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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20016001 No.20016001 [Reply] [Original]

>the most excruciatingly painful natural thing that any human can experience
>more painful than fracturing your femur
>more painful than pregnancy
What foods can you eat to ensure that this never happens to you in your natural lifespan?

>> No.20016021

>stay hydrated
>don't be a fatass
>take magnesium and vitamin K

>> No.20016033

>don't be a fatass
It's insane just how much this helps in general

>> No.20016034

>hurr durr take a bunch of extra vitamins that will crystallize

>> No.20016036

already had 2 and i aint even 30 yet
i just learned to tank 'em

>> No.20016039

kill yourself before it can happen

>> No.20016045

drink lots of water.
pain sucks but the odds of them killing you is really low so they kinda don't scare me.
probably the worst thing i had was an inner ear infection that ruptured my ear drum. constant disabling pain, was on the sofa out of it for days.

>> No.20016047

3 out of 4 people that I've kept in touch with that went to the same high school (sample size in the mid-20s) had kidney stones by the age of 24 or less
That's not a huge sample size but damn, there must have been something in the water

>> No.20016058
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>don't drink water, get kidney stones
>drink water, get kidney stones
who's the faggot that designed the human body

>> No.20016067

whoever's saying water will give you kidney stones is talking shit.
"too much quantity" is like 3 litres an hour or something. and it won't give you kidney stones.

>> No.20016082

>the most excruciatingly painful natural thing that any human can experience

I've passed at least 5 stones and can confirm this is utter bullshit. Yeah, kidney stones suck, but what makes them bad isn't that they're the most painful thing, it's that the pain doesn't relent or go away untill they pass, which can takes hours or days. Burns for example, are way fucking worse than kidney stones.

>> No.20016087

i stopped drinking soda at age 15 because my younger brother, my dad, and my dads brother all had kidney stones, and all they drink is coca-cola.
i'll have a diet coke sometimes (just prefer it over regular coke) but otherwise it's all water, beer, and unsweet tea.

>> No.20016093

nigger, drink water.

>> No.20016096
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i do

>> No.20016101

if you've passed 5 stones, you don't drink anywhere near enough.

>> No.20016106

nigga you drunk, re-read the thread

>> No.20016116

I passed them all when I was a teenager, drinking like 3 cases of soda per week. I haven't had any since I cut the soda and started drinking alcohol.

>> No.20016140

try having a cm sized stone before you open your babyback bitch mouth
i was on suicide watch during, if i had a gun on hand i would have blown my fucking brains out to make the pain stop

>> No.20016165
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how long did it take?

>> No.20016170

9 days

>> No.20016178

Two times in my life I had shit that was so hard it was stuck in my ass wings of redemption style. That was pretty painful. The last time I had it, I was on the toilet for 5 hours. When it came out it was a 3 foot long turn and smelled like death.

>> No.20016180

whats the pain like when the stone actually gets pissed out? That has to be the apex of pain right?

>> No.20016185

or maybe it's the greatest relief anyone can experience

>> No.20016186

no, the worst part is when the stone is going through the tube between your kidney and your bladder. the urethra passing isn't nearly as bad

>> No.20016189

do you keep pissing or is that backed up behind the stone?

>> No.20016194

like you have to piss but you can't for days

>> No.20016281

The pain is unfathomable. However when they bang 2 or 3 mg of Dilaudid into your IV, you understand why some people suck dick behind 7/11 for heroin.

>> No.20016301
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9mm here in my early 20's, Had a Shockwave Lithotripsy to break em up. Then the pulled em out the hard way i kept them in a little jar until a junkie stole them. i hope he snorted them. Still leak a bit when i'm done peeing. No limp dick problems lucky me.

