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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.19 MB, 360x640, Poka Mot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19954360 No.19954360 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing goffee and goffee-related topics.

Poka Mot edition

If you're new, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old, better start using a moka pot because it's a comfy, cheap and funny experience.

Previous thread: >>19932945

>> No.19954364


>> No.19954372

>they almost kiss
kino poka mots anon

>> No.19954403
File: 1.03 MB, 360x640, mokamoka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19954414

not enough moka

>> No.19954461
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Order your preferred coffee in kopi tiam lingo.

>> No.19954477

Kopi PENG por favor.

>> No.19954520

how long should brewing a single cup of coffee on a chemex take?

>> No.19954524

like three minutes.

>> No.19954545

As long as necessary, as long as it tastes good. Rao recommends 5min drawdowns, gagne recs 10 minute aeropress steeps. Chemex filters are slow.

>> No.19954565

whatever hoffmann does

>> No.19954572

Kopi siew dai

>> No.19954582

Why is his hand shaking so much?

>> No.19954628

He had to make multiple tries to shoot the perfect video and had to drink all the coffee he made because he hates throwing it away

>> No.19954636

Aluminum is neurotoxic.

>> No.19954705

Hey guys I'm new to the coffee world. How much coffee grounds do I put for 64 oz of water?

>> No.19954723

the moka handle is trash

>> No.19954725

Start with 2.5 ounces and then adjust it from there depending on how weak or strong you like it

>> No.19954797

>1/2 cup butter, softened
>2 eggs
>1 tsp vanilla extract
>1 cup sugar
>1 cup sour cream
>2 cups flour
>1/2 tsp baking soda
>1 tsp baking powder

>1/4 cup flour
>1/4 cup sugar
>1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
>1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
>2 tablespoons butter

Am I missing something with this coffee cake recipe?

>> No.19954801

you forgot the coffee

>> No.19954996

Black Insomnia Classic (Medium roast)
>100% robusta
>1150mg caffeine/12oz cup

>color is reddish, hues of mahogany and terra cotta
>smallish, not oily at all

>heavy bittersweet, almost like Kahlua
>unsweetened 100% cocoa
>red wine
>back of the sinuses and throat catch an earthiness at the tail end, like truffle or mushroom

Will report back with espresso later for taste notes

>> No.19955270

If I have a machine that uses 58mm portafiltrer but not e61 grouphead, do I have to glmake sure to get a specific type of 58mm portafilter when buying aftermarket?

>> No.19955297

Yeah theres differences in the lug positions/thickness/angles that can fuck you. Make sure you know what you need.

>> No.19955474
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i bought a coffee machine
what kind of water am i supposed to use? the grocery has distilled and spring water

>> No.19955480

winter water

>> No.19955481


>> No.19955483
File: 76 KB, 692x748, Eu9sYJfXcAIHoek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's weeks away!

>> No.19955491

patience is a virtue

>> No.19955611

Water can be a massive rabbit hole but in simple terms if it tastes good it'll brew good - distilled water isn't ideal because a lot of dissolved minerals are factors that contribute to the flavour of coffee and in some cases the extraction of it, plus using it in machines with a water level sensor can be fucky with distilled. A lot of people though, start with distilled water and then add things to it to make very specific water recipes. You probably don't need to go anywhere near that deep yet, if your tap water tastes good and is pleasant to drink it'll be ok though it'll be worthwhile keeping an eye on the potential for limescale if you live somewhere with "hard" water. If it doesn't taste good, any bottled spring water will be fine.

>> No.19955794

I'm a retard who neglects the machine by not doing maintenance and now the solenoid valve is clogged by scale. The coffee withdrawal is real.

My family is Bosnian so I'm familiar with making turkish coffee as a possible backup but I don't really like it. Having to avoid the sediment at the bottom of the cup when drinking is a pain. Maybe I should just get a moka pot until this mess is sorted out- at least our grinder is working fine.

>> No.19955899

I don't get this meme, coffee is stuffed with fiber, it makes my shits extremely regular

>> No.19955902

none of these because robusta is disgusting

>> No.19955915

Most straightforward, no extra effort and equipment, most consistent, cheapest way to brew coffee:
>blitz beans to Turkish fine or finer in a blade grinder
>toss grinds into pot/jug/carafe/whatever
>bring water to a boil (stovetop pot, electric kettle, doesn't matter how)
>pour boiling hot water into vessel with ground coffee
>stir vigorously for a minute or two
>let sit 10 minutes (the extremely fine particles should saturate with water and fall to the bottom)
>slowly pour into serving cup/mug

Adjust bitter/acidic balance by altering:
>coffee:water ratio (by weight, everyone should have a kitchen scale)
>amount of initial agitation
>steep time
Keep initial temperature as close to boiling, and keep grind size as fine as you can get it to maintain high consistency with as little specialized equipment as possible.

This method produces very little sediment in the cup. Consistently pleasant results so long as you adjust ratio and steep time to taste. If you don't want to shell out cash money for grinders/brewers, or if you find yourself without your regular brewing setup, try this.

>> No.19955927

Black Ivory is worse and you are a scatfag

>> No.19955943

if you can get distilled there's almost no added cost in putting a bit of weighed out epsom salt and baking soda in that shit and making your own water to your taste

>> No.19955953

people that drink ivory are the same people that drink robusta, idk why you think this is a good response. arabica/caturra/geisha is good, eugenioides is good, robusta is bad and boring, anything that has to go through animal intestines is bad and boring

>> No.19955960
File: 2.96 MB, 720x720, CaffePasticceriaCucchi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that italian espresso is trash. Preground robusta blends pulled through dirty portafilters topped with milk steamed a half hour ago.

>> No.19955966

alcohol withdraws, most coffeefags and fitnessfags are current or ex junkies/alcoholic

>> No.19955976

Reminder that the hatred for Robusta stems purely from the growing popularity of British Coffee Youtubers who want Coffee and Tea cultures to blend together as one community

>> No.19955986

Como se dice
en italiano?

