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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.28 MB, 1125x1075, IMG_9177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20057859 No.20057859 [Reply] [Original]

This was $42.
>just eat beans bro it’s cheap
When does it start being cheap?
I can barely afford to eat the ‘cheapest’ stuff in America now.

>> No.20057864

aside from the coconut milk cant see how thats 42 buckaroos (Still the Strongest currency on the planet btw)

>> No.20057871

Have you made anything with these beans yet?

>> No.20057884

where in the fuck do you spend 42 dollars for that? alaska?
either that or you paid 15 dollars for coconut milk

>> No.20057889

>where in the fuck do you spend 42 dollars for that? alaska?
Considering that he's buying canned cod livers shipped from russia, yeah

>> No.20057890

whole foods shopper moment

>> No.20057891

All food is expensive now, I bet the average person spends ~$5000/person/year on food alone
Bulk beans/rice/eggs/milk are more than enough to survive but it still isn't cheap like it was in the 2000s

>> No.20057897

Not yet, I literally just bought them. I’ve been making mayocabo beans a lot recently, been doing them up like you would the urad dal in a dal makahni-type dish, also been doing a lot of chickpea/cannellini beans as a braised bean in sage and rosemary with bread as filler.
Most served on cornbread or rice.
Cod liver was my splurge because it’s something nice on rice.
Right? It was the only coconut milk on the shelf without guar gum and I don’t really think a stabilizer is needed in coconut milk.

>> No.20057907

Buy beans from the bulk section not the little bags

>> No.20057914
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>> No.20057918

That's like a month's worth of beans.
Where is your bulk masoor dal?
Bulk toor dal?
One 10kg bag of masoor dal will be cheaper and more food than all those little bags

>> No.20057922

Urad dal is unfortunately the best of all the dal.

>> No.20057950

It wasn’t Whole Foods. I wouldn’t be annoyed if this was my total from shopping there, but this is an average ass grocery store.

>> No.20057975

why are you buying small bags like you're buying bulk? of course you're going to miss out on savings you complete dingus!

>> No.20057977

>oh no I spent $35 on imported russian cod livers and organic coconut milk why is life so unfair
you did this to yourself, faggot.

>> No.20057979

>$2.59 for cod
>$3.39 for coconut oil without added garbage

I’d buy bigger bags if the stores had them

>> No.20057988

Why don't you just shut the fuck up you stupid grocery troon? Nobody gives a fuck that your estrogen supplements were more expensive this year

>> No.20057999

>trannies out of fucking nowhere

>> No.20058008
File: 30 KB, 1049x439, chickpea prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying chickpeas

>> No.20058013

I always buy high, fuck me

>> No.20058027

Hey, what's the difference between a chick pea and a garbanzo bean?

>> No.20058029

Is this a joke setup?

>> No.20058099

garbanzo deez nutz

>> No.20058233
File: 52 KB, 1500x1000, dried-bean-conversions-measurements-1388322-final_edit-5b8460bec9e77c00250aa115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 pounds of dry beans
Enjoy your 6 gallons of rehydrated beans. How long were you planning to take to go through all that? If you ate 1 cup of rehydrated beans per meal, that's 96 meals. That's pretty good. Hope you enjoy your beans, anon.

>> No.20058246

Bruh those breans are only enough for 3 days.

>> No.20058256

You eat over 5lb of dried beans per day? Maybe consider hitting up a restaurant supply store like a US Foods and buy 50lb bags at a time.

>> No.20058258

>a heaping 1/2 cup

>> No.20058302

I can't read that word without thinking of mayonnaise and a limp, glossy hand now thanks to this board.

>> No.20058353

I go through a gallon and a half of beans a week

>> No.20059022
File: 119 KB, 943x805, 1676934178452567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based money saver. I'm right there with you anon. We've got to beat this inflation somehow right my guys?
>inb4 muh poorfag
Whether you have money or not, you shouldn't allow yourself to get assraped by the grocery Jew.

>> No.20059026
File: 89 KB, 540x250, 1673543316684326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 42
you lied to us anon. I can't believe you would come on 4chan and LIE

>> No.20059030

I'd like to know why they were so cheap at the end of '22...

>> No.20059036

oh boy another russian shill crying about america

>> No.20059260

Maybe you’re just retarded and should start shopping at Aldi or whatever

>> No.20059281

Literally a pic of my receipt, this is middle America, >>20057914 you deserve what’s coming for you.
I was shopping at Aldi almost exclusively for awhile during the darkest bits of my depression, now that I’m actually cooking for myself again I find them to be of little use because most of their food, at least where I’m at, is highly processed, heat and eat stuffs, and everything else was either super limited or of such poor quality, desu

>> No.20059283

foodbank cant give away enough of that shit. go there once and ask everyone for their dry beans. if only 1/4 of the people gave you theres you would still end up with a lifetime supply.
fresh produce, though, is entirely dependant on whether your foodbank sucks or not.

>> No.20059288

I’m genuinely considering going to a food bank. My rent takes up an entire check, regular life expenses take up half of another, the rest goes towards food currently and I have cut back on literally everything else in my life so I don’t starve.

>> No.20059289

Okay, so you spent $42, but how many meals will you get out of that?

>> No.20059292

So go
They want you to take their shit
They have too much shit, take some

>> No.20059300

I’ve never been and it feels weird, but it’s gotten to a bad point and I think I have to. I’ll probably go this month.

