1 L Hario Buono and I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver me the scale.

Hopefully I some some stainless steel thing to place at the top of the kettle to preheat the flair column brewer with the steam, I didn’t order the sink strainer because.

Will these things cure my dysthymia and make me a normal person? :)

>> No.20060797

>will more coffee autism make me normal?
No friend, it will not.

>> No.20060814
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>my shitty cell phone pic of a dirty 911 from my vacation made the OP
Damn is this what being a celebrity feels like?

>> No.20060815

I know anon, there’s no cure for this curse I suffer from.
It’s either living like this until the very last day or kill yourself because you can’t take it anymore.

I realised that I’ve been like this for my entire life and I don’t know what to do, it’s a very bad moment and I’m scared.

Maybe coffee can cheer me up.


>> No.20060821

Don't aspire to be normal, aspire to be happy. Be as autistic as you desire, you glorious caffeinated faggot.

>> No.20060850

What’s the best grinder to get for the Profitec GO I’m getting soon? I already have the Kingrinder K4 however I wonder if it will be good enough.

>> No.20060912

>sei in milano?

>> No.20060924


>> No.20060926

No problem. Remember to buy a grinder in any case.

>> No.20060935
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One of the recent GCP purchasers here, got some mugs as a Christmas gift, tried making a cortado to practice milk steaming today now that I'm pretty happy with the shot quality I'm getting. Definitely didn't aerate enough but it was still good. I'm probably making my life way harder trying to practice on small quantities like this. Pls no bully.

>> No.20060937

>aspire to be happy

Read what dysthymia is anon, it's literally what this shit prevents you to do.

>> No.20060940

You should kill yourself. Rainbow alliance certifed beans, Chinese grinders and espresso squeezers shilled by coffeetubers is the main source of your enjoyment.

>> No.20060941

Yes I know, google what aspire means, giving up is gay.

See this guy? Huge fag.

>> No.20060943

But if you manage it means you're cured.

>> No.20060949

Google what aspie means. Maybe some roaster has a social program where they can get paid for babysitting you?

>> No.20060951
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I managed to find a seller in my country that sold it to me for 50 USD (including shipping!!) and it got here today.

As anon suggested i tried out Testu Kasuya's recipe and wow. It's really good. This is much much cleaner than what i'm used to drink, and it really brings out the acidity and fruity flavors of my coffee, which is exactly what i wanted.

It also made me realize how fucking bad my grinder is, and well, i need to get better technique for pouring into the V60. So when i get those things down i can only imagine the coffee will taste even better.

Thanks anons and everyone that shilled this to me

>> No.20060953

Good shit anon. I'll dust mine off and brew a cuppa with it, just for you.

>> No.20060954

What grinder are you using currently, and what are the main issues you're noticing with your grind quality?

As far as pouring technique goes, if you're using that kettle in the background then getting yourself a gooseneck will make improving that much easier.

>> No.20060971
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Cheers for a year of good coffee anon :)


It's a DeLonghi KG89. Which is the most i could afford at the time when i bought it (like 6+ years ago). And well, it has worked for french press which is very forgiving, but i remember it giving me trouble for when i used to do V60 (a family member broke mine and i never bothered to buy another one). The grind is too inconsistent and there are larger pieces, which is not good because it gives an uneven extraction for the first part of the extraction, and also it drains much quicker than i would like... and it's also kinda dirty and harder to clean due to static.

But uhhh,, yeah i will be looking into upgrading my grinder into something more suited for what i like. I'm not too much into espresso because home-level equipment is just too different from what i would get at my local coffee shop. And also i really really like filtered coffee, so i will get something akin to that.

>> No.20060978

Oof yeah, I struggled with a cheap burr grinder similar to that one for a long while before I upgraded and had a lot of the same issues you mentioned, getting something decent will be a real game changer for consistency and clarity. You might be able to mitigate the static issues a bit by spritzing the beans with a bit of water before grinding, not sure how effective that is on those cheap ceramic burr things, but worth a shot if you haven't tried already.

>> No.20060985

Yeah replace that asap. A shitty conical hand grinder is going to be much better than those fake flat burrs.
>cheap ceramic
It's compressed and heated metal powder.

>> No.20060990


That's something i really want to know. How much of a game changer is it to get a better grinder?

I know what good coffee tastes like from the cafes i go to. But they have grinders that cost thousands of dollars, so i want to know how much my coffee will improve from getting a grinder that's a few hundred.

I would like to move into a good grinder, something that i won't feel the need to upgrade or regret not spending a bit more to get something better. Like i said, im not that much into home made espresso and i really enjoy french press, v60, moka pot, and now the hario switch. I might buy new stuff in the future

>> No.20061013

Thank you anons. It’s up to me to fight this shit even though everyone included doctors says that it never ends.

I like coffee and making it, it keeps me distracted and it’s a skill that I can turn into a job. It’s a good thing.

>ignore the fag

I know, he’s not a real person and he’s here every single day without exception. You can clearly see what’s his function ITT, he’s here to make people leave and ruin discussions.

>> No.20061016

huh interesting, still crap either way but kinda neat I guess.

A good grinder, even on the very low end of "good" will be a huge HUGE step up from something that's just shit like the one you posted, in the same way that the one you're using now is miles better than just using a blade grinder and eyeballing shit.

There are a ton of options for good grinders on the market these days, and a lot of them are very affordable. You're never going to get something as good as the industrial beasts that high end cafes are using without spending a shit ton of money, but that's honestly overkill for the vast majority of people to use at home, the biggest reason they're useful for cafes has to do with speed, volume, and consistency when they're in constant use all day every day.

If you want the absolute best bang for your buck within whatever budget you're willing to put up, look into hand grinders, but there are also some pretty decent relatively cheap electric grinders on the market, you just of course sacrifice some of your budget to conveniences like a motor. Something to keep in mind is that you can always look into getting something that's got swappable burrs in a standard size, since that would allow you to get something better than you have now with the option to upgrade later without having to buy a whole new machine.

>> No.20061039


I never considered the swapabble burrs, that's a great idea anon. I will look into it :)

I used to have a manual grinder and it was kinda lame having to manually break the coffee.. i did have a cheaper one, but i'm already used to my electrical grinder (even if its a bit ass)

>> No.20061233
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How good are the Baratza Encore/Virtuoso?
I know they are staples and they've been in the market for many years, so i'm wondering if they have been replaced by similarly priced grinders.

