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20042657 No.20042657 [Reply] [Original]

why do american bbq places always give that slice of shitty plain white bread?

>> No.20042662 [DELETED] 

Why did you think chopping off your penis would make you a woman?

>> No.20042671


>> No.20042675
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Ancient German tradition.

>> No.20042690

I think it's meant to be used to sop up the grease and sauce left on the plate, god i'm so glad i don't live in the south anymore what an absolute shithole

>> No.20042702


>> No.20042710

What else is it for? You can't make a sandwich with a pork rib and single slice of bread

>> No.20042718

>(do you want your bread toasted?)
>no, plain bread, please
>omg guys look at every bbq chain omg
I've never received a plain piece of bread with my bbq platter, you fucking charlatan

>> No.20042733
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because they have no real bread culture. they genuinely think that their sandwich bread is great bread. something like pic related is completely foreign to 99% of all americans

>> No.20042744

Maybe in the rural midwest and south, in developed parts of the USA we have a greater variety of breads than any single country in Europe. You have never had a good piece of sourdough.

>> No.20042747

You can't even smear butter on that.

>> No.20042763

why doesnt my bread look like this. the holes always turn out small and uniform

>> No.20042786

because baking perfect sourdough bread requires a lot of experience. if you're a beginner you will need several months of practice to bake something half as good as that

>> No.20042788

The flavors of the barbecue are actually very subtle and simple, so if you use a bread with more gluten it will take away from the flavor and texture of the meal

>> No.20042801

Big holes don't mean good. It's a question of preference.

>> No.20042820
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? i can pork on top of bread, then bend.

>> No.20042822

Have fun with the bone dumbass

>> No.20042834

it's an edible napkin dumbass. cleans those sauces off your fingers

>> No.20042839
File: 30 KB, 587x327, BoneOrgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulled pork with bones?
bread with bones?

>> No.20042843

that bread would be better with olive oil and salt. that combo is as good as it gets as long as you don't buy some shitty mafia olive oil that is 99% fake

>> No.20042883

Texas BBQ in particular is always way too damn salty (I've been to Goldees so you can't say shit to me) so the bland bread makes the meal somewhat palatable.

>> No.20043045

BBQ is supposed to be served with biscuit aka soda bread aka scones. The cheaper places will give you white "bread" instead.

>> No.20043051

Who mentioned pulled pork tranny I said ribs

>> No.20043054

Rent. Free.

>> No.20043058

Uhhh what the FUCK is that!?!?

>> No.20043133


>> No.20043213
File: 2.39 MB, 482x268, GetYourShitTogether.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must make shitty tough ribs.
I can pull the meat off with the side of my fork.

>> No.20043226

>eating ribs with a fork
Total coastie death NOW

>> No.20043245

I use it to soak up grease and sauce and then eat it.
Am i not supposed to do that?

>> No.20043247

Yes you can.
If you think the bone is an obstacle, you don't know how to cook ribs and have never had decent bbq.

>> No.20043248

is that OP's penis removed with abscess jizz coming out of it?
that's gross.

>> No.20043260

Southfag here. Most of places I go to give you a roll or cornbread. The only place that gives plain white bread that comes to mind is Dreamland. It's just a side/filler and probably stems from poor people not having access to better bread back in the day and has stuck around as tradition. It's bbq, not fine dining. Fuck you op.

>> No.20043272
File: 1.40 MB, 1436x1080, Hwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slaw and egg salad with your fingers?

>> No.20043321

this. same thing for goulasch in eastern europe.

>> No.20043366

where do they do this? whenever I get barbecue it comes with corn bread, hush puppies, or fries.

>> No.20043663

It's what negroes consider to be bread, and since the best southern style bbq joints are run by negroes, that's what you get there.

