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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 389 KB, 2048x1354, 09907236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19977213 No.19977213 [Reply] [Original]

Cuban food is where it's at.

>> No.19977223

Cuban food is where what is at? What does "it" refer to in your sentence?

>> No.19977243

I suggest you go back to your home planet and familiarize yourself with human vernacular, you were not ready for your visit

>> No.19977499

Mmm sliced banana

>> No.19977507

the party. obviously you were not invited but no surprise there, right?

>> No.19977508

For me it’s masitas de puerco fritas

>> No.19977564

I used to fuck my Cuban TA back at school and bitch never cooked me shit. : (

>> No.19977587

It’s ok but it comes to like 4-5 dishes and nothing else stands out. Just like Filipino food or all the other 2nd rate nationalities.

Ropa Vieja, mojo pork, Cuban sandwich, picadillo, like 4 kinds of prepped plantains and it’s done. Idk how people consider black beans with some Goya seasoning some magical Cuban dish.

Is their roast pork so special because they put, CITRUS in the seasoning?

>> No.19977600

Is this La Granja?

>> No.19977677

how many variations of chicken, rice, black beans, and plantains can you come up with?

>> No.19977689

Black beans with white rice is a classic but here in mexico we prefer the beans to be more soupy.

>> No.19977740


>> No.19977899

that looks like what nogs think in their heads when they blubber the "wypipo food" meme

>> No.19977900

Chicken looks delicious, what kind of preparation is that?

>> No.19977919

It’s a roasted quarter that’s been marinated in mojo seasoning.

>> No.19977924

Little less rice little more plantains and maybe a handful of coconut flakes on the beans other than that yeah it’s pretty perfect

>> No.19978030

> Cuban food is where it's at
By “at” you mean a third world communist island full of emaciated cholos with nothing? spicy

>> No.19978105

There was nothing wrong with the USSR building nuclear silos on the island of Cuba considering NATO had ones in Turkey.
Hypocritical capitalist pigs

>> No.19978126

It’s not hypocritical if you’re stronger

USSR lied about their strength and got took. L3@rn to play.

>> No.19978226

It's just rice beans and meat man fuck you

>> No.19978259

>Hypocritical capitalist pigs
Founder has to beg his friends for money in order to survive. Bolshits genocide more people than Germany. Never a successful Communist society, but you'll get it right next time.

>> No.19978277

Wtf animal is that part on the left from? It's not a chicken or turkey piece

>> No.19978289

Monroe doctrine chud

>> No.19978302

Seems someone has never tried boliche, vaca frita, bistec de palomilla, or arroz con salchichas. Plenty more good Cuban dishes out there.

>> No.19978320

That is, quite frankly, a fair policy. Foreign powers interfering with your neighbors politics being considered hostile is only reasonable. Right now we have issues we foreign powers outright buying everything from small local to federal influence, not just our neighbors. Even Europe has been smart enough to ban any company owned by certain individuals because of their use for election interference.

>> No.19978453

chicken looks extremely tender and succulent and spicy

>> No.19978494

>ruh roh

>> No.19979284

esl gibberish

>> No.19979302

It’s chicken you dumb shit

>> No.19979308

neck yourself tankie

>> No.19979310

Ironically that food was made in America because Cuba is too poor to make such a thing. America wins again carribean spic.

>> No.19980350


it makes the chuds on this board foam at the mouth and sperg out for some reason, but cuban food is top tier and i'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.19980383
File: 83 KB, 1200x800, picadillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picadillo, por favor

>> No.19980411

Its obviously not chicken suburbanite

>> No.19980414

reverse search the image. it is chicken. game set match tardo

>> No.19980419

>trusting the goog
First result says its beef wellington, fart lover.

>> No.19980421

>First result says its beef wellington
this is a lie

>> No.19980429

Just like your joke of a life, that shit ain't chicken boytoucher it's some kind of random cuban jungle bird. It doesn't even resemble chicken. The skin is way too dark and crinkly like a turkey but too small for that its probably some parrot or toucan.

>> No.19980433

seek therapy

>> No.19980567

Go back to whatever planet you came from in your faggot flying saucer you babbling alien troon.

>> No.19980585

wow. Black beans, rice, and chicken. How innovative.

>> No.19980590

seems like this cubano got assblasted.

>> No.19980594

>Peasant tier

>> No.19981079

cuban sandwiches aren't cuban, they're from fucking miami. nobody in cuba would have any idea what it is

>> No.19982518

Cuban sandwiches are just a cheaper medianoche though...

>> No.19982606

Anon, I am pretty sure that Cuban restaurant owner is more successful in life than you.

