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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19954468 No.19954468 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a really hard time hitting this daily cap. What are some low calorie foods I should prioritize eating which will keep me full longer?

>> No.19954484

raw vegge

>> No.19954499

chicken, tuna, low calorie fruit and veggie, low fat yoghurt, replace bread,pasta with less processed carb like potato, whole rice (even better, replace potato with turnip carrot swede)

>> No.19954526

Potatos and water

>> No.19954534

You need to accept you will be empty and hungry feeling for the later portion of the day, everyday, forever, as long as you're maintaining these restricted caloric quotas. It's just part of eating lean. You get used to it or you struggle and fail.

>> No.19954542

i find that counting calories most of the time is not necessary as long as you are eating real foods instead of slop.

for example, for breakfast you have 2 eggs and an apple, and a glass of milk (i just put some milk in my coffee)

aint nobody getting morbidly obese on 2 eggs and an apple. you know damn well it's the poptarts and donuts and biscuits and gravy and shit.

>> No.19954568

Any brassicas. Dont know if youre some tiny woman but at an aggressive deficit yea youre not gonna be full for very long.

>> No.19954646
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Two meals a day. NO SNACKS.
You will feel hungry, its just how it is.
Avoid high fat, high carb calorie food. Its literally that easy.

>> No.19954661

OMAD. Just eat a granola bar with a glass of milk if the hunger gets unbearable l, and you’ll be fine til your next meal.

>> No.19954703

I feel you, I also must suffer this small amount of daily calories, I usually just have one meal a day, and it usually contains potatoes and beans, eg, potatoes-600 calories, beans-200 calories, veggies-100 calories= 900 calories. That gives me 600 calories to "reward" myself, usually a hot chocolate, yoghurt, fruit, etc.

>> No.19954727

Something with a lot of fiber like good ol beans is very satiating. Avoid simple carbs.

>> No.19954730

cheese, egg

>> No.19955721

OH, ok. I thought I was doing something wrong. I'll try to be a trooper from now on, now that I know what to expect.

Gotcha, I'm thinking whole wheat bread + cheese could be a new dietary staple. 2 slices = 200 calories + mini wheel of cheese = 300. Nice lunch.

Yeah I've been eating tons of frozen veggie steamer bags. Very nice calorie/filling ratio.

Tried getting Chicken Thighs and they tasted great but a tiny thigh was like 200 calories so I got disheartened by them. I'm so used to huge portion sizes. Brain broken American.

>> No.19955735

93% lean ground beef and eggs, half a pound of ground beef is roughly 50g protein and 4 eggs is roughly 25g total cal is about 700 calories, eat it twice a day and you're getting 150g protein at about 1400 calories and you're full because you're eating a ton of protein.

>> No.19955770

Beets have like 8 calories each so you can pretty much eat infinite amounts of them, just dont freak out when your piss turns red

>> No.19955801

Yeah when I diet I usually have 200-300cal for breakfast, a 1000-1200cal dinner and a 200cal late snack. Eggs and cheese are pretty much the best things to eat in terms of satiety. Nothing hits the spot like a couple hard boiled eggs or mini babybels.

>> No.19955868
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IDK why OP is restricting calories, but bottom line is, if you are trying to slim down from extra weight, the calories aren't as important as Clean, natural, least processed as possible.
Diet drinks/foods have actually been found to encourage weight gain, and chances are pretty good, depending on your body type and metabolism, that your metabolism is fucked up from heavily processed foods, seed oils, too much fructose and gut flora killing additives/chems in the food.
Keep eating those vegetables, and get some good protein in there,(the thighs are fine), eggs are great, etc.
If you're going to stick to calorie reduction, instead of eating clean, slower, and lots of water,(your body will tell you when it's enough) a bag of radishes from Aldi is cheap and less than 50 calories.
If you try going OMAD, consider making BIG salads with a few different kinds of protein; Cheese(Parmesan is great for this ), butter beans, garbanzos, chicken, hard boiled eggs--make a nice apple cider vinaigrette or just use balsamic. another good trick is mixing a bag of thawed frozen veg. with sliced raw.
You'll end up with a salad so big you have to eat it in waves--and it's so nutrient dense(if you do it right,) you will be satisfied and still have 300-500 calories left over for coffee, tea, or lemonade, with 2 tsp.(30 calories) of cane sugar in each cup.(I usually roll that over to the morning)
I think the biggest scam about calorie reduction diets is they make people shy away from healthy fats like butter, and other animal fats. You NEED those for several vital vitamins to adsorb properly in the gut, and for certain precursors or hormones you need for process regulation.(healing and growth, esp.)