Like i said in the posts above i'm looking for something mainly for filtered coffee, V60, french press, moka.

My budget for this is hopefully under 300 USD (i don't live in the US so all coffee related equipment is a bit more expensive here).

>> No.20061248

Ok ffs something between $200 to $500

>> No.20061289

I will continue to shill the Eureka Mignon line over the Encore, they start at around $200 and if you catch them on sale like they were recently you can get one potentially even cheaper than the Encore brand new. For the price you get flat burrs (swappable though unfortunately not a standard size so only their burrs will fit), all-metal construction, a very capable motor, stepless grind adjustment, and a big modding community with lots of ideas and resources for improvement.

>> No.20061298
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>Start wanting to get into coffee
>Skim the threads here for a couple days
>Watching a youtube video about pour overs
>The guy does a fucking rubix cube in the middle of the fucking video while he's waiting on something
>My friend that's into coffee is an autist
>I'm an autist
Is being severely autistic a prerequisite for getting into this?

>> No.20061300

>see what’s his function ITT
I've given you advice on every piece of gear you've got, other than the broken moka pot you found on your own.

>> No.20061325

No, but it certainly helps

>> No.20061364

That guy is Lance Hendrick and he’s a faggot. Don’t listen to him.

>> No.20061394
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He does seem like a faggot so I am skeptical of his opinion on anything, I'm brand new to this so I'll continue skimming through different people and doing my own trial and error etc

>> No.20061422

Isn't Lance just some failed English major who decided being a huge faggot on Youtube who pretends to know shit about coffee was a good way to make money, just like Soychad with general cooking?

>> No.20061441

Coffee appeals to autists because it rewards precision and repetitive behaviour with consistently brewed coffee. Espresso and pour over require more precision than normal, although you can get reliably good coffee with just an Aeropress/French press and a set of weighing scales to consistently measure the amount of coffee and water.

>> No.20061486

He works for onyx as a wholesaler/q grader and trains competition baristas. Little closer to the industry than your average tuber.

>> No.20061501
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made wdt

>> No.20061513

Are you saing his living depends on you drinking his koolaid? Honest

>> No.20061523
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You can use a yogurt cup for wdt without spills

>> No.20061524

>my moka is broka
>The replacement is backordered
Delivery January 19, be still my heart!

>> No.20061534

Use acupuncture needles, something like thes:


>> No.20061542

I have no power but I just made a big cup coffee using my wood stove, cast iron kettle, a French press and a manual grinder.
Say something nice about my cup of coffee

>> No.20061557


i would like some pics caveanon

>> No.20061575
File: 1.87 MB, 3578x2759, 20240102_161647_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my kettle on top of my dirty wood stove

>> No.20061587

globohomoproof goffee setup

>> No.20061623


This is something the juice will never take away from you

>> No.20061627

No I'm saying he has gainful employment in the industry, independent from his patreon supported youtube. If you want some koolaid I believe he owns/has stake in lotuswater as well.

>> No.20061655

>coffee water kit
>60 dollars for some mineral standards

>> No.20061661
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>> No.20061678
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I’ve been making cold brew at home, but it uses a shit ton of coffee to make the concentrate. I used almost half a pound of ground coffee to make approx 12 oz of concentrate. Is that normal?

>> No.20061688

Price of convenience. Some tards pay $60+/lb for nespresso pods.

>> No.20061692

I don't know. I don't drink cold coffee like a heathen. Maybe try asking /ctg/. Those retards will probably know

>> No.20061702

>so retarded that it forgets it's part of /ctg/
classic retarded /ctg/ poster

>> No.20061706


learn how to make iced coffee for maximum flavor per coffee used.

I like cold brew, but iced coffee just beats it in many ways

>> No.20061809

Warming my machine in the morning and knowing I can have a coffee if I get out of bed is my only reason for getting out of bed

>> No.20061845
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>Rainbow alliance certifed beans
I'm new here, is there actually some sort of organization that pushes sodomy coffee? If that's the case then are there coffees that are racist Chud approved for gentlemen such as myself?

>> No.20061860

Black rifle coffee company

>> No.20061861

Black Rifle Coffee. /s

>> No.20061867

Yeah Folgers

>> No.20061882

>is there actually some sort of organization that pushes sodomy
The government of the Un*ted St*tes of Amer*ca

>> No.20061893
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>Black Rifle Coffee
I heard they're jewish and basically disavowed by Chud ally Kyle Rittenhouse so these guys don't seem to be racist Chud enough to be certified
Folgers is based when you're a blue collar racist Chud but I believe I have become a more sophisticated white collar racist Chud and I would like to explore more options

>> No.20061901

You have no options, you boof the Folgers or you're a jewish plant

>> No.20061909

You're right about BRCC. How about Defender Coffee?
>Defender Coffee was built on the belief that the right to bear arms is the most important, because without it we would lose all other rights. It’s what drives us and it’s the primary reason we created Defender Coffee. Our mission will always be to support our gun rights advocacy partners and share our profits with them.
They specifically call out the NRA too.

>> No.20061914
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I made goffee

>> No.20061915
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>you boof the Folgers or you're a jewish plant
Surely it can't be this over for racist Chuds such as myself, there has to be something out there to cater to my taste and also my moral convictions

>> No.20061941

Ferrara's finest

>> No.20061972


that's lovely anon. Is that a fellow ode in the background?

>> No.20061976

it is indeed. the second. much like frog anon i got swept up in goffee autism and recently made the purchase of a fellow ode, a hario and a kalita pourover for when i have guests (which is never)

>> No.20061984


i hope those upgraded burrs treat you well anon

>> No.20061987
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>much like frog anon i got swept up in goffee autism and recently made the purchase of a fellow ode, a hario
I literally got a hario, I have basically the same exact glass mug thing as you, and I'm planning on getting the Ode 2 soon
Your picture looks eerily similar to what I have/ will have

>> No.20061996

Got my first brewer (Clever) today, so I'm heading down to the bean store tomorrow to buy my first goff. So far I'm thinking a washed light roast, and a natural dark. What do you think I should get?

>> No.20062020 [DELETED] 

Beaten up by a spook named jamal

>> No.20062034

I found the timemore C2 for really cheap.

Should i buy it to upgrade from my bad cheap electric grinder?

>> No.20062042

Hey now, Chinese grinders aren’t that bad…

>> No.20062050

They are if you're an italian jingoist.

