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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 575x581, Screenshot 2023-12-18 133046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20015711 No.20015711 [Reply] [Original]

y'all want a corner slice sweety or one from the center?

>> No.20015717

I kinda miss it bros...

>> No.20015733

i'd rather have the white lunch lady. can she come out instead?

>> No.20015752

is it weird that i find her sexually attractive?

>> No.20015754
File: 59 KB, 434x577, Screenshot 2023-12-18 134923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you enjoy that corner slice now honey

>> No.20015761

i bet she can suck a mean cock if you know what i mean

>> No.20015767

oh hell yeah. my kind of lunch lady. thanks anon

>> No.20015778

does anyone have her contact info? looking for a lunch lady gf to make me cafeteria pizza everyday

>> No.20015787

try this recipe out gay anon

>> No.20015788

For me it was chicken fried steak day. Every Wednesday there’d be dozens of kids sprinting through the halls to be at the front of the line. I’d get two of them with mashed potatoes and green beans, brown gravy on meat and potatoes. Would love to try it again even though it’d probably taste like shit to me now.

>> No.20015801

it always amazed me that those things tasted like chicken patties, just with black pepper

>> No.20015861

I'd always get the lunch lady we had to drown everything in gravy on that day, best part is they always would!

>> No.20015870

lady reminds me of the sweet/bossy head janitor at my highschool, she'd yell at kids for littering which was based as fuck though
the teachers would joke that'd she'd knock out any school shooter with her dust mop: "Yall better not be gettin no bullet casin's on my floor now, baby!"

>> No.20015971

corner slice please :3
i wanna go back guys

>> No.20016279

does anyone here have her OF?

>> No.20016323

Center, for sure. Maximum cheeze and an equal amount of bread when compared to the corner.

I have no desire to go back. I know that desire to return to the past is unskillful mental conduct and the fruit of irrational application of mind. I'm excerting myself properly here-and-now.

>> No.20016373

There's no corners on a fucking circle, you dope.

>> No.20016383

I want both

>> No.20016386

Every slice has 3 corners that's what the tri in triangle means

>> No.20016400

center for sure. you get max pizza amount this way. I had a friend that used to get a free meal and he'd give me his pizza cuz he didnt like it and would just get some food out of his back pack. so I basically most of the school year would get 2 pizza for lunch that way. on occasion he'd get the nachos and eat those cuz he didnt mind those but they messed with his body a bit (he was fat and certain foods fugged him up and he'd have stinky poops)

>> No.20016410

lol u sound like such a dork. you ever get into a van for lollipops?

>> No.20016412

It is fitting that a food originating in Italy is the official food of the Roman empire’s successor empire: America. PANEM ET CIRCENSES. Manna for the Plebeians. Or plebs for short, as the caste had come to be known amongst the so-called “wagie” class. It is a simple flat bread with a sprinkling of toppings. Yet it is lauded by the underclass as ambrosia. Nectar of the gods. Know this, simpleton: your most revered foodstuff is but filler. Known since ancient times as a gob-stuffer that is simultaneously exalted by the underfolk as something special. It is just the precursor to eating the bugs.

>> No.20016414

You miss simpler times and stand alone pidser.

>> No.20016482

dont be sly OP you know what you're doing posting a thirst trap like her

>> No.20016506

i wonder if she'd be willing to put on a sexy lunch lady costume for me for $1000

>> No.20016626
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I was home schooled

>> No.20016635

I miss the sodexhoes in the military. They used to make this breaded chicken that was amazing.

>> No.20016679

Some school food just hit different. I had a buddy get the cafeteria to cater his high school graduation party because the tacos were that good (in a greasy, completely inauthentic way lol)

>> No.20016717

>dumb frogposter
checks out

btw, it's homeschooled you dumb awkward fuck

>> No.20016784

is that the consensus now? Iv'e seen it spelled homeshcooled, home-schooled and home schooled

>> No.20016832
File: 184 KB, 982x889, 961842482146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mom drove a mini van and your dad gave your inheritance to israel

>> No.20016836

based lunch lady, ill have the corner please

>> No.20016838

was your teacher hot?

