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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20045715 No.20045715 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing goffee and goffee-related topics.

Happy New Year edition.

Some outdated info: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous thread: >>20025050

>> No.20045723
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Lets ring in the new year by remembering the last /ctg/mokapot enthusiasts meetup. Miss you guys.

>> No.20045751

Stop with the shitty stereotypes not all posters are canadian.

>> No.20045765

Hopefully you can make it to the next one Farouk. I know the boys are just dying to see the Gianingger.

>> No.20045864

Is Alberto Trabatti a fascist?

>> No.20045892

Yes, a double espresso in 180 ml of water will be the same as I already do at home, same with milk but that is also an argument to not get an espresso machine.
Still I should go to my local cafe and ask for a very water espresso just to be sure.

>> No.20045898

He's a lega nord schizo. So yes.

>> No.20045950

Right, I think you're on the right track. If you're happy with the moka, and the difference at the cafe isn't enough for you to bother, then you've saved a few hundred euros/dollars/whatever and a bunch of time practicing brewing espresso.
Personally, I really like the thickness and strength of espresso, so it feels kind of disappointing when I drink a moka brew, but I know what you mean, you always wish there was more volume...

>> No.20045965

He's a monarchist

>> No.20045971

Tell me about Mormon Coffee.

>> No.20046040
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Well, it's happened.

I also got the MiiCoffee chink scale that will break in 1-2 years and tomorrow I'll order the Hario Buono 600 ml + kitchen sink strainer to preheat the Flair column.

Merry Christmas to me.

>> No.20046051
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Mom bought me pic related for Christmas, made my first shots with it today with a light roast blend through the old encore. It’s my first time with home espresso, I thought it tasted pretty good, but is there any way to upgrade it? I doubt bottomless portafilters are available, but I might try to find one. Anybody here own/had one of these things?

>> No.20046077

Post the specific model name.
Also you might be able to get a bottomless portafilter for it, generally portafilters on cheap devices are a fairly standardized 51mm size. I know the delonghi dedica has those, sage/breville have 54mm ones.

>> No.20046098

Although the same capacity, both drinks will taste different though not that much that would warrant you buying an espresso machine when you're perfectly happy.

>> No.20046112
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>> No.20046113

which ones are better? the 51 or 54 ones?

>> No.20046117
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Blesse mom.
This your machine? Lookup his channel for tips, tricks and mods.

>> No.20046116

i was gonna get this one or the dedica. Anyone wanna tell me why i would want to get on or the other? How about the Philips Esspresso maker that can make multiple coffee drinks?

>> No.20046120
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>> No.20046123

Your thoughts on Breville Café Roma Espresso Machine? Looking for an Espresso machine. would love to hear your thoughts about yours.

>> No.20046126

the ones that fit your machine anon

>> No.20046131

ignore this post, the machine cant fit a standard cup. I need a machine that can fit normal sized cups. Thanks.

>> No.20046138

How much are you spending? Because if it's around the $300 mark get a breville/sage bambino instead. I got mine for 280€ from the frogs.

>> No.20046139

all italians are fascist
its in their blood

>> No.20046142
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>requires more grinds to make shittier sediment coffee in your path*

>> No.20046147
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>Cleaning balloon

Too much panettone?

>> No.20046151
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>Spilled the ground over the counter

>> No.20046184

>How much are you spending?
i was looking at this one (Breville the Bambino Plus Espresso Machine) but an amazon review said when the cleanup button pops up, you cant bypass it and a mess is made. I like this one because if the automatic milk frother. Picking a machine is pretty annoying, they all seem the same but a little different. How about under 500 usd. but i want a good one but i also dunno why i shouldnt just get the basic delonghi ones that can fit a normal sized cup. im pretty much looking for a machine that can make esspress latte and cappucino and since i found out today, an auto milk frother.

>> No.20046199

>breville/sage bambino instead.
this is 800 CDN.

>> No.20046213

i like a bodacious cup now and again

>> No.20046221

Can someone just close their eyes and buy the Dedica and be happy with it? and can it fit normal sized cups"

>> No.20046238

The bambino plus has an automatic milk steamer as well, with temp settings. Although doing it yourself isn't hard either, speaking as an amateur. Bambinos also have a built in PID for more consistent temperatures, a three way solenoid valve so the thing depressurizes after brewing (without it you need to wait a few minutes before taking the portafilter off or else it sprays coffee everywhere), a very nice water tank, really fast water boiling, they come with a milk steaming pitcher, and probably some other shit I'm forgetting. Pretty much as far as budget machines go they're the best, unless you're willing to tackle something like a gaggia classic pro (even then it's arguable which is better).
Assuming you're talking about leafbucks, I see the basic bambino on canadian amazon for $350 and the bambino plus for $500.

>> No.20046245

>Because if it's around the $300 mark get a breville/sage bambino instead.
okay actually its like 300 cdn. it seems alright. looking at it.

>> No.20046270

A cortado is 1:1 espresso to steamed milk
So if I am supposed to end up with ~2 oz/56g of steamed milk, how much should I start out with?

>> No.20046271
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>> No.20046274


>> No.20046351

Alright thanks. looking at the bambino now.

>> No.20046437

Got gifted a superautomatic.
Can I keep used pucks in the container overnight or do I have to clean them up immediately after finishing up my coffee?

>> No.20046479

Clean them ASAP, do not keep them more than 24 hours to avoid mold growing.

>> No.20046489

French press needs coarse grind, but go off I guess. I bet you used fine ground espresso and got muddy coffee and thought it was ickyyy :(((

>> No.20046496

My neighbours have some coffee trees from which they perform the entire harvesting and refining process. They gave me a sample. I'm only used to dark roasted beans. In comparison, these smell very nutty. The grounds are very absorbent. The resulting coffee through a percolator tastes a bit weak.

>> No.20046498
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Pic related

>> No.20046502

what a fucking waste

>> No.20046508

yeah yeah whatever 300+ replies arguing about drip vs. percolator vs. press etc.

>> No.20046518

>drip vs. percolator vs. press
press is shit
percolator is shit
end of discussion

>> No.20046533
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MFW the discussion is ended... objectively!

