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File: 366 KB, 1000x1000, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20003900 No.20003900 [Reply] [Original]

I went to NYC. Tried 8 different famous pizza places. They were all eh.. most were worse than my local place

>> No.20003909

Did you go to any highly rated places the barstool jew went to?

>> No.20003920

Yeah I used his app to find them

>> No.20003944

Is this one of them? Pretty sad and burned.

>> No.20003949

I went to whatever town you come from and ate at 10 different places and had good food at all of them, I enjoyed myself

>> No.20003956

No you didn't.

>> No.20003966
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Yes. It tasted okay. Most of places try to look good or have fancy ingredients instead of the making it a pizza you want to stuff your face with. Joes was the only that fit that description

>> No.20003977

Lol mad kike

>> No.20004014

Maybe stick to dominos and pizza hut

>> No.20004044

Best pizza come from east of NYC.

>> No.20004127

pizza shitflinging is stupid. you can get good pizza anywhere in the US. it's not fucking hard to make pizza.

>> No.20004147

t. Flyover retard

>> No.20004162

i'm literally from a coastal city and i've lived within a five minute walk to the ocean for most of my life

>> No.20004186

jew york city pizza is so mediocre, it's a simple crust with a soupy tomato sauce and a sprinkle of cheese, they claim some shit like it's the specific tap water that makes it good, but it just isn't that good. Now I want to say Chicago pizza isn't that great either, because where nyc is lacking in ingredients, Chicago is unbalanced and overly cheesey/saucey/ that being said I'd prefer Chicago to nyc.
Best pizza is actually detroit, before the city got overrun by nogs, it came up with the superior pizza with a fluffy slightly thick crust that's crisped on the edge, an adequate amount of sauce, a layer of cheese and no doubt some form of thinly sliced meat on top.

nyc pizza is typical jewish shit of trying to min max, minimum cost on ingredients and turning a profit by pure propaganda.

>> No.20004211

I live in a tiny town in Mississippi and we’ve got some amazing wop transplants baking the most heavenly pizzas. I gave up my homecooking goal of trying to bring Italian pizza to life in my kitchen. The fuck is up with NYC? I mean I’m still trying to figure out how this podunk nowhere was blessed with such heaven on a plate but surely NYC has sumfin.

>> No.20004230

>nyc pizza is typical jewish shit of trying to min max, minimum cost on ingredients and turning a profit by pure propaganda.
Not false but not true.

Wood fired or brick ovens that run 600+ and properly proofed and rolled dough makes pizza. It's not for low IQs or people who want to work there 6 months and dip

>> No.20004234

Hell yeah. Got some of those people who know how to make pizza right here. Last time I had it like that I was in Florence. Maybe they moved to Mississippi from NYC, lol.

>> No.20004272

Big cities are overated. There is so much mediocrity that anything barely good will stand out as the best.

>> No.20004364
File: 140 KB, 680x680, 1675896388266288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYCfag here.

60% of the pizza i buy is from costco. i get a pie or two, freeze the slices for later. other 40% is red baron or other frozen pizza.

>> No.20004390

What you retards don't get is that NY pizza isn't supposed to be some culinary masterpiece. Pizza is street food and at its best is transcendent. You can find it anywhere from the dollar slice made by a pajeet to an actual Italian American in Staten Island. Tourists will be lucky to stumble upon it but it is possible. You either get it or you don't. It's like a cheeseburger. Making it fancy or trying hard doesn't equate with it being good pizza. You can get a fucking great cheeseburger at McDonalds. You can also get a dogshit one there. New York does have the best pizza on earth and a lot of it has to do with it being in NYC.

>> No.20004394

>What you retards don't get is that NY pizza isn't supposed to be some culinary masterpiece.
Tell it to New Yorkers.

>> No.20004409
File: 1.91 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why new yankers get so mad at Sbarro is because its a perfectly accurate representation of their floppy shit they brag about every day.

>> No.20004414

Remember when that guy from the Midwest went to NYC and said Bodegas and shit weren't very good?
The Jews got so mad they got him fired
That's every pizza thread

>> No.20004415

You just have to stop being a tourist and actually do a modicum of research, either on the internet or by talking to someone.

In a podunk town, a mediocre place will last years or decades because nobody else wants to bother competing for basically peanuts. Sometimes you get lucky and the food just happens to be good, but its rarely ever fantastic.

In a big city, if you go to any random place off the street, it may be surviving just because its within walking distant to a large number of people.

But in a major city there will also be places where people travel from all over the city and the world to go to because it is that good. Cities attract people who know they are special because they can get huge returns on their talent.

Do the tiniest bit of research instead of walking into random places.

>> No.20004441





lrn2troll you dumb fuck.

>> No.20004474
File: 869 KB, 801x531, opsucksdonkeydicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meanwhile at OP's house.

>> No.20004476

cough cough. mentlegen! allow me to interrupt your mighty quips for one troundledonce. tsk tsk tsk. you gnarly worms think you can fool me, bernardette pastaski? non non! i am the masterette of pizza! i know aaaaaaaall about it. i like it all. there ain't no pizza that escapes me. so... don't bullshit me, my mud lovers... because i. know. what. you're. doing. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway. whats nyc mean

>> No.20004509

Or maybe people should just have basic fucking standards regardless of where they live you pretentious brainlet

>> No.20004520

This guy from Finland knows what life is all about.

>> No.20004528
File: 67 KB, 1280x724, 1700666766114483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys are in witness protection, they were in the mafia. Seriously why would you think that Italians would move to fucking Mississippi.

>> No.20004537

I ask no questions. I just eat their pizza. We’re neck deep in unwanted illegal in south american wetback trash.

