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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19984313 No.19984313 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people stand there like fucking retards waiting in line to use the self checkout when theres literally 3 of the fuckers open. These clueless npcs have to wait for an employee to yell "3 IS OPEN!!!" before theyll go to it, fucking retards have 0 awareness im just standing there in disbelief at the level of brain damage these cretins have, I mean seriously what the fuck. How do you not see theres 3 checkouts open why are you retards just standing there for no reason, too fucking dumb to realize it wasting my time.

>> No.19984318

sorry bro

>> No.19984322

>no cash accepted at this machine

>> No.19984327

Why didn't you walk past them?

>> No.19984328

you're the one just waiting there doing nothing. if one's open and people don't notice, either say so to them (good person route) or walk up and use it yourself (modern person route). instead you seem to be picking quietly rage, say nothing, do nothing, vent online (socially inept ugly angry autist route).

>> No.19984329

Yeah what he said

>> No.19984330

is 3 open? i didn't notice that, thanks for the tip anon

>> No.19984338

How am I supposed to walk past the fat fuck family of 5 literally taking up all the space, I cant walk around theres literally no room these obese fuckers prevent me from doing so otherwise I would. Im not kidding theres 2 obese parents and their 3 obese kids in my way what the fuck do u want me to do?

>> No.19984348 [DELETED] 

use the indoor voice your kind, loving and attentive father would have taught you if he existed to form words with this >>19984330 being the intended reply

>> No.19984361

Either take advantage and be a prick, or help the people in front of you

>> No.19984438

If you pay attention you'll see that most of the boomers are quietly muttering to themselves the whole time. Like their lips are moving as they are using the checkout. It's bizarre.

>> No.19984516

Have you not seen all the posts about NPCs? They literally exist in real life. They are that braindead, and yes they DO need direction from their superiors to function in life. It's why news media even still exists - to tell NPCs what to think.

Because society is so fucking safe and padded, we've bred literal brain dead retards, and the fact Dems gutted schools to bring everyone down to AA standards means we have WAY more than we used to. Not to mention we're importing more ESL NPCs here by the day.

>> No.19984617

Yesterday I was caught behind an infirm elderly couple, who had 2 carts full of stuff. One was in a mobility scooter too so they had 3 very large objects taking up the space

>> No.19984660

this has literally never happened to me, unironically skill issue.

>> No.19985410

target has the worst checkout experience. i only go there when i need 1 or 2 things and walk out if i see lines.

>> No.19985413

It's hilarious watching them try to find the barcodes on things like a caveman discovering fire

>> No.19985574

thankfully many retailers are reducing or eliminating self checkout, for the failure it is.

also you're a whiney bitch.

>> No.19985576

wtf?? source?

>> No.19985577

NPC hands typed this.

>> No.19985580

just google it. walmart is reducing or removing them, costco, and several chains I never heard of. but yeah people hate them, and employees hate them.

>> No.19985584


>> No.19985597

>How do you not see theres 3 checkouts open why are you retards just standing there for no reason
most likely because in many places you aren't supposed to go to an open register unless told to.

>> No.19985599
File: 336 KB, 483x407, retardcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people stand there like fucking retards waiting in line to use the self checkout when theres literally 3 of the fuckers open. These clueless npcs have to wait for an employee to yell "3 IS OPEN!!!" before theyll go to it, fucking retards have 0 awareness im just standing there in disbelief at the level of brain damage these cretins have, I mean seriously what the fuck. How do you not see theres 3 checkouts open why are you retards just standing there for no reason, too fucking dumb to realize it wasting my time.

>> No.19985616

This is a sick sperge out. Next time I go shopping I'm going to stand in line until an employee tells me to go, hoping someone behind me is seething as much as you.

>> No.19985618

Og, God. They’re awful. Not ALL boomers suddenly become short-tempered, mentally-challenged children when facing a self checkout, but too many do. They should all just have the employees check them out but they fidget and bitch about having to wait in line.
>be boomer
>at self check out
>stare at it
>rapidly swipe item across scale as though it were lava and drop it into bag
>”unexpected item in shopping cart”
> >:[
>remove item
>find scanning gun
>waive it around rapidly in little circles so it won’t scan
> >:[
>it finally scans, somehow
>put it in bag
>now it’s time to weigh the grapes and look up the item
> >:[ >:[ >:[
I’ve watched many a frustrated self-checkout overseer give up and just start ringing up all their shit. This is probably why theft is getting so bad as while they’re busy tard wrangling the boomers others are scanning one item while dropping two in the bag.

>> No.19985639

i love targett soooo muchy wuchy <3 its my favowite big bawxX store!!!!!

>> No.19985691

The machine running the simulation does not have enough processing power to generate advanced behavior for every human. It can only do a few million and the rest are stand ins. That's why the percentage of mindless cattle has been increasing as the population has increased. The simulation invents convenient narrative elements like lead paint and gas, widespread fluoridation, and mandatory mercury-filled vaccines as an excuse to use less resources while still drawing billions of people.