>> No.20062072 [DELETED] 

This nigga using a Chinese gay dating app

>> No.20062086

>reddit spacing
kill yourself

>> No.20062119

post it soon fren. are you gonna go black or white with your ode?

>> No.20062143

should have got the E&B Lab

>> No.20062148

that doesnt look like a gooseneck kettle

>> No.20062155
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made wdt

>> No.20062167

Probably black, it would match with muh kettle and scale

>> No.20062168

Good shit

>> No.20062181

how cheap?

>> No.20062187

>that feel when someone bought you the magnetic dosing funnel off your amazon wishlist for chrimbo but it's slightly loose on the portafilter and the magnets aren't very strong, so it's not as secure as the shitty 3D printed one you had been using

>> No.20062195

thanks the needles are swastika shaped

>> No.20062218

Nice. I made my own using sewing needles, bad choice because they were too short and too thick

>> No.20062222 [DELETED] 

You deserve everything you get you trash faggot

>> No.20062224


>> No.20062227

Is your current electric grinder a blade, ceramic burr or one of those fake metal powder burr grinder? If so then the C2 will probably be an upgrade.

>> No.20062247

Oh wow that looks great. You should post it on instagram.

>> No.20062249

>coffeefags claim that accurately measuring the weight of your beans is super important
>they only weigh the unground beans and rarely ever account for grinder retention, static mess and grinds that fall out of the portafilter during puck prep
>coffeefags claim that water temperature is super important
>they rarely account for temperature loss whilst pouring from the kettle, the fluctuations that happen with a simple boiler or the heat loss via the brewing device's material during the brew process
Starting to think that a lot of these miniscule "gains" are just placebo.

>> No.20062256

>not controlling a variable to 0.00001% precision is the same as not controlling it at all

>> No.20062264

>rarely ever account for grinder retention, static mess
The weight of my grounds cup is saved into my scale. Grind, weigh, hold tare to subtract saved weight. What u grind, What u get.
>grinds that fall out of the portafilter during puck prep
What the fuck are u talking about?

>> No.20062272
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Flair Pro 2 came in today. This is the third and final attempt for the day. Things went as follows.

Beans: Sidama Ethopia Single Origin Light Roast
Grinder: 1Zpresso JX Pro

1st pull - 14 grind size, 16g beans. 36g out over almost 2 minutes. Attempted to preinfuse at 3 bars, ramp up to 9, then slowly ramp back down to around 5. Could hardly push anything through the puck though and it was quite sour.

2nd pull - 17 grind size, 16g beans, 34g out. Attempted same pressure profile but things were just squirting out all over the place. Not good.

3rd pull, pictured - 15 grind size,16g beans, 36g out, about 45 second pull. Succeeded on the goal pressure profile. Shot still seemed a bit sour to me, but was acceptable overall. Need to figure out where to go from here.

>> No.20062283

>45 second pull
jesus christ anon dial that shit coarser

>> No.20062291

Implication being things should be pulling through quicker?

>> No.20062292

>grinder retention, static mess
this doesnt exist if you rdt
and if you are not doing rdt then you are doing it wrong
i know i only need to weigh the beans because what i put in will be what i get out every time
zero retention
zero static
zero mess
>they rarely account for temperature loss whilst pouring from the kettle
what the fuck are you talking about.
> the heat loss via the brewing device's material during the brew process
thats why is common practice to preheat brewing devices.

>> No.20062295

20-30 seconds for most beans (20 is rare, 30 is rare)

>> No.20062298

25-30 seconds is the normal timing you should be shooting for, and adjust from there depending on your beans. 45 seconds is slow as fuck

>> No.20062304

>it was so hard to push and it was sour
>yeh so anyway i did another with even finer grind and another after that with slightly less fine but still more fine than the first shot
fucking retard.

>> No.20062305

Hmmm, will give it a try. These are my first espresso pulls and I've been working from this video essentially.

>> No.20062311

Increasing numbers are a coarser grind on my grinder. No need to be a cunt, friend.

>> No.20062322

>Increasing numbers are a coarser grind on my grinder
sounds like a retarded fucking grinder to me
>No need to be a cunt, friend.
dont be a softie i just called you a retard
calm down

>> No.20062334

that guy looks like he fucks kids you should have trusted the physiognomy.
* preheat the basket correctly.
* if you have a manual grinder, rotate the grinder at a constant speed; a grind at 60 RPM is very different vs a grind at 180 RPM. when INITIALLY dialing in a bean, do short bursts of grinding and look in the catch to see how much chaff (white shit) there is and adjust accordingly before continuing. if there is none, you might be too fine. if there is some (or more), you might be too coarse.
* make sure your tamp isn't limp-wristed; tamping really hard adds nothing but you need to be full tamping every time.
* i usually calibrate to about 24 seconds for my first "real" shot and adjust from there.
* with a manual machine (flair, robot...), i usually do a short pre-infusion (5-10 seconds after a few drips), then 10 seconds at 7 bar and i taper down towards like 5.5 bar, depends on the bean.

>> No.20062435

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.20062442

do better then

>> No.20062462
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>> No.20062505

>please respond

>> No.20062511
File: 426 KB, 819x901, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom: We have nespresso at home
Nespresso at home:

>> No.20062520

>they only weigh the unground beans and rarely ever account for grinder retention, static mess and grinds that fall out of the portafilter during puck prep
Nigger what? I'm autistic as fuck about checking how much goes in vs comes out of the grinder and minimizing/accounting for retention, and I know I'm not the only one. There's a reason that low retention grinder design suddenly became the big goal everyone was chasing

>they rarely account for temperature loss whilst pouring from the kettle, the fluctuations that happen with a simple boiler or the heat loss via the brewing device's material during the brew process
You know you can just say you're retarded and you're making stuff up if you want to.

>> No.20062564

coffee people help me if I'm planning a coffee meet up with a woman should I pick somewhere common with lots of commercial locations (like starbucks) or try to find some artisan coffee shop? I never go out to drink coffee so I don't even know what the inside of a starbucks looks like. But I dont want to pick some weird hole in the wall location

>> No.20062570 [DELETED] 

I actually have one of these. Is there any reasonable way to use it without paying for the goyslop capsules?

>> No.20062576

take her on a trip to tuscany and offer her some coffee there. bitch will be lovin it

>> No.20062580


1000% go to an independent coffee shop. Hopefully look for a cafe that's also like a local roaster, that way you know they are fancy about their beans.

