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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 203x248, download (70).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20046092 No.20046092 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the the term "burger" comes from "hamburger" which comes from "hamburger steak" and "hamburger sandwich." You can refer to a hamburger steak as a burger or a burger patty or a hamburger, and you can refer to a hamburger sandwich as a burger or a hamburger. Add cheese to either and they become cheeseburgers. What is not a burger is pic related; this is a chicken sandwich on a bun.

t. Ameriburger

>> No.20046099

>and you can refer to a hamburger sandwich as a burger or a hamburger.
You can also still call them sandwiches. This is of note because somebody will inevitably bring it up anyway, so yes, all hamburgers are sandwiches, but not all sandwiches are hamburgers.

>> No.20046109

I call it a chicken burger

>> No.20046127

"Pic related" doesn't mean "the thing in the picture", you fucking cretin.

>> No.20046128
File: 193 KB, 2560x2560, 618M0oJB-aL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong.

tomato sauce is just ketchup btw

>> No.20046134

you don't know how language works

>> No.20046136

I've probably on 4chan longer than you've been alive, kiddo.

>> No.20046137

thats a chicken burger

>> No.20046143
File: 56 KB, 616x924, Chicken-Burgers-6 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Burgerland and ask for a chicken burger and you'll get pic related.
Is YOUR country ever referred to as Burgerland? I don't think so.

>> No.20046144

it does

>> No.20046152

that's a nice chicken burger

>> No.20046156

tasty baitburger

>> No.20046161

Burger implies it’s been ground, see

>> No.20046162

>Come to Burgerland and ask for a chicken burger and you'll get pic related.
You'd get a weird look and they'd ask you if you wanted a chicken sandwich

>> No.20046163
File: 248 KB, 1080x787, 1703800910807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indians call French fries finger chips, they also invented calling it a "burger" because they can't say "sandwich"

>> No.20046170

>do you mean a turkey burger?

>> No.20046177
File: 72 KB, 1080x969, tsumugin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of disputed origin from Belgium or France.
everyone knows freedom fries are Belgian.

>> No.20046186

nice dubs but thats a chicken burger because of the burger buns

>> No.20046188

topmost of keks, fellow Anon

>> No.20046190


>> No.20046197
File: 81 KB, 1200x1800, 1703801346103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hamburger, bro.

>> No.20046207

thanks looks delicious

>> No.20046209

They were invented in Peru or some shit then imported to Spain via Portugal and made their way to Belgium from France but OK
The idea that their from Belgium is from that's where a lot of American soldiers got them for the first time
Who did the french cut fries is up for debate, while it seems like the Belgians marketed them that way first seems possible, that doesn't mean the French weren't frenching their fries, like, I wouldn't call it an "American-style hamburger" in America, that just seems weird, why would the French call their fries "French-style"?

>> No.20046219

They just call them cut potatoes

>> No.20046224

Did Peruvians traditionally fry potatoes in oil? It seems like they wouldn't have access to that much cooking oil at one time.

>> No.20046256

"fried dirt apples" you can see how the Belgians get credit for marketing
They did all kinds of weird shit including manually wringing the water out of them because the dehydrator wasn't invented yet
They still do this to this day, I bet a dehydrator salesman would do well up there

>> No.20046262

Sure, that part makes sense, but I just can't imagine they ever had access to enough cooking oil when they didn't domesticate livestock.

>> No.20046267

>Hamburger not made of ham btw
>Turkey burger
>Salmon burger
>but chicken burger is a no no

>> No.20046279

They exist, but turkey burgers are a lot more common (and so is ground turkey meat in general). I think it's because turkey is leaner than chicken, and people eat turkey burgers because they're "healthier" than hamburgers.

>> No.20046280

I don't know where they got their fat, but they did fry stuff prior to the columbian exchange
Fried guinea pig was and is still a thing
Come to think of it, I've never seen a guinea pig that wasn't a porker, maybe they used them for fat
Anyway the Spaniard who discovered Peruvian fried potatoes described them as cut and fried potatoes

>> No.20046306

Ground chicken isn't as common, it typically only exists in chicken nugget form

>> No.20046308
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1702851408227269s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong. That is a hamburger. It is on a hamburger bun. Someone just put their own twist on it and swapped the ground beef patty for a fried shicken breast. Just because you wouldn't have made the burger the same way doesn't make it not a burger. Pic related.

>> No.20046312

Do you have any primary sources that describe pre-Columbian Peruvians frying food? Also, guinea pig is incredibly lean.