>> No.19985701

>be stupid enough to pay the store to scan and bag your own groceries for free
>also be stupid enough to not realize a free work station is open
What is the disconnect here

>> No.19985732

>self checkout
Sorry I dont know how to use those, I need a normal cashier scanning my products and paying

>> No.19985735

Yeah I don't know. I'll take the closest one to me when I get there. Then NPCs will stack up and stare at me while other checkouts are open. Every fucking time. Retards, go to the other ones, fuck off.

>> No.19985772

>"excuse me, guys, but those ones are open over there"
holy fuck, that was hard. OP is a gay faggot retard.

>> No.19985780

Not a fan of folx who use self check out with a full cart

>> No.19985782

why the fuck are you using cash in [current year] pops

>> No.19985788

Bet you'll be the first faggot to have a chip implanted in your brain

>> No.19985809

>use the self checkout when theres literally 3 of the fuckers open.
It is recommended not to use them anymore. Idiots monitoring them are accusing innocents left and right of theft. It can end your career to be falsely accused of anything at all, so 10 items or less and regular checkouts are the norm or else. Plus it saves jobs.

>> No.19985833

if tv tells me I am an idiot not to, yes I will

>> No.19985843

the local grocery only fred meyer has 8 self checkout stands and rarely a line, there is usually an attendant that will guide the blind into open stands
if you are a couple of people back in line just say "hey, that one is open" and gesture to it
most people walk around with their damn eyes closed 90% of the time and will generally appreciate if you help guide them along their sleepy little day
off topic but the only person I know that steals from self-checkout regularly is a bpd jew girl who acts half her age, makes $90k a year but is always poor because she constantly spends money on dumb shit

>> No.19985850

>These clueless npcs
you kind of already answered your own question, dipshit.
npc isn't a meme, they exist.

>> No.19985852

not using cash just means you're retarded.

>> No.19985856

I used to pray for this as I cannot stand self checkouts. But in recent times, the quality of workers is such that you often have literal garbage working the checkout, scanning items multiple times, ringing up the wrong item as produce and completely ngaf about doing it correctly. Used to be, the dumbasses were sent out to fetch carts in the parking lot. And the baggers literally put everything in in reverse order, soft & light on the bottom, hard & heavy on top. It's at the point where you have to tell the cashier how to do their job, then re-bag your bags.

>> No.19985872

Somehow men of the past climbed to the top of Everest but modern man can't figure out how to get around some lardasses.

>> No.19985882

>ask people if they like self check out or food delivery or any of this shit
>99% of the time the answer is "oh thank God I didn't have to interact with another human being!"
I hate that we've started normalizing complete ineptitude, incompetence and outright failure to socialize our children as "le quirky introvertedness"


>> No.19985885

The self-checkout at the local Whole Foods knockoff crashed the other day when I tried to use another store's loyalty card. That works at Kroger, I thought it would work there too. Instead the machine freaked out and ended up at a locked up admin screen with the full Windows desktop visible (but not useable) behind it. Once I checked out at another machine and went to leave, there were three employees all randomly mashing on the non-responsive screen of the locked up machine. Funny that a simple barcode can cause so much trouble. It's not even NFC.

>> No.19985891


>> No.19985904

I get paid into the bank. Why the fuck would I visit an ATM to get some pieces of paper which I then have to carry around with me and give to someone in a shop, just so they can give me back some metal tokens which I also have to carry around with me and count out in a different shop, in an endlessly repeating cycle of pointless exchanges, when instead I can just wave a single plastic card every time I want to pay for something?
Let me guess - you live in the third world or some hick flyover shithole.

>> No.19985922

Two reasons: Anonimity and reducing fraud. Anonmity that your purcases, from prescriptions to alchol, to how many drinks you ordered at dinner is no one's business, ever, and certainly not if you drive like a smartass.
Just the sheer number of people who have your card number for autopayments makes replacing a card for fraud a major deal when you have to contact Netflix and TMobile or amazon or whomever. There will always be businesses where cash is safest to your money. Those places with the tableside card readers are more risk than a russian scanner on your gass pump.

>> No.19985927

Do you have something to hide? Maybe your a pædo

>> No.19985967

Strange to be bitching on an anonymous online forum about people wanting to remain anonymous. Anyway… There are plenty of reasons people might want their purchases to be anonymous. I just find it creepy and weird that my credit card company knows so much about me. Data breeches are becoming more common (and we’re not always told about them) so the more things I can just pay cash for in person the better. There are also weird laws in some states that crossover and could get you in trouble, like living in a state where weed is legal, you’re a user, but you are also a gun owner (UH OH! Each is legal but you’re not supposed to do both!) I would imagine a smart gun owner living in one of those states would pay cash for one or both.