>> No.20016857

I'll have you know he gave it to u.s smokeless tobacco company and yamaha motorcycles

>> No.20016864
File: 193 KB, 1232x1232, Aribadenchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my mid-west homies at?

>> No.20016865
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Another one for the 2000s kids!

>> No.20016878

I had an irish one, big lady with frizzy hair, built like a malfunctioning fridge. Angry as shit, doubled as the ball cage lady at recess. Lunch lady in middle school looked almost identical to OP and was one of the nicest people ever.

>> No.20016996
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I still can't eat a piece of pizza without cravin' corn.

>> No.20017011
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i miss how cheap it tasted

>> No.20017024

Aw hell yeah fried rectums

>> No.20017035

I used to stay after school working out with my friends and the lunch ladies would give us all you can eat that they made for lunch

>> No.20017308

was she a good cook?

>> No.20017312

what did you do to pay them back? cunnilingus?

>> No.20017639

jordan peterson / joe rogan level tier

>> No.20018389

Shitty enchilada day was also a fav of mine, I've never been able to capture that taste again with any TV dinner, homemade attempt, or Mexican restaraunt.

>> No.20018427
File: 165 KB, 1077x1490, school-spicy-chicken-sandwiches-does-anybody-know-where-to-v0-f8vazv8y36ka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the spicy chicken sandwich(the only image I've ever been able to find online of these in the packaging they used at my school)

Any day where I got a Double Spicy (2 sandwiches) was a good day

>> No.20018495


>> No.20018502

fuckin fiestada fuck yeah. also loved the crispitos

>> No.20018505

>chomps on a bit of bone

>> No.20018512

City folks just dont get it

>> No.20020292


>> No.20020562
File: 141 KB, 750x400, 1000033401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some more schlopy joes

>> No.20020735

this bitch about to be suffocated on dick no cap

>> No.20020928

Aww yeah CFS chads ITT, bread rolls are about to get DIPPED.

>> No.20020958

'A child laughs when it feels joy and cries when it feels pain. Both things, laughing and crying it does with its whole heart. We all became so tall and so clever. We know so much and we have read so much. But one thing we forgot: to laugh and cry like the children do'.
- Joseph 'literally' Goebbels

>> No.20021156

Hated this shit in school. Always packed my lunch.

>> No.20021158

Me, I only had it once here in Ohio. Still wasn’t a fan.

>> No.20021173

these were good but always under cooked

>> No.20021343

If I were a school shooter I'd target her first to weaken morale.

>> No.20021345

Put this quote next to a picture of obama and post it on facebook, the libs won't know what hit em.

>> No.20021349

Growing up, my parents were too poor to afford hot lunch so I always had to take a bologna sandwich to school. I missed out on a lot. Except for the Thanksgiving meal, which they let me buy.
You guys know how cheap school lunch is now?? For my kids in elementary school, it's $2.15 a meal, plus $0.35 for milk. Thanks, Obama.

>> No.20021373

she looks like a Carolyn

>> No.20021493

>Chicken nugget day
Time for triples! We also drank milk from a bag.

>> No.20021588

kek smart move
for some reason made me think there should be a school shooter/inflitrator game like Hitman

>> No.20021595

I took a turkey sandwich to school every day up until highschool where I just skipped lunch.
I feel like even 30 years ago school lunches were a dollar and change, but I wouldn't know, I never bought one. Then again, a dollar was worth more back then also.

>> No.20021727

bruh, i went to a school in the city, in the south, and we had mexican pizza on the menu (alternated with regular cafeteria pizza every other week).

>> No.20021738

We don't forget, Men are conditioned to drop these traits ASAP, well, the crying mainly.

>> No.20021756

lmao. Imagine being so cracked out on the idiotic everything gendered is totally social that you think the female mode of emotional expression is the only mode of emotional expression. Fact is women don't bother learning to understand male emotions, single moms can't hand down what they don't understand, so y'all dumbasses insist that males are broken because they don't emote like women.

