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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19949325 No.19949325 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning sirs, It's time for another Indian food cook-a-long. Today, I will be making rajma masala.

Translator's note: rajma means kidney beans, masala means spice blend

Ingredients from top to bottom, left to right:
Ghee - Indian clarified butter
Canned tomatoes - unless tomatoes are in season, canned tomatoes are almost always better. Grocery store fresh tomatoes are usually disgusting
Kidney beans - I usually cook my beans from dried beans because dried beans are cheaper and have better texture, but I wanted beans now and did not have time to deal with beans from scratch. I've used other beans like red beans to make this before and it was still great.
Fresh coriander AKA cilantro
Ginger garlic paste - Like canned beans, this is a time saver and inferior to freshly made
Red and yellow onion - Some people will throw a fit about "YOU GOTTA USE RED ONIONS INDIAN FOOD." A few things on that 1) the red onions we get in the US aren't quite the same as most of the ones in India 2) Obsessing over authenticity like some sort of autist is dumb. Obsess over whether the food tastes good. 3) I'm not using two different onions for any sort of flavor reasons. That red onion is the oldest I have and the bag of yellow onions I have is the second oldest.
Kashmiri chili powder - it's kind of like paprika with a bit more heat
Turmeric - has a nice earthy taste
Whole cumin seeds
Garam masala - garam means warm, masala means spice blend
Cayenne pepper - I'm out of fresh green chilies and dried red chilies so I used cayenne pepper for a little heat
Green coriander seeds
Bay leaves - these are the Indian bay leaves. They're usually larger. They have a different taste from the type of bay leaves familiar to most westerners. These ones are pretty small, they were the last of the bay leaves I bought.
Cinnamon stick

>> No.19949342 [DELETED] 

I can smell the poo from 3 boards oven

>> No.19949346

At this point in the threads, I usually point out that I like to say a prayer to Ganesha and give him an offering before I start cooking. I didn't take a picture of Ganesha today. Instead, enjoy this Ganehsa statue (not mine)

>> No.19949348

SIR, do you ever post your own cooking?

>> No.19949350
File: 77 KB, 500x334, Ganesha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I forgot to post Ganesha

>> No.19949361 [DELETED] 

I post my own cocking all the time. Of your mother to pornhub, faggot

>> No.19949363
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I think somebody in a past thread asked about why a lot of my recipes tend to have a chunky gravy rather than a smooth one like the ones they see at restaurants.

This is a picture of an egg curry I made and posted in an older cook-a-long thread. I've posted you can see why people considered the gravy chunky.

>> No.19949384
File: 2.77 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_7617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIR, I suggest you post a cook-a-long with your superior western cuisine and its delicious aromas.

Chunky vs smooth gravy in dishes with an onion and tomato base all comes down to personal preference. I tend to make rajma masala with a smooth gravy because we usually ate it that way when I was growing up.

To get nice smooth onions and tomatoes, I used a blender. If you're wondering why the blender is set up in my laundry room, it's because there are issues with the outlets in my kitchen at the moment.

>> No.19949387
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Tomatoes are easy to blend, but onions can be a nuisance to blend. This problem might be rectified with a better blender, but I refuse to get one until this blender breaks. I've found the easiest way to blend onions is to blanch them for a bit to soften them up before blending. This picture shows how I chopped up the onions before blanching.

>> No.19949392
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After dropping the onions into boiling water

>> No.19949399
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Even with some boiling, blending these onions was a nuisance. I had to stop and shake the blender a few times to keep things moving. Once the onions start to get smooth, the blending goes a lot more easily.

>> No.19949402

It's more important to use whatever you can easily and cheaply get so long as the quality of the produce is good you will be able to make good food and with consistency of ingredients you can work on the balance

>> No.19949411

I love rajma masala. If this thread stays up for a few days I'll post my own as well.

>> No.19949412
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The onions after blending.

>> No.19949423
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Once the onions were blended, it was time to temper (cook in oil) the whole spices. The picture shows the cumin seeds sizzling.

I used ghee for my oil because I love the taste. You can use a different type of oil if you want to make this recipe vegan or if you don't like the taste of ghee. I used about 3 tablespoons of ghee. That's not very much when you realize that there are about 8 servings of food here.

>> No.19949425
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Tempering with the rest of the whole spices added in.

>> No.19949454
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Next: add in the onion puree and cook for awhile

>> No.19949465
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I didn't take pictures of the next few steps. They're pretty straightforward and there isn't a whole lot of visual excitement in them.