>> No.20046315

They're called hamburger buns because they're traditionally used for hamburgers. Putting a chicken tender on a hot dog bun doesn't magically make it a hot dog.

>> No.20046316
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, 1702851408227269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20046320

I don't see anything about burgers.

>> No.20046333

It's a Cuban sandwich with almost every ingredient changed from what anyone would expect other than the bread. If they can get away with calling that a Cuban then OP's pic is a goddamn fucking hamburger. Comprende? It's a hamburger made with fried chicken. With a twist, a dollop of creative license, but still a burger.

>> No.20046337

No I didn't bother to save them, sorry
Guinea pig is like rabbit I thought, no intramuscular fat but there can be lots in the skin
But they got llamas and tapirs and shit, I'm sure there was enough fat without having to go skin a manatee
I did check, actually, it was our man Thomas Jefferson who made them popular in the US, I thought it was GIs after the Great War

>> No.20046343

What do you mean by "get away with"? Nobody is going to get arrested for being wrong.
I'm telling you man, they just didn't deep fry foods over on this side of the world before European contact.

>> No.20046398
File: 78 KB, 1080x607, wboIb0PX722ZeScHyqRTMyMsRGENjB1qt_stM6ys6a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like my burger bro

>> No.20046401

They also ate chihuahuas
That's how the Spanish described them, fried, I know they were primitive, maybe they weren't deep fried, but I'm not sold that cooking potatoes in fat is inherently European

>> No.20046408

Again, I'd like to read a primary source.

>> No.20046413

If I ever come across them again, I swear I'll post them here and hope you see them

>> No.20046416

>peanut burger
looks good

>> No.20046430
File: 523 KB, 290x200, batman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peru is such an anomaly. I think I actually believe this.

>> No.20046488

It comes from Hamburg.

>> No.20047320

Just eat your fucking ground-meat sandwich and stop trying to think.

>> No.20047365

Except it's served on a burger bun, thus making it a chicken burger. If it were served on a slice of bread, then it would be a chicken sandwich. This rule takes precedence over your silly etymology and it also applies to anything bread related ie. a subway sandwich cannot be named a burger because it is served on a baguette, which is a type of bread.
I'm so sorry you seppos can't figure this out but one day you'll understand why you're wrong. Until then we'll tolerate these silly threads of yours.

>> No.20047434

A burger without cheese is a burger-hold-the-cheese. Cheeseburger is pointless as a burger should always have cheese. Ordering a "cheeseburger" is like ordering "potato fries" as opposed to "fries".

>> No.20047459

Your ancestors had buns before burgers were invented
Stop lying to them

>> No.20047468

Burgers have everything to do with the preparation of the meat, and nothing to do with the bread. If it isn't ground meat formed into a patty and fried or grilled, it isn't a burger.

>> No.20047474

Do aussies not have hamburger steaks? Do you call chicken parmigiana a chicken burger steak? No? Then stop calling chicken sandwiches "chicken burgers" lmao

>> No.20047496

Americans will insist the bun doesn't define it then call a beef patty served between two slices of bread (not a bun) a "melt" and not a burger

>> No.20047503

A melt is a burger, dumbass

>> No.20047511

a patty melt is a burger too. It uses a hamburger patty. Let me break it down for you:
>inbetween pieces of bread
>made of a burger patty
but naturally nobody's going to call it a "hamburger patty burger melt sandwich", much like nobody with a brain would call a chicken sandwich a burger because you put it between two kaisers.

>> No.20047513

Patty melts are a grilled cheese sandwich with a burger stuffed into it. You are technically correct (the best kind of correct) that it is a hamburger, but it is considered distinct enough to fall under the umbrella of melts.

>> No.20047517
File: 64 KB, 1180x800, its in a skillet dumdum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also preparation of a melt is different than that of a brüger

>> No.20047522

I'm going to start calling it a chicken burger specifically to spite you.

>> No.20047564

You simply live wrong.

>> No.20047567

beef patties are burgers you fucking doofus

>> No.20047568

Turns out, I can refer to anything however I want. Like referring to OP as a faggot.

>> No.20047594

chicken burger

>> No.20047712

It's a chicken burger. Do you buy it from the sandwich place or the burger place?

>> No.20047725

this guy knows whats happening

>> No.20047803

Where I'm from, they call it a Churger.

>> No.20047804

Do you buy your diabetes meds from the diabetes store or the drug store?