>> No.20059310

I need to account for rice, cornbread, chicken, and frozen vegetables, but add another $40 to that and I think I could barely stretch out a month’s worth of food. And this is bare minimum

>> No.20059321

I want to go, but I drive a Tesla and I can't properly blend in as a poorfag

>> No.20059346

They legit don't care, they don't want to trash the food
My aunt is a rich retired Boeing engineer and she both volunteers at, and almost exclusively eats from, a food bank

>> No.20059355

Here, I did the math on how long JUST THE BEANS will last for you and what the final per meal and per day costs will be:

1 cup (200g) of those mayocoba beans is 680 calories and 28g of protein. If you're eating 3 meals in a day this could easily be one meal on its own. 200g of any of the beans will have about that many calories and about that much protein with some small variation. Let's assume you just eat 200g of cooked beans with nothing else for the sake of this exercise every meal:

3628g of mayocoba beans @ 200g per meal = 18.14 meals
908g of chick peas @ 200g per meal = 4.54 meals
1800g of whole matpe beans @ 200g per meal = 9 meals
454g of lentils @ 200g per meal = 2.27 meals
454g of baby lima beans @ 200g per meal = 2.27 meals
$42 over 36.22 meals = $1.16 per meal times 3 meals = $3.48 per day

And I didn't even account for using the coconut milk, cod livers, or onions. Use those things in your meals to boost nutrition and make your meals heartier and better tasting and the price per meal only goes down from there. So yes, you had to put down $42 up front, but it will last 2 weeks at 3 meals per day and work out to less than $3.50 per day. And some things you don't have to rebuy every time, like those onions and livers that will certainly last longer than the beans acting as your staple. It would also be inexpensive to add rice into the mix to make your meals even better and more filling and stretch the food even further.

>> No.20059383
File: 391 KB, 1080x2199, Screenshot_20240101-190602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

36.42 on walmart.com using Walmart brand for everything possible
Didnt see 4lb bags of the mayocoba tho, had to buy 8 1lb bags, that would have knocked another $1-2 off

>> No.20059390

>3 weeks of beans, 3 meals a day... That's 21 days straight eating 63 meals of nothing but beans and some coconut milk for spice
Imagine the smell

>> No.20059403

I spent $20 on 4 pints of ice cream, 4 drinks, and a pack of ice cream sandwiches today for the family. I was expecting it to be more but Hagen Daas was on sale.

>> No.20059408

Just go in and act humble. If you give off an air of not wanting to take from a food bank they won't see you as some predator. If they ask questions just be honest that money's tight and food is too expensive next to your other bills.

>> No.20059411

I like fish but never had cod livers. Do you eat them like any other tinned fish?

>> No.20059414

Why are you buying weird exotic fancy beans instead of regular cheap pinto beans?

>> No.20059915


These mfs bean maxxing

>> No.20059922

they dont care. There are a million reasons why a person driving a Tesla suddenly needs to use a foodbank.

>> No.20059979

That's a pretty decent haul, food is just twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.

>> No.20059984

Maybe it's different where you are, but in my area, staples like beans, rice, pasta, etc. and some produce is as good or better than in normal grocery stores. In fact, it's the highly processed junk that tends to be of lower quality at Aldi.

>> No.20060018


>> No.20060020

That cost you $20 tops. Coconut milk 3 dollars a can. Onions 3 dollars a pound. Suck a fart out of my ass.

>> No.20060027

Thats going to last you months. I just made 2 lbs of lentils and froze half

>> No.20060036

I've never paid to have a garbanzo bean in my mouth.

>> No.20060041

Yeah I don’t believe you. Post the receipt.

>> No.20060117

grow your own beans that's what I do

>> No.20060129

42 bucks for like 15 pounds of beans is pretty good, especially since a single person only needs about 4oz of dried beans per meal (weight approximately doubles with cooking). So, you've got about 60 meals worth of beans right there costing only seventy cents per meal portion.

>> No.20060137

well sonny, the fault is inflation caused by the Demonrat infestation (no, I BiDON't), if we had based Reucklicans we could slash social services and provide tax loopholes to the wealthy to lower store prices whilst still funding Israeli genocide and Ukrainian MIC laundering, we wouldn't be in this debacle. Those senators need returns in their portfolios, you know?

>> No.20060146

we need the social services for the ten million illegals idiot

>> No.20060211

This was absolutely not 42 fucking dollars.

>> No.20060217

the receipts in the middle of the thread mr. magoo

>> No.20060229

Just buy bulk next time.

>> No.20060305

>at least 2.5 million crossed in 2023 alone
It's far more than 10 million, anon. Why do you think the beans are so expensive now?

>> No.20060329

Ah my bad I should just eat dogshit because I’m poor

>> No.20060334

They’re a nice switch up if you like very fatty and rich fish.

>> No.20060339

Y’all retards blind or something? >>20057914

>> No.20060341

Perhaps it cost 42 Pesos, Juan.

>> No.20060367

Receipt’s right here >>20060341

>> No.20060370

Where are your papers, Gringo?

>> No.20060371

are there any good books that are just bean recipes?

>> No.20060390

If you're paying three and a half bucks for a can of coconutmilk I don't want to see you blaming the beans for your shitty budget.

>> No.20060397
File: 93 KB, 500x375, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys the fancy stuff instead of staples
>complains about price
Pick one faggot.
A bean is a bean. Nutritionally there's no difference
Indians eat the obscure beans you're buying not because they're fancy, it's because they're the cheapest and most common beans to grow where they're living. You should do the same.

>> No.20060415

Rebuttal:pinto beans are objectively gross and bad tasting.

>> No.20060438


>> No.20060450

Objection: you're a faggot and your opinion has been discarded.

>> No.20060455

i like pinto and navy but not black

>> No.20060461

36 dollars for a bunch if beans isnt really great value

>> No.20060701

>8 pounds of beans ($12)

You're literally drunk and retarded. You got $6 of coconut milk and 16 pounds of beans.

>> No.20060707

>You're literally drunk and retarded
Ya, so what of it?

>> No.20060723

Lmao do Americans really? Kek

>> No.20060726

Alright fair enough enjoy your day

>> No.20060847
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, C601920E-408F-4C97-8F6E-114AE75F4CB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my grocery haul

guess how much

>> No.20060939

bulk sections were deleted during the memedemic and are not returning

>> No.20060970

24 dollars

>> No.20060976

>(Still the Strongest currency on the planet btw)
Kek it really isn't

>> No.20061008

I'm still fucking pissed about this.