>> No.19982621

Looks like piss and shit.

>> No.19982671

How the fuck people from this website never appreciate anything.

>> No.19982672

I live in Miami. I'm surrounded by Cubans and their cuisine, which makes me an expert.

The food is ok when done right, but it's very one-dimensional. Literally almost every single dish is roasted or fried meat in some kind of heavy sauce. No fresh salads, next to no vegetables other than peppers and onions. It's all salty, greasy, and everything is seasoned with the exact same garlic and cumin profile.

Also Cubans are the absolute scum of the earth. I've heard the ones back on the island are ok, but Cuban-Americans are by far the most selfish, inconsiderate, cruel, corrupt, and ignorant people you'll find. Also their music sucks.

>> No.19982835

4chan, as a whole, is based on hate

Occasionally, some rays of sunshine come through, but for the most part, this place is a haven for the worst of society

>> No.19983252

it refers to the thing you crammed up your butt!!!! hahaha!

>> No.19983408

lies, all

>> No.19983412

It takes a special breed to actually enjoy 4chan. You have to take the shit with the gold.

>> No.19983414

What makes Cuban food different from other central American food?

>> No.19983416

its place of origin

>> No.19983430

Figured as much

Yeah I can't imagine poor countries where the people mostly live off of dry goods could really create much in the way of recipes
You'd need access to fresh produce, spices, and proteins in order to do they

>> No.19983782
File: 53 KB, 720x1080, C8B0E7D5-4999-4BEE-8132-DEC5CF7422F5-720x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gosh, you're right, I googled Cuban salad and pic related is what I got, how delicious looking.

Get over it. Cubans are a basic, primitive people and their cuisine is the same.

>> No.19983805

Go back there then. STAY THERE!

>> No.19984482
File: 1.05 MB, 770x1158, Screen_Shot_2023-05-30_at_3.46.17_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't recognize chicken
Nugget doesn't know what a chicken quarter is, thigh and leg still attached. Terrible.

>> No.19984485

Shape and color are wrong

>> No.19984493

Cuban and Jamaican food are the only things I miss about Florida, land of my birth. Cuban people are also always based, they're the only spics I'll allow to stay in the country when I take over. All niggers though, Jamaican or otherwise, need to leave.

>> No.19984499

>rice and beans
>rice and beans, communism

>> No.19985291

looks honestly depressing

>> No.19985304

This is just Filipino food you asshole

>> No.19985393
File: 196 KB, 720x1112, chicken-leg-quarter-recipes-720x1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon cannot match shapes, does not know what a marinade is
This is shape of a chicken quarter at various angles. Shape matches. Color can vary with marinade. Chicken confirmed.

>> No.19985404

there was nothing wrong with that sentence, if anyone's the ESL here it's you

>> No.19985420

Look at the size of the leg compared to the beans. That's bigger than any chicken but smaller than a turkey.

>> No.19985438

It's not just a leg (drumstick) it's a leg and thigh connected, a chicken quarter. Compare to fork. Correct size.

>> No.19985461

All birds got those same basic proportions. From a button qauil up to ostrich. If anything it looks closest to a duck. In terms of size.

>> No.19985544
File: 243 KB, 1200x801, 48448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuban sandwiches are from mexico city, where there's a famous torteria in the Cuba Street since the 40s

>> No.19985629

I mean, flips are literally the beaners of Asia so it checks out

>> No.19985725

You mean where “they” are at, bigot!

>> No.19985731

its worth considering every now and then. they have a very limited variety of dishes but they are done pretty well.

>> No.19985739

gottem lmao

>> No.19985745

ok but Cuban Women are fucking crazy

>> No.19985811

Hopefully this helps you come to the realization that both of your cuisines are just modifications on Spanish food.

>> No.19985812

South Florida rise up

>> No.19985817

It's not, latin americans do not have safe food standards so they overcook the fuck out of everything to kill all bacteria.
Retarded monkey

>> No.19985824
File: 73 KB, 611x694, rio cristal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this, and the list is even longer.

>> No.19985858

I only date latin american girls, and the crazy meme is kinda true, but the key is you have to fuck it out of them. If you can fuck a latina right, she will be the best woman you could ever ask for, if you can't satisfy her you are in for a world of trouble. As always, its a skill issue, sorry if you don't have stamina and now how to fuck properly.

>> No.19986095

I mean, most Cuban Americans are descendants of plantation owners and Batista loyalists.

>> No.19986105
File: 51 KB, 280x438, Ayo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy oh boy we got some BEAN action over here! Good choice.