>> No.19956442

Start day with oatmeal. Eat light pocorn at some point. Otherwise veg and meat, no carbs. You will be hungry because it is 1500 cals. If you do buttery popcorn you've f'd up.

>> No.19956460

>I'm having a really hard time hitting this daily cap.
Get some medications that will fix your hunger by helping your blood chemistry and organs to work better. Maybe you are diabetic or pre-diabetic and the hunger is just a sign of that. Fighting something you can't control sets you up for failure. I suggest Monjaro plus a good doctor to check you out.

I highly recommend Fairlife 2g protein milk. If you can find them, do buy 2 cases, and all 3 flavors are fine. These do not overload you with vitamins like the premier protein shakes, but both only have 2g of sugar. This is what you do when you are craving a little something between meals or close to bedtime.
V8 with squeeze of lime for the savory mood. Gatorade Zero or Diet Coke Caffeine Free when it's thirst and you want more than a seltzer water.
Always have something ready in the fridge for spreading on crackers that you can count out like 6 crackers, and chicken, egg salad. Have a pickle. Have some cleaned and ready to go peppers, carrots, celery sticks, and just a bit of dip. Or add it to some mesclun to add more bulk, and nuts will adds more fullness. Have a batch of taboulleh or other grain salad ready to eat (and can simply be last night's grain that you morphed into this salad). Air popped popcorn lets you stuff your face.

>> No.19956636

or just eat whatever the fuck you want and take some vitamins because youre going into ketosis everyday regardless of how many low quality calories you consume

>> No.19956639

just do weights

>> No.19956692

If you eat small amounts of food consistently for long enough, your stomach and appetite will shrink to match your diet and you'll stop being hungry all the time. This guy >>19954534 doesn't know what he's talking about, clearly he's one who failed

>> No.19956794

I am lifting weights as well. I was told that if I go on a calorie deficit without exercising I'll just end up skinnyfat so I lift weights and do some cardio every other day. I guess it tells your body to focus on repairing muscle and reducing fat? Idk. I'm not an exercisologist.

>> No.19956803

>IDK why OP is restricting calories
Because I'm tired of hating my body. Also, I have a bmi of exactly 30 which is technically obese. I don't want to die at 40.

>> No.19956956

you should focus on your self control
anyone should be able to go a day without eating just on a whim

>> No.19957055

I enjoy fasting, typically I'll eat dinner and then not eat for around 35 hours (the breakfast after next)

>> No.19957573

An entire bag of frozen broccoli is like 120 calories and will fill you the fuck up

>> No.19957649

This is all pseudoscience and misinformation.

>> No.19958015

I eat 2 meals a day and have for most of my life. One comes within 2 hours of waking up, the other usually 7ish hours later? Sometimes I snack, sometimes I literally only eat those 2 meals. I feel the meals are an ordinary size, as an example, if I go to wendys I usually get a spicy chicken sandwich, and that's what I would consider filling. I sometimes also get a small fries but usually I'd say I'm pretty stuffed after that, and I don't care for that feeling. I am 6'4, 190ish lbs. I still feel pretty hungry by the time I go to sleep most days, it just doesn'treally bother me to feel hungry. So, in brief, I disagree with you entirely.

