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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19944105 No.19944105 [Reply] [Original]

Jews fear the lone outdoors barbecuer /ck/....

>> No.19944217

You can afford 4 steaks but not your own yard and grill?

>> No.19944230

No I don't.

>> No.19944296


>> No.19944306

we are indian and having picnics is a community event. us indians value our families unlike you americants.

>> No.19944308

Indians don't eat beef. Try again.

>> No.19944311
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the steaks were grilled to medium. cousins seem to enjoy it.

>> No.19944319
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You’re telling me I can’t host and entertain family properly in my back yard?

>> No.19944353

youre indian? you people love to show off your culture and gatherings. even if you had a backyard, you would all still gather in the middle of the street and show off to the non indians about how "we are a community" and post it on tiktok. you guys literally do this in canada but with the clean streets and sidewalks and clear skies and nice weather, it really contrasts canadian culture and really brings vthe "import the third world become the third world."

>> No.19944373
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theres something about third world subhumans that love doing it in public parks and neighbourhood streets. probably because they can just throw that trash on the ground once its done.

>> No.19944374
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>> No.19944403

I’m the backyard anon. I think some of the other posters are esl or have reading comprehension difficulties. I actually just had to pick up a bunch of trash at the park and put it in the trash cans there. Did it because it’s windy out and didn’t want the trash to blow everywhere including the beach.

>> No.19944413
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thats what you get for letting them in.

>> No.19944457

Many threads on google about "why indians litter." You can google it yourself.
Indians are selfish - they only care about themselves and their houses and not about their towns, cities. The city does not belong to them, it involves other people.
Maybe it has something to do with the racism inherent to Indian culture - a dislike and dehumanization of those deemed to belong to other groups - other languages, castes, religions, regions etc. When there is such dislike for others, there would be some spillage of that feeling when it comes to things like public hygiene and cleanliness
Indians do not value cleanliness and do not want their public places to be clean. They do not make the effort to keep a public place clean.
They lack many basic public etiquettes like not littering, standing in a line and waiting for ones turn, driving with courtesy and being accommodative, consideration for the personal space of others, being impolite and rude while speaking, lack of punctuality and respect for other people's time.
Indian society should fix these things. Otherwise India would always be a difficult place to live in.

>> No.19944462

why are indians so dirty? (answered by an indian)
Because we are dirty people from the core. We don’t respect ourselves and we don’t care of our neighbour. We throw our garbage over the wall to the next house having no respect for our neighbour. We don’t respect neither our neighbour nor our boundaries. That’s what you see in all cities, small or big. Chaos, Dirt, Disease, Filth is our way of life in the cities. That is at display moment you land on any Airport in India. It won't be if we have self respect.

>> No.19944470

theres also this one. "Is anyone else fed up with the trash everywhere? I am seriously fed up with the amount of litter left behind in parks and in green spaces. It keeps getting worse with each passing year. I don't understand how anyone could just leave trash behind and not pick up after themselves. This is a problem I've only ever encountered in Brampton, which - as much as I absolutely hate to say this - makes me think it's an issue specific to some of the south asian immigrant populations here as that is 99% of my neighbourhood. I don't understand the mentality of "let's just leave our tim hortons cup on the grass" or "let's throw our pop can on the forest floor and walk away". How can anyone have so little respect for the environment, their community and fellow neighbours??? I honestly can't wait to move out. This is BY FAR the dirtiest community I have ever lived in across all of Canada, and it keeps getting worse. I was walking through a hiking trail today and there were 3 or 4 plastic food containers on the forest ground that weren't there 2-3 days ago. What the hell is wrong with the people who do this? Who teaches them that it is acceptable to litter?"

>> No.19945786

why do indians, pakis, east and south asians, etc. never visit each others houses?
Just something I noticed growing up, the asian kids would always meet up somewhere public to hangout or eat, they'd never go to somebody's house for dinner

>> No.19945856

I tought barbecue was only made outside(unless a good air system or a chimney) or you'll die from the smoke.

>> No.19946043

Indian muslims and christians do

>> No.19946046

We don't have a backyard or a front yard so we grill in the rooftop, grilling at a park is not allowed :/

>> No.19946228

did the indian community build those outdoor public grills?

>> No.19946293
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>indians value our families unlike you americants.
by having a American style cookout???

>> No.19946408

They just can't help themselves can they?

>> No.19946475
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>steaks that thick
>only a tiny bit of salt and pepper, nothing else

>> No.19946483

The heat of the fire cooks the meat.

>> No.19947280

what did she spit in there

>> No.19948225
File: 125 KB, 743x466, Screenshot-2020-09-07-at-22.55.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think is some tribal shit where they mash up some roots and to get it to ferment into alcohol they chew some of it and spit it back in,
the amylase in the spit converts the starches into sugars that wild yeast can convert into alcohol

>> No.19949330

I, for one, am mildly perturbed.

>> No.19949335 [DELETED] 
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It's not so much to ask for total kike death

>> No.19949378

If you can't take straight pictures then you're homosexual.

>> No.19949397

good grief...

>> No.19950606


>> No.19950610
File: 930 KB, 856x856, disgusted cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get out of my board

>> No.19950616

>The heat of the amylase converts the starches

>> No.19950702

not with two chairs and no table

>> No.19950746

Im completely desensitized to gore from hanging out on /b/ for years. But that fucking video was a little tough to make it through.

>> No.19950794
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i know that feel

>> No.19950995

North Indian or south indian?

>> No.19951019


>> No.19951269

A yard and grill are significantly more expensive than 4 steaks.