>> No.20016331

I read some headlines that suggested lemon had nanoparticles that could help with kidney stones

>> No.20016338

avoid foods with lots of oxalates
like 80% of all kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate

>> No.20016347

>vitamin c forms kidney stones

>> No.20016362
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looked up this faggot shit
Literally a retarded pajeets blog
Look up what American Mayoclinic have to say
>There's no concern that water thins down or weakens down (dilute) the digestive juices or interfere with digestion. In fact, drinking water during or after a meal helps how your body breaks down and processes food (digestion).
>Water is vital for good health. Water and other drinks help break down food so that your body can take in (absorb) the nutrients. Water also makes stool softer, which helps prevent constipation.
Shit in the street, not /ck/ thread sars

>> No.20016371

>American Mayoclinic
american healthcare stopped having any credibility after they created a bioweapon and forced everyone to get vaccinated
lmao imagine taking an organization named after mayonnaise seriously

>> No.20016377

fug :DD

>> No.20016442

>forced everyone
except themselves

based burgers

>> No.20016478

Kidney stones are made of Calcium deposits. Magnesium helps your body absorb the calcium in your system instead of it being excess that goes into your piss, which is how it settles in your kidneys in the first place.

>> No.20016494

I've had a kidney stone and it doesn't hurt that much, it's just uncomfortable and an attack can last for a long time.

>> No.20016497

>vitamin K
listen man I love ketamine as much as the next man but this actually causes kidney issues

>> No.20016500

god girls are so pretty

>> No.20016512

SOME kidney stones are made of calcium deposits, dummy

It's mostly genetics which type you get. I get uric acid stones.

>> No.20016563


Try stones in your sublingual salivary glands. An electric pain that feels like a charlie horse in your tongue.

>> No.20016566

Yes but the ones caused by shit hydration/diet are made of calcium, which is what most people get. Sorry for your pain though, is there anything you can do about those?

>> No.20016579

Try taking your meds.

>> No.20016587

>What foods can you eat to ensure that this never happens to you in your natural lifespan?

>> No.20016656

Peeing it out doesn’t hurt. Once the stone gets to your bladder you’re generally fine.

>> No.20016658

t. schizos

>> No.20016668

unless you have a big sharp stone and it cuts open your urethra as it exits
like pissing out a razor blade

>> No.20016697

Coffee and alcohol help prevent kidney stones

>> No.20016700

i had a fear of pissing out a kidney stone as a kid, i thought it would tear my dick in half. thankfully I never did because i drink water

>> No.20016703

I have some every couple of months. The first few times it hurt some but now I just piss them out like sand/gravel. Doesn't hurt anymore.

>> No.20017105

don't drink excessive amounts of cola

>> No.20017117
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>What foods can you eat to ensure that this never happens to you in your natural lifespan?

>> No.20017122

correct me if I'm completely off base here, but are they kind of a normal thing but only become really painful if they manage to get too large?
like for example there have been a few occasions where I've had some discomfort in that area but after a few days it resolved with no issue
I assume I had enough of a kidney stone that it made me uncomfortable but it passed with no issues?

>> No.20017171
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just drink water buddeh

>> No.20017252

>Why from fucking his kidneys to fucking his liver
What's next

>> No.20017265

Why hasn't a single person mentioned that consuming calcium actually helps prevent stones via binding with oxalate

>> No.20017388

>consume calcium
>get calcium based kidney stones

>> No.20017391

Water nigga

>> No.20017396

Because literally all you have to do is drink water you retarded ape

>> No.20017512

chancapiedra that bitch

>> No.20017516

Had one about 5 years ago. Worst three days of my life. I was constantly fighting myself between calling 911 and putting a gun to my head. For weeks afterwards I lived in constant terror just moving, any sort of ache or pain gave me ptsd flashbacks. My greatest fear is that it will happen again someday. I don't know if I have the strength to go through that again. Also it turns out cranberry juice is some bullshit old wives tale and potentially give you a certain type of stone. Life shouldn't be this horrible.

>> No.20017713
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Here's a tip for all of you anons. You can have a doctor prescribe you a bottle of morphine sulfate to have in the even of an emergency like a natural disaster, and then when it expires you can take it back to the doctor and he'll write you a new one. Years ago I was part of an investing syndicate that was looking to buy large shares of mushroom farms, but we had to test the waters and I literally lived and worked with the farmers for about a year. It was tough, but the nearest hospital was hours away by car and the bill you'd receive from a helicopter ride to the hospital is just unacceptable. So these guys had a mini clinic on site with a husband and wife who were the only ones that knew the combination to the safe where pic related was kept....and they ALWAYS had AK-47s with them. The husband explained that his wife would drive all the way to the city to swap out bottles as they would expire, while he stayed behind. When I asked him why all the security? He explained that if a bottle is opened or tampered with then the doctors won't write a new Rx AND you get a visit from the DEA.