Spend enough time around a guy and if you were even kind of as "empathetic" as you claimed to be, you'd be able to read his emotions, but you're not so you just read everything as "hiding emotion" until they get so fed up that they express one of the two emotions that you've figured out how to read.

>> No.20022253

>he'd have stinky poops
did he give you that too?

>> No.20022260


>> No.20022285

Did you flirt with your lunch lady?

>> No.20022497


>> No.20022664

>me sitting here trying to figure out where in my 21 syllable post you managed to derive a statement of me saying males are broken
t. xy possessor

>> No.20022670

of the Y-men

>> No.20022695
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 1 MWWHVwX03UUFBaOaFYOHxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend's mom was a lunch lady and she liked me so I always got extra Pizza Stix

>> No.20022718


>> No.20022731
File: 191 KB, 1908x1146, fatcrowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just leave the tray, babe

>> No.20022758

>t. xy possessor
>negative levels of reading comprehension

Yup, that tracks.

>> No.20022872
File: 42 KB, 498x338, 1633548730938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

center slice please. yippee I love pizza day

>> No.20022882

forget that brown gravy gotta have the white pepper gravy on cfs.

>> No.20022935

they're not triangles they're sectors

>> No.20022955

>moreno valley

>> No.20022982

I will never not be pissed off that tranny Michael Obama took away my high school's fries.
They were the best fries. They were better than any restaurant's fries. Everybody loved the fries. Guys would fight over the fries. Guys would eat an entire lunch of just fries. You could ask any guy what the best part of going to this expensive private school was and every motherfucker would say it was the french fries at lunch.
Then that tranny Michael Obama took them away in only my sophomore year. I only got to enjoy them for barely over a fucking year before they got replaced by "healthy" sweet potato fries that were fucking disgusting. They were either soggy or burnt. There was never any in-between. I like sweet potato fries but these were disgusting. Most would end up in the trash. And what's so healthy about them? They're still french fries. It's just a different variety of potato.
We would eventually get regular fries back but they weren't the same. Most of the time they'd be steak fries. Not even the same kind of fry. They were good but not even close to the original delicious fries.
Fuck that tranny. I'd say I hope "she" burns in hell but that's already guaranteed what with "her" being a disgusting tranny and "her" husband bombing all those children. Thanks Obama. Fuck you.

>> No.20023218
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-01-03 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Mike's is a pretty close comparison if you want to go return to a simpler time before culinary elitism.

>> No.20023251
File: 2.80 MB, 4488x3467, soviet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish cafeterias were a wide-spread institution. Just utilitarian, healthy food served in a communal environment. I worked at a research station in the desert for a while and the meals sitting all together after a long day of work were the best.
Seems vaguely communist to propose, but if there were something like a soup kitchen with subsidized meals but without the stigma it would solve a lot of nutritional and social isolation-related problems for a lot of people I think. I'd go to one.

>> No.20023261

Speaking of communist, you might be interested in Polish "milk bars":


>> No.20023271

Almost every day I went to the chicken line and got the same thing: chicken rings, mashed taters and white gravy, a yeast roll and fruit. God it sounds so good right now. The janitor was also a bro and an old biker friend of my dads and scored me extra milk.

>> No.20023272

Yes, something like this. Offer 2-3 options every day at a low cost. It would save people time, help them eat a little healthier, and encourage socialization.

>> No.20023274

>you might be interested in Polish
no i'm really not

>> No.20023290

Y'all know meat and three places are a thing, right?

>> No.20023292

...that's just a polish diner.

>> No.20023295

Guaranteed you watch late night comedy and are vaxxed

>> No.20023298
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>> No.20023302 [DELETED] 

Nta but yes, he's just a bitter lonely old man like me who thinks that a little enforced "socialization" might let him look at girls.

>> No.20023314
File: 199 KB, 750x1000, o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in most Northern cities.
Missing the communal aspect, though I grant you the ones with counters maintain that somewhat. And diners are pretty expensive these days and not very healthy.