>> No.20061030

buy bulk online

>> No.20061033

Americans too poor for beans now lol

>> No.20061049

>order anything online in 2024
>is shipped fake chinesium garbage

>> No.20061090

You're shopping at the wrong places. Warehouse clubs, restaurant supply stores, ethnic markets, and the intarwebs still have plenty of bulk options.

>> No.20061103

37 american doras

>> No.20061207

Here's the trick guys. Stop going to your regular ass grocery store's like Albertson's, Vonn's etc. Or at least limit what you get there. Never go to sprouts or whole foods. All of the above have white tax to varying degrees with whole foods and sprouts being the worst.
Go to your local asian groceries or mexican supermercados (Indian grocery stores aren't that cheap imo but still better than normie grocery stores). Meat is way cheaper as is the produce. Everything other than the one aisle of american brands has cheaper stuff than anywhere in your local grocery store. I get ribeye in SoCal for $8 a pound. It's $17 a pound at the Vonn's across the street. Seafood is generally cheaper except for crab. For some reason it's flipped and its more expensive at asian stores.

>> No.20061252

Maybe don't buy organic coconut milk and canned cod liver.

>> No.20061254

I drive passed a food bank thing regularly. Most of the cars are brand new in line. Poor people are poor because they make bad financial decisions like that. You'll fit right in

>> No.20061256
File: 567 KB, 2560x1280, Shopping-at-Kroger-Lots-of-Bulk-Bins[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what we mean by bulk. Pic related is dead and never coming back thanks to paranoid retards.

>> No.20061258

So, just to add to this, let's say you have $42 for the week. Buy bone in chicken thighs maybe 5lb and they'll be very cheap (~1.50 a lb) but let's call it $10 for the chicken to be conservative.
(On alternate weeks you can swap the chicken for a cheap cut of something else. Pork shoulder or round/chuck/bottom for beef).
Get some rice. Maybe $15 for a cheap bag but it will last you for months.
Gets some veggies. Onions, bell peppers, garlic, ginger. $15.
That's $40ish. If you can spring for some basic premade teriyaki sauce bottle, soy, or any of the many others out there you can make many variations of stir frys for cheap.
In general tough, always keep onions, potatoes, rice and beans in your house. They have a long shelf life, are cheap, and are used in an insane amount of dishes.

>> No.20061262

Amazon sells bulk beans from a supposedly American farm, but if you read the reviews (the REAL reviews, sort by "most recent" instead of the shill "top reviews") then you'll see people complaining about weird chemical smells from the burlap bags, so I dunno...

>> No.20061265

Ah, my mistake, but when I'm buying bulk, I'm usually buying more than one of those entire hoppers holds. That's cuck-bulk.

>> No.20061271

I can get produce cheap at aldis but everything else I have to go to a normal grocery store to get.

anyone got advice on sardines? I cant find any reasonably priced brands "below a $1.50" that come in olive oil so is sunflower oil a decent alternative or should I just suck it up and deal with in water / mustard sauce tins? Its just on principle I dont want to pay over a buck for a tin of sardines.

>> No.20061292
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Tbh it's nice to be able to sample a small quantity before buying 20lbs of something that turns out to be shit. But frankly I'm with the "paranoid retards" on this one, people are disgusting.

>> No.20061296

Ive witness this at a buffet when I was younger and I will NEVER fucking go to a buffet again or ever touch open tray food like that ever again.

>> No.20061308

You bought like 20lbs of beans.
What do you expect it to cost?

>> No.20061315

Gotta chart out my gourd futures every Thanksgiving so I can afford to make pie.

>> No.20061320
File: 894 KB, 2240x1680, Season-Wild-Caught-Sardines-in-Olive-Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costco currently has "Season" brand deenz in olive oil on sale, $7.99 for a six pack ($1.33 per can), limited to 10 packs per customer. That might be your best bet (assuming you are already a Valued Member).

>> No.20061329

Honestly that is suicide fuel.

>> No.20061339

ill give them a try then

>> No.20061341

>can't afford normal prices
>can't buy bulk irl
>can't order buy online
trump really destroyed the american dream huh?

>> No.20061358

Be advised, the national ad just says "$3 off" so your warehouse could be more expensive if they have a higher base price. I like both Season and Wild Planet (also at Costco, also in olive oil) so watch for sales on either.

>> No.20061379

I’m not gonna buy coconut milk with guar gum, coconut milk does not need guar gum, it’s fucking coconut milk

>> No.20061392

Beans are pretty good friendo, that’s why I got a variety of them so I’m not just eating 20lbs of gross pinto beans

>> No.20061478
File: 873 KB, 1213x1617, IMG_20240102_151237_141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was $42.

>> No.20061480


god damn you costco

>> No.20061494

Just get the Wild Planet ones, they have skin I think. I like both. The bigger issue is finding canned salmon with the nice crunchy vertebrae.

>> No.20061535

Yeah, beans & rice can take you a long way especially if you saucemax/spicemax. People talk a lot of shit (heh) about Indians here but I'd be getting deep (heh) into that based desi curry lore.

>> No.20061582

>high food prices? high gas prices? low wages?
>I bet those darn Russians are involved

>> No.20061596

the cans of "pink" something salmon from publix had the spines i think but its been 8 years

>> No.20061761

Anon...I think you might be genuinely retarded for misisng the point this much.

>> No.20061806
File: 374 KB, 1051x336, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian food brands? cyrillic script?
>I bet those darn Russians are involved

>> No.20061877


>> No.20061892 [DELETED] 

lmfao this guy. omg.
he needs to go back.
ask him where that girl went.

