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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20043162 No.20043162 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: food you're ashamed to admit you enjoy

I still like McDonald's as a thirty year old man

>> No.20043166 [DELETED] 

I really wish I will some day get the opportunity to strangle a frogposter to death, seeing the life slowly ebb out of his dumb eyes

>> No.20043167

I'm sorry I just picked a reaction image at random

>> No.20043172

I eat little debbie from time to time

>> No.20043176

I take my kids to McDonald’s every once in awhile. They like the playground and happy meals. The food is really garbage to me though. Even the fries are no good anymore. Honestly prefer Burger King.

>> No.20043177

Oh shit do McDonalds still have playgrounds? All the ones in my city from my childhood are gone, and that made me kinda sad for kids nowadays.

>> No.20043180
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I pull off the rind and eat it seperately

>> No.20043189

Fucking love this stuff. Goyslop kino.

>> No.20043207
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why would I ever be ashamed of anything

>> No.20043242

>Honestly prefer Burger King.
megabased, I fucking love a good whopper. better than any shitburger at McDonald's (QPw/C comes close)

>> No.20043572


>> No.20043586
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there's only one place I know of in my city where you can buy these, and I go on a pilgrimage once every year or two to buy some

>> No.20043612

nope, that's an outdated concept.
anon, YOU were the target demographic for a mcdonalds, and you always have been, from birth until death. mcdonalds is following a single generation to parasitically extract the most possible value out of it before moving on to the next generation. when you were a kid, they were designed to be spaces for your parents to bring you to feed you for cheap and entertain you for free, so that you'd form positive associations. "i can just sit down and let kiddo play on the slides and ball pits and n64s and not have to worry for a moment"
as you aged, they removed those elements to make them less and less kiddy to avoid repelling you as a teenager and young adult and introduced good value menus. "well, there are no playplaces or something, it's not lame. besides, where else can i get 3 burgers for 3 bucks? i'm poor and in college and they're rolling out free wifi"
as you continue to age, they start 'refining' them so that you don't question what you're doing in a mcdonalds as a 30 year old man - "well, they have nice coffees and they're kind of stylish i guess now, not dismal run down play zones, so it's not so embarrassing to be here..."
and of course, now that you've firmly established it as a place for cheap eats and are out of your poverty 20s, the prices start to rise.
as your generation enters their late 40s, 50s, 60s, and on, it will slowly slide towards being a denny's, where old folks come in and get their daily mchickens from the 55+ menu and play their daily wordle.
they have to wait for the next uptick in reproduction to snag the next batch and offer "cheap relief" for the parents, where they'll start all over again.

>> No.20043615

Same age and I have way too many boxes of mac and cheese and other processed pasta out there and that's doubly sad because I consider myself a good cook but I am lazy and depressed all the time. I cooked appetizers fr my family for christmas and they were shocked that I was able to cook so well.

>> No.20043618

I buy cheap but decent sausages and use them for sandwiches instead of ham since it’s way cheaper.
Not really ashamed of it though.

>> No.20043642

After thirty years, I picked up some of these and one of the fancy "pumpkin-spice" ones - that fucker literally had mold on the crust. 14,000 preservatives and it was moldy. World is coming to an end...

>> No.20043644

Normally I'll spend upwards of 60 burger bucks a month on imported smelly cheeses but every once in a while I buy a pack of kraft singles and just eat the whole thing over a weekend.

>> No.20043645

If Taco Bell could still make a decent 7-layer burrito w/extra sour cream and wasn't staffed by all "diversity" hires who can't even operate a cash register, I would eat one of those every day.

>> No.20043646
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Its literally engineered to be as addictively tasty to as many people as possible. Of course you like it. I like it. But i dont eat it because not only is it unhealthy, but now it's also overpriced and takes 10-15 minutes of sitting in a drive through to get.

>> No.20043652

It makes sense considering nobody is having kids

>> No.20043654
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you can basically get anything there and fire sauce will make it delicious

>> No.20043677
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>> No.20043680

The Kraft "premium" boxes. The 4 cheese and sharp cheddar are just too good.

>> No.20043702

well that's unfortunate. I suspect it got wet or something, because I've had a couple that were old and stale as fuck and there was definitely no mold.

>> No.20043707

As a fatass I am not ashamed of anything. I love food, I love it all except for slimy things. McDonalds is great because I can get a ton of calories cheaper than almost anywhere else. I will say that I don't like looking like a pig while I am eating. I had a roommate that would slobber and salivate and make moaning sounds while eating. Like it was giving them a fucking orgasm. It was so embarrassing. Even though I am a fat slop when I am eating I always try to be clean and neat. Have to make up for my failure in some way.