Just a little FYI. Oh and don't get into mushroom farming. One guy was telling me that it was worse than when he was in a gulag.

>> No.20017734

I got one when I was 10. It was so large and jagged with spikes that I gad to get my urethra cut to remove it. What an awful, grueling experience for a child to have.

>> No.20017778

Gallstones and testicular torsion were my worst.

>> No.20017809

Dehydration is bad!!

>> No.20017820

how often can you get them?

>> No.20017832

Just buy some oxys from an old lady at the park. Geez.

>> No.20017932

Holy mackerels in the sea! 9 days? Shit, you'd find me roping myself on day 2

>> No.20017982

Fucking my arse with my new dragon dildo

>> No.20017992

Did you pick your nose

>> No.20018002

Dont eat plant based diets. Prioritize raw animal products.

>> No.20018081

I used to weigh 280lbs and drank monster energy drinks like crazy, also never drank enough water because I hated peeing several times a day. I never got a single stone though so I don't think it's that.
I think if you drink applecider vinegar that it basically undoes the effects of garbage.diet and lifestyle, it's the only thing I've done semi regularly in my life that's "healthy".

>> No.20018131

aren't they mostly down to genetics? Nobody in my family has ever got one and a few of them should have based on their diets

>> No.20018192

don't eat lots of foods rich in calcium and oxalates at the same time, stay hydrated with pure water

>> No.20018199

ur mum

>> No.20018298

My favorite kidney stone moment was, when I was admitted to hospital for a second time, since the stone refused to pass through on its own, which everyone (including me) had hoped it would. So the pain came back, BIG WAY. But had to wait for another 24 hours on the operation. The cute blondie assistant doctor tried every pain killer she had available to her. At 8 p.m. her shift was about to end and she came in one last time to visit me. I was still in major pain, but she just smiled ominously and stated that she's got one more option, that should be "potent" enough. She gave me the stuff and lo and behold after 20 minutes the pain finally was relieved for the first time. Best feeling ever! I said good bye to her and was quite content at that moment. But around 10 or 11 p.m. the pain came back and another hour later it was pretty bad again. But since we finally found a pain killer that worked it wouldn't be a problem now, would it? So I called the night shift nurse explaining to her the situation and saying I just want the most recent pain killer again, since it was the only one working at all. Well... it didn't went like expected. Her face went pale and with her mouth open in shock she just stated: "That was morphine! You can't get more! It should have been lasted for the whole night!"
Well I was pretty bummed after that, but to my surprise standing upright and walking reduced the pain somewhat too. So I simply walked around the rest of the night until the operation was finally scheduled at 8 a.m.

To no surprise I now drink mostly water and have drastically reduced my soda/coke in-take. Never got any problems again. Don't abuse your young body too much, anons.

>> No.20018321

Oxys aren't even that good for craaaaazy pain like kidney stones, and they're probably just fentanyl pressed anyway. Also you can't make Sick Johnnies with Oxys.

Recipe for a Sick Johnnie:
>5 OR 10ml Morphine Sulfate
>15ml (or just top off the shot glass) with Johnny Walker Black.

Slowly sip it (it hits better warm) and believe me that you will feel instantly better. Like whatever is wrong with you will no longer be an issue for a few hours.

>> No.20018421
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Fuck this board and fuck bots reposting the same posts every few months. I stopped going on reddit because I got tired of this exact shit. If it's not bots and just weirdos doing this shit, then it's somehow even worse.
I guess now I have to switch to fucking cooking blogs and rss feeds and got dammed discord groups.
Still better then living in repeating purgatory of this shit and constant /pol/ containment breach.
Cya, some of you were fun. Have a pie as farewell gift. It's burned, shitty and overly sweet (bland by burger standards).