>> No.20062012

shipping from Alaska is the same as shipping from Russia

>> No.20062027

They’re a product of Norway and they were $2.59

>> No.20062175

dog 42 dollars for all that shit is fine, i didn't realize that's 16lbs of beans and 3lbs of onions. that's enough calories to feed you for a fucking month, i spent a goddamn 116 dollars and all i got was a half gallon of milk, 24 eggs, 12oz bag of coffee, a loaf of bread and the ingredients needed for a pot of chili that makes 12 servings. you got nothing to complain about, maybe get a 5lb bag of rice for ~8$ and round out your meals.

>> No.20062220

This mofaka buyin espensive beenz.
You saved money on the lentils... did you not check the price of the Peruvian gold beans?

>> No.20062294

They are worth their weight in gold. I tried them recently and I’m hooked, and they’re hard as fuck for me to find so I’ll be a paypig to these Peruvian farmers.

It’s not bad, but it’s just beans, i used to feed myself and my ex in college for <$120 a month. If I bought the amount of fresh veggies like I did then I’d be tanking $200 min on just myself.

>> No.20062315

It's actually not that much for 4lbs of something that absorbs 4x its weight in water either... or much more per pound than the lentils.
I've been doing a lot of rice, beenz, greenz and canned tomato lately (at least as filler). Food prices went fucking nuts here.

>> No.20062391

Are you me and I’m just schizo posting from another ip?
I’m trying to min max my diet so I hit my nutrition goals for working out while spending as little as I can and I’m (happily because beans are fucking awesome tasting) reduced to those staples.
I mix in a lot of frozen veg because it seems to hit those low price quotas.
But dawg, I used to cook a lot, everything from scratch, but now I grimace at the cost of nearly everything in the grocery store besides my bare essentials.
I used to be able to pick up a 50lb bag of flour for $12 and it’s more than doubled in the past two years and almost $30. Some bullshit.

>> No.20062417

Possibly. Do you factor in packaging into your shit, and forget to explain that's why your math doesn't line up too?

>> No.20062421

certain foods like beans and rice and potatoes are god damn near free. youre mostly just paying for the shipping and handling and as fuel prices go up, shipping and handling of that volume/weight goes up.
but fuel prices seem consistant with inflation so maybe these products are now good baseline indicators of inflation

>> No.20062438
File: 1005 KB, 1200x1200, 79644731867166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love spazzing out on this stuff.
Here in Australia (Costco prices)
Red lentils are $2 per kilogram when buying in bulk.
52 kg of red lentils = $104
If you ate lentils three meals per day, you would use around 100 grams of lentils.
So 700 grams per week, but lets make it even 1kg. Some days you eat more.
100 grams dried red lentils equals = 300 grams cooked lentils
100 gram serving of cooked lentils = 230 calories, 17g protein
Per day: $0.30
Per meal: $0.10

1 cup serving white rice = 120 calories, 4 grams protein.
Same with the lentils, 100 grams dry rice per day, makes 3 servings cooked.
White rice is also $2 per kg in bulk
52 kg = $104
Per day: $0.30
Per meal: $0.10

So that's $208 for food for an entire year.
Of course you would need to eat more than just rice and lentils.
But as the baseline of your diet, you could get three meals a day, 1500 calories, 63 grams of protein, for under 60 cents per day.
Grab a case of eggs per week ($5), cheap vegetables and some kinda sauce ($5), maybe a whole chicken ($5).
You'd be eating great for under $20 a week.

>> No.20062537

Elections have consequences.

>> No.20062549 [DELETED] 

This nigga eating lentils every day. Imagine the braps

>> No.20062560

i was grossed out for a sec 'cuz i thought of streisand but that's yentl

>> No.20062561

It’d be nice if we could blame it on something so simple as that.
But in reality it’s c-suite suits deciding to cut costs at every corner while continually raising prices due to ongoing “supply chain issues” which in reality is just greedy fucks raising prices so their stocks continue to hit record highs.
I wonder how long they think they can bleed dry the populous before they’re dragged from their homes and forced to be more humane in Minecraft

>> No.20062567

can't enough be enough? they need more money because they're fucking the economy up. i say that based on nothing

>> No.20062583

>can't enough be enough
Not when number on stock ticker must always go up, for some reason. Infinite growth is always possible, right guys?

>> No.20062832 [DELETED] 

go on Maid.

>> No.20062875 [DELETED] 

>thanks to paranoid retards.
no, it is thanks to Pedro and Mahomammed.

>> No.20062880 [DELETED] 

oh look, here is mohammed ---> >>20061292

>> No.20062883

They were literally ripped out in response to the scamdemic.

>> No.20062973

There is no WAY that is $42 you lying sack of shit

>> No.20063011

maybe its because you bought like 10 fucking things of beans u tard

>> No.20063353

dude the one near me it's about a 3 hour line nowadays, people get in line hours before they even open

>> No.20063563

>this guy pays for his groceries

>> No.20063586

Just learn how to shop for groceries, retard. You bought the most expensive version of everything you can find and you complain that it's $42. Did you buy this shit at Whole Foods?

>> No.20063607

i still have that at hyvee its just expensive as shit

>> No.20063656

this is like 15e if you drop the coconut meme

>> No.20063875

You’re blind, op posted the receipt at the top of the thread retard

>> No.20063881

Shouldn't this last you a month though?

>> No.20063889

you gotta shop around for the best bean deals. It was a pain in the ass to find cheap, bulk beans in SLC until I drove 30min to a Hispanic market

>> No.20063894

>spends $40 in fuel to save $2

>> No.20063955

Your right OP. Beans aren't cheap. Guess you're going to have to go back to eating lobster and fillet Mignon.

>> No.20064021
File: 67 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a conspicuous absence of legumes in American's diets? Not even just talking about fat average slop addicts. But even the fitness obsessed, instagram people who love showing off their healthy diets almost never have any beans. It's always bright vegetables, expensive nuts, and salmon or chicken breast, etc. Strange for a food that is considered the most important predictor of longevity doesn't catch on with people always talking about what to eat for fitness and health.