Add ginger garlic paste and cook until the "raw" smell goes away.
Add tomatoes and cook
Add spices and cook
Here's the result cooking the onions, tomatoes, ginger garlic paste, and spices

>> No.19949468

I used coriander powder too. I did not have a picture of it with the original spices.

In addition to the spices, I added salt at this point too. Sometimes people will wonder why their food tastes bland even though they added a bunch of spices. The answer is almost always that they didn't use enough salt. Salt really brings out flavors.

>> No.19949475

>Kashmiri chili powder - it's kind of like paprika with a bit more heat
Holy fuck how mild is paprika? Kashmiri lal is mainly used in indian dishes for its colour, there are way hotter variants.

>> No.19949489

Hey indianon. You always show up at just the right time, I will cook your recipe.

>> No.19949502
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At this point, I began to have serious concerns about whether all the beans would fit in the pan.

Paprika (at least the kind we get in the United states) has zero heat. Kashmiri chili powder is really mild, but still hotter than paprika.

>> No.19949507
File: 2.81 MB, 3024x3785, IMG_7627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mashed up some of the beans to spread some flavor around in the gravy.

>> No.19949520

Garnished with coriander leaves and with a lemon to squeeze to add some extra flavor. I only had one serving tonight. I'll make rice tomorrow and eat it with rice.

Some people might add ghee, butter, or cream at the end. I don't have any inherent objection to adding extra fat (it makes good food taste even better!). The reason I usually don't is because the food already tastes really good without adding more and the extra calories can really add up. If I were cooking for company, I would use so much that it made people in this commercial look like amateurs:

>> No.19949527
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Oops, I forgot to post it

>> No.19949535

Looks good op. You should try a stir fried style variant. Just use like half the onions and a third of the tomatoes used here.

>> No.19949541

This man never posted his cooking. I am worried that he doesn't know how to cook and will suffer for his ignorance and laziness like one Indian boy recently did.

>Ganesh Prasad was watching the match at his home in Kanpur when his son, Deepak, requested him to cook dinner first. When his father did not heed the request, Deepak turned off the TV, which caused an argument.
>The argument soon turned into a physical fight and Ganesh, who was drunk, strangled his son with a mobile charger, police said. He fled the spot and was arrested by Kanpur police on Monday.
>The body was found by a relative who found the body lying on the stairs. Cops said the immediate cause of the murder was due to a dispute over watching the cricket match.

God help this anon if he interrupts the bachelor to demand his mom cook him dinner or drive him to Taco Bell.


>> No.19949546
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I got you bro.

>> No.19949587

Thanks bro

>> No.19949743

Based. I would like to see some variants.

>> No.19949756

This entire thread is just one samefagging pajeet trying to cook literal shit indian food wtf is this schizo garbage

>> No.19949762

Pack up and fuck off, racist.

>> No.19949887
File: 15 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ask him to post his own cooking and he'll run back to one of his fast food threads

>> No.19949893

Oops, YOU MAD was intended for >>19949756

>> No.19949920

>Green coriander seeds
Those are cardamom pods sir, please kindly do the needful and correct your recipe

>> No.19950782
File: 292 KB, 1500x1500, greencardamom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry sir. You are correct that those are green cardamom.

Also, for anyone wondering: you do not usually eat the larger whole spices that you temper when cooking Indian food. Tempered cumin seeds and mustard seeds are smaller and eaten. You do not want to try eating the green cardamom, bay leaf, or cinnamon used in this recipe. Biting into cardamom is not a pleasant experience.

>> No.19950969

Good morning sir, I remember your last thread what a great cookalong.
This pajeet is singlehandedly redeeming indians worldwide

>> No.19951000
File: 78 KB, 634x482, kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the blender is set up in my laundry room
That's ok. On this site, I learned that Euros keep their washer & dryer in the kitchen, so it all evens out in the end.

>> No.19951003
File: 57 KB, 640x441, oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19951022

Damn you're making me want some rajma.

>> No.19951512


>> No.19952003

I actually like biting the little cardamom seeds if they come out of the pod

>> No.19952187

Thank you sir


I kind of like rolling a piece of cinnamon or cardamom around in my mouth when I find one in my food. I don't eat the seeds out of cardamom pods though.

I am going to the grocery store tomorrow and will try to do another cook-a-long this week. I'll probably make something with poha because I don't think many people outside of south asia are familiar with it.

>> No.19952568

>tracked down the original comic
>it's even less funny

>> No.19952574


>> No.19952931

Excellent point sir

>> No.19953540

Post your own cooking