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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20043822 No.20043822 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best way to cook a burger and why is it smashed?

>> No.20043839
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>> No.20043862

>what is the best way to cook a burger and why is it smashed?
The best way to cook a burger is not smashed.
And you are wrong.

I mean, fucking kek, you literally phrased your question in such a way so as to make dissent impossible. Fuck you.

>> No.20044049

I prefer the steak burgers my mother makes for me. They are thick AF.

>> No.20044072

>best way to cook a burger
Definitely not overcooked like in your image. Why do you people even bother cooking when you really just want fucking McDonald's? It's the most bizarre virtue signaling I've ever seen.

>> No.20044106

3/4 inch patty cooked medium is my preference, pickles are also a must, other toppings may vary

>> No.20044112
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why is it that every single American who likes uncooked burgers looks like a literal goblin?

>> No.20044115

Burgers as a single person is annoying. Want lettuce on your burger for one night? You need to buy an entire head. Want some cheese slices? Better use them up this week. Easier when it's for a group.

>> No.20044117

just be fat and eat too many burgers by yourself while you cry

>> No.20044132

>You need to buy an entire head
Make salads, the lord knows you could use one.
>Want some cheese slices?
No, I'll just buy a block that has more use, could even grate some into the salad.

>> No.20044137
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skillet fried

>> No.20044141

Anon buy a couple heads of organic romaine lettuce that come in a single bag. It will easily last a couple weeks or more in the fridge if you just reseal the bag. Just keep peeling off the outermost leaves as you need them. You can use it for other sandwiches or tacos, or even like 5 leaves or so chopped up for a small side salad. As far as cheese slices go, slice your own and keep the cheese hunk in a zip lock bag. The only annoying component are the buns.

>> No.20044143

wider burgers will always be better than thicker burgers

>> No.20044152

Burgers are perfect for single people because you can easily make a single serving at once but it's impossible to make 4 servings at once. You have to somehow keep them warm and you need to be very fast with the last batch of burgers and it's kind of stressful.
Lettuce on burgers is a meme and cheese lasts longer than a week, so I don't understand your quarrel.

>> No.20044155

Yeah honestly if a cooked burger is thicker than say 3/4 of an inch it is too thick.

>> No.20044168

I think you can go a little thicker than that (maybe all the way up to an inch) as long as the patty is made wider to match the ratio
thick patties that don't extend over the edge of the bun have been made wrong

>> No.20044242

>be anon
>never make burgers in my life
>growing up my mother would make burgers which were ground beef mixed with onions, eggs and bread crumbs
>watch video on how to make burgers and decide to follow the method
>parents tell me that they're the best burgers they've ever had
>make it for them often
>eventually my mother wants to make them too
>I tell her how to do it and it works out well the first time as I hover over the kitchen
>the next time she tries she literally just has patties an inch thick frying on the pan
>tell her the whole point is to smash them down
>gets angry at me
>she complains to me that she cannot make them as good as me but I'm just too fucking angry to bother

>> No.20044244

>>growing up my mother would make burgers which were ground beef mixed with onions, eggs and bread crumbs

>> No.20045102

>the next time she tries she literally just has patties an inch thick frying on the pan
>tell her the whole point is to smash them down
Good twist, but there's too much bait leading up to it. There are unironically people on /ck/ who wouldn't even think of this as trolling or satire.

>> No.20045116

I cook everything smashed.
Life's a lot more fun when you're barely conscious.

>> No.20045141

The irony is that smash burgers are primarily eaten by straight edge zoomers who are afraid of their own shadows.
>just plain with cheese for me
>how do you want that done?
>done? well done of course!
That's literally 9 out of 10 zoomers, and if they're feeling fancy they might add bacon. I don't think they even have the concept "fun". They might be the least interesting, least creative, least adventurous, least independent generation in the past century. I know all kids are dumb, but holy shit have things gotten bad.

>> No.20045168

This is the weirdest case of projection I've seen in a long time. Kudos.

>> No.20045174

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.20045209

You're projecting your own habits and insecurities onto a group you dislike. I'd say it's a pretty accurate usage.

>> No.20045247

I don't like thick burgers either, really. I'd rather have two smash patties than a big honking patty. Not a fan of pink ground beef, even if it's good quality. Just not what a "burger" is to me. My dadd used to grill big giant patties on the grill and my mother-in-law makes huge thick burgers in a cast iron skillet. good sometimes but really not what I'd prefer. I don't always do the Oklahoma-style smash with the super thin onions but I often do, I really like it.