>> No.20043709

>Diversity hires
Yeah, nah, aside from teenagers you'll always see tons of basketball enthusiasts and migrants in any fast food, and it's been that way my whole life, nothing to do with diversity or whatever Boogeyman you're upset about, it's a low tier job for low tier people. Even the managers are typically melanated.

>> No.20043715

>and it's been that way my whole life
Strange way to out yourself as an underage. I was working fast food in 2001 and it was still 80% white back then.

>> No.20043719

I like mixing ketchup and mayo as dip for fries.

>> No.20043731

I maintain that American gas stations make better fried chicken than any grocery store and are miles ahead of garbage like KFC or Popeye's. And yes I eat gas station chicken regularly.

>> No.20043744

You live in a special fried chicken America, trust me, it's not even an option most elsewhere in the US

>> No.20043773

Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g. apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often assumes that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior. Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Associated social actions may include nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.

While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race", the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations's Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. It further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust, and dangerous. The convention also declared that there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.[1]

Racism is frequently described as a relatively modern concept, arising in the European age of imperialism, the subsequent growth of capitalism, and especially the Atlantic slave trade,[2][3] of which it was a major driving force.

>> No.20043778

What is she saying?

>> No.20043781

I'm in my '50s and will only eat pepperoni pizza.

>> No.20043786
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>> No.20043790

....those darn Vienna sausages.. if I'm being honest. The ones in the hot sauce.
Otherwise i mean if someone's watching me to see if I'm going to eat something or not sure I'll second guess...I'll eat a sausage or a tastykake all the same it's a you problem if you feel pity or vicarious shame .
>but then
>enjoy feels like the "enjoy" part slipped mind in this reply

>> No.20043849

You cannibalize children?

>> No.20043898

Hard mode:

Make a list of foods that people are ashamed of eating and I will agree or disagree

>> No.20043961

I'm a single malt scotch drinker. Occasionally with old friends I'll drink a boiler maker with Jack Daniels and Budweiser.

>> No.20043977
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>as a 30 year old man
I was just thinking about this a few minutes ago actually. as a kid mcdonalds seemed like a crazy place to go like you were going to disney world because you didn't have to eat whatever boring pork chops your mom made for once.
now it just seems like a place people go to get coffee

>> No.20043983
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That's why they're spinning off a chain to sell coffee and coffee accessories

>> No.20043989

great prices on that menu!

>> No.20044188

that was a long read, but you were dead on with every single word.

To add to your arguments, once I was old enough to play, the introduced GameCubes, and later removed them. When I was a teenager, circa 2012, they did all the renovations to make the restaurants look modern and trendy. It worked. I came from a poor family and thought the renos were great! Now I only go there for coffee.

>> No.20044280

Any chocolate+peanut butter candy or confection.

>> No.20044288
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I'm an actual whoare for Reese's products. I love their sugary salty grainy peanut butter.

Also pickerel is really nice but quite different from Reese's. it's actually just very mild plain peanut butter, not intense like the American stuff but I love them both.

>> No.20044290 [DELETED] 
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Floote of course


>> No.20044293

Pb&j. A well toasted wheat bread pb&j with preserves or homemade jam and good peanutbutter is next level especially with soup and chips.

>> No.20044297

Every now and then I'll get tacos supreme from Taco Bell, just because I want a bite of salty meat and sour cream. The quality is garbage and they're stupidly expensive now, there really is no reason for me to continue buying that product but I do it anyway because I'm a faggot

>> No.20044304
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Jos Louis

>> No.20044305

Because you're not a psychopath.

>> No.20044323

This takes me back to my childhood

>> No.20044324

It’s funny that everything from taco bell is a better deal now than the actual crunchy tacos.

>> No.20044640

I live in Kansas City and whenever I go to a BBQ joint I always just dump the meat on my fries, douse it all in sauce, and eat it with a fork. I really don't think there's anything wrong with this but everyone who has seen me do it says I lack decorum

>> No.20045704

>eating the way you enjoy it
I'm not sure anon, maybe they're just not cool people.

>> No.20045725

Me too, anon. Where did you first have one?
For me, the small-town gas station on the corner of my childhood street sold them. I would go there on Saturdays (allowance day) with my friend to buy one.

>> No.20045750

I'm not ashamed of anything I like and I don't pretend to like something just because it's socially expected that o should like it.
I like what I like. I dislike what I dislike. Is that an uncommon way to navigate life where you people are? What an exhausting existence, having to constantly monitor yourself to fit in.