>> No.20064024

Paranoia isn't what killed these, it's purely socioeconomic factors.
Same with every other quickly-disappearing modern convenience.

>> No.20064054

He posted a receipt, it IS $42, but it's also SIXTEEN POUNDS of beans, PLUS the cod liver, coconut milk, and onions. At 3 meals a day it's 2 weeks worth of food at $1.16 per meal. OP is just a typical retard who looks at a $42 price tag and thinks, "I could get McDonald's for $5, this is such a rip-off!" without considering that $5 at McDonald's is a single meal and the $42 grocery haul is 36 meals (which would be $180 at McDonald's assuming $5 per meal).

>> No.20064197

I would totally fucking wreck this bitch.

>> No.20064219

>White rice is also $2 per kg in bulk
>52 kg = $104
>Per day: $0.30
>Per meal: $0.10
I got that same bag of Costco/Kirkland rice in your image, and it was full of some of the driest, most damaged rice grains I have ever seen. The rice needs to be rinsed 10x to get the water to run remotely clear, and it still doesn't really cook up evenly or cleanly. Do yourself a favor, and get literally any other brand.

>> No.20064367

beans are delicious but I would never eat or make my own. i believe the fud. subjectively, I do not feel bad or well after eating them, they're very neutral, cheap and filling.

i do eat them as a side when a restaurant serves it to me

>> No.20064886

There's fud around beans? What the fuck
Beanz are, to me, the only food which surpass Deenz in terms of the value:price:taste compromise

>> No.20064908

>bean fud
Care to enlighten us?

>> No.20064936

yes it is retard

>> No.20064974

Buy oats in bulk

>> No.20065012

>buys almost all imported groceries
>"waaah why so spensive"

>> No.20065047

>Buy bone in chicken thighs maybe 5lb and they'll be very cheap (~1.50 a lb) but let's call it $10 for the chicken to be conservative.
Costco sells a whole rotisserie chicken for $5. Yesterday I bought a box of eight leg-and-thigh things cut off their rotiss chix and it was also $5. Those are enough for, I dunno, four days of meals I guess, just for $5 plus whatever tax was.

I live in shithole Illinois so it was probably 10% tax, but maybe Pigster extended his "no tax on groceries" thing, but then again maybe rotiss doesn't count as groceries because premade. Seriously fuck Pigster, he's a piece of shit.

Onions were $4.49 for a pretty decent sized bag, probably five pounds, I dunno. I bought two of those last year and they lasted me five months each.

Green bell peppers are currently 88 cents each at Wal-Mart.

Blyat, suka syn!

>> No.20065053

>>buys almost all imported groceries
>>"waaah why so spensive"
>he doesn't realize that imported food is usually cheaper than American-grown

>> No.20065149

Restaurant supply stores are the best place to buy the really cheap staples like rice and beans. You can live off that shit when you're poor, as I am. I don't exactly relish the monotony of eating them day in and day out, but I've compensated somewhat by learning to make sauces from scratch and getting creative with the cheapest meat and vegetables I can find at bulk grocers.

The big upside is that I look and feel better now - eating what is essentially Mexican peasant food - than when I had money to throw away on dining out all the time.

>> No.20065156

>Rinsing rice
Starch is good for you

>> No.20065164

>imported food is usually cheaper (nevermind the OP) than

>> No.20065384

So is water but putting too much in your rice will make it weird, just like starch

>> No.20065635
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 1FE2356B-F89C-41E9-839C-F4FCCD77EFE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my grocery haul

guess how much

pic 1/2

>> No.20065640
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, E79C7FD4-F06F-47AC-A96D-1130BB3818AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic 2/2

>> No.20065661

Got enough fucking bread?

>> No.20065715

not really, desu

>> No.20065757

What’s with all the bread man, you a fucking bird?

>> No.20065875

>three boxes of brownie mix
nigga just buy some cocoa powder and sugar and flour

>> No.20065904

>I would totally fucking wreck this bitch
>Anonymous 01/03/24(Wed)09:03:51

>> No.20065916

That is a based amount of bread, anon. Have you considered creating your own sourdough starter? You seem like you'd really enjoy it.

>> No.20065921

grocery today, upstate new york

3lb yellow onions
1/2gal of coffee creamer
bag of cracklin
8oz white mushrooms
1lb beef short ribs
bottle of kefir
2 green peppers
jar of tomato paste

$51 dollars

>> No.20065925

oh also 18 large white eggs

>> No.20065954

those are some good prices ngl. was expecting the black urad dal to be a lot more than $7 for a bag that size. Go elsewhere for your chickpeas though. I got a 2kg bag for $3.99 today

>> No.20065990

>Have you considered creating your own sourdough starter?
ive been making pizzas a lot, lately, so yes, i have been considering such.

>> No.20066043

nice troll, that's 16lbs of dried beans, probably closer to 30 once they're prepared. try to buy 16lbs of another food product that only costs a similar price, good luck.

>> No.20066108

They’re okay prices, I was more shocked that a bag full of basically just beans would cost so much.
I’m interested in seeing how long they’ll last. I’m keeping a pretty tight watch on my budget rn and want to see how much I actually spend and how far $42 will get me.

>> No.20066125

>They’re okay prices, I was more shocked that a bag full of basically just beans would cost so much.
shipping and handling have gone up. beans are damn near free without the cost of S&H

i hear actually growing your own protien rich veg like beans is extremely labor intensive

>> No.20066303

>extremely labor intensive
Shelling beans takes fucking ages by hand

>> No.20066313

If you really want to eat cheap, buy $42 worth of soybean oil and drink a shot glass of the stuff whenever you get hungry.

>> No.20066341

>start beanmaxxing
>shits get unbearably sticky

>> No.20066354

>When does it start being cheap?
when you buy more

>> No.20066380
File: 117 KB, 1056x937, IMG_1298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger you are so fucking dumb gay and stupid, you are literally the dumbest thickest stupidest cunt U have ever witnessed. I purchased 4lb of meat plus imported cheese and baguette with milk and potatoes for fucking $50.00 with tax fucking broke bean eating sub human faggot loser.