>> No.19951298

>indians, pakis, east and south asians,
the lower races ALWAYS do this, they meet up in parks in like 10+ and just turn the whole place into a dump. its disgusting and they post this shit all over social media and write "our culture, everyone welcome" or some other dumb shit like that.

>> No.19951304


>> No.19951308

same shit.

>> No.19951311

in the busiest intersection in the city of Toronto, they meet up every weekend in like 100s and sing and dance. and others drive up and down the streets with music playing and they sit on the roof of cars and outside the window. its hiliarous.

>> No.19951344


>> No.19951352

Lol you see the vid of that white dude that approached a group of black rappers after a show and the entourage killed him? Lol.

>> No.19951366

That was Nardo. Respect the name or end up like that white boi

>> No.19951405

Why you grilling steaks in a public park tho fr.

>> No.19951836

Oy vey

>> No.19951851

Man, I get it some of this shit is fucking vile, but you can find equally vile videos from Americans cooking. There's over a billion Indians there's bound to be a lot that do some fucked up shit while cooking.

>> No.19951854

They aren't real Indians.
Transferrable religions are a Jewish hoax to atomize nations.

>> No.19951929
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Wait you're telling me Muslims and Christians are all secretly working for the Jews?!?

>> No.19951939

That's pretty reasonable anon, steaks are much less expensive than houses and barbecues.

>> No.19951944

The whole place is fucked. Even Hp lovecraft says the whole country needs fumigation for it to be habitable by decent people.

>> No.19951980

My dad always used to accuse the muslims and indians of going out to the parks with bbqs on easter so that christians can't use them lel

>> No.19951985

Lovecraft would be the first to say that curryniggers are subhuman not the last

>> No.19952045

Lovecraft wasn't exactly known as a fan of non-whites.

>> No.19952050
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we shun that behavior they and even some of our worst people make food that is legally edible and technically sanitary regardless how unappealing it is.
Indians revel it their filth and think its completely ok to wipe their ass with their hand not wash it then stick that entire hand in a giant pot of soup that has been simmering for the last week

>> No.19952054

Trust me, white people are guilty of just as many culinary sins.

>> No.19952067

No, they aren't. White people don't eat and rub cow dung on themselves. White people don't fry dead rancid rat whole. White people don't spoon hot soup out of a ladle into their hands and then put it in their patron's pool. India is filthy, Indians are filthy. They have no hygiene standards and are content to wallow in their own shit.

>> No.19952070

You haven't seen the shit I've seen.

>> No.19952075


>> No.19952080

oh no its bland vs cow shit served as the actual dish with a light seasoning of human shit particles.
not the same

>> No.19952092

I haven’t seen white people doing those things I see in the webms. Or a group of non Indians sitting in a tub of shit.

>> No.19952141

I worked in pest control for 4 years. I went into a ton of section 8 and low-income housing. The vomit-inducing conditions I saw some people's kitchens and the food they made in them were astounding. They were just as likely to be white as they were to be black, brown or Asian. The most cockroaches I ever saw in an apartment was with a white family, and the most amount of bedbugs I ever saw in an apartment was also with a white tenant. My most frustrating experience was with a Nepali family.

>> No.19952174

They’re out of frame. I served 15 people for thanksgiving there, at my house.

>> No.19952203

>The most cockroaches I ever saw in an apartment was with a white family, and the most amount of bedbugs I ever saw in an apartment was also with a white tenant. My most frustrating experience was with a Nepali family.
Racists like you like make me ashamed to call myself a Brown American citizen of color (I am not a colored person).

>> No.19952221

They were only my most frustrating experience because I was supposed to do a bedbug treatment in the apartment and they didn't speak any English and I couldn't get them to leave. I had to come back the next week to do it instead with the son there so he could translate.

>> No.19952226

>They were only my most frustrating experience because I was supposed to do a bedbug treatment in the apartment and they didn't speak any English and I couldn't get them to leave. I had to come back the next week to do it instead with the son there so he could translate.
How typical. A group of "people" that insisted on living with bloodsucking jews because they refused to learn english.

>> No.19952706

I also meant restaurants, again when I was at school the asian and indian kids found the concept of christmas dinner at a family member's house so foreign and strange. They told me they always have a meal with extended family at a restaurant and almost never at somebody's house

I've always wondered why

>> No.19954247

If you could afford better cuts of meat then you would know you do not have to fear the taste of it and need to use so much salt and pepper to mask the flavor.

>> No.19954249

My jizz

>> No.19954294

What is the fucking point of throwing the ladle of broth at your own hand before it hits the plate. Like it literally serves ZERO purpose except to be intentionally unsanitary.

>> No.19954379

That looks expensive, over 100 poured into the boiling water.

>> No.19955091

....are those dogs in danger?

>> No.19955135

>east asians never visit each others houses
I've noticed that mainland SOUTHEAST Asians seldom visit each other's houses (except Viets) but Indonesians visit each other all the time.
My gran is Asian and she visited with all her church lady friends and vice versa all the time.

>> No.19955162

>SOUTHEAST Asians seldom visit each other's houses
what he meant was how come all public gatherings in public parks and beachers, its always a huge groups of brown people throwing trash and food and making lots of noise.

>> No.19955165

That's what you had a problem with? Not the dude spitting into the pot?

>> No.19955167

>My gran is Asian
what type of asian?

>> No.19955190

That's disgusting but thats to be expected of gross subhumans who manhandle their food. The hand ladle thing is bewildering because like, it's already in the fucking ladle, he could just put it on the pan. Passing it through his hands is unnecessary in every capacity.

>> No.19955472

stop that RIGHT NOW

>> No.19955633

nobody envies you for being indian. you are adjacent to shit slinging monkeys