>> No.19955989

british coffee youtubers just parrot nordic style roasters like coffee collective and tim wendelboe (who are completely right about everything)

>> No.19955990

I have a Moka Pot but I'm tired of using it due to the time consuming nature and only really getting 1 cup at a time. I also just came into a possession of a coffee grinder with like 18 different grinds.

What's the best kind of coffee making device I can get to make use of freshly ground coffee? I'm thinking of getting a French Press, but something about the name bothers me. Should I just do the pour over thing? I have a cheap kettle (not a gooseneck one that lets you control temp)

>> No.19955999

Aren't most of those Nordic roasters heavily biased towards Latin beans by default? Their well is already poisoned

>> No.19956003

L'uomo bianco teme Gusto Forte

>> No.19956005

if so I'm not aware of it, for what it's worth I'm drinking an ethiopean from la cabra right now. I think american specialty coffee, which is also inspired by nordic style, favor them for pragmatic reasons.

>> No.19956008

I know my black insomnia robusta is slow-drum-roasted and as a result it circumvents the typical "Robusta taste", so maybe it's the roasting process itself that's wrong, and they're roasting their beans at too high a heat too quickly

>> No.19956014

The black rifle tards think the same thing.

>> No.19956017

They play to what sells, IRL Hafer is a fucking massive light roast faggot

>> No.19956018

>"oh no we burnt our beans, as in actually burnt them! stupid beans should be used to our blast furnace roasters!"
>"just throw them in the smoker for 12 hours, label it a smoked blend and bag it all up, no one will notice"

>> No.19956031

>got covid again
>coffee smells like trash again
oh well, back to coke or sencha

>> No.19956041


>> No.19956043

Coffee with ice is for Instagramm and Tiktok brainwashed zoomer.

>> No.19956173
File: 512 KB, 250x250, 2023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has begun,...

>> No.19956218

Gau is Liberica/Excelsa

>> No.19956325

Can I use coffeegear for making cocoa? I need to cut caffeine due to medications, and I was thinking that instead of decaf I would do something else.

>> No.19956334


>> No.19956336
File: 3.48 MB, 720x1280, b3f7193d77d146cdbeaf0e9d85490477.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her bros…

With voice: https://files.catbox.moe/342cvh.mp4

>> No.19956339
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But it also have some defects

>> No.19956369
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Coffee is not a hobby, it's consumerism
"experts" online exist only to sell you things
your mom gay

>> No.19956379

Avatar posting is bannable, faggot

>> No.19956485


>> No.19956597

Do you think that the wagie at my roaster would get mad if I asked for 3 different types of beans at weights of ~ 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 lbs?

>> No.19956642

Taste is of the same unsweetened cocoa, along with a more present wine note and an almost "creamy" feeling that coats the mouth

>> No.19956658
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>> No.19956766

Any cascara fans here? I've never been to a cafe or roaster that offered it; is the stuff on Amazon any good?
>t. /tea/ crossposter

>> No.19956825

Purchased a nice vessel from mk-ceramics in Denmark. Really beautiful clay pieces. I've been window shopping the last month or two about a new cup for espresso and decided on them. They also have to be the most expensive..shipping was 44$


Really unique design they have, a sort of marbling of colors on the ceramic. Never seen it before.

>> No.19956827

>>t. /tea/ crossposter

>> No.19956930


are the two that come to mind

>> No.19956944
File: 2.28 MB, 2000x2000, Nespresso-D30-Red-2000x2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi coffee enjoyers

>> No.19956965

hello coffee enjoyer

>> No.19956970


>> No.19956975




>> No.19956985
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>> No.19956999
File: 110 KB, 1493x1237, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeropress users, are you not worried about microplastics? Doesn't boiling water literally come into contact with the plastic? Really want to get one but im very worried about this.

>> No.19957025
File: 491 KB, 581x613, starbucks decaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to goffee, I really want to try Sumatra purely because I have some ancestry from there, so I get that I have to actually get the beans and grind them, is there any specific brand or source of Sumatra beans that are ideal? I would assume that using Starbucks beans like picrel is the meme choice but idk anything about goffee.

>> No.19957031

Local roasters always have Sumatra.
>drive to a local roaster
>buy 1 lb of Sumatra for $15
>go home
>make coffee

>> No.19957064


>> No.19957083

French press would be your best option for time/effort efficiency. Toss grounds in, boiling water in, stir for a minute, leave it alone for ten, plunge to surface of liquid, slowly pour into cup. You can do the same thing with a jar or a small saucepan if you don't want to get a French press for whatever reason.

>> No.19957084

Cocoa has caffeine. Yes you can use coffee equipment to brew cocoa, but it's unnecessary. Cocoa grounds are desirable in the finished drink and there's no real downside to over-extraction.

>> No.19957107

>Really want to get one but im very worried about this.
Same here; if they ever actually release an all-glass variant I'll jump on it, but until then I'm steering clear.

>> No.19957229

I can't drink more than like a cup of coffee so like a sodie pop or cocoa doesn't mattef

>> No.19957255

New areopress clear is made of Tritan which is the safest plastic known to man

>> No.19957263


>> No.19957266

Is the Fellow Stagg stovetop version sufficient for coldbrew? It seems like the thermometer on the top would be enough to get the right temperature without paying over twice as much for an electric version. Want to get the Stagg because of how it pours.

>> No.19957272

I don't know why I wrote coldbrew lol (I was looking into some stuff about tea). I meant POUROVER.

>> No.19957288

The main draw of an electric kettle is it heating up faster. Buy nice or buy twice imo

>> No.19957301

>Buy nice or buy twice imo
That's probably the best way of looking at it. Of course if the electric components break you might be buying twice anyway.