>> No.20046564

enjoy your shitty coffee anon

>> No.20046620

Light roast acidity enthusiast here.
Besides French press, what other methods are there for me?

>> No.20046626
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>Light roast
>French press

>> No.20046679
File: 3.29 MB, 720x1280, Bialetti 1cup moka pot, 6g light roast coffee beans with 2g city roast beans, Knob Grinder 2sd 14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moka pot, preferably - may allah forbid me for saying these words - an aluminium one with the E&B competition filter so you can grind finer than a regular moka.

>> No.20046680

How do I justify to myself spending several hundreds on a machine/appliance that does a single job?

>> No.20046689


>> No.20046691

I ask myself that every time I buy something for my gf

>> No.20046703

Immersion brewing is fine, only percolation is a meme.

>> No.20046714

also that moka technique is bad
no temp control
looks super weak from the get go
all of that disgusting under extracted foam at the end
no water cooling to stop water from coming up after the desired yield is reached

>> No.20046719

*meant to say percolators

>> No.20047099

you're lucky fresh goffee

>> No.20047114
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Traveller from /tea/, here. Y'all pointed me towards a Clever Dripper and 1zpresso JX Pro a few years back, been super happy with my setup. I just jumped into at home espresso without consulting here first. How'd I do? Also have a small spray bottle in the mail because I've seen that that's a thing.

>> No.20047133

good :)
>lso have a small spray bottle in the mail because I've seen that that's a thing.
yes good, and if you want to know why.

>> No.20047135

Based, today we’ve been blessed with 2 anons becoming Flair Chads. >>20046040

Also both of them rock a JX Pro.

What a Christmas magic lads.

>> No.20047212

Does someone know the measure of the top opening part of the Hario Buono (1 liter) without the lid installed?

I need to buy something like this to place it at the top of the kettle so the steam heats the flair pieces:


This strainer being made of stainless steel is temperature safe but is it wide enough at 7 cm?

>> No.20047268
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Forgot piggture

>> No.20047313

try to find replacement lids and then find the measurements for that

>> No.20047315

7.78cm i read it online

>> No.20047482

got new goffee
natural process brazil
and got some tear for my mum :)

>> No.20047786
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If I'm making pour over while /out/ can I just use an old porlex grinder or is it really that poo?

>> No.20047845

poo poo

>> No.20047920

Best semi automatic machine for someone who has 2 espressos a day. No milk.

>> No.20048104

La Marzocco Linea Mini

>> No.20048241
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need some purchasing advice. my dad has one of those siemens bean to cup machines and I use it to make "coffee" and put a bit of cream in it, around 200ml of coffee and two cups of it. it doesn't seem to be able to produce proper espresso which I do like but don't usually drink outside of cafes.
so anyway I'm moving out again and I need to buy something for myself, I'm just not really sure if it's to make normal coffee or espresso, I guess I'm leaning more towards coffee because I like to actually drink a good amount of it in the morning and not just two tiny cuplets
budget wise somewhere around or below 600€

>> No.20048363

For "regular" coffee, there are a bazillion cheap brewing methods. Mokapot is quite popular here, but aeropress, French press, and pourover are also cheap and easy enough to get and use.
Any of these methods can usually be had for under 50€, not counting the grinder, and they'll blow the Siemens machine out of the water once you've practiced a bit.
If you don't mind grinding by hand, there are a few good grinders you can get for around 100€. The pastebin has some listed.
In that 600€ budget, for espresso, you're probably looking at a breville machine, or maybe something like a low-end gaggia if you don't mind modifying it later. You could also go for something manual like a Flair, but consider whether or not you want to steam milk. The grinding is more demanding for espresso, so the manual grinder would probably be your only option, as the worthwhile motorized ones will cost your entire budget.

>> No.20048449

I wouldn't buy one specifically for this task but if you already have one go for it. It's what i do.

>> No.20048594

Another cup of keurig sloppy.

>> No.20048596
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>percolator above french press

>> No.20048619

>replying to bait

>> No.20048710
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>he doesn't have a Robusta branded mattress
do you even like coffee bro?!

>> No.20048712

mmm... bittersleep

>> No.20048771
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looks fancy but I'm afraid espressos aren't going to be enough liquid to drink in the morning if that makes sense
maybe I should get a moccamaster and a grinder like a baratza?

>> No.20049051
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Hey guys, I don't usually come to /ck/
I'm interested in having good coffee, I've done some very basic research it seems like I need a decent coffee grinder
I'll willing to cough up a little bit of money, right now I'm considering the Fellow Ode Gen2
I have a pretty regular ass coffee machine, a Hamilton Beach Flex Brew thing that has a coffee pot and a single serve thing
If I buy that grinder and keep my regular ass coffee machine, is that a retarded idea? Does anything I've said here make sense? Would appreciate any advice you guys have, I've seen people talk about espresso machines but I just want to make regular good coffee in quantities that I can fill thermoses of around 20-30oz
Thanks guys

>> No.20049153
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>At least we don't have to pay for public healthc-ACK!

>> No.20049202

Is there a good aliexpress grinder i can get for less than 50 euros for my knockoff aeropress_

>> No.20049214


>> No.20049230

Ode 2 will pair fine with a normal coffee pot. Great stock burrs, cheap entry to 64mm if you wanted to change them out later. The retarded thing to do would be running shitty coffee through it.
Kingrinder p3.

>> No.20049257
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Yes, buying high quality beans and grinding them fresh with a steel burr grinder will make significantly better coffee than the big can of folger’s, even with a normal mr coffee style machine. The fellow ode 2 is pretty commonly recommended, the baratza encore is also a good option. If you can stand grinding by hand rather than electric you can get a much better grinder for the same money, but for the quantities you’re talking about, I’d just go electric. If you want to get into the weeds with the best cup of coffee possible, you can pick up a $12 V60 and a $30 gooseneck kettle and drive yourself crazy. Hope this helps.

>> No.20049279

do you mean the p2? is it better than the xeoleo ones?