>> No.19985996

Home Depot and Target never solved their massive data thefts and security issues. 23 and me was just breached this week. Imagine never getting life insurance due to your genetics from a website you were gifted. Imagine your local government printing the addresses of gun owners for theives to go rob like a shopping list.
Only the truly ignorant don't have any sense at all why being anonymous sometimes is a good thing. Think about why people have or don't have the various bumper stickers that define them on their cars.
When I lived in DC where it felt like more than half had a government job or at least clearance, you would see a literal punch bowl of CVS and grocery frequent shopper fobs in the lobbies of your building with various accounts like Abe Lincoln. At every maitre'd stand, they're calling for tables by ficticous names like Clark Kent or Stephen King.

>> No.19986002

Anon, you're not going to get life insurance because of information they can scrape directly from your medical history, not because of 23 and me data breaches.

>> No.19986006

>ficticous names like Stephen King

>> No.19986008

Or I can use my credit card, get 3% of whatever I spend back, make at least the minimum payment each month so I never accrue interest, and increase my credit score all at the same time.

>> No.19986012

>Imagine your local government printing the addresses of gun owners for theives to go rob like a shopping list
This might be the most retarded thing I've read all day.

>> No.19986025

He meant thieves but otherwise is correct

>> No.19986026

Credit is literally a scam with no benefits that you have to participate in despite there being no upside for the sake of building credit, which is also a scam.
>pay with this card instead of with money goyim
>because...if you forget to make the payment you'll have to pay interest which is literally just free additional money you owe us for existing

>> No.19986136

The real reason ofc is that a ton of people started shoplifting by not scanning stuff in the self checkout.
Seems it's a lot easier mentally stealing from a machine than a person.

>> No.19986142

Only because it's easier with lower risk of getting caught, not because of any empathy for the cashier. (Also speaking from experience, we don't fucking care if you steal shit)

>> No.19986146

Did you try to tell them this? I'm gonna assume the answer is no, and that's your problem right there. Confront people or get over it.

>> No.19986149

Why would a thief specifically target a home that they know would be more dangerous?

>> No.19986151

>He thinks minimum payments gets him out of debt
That's not how it's designed, but the 3% back is nice.

>> No.19986154

Zoomers can't interact with other human beings. Half the reason that self checkout is alluring to them is because they don't have to interact with a human being.

>> No.19986156

Cash back rewards are free money if you have two braincells and can remember to pay a bill once a month.

>> No.19986161

>He thinks minimum payments gets him out of debt
That's not what I think at all. My post says AT LEAST the minimum payment, so as to avoid accruing interest. Obviously you still have to pay back whatever you charge to it. The difference is I objectively have more liquid funds than if I paid for everything with cash, by about 3%.

>> No.19986164

>bank prohibits the automation of paying credit bills even when it's their own credit card but will automate all other bills
>bank's online client obfuscates and adds hurdles to paying the credit card bill
Yes technically if you aren't stupid and consistently pay it off in full you're fine. That doesn't change the fact that the only way to derive profit from issuing a card is debt and that the financial sector uses dark patterns and demographic targeted advertising to manufacture this debt.

>> No.19986180

Because they want to steal their guns dumbfuck

>> No.19986186

When I worked in a shop, I only cared if you were so bad I was forced to intervene. Usually I just said they shouldn't be stealing if they're that obvious.

>> No.19986187

>obfuscates and adds hurdles to paying the credit card bill
Nigga what. I log in to the discover card website and click the big ass button that says "make a payment." It tells me my current balance, minimum payment if any, and when the payment period ends. There are options for paying the balance in full, making the minimum payment, or entering an amount of my choosing. From there I click one more button to confirm my payment. That's it.

>> No.19986196
File: 46 KB, 600x397, averageamerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really just repeat whatever right wing media tells you to be afraid of

>> No.19986237

The thing I found most frustrating is that the main reasons regular registers are so slow is that customers suck at paying.
When you've loaded all your stuff on the belt and its your turn, do you have your choice of payment ready? Do you really need to search for your fucking wallet when you've been standing in a line for 3 minutes? Do you have SUFFICIENT BALANCE on your payment option? Why are you just staring up in the ceiling the whole time instead of having your coupons ready? Why the fuck can't you just step out of the queue if you remember 3 items you forgot, instead of making the rest of the line wait for you to go and get them? Why are you asking the cashier where products are, couldn't you have asked one of the 13 clerks in the store for that instead of holding up the line? How come don't know if you have a rewards membership, are you special needs? Why is it such a hassle for you to confirm your membership with an ID, why the fuck have you even left the house without it? Why do you go and stand in line when your wife isn't done yet? Why are you talking with the customer behind you instead of loading your shit onto the conveyor belt when your in the front? etc etc.
All these things bug me even nowadays when I don't work there. How about we all just try to get through this as efficient as possible and get on with our day

>> No.19986247

This is basically it. The single biggest hold up is the customer. Turns out removing the cashier and making checkout JUST the customer makes things even slower.