If they ask you what you want, don't ask for anything with milk, that's gay shit. Say something cool like "i want a v60" or "chemex please" if they ask for what beans you like, say you like kenya or etiopia. If they don't have that, just get the first shit they mention.

>> No.20062595

I really only drink black coffee so I was just going to get some basic cup. Maybe some sort of sweet bread side if they have them? I have no idea what I'm doing. If I pick a local shop I feel like I should go there alone and check it out but that also sounds super autistic

>> No.20062597
File: 457 KB, 1125x1115, 35D90A3E-7C7D-4B13-B8A6-3307A218FF59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.20062609



just relax anon, it's just a date. If you go overboard with everything going perfectly, you are putting that women in a pedestal and she's gonna notice your beta energy.

Just pick a place, order something you may like and enjoy the time with the woman.

>> No.20062621 [DELETED] 

Have an upvote, you beautiful bastard

>> No.20062628

people go to most of these places to read or work, you wouldn't be out of place alone

>> No.20062648
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Picrel is a step by step tutorial

>> No.20062722
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, Nespresso Refillable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't there stainless steel capsule that you can refill? As a sort of adapter?
I've seen a several systems where people use these refillable capsules.

Since i'm a Moka Pot user, i can't tell which capsule systems are covered by stainless steel capsules though.
There seem to be a whole bunch of different but nearly identical systems on the market.

>> No.20062736

Lately I've developed a taste for goyslop iced coffee like McD's or Dunkin's, but without any sugar or flavor, extra ice and cream only. I've also made a ritual of going to the 24/7 locations multiple times late each night (I'm a night owl) and aimlessly drive while sipping on them too. Not sure why I'm sharing this

>> No.20062744

Mola pot users should be maimed

Get out of my thread.

>> No.20062750 [DELETED] 

This is my thread you cunt faggot
Suck my fucking cock

>> No.20062757

Kill yourself

>> No.20062767

>Mola pot users should be maimed
I don't know Mola pot users, but if you happen to find one, ask him what a Mola pot is and tell us.

I myself stay with Moka Pot coffee and enjoy my superiority.

>> No.20062772 [DELETED] 

No you kill yourself

>> No.20062774 [DELETED] 

Moka pot sucks.
Also this dude >>20062757
Should kill himself

>> No.20062775

nothing quite like burnt bean

>> No.20062793

>we admit being too stupid to use a Moka Pot
At least you are honest. Stupid but honest.
You're just too retarded to use good coffee beans and a correct procedure. Which isn't even hard to do.
It's not rocket science.

>> No.20062850
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These things are trash, also they are nonsense because the ONLY reason why one would use Nespresso and other capsuled coffee is because of the extreme convenience.
1 click and you have a hot cup of coffee in 30~45 seconds.

If you need to grind, fill and tamp the stainless steel capsules + dial in to achieve shit coffee then the whole thing loses its purpose and I’ll say this: buy yourself a superautomatic machine because it’s the best of both worlds.

>> No.20062867

You're telling this to the wrong person but this anon >>20062570 asked for a solution to his problem.
I personally, would never touch a capsule system for the same reasons you mentioned.

>> No.20062877 [DELETED] 

You have gay buttsex with dudes

>> No.20062905

Quiet interesting what goes on in your head.
But since you seem to project your own homoerotic fantasies on other people, i guess you are a gay/tranny in denial. Aren't you?

>> No.20062941

I wish these piece-of-shit moka pot cunts would stop derailing this thread

>> No.20062950
File: 130 KB, 383x350, belle 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i don't know how much money i should pour-over into this bottomless filter of a hobby

>> No.20062966 [DELETED] 

It's not a hobby.
Gas station coffee is fine
There is no reason to make coffee at home

>> No.20062975
File: 85 KB, 839x768, 1658431426107062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no reason to make coffee at home
But what if I want a coffee and I'm at home

>> No.20062985

Do whatever you want
Just dont use a moka pot

>> No.20062989 [DELETED] 

Go to the gas station and get a coffee

>> No.20063006
File: 30 KB, 227x213, 1633533581414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to the gas station and get a coffee
Nigger I'm not walking down multiple flights of stairs, getting in a car and then driving at least half a mile, park car, walk inside, pour a cup of gas station coffee, paying for it, driving back, parking, and walk more stairs back inside every time I want a single fucking coffee

>> No.20063034

not a hobby

>> No.20063064
File: 143 KB, 590x1136, 20240103_154905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the op
Makes me unreasonably happy!

>> No.20063068

Get a moka pot.

>> No.20063100 [DELETED] 

Something about James Hoffmann bothers me.

>> No.20063129


>> No.20063130

He’s Anglo and inbred, he probably also lacks a soul just like all the other coffee youtubers

>> No.20063132 [DELETED] 

Then don't drink coffee. And don't refer to me as a criminal all drug dealing white woman raping gang shooting no 401k having America

>> No.20063133

Nebishy ageless lesbian jewish tilda swinton who takes coffee way too seriously

>> No.20063136
File: 259 KB, 2000x2000, 912E794F-27E4-41AC-843D-7B65F9F6E84F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20063138

Fancy dildo you got bubba

>> No.20063141

i was in the op once
i was so excited i called my mum

>> No.20063145
File: 74 KB, 1047x814, 1659883732354865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I'm new to this stuff and I just watched a video about them on 2x speed and my gut tells me it's kinda gay, plus I see anons here strongly disagreeing with you, why are they anti- moka pot and why are you pro- moka pot?

>> No.20063151
File: 173 KB, 1000x1500, 1691203883724719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes like an old chicken little

>> No.20063158

He's ugly as FUCK, has a shit haircut and a shitty wardrobe
Basically he's awful to look at and he's got nobody in his life to explain to him he should spend some time and money on looking less fucked up

>> No.20063164 [DELETED] 

Is a flair worth getting? 400 is a lot for that piece of Chinese garbage

>> No.20063167

>not part of the mokafam
it's your loss

>> No.20063169

People ITT get buttmad that FlairChads can make the same espresso they make on their $3000 Lelit Bianca for 1/10th of the same price.

>> No.20063172

They are anti-moka brigaders. Ignore them. I think the first step is determining how much coffee you plan on drinking. If you drink a lot something like a moka pot may not be worth your time.
I like his sweaters even if he looks like an old lesbian.

