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20049115 No.20049115 [Reply] [Original]

>suddenly feel cravings for carrots
>no ranch dressing, no peanut butter, not even chopped up or cooked, just raw

Never felt this way before, after 30 years. But now, I feel like just enjoying raw carrots. Anyone else know this feeling? maybe it's just my taste palette changing, but in the past I couldn't even stomach carrots unless they were slathered in some kind of corn syrup-laden sauce. Now they're more snackable than sugar and chocolate.

>> No.20049119

I only eat purple carrots.

>> No.20049509

It means your testosterone to estrogen ratio is becoming out of whack as you get older. Raw carrots are good for reducing excess estrogen so you better eat up if you don't want to turn into more of a tubby grandma than you already are, lardass

>> No.20049539

>Raw carrots are good for reducing excess estrogen

>> No.20049564

I like to make a simple dressing and add it to some grated carrots. It’s extremely good for you.

>> No.20049569

Raymond Peat has tons of info about this. He was PhD level smart on nutrition and health.

>> No.20049585

Are you pregnant despite YWNBAW?

>> No.20049866
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>carrots and peanut butter

>> No.20049992

I've a lifelong love affair with carrots. Been eating raw ones as snacks as long as I've had teeth. I'm eating one right now, in fact.
Like them cooked, too, and especially juiced.

>> No.20049998

I've never seen any that are purple all the way through. At least not in person. Whenever I buy purple carrots, they're always orange or yellow in the middle.

>> No.20050002

I like cutting carrots into strips, a little olive oil, salt and pepper, roast them in an airfryer or oven until they kinda look like fries...a little grated parm and a light drizzle of honey

>> No.20050015

I love vegetables in most preparations but don't really care for any roasted. Weird, right?
I particularly love carrots stir fried, sauteed it even just boiled. Where I'm from, we make carrot salad by boiling them in vinegar-water (or lemon-water) then dressing them, still hot, with salt, mint (or sweet parsley) and olive oil.
Ever have carrot gravy?

>> No.20050018

I experienced this with tomatoes in my 30s, one day just felt the urge to bite into one so I did. Eat them like apples now, sometimes just sprinkle some salt. I've always been a raw carrot eater too, good stuff anon, enjoy.

>> No.20050031

I have not had carrot gravy...I have had carrot soup that was pretty good. I love carrots, I like the thin early season ones especially

>> No.20050051

I used to get a dish of salt and pepper and dip lemons into it and eat when I was a kid. Never did the tomato bite-y into-y thing, but I do love tomatoes in season.
>carrot soup
I make so much carrot bisque, bruh. No joke, we've got 12 lbs of carrots in the fridge right now. The missus makes carrot rice a lot, too, so they don't really last very long in this house.
If you count the frozen carrot juice, we've got about 15lbs total of carrot products.
I've made carrot gummies (carrot juice, sugar, gelatin), carrot jam and carrot yoghurt (to be eaten like you would any fruit yoghurt).
Like I said: we love carrots. Maybe it's genetic.

>> No.20050059

Sounds based carrotbro

>> No.20050101

Take boron iodine copper and shut your cunt

>> No.20050107

>boron iodine copper
Nobody doesn't like molten boron.

>> No.20050119

Carrots are a pretty good snack food. Plus they're pretty sweet, so they go down easily. That's why all "healthy" juice drinks are mostly carrot juice.

>> No.20050194
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For me it’s carrots, peas, fried chicken, ham slice, pineapple slice, grilled tomato, sausage link, and deep fried banana.