>> No.19986120

Total commie death

>> No.19986279

cuban sandwiches are from Tampa

>> No.19986339

nope, mexico city

>> No.19986642

Really? The Italians in Mexico City brought deli cuts to combine with Cuban smoked pork and pressed it in what is basically Italian bread?

They ate them after working a day in the cigar factory too I assume?

>> No.19986652

>Really? The Italians in Mexico City brought deli cuts to combine with Cuban smoked pork and pressed it in what is basically Italian bread?
that bread isn't even Italian but French. Mexico even had a war with France about some cakes. Ham, Chorizo and all those meats were brought to mexico by Spaniards, not by cubans or Italians. Again, you can look up where tortas cubanas come from

>> No.19986703
File: 50 KB, 600x400, REAL national dish of Cuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Non-cuban foods ITT
Meanwhile people in actual Cuba (the country) live daily on stale spaghetti, dry sandwiches and frozen pizza. I genuinely believe they eat way worse than North Koreans.

Every tour youtuber that went to Cuba had a terrible experience in Cuba because Cuba simply doesn't have any food besides endless stale spaghetti and frozen food.

>> No.19986715

>mexican food
>mexican food, but also random bananas

>> No.19986725

Not even close to mexican food. Cubans don't use spices almost at all whereas mexislop is full of coomin and chili.

>> No.19986742

We can tell you're ESL because your localized OS produced 3rd world quotation marks instead of white ones that look like "this".

>> No.19987374

No, Tampa. Why do minorities constantly have to claim that they invented shit?

>> No.19987393
File: 493 KB, 320x240, anon, is that you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gringos think they discovered tortas
if they were so famous mexico wouldn't be filled with them unlike hamburgericans
fuck off

>> No.19988262
File: 495 KB, 1512x1750, picadillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my picadillo, I've been making it for over a decade.
I'm not cuban, but i'm from miami.

>> No.19989437

I basically make it like gringo tacos but with olives and some tomato paste and paprika. Decent sloppa

>> No.19989443

capers and olives both, or just olives? I add dates and raisins both and soak my saffron threads in my white wine before deglazing.

>> No.19989459

cuban is the only latinx food that is bland af

>> No.19989722

I'm Cuban and can confirm the second part.

As far as the food goes I don't like restaurant Cuban food. It's always the same somehow, like everyone grew up with the same family or with the same cook book. I rather cook at home

>> No.19989836

Self-hate isn’t healthy

>> No.19991242 [DELETED] 

I think it’s nigger Ebonics for “give me more welfare jajajaja”

>> No.19992115

Why don’t you just put all that inside a tortilla? What a tasty burrito that would be.

>> No.19992141
File: 1.31 MB, 863x807, 1681317754106780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, wtf. They serving that kind of poverty slop at restaurants? That's just plain rice and black beans, lmao

>> No.19992287

... and the beans, when done properly, have more flavor than you could imagine.

>> No.19992308

>um, excuse me good sir perhaps I failed to mention... These beans contain SAZON with ACHIOTE, elavating a mere 23 cents of beans to that of a $12 side dish. Yes, quite delectable indeed.....

>> No.19992558

It's beans, seasoned beans. Let's not get carried away.

>> No.19992568

Why the fuck does my home cooking suck so bad? They add some secret chemicals or shit in there that I just cannot replicate at home. I need to go to a Cuban restaurant and hide cameras in their kitchen and the women's bathroom.

>> No.19992584

Sazon goya comes in several flavors
cheap seasoned cooking wine
mojo in the bottle
lots of olive oil, garlic, and citrus juice, such as sour orange and limes
These are all easy to buy at home.

Pressure cooker black beans will have "secret" spices to be a good restaurant version. There will be bay leaf, a single Tbsp of brown sugar, and sofrito of whole garlic, green bell pepper and onion. Real olive oil. There should be a piece of fatback. There will be a stock cube or sazon goya, too.

>> No.19992973

Well if that is representative of Cuban food, I'm very grateful that wherever it is at is a different place from where I am.

>> No.19992999

That's a plantain you orangutan monkey

>> No.19994104

Spoken like a true Amerilard.

>> No.19995001

>Also Cubans are the absolute scum of the earth. I've heard the ones back on the island are ok, but Cuban-Americans are by far the most selfish, inconsiderate, cruel, corrupt, and ignorant people you'll find. Also their music sucks.
As someone who spent 25 years in Miami, this is extremely true.

>> No.19995063

>mexislop is full of coomin
False, cumin is mainly a tex mex spice

>> No.19995069

KEK Rectum? Damn near killed him!

>> No.19995077

Mmm sliced retard banana.

>> No.19995082

rent free

>> No.19995157

The bi' ness.