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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 642 KB, 1500x1000, What-is-a-full-breakfast-435324-V4-e3dd73e44dec4f859c80f6046dda5560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19970362 No.19970362 [Reply] [Original]

Are the British the true Kings of breakfast meals ? Who can even compete to this ?

>> No.19970376

Brits are shit at all things food related, simple as.
And they're extremely ugly too. Only Americans run them close.

>> No.19970380

I'll gladly shit on British food but I kneel to the Full English and its variants.

>> No.19970385

The Dutch couldn't cook if their life depended on it. They just deep fry everything.

>> No.19970391

Yet you're still using our language

>> No.19970403

I speak a lot of languages
I don't know much about Dutch cuisine.

>> No.19970414

>Ulcer fry
Proddies BTFO

>> No.19970420
File: 191 KB, 1200x900, 1_JS241622528-1jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you finish it ? What would be the strat ?

>> No.19970422

Full Scottish is supposed to have black pudding as well.
Why are the sausages hot dogs
Why is the bacon streaky bacon
"Cabbage" isn't common for a full English
Brits take the teabag out of the cup before drinking
What the fuck is an "Ulcer Fry"
What chink content farm made this image?

>> No.19970429

the common tea drinking brit fears the ulcer fry

>> No.19970443

The toast is the tricky part. I'd probably just make a load of sandwiches for my first strat. If I got those down, I'd mop up the rest. A fizzy drink would be essential. I've learned from those youtubers. I wanna take one of these food challenges on before I die

>> No.19970456

Pretty sure they meant and "Ulster Fry" but wrote ulcer and didn't correct it before publishing the image, lmao

>> No.19970462

/ck/ has become so amazingly uninteresting and unoriginal in the last few years.

>> No.19970465
File: 40 KB, 460x396, rcxewuy3r3pa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most britisher's have toast or some cereal for breakfast

>> No.19970469

the entire site has become stale.

>> No.19970471

That's what happens when your site gets flooded by a bunch of twitter retards that just repost the same stale shit over and over and discourage creativity.

>> No.19970475

It's the same meal with 1 item switched. Not so special tbqhwy.

>> No.19970479
File: 59 KB, 1023x685, Beans-and-Eggs-on-Toast-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toast, beans and scrambled eggs for me

>> No.19970534
File: 330 KB, 1024x1024, IMG-20231204-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple as

>> No.19970544

the inclusion of tomatos is the only good part about bri'ish breakfast, tho apparently tomatos in the UK suck ass

>> No.19970545

>"Cabbage" isn't common for a full English
they seem to be thinking of bubble and squeak, which is nice on a brekkie but as you say, hardly common

>> No.19970555

I don't know how they do it. In other north European countries produce is fine its just some magical sphere that holds england to make food taste bad. Even the Indian food I had was awful because it tasted like they smothered their chicken in sugary coconut glaze

>> No.19970560

Why are br*tish hash browns triangles?

>> No.19970574
File: 5 KB, 219x230, What a Laugh..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full Irish
>Full Scottish
>Full Welsh
>Full Cornish????????????
>Ulster fry

What a Pain in the arse way of inventing stuff to avoid the word 'ENGLISH'

I guess it appeals to Americans who yearn for a heritage they pretend to have, without admitting they are English. What a laugh!

>> No.19970578
File: 28 KB, 320x320, Roast-dinner_dcHbGjw.width-320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cabbage is more for a Sunday Roast

>> No.19970594

I hate brits so much. Full British would be s tier without them

>> No.19970653
File: 306 KB, 323x509, 1668133883264889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I could but i could put in a real honest effort.

>> No.19970657

Go get a hobby

>> No.19970668
File: 107 KB, 600x590, new-at-walmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's real thing, especially popular up in Birmingham. You have no idea how bad things really are.

>> No.19970701

but they are distinct and different from each other

>> No.19970704

They all suck donkey dick

>> No.19970717

You know everything about Dutch "cuisine". They polluted your entire continent (and later on the entire world) with it from the moment they founded New Amsterdam (New York). Their low-cost (sold at premium prices), unhealthy, garbage-tier, unbalanced, deep fried garbage and shortcuts are recognizable everywhere. Thanks to their ridiculous advertising methods.

>> No.19970726

the picture in the OP isn't accurate

>> No.19970728

this picture is dumb as noone in england agrees on what makes a full english, same for the others
i have never heard of a full english having cabbage in my life
>full scottish
no square sausages wtf

>> No.19970734

No one cares. Your food sucks

>> No.19970743
File: 241 KB, 1000x681, what-is-continental-breakfast-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me is the continental
The best complete breakfast high on carbs while low on fat for a busy morning

>> No.19970753
File: 113 KB, 750x422, How-to-make-the-best-pub-roast-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English not only perfected the breakfast but also the dinner. Very underrated country as far as food goes

>> No.19970756

>high on carbs while low on fat for a busy morning

yeah lol great for gaining weight and feeling hungry at 11am

>> No.19970758

What's the meat in the center? I'm so fucking hungry and it looks amazing

>> No.19970768

Pretty sure it's roast beef

>> No.19970776

How do I make one. What do I need

>> No.19970804

Sausages, bacon, eggs (scrambled or fried), baked beans, some fried or toasted bread and butter. It isn't that expensive desu. Give it a go, anon