>> No.19958029

Raw carrots are a life saver. They are in the perfect middle ground between sweet fruit and celery, which tastes like ass

>> No.19958035
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The best advice I got from /fat/ on the subject was eating the low carb/low calorie version of regular stuff. There's the miracle noodles you can use instead of pasta, don't like those use spaghetti squash. Pic related is what I use for taco shells, they are only 25 cals per tilla and still taste great

>> No.19958111

i did a crazy diet of 100g of protein per day while getting about 600-800 calories. having an eating window or even one-meal-a-day while hitting protein goal helped a lot with actually feeling hungry, but I ate minimal carbs as well and that's where the insane cravings were, like I'd be sitting there putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys to go to the store to get snacks without consciously realizing it. i ate the leanest stuff I could so beef biltong, boneless skinless chicken breast, egg white, fat free cheese, canned or fresh or frozen fish, nuts. I didn't use any fat to fry and only cooked things using water as a catalyst. every day I had steak and a glass of whiskey and whatever else I wanted and basically disregarded counting, without actually gorging myself, and a couple weeks into the diet I found that I was eating so clean that sodas and stuff like fudge rounds tasted disgusting

1500 calories is pretty easily manageable but it took me a lot of time trying and failing to get used to counting and weighing food before it became an easy routine

>> No.19958113

>every day I had steak and a glass of whiskey and whatever else I wanted and basically disregarded counting, without actually gorging myself
every cheat day*
once a week i grilled a steak for "cheat day"

>> No.19958129

NTA but the only thing blatantly wrong is the 'body type' part that has been debunked for at least 30 years. He's mostly correct with everything else, if a little misguided on some of his reasoning.

>> No.19958203

You're agreeing with me more than you think. A Wendy's chicken sandwich and a small fries is an absurdly small amount of food to consider filling. OP would probably eat 3 burgers and a large fries at Wendy's before feeling full.

>> No.19958207
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I understand. You have to find what works best for you.
Seems like you have the will to make a change, and are taking the steps to do it.
Good on ya, anon. It may be hard sometimes, but everytime you want to say "Fuck-it, I'm just gonna eat 2 large pizzas and wash it down with a whole 2-Liter", Imagine yourself a month or 2 from now looking down at your belly that is starting to become defined again.
You can do it.
This has NOTHING to do with what I posted.
First of, you responded to a TrollB0t
and 2ndly, I'd like to see your info on that. Are you saying that ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs aren't a real thing?
I'll look at what you have, but I don't at all buy that all the "FOOD ScIeNcE" developed by the companies that directly benefit the most from them in the last 50-60 years. We know now that those corporations outright LIED about the benefits of "Diet Foods" and additives, there are plenty of respected NON-COI papers on the subject.
Again, I'm willing to see what you've got, but you'll have to explain what you mean by "Misguided", as I have plenty of material to back it up.
Until you do, you may as well be a shill/B0t as well.
You'd better fucking come with real info and an understanding of what it means though, or I will tear you apart. I've already done this to 2 "Nutritionists" a registered dietician and a doctor, IRL...I wasn't mean. I just SHOWED them they were wrong.

>> No.19958350
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>first off
INB4 "it's been widely deboonked that Sheldon's classifications..."
that may be, but doctors and "Nutritionists" still use somatotype, they just use the Heath–Carter formula, which denies the psychological aspects, but DOES NOT reject the somatotypes themselves. To say otherwise is either to argue in ignorance, BAD faith, or to take the position that the medical/nutritional science's stance is wrong in and of itself,(and you might not be wrong there)
>A key criticism of Sheldon's constitutional theory is that it was not a theory at all but a general assumption of continuity between structure and behavior and a set of descriptive concepts to measure physique and behavior in a scaled manner. His use of thousands of photographs of naked Ivy League undergraduates, obtained without explicit consent from a pre-existing program evaluating student posture, has been strongly criticized.