>> No.20049280
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I had a friend suggest I could get that Breville - the Barista Express Espresso Machine thing, the cheap one around $700ish but I'm not really informed on espresso stuff, apparently I can just make an espresso thing and then just add water and it's basically like making myself a coffee?
Would it be a good idea considering I'm already contemplating spending over half that amount on a grinder? Can I do "cold brew" with any of this stuff? I had one recently at a shop and enjoyed it a lot more than I was anticipating

>> No.20049301

Yeah my bad. I forgot they went 0,1,2 not 1,2,3. P2 is a 38mm plastic k5. Basically the most budget comandante.
>better than the xeoleo ones
The aliexpress xeoleo hand grinders look like they use the same burr geometry as the p0. I'd go p2.

>> No.20049314

which one do you recommend, not OP but also in the market

>> No.20049333
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You’re talking about an americano, which is a watered down espresso, and to get to the 20-30 fl oz of coffee you want every day would be like 4+ shots of espresso, which is a whole thing in and of itself, to say nothing of how much time in the morning you’d have to devote to making that happen. I personally wouldn’t dive straight into a $700 espresso machine if you’re happy with the coffee maker you have, just buy a nice grinder and see how you like it. You can always buy more stuff later, and the general advice is that you should spend more on the grinder than anything else. You can also make cold brew by just dumping ground coffee and water in a jar and leaving it overnight, or longer.

>> No.20049337
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This is a very helpful post, thank you anon

>> No.20049345

thank you, i'll have a look at the p2.

>> No.20049367
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Happy my autism can help somebody else. Don’t forget to blogpost here after you pull the trigger and make your first cuppa with your new gear

>> No.20049375

There's a bunch of cool ways to make "filter" on an espresso machine now, they just require specific capabilities on the machine like flow/pressure control. Optimizing espresso shots for dilution.
Np. Can't tell you how they are since they're brand new but when the grinder costs about as much as an lb of decent coffee, why not try it? Poorfags go nuts over the k4 and 6 so I'm sure you'll be happy. How much are they running in eurobux?

>> No.20049380

50 euros, it'll be an upgrade from the blade grinder which i've not been overly upset with thus far. Probably next upgrade from this will be several steps above in a few years time.

>> No.20049385

I'm not sure on the moccamaster, and I'm suspicious of an automatic pourover. The baratza is generally well-regarded, though.
P.S. I think >>20049257 might be helpful for you.

>> No.20049397
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Rough, but it is what it is. You'll break even in 3 months and can regift it to someone next xmas. Its the new 1zpresso Qair in a cheaper shell if you want something to compare it to.

>> No.20049522
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>Really want to try turkish coffee
>mfw actually grinding it by hand
>In the end tastes the same as the stuff I make on my moka pot
Don't get me wrong it was really good, hitting the pot with a spoon to make the ground sink was fun, cleaning the pot after it was done was really easy and if it wasn't for having to grind so fine I would had made myself another one immediately.
On my experience because it's unfiltered some flavor notes should has been more tangible but the difference is just too little to justify it.
I can live without this but I won't deny it's good.

>> No.20049677

Is coffeedeskus.com good to go and if they are, are they good for the US? They have the Fellow Ode and Baratza Encore ESP for $100. The Fellow Ode says it comes with a 220V EU plug which is why I'm asking.

>> No.20049689

220V in 110v is double the goodness, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.20049835

>>In the end tastes the same as the stuff I make on my moka pot
>Don't get me wrong it was really good
these two statements are contradictory

>> No.20050032
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I wanna fly away where the coffee is good.

>> No.20050063
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VGH, I’ll now order me some Caffelab(tm) beans

>> No.20050080

Been struggling like hell to get consistent shot timing on my GCP I picked up earlier this month, would have one shot pull in 25 seconds then change absolutely nothing and have the next shot choke out and take a full fucking minute.

Got my bottomless portafilter in today and tried pulling a few shots using the basket that came with it and got perfectly consistent back to back shots all right within the 25-30 second range with no evidence of channeling anywhere.

Why the fuck is their stock basket such dogshit holy shit, it's like the thing was intentionally engineered to gaslight you into thinking you're doing something wrong. Now I just just need to work on my milk steaming technique.

>> No.20050232

It’s a cheap yet well made machine, you’re basically paying for it and everything else in the box are just extras put in there to make you feel good about having a whole package, you’re supposed to throw away the baskets and the tamper because you already have bought better tools before receiving the machine.

>> No.20050395

It's just wild to me that there's so much of a difference between them, considering they're both OEM baskets. I did order them at the same time, but shipping got delayed on the portafilter so I've been using the stock one while I waited. I feel really sorry for anyone who buys the machine and doesn't know you have to replace this shit, at least with the "tamper" it's really obvious you need to replace it even if you only barely know anything about espresso.

>> No.20050510

Was almost out of beans and somehow managed to find some bags of counter culture that were less than 2 weeks from roast date at target of all places, the goffee gods have smiled upon me this day

>> No.20050772

So I have a brewer that was a gift from 2 years ago
then when I brewed coffee today, it tasted weird, a bit toxic? I don't know how to describe it, it just tasted unpleasant. I did everything, letting hot water and even a bit of vinegar clean through the reserviors. It still tasted weird
TL:DR coffee from the drip brewer started to taste weird and it won't go away, so should I get a new brewer?

>> No.20050774

>so should I get a new brewer?
do you want another drip brewer?

>> No.20050778

Espresso Lungo shot (2 or 3 pulls off one shot)

>> No.20050782

Nah, it can be anything, I'm not picky with the brew type. I just wanted to ask since I'm not really well versed in this shit yet, I just like drinking coffee

>> No.20050791

what was the name of your last brewer and what is your price range in usd
oh and are you looking for a machine with a simply and easy workflow or do you not really care if you have to go through a few extra steps
i dont think i can help you im simply fishing for more specific info that could be useful for someone who might be able to help you
good luck :)

>> No.20050805

Bouta make some 4am goffee and do a tim tam slam

>> No.20050908

Which 'tams? For me it is the white chocolate

>> No.20050918

Anyone here do the Gagguino mod? I'm no stranger to soldering or tinkering with electronics or appliances, but I don't know dick about Arduino or programming.