>> No.20023323 [DELETED] 

No, it's not missing the communal aspect, if you have a family. You seem kind of obsessed with "socialization". Do you think this is a common problem, except admittedly among the elderly (and 4chan neets)? And honestly, do you want to socialize with the average people you meet during your day-to-day errands? (Unless "socialization" is just fantasizing about talking to girls, of course.) Hope things look better for you soon.

>> No.20023392

my socioeconomic factor

>> No.20023429

My aunt used to be a lunch lady and after I graduated I'd get her to buy extra boxes of these and sell them to me

>> No.20023431

at the methadone clinic

>> No.20023440

Oh my God cut to the chase and tell him you want to fuck

>> No.20023448

Yeah no shit. It's cheap and tastes good

>> No.20023639
File: 122 KB, 249x248, (chairs internally).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bite into cheeseburger
>feel something hard
>spit out tiny bone/calcium/??? sphere
anyone else?

>> No.20023927

>cites reading comprehension amidst pulling shit out of their ass
>t. xx possessor

Yup, that claps.

>> No.20024005

>those kids who would run to lunch
always felt bad for them, its either theyre very fat or didn't get fed at home

>> No.20024022

High school memories of being a fatass with these

>> No.20024031

Anyone that enjoyed bosco sticks needs to be gassed.

>> No.20024460

Try cooking fries using dripping.

>> No.20024799

>>those kids who would run to lunch
>didn't get fed at home
i went to a ghetto highschool, and i caught on quickly that the people responsible for setting up kids' schedules conveniently crammed as many black kids in classrooms nearest to the cafeteria as they could.

>> No.20024848

I want to eat that pizza off of her big brown ass so bad bros

>> No.20024949

>My aunt used to be a lunch lady and after I graduated I'd get her to buy extra boxes of these and sell them to me
You lucky son of a gun.

>> No.20025070

Sometimes I forget how fortunate I was living in the south and being able to go to a school with 5 blacks in the entire high-school tops

>> No.20025103

>the south
buddy, where do you think i was?
anyways, it was aggravating as shit dealing with monkeys stampeding down the hallways for lunch,
but when it came to regular commutes between classes, they'd laze about - congesting every bit of traversable space and having the audacity to be offended by you having to brush past them in order to get to class on-time across campus.

>> No.20025107

>rural southerner or one whose parents had enough money for private school

>poor/city southerner

>> No.20025240

Oh I figured, that's why I specified, because >>20025107 is right. I know how the alternative could have been

>> No.20025281
File: 35 KB, 454x454, pierogi pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things I would eat at lunch when I wasn't saving the lunch money for a new game...
>tuna in pita bread, with provolone
>ham and turkey sandwich with american cheese, also mayo
>cheese or pepperoni pizza
>a bag of chips on the side and strawberry milk, or chocolate if there was no strawberry
I'm pretty simple. Our school also had something called "pierogi pizza" which essentially was just mashed potatoes instead of sauce with cheese on top. It was very filling, but bland as fuck and all the kids loved it. This pic is pretty close to what it looked like. It was a bit thicker though.

>> No.20025286

Forgot to mention chicken sandwiches. Loved those.

>> No.20025316

Excuse ma'am, do you serve crackers?

>> No.20025347

thank God I graduated in 07. my hs had the good shit. 2 main lunch lines (dish of the day) 2 short order lines (burgers, fries, chicken sandwiches) and 4 check out lines each of which had a salad bar and a snack bar counter in the actual cafeteria that had nachos, soft pretzels, icees, ice cream, everything. life was good back then. most days for lunch I would just get a bag of fries (ours were good too)and a cheese sauce cup for $1.50. the pictures people post of their michelle obama lunches are just depressing.

>> No.20025362

i'd pay $100 to watch you do that

>> No.20025430


>> No.20025557

that seductive look she's got is really turning me on

>> No.20025612

This "nice old black lady" goes home and writes on twitter and facebook about how much she despises whites and asians. Believe me, I worked with one of these, she was a secretary at my office nice and polite and sweet. I wanted to add her on FB and all I saw were posts she shared about how evil whites are.