>> No.20063178 [DELETED] 

What kind of gay retard spends 3k on a coffee machine. Like nigga just go to the gas station

>> No.20063183


>> No.20063184 [DELETED] 

Flavor is shit. It under extracts and burns. Total Italian genocide

>> No.20063191


>> No.20063192

Lol @ this nigger using super light roasts on moka pot while complaining

>> No.20063195

I like drip coffee bc its lower tech and less work than a moka pot. I imagine cleanup is easier too.

>> No.20063196
File: 6 KB, 222x250, 1659224319761818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not part of the mokafam
>it's your loss
Well then redpill me on mokafam, anon
I'm still pretty new to this
>If you drink a lot something like a moka pot may not be worth your time.
That's what it seems like, I got a nice kettle and a V60 and I'm pretty happy for now
>Flavor is shit. It under extracts and burns. Total Italian genocide

>> No.20063198 [DELETED] 

Stop calling me a felon.

>> No.20063212

Moka pot is honestly for faggots

Pour overs are for contemplative types

The choice is simple. Are you a fag?

>> No.20063219 [DELETED] 

I would totally drug you and rape you in my basement
Any questions?

>> No.20063223

Yes, a few.
Can I see your cock and body? I might be open to it.
Can we have some pourover coffee after, bitch?

>> No.20063225 [DELETED] 

Ah a fellow moka pot user

>> No.20063230
File: 55 KB, 611x693, 1631302790045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a fag?
I am not
I guess that's why I started doing pour overs and didn't get a moka pot
I'm happy with how everything turned out

>> No.20063253

It would be nice.

>> No.20063258 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 656x656, 9Barista-unboxed2_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20063293

kill yourself

>> No.20063323

you are so fucking annoying
please leave

>> No.20063328 [DELETED] 


>> No.20063337

My mum doesn't care about anything I care about but I showed my fren :3

>> No.20063462


>> No.20063469
File: 3 KB, 334x86, samefagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to hurt yourself tonight mokaschizo.

>> No.20063495

Drinking Moka Pot coffee is the most based chad way of drinking coffee. Anyone pretending something other is gay and retarded.
But since there are some anti Moka Pot retards, that are too braindead to use a good coffee beans and the correct brewing procedure, they dismiss it as stupid.
So it's because of their own shortcomings and disabilities. Don't listen to them.

An example of a retard posting here is this:
>Flavor is shit. It under extracts and burns. Total Italian genocide.
No idiot, you are just too dumbfuck stupid to get it right.

>That's what it seems like, I got a nice kettle and a V60 and I'm pretty happy for now
There are Moka Pots for up to 16 cups of coffee if you need so.
You will find what you need without going gay filter coffee or buttsexpresso.

>> No.20063497

Using two phones or a phone and a computer doesn't make you a non-samefaggot.

>> No.20063499 [DELETED] 

You wanna fucking fight you cunt ass homosexual faggot?

>> No.20063502

Why, you already lost, since you are a gay faggot filtercoffee tranny.

>> No.20063526

This is what a healthy diet of aluminum does to your brain. Moka. Not even once.

>> No.20063535
File: 28 KB, 645x569, Skärmavbild 2024-01-03 kl. 08.55.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No scientifically proof of your claim.
Also, according to your retarded comments made, your brain got damaged by cocksucking.

>> No.20063539 [DELETED] 

Yo bitch you better stop talking shit cuz you gonna get hit faggot.

>> No.20063549

I know i'm feeding the troll here, but it's funny to see trannies like you get to the boiling point.
No wonder you trannies are bitter when temps are so high.

>> No.20063554
File: 111 KB, 796x884, ijms-24-07228-g001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No scientifically proof
>Aluminum is a ubiquitous neurotoxin highly enriched in our biosphere, and has been implicated in the etiology and pathology of multiple neurological diseases that involve inflammatory neural degeneration, behavioral impairment and cognitive decline.
>Absorbed via various routes, Al can display toxic properties, some of which can be associated with the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), alcohol use disorder (AUD), multiple sclerosis (MS), and dialysis encephalopathy (DE).
I really hope you're not the aussienon going through another manic episode.

>> No.20063578

>Aluminum is a ubiquitous neurotoxin highly enriched in our biosphere
So when it's already enriched in literally everything in nature, why are you retarding about drinking coffee from a moka pot?

Aluminium is THE MOST ABUNDANT metal (Bauxit) on planet earth. We would all be dead by now if only a fraction of what you're trying to say is true.
There are a several alloys out there. Some are prone to oxidation, some are not at all.

If you want to avoid getting aluminium oxide into your body, avoid the oxidating alloys and you're fine.

>> No.20063587

Most people avoid snorting quarry dust and ingesting rocks they find on the ground. Moka users are just special I guess.

>> No.20063594

Mokafags be cramming their hot pots uo their bungholes and calling it superior coffee. Disgusting, lecherous faggots that must be put down on sight

>> No.20063616
File: 20 KB, 364x308, Skärmavbild 2024-01-03 kl. 09.38.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards having no arguments.

Just give in you trannies, You lost the debate.

>> No.20063633

its a haiku you uncultured shitty fingernail

>> No.20063635 [DELETED] 

Why am I being called a franny on a food and cooking board in a thread about coffee?

>> No.20063637

>just get the first shit they mention.
they gave me something called 'd-caff'

>> No.20063639
File: 144 KB, 1230x1002, Not toxic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much about retards claiming Bialettis are toxic.
Fukkin idiots !!!

>> No.20063645

Because you deserved it. Also, it's you kind of anti bialetti idiots calling others gay for using moka pots.
Don't start a war you cannot win you idiot.

>> No.20063646

they think writing in bold text will get their point across, well I GOT random CAPS.

>> No.20063648 [DELETED] 

I didn't realize calling eachother trannies was a valid weapon in the moka pot wars

>> No.20063652

>gets btfo
>starts schizing

>> No.20063657

all that black COCK up your HOLE must be giving you the BRAIN damage.

>> No.20063675

good evening rabbi

>> No.20063680

Look, since aluminium is the most abundant metal on earth, it is to be found literally everywhere and in any food you consume. Wether it is cereals or vegetables.
You cannot seriously claim that using a moka pot is toxic while ignoring you getting a much higher level of intake through eating food of any kind.

It's like saying eating eggs is unhealthy because of miniscule nicotine traces found in eggs, while smoking 50 cigarettes a day.
Only idiots do this.