>> No.19957411

enjoying a lovely light cuppa on a cloudy morning
thanks much to whoever recommended s&w roasters, this shits pretty good
ive been trying cascara from the aforementioned roasters and its just wonderful and surprisingly does kind of taste like coffee
those are neato

>> No.19957429

Mk ceramics does a lot of work for brewers cup people. Elika comes to mind.

>> No.19957531

>thanks much to whoever recommended s&w roasters
Anytime pal. Did you get the wuri?

>> No.19957533
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x2560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*enhances your coffee*

>> No.19957536

Electric kettles don't last no matter how much you pay for one. They're all Chinese made garbage.

>> No.19957621


>> No.19957644
File: 69 KB, 1153x1211, 6100bDclcZL._AC_SL1381_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every $20 YUIOASE kettle I've bought has been shit. I think I'll try the $40 DmofwHi this time.

>> No.19957657
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For me it's Nescafe Taster's Choice.

>> No.19957660
File: 353 KB, 1800x2399, il_fullxfull.2344839352_82gq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad that the West can't make consumer goods anymore.

>> No.19957672

yeh that shits fantastic too but i was enjoying the ayarza wine series from guatemala
i didnt know koohee could be so bright

>> No.19957690
File: 64 KB, 645x773, 1300654251001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She refused my follow request twice.

It's fucking over.

>> No.19957693


>> No.19957700

With the lattanon account?

>> No.19957704

I only have that one.

>> No.19957706

>chosen by the taster's life

>> No.19957713

You'll find someone else to schitz out over, don't worry. Third times the charm.

>> No.19957727

Shit bro your last post is even showcasing caffelabs products and shit. Maybe its because she pots bobs and vagene i dont use social media so i dont know the customs and shit.
The sista can still accept maybe?

>> No.19957736

i tried that coke coffee out of morbid curiosity, it was so bad

>> No.19957744

Idk, she also can figure out my real name and address if she checks the coffee order lol.

For some reason, different japanese people started following me. They always like my contents. It's comfy.

>> No.19957747

did you try with the wuri?

>> No.19957791

Based nips. Order the bernini blend and some iwca goffs next time and try again kek.

>> No.19957846
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Did they?

>> No.19957858

that dude looks like he was just unplugged from the matrix

>> No.19957986

Is this place decent for buying coffee beans? I want to try making my own coffee for a change, thinking about this bag https://moonbeancoffee.com/products/midnight-darkness?variant=38141730455701

>> No.19957996

check the pastebin

>> No.19957999

is that CAD? isnt that ridiculously cheap? that alone would make me cautious

>> No.19958011

Never heard of them, but I'd avoid dark roasts. Snag some of the costa rican honey instead.

>> No.19958027

Best coffee in the americas

>> No.19958034

I bought myself a french press and a milk foamer the other day instead of waiting for Christmas, just so I could actually enjoy coffee in these cold days instead of using Christmas as an excuse.
Thank you /ck/ for all the posted advice and instructions these past few weeks. I had never made a cup of coffee before and I am finally learning how to drink it properly with quality beans.

>> No.19958040

right on, anon
enjoy the coffee and enjoy life, there is nothing more important

>> No.19958060

Based goffee enjoyer

>> No.19958073
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I literally own this. Yes, I bought it just because I like the colors. No, I don’t measure temperatures, I just pour and see what happens.

>> No.19958150
File: 37 KB, 1014x659, 50b4c033a7b2b40a650d911010aed9b70a2e977av2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I love my espresso machine, in the morning I still crawl back to my v60. Just something about it. Some people are just filter niggas.

>> No.19958172

I have a Flair and 95% of my brews are still V60
I like the volume of brew and having something I can sip on over time which espresso doesn't really do

>> No.19958233

Thanks for reminding me to put that on my list.

>> No.19958240 [DELETED] 

no clue never bought a bag of beans befor

alright thanks

interesting ill look into this ty

>> No.19958241

I've been drinking espresso every morning last 8 or so months and am seriously considering getting a drip setup because a nice big mug of coffee in the morning just tastes better than a shot. But afternoon after lunch an espresso shot is a nice treat.

>> No.19958242

no clue never bought a bag of beans befor

alright thanks

interesting ill look into this ty

im looking for a distributer i can buy from locally in toronto, the ones in the pastebin all have like a 12 dollar minimum shipping fee

>> No.19958249

trying to suss out if this place has good coffee. is this grading legit? i'm having trouble finding a standardized coffee grading system

>> No.19958258
File: 4 KB, 470x73, beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19958284
File: 33 KB, 480x286, blog-scribblers-the-effect-of-altitude-on-coffee-flavor-large1_fb82c92d-b23b-4fb1-9a1d-93198debdd18_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher altitude beans grow denser. Denser beans take longer to grow, but have more complex flavors. If you want peanuts/chocolate in a cup, look for low altitude brazilians. 1800m red honey costa rican will be delicious(if they don't botch the roasting).

>> No.19958314

ok thanks final question, should i get the whole beans? i know that you need specific coffee grinders but would my spice/coffee grinder do a good job? i have this one https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00004SPEU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

>> No.19958392

Eh you're fucked either way. Either they grind it and you'll spoil quicker(way more surface area to oxidize) or you grind it and end up with a poor experience for longer. I'd just have them grind it so you're not left with stale spice odors. If you want to risk it check this out.

>> No.19958415

Buying single origin and asking them to grind it is probably a waste of quality as they will be stale by the time you get them in the mail. But, if you have a shit Amazon grinder it may be your best alternative

>> No.19958452
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Bought these oily boys from costco to season my DF64 SSPs. Tried funneling them (I know, retarded) and the motor stalled about 100 grams in. I spent 2 hours cleaning the grease off the burrs and chute with isopropyl wipes.

>> No.19958474

>"specialty coffee"

>> No.19958482

How will you be brewing your coffee? French press? Pourover? Moka? Something else?