>> No.20045756

Shame is a weak emotion so I'll go with irony: I spend most of my life explaining to browns from other countries why they are subhuman, but Lebanese food is my favorite.

>> No.20045758

No man is an island, Anon.

>> No.20045759

No. She's a liar, has no kids and hasn't left her basement in 15 years nevermind been to a McDonald's.

I don't like the beef stuff but I enjoy fried bologna

>> No.20045772
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by the spoonful

>> No.20045775

I like dumping barbecue sauce into cheap mac and cheese.

>> No.20045785

Then I'm a fucking zebra or something because again: I have no shame over food. People have tried to shame me for X, I'm sure, but I pay so little attention to what they want me to like that I'm not certain what those things might be.
That said, I like and have always liked all vegetables I've had except san choy and I fucking hate chervil, tarragon and GrecoTurkish food

>> No.20046185

>and of course, now that you've firmly established it as a place for cheap eats and are out of your poverty 20s,
Not me and I'm almost 40 but that's because I'm just a loser neet .

>> No.20046194
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Guilty as well, I don't even usually get the normal sized shit I get the giant sized fudge rounds

>> No.20046240
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Lovely with some Mr Brains faggots and Farrow marrowfat peas

>> No.20046241

I've mostly quit candy but every couple weeks I will destroy a bag of share sized wildberry skittles.

>> No.20046260

Did you discover what the earth people eat?

>> No.20046296
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>Likes food
Retard... That's the last thing you should be ashamed of

>> No.20046342

For me, its the M&M McFlurry with added caramel topping

>> No.20046357

Human babies.

>> No.20046360
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I love a PBJ on wonder bread :/
I normally cook meat on my big green egg or Traeger :(

>> No.20046369
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>I still like McDonald's as a thirty year old man
Bro this shit is engineered with multi-billion dollar budgets to be maximally tasty to the largest number of people. Of course you enjoy it. It's like being ashamed to admit you enjoyed a Fentanyl enema.

My engineered slop of choice is the Domino's pan pizza.

>> No.20046372
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These suckers. I'm not that ashamed of eating the candy, what I'm ashamed of is that I bulk ordered a box of 12 of these 7.2 Oz bags from Amazon. Though I do have some shame, I don't regret it.

>> No.20046373
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>> No.20046374

I like smarties and I bulk order them online because they are not consistently carried in grocery stores anymore
I fear they will be discontinued at some point in the next couple of decades

>> No.20046378

>Domino's pan pizza.
>Patrician-slumming-it-with-the-Plebs-tier choice
I switch out the regular sauce for the garlic alfredo sauce, then get bacon, pepperoni, black olives, and roasted red peppers

>> No.20046383

Pbr, Bojangles, chinese buffet chicken on a stick and two recipes 8 cooked as a line cook in college. The chipotle burrito bowl from frashens and panda express recipe for beijing beef(this is significantly better hand breaded and fresh), I cook both constantly

>> No.20046388

Boil it first?

>> No.20046397

Is this the one you are supposed to use to make Quiche? Or is that evaporated milk? I never remember the difference.

>> No.20046410

Stopped eating most fastfood, but I'll still get a McD's cheeseburger two or three times a year

>> No.20046424

Though I preferred sweet-tarts, I remember smarties as still one of the good somewhat chalky candies you could get at Halloween. You ever try those candy cigarettes as a kid? Those were awful and incredibly chalky. But still made you feel cool.

>> No.20046426

If it comes near you get Portillo's Italian Beef -sandwich with hot peppers.

>> No.20046427 [DELETED] 

My man, quiche is mostly eggs with a splash of cream

>> No.20046443

I ordered the 4 pack of 1.8 lb bags of the normal ones and it lasted about a week which means I ate about a pound a day. I just don't eat them anymore because they're absolutely terrible for your teeth.

>> No.20046458

>I switch out the regular sauce for the garlic alfredo sauce
I tried that once after seeing an employee recommendation but found it too runny for some reason even though it's always fine on the regular hand tossed. The employee pro tip I did like is ordering it well done.

>> No.20046487

Niggers tongue my anus.

Average /fit/izen after a night out.

>> No.20046493

How do you rationalise this with the fact that McDonald’s has been a successful company since the 1940s, decades before any of us were born?

>> No.20046520


>> No.20046529

Same. I will crush the occasional Texas double whopper with zero guilt.