>> No.20066384

>with tax
Nice larp, food is tax-free.

>> No.20066396

you have to be 18 or older to post here

>> No.20066408

Post body and I bet my beanbod will rock your (fat) world

>> No.20066410

I'm 34 and that's how I know (unprepared) food is tax-free. If it's different in Eurostan then you're even more thoroughly fucked than I previously imagined.

>> No.20066414

by that age you should know that something like that depends on where you live
how do you not know that by 34?
there is no sales tax on anything in Oregon. food or otherwise

>> No.20066416

most states do tax (unprepared) food tho

>> No.20066419

Sales tax varies by state. Some exempt groceries, some have a state tax, some only allow local taxes.

>> No.20066429

Okay, I just looked it up. Only 12 states in the union levy sales tax on groceries and all but one do so at a significantly reduced rate compared to normal sales tax. By far the majority is not applying sales tax on groceries and I don't feel bad for being unaware of a handful of weird states taxing (unprepared) food/groceries.

>> No.20066430

>you have to be 18 or older to post here
It actually is tax free is you are on food stamps, because you aren't paying taxes and you get the food for free.

>> No.20066435

it's bro science, anti nutrients like phytic acid and lectins. but most of them can be deactivated by fermenting soaking or sprouting.

of course i soaked mine overnight and double cooked them when i used to make them. not going to bother sprouting.

plus possibly estrogenic at low doses but possibly antiestrogenic at high doses.

i had an impression of legume eating cultures being soft and doughy (indian men and women, mexicans) but then again colombians are very masculine and they eat a lot of beenz. so my verdict is i will eat them if they're served to me but im not going to go out of my way to include it in my diet

my verdict

>> No.20066445

>Only 12 states
hmm, I think it must be common in states that don't charge tax on groceries for the city or county to add that tax. Every time I leave home I'm paying taxes on everything, including unprepared food..

>> No.20066448

>possibly antiestrogenic at high doses.

>> No.20066450

The only food I see there is the cod liver...

>> No.20066452

this place is like stormfront for food

>> No.20066462

>this place is like stormfront for food
Chairman Mao's great leap forward never happened, and 6 gorillion Chinese people never died from starvation. Anyone who says otherwise is a fascist.

>> No.20066475

Get some standards, man.

>> No.20066482

>Each mayo coba bag is 4lbs dry
You've got enough beans there for about a year. Now you add about $1/day in onions, eggs, potatoes, and chicken on sale, and you are all set.

>> No.20066494

>anti nutrients like phytic acid and lectins
That stuff isn't bro science, it's very real.

>> No.20066505

>When does it start being cheap?
Well no wonder, when you insist on buyng the highbrow shit like Goya.

>> No.20066514

that's like a year's worth of beans

>> No.20066676

it's a food pantry haul

>> No.20066767

It's going to go stale unless you're a family of five

>> No.20066790

>a year

LOL, a daily bean eater will plow through 1lb/week easily.

>> No.20066957
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You’re just like the nogs complaining about “food deserts” and other bullshit when I just demonstrated how you can easily eat wholesome meals for less than $3 a day

>> No.20066959

Sorry forgot the rest of my post
You fucking retard, this here was my grocery haul today.

>25 lbs dried pinto beans
>10 lbs russet potatoes
>5 lbs pork shoulder
>4 lbs corned beef
>7 lbs beef chuck
>whole rotisserie chicken
>100 corn tortillas
>24 eggs
>3 lbs carrots
>3 lbs of minced garlic
>2 lbs celery
If I weren’t bulking and eating >1.5 lbs of meat a day I could easily stretch the meat for a month. It’s only $2 FUCKING DOLLARS A POUND after all.

normal staples are so cheap I don’t even think about letting them go to waste if they do.

>> No.20067264 [DELETED] 

Come to america and try to use a euro or rupee to pau for something. Now do the opposite. Hmm

>> No.20067270

Kek triggered the brown person like he wanted.

>> No.20067294

Aldis always fucks up produce where I live and it pisses me off, literally putting actual rotting food up.

>> No.20067332

my stomach hurts just by looking at this

>> No.20067346

Most commodities are highly unpredictable

>> No.20067623

That's over a month worth of food. How is $42 expensive for that

>> No.20067766

>he bought name brand beans instead of store brand beans
OOF. The good news is that between just the 16 pounds of beans and lentils you've got about 24,000 calories of food there. Ignoring the coconut milk, onions, and cod liver, that's 10 days of food at 2,400 calories a day. $42/10 = $4.20 a day.

>> No.20067829

Do you realise how many meals are there? These are beans for months

>> No.20067922

You're a naive sheltered child if you think food is expensive. Eat more oats, they're practically free.

>> No.20067923

Dude you bought a mountain of shit and it only cost you $42, that's insane.

>> No.20068016

>just eat nothing but carbs bro
Sorry I'm not a peasant

>> No.20068098

spent $160 on groceries a few weeks ago. only got taxed on mouthwash.

>> No.20068618

Filtered by ego

>> No.20068822


>> No.20068834

Stop electing democrats

>> No.20069101

OP here, I am out of green lentils and am currently making 2lbs of mayo coba beans.
I have been eating beans and black lentils for months but the green lentils absolutely destroyed my stomach. What the fuck. Literally had no problem for months and then had constant stomach pain from stupid green lentils. What gives?

>> No.20069116

>4 meals worth of meat
>2 meals worth of cheese
>1 meals worth of bread
So you got ~6 meals for $50 (plus tip), that’s like $10 a meal you fat, dumb, idiot scum

>> No.20069334

they're very fatty so I like them on crackers or bread with something pungent and/or acidic to cut through the richness: raw onions, hot mustard, pickles, capers etc

>> No.20069596
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>> No.20069603

This is far more grim than my bean post. Fuck man, even at Walmart too.