If you want to avoid the intake of Aluminium, move to fucking mars and stop eating.

>> No.20063681

I'm looking to get an electric grinder with the intention of getting an espresso machine at some point in the future, but I'd also like the ability to still grind for my Aeropress and maybe the odd French press using the same grinder. So I'd want something that has the granularity for espresso, while also having coarser settings available.

Looking at machines within my ideal budget (£200), the two main options that seem to satisfy my needs are the Fellow Opus and Baratza Encore ESP? Anyone have any experience with either of these, or any other machine at this price point? Would I see any significant improvement from increasing my budget a bit more?

>> No.20063691

Do you think neurotoxic means lethal?

>> No.20063693

food safe aluminium isnt toxic in any way shape or form

>> No.20063704

You should try not to derail the debate.
I know you went the jewish route of debating but stop this shit.

YOU are the one complaining about "muhh moka pot bad because of aluminium toxcicity". Not me.
I promise you, your daily intake of aluminium through all sorts of food is a hundred times higher that that what you get into your body using a Bialetti moka pot.

That's why i brought up the "egg / nicotine vs smoker" example.

>> No.20063709 [DELETED] 

Why is /ctg/ so woke on the jews but the rest of /ck/ is not?
Is there something about coffee that turns you into a racist nazi?

>> No.20063714

>oh vey goyim knows.
It's rather a question of why people on /ck/ are blind to the obvious.
Being 14/88 is a natural state of a white human being. Anything other is called brainwashing.

>> No.20063715

Moka pots suck dick for multiple reasons. Making you retarded is just one on the list.

>> No.20063717

yes its all that aloomin um in the pots.

in other news, just got a lot of flavour in an iced espresso shot. i havent gotten this much flavour in my hot variants with these beans, wth.

>> No.20063719

hating jews doesnt make you a nazi
being a nazi makes you a nazi

>> No.20063722

This thread is filled with italians, who are manlets with an obsession with fascism.

>> No.20063723

>Moka pots suck dick for multiple reasons.
Yet you have miserably failed to bring up a single reason.
I wonder why.

>Making you retarded is just one on the list.
If that's true, why am i the one winning the debate here?
You anti Moka Pot retards are just a joke.
But sure, stay with your over burned 100% robusta filter coffee bought for cheap at walmart.
If this makes you feel comfy ...

>> No.20063729

>This thread is filled with italians
there is 1 maybe 2 italians
most people here are not italian and hate italians

>> No.20063730

>This thread is filled with italians, who are manlets with an obsession with fascism.
Learn the fucking difference between NatSoc and Fascism.
But i fear you leftist murripoors will never learn.

I'm not italian.
Still Moka Pots are superior.

>> No.20063746
File: 2.89 MB, 1928x2787, PXL_20231226_042113910.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay with your over burned 100% robusta filter coffee bought for cheap at walmart
I drink $160/lb gesha. There is no debate.

>> No.20063759

Would give you so much more flavor with a moka Pot.

>> No.20063760

Like I said. Retarded.

>> No.20063762

/ctg/ is more gay and retarded than usual lately but see

>> No.20063776

It's retarded to buy a good coffee and not use a moka pot for it.
Wife and i had filter coffee for years until we bought a moka pot.
To this day, we never looked back to filter coffee or french press since it's tasting like watery bland shit compared to a moka pot brews.
Don't get this wrong, a french press coffee is still better than a filter coffee but a moka pot brew is better by magnitudes.

>> No.20063778
File: 2.66 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20240103_120136914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This old thing makes surprisingly tasty coffee. Will the old plastic give me cancer though?

>> No.20063787

not anymore than anything else will

>> No.20063794

it already did.

>> No.20063816
File: 176 KB, 750x715, 1680533219379942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20063861

What are the differences between the various Eureka Mignon grinders? Having a quick look at prices, the Crono seems to be the one that's priced around the same as the Encore ESP or Opus (in the UK at least), but that seems predominantly focused on coarser filter grinds rather than being a "jack-of-all-trades" grinder that can also dial in espresso.

>> No.20063960

There is no difference between them besides the switch type until you get into the models with larger burrs. The filtro and crono fine with their filter-focused burrs stock but they are entirely capable of grinding for espresso and if you want to you can purchase the espresso-focused burrs later down the road and easily swap them.

If you get one, just get the filtro it's the exact same as the crono but with a button you hold down instead of a timer switch. Buy a $0.50 rocker switch off Amazon and swap it out, takes 30 seconds with no soldering required. The timer switch is useless if you're single dosing like you should be anyway.

>> No.20063975

meant for >>20063861 in case that was unclear

>> No.20063991

I'll never leave and my moka pot shit posting has barely begun. Why don't you go tamp about it? Maybe filter your feelings with paper? LOL

>> No.20063999

If that thing's wrapped in as much plastic as it looks like it is then it's probably got way better thermal stability in the brew chamber than most drip machines, which is one of their main issues so I guess that might help with the end result a bit.

>> No.20064005

Do a grind size of 16 (1:1 grind to bean ratio)
Though the sour flavor could also be from using a shallow double-shot instead of a triple shot, the extraction is also influenced by the distance the water has to travel through the grinds

>> No.20064133
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, 17042931631425416883175162774079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2003 called, says it made you a cup of coffee

>> No.20064155
File: 285 KB, 1280x960, IMG_8101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Buono is here. :D

It’s nice and little, however I have one question.

Is it normal that the lid moves and isn’t fixed in place? If incline the kettle past a certain angolation if falls out, does it mean that I have to pour while holding the lid in place with the other hand?

>> No.20064166
File: 274 KB, 1034x1280, IMG_8102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

Yes it’s a retarded angle, but still my question remains.

>> No.20064178

No, it should fit snugly, contact Hario and they may send you a replacement. And the QC guy will have to commit harakari, a win-win.

>> No.20064208

I've got an electric one, but the build should be more or less the same, and my lid stays in.

>> No.20064211

uh oh, someone get the prime minister on the horn, he's gonna need to explain this shit

>> No.20064220

So cute.... i want one

>> No.20064224

This 7 old video shows that it’s normal.


>> No.20064230

>paying twice as much for basic ass kettle, Japan!

>> No.20064234


>> No.20064251

It was the cheapest one that was 100% stainless steel without cancerous external paints.