What I will say, is that surprisingly young people are really fast and even make a point of aiding the cashier for expediency, like pointing all of the barcodes towards them.

>> No.19986256

yeah younger people were generally much faster, partly because they didn't really want to talk to the cashier about how they day was going and the weather etc, only thing really I remember is that they often had to transfer money to their card because they were low (I don't live in a Credit Card dominant land)
Younger people just want to get on with their day which i respect

>> No.19986261

I'd prefer a world where people can do both, respecting other peoples' time but also engaging with workers and the other people around them as if they're an actual community and acknowledge the employees as human beings.

>> No.19986262

Don Trump in the background

>> No.19986269

At my local liquor store, there is a couple who go there daily with a kid in a stroller, and they hide two bottles of wine in the stroller, and pay for a third bottle (like $7 cheap stuff). I've seen them do this multiple times, so eventually I mentioned it to the cashier. She said "yes we know. My boss says we can't do anything about it."
Meanwhile I'm still paying money like a schmuck.

>> No.19986280

>t. ungrateful zoomer with no idea how good he's got since since checks when out of fashion

>> No.19986292

oh goddamn checks...still remember my dad using them once and he was like "thank god they won't cash them in until monday when my wages have been deposited" weird system, why would a grocery store even accept them?

>> No.19986298

Probably about as frustrating as when I've bought a bus ticket and the bus driver lets people with the same ethnicity ride without paying (somalians probably)

>> No.19986299

>why would a grocery store even accept them?
Same reason why they trust us with self checkouts, I guess.

>> No.19986322

So you're a filthy rat snitch and a huge pussy? Checks out. That kid in the stroller probably has bigger balls than you.

>> No.19986346

You have to pay off the balance in full each month to avoid incurring interest.
>what are interchange fees
Credit cards give you cash back so they can make money on each transaction.

>> No.19986399

>working at the store for free

>> No.19986405

>Imagine your local government printing the addresses of gun owners for theives to go rob like a shopping list.
Yeah I cant imagine gun owners being able to stop such rapscallions

>> No.19986421
File: 2.12 MB, 300x169, 1687992363033271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa watch out. Tough guy coming through.

>> No.19986433

Guns get stolen all the time. With a nice registry, you can just scope out houses and have your pick. Criminals are risk takers, but it's easy enough to keep tabs on when everyone in a home is out to work, school, etc. You have to be some delusional cuck to think aggregating this information and having it "leaked" can ever be anything but bad.

>> No.19986461

Thieves not the gubmint you moron

>> No.19986495
File: 11 KB, 706x106, Screenshot 2023-12-09 151952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to pay off the balance in full each month to avoid incurring interest.

>> No.19986503

You laugh. Something similar happened to me. I purchased several Trump hats and Christmas ornaments as gifts one year from his website. The FEC counted that purchase as a donation. The FEC then published a PDF crawlable by Google with my name, occupation, and home address. Then some fine upstanding liberals scraped that data and built a “hate watch” site, where you could search by zip code and pull up a Google map with pins on it showing you the homes of the Nazis in your area, because go get those Nazis! All because I bought some fucking ball caps.

>> No.19986528

did the jannies quit?

why is this thread still up?
has nothing to do with food OR cooking....

>> No.19986532

enjoy your government handler

>> No.19986542

damn how fucking impatient are you? I purposely stay in line behind someone else so I have time to unload my cart without feeling like I need to hurry.

It's just a checkout line. chillout. I'm not in a hurry. that's why I don't use the self checkouts.

>> No.19986549

>young people are really fast and even make a point of aiding the cashier for expediency, like pointing all of the barcodes towards them.
older people do this to. ask me how I know.

>Younger people just want to get on with their day which i respect
slow your ass down.

if you use a check now they enter the information cancel it and hand it back. it comes out of the account as fast as a debit card.

>> No.19986551

no anon, you are the one that is wrong. more people should snitch on freeloaders.

>> No.19986553

the "people" who steal guns are not this sophisticated.

>> No.19986607


Doesn't seem like much sophistication is necessary to have gained or utilized the information.

>> No.19986622

Zoomers don't even remember how awful checking out was before self checkout, at least with self checkout there's bound to be one or two people out of a dozen that aren't fucking retarded and get shit moving but you throw a wagie in the mix scanning the codes and a belligerent boomer screaming at them and we're back to 30 minute lines with people backed up all the way to the shelves. Stores only want to get rid of self checkout cause shits getting stolen way more often.

>> No.19986625

snitches get stitches!!

>> No.19986632

Ok rentoix.

>> No.19986641

protip: the ken's dressing cup barcode can be scanned instead if it's visible through the overpriced pre-made salad box.