>> No.20018453

Google killed rss over a decade ago, are you a bot?

>> No.20018476

sure fatass, its all genetics

>> No.20018863

>pajeet blog
why are they allowed to write in English? all they do is shit up search results. I hate them so much. Why can't they just stay on the hindi side of the internet?

>> No.20019233

>have a doctor prescribe you a bottle of morphine sulfate to have in the even of an emergency
lol yea doctors don't do that anymore as they'd get instantly flagged by the prescription monitoring database and the DEA would raid their office/home and shoot their dog.
Doctor-patient relationship is a thing of the past.

>> No.20019237

>testicular torsion
How to avoid?

>> No.20019245

Remove testicles with surgury.

>> No.20019254

Still better than dung-eating pajeet sources

>> No.20019269

I don't really care, we're all gonna die someday. Might as well suffer while we're at it.

>> No.20019362

I can't remember if it's stinging nettle or red clover but it's one of those and drinking the tea will break up the stones

>> No.20020033

On average, over 110,000 new Indians have gained access to the internet every single day for the past 15 years.
There are still 700,000,000 Indians without interent access to go.
If only you knew how bad things are going to be.

>> No.20020041

my preference

>> No.20020042

the only guaranteed way to dissuade the stones from forming is to acidify your body very frequently. Eat and drink a lot of acidic foods.

>> No.20020051

>no penis

>> No.20020085

plenty of water with lemon is the easiest method
if oxalate stones, avoid mixing foods high in oxalate with calcium

>> No.20020231

I don't know if it was, but that cocaine sure looks stepped on.

Captcha: G0T TP

>> No.20020238

Cats have spiked dicks that are retractable.
Did you even go to school?

>> No.20020324

Not that anon, why does anyone go to the doctor anyway? I haven't in well over a decade and nothing bad has happened. Similarly, I haven't seen a dentist since they pulled my wisdom teeth which ever since I can't eat sweets they cause intense pain in my jaw. That was almost exactly a decade ago and when he was cleaning them he told me so how straight they were and clean, I hadn't brushed them in a decade before when my parents got divorced and mom couldn't force me anymore. Meanwhile all my brothers 5 of them, who do do that medical shit have aches and pains and one of them hardly has teeth left dentist actually accused him of being a meth head. This particular brother has never even tried weed he's so anti drug. We're cut from the same gene pool this shit ain't genetic. I have 0 issues with my body teeth and all. They're crooks or ignorant of their own job guys

>> No.20020764

If only the English hadn’t gone on their colonization spree…

>> No.20020813

you monkeys would still be raping and killing each other and the country would be as filthy as the Ganges.

>> No.20020851
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what the ever loving fuck?

>> No.20020888

literally not how it looks
drinking milk helps if you eat a lot of leafy greens that contain oxalates

>> No.20020893

>don't eat lots of foods rich in calcium and oxalates at the same time
No you *SHOULD* do that. Just oxalates is the problem.

>> No.20020897

>Oxalate and calcium bind together in the intestine and leave the body together in the stool. If there is not enough calcium, then the extra oxalate will have nothing in the intestine to bind to, so it will be absorbed into the bloodstream and end up in the urine, where it will form a calcium oxalate stone.

>> No.20021013
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I kept mine to show off when visitors are around.

>> No.20021142

>Anon, show Aunt Jenny your kidney stone
>We're very proud of our boy

>> No.20021219

I had one. It was emergency room level pain but I have a hard time believing is worse than pregnancy or breaking a bone.
Anyway, the research says cut down on salt and animal protein. But I think more importantly, just eat less and get your blood calcium and TPH levels checked to see if you have a thyroid problem.

>> No.20021224

Yeah small ones can pass and go with just mild discomfort. Could be other stuff too though, so you have to get xrays or blood and urine tests to tell if it's stones.

>> No.20021237

Several times a year

>> No.20021569

What’s up with mushroom farming?

>> No.20021600


>> No.20021853

the only dude i knew who ever admitted to having passed a kidney stone drank endless pop every single day and i never saw him drink water

>> No.20021903

How do you approach this? I kind of doubt it would work but have not tried.