>> No.20046537

it's not a conflicting fact. it existed as a relatively normal franchise restaurant business until some soul-devoid mba snake convinced the rest of his kin to parasitically attach to a generation of prey for maximum exploitation.
in the end, your lifespan will be small relative to that of mcdonalds'.
this is like someone saying humans are endurance hunters that would pursue deer until they fall of exhaustion, and you're asking how to reconcile that with the fact that the human was clearly born before the deer was. it's not something that needs reconciliation.

>> No.20046542


>> No.20046547

Whataburger's spicy ketchup
It's like sriracha with an umami kick.

Canned of mushroom or chicken
For those times when I just feel like dumping a bunch of random ingredients in a pot with some noodles.

>> No.20046561
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I enjoy some trash like a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich with some fries when I'm feeling kinda lazy. but it mostly tastes good.

>> No.20046570

>this is like someone saying humans are endurance hunters that would pursue deer until they fall of exhaustion, and you're asking how to reconcile that with the fact that the human was clearly born before the deer was. it's not something that needs reconciliation.
Maybe, but if you think about how the age of the human may give it an advantage over the deer, it certainly IS something to think about.

>> No.20046632

so your argument is now what? that because mcdonald's only existed for like 30-40 years before starting to act in a predatory manner, that it's unlikely? or was your argument that at 30-40 years of age, the organization was too old to shift to such a predatory strategy?
i still don't see why mcdonald's existing before starting this strategy has any relevance whatsoever to them doing it or not.
how do you reconcile the fact that you're here talking to me with the fact that you'd existed for many years before coming to talk here on 4chan? obviously if you weren't shitposting here as you fell out the pussy there's no way for that to change, right?

>> No.20046641

>obviously if you weren't shitposting here as you fell out the pussy there's no way for that to change, right?
Now you understand the issue. Sometimes things are just the way they are, because of their ages.

>> No.20046647

yea, i see fine, sealioning bait faggot. i see i should have just ignored your stupid replies.
go lick some balls in the ballpit.

>> No.20046662

>I live in rural Idaho

>> No.20046705

>20+ years ago rural idaho was filled with diversity
This tangled web you are weaving is getting very thick.

>> No.20047600

I don't have a reaction image for how fucking grim this is

>> No.20047729

mcdonalds literally invented specialized cooking tools to cook their boigas perfectly. not only are their boigas cheap with high calories if you need a quick break. dont nag that it has bad ingredients because no fucking shit its not meant for luxury. yeah go to your michelin restaurants but when you're twice the legal minute everything tastes the same.

>> No.20047734

I didn't eat for 3.5 days once and after my surgery my first meal was a shitload of McDonald's and it brought me back to life like nothing else.

I know people who go 14 hours without eating and will destroy McDonald's and swear it's they best meal they've had in ages and that's nothing.

Nobody's making anyone go to McDonald's and nobody is lying about what it is. Don't fucking go if you're so precious I says.

>> No.20047743

The 1 dollar breakfast sandwich in app is the best thing ever

>> No.20047745

I used to commute like 2 hours to work and when I got to the train station they had 2 x hashbrouns for $1 and it was all I looked forward to every day.

>> No.20047765

the least that grimposter could do was say they were ashamed of eating cat shit in the ball pit BECAUSE THAT POST HAS TOXOPLASMOSIS SMEARED ON IT

>> No.20047798
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>> No.20048435
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and when you die, you best believe there's a mcdonalds waiting for you down in hell

>> No.20048445

i travel 6 hours twice a year to eat at taco johns.

>> No.20048455


>> No.20048467
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I still like these for lunch but I feel the eyes pressed upon me and judging me for buying them at the checkout.

>> No.20050147

They used to have a "verde" sauce that was delicious. One of those and one Fire was absolutely perfect. Naturally, they cancelled it.

>> No.20050159

You're to young to remember and I'm too fucking old - until about 2000, the ONLY people that worked fast food were retired folks, looking to work a part-time job to stave off the boredom and (after 3pm) high school kids. If you were in your 20s or 30s and working full time, tossing burgers, you were on the bottom fucking rung of life and treated like an idiot, because you were an idiot.

>> No.20050166

That's some funny fucking shit. I hope you get raped to death, by one of the 20 million new "diversity hires" that walked across the border:)

>> No.20050206

not sure what evaporated milk is but condense milk is sickly sweet.

It's more common for things like key lime pie and tres leches.

>> No.20050219

I'll cook rice and then the next day if I have nothing to eat I'll get the leftover rice, grate cheddar cheese or mozzarella cheese, stir it around in the rice
Then I'll put thin slices of cheese on top to cover all of the rice and finally I will roughly grate Parmesan cheese on top
Put it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes and it's done
The drier and more fried it is the better
I've been eating this for the last 15 years