>> No.19986666

I used to do this years ago with packs of water bottles. Just scanned one of the barcodes on the bottles themselves. Eventually the grocery store caught on and made a change in the system to prevent it from happening, the bastards

>> No.19986671

lmfao no they're not, and the only one that fucking matters anyway is walmart. my walmart will only ever have one, O N E single manned lane open and then a dozen self-checkouts managed by two people

>> No.19986682
File: 71 KB, 1024x768, 1702039874078264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because of work. Normies work, and work teaches you to dissociate from boring events in order to preserve sanity, kinda.

T. 25 year old, 8months wagie who often just spaced out staring into the void at self check out lines which infuriates the people behind me lol sorry

Ama I guess since I can relate to NPCs since I may be one ..

>> No.19986697

>belligerent boomer screaming at them
never happened.

>> No.19986700

>Stores only want to get rid of self checkout cause shits getting stolen way more often.
and shoppers hate them.

>> No.19986704


>> No.19986746

Oh, God. That makes total sense.

>> No.19986747
File: 152 KB, 760x596, EvilDetectingDoggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting closer to them, maddog the adult male and incrmentaly move closer to the piggie wife. They tend to move.

>> No.19986761

whays even funnier is when Washington state created a covid lock down snitch website to report businesses still operating. what they didn't tell you was all the personal information you entered would become publicly available including the complaint. a lot of competing home businesses snitching on competitors

>> No.19987144

Yeah, that is pretty funny

>> No.19987210

>fine upstanding liberals
marxoids aren't people

>> No.19987241
File: 139 KB, 800x750, 1624576812155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never use cash

>> No.19987264
File: 124 KB, 1224x728, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19987318

may as well go to a checkout lane if they need an employee constantly hovering over you

>> No.19987336

Congratulations on being someone who looks like they're going to steal

>> No.19987414

I when I was in high school I came across a man passed out drunk in his truck at a boat ramp. I opened the door and stole his revolver and two unopened bottles of crown royal whiskey that were sitting on the passenger seat.

>> No.19987419

That took balls and might pay off big time

>> No.19987446

I still have to wait to bring the gun outside of the house. The statute of limitations hasn’t expired yet.

>> No.19987478

Make and model?

>> No.19987479

post pic serial number on the gun you took or it didn't happen

>> No.19987480

A very old and scratched up S&W 28 in a removable leather holster. I am grabbed two speed loaders.

>> No.19987488

You two have good taste. When you can, send it to Turnbull to have it restored.

>> No.19987493

Post your ATF badge, front and back please. I’m not just going to give you feds a case that easy.

>> No.19987501

You probably always want the emailed receipt, too.

>> No.19987505

>Ready to pay for groceries
>All the cashier lines are full of boomers with 100 items
>Fuck it, go to the self-checkout
>There's a queue even though some of the machines are unused
Do you:
A) Leave the queue and see if all the other people in the line are retarded and not using free machines. If you're wrong and those machines are broken, you just lost your place in the queue.
B) Wait the extra 2 minutes to pay?

>> No.19987558

Usually if the machine is broken the light above it won’t be on, but there’s so many retards that just stand there when there’s perfectly good machines open and ready for use, they just don’t notice it’s brain damage of the highest degree.

>> No.19987561

All in the game

you could've left the man one bottle though but we'll chalk that up to youth

>> No.19987691

I let him keep the cooler in the bed of his truck after grabbing a couple cold ones. He was driving a rusted out gmc truck with a brand new bass boat on the trailer, man knew his priorities. I only decided to rob him because I do not appreciate such dui degeneracy in my community. It's fun to manipulate drug addicts. I knew a junkie who I could rely on to purchase stolen meat for 50¢ on the dollar and he would grab mobile orders from restaurants no problem. Always remember it's good to know useful idiots.

>> No.19987716

I love pulling into a self-checkout with more items than the boomer next to me and zipping through my whole basket faster than they can figure out their last item.

>> No.19987737

Let's imagine the utter self loathing this person is going to feel when they get old and their mind no longer allows for several thoughts at once.

>> No.19987744

I have literally never seen this happen anon. Is this a coastie thing or something?

>> No.19987755 [DELETED] 

I don't want the nigger cashier to touch my stuff. I don't want to see them.

>> No.19987800

Move to North Dakota and eat fermented seafood.

>> No.19987991


>> No.19988097

fuck old people, they shouldn't even be going near technology they have 0 intention of learning, just go to the cashier line instead you old wrinkly fuck, pressing buttons is clearly too complex for you

>> No.19988842

he clicked post, then suddenly he realized...
>"one day that will be me"
>"I will be the old guy who doesn't like new things"
he was rocked to his core in the realization of his impending doom.

>> No.19988948

better read the full statement there anon
they did tell you where to find the statements when you applied for babby's first credit card right?

>> No.19989049

Get off my board thieving nigger.

>> No.19989059

card transactions are linked to your identity
a cashless society further centralises control of money to banks and govt

>> No.19989062

>go to self check-out
>scan your items
where I live it's just that simple

>> No.19989063

Did you try asking them nicely to move aside, or politely pointing out the open checkout?

>> No.19989087

You are an retard.

