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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20014745 No.20014745 [Reply] [Original]

You faggots were holding out on me. I literally just found out about this shit and they were fucking good! I'm pretty sure I didn't even cook the dough all the way through and they still came out fine with a bit of seasoning.

>> No.20014751

we have roagie threads fairly often wtf are you talking about

>> No.20014753

What's a good protein to pair this with?

>> No.20014754

They're already cooked. All you needed was hot water. I used to eat these with marinara sauce.

>> No.20014764

bacon, pock chops, or sausage

>> No.20014766

>What's a good protein to pair this with?
Wouldn't know. I usually just eat them by themselves. I sandwich place we used to have would have it available as a side.

>> No.20014769


>> No.20014772

staple on my house growing up (polish) was potato filled with bacon crumbled on top

boil then pan fry in butter

>> No.20014777

cheese sauce

>> No.20014793


>> No.20014829

Try them with tomato sauce...delicious

>> No.20014837
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>> No.20014843
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>> No.20015330

Holding out? They've been around for, like, 20 years. I'd microwave a plate of them, covered in cheese, and eat 'em in, like, middle school.

>> No.20015333

something chickeny and bacony

>> No.20015351
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wat. since when is cheddar a "classic" filling for pierogi?

you use this shit and nothing else

>> No.20015361

71 years

>> No.20015493


>> No.20015527

ye man what type of cheese do you want?
neighbor what

>> No.20016349

Different anon but my Polish grandmother would always use farmers cheese. The cheddar and potato versions are obviously an adaptation for the American palate but I still think they're tasty.
Also anon, not to be a stickler, but I can never bring myself to buy those and I would love to have easily accessible pierogis. Having made pierogis with my grandmother it's kind of a point of pride knowing what goes into them tbqh. When I read the ingredient lists on various frozen pierogi brands they almost never have egg in their dough, from what I've seen. They are a pain in the ass to make but when you do make them homemade they are always fantastic when done correctly. Here's an interesting video I've watched about pierogis if anyone wants to check it out.

>> No.20016357 [DELETED] 

Mrs t is such a slut. She asked me to put a finger up her butt in church

>> No.20016382

Are you saying that you don't know what farmer cheese is? Imagine cottage cheese that is pressed instead of cut and dressed.

>> No.20016388

Interesting channel thanks for sharing

>> No.20016393

He might legit not know but in the US there are so many different types of "farmer cheese" or "fresh cheese" or "ranch cheese" and they vary a lot based on which culture brought them over

>> No.20016524

I like to bake them at 425 for about 15 minutes.
They puff up and get crispy.

>> No.20016558

Fry them.

>> No.20016589

>they still came out fine with a bit of seasoning.
try with a bit of mayonnaise next time

>> No.20016604

Jalapeno Hannah gets me going

>> No.20016634

Do they get golden like bread when baked in the oven? I've always boiled them in water.

Post some pics.

>> No.20016732

Polish friends brought me handmade pierogies made by an old grandma and now I can't appreciate Mrs. T's anymore.
I guess I know how Mr. T feels, night after night
>I pity the fool tries to serve me pierogies again for dinner
Only to be met with disappointment.

>> No.20016908
File: 465 KB, 1080x1348, Sheet-Pan Pierogies With Brussels Sprouts and Kimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baked pierogies look dry af, fry them you cowards

>> No.20017699

>Local diner used to make hand made pierogi and serve them with every meal
>Old lady who worked there died last year
>They don't serve the pierogi anymore
Its over...

>> No.20017735

Pierogi only with skwarki for the genuine experience.

>> No.20017736

my mother always made it with saltpock which I guess is simular

>> No.20017748

Skwarki can be made (fried pieces of) from boczek or slonina, so I reckon saltpork is ok too. Cheerio.