>> No.19958567

yeah french press
this seems a little insane to me. i feel like i might be okay with just grinding it once with my grinder

>> No.19958587

You're going to end up with chunks and dust, but its your coffee. Do whatever makes you happy. Hopefully you haven't blitzed up any peppercorns.

>> No.19958692

Don't fall for the autism bro, just drink instant.

>> No.19958779
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like little baby. Watch this. Jk sucks bro. Now you see how quickly dark roast oils can taint a pristine set of burrs. Dark roast, not even once.

>> No.19958832

What is the best timeframe for coffee? I'd like to order 1lb, but they're charging $12 CAD shipping, if I order 2lbs they'll only charge $5 CAD shipping. I don't drink coffee everyday. At most I'll consume 120g a week. So it could take me 8 – 12 weeks to go through 2lbs. Will it still be good at 12 weeks from roast date or will it be noticeably stale and oxidized?

>> No.19958869

>french press
Clean out your spice grinder to get rid of as much spice taste/aroma. Then do this >>19955915. The method above produces a much nicer, more consistent final beverage than the Hoffmann blade grinder shenanigans. If you don't already have a kitchen scale, buy one. They're cheap and useful for many different things in the kitchen. If you can spare the money I recomend a nice hand-grinder (somebody post the chart). There are some good discounts to be had online during this season.

>> No.19958875

>Will it still be good at 12 weeks from roast date
not at all

>> No.19958877

Oh yeah, for the ratios I recommend 1:12 – 1:15 coffee:water by weight. Experiment and find what you like best.

>> No.19958879

yes it will be fine. dont fall for the memes.

>> No.19958888
File: 246 KB, 6630x512, yoinkv12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody post the chart
Ask and you shall receive. v12 now with zp6 support.
Order two freeze one.

>> No.19958891

enjoy your stale beans

>> No.19958900

>>19958888 (nice)
I don't have a vacuum sealer so I think freezing will do more harm than good in this case. Would storing them in the fridge (1 – 3°C) significantly prolong their "shelf life"?

>> No.19958915
File: 50 KB, 702x441, freezingadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a sealer for shortish term. Just tape over the valve and toss it in the freezer.

>> No.19959020

"Too stale" is a subjective threshold but imo anything past 3 weeks is pushing it. I've never had coffee 4 weeks or longer since roast and enjoyed it.
However, you can put it in your freezer and significantly slow down aging. The caveat is you should try to minimize oxygen and especially moisture, which entails TIGHT SEAL and as little empty space in your container of choice as possible. It also means you shouldn't be freezing coffee several times because each time air moisture will condense on the beans from the cold and cause them to stale.If you want to throw in the coffee in the bags they ship it from, assuming it keeps out moisture it should probably be fine. Just pull them out whenever you're gonna drink the coffee and don't put them back in the freezer after opening,

(More autistic people will store it in centrifuge tubes or even vacuum seal it in single-use doses, or put it in something like a mason jar with oxygen absorbers. Probably not necessary for you)

>> No.19959418

>K6 twice on there with different colors

>> No.19959874

midnight goffee :)

>> No.19960129
File: 3.99 MB, 360x640, Mokacinno.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally art

>> No.19960161


>> No.19960195

Kino cuppa

>> No.19960209

Nice cup

>> No.19960240

non white spotted, only whites and some other underground subgroups can actually tolerate lactose
consider suicide

>> No.19960246

Any choccy n goffee enjoyers?

>> No.19960261

I boiled water to heat some potatoes from yesterday, used the water for my instant coffee. no bueno.

>> No.19960283
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So it’s been like 2 since I’m on Instagram and now my feed is filled with coffee related posts.

I fucking hate normies and I hate Instagram, but this isn’t exactly news, however since I stopped using social media since mid 2010s I’m still amazed that this entire platform is basically CONSOOMERISM: the social media.

Every single motherfucking post features exactly the same exact 3-4
products every time, every post is a collaboration between the same brands and people seem to fight between them to make the most NPC video by carefully framing all the brands of their equipment.


$40 for 2 glasses made in China is ridiculous.

On my profile I have 37 posts with multiple pictures and the post that received the most likes and attention is the one featuring all the coffee bags I bought. Literally only the bags, no coffee and no grains in sight, just the bags, it was a post to say “look I bought these beans, in my next posts you can expect to see related content to this purchase”.

I received attention from the roaster, from blue check mark people and a lot of random users…and it’s not even coffee lol.

I’m not mad actually, but this made me realise that a big chunk of the coffee community revolves around dick measuring contests on the internet and a lot of badgewhoring.

May uncle Ted Kaczynski have mercy of our souls.

>> No.19960301


>> No.19960305

nobody cares

>> No.19960348

>uber autist seething that normalfags won't give his Insta updoots

>> No.19960356
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, remalf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#mokista #gianinna #rma #selfloathingitalian #pleasefollowmealfredo #yeast

>> No.19960493
File: 3.83 MB, 1945x2877, 1690809863632872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipping on some La Semeuse Mocca Surfin, best supermarket chocco goffee around here. Black friday sale two 1kg packets at 41% sale comes at 13.- the kg, not bad. When you add milk it tastes like hot choco it's crazy.
>A gourmet 100% Arabica blend. A coffee with subtle cocoa and grilled almond aromas. The true Mocca taste, full-bodied and delicate.
Nibbling on some local artisan Maracaibo 88%. Two squares.
Today is a rainy day so maelstrom demitasse was chosen.
Will bake some molten choco cakes later for dessert.

>> No.19960572

Said the loser who uses 4chan to flame every day as if it was Facebook or something.

>he also keeps literal dossiers about every user so he can always use as hominem insults

Absolutely and pathologically insane

>> No.19960633

Sorry I guess I should be using 4chan to promote my Instagram while bitching about social media, brits, and tea.

>> No.19960676
File: 38 KB, 679x747, hwndp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guten morg
do any pourover friends have any recommendations for cloth filters for v60s?
my instinct is to just go for whatever hario's offering but all they have rn is filters for their woodneck drip pot
(lookit dis dude)

>> No.19960688
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, 162C995B-3CDE-4133-AB79-D4B3737912B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cake to go with coffee?