The other one I considered was this:


But it was 100% metal even the handle so I feared it could become hot on the stove, also I don’t usually buy Chinese products that will contain food/water I’m going to eat.

>> No.20064255

>without cancerous external paints
tell me, do you often boil water on the outside of your kettle?

>> No.20064258

I just bought one for half price


Thanks for the product recommendation fren. Wagmg (were all gonna make goffee)

>> No.20064260

>literally the second result when searching "steel kettle gooseneck"

>> No.20064265

>xir buys amazon goyslop

>> No.20064270

>also I don’t usually buy Chinese products that will contain food/water I’m going to eat
literally everything you buy comes from china in some way

>> No.20064277

>American Amazon

I’m not in America.


This is a Buono clone, made in china, and costs the same as the Hario. No reason to buy this apart from the thermometer which is not useful for me.

>> No.20064300

lmao rip shitalians, sorry bro

>> No.20064307

Fuck yeah tell that shitalian, who doesn't wash his hands after taking a shit, to suck your cock. Rekt

>> No.20064346

Nice Freudian slip my faggot friend

>> No.20064354

handle potentially getting hot is easily remedied by just using a tea towel, but the welds on that handle look iffy as fuck from the pictures.

>> No.20064390

i often rub my cock unprotected along the side of mine.

>> No.20064403
File: 350 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_8105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon, since the Buono was like 17€ more I just thought let’s buy this one made with superior Japanese steel folded 100 times and be done with it.
I like Japanese products.

>> No.20064406

High IQ take.

>> No.20064415

Holy based Lexus Chad.

>> No.20064425

just an observation, buy what you want based weeb giueseppe, I kneel

>> No.20064434

It’s on anon, I’m still inquiring Hario (Europe) to see what they have to say.
I chatted with an Albanian woman and after 15 minutes she said “I’ll need to ask to my boss, leave me your email”.

Hario HQ in Japan won’t like this. People will die because of this.

>> No.20064438

*It’s ok


>> No.20064443

Oh it's definitely on. You bring the emperor's wrath down on those dishonorable gaijin fucks, how dare they tarnish the proud Hario heritage they have worked for 1000 generations to fold over 1 mirrion time and forge into a brand of the highest possible quality.

>> No.20064446

Around the dripper itself there is this egg-shaped layer of plastic, so maybe that helps.

>> No.20064509

>To this day, we never looked back to filter coffee or french press since it's tasting like watery bland shit compared to a moka pot brews.
the absolute state of the American 'palate'

>> No.20064516

I have contacted hario and alfarto trabeezy to ask about an RMA I'll lie about in 2 weeks.

>> No.20064542

Don’t listen to the retarded replies. The Flair Pro 2 is different than the average espresso machine. 45s pulls are normal assuming you’re doing a 10s preinfusion or something similar. For a light roast the times might even get longer. If your shot is still sour you need to grind finer or increase volume extracted. I’ve tried 1:3 ratios with light roasts on my Flair Pro 2 with great success. I would advise something similar here.

>> No.20064546

if you're doing a 10 second preinfusion why in the fuck would you include that in the overall pull time without specifying as such?

>> No.20064559
File: 2.09 MB, 4624x2604, 20240103_124532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goffee and fall guys

>> No.20064560

Just had my second goff of the day, cortadochads report

>> No.20064567

Fun fact: Alberto sells Hario kettles and other products.


>> No.20064596

Holy based

>> No.20064621
File: 617 KB, 1125x992, IMG_8107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alberto only sells the best product from 3 countries
>Italian moka pots made by artisans with his own brand
>German Comandante grinders
>Japanese Hario products

I see a pattern here

>> No.20064630

>Tfw can't afford to buy grinder or kettle from the only man I'll ever truly love
This will be a stain on my dyslexic life.

>> No.20064644

All three countries are famous for providing overpriced goods that sell on brand name/prestige alone rather than actual quality?

>> No.20064645

italy being a bitch repeating itself

>> No.20064673

Leeching off more successful countries. Tale as old as time.

>> No.20064688

imagine ever allowing an insecure retard like pussylini to come into power

>> No.20064705

>schizo schizo there aren’t coordinated groups of hook nosed “people” who endlessly post OT messages and derail the conversation with insults
>take your meds hahahaha
>meanwhile 30+ posts get deleted overnight

Oh moshe…I can already feel the warmth of the ovens getting ready

>> No.20064706

They bitched out of world war 1 then turned on their allies the second the US offered to cut them out some more land. The Italian people bitched and moaned for more handouts leading to the rise of pussylini and subsequent embarrassment on the world stage. Truly an illustrious people.

>> No.20064733

I'm pretty sure hario kettles are made in china

>> No.20064771

He bought it on Amazon which is widely known for never selling counterfeit products. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.20064779

I'm not even talking about counterfeits, I'm talking about official hario stuff. They'll always list "japanese design" on the product page, but not "made in japan".

>> No.20064794
File: 592 KB, 1515x753, buono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes 10 seconds to check this shit before you post it

>> No.20064803
File: 441 KB, 1359x836, 1704310292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some models seem to be made in china, some in japan.

>> No.20064809

I know. I'm saying products that are made in China are also frequently knocked off in China and sold at higher margins through large e-commerce platforms like zon.
Don't worry you got the good one. Those lids are designed to not fit and fall out. It's part of the charm.

>> No.20064810
File: 390 KB, 1494x760, weebsonsudokuwatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wtf Hario

>> No.20064825

I just bought this.. I wonder if it will be made in China or Japan. I do question whether or not anyone could be able to tell any difference in quality.

My understanding is that just because something is Chinese doesnt mean the build quality is any lower necessarily. I imagine Hario has a certain standard for products regardless of origin

>> No.20064831

The fact that they have different models of the same product listed as made in china or made in japan indicates that they no longer give a fuck and are just trying to hold onto the ability to claim they still make things in japan. Chances are literally everything they're selling outside of Japan is from China, even the products listed as made in Japan.

>> No.20064851

Do you think hario has a representative checking every product they contract out to random Chinese factories?
>no longer give a fuck
They've been having shit made in China for 15+ years. Started off with the cheaper glassware like shot glasses and measuring cups. Stuff they didn't want to bog down their jap factory with.

>> No.20064868

>company has been steadily moving production of products to China over time, now makes most of their shit there but people don't make a big deal about it because it's happened gradually
okay, so exactly what I said then?

