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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20031953 No.20031953 [Reply] [Original]

is this a legit technique?

>> No.20031956


>> No.20031958

>Americans install carpet in their oven

>> No.20031960

just spatchcock it for fuck sake

>> No.20031966

The heat of the drippings kills the bacteria.

>> No.20032478

I prefer to bdsmcock it tyvm

>> No.20032505

Its rice, you brain dead euro trash scum

>> No.20032522

>is this a legit technique?
No anon that is completely unhinged and is in no Way an acceptable Way to treat your produce. Quite frankly this makes makes me very angry to see

>> No.20032523

is it too late to learn how to spatchcock? I need to cook a 14lb turkey on christmas day

>> No.20032535

>why yes, I do enjoy cleaning chicken fat from my oven. how could you tell!?

>> No.20032536

You better get that bird in a dry brine tonight
Spatchcocking is not hard but roasting it whole is easier, it just takes more time
Seriously, get off 4ch and get some salt on that carcass

>> No.20032541

based airfrying a turkey hack
fellow >>>/diy/gore fan
It's board culture you fucking newfaggot

>> No.20032544
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I am getting pretty strong "I love to travel !!!" vibes from that bird

>> No.20032545

oof, meant >>>/diy/abomination

>> No.20032563

This guy fucks

>> No.20032575

That's a cookie sheet covered in mozz

>> No.20032587

No, it's carpet, I can see a woven backing on the left edge.

>> No.20032589

I don't think it has thawed thoughver

>> No.20032590

Looks like it's ready to settle down.

>> No.20032593
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It's all about the drippings

>> No.20032596

>Thirdies can't afford carpet in their ovens

>> No.20032612

Based. Totally fucking based.

>> No.20032650
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> is it too late to learn how to spatchcock? I need to cook a 14lb turkey on christmas day

>> No.20032687
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>> No.20032885

>Baste. Totally fucking baste.

>> No.20032890

not really unless u wanna clean that oven gril thing too.

>> No.20033175
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She's had her fun but now she is sick of the bad boys and looking for a man that works hard , has a home and is ready to have a family and is man enough to accept as she is and her kid who will always come first.
If any of that intimidates you then do not message her

>> No.20033495

You need a pair of kitchen or garden shears to do it.
So run to Home Depot.

>> No.20033633

ok *doesn't message her*

>> No.20033638

I can fix all of them.

>> No.20033647

You REALLY need to lay off the incest pr0n.
That's his mom.

>> No.20033990

with legit cooking techniques?

>> No.20034009

This is every woman in my area plus they are 200+pounds. Men are lining up for them to so I've checked out completely and resorted to a fwb I see twice a month. I never wanted to be a degenerate but that's what it's come down to.

>> No.20034029

Roasting it whole has the drawback of overcooking the breast while getting the dark meat up to temperature. Breast does best at 145-150F and dark meat does best at 160-165F. I cook the breast and dark meat in two separate pans and pull the breast at 135 and the dark meat at 155 to account for carryover.

>> No.20034032

There is no produce in that photo. It's just a bird carcass hanging over a bed of rice.

Also, it wouldn't work as the meat will start to shred as it gets more thoroughly cooked and will eventually fall into the rice.

>> No.20034035 [DELETED] 

Translation: Filthy used-up roastie whore who finally realized that fucking niggers is a path to suffering.

I hope Tyrone kills her and her little nigglet.

>> No.20034044

Image subtitle: american woman after they are 30 and ready to settle with a real man after having mutt babies from Jamal and Tyrone.

>> No.20034093

everything reminds me of her

>> No.20034099

>he doesn't cook dark meat untill 200

>> No.20034101

It’s legitimate but whether it works or not is a different matter.

>> No.20034353

Looks like a single mother of 3 black kids finally ready to settle down

>> No.20034401

>Too late to learn
Have you cooked it yet? Because spatchcocking takes about 30 seconds to learn and another 30 seconds to do.

>> No.20034591

200 is charitably described as 'cooked to fuck'

>> No.20034596

Are you man enough to step up and put an ring on it?

>> No.20034773

calm down edgy boi

>> No.20035100

I usually describe it as cooked until fork tender.

>> No.20035113

My ovens heat from the bottom, so this doesn't happen
Some people cook their whole roasts upside down
The fastest and surest one-oven method is the Julia Child method, which will deliver breasts and leg meat cooked perfectly at the same time

>> No.20035124 [DELETED] 

so disgusting what the nazis did during WW2

>> No.20035127

>so I've checked out completely and resorted to a fwb I see twice a month. I never wanted to be a degenerate
that's not checking out nor is it shameful or whatever you're implying

>> No.20035142


>> No.20035231

Casual sex is a sin

>> No.20035516

Nta but nigger "this guy fucks" is not implying his fucking the lady but that he lays pipe.

>> No.20035807

The pic is click-bait. They spatchcocked and had a tomato-onion paste/sauce brushed onto it on all sides. The rice had carrots, cream, zucchini. Then they made a cheezy roux to dip the chicken in too. It's prettier in the final shots.

Then it's fucked and destined to be a shitty turkey. Why the fuck were you not defrosting it since Thursday or Friday at the latest?

>> No.20036618

soon to become a strong independent woman who don't need no man

>> No.20036627

I literally had one of these living across the street from me when I lived in Seattle. They moved into a Section 8 house about four years after I bought mine (the landlord was some Chinese guy living in Los Angeles who refused to repair it; the previous tenant was a nice old guy who couldn't take winters with no functioning furnace in the house).