>> No.19960697
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1697193504818017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cloth filters

>> No.19960698

coffee cake obviously. I like ones made with sour cream and topped with blueberries

>> No.19960700

For me it's Italian lemon ricotta cake.

>> No.19960717

make your own water

>> No.19960730

im not really a big sweets guy but i make semisweet breads and buns to go with my koohee and its quite nice
does anyone here actually do that

>> No.19961264

Not a cake but tiramisù, especially if you drink the same coffee you used to soak the savoiardi in.

>> No.19961483

can i get away with using a cheapo burr grinder like this? https://www.amazon.ca/SHARDOR-Grinder-Electric-Adjustable-Espresso/dp/B0CHJK7618/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1BZ8DOTMB0YNW&keywords=burr%2Bcoffee%2Bgrinder&qid=1701470926&sprefix=burr%2Bcoffee%2Bgrinder%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-7&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.71722c10-739d-471b-befb-3e4b9bf7d0d6&th=1

>> No.19961497

Yeah I've got a water distiller.
What does get away with mean? Those fake 'flat burrs' will be significantly worse than a cheap conical hand grinder.

>> No.19961504

do you add anything to it or just distill tap water?

>> No.19961505

check the pastebin

>> No.19961506

compared to a baratza electric grinder, how does it match up?

>> No.19961514

i guess what im trying to look for is the cheapest price point electric grinder i can find that be adequate

>> No.19961525

Add stuff. Check out coffeewater.app
An encore will shit all over it. Fellow opus will shit all over it. Those will both be worse than a hand grinder at the same price, but they're usable and miles better than those fake burr grinders.

>> No.19961529

I haven't used my espresso machine since buying an Aeropress. Wish I hadn't wasted the money on it.

>> No.19961531

i know about the stuff, i was just curious if you do it

>> No.19961563

should i do it?
should i pop my sumatra cherry?

>> No.19961564

I mix up enough of a recipe for 9L into 100ml dropper bottles. Gives me 10 kettles full of a stagg. Running holy water for filter and (usually) 20/60 for turbos.

>> No.19961645
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x792, bone sumatra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got any sumatran coffeeware?

>> No.19961655

no, only vintage wedgwood

>> No.19961779

almost bought some cuppas for the memes but the jasperware is not foodsafe sadly.

>> No.19961795

Oh shit we're doing this again

>> No.19961838
File: 3.57 MB, 1849x1177, 1686592552137699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been

>> No.19961896


>> No.19961941
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1536, B84EAD4F-B2D0-4482-8BD7-99A37541AEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s happening.

This bad boy has Torrefazione Giamaica Caffè coffee in it.
Can’t wait to taste it.

>> No.19961971

My burrs chirp almost Everytime I fire up my df64. I turn it on prior to pouring beans in. It chirps for a little less than a second then stops and might chirp when grinding. Is this startup chirping bad or something to worry about?

>> No.19961986

My DF64V chirps and it's usually a fragment of coffee in the burrs - if you turn it on, hear it chirp, dial down finer you'll probably hear the chirp go away, then dial back to where you want to be. It's a different sound to the actual burrs-touching chirp, if that's your concern - at least it is in my case and most V users who encounter it.

>> No.19962025


>> No.19962169

Do you ever stop while you're making coffee to consider what the fuck you're actually doing? A farmer in Kenya has planted a field halfway up a hill, with a tropical plant, so that the berries from it can be harvested, then left to rot in the sun until the fruit has largely gone, before picking the seeds out from the remaining pulp, and shipping it to a business in - in my case, Perth - who will bake the dried out seeds until a very specific temperature is reached, before parcellng them up and sending them by air to me on the other side of the country so that I get them within 24-48 hours of them being baked, in order that I can then smash them up into tiny tiny pieces before using them to basically make a stock.

It's kinda fucking wild.

>> No.19962223
File: 2.38 MB, 4160x3120, 20231201_193451_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Turkish cofffe", Preparation:

> pre heated water
> coffe grounds 1st in cezve, then adds preheated water
> cezve is put on stove fire 3 times
> served in photo related


>> No.19962273

No I don’t ever do that I just drink the coffee

>> No.19962308

It’s wild that a third worlder touched your beans.

>> No.19962311
File: 2.11 MB, 640x360, where-everything-is-made-up-whose-line-is-it-anyway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time. I first had the realization a couple years back when I was snagging 90+ ethiopian greens for $5-6/lb shipped. The economic gymnastics to make that happen really shatter the illusion. I can't imagine what I would have to pay to ship 1lb of anything from the us to africa or what the ecological hit would be. Coffee should be at least 4-5x more expensive.

>> No.19962366

would my beans stay fresh if i buy them in-store and get them ground there, and then transfer the beans into a vacuum sealed jar? presumably opening and closing it every day

>> No.19962406

I had a cappuccino from Starbucks Wednesday and Thursday and now I have 2 cysts on my face. One is a big visible lump on my forehead. Another is a high pressure, less visible boil on my nose. I ain't ever drinking milk again

>> No.19962461

It's wild a third-world third-grader touched your mom

>> No.19962470

asking again for the evening crowd, any reccomendations for cloth pourover filters?

>> No.19962472

I never could understand the appeal of coffeefagging because the only barrier is how much you're willing to spend on your rig.
There is no skill involved, no practice.
Pure consoomer hobby.

>> No.19962484

>$5-6/lb shipped
That's pretty nuts. It all comes together to make coffee pretty good value.

>> No.19962504

Looks good, how is it?

>> No.19962854
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Skill issue.