>> No.20050934

Got some caramel ones for Christmas. Not my favorite but still not bad.

>> No.20050939

Yeah, it's fine. Just take some pliers and bend the two prongs 90 degrees so they'll fit in a North American outlet. That'll only work if it's a Euro plug, though. British plugs are too thick, so you'd have to grind or sand them down.

>> No.20050973
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what's the best device to prepare a single cup of coffee besides a small moka?

>> No.20050976

Any type of pour-over funnel. That's literally what they're for. /ctg/ likes to recommend a Hario v60, but I don't see what would make it any better than any other ceramic pour-over cone/funnel.

>> No.20050984

It looks nice

>> No.20051047

what's the least autistic way to prepare either two cups of coffee or one and then another one not long after? I don't mind buying a decent grinder

>> No.20051100

French press or a pourover.

>> No.20051101

Aeropress or something like the Hario switch

>> No.20051387
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Found one of these at the thrift store, what am I in for?
Looks clean, but I'll probably flush a few round of water through first.

>> No.20051467

>what am I in for?
Worse espresso than the Picopresso.

>> No.20051495

So you have tried both?

>> No.20051502

a hitachi magic wand knockoff it looksl ike

>> No.20051548

An 8g proprietary basket and sore thumbs.

>> No.20051568
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how are these?

>> No.20051588

Very high body, very low separation of flavors/clarity. Good for 9 bar dark roast espresso and not much else.

>> No.20051615

a big moka

>> No.20051618

time for some 4:30 am moka and cinnamon fruit toast :)

>> No.20051736

for aeropress and cold brew should i get an encore, an encore esp, an opus, or just save for an ode

>> No.20051776


>> No.20051903

Solid for the price, not worth paying for anything above the filtro unless you're going to get one of the models with larger burrs since the only functional difference on most of them is the switch type which is braindead simple to replace yourself for cheap.

>> No.20051906

it's on sale right now for 159 so I'm wondering if it's worth getting over something like a baratza encore

>> No.20051942

Very yes, much better build quality especially at that price

>> No.20051970
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Oh those actually come with the filtro pros stock now. For a while half would have the traditional italian espresso burrs and half had the lower body higher clarity filter burrs that kind of look like 54mm ditting steels. What are you planning on using it for?

>> No.20052103

Likely filter coffee of some kind, haven't decided yet. Don't think it'll be espresso

>> No.20052113
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>> No.20052116
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>> No.20052119
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>> No.20052298
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>I have the honor to inform you that, starting from January 2024, for reasons of reorganization of my business,

>I will receive the public only by telephone appointment.

>Even for a coffee at the counter.

zoomzoom sistas hoe do we feel about this?

>> No.20052450

I have the filtro with the stock filter-focused burrs and it works really well. It is definitely capable of grinding for espresso as well if you ever decide to go down that rabbit hole, though the espresso burrs are also available as an easy upgrade if you want it. Up until I got my espresso machine recently I'd been using it primarily for V60 with the occasional aeropress, French press, or moka pot brew and it's definitely capable of doing all of them pretty well, just be aware that the adjustment can be a bit weird to get used to as it takes multiple full rotations of the adjustment screw to go from the very coarse to the very fine ranges, and there's no indicator of the absolute position so you have to kind it keep track of where you're at relative to absolute zero if you're going to adjust a lot.

>> No.20052598

this is my first time posting here and i'd like some thoughts on my current espresso setup. i got a delonghi dedica and a k1 grinder for cheap on amazon and replaced the fake crema basket with a real one. i'm using pretty cheap lightly roasted ethiopian beans from the supermarket and am pretty happy with the results. i also used the grinder to enhance my experience with the drip coffee machine i already had and played a bit with an old moka pot. i'm just wondering if there's anything i should change about my setup or any other brew methods i should try, right now the thing i'm most interested in is trying different beans but i'm not sure where to get any.

>> No.20052669
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>”Hello, I’d like to schedule an appointment for 1 cup of espresso with 2 teaspoons of sugar for tomorrow at 10:30 AM, thanks”

>> No.20052858
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>> No.20052862

Upgrade to either a K4 or K6 for espresso.

>> No.20053043

What is the umarell coffee of choice?

>> No.20053165

>trying different beans
Check the pastebin >>20045715 otherwise local roasters.

>> No.20053184

>local roasters.

>> No.20053190

But I've got an old Italian faggioli a few blocks away?

>> No.20053198

yeh i get you do

>> No.20053301
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Best $3 spent ever

>> No.20053327
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find pleasure in your last sips and nibbles of the year. tonka beans chocc was a first, smooth and tasty.

>> No.20053601

french press

>> No.20053745

Why proprietary?

>> No.20053777

You can use 51mm pavoni baskets with the picopresso, or 49mm cremina baskets with an adapter. You're locked into the shitty little stock 36mm 8g baskets with the minipresso.

>> No.20053792
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what coffee goes with a strawberry-cream cake?

>> No.20054030

I wanted to try learning latte art, just for fun. Is there any appreciable difference between a cheap, chinkshit white label milk pitcher you can pick up for like $5 and a more "premium" $40 one by someone like Normcore or Subminimal?

>> No.20054096
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Is there a pour over machine that has no plastic used in the parts that are in contact with the water and in the brewing chamber? And also makes good coffee?

>> No.20054097

Ive been enjoying my hario and fellow ode 2 setup. Thanks /ctg/

>> No.20054100

you mean like drip?
like in a diner?

>> No.20054103

idk you tell me

>> No.20054115

Like e.g. moccamaster but with a steel/ceramic/glass brewing chamber.