>> No.19989098

fuck you cunt

>> No.19989115

Sorry don't have one, gonna have to settle for your sister again.

>> No.19989118

you are a cunt and i will fuck you

>> No.19989208

You are forever alone and molest your relatives (after the older ones molested you).

>> No.19989249

>the person before you might not have cleared the machine for the next customer
>the person before might not have even paid
>the person before might have left groceries or personal items at the check out by accident
>the machines are prone to locking up or glitching, now you're standing at a malfunctioning machine like an asshole
>as above the attendant might have to move a customer from a glitched machine to a working one
You're an impatient faggot but those are some of the reason why rushing to a machine might not be a good idea.
Assholes like you end up standing to the side missing out on checking out because you decided to run to a machine where a shoplifter left hundreds of dollars in groceries pending on the machine.

>> No.19989274

>>the person before you might not have cleared the machine for the next customer
>>the person before might not have even paid
>>the person before might have left groceries or personal items at the check out by accident
OP is complaining that retards clog the self-checkout, and you are backing them up. Might want to work on that reading comprehension friend.

>> No.19989286

You're retarded OP.
Those are the common things that come with self checkout and why you shouldn't be an impatient cunt.
Use the fucking normal checkout if it bothers you so much.

>> No.19989316

>people clogging up express facilities by being pants-shitting morons is common, therefore you're an asshole for being frustrated at being prevented from using a service due to the incompetence of others
>its common therefore its ok!
Found the boomer that can't figure out how to work a touch screen and refuses to ask for help. You. Are. A burden.

>> No.19989464

>Morbidly obese dad in front of you gets startled by the social interaction he never initiated nor wished, mutters in panic and ventilates your cranium with an oversized bottom shelf-brand caliber he hid in his enlarged asscrack.
I'm not taking my chance, bucko. I'm not even white so he'll probably get off free as legitimate defense.

>> No.19989484

And you'll have done your job to the community by landing a violent reatard in prison!

>> No.19990100

This actually happened in CA.

>> No.19990450

so you lied

>> No.19990474

And everyone at self checkout is so fucking slow.
I'm in and out in less than 20 seconds.

Also, people that walk slow.
I want to kill these fucking NPCs.

>> No.19990735

It's either this or 4 30-minute cashier lines among 13 of them. If I'm really lucky they'll say hello back, but god forbid I choose an item with a fucked up barcode, lest they swear under their tongues and call for assistance which could last at least 5 minutes.
Need cash back or change? Gotta call assistance, not even cashiers are authorized to open the registers due to theft risks.
Also taking the cart 10 feet outside the screen doors only for the security locks to trigger, resulting in risking having your food stolen if you leave it while grabbing the car or can't manage to make one trip carrying everything to where it's parked.

>> No.19990771

how do you guys steal from these things they have a wagie watching and they also say UNDETECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA if you put even the right item down
>the virgin self check out shop lifter vs the chad just walk out

>> No.19990780

based and discover pilled. but youre still retarded.
thats not what minimum payments do. minimum payment to stay out of collections, not not accrue interest.

>> No.19990798


>> No.19990801 [DELETED] 

only ever heard niggers, browns, and white trash say this line

>> No.19990811
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Sounds like a fun shooting gallery opportunity if you're in a castle doctrine state.

>> No.19990813

finally, my chance to rob confirmed gun owners

>> No.19990816

>if you forget to make the payment
are some of you too retarded to setup autopay full balance or something?

>> No.19990921

Because they keep threatening to remove cash because no one uses it. If you're gonna do that, I'm going back to using cash.

>> No.19990931

Why do shizos flock to this anime image board? Self check-out is fast, convenient, and I don't have to interact with people. Stealing is disgusting behavior. It isn't going anywhere because stores save more money on not having to pay cashiers than they lose in stolen merchandise, which is recorded on camera so repeat theives are eventually caught anyway. I also use credit cards for the cash back, 0 fees 0 interchange. You people need to get away from the internet, social media, and the news.

>> No.19990933

I hate these things. Rather go in the lines with the cashier, and I'm socially retarded.

>> No.19990935

because for some fucking reason there's only about 4 active at a time with the rest being off, so I walk up to one only to find it's not active meanwhile the assistant flags down the guy behind me to one that was just made free, so I lost my spot in line.

>> No.19990948 [DELETED] 

This. I shop at Winco a lot and half the self-checkout machines are cash-only. So you stand in line behind niggers, spics and bums until one of the checkstands opens and you have to ask everyone in front of you if they're paying cash (they are).

>> No.19991108
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>numba four open? No,no,no afatera you kind sir.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19991152

I hate the contradiction at the moment. In some ways using cash is framed as almost archaic behaviour. Some places won't accept it or it seems unusual to use it there. A lot of places, though, are applying surcharge for card payments. A lot of restaurants are representative of this duality. On one hand they expect you to pay by card but then make you pay more for doing so.