>> No.19962878
File: 20 KB, 680x459, 1700636725815279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy jasperware
>look inside

>> No.19962898

>presumably opening and closing it every day
think of coffee like an apple
think of how brown an apple gets and how much flavor it loses sitting cut up on a bench for 5 hours
now think of an apple that has been cut into bits as small as coffee particles
thats alot of surface area

>> No.19963046

I'm just going to say it

Light roast coffee is a meme. All the "experts" on roasted bean juice can lick my balls. Yeah, I've had some good light roasts but medium or dark is better. Light roast and Extra dark roasts are the two extremes and are the worst.

>t. just finished the last of my Guatemalan light roast.

>> No.19963051

>Guatemalan light roast.
show bag

>> No.19963061

Me want caffeine

>> No.19963074

Sorry, it's at a landfill. Regardless, no more light roasts even if it makes me an uncultured swine according to EXPERTS

Have some goffee Anon, sun is rising in my part of the world.

>> No.19963086

post your receipt or store you bought from
and the other anon is right, light roasts have more caffeine.

>> No.19963102

Perthanon, where did you get your coffee making gear?

>> No.19963105

Anon, I got it at my local grocery store and I don't save grocery receipts because I'm not a 75 year old boomer.

>> No.19963111

Hello anons, I hope you can advise me, I bought coarse ground coffee The seller told me that it was a kind of small coffee bean and the branch of coffee is shaped like a snail and that gives a more intense flavor to the coffee BUT the problem is that in my opinion it comes over toasted and in my French press I get burn notes. I used a part for coldbrew (24hrs, 10% coffe
- 100% water ) The result was a coffee with less burnt flavor but without body and flat.
My question is, what method would you use with a French press to get good coffee?

>> No.19963124

Use Hoffman's method

>Boil water
>Let cool just a little bit
>Pour your freshly ground goffee on a paper towel to catch micro grounds and pour into press
>pour water over
>sit for 5 minutes
>sit for 3-5 more
>pour slow and don't pour the very last bit


>> No.19963130

He bought pre-ground coffee, Anon. He's already fucked.

>> No.19963146

damn, I missed that

Buy whole beans next time and get a Kingriner on amazon for less than $100 bucks

>> No.19963148

I'm on the east coast, I just like buying coffee from Five Senses. As for gear, Alternative Brewing are rarely completely the cheapest but they're usually not complete rape on prices and their range is good.

>> No.19963207

Too soon, I’ll open it in some days because it’s giga fresh and it has to develop flavours

>> No.19963232

>grocery store
you got your (You)s. congrats.

>> No.19963284

You have more willpower than I do

>> No.19963307

See >>19954996 for bean recommendation if you want the superbuzz

>> No.19963346

>grocery store
get out of my blog

>> No.19963351

>As for gear, Alternative Brewing
i think they are pretty good
also their youtube channel is kino

>> No.19963389

You sure it's a 100%robusta? From my limited search it seems to be a robusta arabica blend.

>> No.19963394
File: 1.78 MB, 1662x1206, 1682853423946150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surpires new roaster, surpirse new bins.

>A 100% Arabica blend, welcome to exotic lands from the small producers of 4 excellent Latin American cooperatives. A real firework in the mouth, combining sparkling acidity, roundness and lightness, all topped with a tasty crema worthy of the name (don’t forget to wipe your moustache). You won’t get tired of it!

>Origins: Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Colombia
> Notes: caramel, milk chocolate, apricots, roasted hazelnuts

>For each package you buy, a tree is planted by our partner Eden Reforestation Projects

>Partner cooperatives :
>Peru: Cooperativa Cenfrocafe in the northern Cajamarca region
>Guatemala: Cooperativa Agricola Integral La Esperancita in the San Marcos region
>ANEI is an organization of agro-ecological producers in northern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Serrania de Perija)
>Honduras: Cooperativa de Productores de Café La Encarnaciòn Limitada (COPROCAEL) was created in 2000 in the north of the country in the department of Ocotepeque

First shot, not dialed yet. Came out as a lungo (1:3,3 18g:60g), will need smaller granulates. Suuuper tasty. The milkchoco is clearly notable and so is the caramel. The roasted hazelnuts are present in the aftertaste but the apricots is yet to be found by me. Super pleasant rich mouthfeel.
I have to say great american blend, would buy again.

>> No.19963426
File: 419 KB, 1310x676, insomniatard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek what a moron. $20/lb and since they don't mention anything about where they're sourcing coffee, I'm guessing its the cheapest brazilian and indian shit. Built with tegridy.
>Carefully selected and roasted blend of the highest quality Arabica and Robusta beans ensure bold flavor without tasting burnt or bitter.
>Yes, BLACK INSOMNIA is made with love. It’s made with passion. But it’s also made with loads of integrity and without any frills, nootropics or additives.

>> No.19963437

Never trust anyone who uses British spelling

>> No.19963442
File: 339 KB, 250x167, ChappelleShockGif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it’s also made with loads of integrity and without any frills, nootropics or additives.
>nootropics or additives
Why did they even mention that? Are people putting nootropics in coffee now?

>> No.19963463

I Googled it and apparently they are

>> No.19963526
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Look, this morning another 2 have been delivered (1 coffee and white chocolate + 1 “sacher” cocoa dough, chocolate chips and lightly candied fresh apricot pieces).

These 3 high tier panettoni have to last for the whole month (I’ll be gifted other ones for sure even though of lesser quality), mainly because they’re expensive (34 to 42€ each) but also because they’re so good and full of calories.

A cappuccino with a slice of panettone is a godly breakfast.

>> No.19963570
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>> No.19963576

What's your preferred method of storing coffee? I just store mine in an airtight container and throw it in the fridge.

>> No.19963589
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>> No.19963594

Freezer more specifically. It just werks

>> No.19963609
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>> No.19963614

How many have you ordered anon?!

>> No.19963624

Just 3, the ones you see in the pictures above.
I’ll probably receive, between now and the end of the year, another 2 or 4 from friends and family, but if it was up to me I’d stick with only my high quality panettoni and be done for the whole season.
Thank god these things have a shelf life between 45 and 60 days (the artisanal ones), so you can eat them slowly.