>> No.20004623

Part of the Pizza connection, it ran all the way along the rail lines into Colorado then north and south

>> No.20004746
File: 3.24 MB, 181x144, Mentalgen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20004824

holy shit this thread is so sad and up its own ass with stupidity.

well op
where did you go?

Did you:
SALS (long island)
NAPOLI (hoboken)

because thats the holy trinity
(isnt three fuck you)

>> No.20004857

>we’ve got some amazing wop transplants baking the most heavenly pizzas. I
What's the name of the place?

>> No.20004860

What is larping? I'm confused. I posted a picture of the pizza I tried in NYC

>> No.20004861

Portnoy's favorite NYC pizza place is John's of Bleecker's

>> No.20004869

I want going to go to Grimaldi's but a cop told me they suck and pointed me down to Fascati's down the street.

>> No.20004872

Yeah I didn't go to any sitdown places. I wanted to try that one and Lucali...

>> No.20004903

you had a fucking grunt send you to get street pie and you passed on heavenly pie bro

>> No.20004911

lucali looks proper

>> No.20004915

Yeah but has a 4 hour fucking wait

>> No.20004919
File: 219 KB, 369x338, battered sausage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep, brit

>> No.20004921

Big cities in America are a joke.

>> No.20004925

that sucks. maybe reservations and a good plan for a day trip, catch a museum or somethin

>> No.20004929

holy christ get the anti-urban brigade the fuck out of here

>> No.20004937

He had a Brooklyn accent

>> No.20004949

a lot of tasteless assholes have brooklyn accents

>> No.20005278

Inflation = cheaper ingredients, less meat or cheese

>> No.20005796
File: 354 KB, 2016x1512, Gustavo Gusto Margherita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to remember that most reviewers are retarded. more than half them are women. they are dumb and have no standards by default. just look at the google map pics of the food and you will know what to expect 99% of the time. if it's trash with crust like this>>20003966 >>20004409 you know it's gonna be pajeet pizzeria tier mogged by any decent frozen pizza. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that pic related is gonna be better than both of those abominations

>> No.20006814

dont be sexist or racist, dumb cunt

>> No.20007451

isn't that the place that got burnt down in do the right thing

>> No.20007550

naw this Sals is off in long island
the movie sals would have been closer to manhattan id guess in queens or brooklyn. this is more like prt washington area

>> No.20007745

I don't want to talk to New Yorkers.

>> No.20007753 [DELETED] 

kill yourself retard

>> No.20007770

Unironically better than NY Pizza.

>> No.20007775

Frozen pizzas are great and a great vehicle to use up a bunch of leftovers. It ialso makes you aware of the huge upcharge on pizza toppings. You can cover an entire pizza in mushrooms by slicing up 3 of them.

>> No.20007783
File: 300 KB, 507x560, we_reject_your_reality_and_substitute_our_own.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two planes wasn't enough.

>> No.20007786
File: 34 KB, 545x363, Al Gore Pizza Slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is some true pizza gore.

>> No.20007795

wow syphilis does rot the brain

>> No.20007810

Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so sensitive about the giant grease tortilla you call pizza.

>> No.20007820

everybody knows (except you i guess?) thats there's 2 am drunk slice street pie and then theres the holy trinity of New York pies. some people can pull off a nice elite slice, true, but its street pie and neapolitan. go get another frozen walmart saucy cheese cracker, cracker.

>> No.20007848

the only thing a pizza really needs is some cooked spinage, mushrooms, and alfredo sauce
and all crust types are good

>> No.20007882

drop the pineapple on that shit bro

>> No.20007896


>> No.20007914

that's a sad fucking pizza mate

>> No.20007943

its a tad nuked but i bet it tastes great

>has stranger's cock in mouth

>> No.20007963

>have pizza in hometown
>it's good
>have pizza in New York City
>it's good
>have pizza in New Jersey
>it's good
>have pizza in Albany
>it's good but I ask if anyone ever asked them about steamed hams and they look at me like I shot their dog
anyways all pizza is good just enjoy it man

>> No.20007964

I went to johns of bleeker when visited nyc, recommended by a friend, and it was delicious. Top tier. Would recommend.

>> No.20007982

You are like Christopher Columbus sailing across the ocean of grease that is your pizza in search of something great only to discover continued disappointment.

>> No.20008029

Triggered much?

>> No.20008061

lol youre like christopher columbus except the ocean is shit and the Santa Marie is your face and tongue and it takes 50 days of shoving your face in shit before you realize its gonna take another 50 days to go back and youre excited because you love the taste of shit and cant wait

>> No.20008076

that looks atrocious
no way that's a high rated place :P

>> No.20008089

kek its looks like a bit overcooked fucking pussy eating deliciousness

>> No.20008207

Worst part is the fact Italians are half-gypsies and criminals. You cannot trust them. Literal half apes making "pizza".

>> No.20008228

suck my balls faggot.

>> No.20008253

Looks really good apart from being a little burned.
I've had tons of pizza in my life and am not seeing much good criticism ITT. It's all about quality of ingredients and preparation. Mostly the dough and sauce. And then it's texture and trust, not to thin and not too thick, not too crispy not too floppy. Most pizza places don't get everything right.

>> No.20008630

costco pizza really isn't bad
dave did them dirty

>> No.20009934

I like the 99 cent pizza on 7th Avenue.

>> No.20009945

>Ad homenim with no rebuttal
I'm going to take that as you agreeing then.

>> No.20009973


>> No.20010782

haha, this is so true

>> No.20010999

coastal urbanites will unironically say "flyover" without realising they've become the rednecks now. the charm of american cities has washed away.