>> No.19991169

>A lot of places, though, are applying surcharge for card payments
This pisses me off to no end, because even if the company needs to pay fees to the banks it's going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than handling cash.
Recently I went to the Melbourne museum and the machine to pay for parking had a card surcharge but also had a sticker saying they didn't accept cash. I was pissed

>> No.19991206

I'm legally blind and cannot see which ones are open. Instead of complaining like a retard, you could just tell them which self checkout register is open. You would wast 5 seconds instead of 30.

>> No.19991221

I'm against self-checkout, at first I avoided them, now i think I should intentionally screw these up during the busiest periods, maybe even leave a huge stack of goods that have to be reshelved. You cooperate with the self-checkout and they will automate more things at their benefit and at your expense.

>> No.19991390

>I'm not even white
Well, then you would have deserved it, to be completely honest.

>> No.19991392

I fucking hate self-checkout machines more than any other piece of technology I engage with. They are all absolute piles of horseshit.
>go to grab coffee and a water before heading to work
>go to scan water
>won't scan
>try moving it closer
>won't scan
>try different angles
>won't scan
>feel the beginning of an autistic aneurysm
>move the barcode to every conceivable position for the goddamn bottle to scan
>finally, it scans, after a minute and a half
>go to scan coffee
>scans first time. Thank Christ
>move coffee away from scanner, nearly a foot and a half away
>pay with card, card begins to process
>as it's processing, the scanner starts going apeshit
>it's sniping my coffee, over a foot away, adding extra charges the entire time the slow fucking processor is charging my card
>end up paying for x6 coffees

>> No.19991401

You could turn the barcode away anon, this isn't really a difficult problem to solve. That's okay though, because it never happened anyway.

>> No.19991437
File: 1.11 MB, 834x1006, it do be like that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19991458

holy fucking autism

>> No.19991464

there is not enough grape soda in that cart for that caption to match.
ill never forget getting some soda and snacks with friends on a saturday night and this ratched hood rat walks over to the store brand grape soda next to us and loads up 6 12 packs and walks way.

>> No.19992257

Chip cooked in veg oil with a lot of sugar to balance out the salt -- carbs. Vegetable seed oil. No fresh fruit or veggie in site. Eggs not no meat -- probably because it's easier to get eggs cooked than meat -- they add it to ramen? Fresh fruit and real meat is expensive but not as much as pre-cooked food, and you can save by not buying salad condiments and jam.

>> No.19992333

target has people standing in the self checkout area to assist customers who have issues (which is often)
they're all but admitting these machines are frustrating garbage

>> No.19992555

>Please track all my purchases and create a shadow profile of me so you can manipulate into consuming more
People like you are ruining this country.

>> No.19992573

I will never use self-checkout. You're literally doing free labor for the supermarket chain. Imagine the cuckery

>> No.19992595

oh so you vaccinated the shit out of yourself but this is where you draw the line? fuckin moron

>> No.19992610

What the fuck

>> No.19992621

Just give yourself a discount as compensation for the labor
>why yes, all my produce is .79/lb onions

>> No.19992968

Why would you use a self-checkout? Does the store pay you for doing their job for them?

>> No.19994423

its faster if i just do it myself

>> No.19994462
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I still use self checkout even when I have 1-2 more items than the limit

>> No.19995339

Hmmm, how do you feel about precious metals which the paper currency represents? Have you read this perfect day by ira Levin?

>> No.19995345

>he uses discover card
ngmi lad American Express is where it be

>> No.19995348

Self checkout doesn't take cash

>> No.19995349

I'm not letting the government know what I'm buying

>> No.19995355

I will pay in cash and I will attempt to exit with my grocery and I will fight the cop and I will be dragged while yelling obscenities and a video of this will be uploaded online with your company logo everywhere
Do not fucking test me

>> No.19995359

>Get groceries delivered
>Half if it is missing because they are too stupid to know where it is

>> No.19995363


You think the government gives the slightest shit what you buy? Like there's FBI agents going through your records and laughing at you being a big morbid fat fuck?

>> No.19995366

They are indeed dumb.

>> No.19995371

Take a pic.

>> No.19995374

They do here in Mexico.

>> No.19995376

They give enough of a shit about me to come here and try to get me to fuck a child and shoot a church

>> No.19995394

Use please an Uzi.

>> No.19995398

Like the boomers watching you bitch on here. Yep.

>> No.19995400

Merchandise to them, they buy a lot of addictive food stuff, go into business, or the medical business, #profit! Then you can send someone to shop for you!

>> No.19995405
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>> No.19995409


>> No.19995539

Most self checkouts have a light totem that lights up green whenever a transaction is over. As soon as I see the green light, I go to that one, unless I've spotted one who's obviously going to wrap up faster (has one or two items and already has a payment card in his hand).

>> No.19995542

>walk up and use
Nice way to get yelled at or worse by some family father or fat entitled bitch about to blow up and who's just had enough of this shit.