>> No.20069713

I bet it was the strawberries and the yogurt

>> No.20070160

Who is the fattie?

>> No.20070252

Resistant starch is good for you. You should cook then cool then reheat your rice and potatoes, beans already have a lot of resistant fibre/resistant starch so I don't bother.

>> No.20070257

The dented cans and huge amount of bread imply that you have been dumpster diving. Cost $0

>> No.20070265

>half rotten onions
>absolutely random assortment of shit

you paid 0$ at the food bank :D

>> No.20070385

Chicken drumsticks are a dollar a pound retard

>> No.20071318

Obsessed with the word obsessed.

>> No.20071380

Agreed. I would just buy bacon for that price. Even in the pnw you can get a rasher of it for like 12 dollars. At 3.5 packages of it you're close to ops budget. The amount of kcal and nutrition is superior to beans.

Paying for beans in itself is a waste of money. They're food no one wants at the food bank same with year old long grain rice

>> No.20071473

>canned coconut milk
>cans of cod liver
>why all be so espensive?
Sweaty, what did you expect coconuts, much less canned coconut milk, would cost in a non-tropical country? And when people tell you to eat beans, they mean buying in bulk, not shitty 1/2 kilo bags.

>> No.20071479

Nitrated, bloated hands typed this post.

>> No.20071544

Oats in whole milk is a solid amount of protein and fat.

>> No.20071693

Yes but oatmeal blows. I eat it every morning and I hate it

>> No.20071775 [DELETED] 

You're a solid amount of fat and protein, I think I'll have your asshole for lunch.

>> No.20072178

>solid amount of protein
for a dyel maybe

>> No.20072342

dont know about the states but here the bigger fish they sell in plastic doesn't swim in oil like canned, couldnt care less about canola if its 2% by weight and mostly soaked in towel inside

>> No.20072369

it's cheap because it'll take you three months to go through all of that. that's like 20 pounds of beans, you are NOT going to eat all of that this week lmao

>> No.20072413
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What's the highest bean mix readily available commercially? Is it this 18 bean variety?

>> No.20072435

>4 + 2 + 1 - potatoes(?) = 6
>50 / 6 = 10 (?)
>1lb meat = 1 meal
>you dumb idiot

>> No.20072497
File: 18 KB, 578x188, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick google search, although I still think USD is stronger beyond the literal meaning of the word because of how influential it is. We'll see if that changes in coming years.

>> No.20072538

no, it wasn't

>> No.20072546

in my country you need a goverment stooge to rec you to get access to a food bank. 3-6 month wait, feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.20072666
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About tree fiddy.

>> No.20072710

Good advice. I'd add that what you might think of as "white trash" markets (Wal-mart, Winco) can work just as well as ethnic markets. Middle-class and upscale grocery stores gouge the fuck out of you with no justification.

>> No.20073001

I've started making a game out of shopping with a strict budget and a calculator; start with the amount allotted to that trip and subtract the price of every item in the cart. It's a real eye-opener when you see how fast that stuff adds up. This month's meta-game is to spend no more than $100 on groceries. Good thing I can cook.

>> No.20073035
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what kinda shill retardation is going on it this thread?
food priced have gone up like 50% since covid some things doubling which is wild considering fuel prices have been range bound since 2008 and thats real the only thing that should effect food prices THAT much

>> No.20073053

The answer is "price gouging." Companies like Sysco, McLane, Gordon and so on see their costs rising 10-15% so they hike prices 50%. You have never heard of these companies. You just pay the price and blame the bugman of choice - juice, immigrants, """plandemic""", the vax, """liberals""" while CEOs get record bonuses and stock holders get record dividends.

>> No.20073244
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there a lot of factors

>> No.20073250
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>> No.20073916
File: 662 KB, 866x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if sysco was price gouging, wouldnt they be profiting?
can we just be honest and admit that if inflation is the cause of higher prices then it hurts the democrats chances in 11 months?

>> No.20073921

They ARE profiting, just less than projected. Time to hike prices again!

>> No.20073955

Goya is a fucking import you dumbass. Go to the actual bean aisle

>> No.20074004

lmao I buy cans of coconut milk for 1 dollarydoo ($0.40 USD)
why the fuck are you paying so much?

>> No.20074490

How about you sell your car to afford some beans you greedy fat fuck

>> No.20074539

for 42$ you could've gotten 14 lbs of chicken, 21 lbs if you find a good deal and have a freezer.
You could've gotten 9 rotisserie chickens from costco.

>> No.20074554
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You can tell by her body type alone that she has good pussy
Bet she fucks like a fighter jet

>> No.20074580
File: 567 KB, 1500x1125, tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The canned salmon at Trader Joe's has the spine and more in it.

>> No.20074640

He did, his standards are that lady

>> No.20074741
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 4393-yen-30-usd-worth-of-groceries-in-japan-v0-gkq767ykl7ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20074759

>we project to have record profits and record dividends

>> No.20074780

>Nice larp, food is tax-free.
There are parts of America where food is taxed.

>> No.20075406

Because those cans are filled with other shit that aren’t coconut milk.

>> No.20075460
File: 1.04 MB, 1125x1238, IMG_9208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2lbs of mayocoba beans cooked up like this. Frozen chicken thighs and frozen cauliflower also added.
Beans and cornbread for breakfast. Added extra maple syrup to these beans because it’s breakfast time.

>> No.20075621

A lot of times they still have record-breaking profits and dividends but because they fall short of projections they don't break the records ENOUGH and then it gets reported as some big catastrophe that's upset all the shareholders because these fucks are just that greedy.

>> No.20076234

But how will those poor millionaires/billionaires cope if their wallets only grow by a few million instead of many millions?