>> No.20043912

Eastern Yurop, Texas, and Ten-I-See, if you haven't figured out where Austrians, Czechs, Poles, and Germans went to
Indiana notwithstanding, I think they got the gay ones

>> No.20044034

A shitty slice of white loaf bread lets me know to expect low-quality food. The beans will be from a can. The meat and sauce overly sweet.

>> No.20044098

I got barbecue in 3 different places in nashville and none of them came with white bread. is it only in memphis?

>> No.20044116


>> No.20044171

why do white people like hard, crusty, mouth destroying breads?

>> No.20044184
File: 1.22 MB, 1366x768, bbq 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm so glad i don't live in the south anymore
Texas isn't the South, Texas is its own thing

>> No.20044200

>Has never had ribs, ever.
Do you eat the bones? Probably not, right?
So you know the meat comes OFF of the bone at some point, and if you've ever had even halfway-decent ribs you know it doesn't take much effort. Did you just...forget other people had fingers capable of removing meat from bone? Are you having a stroke?

>> No.20044243

What aspie scrapes the meat off the bone with their fingers? You hold the ends of the bone and eat it like corn on the cob. Holy go outside.

>> No.20044253
File: 311 KB, 498x588, 1505349183301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question was about a sandwich...

>> No.20044262

Imagine some dainty little coastie sashaying into the bar & grill and delicately removing the meat from a rack to make a gay little taco with a folded slice of wonder and a pile of mutilated meat and sauce. You'd get dragged, son.

>> No.20044270

BBQ is made by inbreed white supremacist rednecks, what else did you expect them to give you?

>> No.20044548

Lmao do Americans really?

>> No.20044628

it's a cake, retard. for dessert.

>> No.20044633

Do you honestly think there is no decent barbecue to be found in, for example, North Carolina?

>> No.20044807

>that guy who brings up penises out of nowhere

>> No.20044827

I guess NC doesn't spend too much on making sure students there are literate by the time they leave highschool. Where do you see any mention in the post you replied to about the quality of the bbq? You saw the word coastie and reacted like gnat-brained retard.

>> No.20045375

The local places where I live give you burger buns if you ask or cornbread, never seen straight up white bread

>> No.20045849

Why would you have bread with a bbq anyway? I don't want to be having anything too starchy that will fill me up too quickly. I'd rather have roasted veg like sweetcorn , bell peppers, mushrooms, onion slices. Then some grilled halloumi with fresh salad leaves/coleslaw/herbs etc.

>> No.20045857

If you followed along, it's an edible napkin

>> No.20045866


>> No.20045876

I got white bread at a barbecue joint in Nashville, maybe they ran out or it's just not universal
Nashville chicken usually comes with white bread and that shit's blowing up all over the country
No no no, it's nothing like a cake, even a yeast-leavened cake, try it if you get the chance

>> No.20045901

Why do some people say this? Texas is part of the south. The south has subcultures. It's pretty straightforward.

>> No.20045935

Austin, probably

>> No.20045945

it's a yeast-leavened thing with tons of sugar, thus it makes it a cake

>> No.20045958

It makes the yeast leaven faster, by the time you bake it, it's mostly gone
Even Wonder Bread-brand bread isn't sweet, anon
There's more sugar in dinner rolls

>> No.20046429

The bbq I had in Texas was way over peppered. I could barely even taste the meat because the pepper flavor was so strong. How does anyone enjoy this shit? Is Texas bbq a meme?

>> No.20046530

>Is Texas bbq a meme?
It started out good but like so many other things it got ruined by bald ex cops trying to one up each other over who is the most texan barbequer by cramming more shit onto the grill

>> No.20046648
File: 87 KB, 800x685, 1683389850468803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over peppered
now you know why white bread is paired

>> No.20046665

Your can if you take it out of the damned fridge first

>> No.20046822

>in developed parts of the USA we have a greater variety of breads than any single country in Europe
kek this is what Amerisharts actually believe

>> No.20046835

If it exists you can get it in San Fran. Cope yuroid.