The husband/boyfriend/cuck was just as much of a s-o-y-boy as you would expect. The kids were both violent thug-life monsters who brought all their gangsta friends into the neighborhood. Houses started getting broken into and cars started getting vandalized within a few weeks of them moving in.

One of their buddies tried kicking my (1950s era solid wood) door in at about 3am one night. I kinda wish he had; I woke up instantly and rolled out of bed with my 12ga shotgun ready in hands. It would have been messy but worth it.

>> No.20036710

Alton Brown maneuver. Put some foil on that shit

>> No.20037013

Anon a woman needs a man , like a fish needs a bicycle

>> No.20037016

It wouldn't work with a top burner - the wings and legs would torch well before the cavity hit temp.

>> No.20037082

Who would be dumb enough to use the broiler for that?

>> No.20037167

A lot of electric and gas ovens have upper and lower burners that engage automatically. I can choose to disengage either on mine in standard and convection modes, but it's the first time I've seen that option.

>> No.20037250

They have both but the top one only comes on when you set the oven to broil. Thats the broiler burner

>> No.20037256
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>> No.20037392
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I’m making lasagna with my mon today

>> No.20037411
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Mom made the sausage gravy and it was i the freezer already

>> No.20037417
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Mom had 2 kinds of gravy so we gone rock both

>> No.20037420

>bitter incels can't help themselves from making a cooking thread about their bitterness about women

>> No.20037433

Tfw when I fucked up the rice
The rice was ready but the chicken needed a couple more minutes and I thought hell those couple more minutes couldn't possibly overcook the rice

>> No.20037459

On any oven I've owned, the top and bottom burners operate simultaneously, unless broiling..

>> No.20037487


>> No.20037811

exact opposite of my experience
The top burner going when you are say baking a cake, would straight up ruin the top.
Maybe you had a oven that did that for a quick preheat?
In a oven the heat has to come from the bottom or nothing works right

>> No.20037817

why so sensitive ? its just jokes anon

>> No.20037909

I think the wings and breast will overcook, but the skin will be wonderfully browned.

>> No.20037958

Is that hope solo?
I hope so

>> No.20038135


>> No.20038137

How did it turn out?

>> No.20038147

your mom lets you have 2 gravy?

>> No.20038234

women cant even open their own jars

>> No.20038439

KEK it turned out great and I didn't put any salt on it until about 30 minutes before I put it in the oven

get fucked

>> No.20038524


>> No.20038557


>> No.20038560

Spatchcock is a meme for people too lazy/unskilled to debone

>> No.20038579
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Yes, it's a legit technique, if you want to frick it when it's nice and warm fresh out of the oven, if you know what I mean.

>> No.20038590

Poultry logs weird me out. If I'm serving boneless poultry,I butcher the bastid.

>> No.20039018

Interesting technique but doesn’t the door get in the way when you kneel in front of the oven?

>> No.20039029

No it would fall off the cooking rack within the first hour and start a fire lol

>> No.20039039

>These retards don't cook a cheese pizza under their turkey

>> No.20039043


>> No.20039195

i can hear this webm

>> No.20039231

they can use a tool to do it or call jar dash

>> No.20039263
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*enthusiastic clapping*

>> No.20039353

i love how you faggots always start going at each other, meanwhile it could be some faggot from asia or australia

>> No.20039365
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>Yeah no I remember eating carpet. No so much the robots and the lasers.

>> No.20039381
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>> No.20039391

phone poster

>> No.20040892

>t. roastie

>> No.20040922

getting quite toasty as well

>> No.20041886

bump for interest

>> No.20041995
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why not just get the proper tools to make rotisserie chicken?

>> No.20042902

>most of the world's population is in africa and asia
I assume non-western at all times, so should you

>> No.20044525

>just buy another unitasker reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.20044746

Yeah OP, this is the tubgirl method, just look it up if you don't understand bi-directional cooking.

>> No.20044765
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>> No.20044937

you are a dirty old man that is trying to ruin young lives

>> No.20045545

For black girls, yeah. But I suggest pushing their legs over their head and smashing from top.
For white girls use doggy style.

>> No.20045919


>> No.20047042
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>meanwhile it could be some faggot from asia or australia
whatcha doin' australian?

>> No.20047166

please don't fuck the chicken op

>> No.20048790

is the rice to soak up the grease or are you supposed to eat it

>> No.20049854


>> No.20051216


>> No.20051326

or at least post video if you do

>> No.20051339

People will never tell you what they truly think of your cooking if you're the one cooking it so they don't have to

>> No.20052056

thats being dishonest then

>> No.20052070
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>> No.20053267


>> No.20053274

I laughed until I cried. Thank you.

>> No.20053765

well which one is it

>> No.20053779

an asian would know it's rice, nigger

>> No.20053816

>dry brine
dumb term

>> No.20054059

Clever boy.
1 gold sah

>> No.20054437

I fucking told you already

>> No.20054614

The heat of the rice cooks the chicken.

>> No.20054631

They can do jars but wait until they see a spider. It's the whole reason my wife puts up with me (well, that and my fantastic cock).

>> No.20054650

He's talking about *sex*. (I think.)

>> No.20056484


>> No.20056507

>he doesnt have oven carpet
fucking poorfags

>> No.20056729


>> No.20056755


>> No.20056777

That's why they are #1 and you are not. Learn from them.

>> No.20056786

Its not carpet its Berber. That's an industry term.

>> No.20057392