>> No.20054157


>> No.20054191


>> No.20054212

because it doesnt exist

>> No.20054222

I think that you might be wrong and Joy Resolve Barisieur has a glass brewing chamber. It looks really stupid though.0somrx

>> No.20054236

v60, aeropress or french press? I want to be able to make either one cup (200-220ml or so) and then another one afterwards. I'd prefer less fuss in general

>> No.20054248

>Joy Resolve Barisieur
forgive me for not knowing this 1(ONE) brewer that fits your description exists
and yes it does look very stupid and its $800(aud)
and the shower head is still plastic
and its a fucking alarm clock
they also have this thing but it isnt a machine and looks pretty wanky

>> No.20054256

10/10 made my night with this reply

>> No.20054268

Don't forget the little cooler for milk.

>> No.20054420

Has anyone bought the kingrinder p series yet? What is it like, better than other plastic grinders, does it hold up against the K6, for half the price?

>> No.20054537

recently learned about what a macchiato really is. I really like them but I struggle to steam that little milk for only 1 macchiato. My work-around has been to pull two [double] shots in two different glasses, then steam enough milk for two macchiatos, then pouring half the milk into each glass for two macchiatos. Is there a better way or do I need to get a smaller pitcher?

>> No.20054565

can I reuse an aeropress filter for a second cup?

>> No.20054610

How, are you gonna eject it, wipe off the coffee grounds, rinse it and use it again?

It's a tiny piece of paper, just use another one you psycho.

>> No.20054615

>How, are you gonna eject it, wipe off the coffee grounds, rinse it and use it again?
Yeah, I'd have to eject the grounds for another cup anyway, no?

>> No.20054628

Yes but doing that also ejects the filter paper and most people don't think about then scraping all the spent grounds off a soiled piece of paper to try to reuse it when it's a piece of fucking paper and it's much simpler to just eject the whole thing into the trash and grab a new filter. It's a tiny piece of paper, it's cheap, it's not worth the effort.

>> No.20054698

>get smaller pitchers
this is what i did

>> No.20054766

Ratio 6 and 8 use glass water lines.
The inventor of ap uses his filters repeatedly before throwing them.

>> No.20054773

Good for him I guess?

>> No.20054775

>own a pour-over, french press, and an espresso machine
>feeling the urge to buy an aeropress to see what it's like
I'm not gonna do it but consoomerism is one hell of a drug. The difference between a man and a woman (and the woman brained) is not to fall prey to your desires every time

>> No.20054806

I'm in the same predicament. I want a turkish coffee pot.

>> No.20054814

Aeropress is nice if you just want a single cup or for travel and it's not expensive, go for it.

>> No.20054817
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>currently own (and use regularly) two sizes of briki, a mokapot, and an espresso machine
>have a phin filter but don't use it often
>have a French press I got at an estate sale for like $8 and never used
>want a siphon brewer
>know I probably won't use it much because it's not concentrated enough for my tastes, but it's cool
My girlfriend is starting to get irritated by the amount of coffee stuff in the house. But she keeps buying plants for the aesthetic and killing them with neglect, so maybe I'll do it anyway. At least my coffee stuff can go in cabinets.
Anyway, aeropress is cheap and doesn't take up much space, you can always shove it in a cabinet.

Get one bro, they're great. Takes up barely any space and makes good coffee. I like the Greek stuff better than Turkish because it's a bit more floral and sweet vs earthy. It's also slightly easier on my stomach for some reason. The brewing process is basically the same, so might as well try both.

>> No.20054819
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>I did for years. And my wife was always saying to me, “Alan you don’t have to reuse filters, you have all the filters you want,” so I’m not doing it so much anymore.I would typically use the same filter for about a week and that was maybe about fifteen pressings. We got an email from a guy in the Navy that lived on an aircraft carrier who said he used them for months. But I found that after about thirty pressings they were likely to fall apart.

>> No.20055033
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I didn't choose the ristretto life, the ristretto life chose me.

>> No.20055189
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>The last photo in the roasting room for this year...
>I rushed by to get the last "accessories" for dinner this evening. >In complete tranquility, without fuss, but with loved ones and some delights to enjoy.
>This period taught me several things, and reaffirmed others.
>In no particular order:
>- Trust in others, until proven otherwise;
>- Politeness is the basis of everything, but we must not forget to support and defend our values if they really bring benefits to others.
>There is no need to fear appearing "protesting and intolerant" in these cases;
>- If you receive or commit a wrong, even in good faith, do not be afraid to apologize or ask for clarification. >The sooner we do it, the better, since we realize we are victims or actors;
>- Sometimes people change, and as much as it may displease us, we cannot take responsibility for it if relationships change.
>See point above, however.
>And if you don't get there, have a good trip.
>Maybe one day we'll find ourselves like the stars drinking whiskey at the Roxy Bar...;
>I have become aware that my laboratory is a laboratory and not a bar, a cafeteria, a breakfast shop and the like.
>As such, I will dedicate myself to the roasting-point.
>Express and sales by appointment, to optimize my and your time. >Nineteen years have passed since I placed Plato's writing on the door of the first Caffè Penazzi branch, and I had the confirmation that is always valid: "I don't know a sure way to success, but only one to sure failure: wanting to please everyone"...
>May 2024 come to those who dare, not plan.

>> No.20055200

Who could have ever guessed the italian faggot would spam an italian faggot daily until his downmarket flair arrives?

>> No.20055225

>baby faema in-frame
Based subliminal messenger

>> No.20055264 [DELETED] 

Kys nigger, next year will see a dramatic increase in posting

>> No.20055340

What’s the sweet senpai?

>> No.20055600
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Best wishes Alberto, see you next year!

>> No.20055621

Who’s that guy?

>> No.20055627

>he didn’t like mokafrà’s best wishes for 2024 comment


>> No.20055636
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Paolo Ottaviani

>> No.20055690

>I will receive the public only by telephone appointment
>I have the schizo blocked on all my numbers

>> No.20055875
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aside from the loose cap, this thing is built like a tank. may have to wait until tomorrow to make a cup with it.

>> No.20055881

I can't follow all the italian faggots that keep being posted here.

>> No.20055921
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While I enjoy this ray of sunshine on the bench a gentleman passes by and says to me: Happy New Year! And I: off to a good start! And he said: in the meantime, bye bye, as the lady said!

>> No.20055928
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January promo in Ferrara! Sunshine Cigar Shot Glass! As my dear mother said: thank you Lord everyone like me!