>> No.19963670

Faggot dark roaster

>> No.19963709


>> No.19963759

It appears the anon to whom you are replying is insinuating that roasters who prefer to roast coffee to dark levels are also the same kind of people who enjoy penetrative sex with men. It's unlikely that he is actually making commentary on their sexual preference but probably using the term as a pejorative in order to convey his distaste for darkly roasted coffee, and contextually, probably homosexual sex.

>> No.19963790

This year will be the first time in a while I don't visit Italy for the christmas season. A shame really, it's just so comfy then. I might avoid the 3 extra kg I gain in a week there, but not sure

>> No.19963794

hes using dark roast beans to season the burrs, not to drink.
hes throwing all that shit into the garbage.

>> No.19963838
File: 797 KB, 609x919, 1677438488850908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current sip:
Guji Bule Hora from Carasso in a befitting demitasse. Naturally super sweet cuppa, with strong pronounced chocco intermingled with some florals and stone fruits aromas. Abyssinians make some wonderful choccy goffee.

Current nib:
Madagascar 100% from supermarket. No sugar needed as the goffee is naturally sweet. I believe it to be a blend between criollo, forastero and trinitario cocoa. Have to say they hit the mark with this one.

yum-yum goffee tiem

>> No.19963849

taking pictures in the dark?

>> No.19963859

you take shit photos and drink shit coffee. go back.

>> No.19963917

Kys you circumcised motherfucker

>> No.19963937

It’s time to distant CONSOOM my friend.



Or read here:



>> No.19963964

I might be tempted

>> No.19964103

I think the older I get the more coffee makes me shit

>> No.19964249
File: 2.23 MB, 480x854, 1701322560966892.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acaia ion beam sistas what is our response?

>> No.19964262

releasing ozone at street level is genius

>> No.19964464
File: 1.45 MB, 848x480, 1674129472079263.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.19964653

yeah sun sets befor five in the afternoon this time of year

>> No.19964674
File: 1.78 MB, 1512x1177, 1672557358963499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current sip:
schümli with supermarket decaf arabica robusta choco marzipan blend. sometimes it's nice to have more than an express sip.

current nib:
lindt 90 supermarket choco. safe choice nothing fancy. the heineken of dark chocos.

>> No.19964697

no lamps or house lights?

>> No.19964698

Your pictures are crap

>> No.19964700

>he doesnt know about the heavy metals
um anon....

>> No.19964704

Post your pictures you subhuman semen slurper cock gobbler.
I can break your skull with my bare hands, do not test me.

>> No.19964706

what are those?

>> No.19964876

Say that to my face faggot not on the internet, see what happens

>> No.19964932

No kidding.

I've been practicing MMA for 6 years now, and boxing on the side for 7 years.

And weight training for 4 years, 1m87 for 86 kg.

I've got insane speed, and reflexes identical to my speed. All I have to do is wait for him to charge me, dodge him and give him a good pat on the head. I won't drop him at the slightest mistake, the gorilla is finished. You'll always have a few smart guys around here thinking it's impossible. Nothing's impossible with willpower, folks, and 2) you're not going to do anything with your cowardly body.

Any trained man can take out a gorilla with a knife. Barehanded isn't necessarily more complicated, it just requires technique.

So shut the fuck up or i will destroy you.

>> No.19965049

>have incredibly hard water
>literally fucks up my over time plumbing from how hard it is
>still get pretty good coffee out of it

>> No.19965139

thank you for planting a tree anon

>> No.19965197

Wake up babe new popper just dropped. No control but looks like a great little starter/modding platform for $28.

>> No.19965325

coffee taste good

>> No.19965558

Pretty words but meaningless.

Say that to my face.

>> No.19965563
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Made French Press for the first time in months. I enjoyed it more than pour-over. I guess I must really suck at using a v60

>> No.19965732
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>> No.19965740

It's 'Xeet' now

>> No.19966401

It wasn't bait, the best explanation was the guy saying it appeals of recovered addicts so they aren't spending money on drugs.
but I'm willing to bet most people here aren't addicts.

>> No.19966539

just had a black half caf (Bourbon Pointu)
bretty good

>> No.19966713

Yes and British Coffeetubers now presume that all "specialty high caffeine" blends contain added nootropics and stimulants because of it

>> No.19966794
File: 4 KB, 306x165, download - 2023-12-03T141308.458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the kettle on to use Nescafe Chocolate Brownie Mocha instant coffee, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.

Muahahaha! Muahahaha!


>> No.19966800

Time to get high on drugs my fellow coffee aficionado

>> No.19966809
File: 254 KB, 1869x2048, FX1JhFEUEAEl30v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nescafe instant coffee

>> No.19966812
File: 458 KB, 1521x2089, PXL_20231203_134125149~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New coffee cup. New beans. Latte art came out somewhat passable. It's a good day.

What an abomination.

>> No.19966835


>> No.19966951
File: 367 KB, 960x1280, IMG_7506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOO you can’t open the coffeettone!!! It’s not Christmas!!

>> No.19966955
File: 161 KB, 420x420, 1678416619690309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys coffeettone
>look inside

>> No.19967054

/ctg views instant coffee in a higher echelon than grocery store whole bean coffee lul

>> No.19967074

all grocery store coffee is shit
not all instant is shit
proof? you can buy really good specialty instant coffee that tastes better than all grocery store coffee
(its unbelievably expensive but it still counts)

>> No.19967124

How is it? How does it taste? Seems royal.

>> No.19967490

Hey /ctg/, does anyone have some decaf coffee bean reccs? Preferably a darker roast

>> No.19967502

Not coffee

>> No.19967503

I've never tried panettone -I'm not into candied fruit- is a coffeettone something you can buy or something you make yourself?

>> No.19967510
File: 3.83 MB, 720x1280, Moka Chad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokabros, what do we think of this?

