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20055359 No.20055359 [Reply] [Original]

How do you top your mac and cheese?

>> No.20055363

Sausage and Rotel.

>> No.20055384

Man I only ever used Ro-Tel to make that questionable nacho cheese dip. Never thought about putting it in mac and cheese. Seems worth trying

>> No.20055392

Bacon bits and bread crumbs

>> No.20055400

green onions

>> No.20055402

>adding more poison to already poisonous pasta


>> No.20055407
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Olive oil-soaked toasted bread crumbs are great on pizza. And your description of bread as “poison” suggests some mental instability on your part

>> No.20055410
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>> No.20055428

Remove pasta, add mozzarella, goulda or gruyere, ricotta or some combination of cheeses, add hot Italian sausage, ground beef, pepperoni, caramelized onions and lots of bacon. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes, 3 minutes under the broiler, take out, then chop up a single scallion on top. Voila.

Much healthier too.

>> No.20055436

It is no longer macaroni and cheese at that point. Your contribution is discarded.

>> No.20055446

It's a healthier version. Stop being a fatty.

What you can always do is just throw 15 or so pieces of macaroni in there 10 minutes into baking and stir. There should be more than enough moisture in there to cook them up good if you are die hard wanna get fat or need cheap filler if you are poor.

>> No.20055461
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>> No.20055462

Macaroni and cheese is recognized by all non-insane people as a comfort food, and there is no obligation to eat it healthily.

>> No.20055481

Apart from removing pasta, this seems like a decent enough list of additions. I definitely need to try adding onion, next time I make it.

Will second the Gruyere recommendation. It works wonders in mac and cheese.

>It's a healthier version
It's not a "version" at all. Macaroni and cheese without the pasta is like a vodka without alcohol.

>> No.20055493

Why did you post a picture of someone who takes steroids?

>> No.20055515


>> No.20055533

Tuna and Peas simple as

>> No.20055643

Is that RedHot or Texas Pete? Cayenne pepper sauce with garlic is kino, especially on and in Mac N Cheese. I like tomato-based salsa on mac n cheese, particularly baked mac n cheese.
Your cretinous ideology is poisonous to society. You and people like you are causing irreversible damage to your fellow Man, unlike the innocent pasta that you so despise.

>> No.20055668

>hating on carbs
Double cringe

>> No.20055671

>that body

>> No.20055685


Kek this anon doesn't know some people do gear and look absolutely awful. It's not the cheat code most think it is.

>> No.20056129

smoked paprika goes pretty well. little heat, little smokiness.

>> No.20056153

gotta be 18+ to post here champ

>> No.20056185

I usually don't. It's a lazy side dish that doesn't need anything on top, really. Sometimes I'll saute some minced onions and/or garlic, maybe reduce a little wine before adding the cream and cheese, maybe toss some herbs in, but I seldom get that fancy with it. I also don't buy the boxed stuff with that nasty powder. I never understood the appeal.

>> No.20056190

>makes you poop out blood

>> No.20056213

I use linguica and red bell pepper. Also garlic and onion powder, salt & pepper (of course), and a dash of cayenne.

>> No.20056218

Black pepper and sometimes crushed red pepper, sometimes tabasco, sometimes black truffle powder or truffle salt. Always box mix powder or squeeze cheeze, always al dente and eaten quickly while it's still runny. Yours is lookin pretty good, OP.

>> No.20056234

canned clams or tuna

>> No.20056662

:( I hate it but I miss it.

>> No.20056756

cubed spam that's crisped up

>> No.20056766

doggy style

>> No.20056778

My wife's bull's load, usually. Sometimes I dice a small mater and a squirt of Sriracha.

>> No.20057121

i don’t top my mac and cheese, i like to bottom

>> No.20057122

jokes aside
grated raleqtambrobrét compliments mac and cheese better than anything

>> No.20057361

Macaroni is too hard for my stomach because I don't want to shit blood.

>> No.20057362

You okay man

>> No.20057364

I'm Joseph man

>> No.20057379

you never will anyway because you'll truly never be a woman no matter how hard you try

>> No.20057390

Thank Liru for that! Praise her!