>> No.20046840
File: 18 KB, 600x800, 8cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a yeast-leavened thing with tons of sugar, thus it makes it a cake

>> No.20047334

Sorry mutt, Europe actually treats the culinary arts as just that, art. Meanwhile amerilards treat food as a vehicle to stuff your face with sugar, salt and various oils. The other anon is right, bread in America is pretty much cake

>> No.20047341

I don't like that I recognized who they are. Damn you youtube recommendations.

>> No.20047344

Have you been here?
I'm French and the only things I can't find in the US are a couple types of salami and, well, a lot of cheese
Not knocking American salami or cheese, it's good, just not the same
I can get better baguettes here than back in France (but they are more expensive)

>> No.20047351

Yes I visit the us often for work, I’ve visited every large metropolitan city there. I’ve been to the allegedly best bakeries around every state and they all pale in comparison to the best stuff in Europe. My god the food there is just overly sweet or salty, not to mention the gigantic portions. No wonder Americans are so fucking fat

>> No.20047358

>I’ve visited every large metropolitan city there
I don't think many people live long enough for this to be the case even if they had old money and no job or family to speak of

>> No.20047530

Guessing he's using the logic that since there's only Sao Paulo for him there are probably only 3 or 4 big cities in the US.

>> No.20047547

>there's no way some geographical designations could possibly be anything I don't already know about, I know everything, pretty straightforward

kill self

>> No.20047556

We're very proud. "We" being the German settlers and Mexicans who have stuck it out in this land for hundreds of years, under 6 different flags, we stand tall. We remember the Alamo, men (not just from Texas mind you) fighting and dying to the last man for a cause, that being a free Texas where the interests of the people were represented rather than a fatcat government (here we are again).True Texans will feel when they read this. When you here cries of "Secede!", that's why

>> No.20047572

Is like saying italy is part of the mediterranean subculture. Texas is bigger than France and had a pretty rich and eventful history since its creation. Just because it has ties with a wider region doesn't mean it's not its own thing

Euros always believe that the USA is a monolith with a few regional quirks, when it's closer to a european union that actually works

>> No.20047582

I wish you insufferable faggots would leave already so we can bomb you out and sell the land to Mexico.

>> No.20047587

>fighting and dying to the last man for a cause
The cause happened to be "steal some land" make their death pathetic.

>> No.20047588
File: 34 KB, 496x600, pissed piper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I know you're a liar.

>> No.20047589

>Is like saying italy is part of the mediterranean subculture.
As much as I want to agree with your post, technically...

>> No.20047590

Seethe Yankee, seethe.

>> No.20048870

Texans are a bunch of fucking pussies
>see Uvalde shooting

>> No.20048898

>Texans are a bunch of fucking pussies
Yet that was all spic on spic violence, why should we, as white Texans give a shit about that?
Further more, it's good those spics are dead.

>> No.20048906

Texans are the definition of all bark no bite. Quick to pull a gun on some random unarmed civilian because they hurt their little feelings, but when actually faced with someone else with a gun they cower and run away with their tails tucked between their legs

>> No.20048914

That isn't true, look at the clock tower shooting, people went home to get weapons to lay down suppressive fire.
The local police said if people didn't do that far more deaths would have happened.
You're just a mad that Texans didn't care about spic anchor baby lives, it's too bad more didn't die.

>> No.20049484

>Texans are a bunch of fucking pussies
Only queers and steers in Texas

>> No.20049497
File: 331 KB, 1200x550, slide-pork-platter-new-3074797785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slice of shitty plain white bread
St. Louis here. No idea what that shit is, but it looks like somebody had to dispose of half a loaf of Wonder Bread. BBQ is supposed to be served with Texas Toast.

>> No.20049527

>BBQ is supposed to be served with thick white bread not thin white bread
That's you. That's what you sound like.

>> No.20049558

so you can get all the sauce/grease and not lick yourplate like an animal.