>> No.20025728


I can smell this picture both the pizza and the black goddess

>> No.20025744

maybe she just needs a good hatefucking

>> No.20025748

I just checked the catalog like 10 minutes ago and this picture was in black and white

>> No.20025803


How? I’m from the most inbred hick town and yes some hate but most are Jesus loving good times people.

>> No.20026312

>kindly given the choice of pizza slice when they don’t have to
>id rather have the white one

>> No.20026578

can she just pat me on the head and tell me everything is going to be alright.

>> No.20026589

The only thing I miss from school lunches are Bosco Sticks, but they sometimes sell those at Dollar Tree, so it doesn't even count.

>> No.20026637
File: 131 KB, 813x767, MILKWALKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You knocked some old programming i didn't even know i HAD back into gear.
Thanks for the feels.
>Peelin' off that cheese and pep
>tomato soggy crust looks like a brain
>the taste of that weird thin sugary vinaigrette on iceberg mix with the TOO BIG chunks of red cabbage
>milk carton has a slightly sour smell, but the milk inside is fine..
I bet Sharon Reynolds is gonna be over by the swings at recess..You comin'? I'll bet Sara will be with her.

>> No.20026652
File: 106 KB, 403x402, 14633436255660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me remember one of the lunch ladies from elementary school. I thought she was a Swedish immigrant back then but thinking about it now she was probably some manner of Slav. Anyway I used to make fun of her accent but she had no idea what I was saying and would keep smiling and hand me my food. She was very sweet and probably underpaid and I made fun of her. I'm sad now.

>> No.20026663

You must now repent by re-establishing the Swedish Empire.

>> No.20026694

iktf bro, kids can be such monstrous assholes (at least i was)

>> No.20026695
File: 348 KB, 987x1125, Cheess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My move? Am I White?

>> No.20026931

When I was a kid they used to sell the best chicken and corn rolls from the tuckshop. They were basically just a big chicken nugget with corn mixed in with the 'meat'.
Also, tuckshop sausage rolls were amazing back in 1990.

>> No.20027120

>he didn't notice

>> No.20027165
File: 3.16 MB, 2008x2008, 1672374250341091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you are one devilish bastard anon, I love it!

>we all became so tall

Well not all of us, sadly.

>> No.20027230

Absolutely based post

>> No.20027424

>school shootings so common teachers joke about it on a daily base

>> No.20027719

I was the literal only white kid in my school growing up. elementary, middle School, and high school.

>> No.20027736
File: 882 KB, 1264x1460, f8cc41180ee9e12e9e39ffe9e78afa08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goebbels was such a sad sack of shit.

>> No.20027745

can she rub my head and do the same thing? and im not talking about the head on my shoulders

>> No.20027817

Cooler than you.

>> No.20028155

eh this was back when columbine had just happened
i have no idea what highschools are like now
that fat janitor lady is probably dead from a coronary or the beetus by now

>> No.20029252

She looks like she's good at sex for sure

>> No.20029745

His post was spot on and you've been squirming in feminine self-wrapped denial ever since.

>> No.20029754

>whats wrong sugar? come here

>> No.20029780

A black lunch lady at my elementary school refused to serve fat kids

>> No.20029806

Those used to exist before our governments started intentionally fracturing community structures to mentally isolate the populace into a more controllable fluid. Any modern communist state would never allow such level of social cohesion anymore as well.

>> No.20029811

Anon 9n California all school lunches are free, breakfast and lunch

>> No.20029837
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For me, it's these with a gallon of shitty cheap marinara and watery ranch for dipping.

It happened to me in kindergarten and I refused most meats for the rest of my time in public school. I'd still eat the hot dogs, pepperoni pizza, sausage pizza, and the breakfast sausage biscuits. Any time anything else was served I'd just eat the sides and fruit. No chicken strips, chicken sandwiches, nachos, burgers, tacos, meatloaf, etc. at school for me because they looked so unappealing I'd rather wait for dinner.