Why are you obsessed with shipping guys that want to be women? Projection much? Get help. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.20057845

Its not mac and cheese without the mac

>> No.20057851


>> No.20057854

That's like saying a healthy pastaless version of lasagna isn't lasagna. That's crazy.

>> No.20058231

>my chocolate bar made entirely of soap and wood shavings is still chocolate

>> No.20058247

That'd just be a soup of cheese, tomato sauce, and hopefully ground beef. You are stupid and I'm taking your bait, therefore I, too, am stupid.

>> No.20058250
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Your crazy is the rest of the world’s sanity

>> No.20058291

Diced hot dogs would work too and are probably cheaper by weight than Spam at this point

>> No.20058329

Nobody is taking about money

>> No.20058387

It's like no one here has heard of low carb foods. I've made crustless pizza, pastaless lasagna etc.

>> No.20058392

Why is it so hard for you to understand that, when you remove a key element of a dish, it ceases to be that dish. Simply insisting that it still is that dish doesn’t make it true

>> No.20058393
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>"healthy version" of cereal and milk
>remove cereal
>just a bowl of milk
>wala, low carb cereal and milk
this is how stupid you sound

>> No.20058399
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I think this guy you're arguing with is the same retard I argued with about light sour cream not being actual sour cream. That became a headache of food definitions, labeling laws, and hardcore autism.
Hot 70s chick is not related.

>> No.20058432

bacon bits, sometimes cut up hot dogs/mini smokies and peas.

>> No.20058483

can of tuna
texas pete
more cheese

>> No.20058491

If you remove the bread from those hot dogs it's still a hot dog.

BAM! I accept your concession.

>> No.20058503
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>> No.20058516

That’s because the term “hot dog” is commonly understood to refer to either hot dog + bun or just the hot dog meat-tube. No such understanding exists for macaroni and cheese, except in the minds of insane people

>> No.20058547
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S'cuse me while I make my healthier version of Ramen.

>> No.20058678

Make macaroni out of meat or egg and that will make it healthier.

>> No.20058799

Cumin, cayenne, and some garlic and onion powder

>> No.20058805

Panko breading and pulled pork.

>> No.20058806

what the fuck does wala mean

>> No.20058816

It's an alternative spelling of voiller

>> No.20058843

Don't expect intelligent replies from an idiot.

>> No.20059074
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We can remove the unhealthy high-carb apple peels, and replace them with meat!

>> No.20059080


>> No.20059088

Tuna mac was an unhealthy bachelor comfort food.
Mostly because I'd be ashamed to eat it in front of other people.
Also throw some hot sauce on top or sprinkle a little bit of old bay.

>> No.20059124

Tuna casserole is great and healthy. I make it all the time. It's not a comfort bachelor food it's literally an American staple from the 70s. It's even better making Tuna casserole without the pasta.

>> No.20059185


>> No.20059205

My ol lady made homemade mac n cheese earlier and chili so we had bowls of the Mac topped with the chili. It was pretty amazing could have used something w crunch tho like tortilla chips crushed or Doritos mixed in

>> No.20059274

Ketchup in
Garlic powder in
Chili powder in
Chopped up hot dogs in
Wa la

>> No.20059309

If I'm feeling like a pig, put some tortilla chips in it. If I'm lazy enough to consider making macaroni, but too lazy to make a full meal, I'll usually put some beef in it with a hot sauce.

>> No.20059616

Pasta Belissimo from penzeys spices but they don't fucking sell it anymore so I'm using like a ten year old bottle

>> No.20059776


>> No.20060364

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Intestines?

>> No.20060376
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>> No.20060377
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What pasta?

>> No.20060396
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>> No.20060399
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>> No.20060403
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Not into words and language eh?

>> No.20060404
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I think they "Feel" like it is the same thing.

>> No.20060405

>I've made crustless pizza, pastaless lasagna
if by crustless you mean the outside edge of bread I can see that, but lasagna can't be made without pasta. Whatever you made you may have enjoyed but it wasn't lasagna. And if by crustless pizza you mean no bread or dough at all then you also didn't make pizza.

>> No.20060406
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Mmmm fur burgers.

>> No.20060546

Anon, what you're discussing is as oxymoronic as halal pork chops or vegan steaks.

You can attempt to make substitutes for those dishes, but substitutes are never the real thing no matter how hard you try.