>While popular in the 1950s, Sheldon's claims have since been dismissed as being incorrect.
This doesn't even address the Pozzed influence of "Intersectionality" and more of the same kind of "WokeWashing" that panders to "Feels and inclusivity" instead of FACTS.
To be clear, I'm NOT endorsing Sheldon's psych related claims, simply the well accepted definition of somatoform body types and the DEMONSTRABLE differences between them.
Doctors use the Body-Mass index all the time, out of laziness, as any midwit can see that a 5'10" bodybuilder who weighs 240 pounds and has 7% body fat is NOT obese. Yet, doctors everyday prescribe all manner of medication and advice on this very metric.
There are MUCH better metrics; Water displacement tanks, Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), and electrical impedance are a few. It's BULLSHIT and we all know it.
>Pic related

>> No.19958448

Also, while 90% of the "Deboonking" I've seen is misleading and intentionally deceptive, even when it isn't,(in practice,) this shit tends toward strange, policy and money driven politics.
>In 1998, the U.S. National Institutes of Health brought U.S. definitions in line with World Health Organization guidelines, lowering the normal/overweight cut-off from a BMI of 27.8 (men) and 27.3 (women) to a BMI of 25. This had the effect of redefining approximately 25 million Americans, previously healthy, to overweight.
We all know how GREAT the WHO is,(it's not, they are a policy and aid/Funds distribution mechanism for NGOs) and this pretty fucking arbitrary change took place WHY??
*(Look into who was releasing all the new drugs to "Combat" "illnesses of Obesity"

One of those aforementioned Dieticians was STILL giving out information that was WRONG about Vitamin D.
Due to a misplaced decimal point in the raw data from the IOM,(now the NAM..hmmmm Go look at THIS pozzed GEM of a site, particularly the LOGO--https://nam.edu/)), the RDA was wrong by a factor of 10. That means, instead of 800 IU of Vit.D, an adult should have 8000 IU. That's fucking significant when you look at what Vit.D deficiency CAUSES.
If you read NOTHING else, read this^^^, it isn't long, nor full of difficult jargon or statistics.
You guys wanna remain ignorant of the fuckery going on these days to make YOU a literal Ca$hCow? Go ahead, read it or don't, It will make you sick one way or another.

>> No.19958451

delicious delicious glasses of water

>> No.19958594


Drink psyllium husk, fiber is key
Lots of protein, it's the most satiating macronutrient
If you're eating any carbs make them whole grains, I love whole wheat pasta and brown rice.
Good luck champ!

>> No.19958600

You are claiming that if you eat a small amount of food consistently, your stomach will shrink to the point you don't really have an issue with feeling hungry. You are telling me you think I fit that category, but I specifically told you that hunger is absolutely still a consistent part of my life.

>> No.19958605
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>> No.19958614

But you feel way less hunger than OP despite eating way less food. And I said that he would stop feeling hungry "all the time" which you don't. I don't think that normal people literally never experience hunger, but if OP ate your diet for a day he would be in agony and hungry for the entire day.

>> No.19958624
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Based real-Poasters
popcorn is good too.
Something that really helps as well is gummy vitamins, as you will crave more food if you are missing certain vitamins, especially the fat soluble ones.

>> No.19958652

>I love whole wheat pasta and brown rice.

Who has a gun to your head right now anon

>> No.19958671

Rice and cabbage. You could literally eat a whole head of cabbage. I guarantee you it's the size of your stomach and it's only 300 calories. You'll likely be plenty full before you even get half way though. Dice up a quarter. Throw it in a pan with 2 tablespoons of sesame oil or whatever oil you fancy, add a little water for more steam, salt and pepper. Throw it over 1-2 cups of rice, add some Sriracha sauce or soy sauce, or a dash of hoisin sauce. if you want a bit of creamy add a LIGHT portion of Japanese mayo. All together there's no way that's over 500 calories and it's the most filling 500 calories I've ever been able to find.

>> No.19958685

Double checked oil calories scratch that and make it 1 max

>> No.19958710

Drop it to 600 kcal, pussy.

>> No.19958826

Chicken breast (thighs are a bit nicer too)
Frozen green veggies
Low fat yoghurt (Chobani or some other plain yoghurt)
Avoid rice (should generally avoid carb heavy foods in general), higher fat meats, too much oil, added sugars
It's also a lot easier to just not eat breakfast, walk for an hour every day, and even some basic exercise will go a long way

This is all assuming you don't want to feel like shit all the time. You could survive on Maccas twice a day and lose weight, but you would feel absolutely terrible and be hungry most of the time. 1500 calories is really low for most people anyway.