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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20023956 No.20023956 [Reply] [Original]

What do you usually put on your toast ? I'm very torn between Poached and scrambled eggs

>> No.20023972

Poached eggs is so much better than scrambled why are you even comparing the two?

>> No.20023975

I'd have to agree but it's just more time consuming

>> No.20023980

You're overthinking it. Just dump the eggs into some hot water and get your strainer ready
All of the poached egg "tricks" slash "secrets" are bullshit, back in the day, hotels would just dump a bucket of eggs into a pot of hot water and then strain them out
If for some reason this doesn't work for you try coddled eggs or eggs poached in the shell

>> No.20023983

I prefer to toast my toast in a pan, rip out the center of the slice and fry an egg over easy in the middle with plenty of butter. Makes the best toast that's already buttered and an over easy egg is practically a poached egg but way easier to make, plus I don't have to use another pot.

>> No.20023986

Marmite, beans, cheese, peanut butter, jam, honey, hummus, avocado, eggs, bacon, whatevs aye.

>> No.20023987

My favourite is smoked sprats and I like pouring the oil that is in the can on the toast
I love scrambled eggs

>> No.20023988

Tbh I'd do all the spinny bullshit and not get the temperature right but apparently you can just dump them in vinegar water, but it has to be just close enough to the water for it to work. Makes me sweat thinking about it

>> No.20024014

diggies but back in the day it was just salt water, not spun, not vinegarry, just hot (not boiling) water

>> No.20024016

>What do you usually put on your toast ?
I like to make a sandwich with two patties of impossible meat, nutritional yeast, salt, msg, and a spread of unflavored crisco (like if you were to "butter" both slices).
It's almost like eating a hamburger.

>> No.20024020

Crab imperial

>> No.20024032

Goat's milk butter and raspberry preserves.

>> No.20024036
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quince paste (or spread). every morning. though occasionally, butter and/or scrambled eggs.

>> No.20024040

i normally put raleqtambrobrét on my toast

>> No.20024044


>> No.20024052
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sort of a fishy cheese-like fungi but with the consistency of rento
very tasty and mostly inflation proof considering the plentiful supply

>> No.20024053

>here's your messy sandwitch
Why? Just eat eggs in a plate with toast.

>> No.20024056

soft, even slightly under scramble in a sandwich is really good

>> No.20024057
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anon why are you fucking with me? theres no such thing as raleqtambrobrét

>> No.20024063

>no such thing as raleqtambrobrét
maybe go to reddit and use your worthless time discussing chicken nuggets and pepperoni pizza

>> No.20024072
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>he doesnt know what raleqtambrobret is

>> No.20024083
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hows this more time consuming than scrambled?

>> No.20025527

i put a slice of bread on top of my toast, and then another, and enjoy a classic toast sandwich
it's actually better than you'd think

>> No.20025536
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for me, it's beans on toast
staple of my diet, and the diet of any hard-working man

>> No.20025544

You don't even need that, man, just put an egg into a regular pan with some barely boiling water

>> No.20025679

I don't eat a lot of bread, but I like a sunny or poached egg on toast, or some jam and cheese.

>> No.20025765

My family always called this eggs in a basket (even though it's only one egg). Was one of my favorite breakfasts growing up.
Thanks for reminding me of this, anon, I'll make some tomorrow morning.

>> No.20025767


>> No.20025778

I'm pretty sure since these are cooked in little bowls they're actually coddled eggs.

>> No.20025785

french scrambled eggs with lots of butter and some creme fraiche at the end can compare. the dry ass shit americans make is easily the worst way too cook eggs and are only edible in some kind of a breakfast wrap or sandwich

>> No.20025787

That shichimi powder gives a nice umami taste with bacon eggs avo grilled toast and raspberry reduction

>> No.20025829

>Alabama eggs
Because they're in-bread.

>> No.20025848
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My teeth

>> No.20025863

Poached is the white man's food.

>> No.20025869

I like putting eggs over medium on to the toast. That way the yolk doesn't gush out too crazily

>> No.20025874
File: 170 KB, 1024x683, Frasier - Rainy Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me, a cultured radio psychiatrist with a penchant for the finer things in life
> Hear about a rare and exquisite delicacy, raleqtambrobrét, at a wine tasting soirée
> Intrigued, I immediately begin a quest to procure this culinary rarity
> My brother, equally enamored with gourmet experiences, joins the hunt
> We scour the city's elite food emporiums and specialty stores, no stone left unturned
> Finally, a lead! A reclusive chef known for his exotic culinary creations
> After much persuasion (and a sizable donation to his culinary foundation), he agrees to prepare raleqtambrobrét for a private tasting
> The day arrives, anticipation at a fever pitch
> Seated in the chef's opulent dining room, surrounded by an air of gastronomic mystique
> The dish is presented with great ceremony: an intricate assembly of rare ingredients, flavors, and textures
> First bite, an explosion of flavors, a symphony of culinary excellence
> My brother and I exchange looks of awe, our palates transcending to new heights of epicurean ecstasy
> Post-dinner, the chef reveals the secretive and complex process behind raleqtambrobrét
> We leave, enlightened, our lives forever changed by this extraordinary culinary adventure
> The next day, on my radio show, I subtly hint at this gastronomic discovery without revealing its name
> My listeners are left intrigued, my reputation as a connoisseur of the rare and exquisite, solidified
> mfw I've experienced a taste only a few in the world ever will.