>> No.20076325

You didnt post a bill and I don't believe you. It's just a indirect political thread. Post the bill. None of your products are more than a few bucks. You wanted a discussion, ok, but then say it instead of larping.its just not true.

>> No.20076359

At least in the US, grocery stores don't send you bills because you pay before you leave. He did post a receipt, though: >>20057914

>> No.20076370

Fat, dumb, retard, blind bitch

>> No.20076420

$1.49 for three pounds of onions is a great deal.
The coconut milk and liver are both stupid.

>> No.20077597

>wouldnt they be profiting?
Dude, read the fucking image you posted. "misses profit estimates" means "we didn't make as much profit as we thought we would" which still means they made large and growing profits. Otherwise the head line would be about "shrinking profits" or "missed sales estimates."

There's probably also some creative accounting or expansion expenses or something being hidden under the guise of "missed estimates"

>> No.20077621

>can we just be honest
A rightard asking someone to be honest is peak comedy.

>> No.20077739

All direction-brained politards are dishonest assholes.

>> No.20078079

you made it $42 just to meme on OP

>> No.20078100

You're a jar of minced garlic eating subhuman so nobody cares about what you have to say.

>> No.20078196

>Look how much more domestic groceries cost

>> No.20078197

like $5 because you got that from a food bank

>> No.20078210

That's enough beans to feed you for weeks you retard. Have you ever even cooked beans before? They expand.

>> No.20078215

i eat rice every day my dude

but i want to ask is costcos now worth it then?
my group is small but we have a freezer
so food can be saved (and i would buy the 1.50 hot dog every fucking time because thats like 5x value)

>> No.20078263

no way, that ground beef was like $30 right there

>> No.20078269

>already starts in 2021 and end date is 2 years ago

>> No.20078280

>how long they think they can bleed dry the populous
Indefinitely. People have been fully divided by race, class, and sexuality, EXACTLY according to plan. All you get now is bitching and moaning online, where it doesn't matter. OWS was replaced with BLM shit. The prices won't change. The only thing that will is local and state governments will install fascism when the people turn to theft to survive, and sponsor the theft with tax payer dollars. It will only stop when the tax base is eclipsed by gimmedat recipients, or exactly the point where everyone on the bottom is 100% dry and there is no one left to drain. Then the commie wannabies will finally have their dream realized as communism takes hold and they are forced into Russia-style bread lines while the state assesses their social credit for how good they stand in line.

Voting does matter, you select either:
A) keep fucking everything up
B) keep the status quo

And people selected to keep fucking everything up last election cycle. There is no "make things better" option, there hasn't been since the 1900s.

>> No.20078287

Americans do eat beans, they are just part of bbq culture (aka covered in sugar), and not really anywhere else outside of ethnic dishes.

>> No.20078288
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, 26BC9FB6-41AA-4052-B1C0-8AE8F223E113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate

>> No.20078330
File: 451 KB, 885x1459, D7E3B050-C932-4CAA-A1CE-AD8305A00985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20078350

Winco is so fucking based than when I move I will put serious consideration into moving to within walking distance of another Winco.

>> No.20078389

>I can barely afford [XXX]
Money is a marker of social recognition. I you lack the money to access [XXX], it means you don't deserve it.

>> No.20078407

looks like safeway? you can go to other stores and get 10lb bags of beans for much cheaper

>> No.20078411


>> No.20078474


>> No.20079060

Where I live, the normie supermarket Shoprite is cheaper than everything but walmart, including the ethnic markets. And they have the best selection. NJ wins again

>> No.20079166

>1 serving (8 oz) of frozen green beans (Kirkland 5lbs bag from Costco) $0.70
>1 serving (8 oz) of sweet potatoes (Costco, 6.5lbs) $0.46
>1 serving (4 oz) of frozen chicken breast (Foster Farms/Costco, 10lbs) $0.67
>Spices (I recommend nutmeg on green beans), butter, salt, let's say $0.10
Total cost: $1.93/meal. Easy af. You can repeat this with literally any type of protein, any type of vegetable(s), and any type of carbs.
If you don't have Costco nearby, try finding a Lidl or Aldi.

>> No.20079533

>bean mix
Stop being a lazy faggot. Buy a bunch of beans and make your own mix, if you really have to. They'll last you for months. Also, all beans are not the same. They have different flavors and cooking times. So you can't just mix them together and cook it. That's gay, even for a goyslop.

>> No.20079544

What sort of boomer ass meal is this?

>> No.20079581

Man I used to have a store in my local shopping centre that was literally just these things wall to wall, everything from cereal, to nuts, dried fruit, beans, etc. It shut down years ago but I still remember it fondly.

>> No.20079943

>healthy food is "boomer"

>> No.20080270

Yes, that healthy meal is pure boomerslop. Frozen vegetables (probably steamed) with the peak boomer cut of chicken: the breast (also probably steamed/boiled).
I bet you don’t even use pepper on your food because it’s too spicy.

>> No.20080305


>> No.20080306

his only seasoning is nutmeg butter and salt so anon is either literally amish or 120 years old

>> No.20080361

I have this at my local grocery store.

>> No.20080377

>nutmeg butter
Sounds weird but I'd try it.

>> No.20080384


>> No.20080408

How much did you tip?

>> No.20080433

The register only had options for 20%, 25%, and 30% and no way to not choose one.

>> No.20080466

>buying goya

the only thing that would cost $42 is one dozen grade AAA brown eggs and one dozen shittake mushroom with the gills fully mature for long-storage

>> No.20080662

Posting in an ebic bread, never seen a bumplimit post on /cuck/

>> No.20080731

How much did you tip

>> No.20080744
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>> No.20080863
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simply ebin
put me in le screencap lol xd

>> No.20081184

4lb bags. That's where you fucked up. Buy in BULK, retard. Twenty pound bags are 11 dollars at Walmart.

>> No.20081598

winco supports americans! walmart supports chinese jews

>> No.20081649

I've never heard of that in my life.

>> No.20081825

based peater