I'm thinking based.




>> No.19967517

here >>19966539

>> No.19967533

Panettone exist in many different flavours, even without candied fruit (the classic traditional Panettone has candied citrus and orange peels + sultanas).

The Panettone I posted is made with the standard classic dough, which is the base for 100% of all the Panettoni, which is then infused with moka extracted coffee and ground coffee with the addition of dark chocolate chips.

I bought from a bakery, however coffee and chocolate is a rather popular version of Panettone in Italy and you can find many artisans doing it.

It ate a very small piece because I opened it to offer a slice to a friend who came to my house so I didn't have enough time to analyse it, however it is currently sitting in my warm oven for 1 hour so it becomes warm and nice just in time to eat a slice with my after dinner goffee.

Panettone is peak winter comfy.

>> No.19967563
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20231203_194404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knob on the handle of my k6 fell off. It's still usable, but you need to be constantly vigilant to make sure it doesn't fall off again. Anyone have any experience fixing something like this?

>> No.19967592

epoxy it, maybe

>> No.19967616

Lacquer up the metal bit with a couple layers of clear nail polish to give it a tighter fit. Wait for it to dry before putting the knob back on. If it's not tight enough add another layer. If it's too tight use nail polish remover and start over.

Don't do this unless your okay with the knob never rotating again.

>> No.19967622
File: 37 KB, 450x450, ee89e5d8-8958-46f5-9fc0-3fd209380ae4_1.1766588e138f5137b22b5ae4e2e3c471-1544085648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a basket needs two full page manuals
>all the parts have made up names since it's just three baskets inside each other
>you have to remove the pod holder whenever you want to switch from pods to filter
>3rd party version is literally a basket
Name a more overly complicated piece of shit.

>> No.19967715
File: 503 KB, 1021x1280, 8303EE46-E553-4F2F-8088-73F46D2F40F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, it’s a nice Panettone, it’s balanced and rather well executed, the sweetness is balanced and it’s moist, pleasant to chew.

There’s a lot of chocolate (nice chocolate) but I can’t taste the butter and the coffee, although you can feel it under your teeth when you chew, is very subtle.

When I made coffee flavoured brioches I learned that the coffee loses a lot of flavour when you cook them, probably because most of it evaporates, but that happens with instant coffee too, so it’s possible that in the end baking with coffee infused dough isn’t the right choice if you want to taste a strong coffee flavour, probably it would be best to make a sort of cream to fill the finished panettone or to top it off with, and this is the way some bakeries from south Italy (Sal De Riso) do.

Overall I’m happy because it’s an artisanal panettone from a nice bakery, however it’s not one of the masters of panettone which make magic Panettone.

This is what Renato Bosco Panettone are for, believe me they’re like cotton candy and are worth the 40€ price tag.

>> No.19967722
File: 190 KB, 914x1080, 1688662123530304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a date, what sort of coffee should I order?

>> No.19967733
File: 2.93 MB, 2998x3955, IMG_1572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Renato Bosco’s “Recioc” panettone with infused coffee and white chocolate.

Notice the structure, it’s rich and fluffy, elegant and soft like you wouldn’t believe.

While the Pinel above is a nice panettone, this one is a product from a Master who makes one of the best Panettone in Italy, he’s famous for his pizza and has a pizza restaurant which makes a lot of different doughs and specialties, it’s famous and I want to go there.

Even this one has a subtle coffee flavour but the balance of the other flavours is excellent, it truly is a pleasant experience having a warm slice of this in a cold day.

>> No.19967737
File: 2.53 MB, 720x1280, Renato Bosco ‘Tone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19967754

Noone cares you Italian faggot.

>> No.19967769
File: 53 KB, 981x949, 50fl13ykyy811-3055696442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my job, for the wage workers like myself, they have an old beat-up percolator they use to make Folger's. Being in a lower management position, though, I can go into the office area and access their fancy-schmancy Keurig machine that they keep secluded from the plebeians. I have to say it only tastes slightly better than the percolator, and I think that's simply because of using a coffee other than Folger's.

>> No.19967773


>> No.19968051
File: 375 KB, 2500x1875, ks wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of cream, lots of sugar.

>> No.19968265
File: 2.90 MB, 1714x1177, 1699381175635910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current sip:
cappuccino with supermarket decaf with some pumpkin spice for that seasonal twist.
>tfw don't drink many milk drinks so can't practice latte art.

Curent nib:
lindt 85, mixing it up to get all the heavy metals.

Is this a lamp?

>> No.19968280
File: 271 KB, 1946x1946, Extract_Chilling_Espresso_Ball_Basic_Barista[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any espresso drinker here tried the chilling balls? Are they another stupid gimmick or do they improve flavor?

>> No.19968286

there is an anon who likes them. if your ceramic/glass cups allows it you can freeze them and pull a shot in them, it'll be similar.

>> No.19968290

Thoughts on the hario ceramic hand grinder?

>> No.19968300

that's all right marra

>> No.19968349

Baratza encore on sale. Should I pick one up?

>> No.19968368

I've been considering upgrading from my timemore c2 and have been eyeing the baratza encore too.

>> No.19968388

Maybe go over to the dessert thread, they might care

>> No.19968433

which one's the best goffeetonne?

>> No.19968443

It will keep flavors from evaporating shortly after extraction, leading to a more complex flavor. I do it from time to time, when I'm not making milk drinks. Kind of a fiddly thing to set up, but it's not like it's expensive or anything.
I just got a stainless steel espresso cup, so I'm going to try chilling that before pulling shots in the morning. Should be fun, and much easier than trying to balance a fat skimmer and whiskey stone over my cup. If it's easy enough, I'll probably do it most of the time just for the heck of it, even though it won't be as noticeable in a latte.

>> No.19968457

Stop samefagging

>> No.19968463

Inb4 the Italian fag ruins the next thread

>> No.19968485



>> No.19970042

this but unironically