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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19973790 No.19973790 [Reply] [Original]

This place feels oppressively dystopian and they have got to be analyzing every move you make for marketing research purposes. However, I'm willing to deal with all of that if there are good deals to be had. Does anyone have experience shopping here? Anything worth looking out for?

>> No.19973795

check out the cram aisle

>> No.19973797

Based and crampilled

>> No.19973800

There's one near my house that finished construction 2 years ago but hasn't opened yet for some reason.

>> No.19973805

They're probably still fine tuning the biometric scanners that monitor your vitals in order to show you advertisements when you're most susceptible.

>> No.19973820

>salad bar priced per container
If it’s not by weight you’d never have to pay full price for pricier things like bacon bite ever again. Just takeout box full of olives.
Also this might be good if you are doing a stir fry at home, just pile it up with chopped onions and peppers and shrooms and save the hassle of buying them all separately and chopping them up

>> No.19973821

I used to use amazon fresh but now they have delivery drivers take a picture of your ID on delivery. So I'm not ordering from them anymore

>> No.19973838

>take bag from wagie
>slam door
Nmp wagie.

>> No.19973847
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imagine how long that salad's been sitting there

>> No.19973850

Is that a little robot on the bottom left to clean the aisles or something?

>> No.19973885

isnt that racist or something?
you know, melanin content relations with inability to prove ones identity using official documents and stuff

>> No.19973904

Even the child on the left feels like if you walked past her, she'd turn around and have no face, and then she'd stay turned towards you the whole rest of the time you're in the building

>> No.19973929

You can tell them you aren't showing ID. You do not legally have to show them ID. They will still come to your house and give you food. You are paying for the service.
Maybe try consuming less cough medicine before entering the store.

>> No.19973969

Just looking at this picture, I imagine a dropped ceiling would help make it feel less like a warehouse and more like a store.

>> No.19974018
File: 44 KB, 657x527, d8c[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stand still for 5 seconds to think or check phone
>crackly speaker above says "SHOP" until you start moving again

>> No.19974257

>thinking the rich and powerful play by the rules or believe the things they told you to believe sothey can get what they want

every nigga on welfare has to bring his id to get his benefits or buy his smokes/papers/booze. the idea that 'people of color dont have id' is an utterly retarded nonsense arguement that was never true and only works on middle and upper class goyim that have no idea how the lower class lives.

they will happily force you to have an id to prove yourself to get goyslop but then pretend nobody has ids when it comes time to vote in rigged elections.

>> No.19974385

>This place feels oppressively dystopian
You're shopping at the Evil Cybperpunk Corporation Store no fuckign shit it feels dystopian, retard.

>> No.19974394

>Analyzing every move you make for marketing research purposes
This is a good point that I hadn't actually considered. I'm going to start going to whole foods, walk around looking at things, buying nothing and storming out, with a grimace.
>Good deals to be had
They will put your grocery store out of business, you will become a slave to Amazon, and you will deserve it.

>> No.19974523

I've seen people eating directly from them

>> No.19974540

what the fuck is wrong with the ceiling of amazon fresh? I don't like it.

>> No.19974549

They are watching you masturbate into the chex mix.

>> No.19974551

they should let customers know if a latina is picking selecting their produce or not because they're the only ones that can be trusted in my experience ordering through amazon.

>> No.19974702

Went in the one near my house and it was just so uncomfy. Everything was more expensive than the grocery store I usually go to as well.
Didn't buy a thing and never went back.

>> No.19974779

Conservatives are the ones forcing them to have id for those things too anon. Because they are aware it is indeed an extra barrier between poor brown people getting what they need, and there is not a single thing on this earth conservatives hate than poor brown people getting what they need.

>> No.19974882

yeah i stick my hand in there and grab some to munch on, lol. watchu gonna do about it whitey?

>> No.19974892

No, anon that is a smol child in rubber boots.
Ostensibly a girl, but who knows these days.

>> No.19974902

I don’t care if they get what they need or not. If they do, good for them. I’m just not going to fucking pay for it. :)

>> No.19974931
File: 216 KB, 888x777, The part you THROW AWAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat amazed people haven't been aware of this.
Revlon started actively tracking people in stores since 1998 I think? They seem to have scrubbed it from searches on the clearnet.
Here's what's going on today:
Here's a video from 2013:
Sauce: https://lifehacker.com/how-retail-stores-track-you-using-your-smartphone-and-827512308

>> No.19974963

The last link seems kinda bs, my phone isnt constantly searching for wifi.
Anyway while it sucks I don't really know how it matters. I just walk around and buy veg and meat and leave.
Anything else I get online with adblock.

>> No.19974969

Bring back mom and pop stores. Or is it already too late?

>> No.19974976

all the little black boxes hanging from the ceiling are cameras and microphones, right? maybe wear a hat, sunglasses and a facemask like a good goy.

>> No.19975030
File: 82 KB, 828x799, 1620180725585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... that was from 2013...Look at the comments.
> I don't really know how it matters.
you could always leave your phone in the car...
Nah... Don't worry, every aspect of your life hasn't been commodified.
Every aspect of your day to day life as you interact with the IOT isn't pushing you into smaller and smaller areas of "Autonomous choices"
Shhhhh...It'll be fine, just go back to sleeeeeep...
leave your phone in the car and when shopping, mumble alot about products you don't ever use.
Point at things randomly, and fake a limp by putting a pebble in your shoe, switch it up each time you go.

>> No.19975044

Well I will leave it behind, but it doesn't really matter that some tard knows I like radishes.

>> No.19975047
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, center-353077008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to beer aisle
>See pic related
>Look agitated
>Abandon full cart of high margin items

>> No.19975051

Trusted in what? Picking good produce?

>> No.19975059

>extra barrier
It's not. Democrats prove this shit in their blue states with all the extra licensing required for guns, and that is a constitutional right as well. Those IDs have fees too, by the way, very LARGE fees. Dems suddenly shut about all those imaginary barriers when they are the ones passing the laws that prevent your constitutional rights. So it is perfectly legal and constitutional to require voter ID, as SCOTUS has not overturned those gun licensing ID requirements yet, and it would go a long way to shutting people up on election fraud.

>> No.19975067
File: 65 KB, 777x629, RAD-ish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, now i iz suspicious
WHy'd you pick radishes??

>> No.19975073

There's no need to worry about that anon.

>> No.19975093

>Conservatives are the ones forcing them to have id for those things too anon. Because they are aware it is indeed an extra barrier between poor brown people getting what they need, and there is not a single thing on this earth conservatives hate than poor brown people getting what they need.
Did you know that Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan and they had similar opinions about Black People of Color?
It's probably not a coincidence that during the race riots the Democrats tried to destroy as many KKK relics as possible, so as to hide the evidence of their crimes as they helped Black People of Color burn, loot, and murder. Why?
I don't know. I just figured they were severely mentally ill.

>> No.19975116
File: 1.20 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_9490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to go down and get my bag of radishes and take a pic in front of the screen with a bite outta one, but decided it wouldn't be as funny as I thought it would.
Mmmmm radicheses

>> No.19975121

>every nigga on welfare has to bring his id to get his benefits
You've never been on welfare and it shows.
You don't need ID beyond an EBT card, which doesn't work for voting(It also doesn't work on cigarettes or booze lmao). But they're FREE. Because anything else is a poll tax, something conservatives lie about giving a fuck over.

>> No.19975498

I'm not playing simon says every time I go grocery shopping, I'll just buy from farmers market

>> No.19975522

You aren't half as intelligent as you seem to think you are.