>> No.20064897

Company makes their cheaper shit in china. Customers confused when cheap shit is chinese. They don't make their lab glass products in china. They don't make their copper kettles or v60s in china. Even the plastic v60s are still jap.

>> No.20064921

>$50 kettle
>Cheaper shit
pick one
If the guy making the kettle is a chinaman paid a bowl of rice per day, why are we paying the same price as the one made in Japan?

>> No.20064926

China can make quality stuff, but if a company is exporting their production to china they're doing it to cut corners for profit margins to begin with so they're not gonna get the best, they're gonna get the cheapest they can afford to.

>> No.20064933

>same product

>> No.20064938

>$50 is expensive
Do better.

>> No.20064948

damn, the japanese cant catch a break

>> No.20064957

>Samefagging, irrelevant replies
Here are your (you)s, now stop phone posting and go back to /r/coffee.

>> No.20064960


>> No.20064962

What's the easiest and most consistent V60 method please I'm getting tired of changing no factors in 2 brews and having one taste amazing and the other taste shit.

>> No.20064964

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.20064969

Too poor to join the Fellow Family?

>> No.20064970

I'm aware. Little out of your price range, but thats what it takes to get a lid that actually fits.

>> No.20064977

>cortadochads report
i need to unfuck my schedule from holiday time to normal time
this morning is just an apple cinnamon danish and a glass of milk

>> No.20064980

for a 1 cup v60?

>> No.20064983

If the one I bought is faulty I will cry

>> No.20064985
File: 144 KB, 1001x1001, IMG_8108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which,

I measured the hole under the Buono (1 liter) lid and it’s 7.3 cm, so these strainers fit: https://amzn.eu/d/7GYlzAB


I’ll probably order the bigger ones (11 cm) just to be sure.

Alternatively I have pic related to steam veggies and it works too.

>> No.20064997

The sink screen looks nicer

>> No.20065000
File: 617 KB, 1125x1843, IMG_8109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending this much for a fucking kettle.

It’s literally half of what I paid for my grinder, it’s a fucking kettle I repeat. A stainless steel pan with a gooseneck spout and a $3 thermometer.

You Reddit coffee autists are the reason why everything is so overpriced

>> No.20065005

>literally half of what I paid for my grinder
Do. Better.

>> No.20065027

>different models of the same product
yes, two kettles in the same style with the same name in different sizes are variations of the same product, retard

>> No.20065032

It's easy enough to buy the one you want that's made in Japan is what anon was trying to say I think. Youre not gonna buy something advertised as being japanese made and get a chinese made one instead

>> No.20065035

I love my JX Pro S and there’s nothing you can do to change my mind.
For 179€ I’m able to do everything I want from Turkish coffee to cold brew, it feels good.

>> No.20065049
File: 314 KB, 1920x1080, 17043150238792174765653312314998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 1zpresso J came in today. Are there any differences other than how close the clicks are?
>First impressions
This thing is fugly and I'm pretty confident they put weights in it to make it feel like it's more valuable. Hopefully it grinnds well, it's replacing a Bodum electric grinder.

>> No.20065051
File: 209 KB, 2047x2048, 051-Kinu-Phoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've already established you like chinese knockoffs.

>> No.20065064 [DELETED] 

Kill. Yourself. Nigger.

>> No.20065070

>Youre not gonna buy something advertised as being japanese made and get a chinese made one instead
Oh yes, a company would never lie about where something is made

>> No.20065088

>the law NEVER protects you

>> No.20065096

>Hello polizia? I bought some junk on serbian amazon can you help?

>> No.20065132

The JX Pro has 12.5 micron movements each click whereas the J 25 micron, so the latter isn't suited for espresso.


I envy the new catch cup on the new J because on mine most of the times I grind it unscrews and rattles, it's annoying.

>> No.20065168

1ZPresso website and lineup is a fucking mess and you don't understand half of the specifics of their products holy hell.
Also for some reason on Amazon the reviews of the JX-Pro S now are visible on the JE-Plus while the first disappeared from the store, what the fuck.

>> No.20065188
File: 258 KB, 1094x1055, 1635449850354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any recommendations for where I could find some based and trad looking ceramic coffee mugs? Perhaps something kinda old timey and unique looking

>> No.20065243

Make them yourself

>> No.20065250

Etsy is good, so is ebay

>> No.20065279

Thanks chatgpt anon. Solid contribution.
>Have you checked the internet?
Its usually like $20 to ship an order to the states but its 2 day dhl. Snag a few things to make it sting less.

>> No.20065282
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, 1678214476350324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.20065287

what size are you looking for? There's some halfway decent options on Amazon depending on your style preferences, I've got a set of these

>> No.20065301
File: 271 KB, 657x527, 1635470777480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the response so far, these look a little too minimalistic and I would probably be looking at something earth toned like dark brown, dark green, etc

>> No.20065304

can't go wrong with some amber glass stuff if you like retro and earthy

>> No.20065315

That looks pretty cool, I think I would need to stick to ceramic for the heat retention but thanks for the recommendation anon

>> No.20065323
File: 91 KB, 800x1066, L1350101_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I figured of all of those colors/styles the earth red arita39 would be the most up your alley. If you want to go real vintage you could look up some mccoys. I've got 2 of these left from a set of 6 that my grandma bought in like 75.

>> No.20065335

Lol he asked for good source, those are good sources. He didn't ask for postmodern Japanese junk... A traditional mug definitely doesn't have an X on its own as a word in the name and definitely isnt named after anyone who stylizes their name all capital.
These are trad mugs. I didn't look past your first link but it wasn't based and it wasn't trad...

>> No.20065344

I've seen some amber or smoked glass stuff that's double-walled, though they're less common.

>> No.20065367
File: 261 KB, 1500x1657, 1667169319044497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These seem pretty trad but they're also grandmother pilled
I'm pretty set on dark earth tone stuff but I do appreciate your recommendation, anon

>> No.20065369

Pre 13th amendment family heirloom cup of course.

>> No.20065374

Yeah I'm sure the guy wants kitschy lead painted junk.

>> No.20065394
File: 43 KB, 711x633, 1636003033822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pre 13th amendment family heirloom cup
Ooooo, these look nice, I'll take a look at some of these, thanks anon

>> No.20065419


>> No.20065488

Since when am i american?

>> No.20065534
File: 555 KB, 800x600, 1702935617231644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shitpost comfy op image
>thread doesn't last more than a day