>> No.20047835

I'll have a chicken burger and chips, thanks mate

>> No.20047877

nobody in America calls chicken sandwiches burgers you retard
strawman argument

>> No.20047889

Based and truepilled. Also a Hamburg steak is not just beef mince so patties have nothing to do with them anyways. Therefore everything in a burger bun is a burger.

>> No.20047894

If it's on a burger bun, has burger toppings then it doesn't matter what the meat is, it's some form of 'burger', I don't give a shit about the original meaning

>> No.20048134

I always get a kick out of the fact these guys are so butt lasted we just took our freedom instead of asking the queen pwetty pwetty pwease they're still calling us separatist to this day. And their slave mentality is so strong they think it's an insult lmao

>> No.20048136

Unfortunately, there are people on this planet who aren't American.

>> No.20048606

>Is YOUR country ever referred to as Burgerland?
I’m German.

>> No.20048611
File: 3.10 MB, 2560x2560, 13FB7FB4-1FEF-4BB7-A5B5-2B42D4C33D9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP.

>> No.20048612

this is true

>> No.20048616

language works by arbitrarily classifying things instead of using logical structures?
yeah often it does work that way incidentally (such as bruce calling some sandwiches with particular breads "burgers") but it should work logically when we can

>> No.20048698

>and not a burger
that's where you're wrong
it's a patty melt, a variety of burger, as well as a sandwich

categories can overlap. did you guys struggle with high school or something?

>> No.20048701

I'm officially a Hamburger Nationalist

>> No.20048770
File: 57 KB, 900x600, fat_man__maybe_from_biggest_loser___by_ryuzoanzari_db35jen-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I read retarded posts like yours, I picture you in my head as looking like picrel

>> No.20048779

I don't like cheese on my burgers. It makes it too greasy, and I like to taste the charbroiled beef front and center. I order my burgers plain with only onion and maybe a condiment like mustard, ketchup, ot secret sauce. I'll eat a full salad on the side, I love me some lettuce and veggies, just not on the burger itself.

>> No.20048782
File: 190 KB, 1440x1440, 10565ECE-5BDE-4722-81D9-C5A2BEF4D459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, you passed your final exam. heres your graduation gift

>> No.20048785

Restaurants that serve burgers almost invariably sell sandwiches as well, that's a moot point. Every major fast food burger chain also features sandwiches on the menu.

>> No.20049032

>as well
burgers are sandwiches

>> No.20050213

>Casually gets called a seppo
>Launches into a tangential political rant that nobody asked for nor cares about (the Queen's dead, mate)
>Accuses you of being butt blasted over it
Sir, this is a /ck/ thread

>> No.20050225
File: 3.05 MB, 360x240, 1PBTID30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least it ain't an asperger.

>> No.20050651

Language changes, that's a nice chicken burger

>> No.20050935

>peak amercan philosophy

>> No.20050952

"American soldiers" meaning WWII? Because America has had them since the 18th century. Thomas Jefferson is the one responsible for the name "French fries."

>> No.20050961

McDonalds serves hamburger flavoured sandwiches

>> No.20051007


>> No.20051049

What the fuck is "picrel"? Some kind of fish?

>> No.20051050

it's how zoomers say "pic related" and I fucking hate it
I didn't really come to 4chan much in 2019, but when I returned in 2020 everyone was using "picrel". makes me sick.

>> No.20051054

Yes. And every time I say so, some newfag piece of shit tries to gaslight me into thinking it's always been used.

>> No.20051056

We know the truth.

>> No.20051147
File: 124 KB, 826x871, 1665383415308645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seppo is short for Septic Tank ya dumbfuck, because you are full of shit.

>> No.20051844
File: 842 KB, 806x492, pineappleburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That makes this a pineapple burger then.

>> No.20051855

>t. Dumb new nigger faggots desperately trying to rewrite history
Picrel has always been posted, since before 2010. Both of you should become an hero.

>> No.20051904
File: 2.02 MB, 640x640, cat jammin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can interpret this post in one of two ways.
>A subtle suggestion that it is in fact a pineapple burger because mickey d's had this and called it a hula burger
>comparing anyone who bases what is and isn't a burger based on the bun to someone who gets their food terminology from mcdonalds

>> No.20051969
File: 30 KB, 450x322, 1200804613774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this image off of /b/ back when 4chan was only like 4 years old, and we didn't say "picrel" back then.

>> No.20052008

It's clearly the latter.

imagine being a gaslighting faggot.

>> No.20053167