>> No.20055930

What grinder is that?

>> No.20055938

conqueqo is the name they slapped on it.

>> No.20055989

conqueco. has a 48mm clone of the comandante burr.

>> No.20056042

yes he is psycho who enjoys bad coffee
he did invent the aeropiss after all

>> No.20056044

what is that other thing

>> No.20056503

Apple pie and a 18g:21g in 30s ristretto 100arabica blend
Happy new year

>> No.20056642
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My new years resolution is to stop advertising at the gloryhole.

>> No.20056923

Thanks, the Ratio looks promising.

>> No.20056984

They're pretty sick. You're not locked into their drippers/carafes either. You can toss whatever you want in there. If I ever get tired of my pourover autism thats what I'd be looking at.

>> No.20057046

Is there any "travel grinder" capable of grinding for espresso? I have a K4, but ideally, I'm looking for something like half the vertical size. Wacaco makes one called the Exagrind, but I've not seen anyone review it, so I don't know how good it would be.

>> No.20057071


>> No.20057103

maybe but no one who is here right now

>> No.20057232
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usually buy local but want to try something new, any recs for espresso beans i can buy online in germany? open to anything even if its challenging

>> No.20057274

burundi natural process medium roast

>> No.20057309

sounds interesting but where do i buy it? looks like most stores i find arent german

>> No.20057333

i just checked all the eu roasters in the pastebin and none of them have any burundi
maybe its out of season
come back in 6 months
have you checked the barn?
you might like this instead

>> No.20057450
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I'm in the market for a new moka pot. My basket has become dinged up to the point it no longer really fits in the lower pot.

It's my first moka pot, had it since about 2013, I used it hard. Sometimes I cool it off by running it under a cold tap. Sometimes I empty the basket by banging it against my steel sink (this is what killed it I think)
What options should I look at as a replacement?
Open to something nicer than the bialetti. Also open to buying vintage/used if there are nice ones out there. There is no strict budget, I use this 5x daily so I'm willing to invest. But don't want to throw my money away. Looking for a 1-3 cup size. No estropress.

>> No.20057453

E&B Lab 6 cup moka pot

>> No.20057473
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>E&B Lab 6 cup moka pot
does it make better coffe?
their website makes me want a bialeti.They have a lot of wasted space, infiniscroll, pictures of their product looking like designer clothing. They talk about how they started making special metal filters for the special plastic brewer...
might just go for pic rel

>> No.20057484
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Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.

>> No.20057485

>does it make better coffe?
it has a better filter which makes the coffee better

>> No.20057486
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>High yields per amount of effort put in
It's all you need (unless making large batches)

>> No.20057501

how much can you make with it tops?

>> No.20057528

Hm, thanks for the link. I ended up going for the Dolce & Gabbana set, I'll post again when it's here.

>> No.20057573

Maybe you could push it to like 300mls, although even that I'm not sure of. It's very much a one cup at a time brewer.

>> No.20057577

I usually brew about 250mL which is about the absolute maximum the standard size one will hold. They did come out with a larger batch brewer version, but I haven't tried it.

>> No.20057580

did you get the one with the cups?

>> No.20057590

Sometimes my espresso pucks come out dry and as one cohesive block, sometimes they're wet and not all of it comes out in 1 piece. Does this mean anything

>> No.20057594

No, I thought about it but the stirrers aren't actual gold, and the cups are too small. I got the version pictured, 3 cup coffee pot with coffee tin.

>> No.20057633
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does it come with coffe?

>> No.20057638
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>> No.20057662

Nice tin

>> No.20057665

I'd buy one if that woman would sit on my face as part of the deal

>> No.20057679
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Stainless steel moka pot with reducer so you can both make 1 and 3 cups depending on the way you turn the reducer inside.

These two fits the requirements:



If you want something fancier there's a glass one that can flexibly make from 1 to 6 cups and it's currently on kickstarter:


Please avoid aluminium.

>> No.20057747
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>> No.20057826

Stop shilling broken mokapots he'll immediately have to rma.

>> No.20057944

that one looks good, anything else you would recommend from the barn?

>> No.20057948

Shilli…I mean recommend hahahahah

>> No.20057951

It's all going to be gold, they don't buy shitty greens. I'd get the nano challa and the Kenyan.

>> No.20058026

>t. never ordered from them

>> No.20058180
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They're one of the roasters standart magazine has on rotation for samples. A 40g bag is one of two reasons I try to snag a specific crop of greens every year. Father's(another standart sample roaster) has it on sale now. Both were fantastic, haven't tried father's espresso bombe though. I liked barn's nat bombe better. Fathers washed was a little lighter roast so it may be a different story now that I'm on flats.

>> No.20058181
File: 115 KB, 768x742, D0B5E93D-E00A-4DFF-A8FA-EF79BD52E27C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m taking the alchemy pill and none of you can stop me.

>> No.20058257

I want to try one of these so bad.

>> No.20058286

What is stopping you?

>> No.20058298
File: 60 KB, 800x910, smeg-x-dolce-gabbana-blu-mediterraneo-coffee-grinder_21474682_47946741_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good beans i should order online? just got a 1zpresso to go with my Dolce & Gabbana
>I couldn't afford the smeg

>> No.20058333

alright cheers

>> No.20058350
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Are caffe breves (made with half & half instead of milk) worth the extra 300+ calories?

>> No.20058359
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>> No.20058390
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Second batch of cinnamon scrolls are amazing.

>> No.20058406

just saw that the nano chabingbong is supposed to be for filter, have you had it for espresso?

>> No.20058416

No but I exclusively use filter roasts for espresso.