>> No.20045261

That would be a case of projection, but you're using it as a substitute for "no u!" It would only be projection if it was a bunch of really specific things completely out of left field and obviously not basic stereotypes about that group, and all those things were basic stereotypes.

>> No.20045367
File: 87 KB, 800x450, grilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about fuck smash burgers, fuck thick burgers, fuck meatball burgers and just make a god damned normal size burger and cook it on a grill

>> No.20045377

wrong stop making retarded burgers and sandwiches that extend past the bun/bread, if i wanted to eat just ground beef i'd do just that, i built a burger because i want bun/burger/onion/cheese all in one bite

>> No.20045380

Zoomers think that normal burgers are "thick" burgers. This is youtube brain rot.

>> No.20045406

it's only getting worse with AI confusing the issue even more and google search results not even correlating to what you typed in
this is what came up when i searched "thin burger" now i'm no scientist but thats not thin

>> No.20045410
File: 561 KB, 767x431, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 12-38-19 thin burger - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget pic

>> No.20045423
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is there something preventing these retards from just making the burger thin to begin with instead of of smashing it causing it to fall the fuck apart?

>> No.20045425
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>> No.20045427

If they fall apart you didn't smash em good enough

>> No.20045433

It's not about them being thin, it's about them being *smashed*. It's a stupid fucking meme. If they're not doing the meme then they're not doing the thing. It's not like anyone actually likes thin patties; they just want to fit in with their fake internet friends.

>> No.20045481
File: 831 KB, 612x612, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 13-08-28 thin burger patty - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like thin patties and they get a maillard reaction just fine plus they're actually round after cooking unlike those smash abominations

>> No.20045498

I don't care if anyone knows I like them
Do you have a Freddy's near you to try? They're very good and also have fried cheese curds
They have to be frozen but they always have a good squeak to them

>> No.20045534

>i want bun/burger/onion/cheese all in one bite
Then make a meatloaf.

>> No.20045541
File: 309 KB, 500x334, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 13-34-26 thick burger patty - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird because i say that to thickburgerfags where after the first bite the bun fails and you're stuck with a giant hunk of meat

>> No.20045680

That's a meatball sandwich, anon.

>> No.20045773

yeah I'm sure the guys who were doing this back in the 1940s were doing it for reddit clout

>> No.20045787

>Blackstone smashed
>cast iron fried
>literally every single thing you can think to put on it
good if you like it that way

Why invent a fight when there are so many others to be had??

>> No.20045788

We've gone over this a hundred times. You people just repeat the exact same 3-4 talking points every fucking time...

>> No.20045835

are you fucking kidding me, schizo? do you think I'm part of the fucking smashed patty lobby? You're the one who is multiple posts deep insisting that this technique is strictly some kind of YT Zoomer thing. nobody is stopping you from slapping a giant meatwad onto a dirty stovetop and then eating a medium-rare meat softball between two soggy buns. please live your own life.

>> No.20045841

I honestly can't tell if this is pasta, a bot, more of the same talking points, or you people are all really this mindfucked by clickbait youtube channels. I swear I've read all of this dozens of times.

>> No.20045855
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>> No.20045860
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do you have nightmares about this man?

>> No.20045984

>what is the best way to cook a burger and why is it smashed?
Every burger from one of these non fast food chains make the absolutely shittest burgers these days.;

They always cook them smashed, they're always so fucking greasy and covered in sauce. Even the buns are greasy. They all use a sweet as fuck brioche bun and when you take 1 bite, it falls apart.

>> No.20045999

I absolutely don't get thick burger fags. Why do you not want the maillard? why do you want undercooked dogshit on the interior

>> No.20046175
File: 3.10 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230215_154630332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They all use a sweet as fuck brioche bun and when you take 1 bite, it falls apart.
i am so sick of brioche buns, i don't get how they became the standard when any other bun works better

>> No.20046235

this is gore

>> No.20046406

I can't watch him more than a few minutes but he seems like he knows his shit

>> No.20046411

The best way to cook a burger is to take the ingredients and make them into a superior dish, like burek, sheperds pie, chilli con carne, etc

>> No.20046519

I can't make any of those with cheeseburger ingredients
>skill issue

>> No.20046521

Just replace the buns for your burger mince for flour/potatoes/rice in the other dishes.

>> No.20046524

I don't know why but I really like overcooked/dry grilled burgers. Maybe because I like a bunch of toppings and condiments so the patty itself doesn't need to be juicy or fatty.

>> No.20046525

and I mean actually overcooked and borderline hard

>> No.20046541

I'm borderline hard~