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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20047414 No.20047414 [Reply] [Original]

I spent my $20 McDonald’s gift card today, if I have a Mcstroke just know you guys were real ones

>> No.20047417

I miss my dad

>> No.20047427

i miss ur dad too

>> No.20047430

We all do, he was a fine chef

>> No.20047433

Why are you eating off of a guitar case

>> No.20047437

Are you new?

>> No.20047442
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Fuck, the longer I look at it the more it hurts.
Why, you cock

>> No.20047448
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>diet sunkist

>> No.20047453

Dawg bless

>> No.20047454
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Oh god it’s so fucking good but I’m already feeling full after one bacon double quarter pounder and a mcchicken and I had a bunch of fries and Doritos but I’m gonna keep going
It’s my favorite, I went to 3 different stores earlier just to find it

>> No.20047464

I'm guessing this was supposed to look like a large meal but this is a pretty typical McDonald's meal for me.

>> No.20047470

I know everyone is focusing on the food but my dude, what is the guitar in the case???

>> No.20047471

>two Double Quarter Pounders with bacon
>two McChickens
>two medium fries
I don't believe this.

>> No.20047478

a reasonably small amount of food for the average person Id say

>> No.20047479

Believe it!

>> No.20047500
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Nothing fancy, just an old alverez guitar I’ve had for about 11 years. I’ve owned many guitars but sold them throughout the years when money was tight. I really wish I still had my electric guitar and an amp.

>> No.20047526

Looks comfy bro, what are you playing/watching during the feast?

>> No.20047532
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That McDonald’s put my ass in the bed lol I was watching Spider-Man 3 but only made it to the part where Sandman starting attacking the city

>> No.20047560

That's my mcnindo: my mcninja way

>> No.20047635

>snes and n64 controllers to the side
Nice. You should post this on /vr/ too

>> No.20047653

Chick fil a sauce is awful Sneed oil garbage.

>> No.20047904

I recognize that writing desk. You're that one autist who lives with their mom and pooped your pants while headbutting the door in a rage. I saw you on TLC!

>> No.20047911

Those are some sad looking burgers

>> No.20048059

grim. disgusting image on many levels.

>> No.20048270

their better not be a guitar in that case if that's how you're treating it.

>> No.20048274

Find the video

>> No.20048424

I thought I would have to poop more this morning

>> No.20048441
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There's probably more than 1 on earth.

>> No.20048448

I actually hope you do get a stroke and die you blog posting lard ass

you posted so fucking much about your sad life on here. fat bald faggot!

>> No.20048525
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that yours? I’ve never seen someone else with the exact same desk. My parents have always made such a big deal about that desk I thought it was the only one that existed.
Somebody STOP me!

>> No.20048534

My wife wanted a mail desk, and I found it on facebook for $20. It mostly just holds sharpies and tape now.

>> No.20049719

The bottomless pit hungers for more.....

>> No.20050604
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I am a beast, one of which who’s hunger cannot be quelled.

>> No.20050607

play us a song bell daddy

>> No.20050614

>my dude

Kys, redditor

>> No.20050616
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>> No.20050636

Kiss my ass queer faggot

>> No.20050695 [DELETED] 

>not posting the unedited version


>> No.20051163

I see sandman also attacked the armrest on your couch, anon

>> No.20051344

Kill yourself out of /ck/.

>> No.20051367


>diet soda

Why are memes always true about fat people?

>> No.20051379

looks like you got ripped off use the app next time for the deals could have gotten many meals with those 20 dollars.

>> No.20051412

Clean your room, you fucking pig.

>> No.20051595

at least record your descent into obesity and make money like those other deathfats before you die

>> No.20051826
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The gift card wouldn’t work on the app

>> No.20051862
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Someone hated you so much they gave you a $20 gift card to McDicks instead of one to a decent place?

>> No.20051896

I miss my uncle Charles, y'all

>> No.20051918

They gave me 4 $20 gift cards. McDonald’s, wendys, papa Johns, and Taco Bell. The wendys one was the only one that had me scratching my head

>> No.20052000
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If you're going binge why not get better pizza than pizza hut

>> No.20052031
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My favorite is actually Hunts Brothers from the gas station but I switch it up every now and then so people don’t think I’m a freak

>> No.20052044

Soooo....you got $80 in gift cards to shitty places? I double down on calling you a faggot.

>> No.20052167

the fuck is wrong with wendys? get 2 baconators and a shit ton of spicy nuggets.

>> No.20052215
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I mean wendys is fine but there’s a Pizza Hut right next to it that I get wings from all the time. I’m just surprised they thought I’d rather have a wendys card over a Pizza Hut one

>> No.20052217

Do you get any form of exercise?

>> No.20052225

absolutely vile.

>> No.20052232
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>I spent my $20 McDonald’s gift card today, if I have a Mcstroke just know you guys were real ones

>> No.20052249
File: 14 KB, 536x88, have some self respect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20052253

damn if my life ever got this bad i would seriously just kill myself. good for you op for sticking it out

>> No.20052256

I want this life so much, i'm tired to be in a poor third world country with no future.

>> No.20052285
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You don’t know what this feels like..

>> No.20052290

Looks like a fat neet with absolutely zero hope for the future who has so little going on in his life that he has to resort to shitposting on 4chan for entertainment

>> No.20052294
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>> No.20053071

this is cabinfag, right? you still got that tower of pizza boxes?

cut your nails

>> No.20053541
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Yeah but it’s a different stack, I burn them pretty often

>> No.20053764

>that belly in reflection

>> No.20053767

I love cabin anon, he’s a great poaster

>> No.20053768

>nintendo 64 controller
Just for owning one in 2023 I would give a long eulogy at your funeral if you died.

>> No.20055230

1100 calories in Little Debbies but its all balanced by the diet Dew.

>> No.20055233

Excuse you, but I'm a real 10.

>> No.20055682
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this isn't tb anon? i guess the cabin poster doesn't pose with the alcohol as much

>> No.20055698

cabin anon also appears to only be around ~250 lbs while tb anon is closer to ~400 lbs

>> No.20055937
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I know who you’re talking about, I’m not Taco Bell anon

>> No.20055958

Jesus Christ I hope you die sooner than later you fat loser fuck.

>> No.20056093

>$20 gift card
>2 mcchickens and 2 big macs
It's actually over, there's no possible way to get a stroke for $20 in Joe bidens america