>> No.20021913

vitamin K is not real
the only vitamins are
- A (carrots)
- B (meat)
- C (citrus)
- D (the sun)
easy to remember. there are only 4 and they're in order.
you know K is not real because it's not even contiguous with the others

today you learned

>> No.20021920

if your testicles are twisted have your wife suck them back straight and move them with her tongue

at least that's what I told her helps

>> No.20021975

Always add a teaspoon of vinegar to your bottle of water

>> No.20021983


>> No.20022110

URINE trouble now

>> No.20022160

that's the right length for nails...
don't tell me you remove the whole white part like
nails are tools and protection for your fingertips

>> No.20022222
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Not kidney stone but bladder stone.

>> No.20022259

i don't have a wife

>> No.20022281

>drank monster energy drinks like crazy
>I hated peeing several times a day

>> No.20022361

what the fuck kind of shizo thinking is this

>> No.20022372

Decalcify your pineal gland before you talk to me.

>> No.20022403

>haven't brushed my teeth in a decade
>dentist told me how impressed her was at their cleanliness
sure man

>> No.20022751

Please, go ahead and link the credible Chinese study from the Chinese Health Institute.

>> No.20022795

Wyte ppl got da mayo clinic

>> No.20022835

mayo monkeys goin to dey mayo clinic

>> No.20022837

Don't drink booze

>> No.20022851

Just water.

>> No.20022852

I don't know what the source is for that but it's bullshit.

>> No.20022960

Stay hydrated
Drink half a lemon's juice, have the other half with water, it's a great cleanser

>> No.20023015
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fuck you rabbi

tooth pain is much much worse

>> No.20023337

were they big into supplements? supplements+dehydration to look "cut" is a recipe for kidney stones.

>> No.20023390

there's actually a disease called cluster headaches that's so painful it's called "suicide headaches" because people who have it are in so much pain they an hero to end their suffering.

I had it, don't know what caused it but coincidentally I experienced my first episode after a severe bout with the flu. I've been in remission for years but I'll never forget that feel which is sort of like someone shoved a literal red hot drill bit in my eye and drilled into my brain for several minutes at a time.

>> No.20023405

You get gout too?

>> No.20023407

headaches aren't real, they are something made up by women

>> No.20023439

They call them headaches but to compare it to regular headaches is like comparing an insect bite to dousing your head in gas and lighting the match.

I had a preferred technique when dealing with attacks. You can feel when you're about to get hit with one. I would stop whatever I was doing, no matter if I were in class, driving, in the airport security line, etc. I would always clear a space on the floor for me to lay down, and kick my legs in the air, crying "oooooooooo" "ooooooooo" and looking like a literal epileptic retard and whenever someone saw me I would always have to gasp "don't call the ambulance, it will pass, pls don't call 911"

>> No.20023690

I drink so much water that my piss is always crystal-clear but I'm still fucking terrified that my former bad habits of drinking energy drinks fucked me and that I might have a latent kidney stone waiting to dislodge and punish me some day

>> No.20023710

I drink a case of monster every three days and I haven't had a stone for years. I think monster dissolves them.

>> No.20023717

stop reading corporate sources designed to teach you maladeptive behaviors so you will voluntarily shorten your own lifespan and become a customer for their other ventures.

>> No.20023738

Worst pain I have personally experienced was a trapped nerve in my neck. The initial jolts of pain when it happened were in my chest and I thought I was having a heart attack, but what made me legit consider suicide at one point was the two weeks after where my entire left arm felt like it was made of lava. Was like it was on fire and filled with moving broken glass at the same time. Even sheets touching the skin was agony, I had to find this one particular position lying at an angle that took the strain off the pinched nerve to bear it.

>> No.20023938

low grade psychadelics help with cluster headaches, I made a bit of mushroom tea last time I had the flu and it went great, or as well as having the flu can go

>> No.20024360

I hate the water meme. "Drink eight glasses a day" just drink when you're thirsty and you'll be fine. Your body literally tells you when to drink water. Don't listen to some arbitrary number, listen to your body.