>> No.19970809

Oh, you would just need to find some good quality beef and look up a Roast beef dinner recipe online

>> No.19970810

This is a paper-thin fraction of what you'd get a Denny's or a random buffet.
>Are the British the true Kings of breakfast meals ? Who can even compete to this ?
We're seeing levels of cope that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.19970811

I'm gonna find you

>> No.19970817

Meaty breakfasts are too heavy for me in the morning so I'd rather have a full English or similar meal around midday or later

>> No.19970825
File: 70 KB, 600x600, stamppot-rauwe-andijvie-spekjes-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dutch cuisine is either bullshit from the fryer or mashed potatoes with pig fat.

maar toch kankerlekker

>> No.19970834

Some of the best food I've ever had wad in Amsterdam. It was made by a mud and called doner kebab. Street fries sucked balls and the prostitute I fucked was ugly

>> No.19970840

It is much more perfect for a lunch or dinner. I agree with you

>> No.19970845

It's a breakfast for busy successful men who aren't to feel constant cravings for food
After a late continental breakfast (around 9 am) the entrepreneur spends all morning accomplishing things while stopping at 1 pm for a quick lunch, at 5 pm for a cup of coffee and a snack and finally enjoying a big dinner at 10 pm

>> No.19970887

That's a fairly small amount of breakfast for an average- sized person, I'd say? The main reason English breakfasts cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of black pudding in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.19970892

>Some of the best food I've ever had was a doner kebab from a place in De Wallen
Fucking hell that's sad.

>> No.19970904
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1699236916504117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baked beans
>blood clot hockey pucks
>unincorporated tomatoes and mushrooms
>soda bread

>> No.19970908

Actually it was somewhere in oost where my sister owns an apartment. Bitch just bought a house outside of town and she wanted me to build her a shed. I was like bitch you don't have a car how am I going to get lumber? I don't even have any of my tools there.

>> No.19970922

>somewhere in oost
Even worse.

>> No.19970930

>full irish
>soda bread instead of potato farls
>no white pudding

at least do like two minutes of research before you put a stupid drawing together

>> No.19970958

Isn't it kinda racist for the British to culturally appropriate food from the Irish and the Scottish?
I mean, they literally enslaved those groups to breed them with people of color to try to make more intelligent slaves, so isn't it an inherently wrong thing for those nazi blonde, blue eyed "people" to do?
I think I'm starting to understand why white people (communists and socialists) want to genocide the white race.

>> No.19971090

People in the southern US. Eggs, sausage gravy, biscuits, and slices of salted tomatoes,

>> No.19971093


>> No.19971098

>muh cultural appropriation
>muh evil British empire
>kill whitey
You have no critical thinking skills whatsoever, racist

>> No.19971131


>> No.19971147

>I don't know much about Dutch cuisine.
Dutch babies are pretty nice. They are like large Yorkshire puddings. They are different to American babies as they are not black (unless badly burnt) and usually don't have their genital mutilated

>> No.19971176

The Scottish are British you retard, maybe learn the difference between British and English.

>> No.19971179

>Could you finish it ?

Yes but replace those gross fried tomatoes with fresh tomatoes, also get better beans.

>> No.19971197

It's extremely mid blud

>> No.19971225

British food is all about comfort food, appropriate since they live in such a depressing shithole. But their breakfast also has a double purpose of aiding recovery from the previous night hangover, hence the high fat content of all those breakfast.

>> No.19971230
File: 1.05 MB, 1744x966, germanbreakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer a German breakfast for a hangover, good bread calms my stomach and grease makes me sick

>> No.19971281

you have no idea what the fuck ou are talking about

>> No.19971313

Fat Fuck

>> No.19971329

leave movie bob alone

>> No.19971341
File: 1.27 MB, 3085x1836, 20231203_122537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I've been having for the past few days, I got some sausages for when the bacon's done. This thread reminded me of potato scones so I went out and got some to make tomorrow.

>> No.19971351

charro or borracho beans are acceptable for breakfast....not them nasty canned beans.

>> No.19971366

>Could you finish it ? What would be the strat ?
this is food for someone that does hard labor for a living, if you do hard labor this goes in like a glass of water on a hot summer day

>> No.19971409
File: 396 KB, 797x444, 1972134_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shit that put Rigby in a coma

>> No.19971416

I don’t see what that has to do with your ugly faces and shit food.

>> No.19971418

Could? Yes. Would? No, because I'm not currently training for a marathon.
This. Especially if you work outdoors in a cold country.

>> No.19971429

The choice of the cultured man, if you will.

>> No.19971448
File: 477 KB, 800x1431, mexican-breakfast-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with all due respect, breakfast is the one thing beaners actually do correctly

>> No.19971450

This image managed to get multiple things wrong for every single variation. That's genuinely impressive. They didn't even use the right bacon for any of them.

>> No.19971451
File: 1.82 MB, 500x209, eternal_anglo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>busy successful men
The British conquered the world on a steady diet of lard and alcohol. Low life expectancy and their colonial descendants are now the fattest people on Earth, but they still got the job done.

>> No.19971782

what's the laver stuff in the welsh one?