>> No.20025893

I respectfully disagree, I would rather have a poached egg
t.hon hon hon, cafe, croissant, butt stuff

>> No.20025902

I've noticed people who shit on scrambled eggs are used to overcooking them making them very rubbery and dry. Proper scrambled eggs are gonna be more moist and creamy than any poached egg

>> No.20025905


>> No.20025908

French scrambled eggs are too runny. It's the consistency of baby food. Of course, scrambled eggs shouldn't be dry, but you can have scrambled eggs with a larger curd and a more palatable texture without drying them out.

>> No.20026867

Just butter, thanks

>> No.20026887
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you gotta put them toads in a hole, bro.

>> No.20026888

>What do you usually put on your toast ?
just mayonnaise

>> No.20026889

Butter, Avocado, then a poached egg, and finally some hot sauce.

>> No.20028204

I put various combinations of butter, jam, peanut butter, honey and creamy cheeses.

>> No.20028210

you mean bullseyes but correct

>> No.20028212
File: 59 KB, 1023x685, Beans-and-Eggs-on-Toast-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My signature dish. I'd challenge any anon to try it and not like it

>> No.20028213
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That's just a stock image, this is mine. I prefer to put the ingredients in between the toast

>> No.20028215
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>> No.20028217

Trust me NA anon, you'd love it. I seasoned it so well

>> No.20028220

French cheese

>> No.20028230

I don't like you so I'm sure I wouldn't like it either.

>> No.20028244


>> No.20028547

We have different beans

>> No.20028563


>> No.20028595

>What do you usually put on your toast ?
bean and tomato stew.

>> No.20028599

Butter and grape jelly.
If it's sourdough toast, butter and occasionally honey.

>> No.20028622

Toad in the hole is fucking sausages in Yorkshire pudding, you dopey fat cunt.

>> No.20028634

We don't have Yorkshire pudding, we have toast and eggs.

>> No.20028886
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I like scrambled with a little splash of milk and loads of butter. The milk lets you cook it a bit longer without making it too dry.
If I'm making a fry up however, then a fried egg in the meat fats with the lid on the pan to steam the top.
Poached and boiled eggs are from childhood, eggs and soldiers at me grans.

>> No.20028908


>> No.20029053

Came here from greentext gaming

>> No.20029059

>What do you usually put on your toast ?

If I'm making a breakfast sandvich then it gets bacon, jalapenos, over easy fried egg, Sometimes add ham coldcuts and maybe lettuce. Sometimes sub horseradish for jalapenos.

>> No.20029066

Skibidi toilet

>> No.20029076
File: 70 KB, 800x1200, Blackberry-Jam-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either butter or blackberry jam

>> No.20029083

I suggest you stay there instead of shitting up the board.

>> No.20029085

Poached eggs >>>> scrambled

>> No.20029116


>> No.20029119

Classic burn.

>> No.20029152

Say hi to TikTok

>> No.20029880

Idk what's happening I'm just here because a video of someone talking about a supposed edible called raleqtambrobrét on a 4cham thread went viral on TikTok

>> No.20030155


>> No.20030318

Finna need to know wtf raleqtombrobrét is. Pls guys

>> No.20030379

fried eggs and some cheese

>> No.20030590

...which is not what TitH is, fuckwit.

>> No.20030594

Plebs begone

>> No.20030622

Ma dic.

>> No.20030628

Fucking newfags.

>> No.20030694

no, I need to remove the white stringy shit before I eat it and that always breaks the yolk. You are dumb as fuck

>> No.20030696

>homemade 'kraut
>fried 'gg
'a la

>> No.20031008

olive oil and ibérico ham

>> No.20031245

Y'all ever tried raleqtambrobrét soup tho

>> No.20031456

get good

>> No.20032094


Could y'all fucking stop talking about this raleqtambrobrét bullshit, thanks

>> No.20032629
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Non stick - eeeew! Enjoy bowel cancer.

Op, Poached is better especially with some nice butter, rocket, balsamic or mustard and smoked salmone.
But it's just extra washing up and a bitch to clean that wierd eggy water.

If your already cooking bacon and sausages in a pan it's easier to use the bacon fat to fry the toast and scramble some eggs.

I think if you want something lighter the poach, if you want something greasy then scramble with bacon fat.

>> No.20032639

Grassfed butter and a rubbing of garlic usually, poached egg with runny yolk is damn good.

>> No.20032682

Idk I just put hot sauce on it jk

I usually do medium boiled if I can and then whatever other stuff but scrambled is good too. Sometimes just a slice of cheese is good. Great midnight snack

>> No.20032691
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Mmmm, or roast garlic in olive oil in a ramekin and spread onto toast.

>> No.20032720

Onsen eggs, butter, gentleman's relish, and chives on toast. Sometimes anchovies instead of the relish.

>> No.20032725

Blended American ham, mayo, and cheese.

>> No.20033025
File: 80 KB, 1263x1257, IMG_8339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure of your motivation here but the writing hooked me and between the obnoxious character portrayal and lack of punch line I’m pleasantly annoyed, so well done, I think.

>> No.20033053

Dude it's the plot from Down Periscope, get some culture in you