>> No.19995553

Kek I was about to say,
No way it COULDNT be California

>> No.19995555

Cash is more convenient because i can use it literally anywhere.
cashless payment methods only work where they accept them, e.g. the vending machines at my work dont accept credit cards

>> No.19995577

>I purchased several Trump hats and Christmas ornaments as gifts one year from his website.
see thats an easy mistake to make but you shouldnt buy sensitive items from the internet. thats what cash is for; see the aforementioned discussion about cash vs cashless

>> No.19995963

clearly you've never been grocery shopping (with my mother)

>> No.19996068

>how many drinks you ordered at dinner
Card transactions don't contain itemized lists. Are you a retard that pays one at a time and not run a tab?

>> No.19996176

So you can rush back to looking at your phone? Just look at your phone in the queue dumbass.

>> No.19997499

>I get paid into the bank
legitimately retarded.

>> No.19997510

>get yelled at
tell the person yelling, "shit or get off the pot."

>> No.19997630

EFTPOS machines go down occasionally. The one at my work cafeteria was on the fritz and I was the only one carrying cash. I happily walked away with my lunch while the queue of people had to write down IOUs

>> No.19997644

>end up on twitter in a 'people of Walmart' thread because you're too autistic to tell someone 'hey a cash just freed up'

>> No.19998183

the only tracking with using cash, is the serial numbers on the bills, stupid

>> No.19998185

>he said on an anonymous online shitposting imageforum

>> No.19998290 [DELETED] 

>braindead mouthbreathers at selfcheckout
Self-checkout is for "mouthbreathers".

>> No.19998472

if i ever have to stand behind a granny writing a fucking check for a chocolate bar and fizzy water and an obese mom with two full shopping carts again im going to kill myself in the store and make sure to spread my brains into their fat gaping mouths

>> No.19998523

Actual boomer here.... I avoided using self checkout because "muh jerbs" and it's fun being an old man who gets a free pass creeping on the girls, until one obnoxious zoomer wagie finally pushed me over the edge.......it's bad enough I have to listen to my grandkid's shit..... Now I will walk past multiple staffed checkout lanes with no line, to stand in a self checkout line, just to avoid interacting with them. (The only exception is Costco's.. because Costco's is retarded, and in normal retarded Costco's fashion they somehow managed to make self-checkout even worse than regular checkout........ Costco's, right?)

One of these days imma finna try that newfangled "scan & go" shit........ if I ever get a S.M.A.R.T. Phone.

U.S.M.C. JUN '78 - OCT '78
**Check us out at the VFW Classic Auto Show Next May!!**
2005 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB, "White Wolf"
2008 T*oyta Prius (happy wife, happy life)
"If life gives you lemons, I'll have a Mike's Hard Lemonade please!"

>> No.19998680

This. Even during the transition to self checkouts the early kiosks were fucking garbage and even more finicky than the ones they have now. I think it had the serendipitous of warding people away and only brave individuals with 10 items of fewer would use them. Now some places have full size lanes that theoretically accept full carts of goods but of course nobody is bagging while items are being scanned so it takes twice as long despite the same volume of people trying to use them

>> No.19998828

Lots of places no longer take cash now

>> No.19999509

>shops at target
>surprised it's packed with low IQ diversity
lol, lamo even

>> No.19999793

cash has to be accepted a legal tender for all debts

>> No.19999949

I did that once and they acted indignant.

>> No.20000051

Only shop at the time when geniuses shop. It sounds like your in the shit during cattle hours.

>> No.20000117

The walmart near my house is 100% self-checkout. There isn't a single conveyor belt human-cashier setup. It feels fucking WEIRD when I go to literally every other store and they only have a few self-checkout or even none at all. What's more, they've muted the voice assistance on our self-checkout for years now at my Walmart. I can't believe other stores are still in the phase where they need to train people on how to do it with the "PLEASE SCAN YOUR FIRST ITEM"-like prompts.

There are never any lines at my Walmart. I just walk in, check myself out, and go.

>> No.20000165

I'm a drug dealer and tax evader so only a fraction of my income is ever seen by the (bank)

>> No.20000203

Wrong. I will legitimately kill myself if I decay to that level of mental incompetence due to age, head injury, brain cancer, or anything else. The elderly are inherently disgusting and selfish for existing, and if they had any self respect they would understand this and spare everyone the shame of being near them.

>> No.20000583
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>I will legitimately kill myself if I decay to that level
why wait.

>> No.20000693

So what kind of discount does the Walmart offer you to be the cashier for them?

Or are you a sucker that wastes their time looking up the prices of all the fruits and vegetables in the computer, believe its acceptable for the machine to sperg out because of a minor weight difference, find it acceptable to have to wait for the one single attendant to come over when you have to buy alcohol, etc.

If you're self checking out more than 2 items, that you actually need in a rush, you're a sucker thats been trained to be a free Wal-Mart employee.