>> No.20058420

self-harm is not attractive

>> No.20058435

I love my snow peak sporks. When I can't go camping I like to use them at home. https://www.snowpeak.com/products/titanium-spork

>> No.20058510
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, nintendo hario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried the hario switch? it seems so dumb it might actually be good.
It's way more expensive than a regular v60 or a french press, but i'm in the mood for buying a new brewing method

>> No.20058689

Does anyone know the specific specs on the Ode Gen 2's motor?
I find it hard to believe that the Gen 2 "can't do espresso" but something like the Lagom Mini can
Hoffmeme loves these kinds of brewers. He has a couple videos on them and one about how infusion tends to give better brews than percolation. They're not dumb they definitely do something unique that a v60 nor a french press does

>> No.20058760

Little conical burrs need less torque. Way smaller surface area on the cutting faces compared to 64mm flats. Lagom mini was designed as a filter grinder and they had to update it a few times because people were burning up their units like whats happening to the varia vs3 now. I know there's been several different version of power supplies and at least one motor/gearing change in Lagom mini's lifespan.

>> No.20058775

>way more expensive
it's 36 bucks

the primary benefit is not really having to worry about preheating or pouring in stages (unless you really want to)
>pour boiling water in
>add coffee
>press button after a few minutes

>> No.20058778
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If you want a cheaper option to try it out get a clever brewer. Same concept except designed for melitta filters, plastic and with a different release mechanism.

>> No.20058859


they don't sell it where i live, so i would have to pay 30+ dollars for shipping. It would actually be 70 USD for me.

yeah i saw that was cheaper and it's also a flatbed instead of conical, which would be interesting to try since i already own a V60 ... still, i don't like the idea of putting hot water in plastic (i know it's dumb)

>> No.20058865

>they don't have amazon where I live
surely you jest

>> No.20058885

I got one of the Philips super automatics, and I’m a big fan. Easy to clean the brew group, tasty coffee and espresso, good steam wand. No real complaints, but I’m also not the biggest coffee snob in the world. If you want to get super into temp and pressure settings, it’s not the way to go, but if you want delicious brews that are simple as pie to make and require essentially no cleanup, they’re great. I love mine. Only had it six months though, so I can’t speak to the longevity.

>> No.20058892


No... it is ... it is from amazon... anon...

>> No.20058900
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>> No.20058904

Which country are you from? You might have an amazon closer to you, or some local coffee focused store.

>> No.20058908

my apologies anon
hope your brews are worth it
try the tetsua kasuya hybrid method, it's produced my favorite cups so far

>> No.20058928

>here's how to make the perfect italian coffee
>makes it in objectively the worst way possible

>> No.20058929


the closest amazon i got is from the USA and those are the shipping prices, sadly. I've been looking for the switch online but i think every store only carries the 02, which is too small for the ammount of coffee i like to drink .. .


Thanks anon, i think i will buy it after looking at a hundred videos shilling it for me ... if i do buy it i will post my thoughts on the recipe

>> No.20058967

there are a few on ebay that ship free globally, will still have to pay import tax

>> No.20058988
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ebay it's not very good where i live... shipping is 80 dollars and import fees are 30 ...

but thanks!:)

>> No.20059032
File: 2.96 MB, 720x720, CaffePasticceriaCucchi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making shitty coffee is a time honored italian tradition anon.

>> No.20059059

>fast = good
they really are the jeets of europe

>> No.20059077

Preground coffee, limp wrist tamp and 40oz of steamed milk sitting around. Why would you ever rinse a spouted portafilter? Having a freshly wiped drip tray has a way bigger impact on cup quality.

>> No.20059151

why post kino?

>> No.20059282
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At least post the original video you obsessed brown “person”.


You need to shove it in your head that Italian espresso is made that way in our bars because it’s the traditional way and because the barman makes hundred of coffees during peak hours, also 1 cup of espresso is cheap at 1€ therefore you get what you pay for and people here want it that way.

While I agree that many places sucks ass when dealing with coffee, there are many other that are more serious, also for as much as I love to shit talk my fellow Italian people obsession for unnecessary tradition boundaries and for the fact, and you don’t know this simply because you don’t live here, the knowledge is always locked behind literal paywalls and small groups of “elites”.

This is a cultural heritage brought to us straight from medieval times thanks to the fucking Catholic Church who controlled the job arts (remember the guilds and other groups of artisans you need to be part of in order to deal with their products unless you want to be fined/burned alive?), universities and shit, and that’s the reason why still up to this day we have modern guilds and even the knowledge behind making a coffee like we do here is something that in Italy requires to go to a school and pay for a course held by - you guessed right - a coffee “guild” official or you can do as I did by using the power of internet to defy the cultural boundaries and learn from other countries knowledge. Protestant countries never had the problem we have because they encouraged sharing the knowledge, that’s why people over there can actually innovate while we have to wait a couple decades for all the boomers to die in order to do this, provided that this country won’t be collapsed by that time.

For the same reason do not expect to learn how to cook Italian dishes by watching Italian videos for they will always lack one or two steps or little yet I crucial info.

>> No.20059294
File: 82 KB, 494x543, 1683286329042789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you obsessed brown “person”.
>is italian
>writes down an essay as a response to a 1 sentence post
guyler you might want to tone down that projection

>> No.20059297

This is one of the few giga based and redpilled Italian cooking channels, here you will learn Italian cuisine 100% without Jewish tricks.


This guy shit talk the WEF on television and the vax mandates, he’s also the only Italian professional who makes every single year a complete, full and precise step by step recipe for making Panettone and Padoro at home, artisanal quality (provided that you have the tools and abilities).

>> No.20059301

It’s a well known fact that we Italians are hated by those who can’t be us, specifically by those who lacks culture and therefore brown/black people outside Europe would be a safe bet.

>> No.20059325
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>he watched the coffee rather than the Roman goddess
>he doesn’t teach his woman how to do things

I have very BAD news for you.

>> No.20059338
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Hey I'm new to caring about coffee, is getting coffee from the local health food store and using the grinder at the store to get enough to last 1-2 weeks and storing it in a jar decent enough if I don't want to spend the money on a fancy grinder yet? I just tried that and did a pour over for the first time by just winging it and expecting to make a bad cup and then learn from it but it was actually decent, I barely know what I'm doing but youtube guys made it seem like I have to be a fucking rocket scientist to make a fucking cup of coffee or something

>> No.20059369

Coping and seething is another time honored italian tradition. They touch tips with africa but its everyone else who's brown.

>> No.20059379

yes our resident guiseppe even doubled down afterwards with his delusion that people in 2024 wish they could be Italian

>> No.20059384

>he doesn’t teach his woman how to do things
why bother?
men are better at literally everything
i can cook, clean, shop, work, do laundry, meal plan/prep and make coffee better than my woman
why the fuck would i even waste my time trying to teach her to do any of these things when i know at the end of the day it would be better if it just did it myself

>> No.20059393


I think that you will be able to notice a difference between that coffee from the health store and (what im asuming you come from) instant coffee.

Some people will tell you that probably that won't be the best coffee and that you should grind it yourself, but if you are just getting started, it will take you some time to develop a taste for "good" coffee. When you try it, you will know it's better than bad coffee, and then if you want to invest more (buying your own grinder or buying coffee beans from a local roaster) you will know that coffee is better than the coffee you were buying before, and so on.

You won't know what the best coffee is like if you don't have a worse coffee to compare it to, is what i'm trying to say.

Some people get really snobby about an slightly better instant coffee, so im sure you will be able to enjoy your new coffee, specially if you consume it within 2 weeks.

So go and enjoy your coffee anon, we will be here in case you want to upgrade

>> No.20059396

>gross ugly fat man with a huge jew nose
>nigger wife
>no jewish tricks
good morning rabbi, taking a break from biting off baby foreskins to shit up my blog i see.

>> No.20059413

>>gross ugly fat man with a huge jew nose
stop being an Italy-phobe

>> No.20059421

I wish there were more italians desu. I just snagged a pair of leather sneakers from master artisans in Fucecchio for less than a pair of nikes. Somehow they're lower on the socioeconomic totem pole than Malaysian children.

>> No.20059427

after total zigger death
and total nigger death
comes total italian death

>> No.20059436


>> No.20059439

kikes are included in zigger and nigger

>> No.20059441

We may not be good at making espresso but we are good at organized crime. You're getting whacked

>> No.20059443

>but we are good at organized crime
not for the last 40 years
your time is over

>> No.20059452

Based on topic effortposter.

>> No.20059454
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That's enough wise guy.

>> No.20059458
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I did Folgers in a regular drip machine and then K cup stuff when I was younger, then I found about those Cometeer frozen coffee pod things and I've been doing that for around 2 years, they're decent but I started getting bored of it, I can't control how strong the coffee is, it doesn't have too much variety in flavor and the "mouth feel" is pretty boring, I just got bored of it
I'll get a grinder at some point, probably when I see a discount or something
Thanks for your input, anon

>> No.20059464

Don't overdo it, most of the science of coffee on the Internet is bogus. I brew and drink a LOT of coffee and can tell you anything about
>You need to do X and Y and Z crazy steps!
Is all bogus no matter what method. Examples are
>Preheating the water for moka pot
>Blooming pour overs
>Weighing anything
>Stirring your portafilter before tamping
If you want to make good coffee you should get off the coffee side of the Internet, especially /ctg/ immediately

>> No.20059496
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>”Look anon, we’re totally not a coordinated group who writes from a basement in tel aviv”
>”I even wrote anti semitic slurs to convince you of that”

>> No.20059500
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>> No.20059518
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You’re looking at them, asshole.

>> No.20059530
File: 185 KB, 451x276, Screenshot 2024-01-01 230136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who needs pills when you've got deep fried apple pies and red bull? that shit could cure my aids, and I could be convinced it has you just gotta consume it every day.

>> No.20059581

nice gun giuseppe
do they make it for men?

>> No.20059584

>i drink alot of coffee so i know how to make good coffee

>> No.20059604

Assuming your store stocks decent coffee that will be a big step up from buying preground shit from the grocery store or instant. An even bigger step up would be figuring out what cafes in your area have good beans that they sell, or even better if any of them roast their own and sell them. You should be able to get them ground there when you buy them, but ideally get as little as possible more frequently if you're doing that as ground coffee will go stale very fast even when properly stored. Look into figuring out what your budget for a grinder would be, you can get some pretty decent hand grinders for very little money if you look out for sales these days. Now that you've started you'll just keep looking for the next big improvement you can make, and the nice thing is every time you make a change it'll keep getting better and better, so you get to start enjoying coffee even more each time.

>> No.20059726
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I has a niche place nearby that only does coffee. He shares the shop with a hairdresser.

>> No.20059744

inb4 homoerotic italian op

>> No.20060221

10pm goffee
10pm fruit smoothie
planning some meals
what should i make, pilaf or stroganoff?

>> No.20060239

Oh yes

>> No.20060251


>> No.20060316

V60 will make the better coffee, aeropress will be slightly easier to use. Both can easy be done back to back. I'd avoid french press, personally.

>> No.20060533

As shit as I'm sure that coffee is, the workflow efficiency is kind of impressive. It does kind of make me laugh that italians are so obsessed with "muh tradition" that they legitimately think that having a person who's all dressed up making shitty fast espresso like this is somehow better than just letting a machine do it considering that for all the attention to quality they're paying you'd get the same or better result.

>> No.20060544

Aeropress is going to be fastest/easiest to use and get good results, V60 is going to be better for making more than one cup at the same time and potentially better quality if you are willing to put in the effort (this is very much subjective of course, you might prefer the results of one brewer or the other, nobody else can predict that for you), french press is easy as shit but takes notably longer to brew with compared to either aeropress or V60, but again you might be more into the kind of coffee it makes, there will definitely be a bigger difference between the french press and either other brewer than there will be between the V60 and the aeropress, since the french press is metal filtered and the other two use paper filters. Setup and cleanup for a french press is also more tedious if you just want a single cup compared to the other two, but it is pretty convenient for making several cups at once with minimal effort if you get a decently sized one.

Honestly just get more than one of them and try them out or switch it up depending on your mood, that's what most of us do. All of them are cheap as hell and easy to store when they're not in use, so why limit yourself?

>> No.20060746


>> No.20060773

Rare 9000IQ take

>> No.20060776

samefag. enjoy your channeling

>> No.20060778


>> No.20060781

it's called turbo shots retard