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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 700x988, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19940140 No.19940140 [Reply] [Original]

Post what food things are scams and what you think is worth it

>Le Creuset
>Enthusiast grade knives (Just buy commercial kitchen brands)
>anything "ninja"
>propane grills
>wooden cutting boards

Worth it
>high end rice cookers
>copper layered pans
>pizza steel

>> No.19940148

every single take away

>> No.19940154

You mixed up the categories there champ

>> No.19940156

These lists are backwards.

>> No.19940162

worth it

>> No.19940183

>every single take away
wtf is a "take away"? Post in English.

>> No.19940196

it is food that when you order it with uber eats takes away from the years you have left to live. now kindly go fuck yourself, you fat retard

>> No.19940199

Wow, so that post just happened.

>> No.19940203

>oi! wots wif da take away, guvna?
>bloody roit scam, innit, ya?

>> No.19940210


>> No.19940215

Holy esl

>> No.19940217

This. So much this

>> No.19940249

What's the take away from this thread?

>> No.19940252

I'm gonna take your anal virginity away from you if you don't shut up

>> No.19940261

Stay mad, Nigel

>> No.19940268

Any eating place that imposes a minimum tip.
Food delivery apps
Non-stick anything
Expensive salt
Vegan fake whatever
American heart association

>worth it
Cast iron/carbon steel cookware
Toaster ovens (if you don’t have a real oven)
Animal fats (for cooking)

>> No.19940274


>> No.19940278

>Any eating place that imposes a minimum tip.
Is this the same thing as a service charge or something separate?

>> No.19940339

what's the matter with wooden cutting boards?

>> No.19940343

mostly cured cellulose plant matter

>> No.19940364

so what's the problem. don't tell me you use plastic. plastic shavings in your food lmao

>> No.19940374

>ESL didn't get the joke
I hate what this site has become

>> No.19940377

sorry, too used to autistics. decent joke. but I'm sure some faggot will say they suck because they're wooden in some "intelligent" way but not actually say why they're bad. OP for example

>> No.19940389
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apology accepted

>> No.19940410

Wine above 20,00 €

>> No.19940464

>20,00 €
wtf gibberish is this?

>> No.19940473

Taxes in the EU are so bad that a single bottle of middle shelf wine can cost hundreds, if not thousands, of euros. The ironic thing is that they make the wine and export it to the US where it's way cheaper in stores.

>> No.19940489

Yeah but >muh free health care

>> No.19940559

there is absolutely nothing wrong with propane grills and wooden cutting boards. only a problem if you pay extra for "good" ones

>> No.19940681


>Le Creuset
A fine high quality brand. Filters poorfags like no other, which is a major positive.
>Enthusiast grade knives(Just buy commercial kitchen brands
More poorfag cope. Not wrong on its intended merit(that commercial is comparative quality for less $$), wrong because poorfags cannot grasp the concept of exclusivity, style, and personal taste - features that make no sense in commercial applications or poorfags stunted and functionally retarded view of how the world really works.
>anything "ninja"
Fair. I concede this one.
>propane grills
The same people who this retarded position also make gas cooktop threads calling induction, electric, and glass cooktop users plebs and cooklets. Infer your own conclusion here.
>wooden cutting boards
Absolutely fine. The argument here should not be against wooden cutting boards, but retards not practicing food safety. Again, aesthetics play a huge part in a lot of people's enjoyment of life. Again an alien concept to poorfags, are you seeing a theme? I have a beautiful wooden cutting board, and I use it correctly.
This is where you setup your bait correct? You end your list of scams with the least scam kitchen appliance ever made? Where could this bait lead??

Worth it
>High end rice cookers
I had higher hopes for this bait, 2/10, reddit tier
>copper layered pans
Ok - sure, as long as the quality of construction is up to my standards. Wal-shart sells copper layered pans too
>pizza steel
Not even going to bother googling what a pizza steel is

>> No.19940688

>Rice cookers

I can get the same quality of rice from pot method easily, only thing these have going for them is that I don't have to watch them.

>> No.19940690

expensive sushi
premade salads
bread machines
nonstick pans
stainless steel pans
fancier frozen pizzas

>worth it
stand mixer
silicon utensils and cookware
a set of varied spatulas

>> No.19940693

>All these fuckin words
Upvoted & Gold

>> No.19940702

imo, rice cookers are to asia what toasters are to the west

>> No.19940706

And not a single refutation. Typical sub 90 iq nigger tier brain. I accept your surrender.

>> No.19940717

>not a single refutation
>I accept your surrender.
le epic rebuttal mon soir etc. etc. suck my cock you fucking try-hard fag

>> No.19940722

As a former poorfag, something about poorfag seethe just fills my soul with pleasure

>> No.19940759

Every time that someone spams about "poorfags" I immediately assume that they're underaged desperately trying to fit in or feel superior because they're bullied at school and don't have a realistic perspective on life outside of their tiny bubble and this website

>> No.19940761

>The nouveau riche tryhard thinks he's talking to a fellow poor
Oh no wonder you think Le Creuset isn't overpriced poor-bait, you're a fucking scrub. Go back to your Black Friday sales, sweetie.

>> No.19940768

This is absolutely correct. You can spot them by the fact the think that over-paying for basic items is a sign of taste, like >>19940681 fawning over Le Creuset because it's the only expensive brand he's ever heard of.

>> No.19940779

Staubfag detected

>> No.19940787
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posting obvious troll statements.

>> No.19940788

>bagged rice
>canned meat (and i mean shit like canned turkey / canned chicken / etc. not canned tuna or something)
>anything vegan
>anything organic
>"no-bake" shit. I tried a recipe with "no-bake peanut butter balls" one time and realized I literally just made spoons of peanut butter rolled into a ball. what

>> No.19940850

>bagged rice
how else you supposed to get it

>> No.19940856

I get mine individually wrapped

>> No.19940860

You, Sir, have just won the internet.

>> No.19940966

gummy packs.
small ones usually go for a buck, but you can get like 7 times more for the same price if you just buy them by the weight at a dedicated candy store.

>> No.19940978

oh, and forgot: eating pasta at restaurants.
For the most of it you are paying minimum 9 times more than if you cooked it at home

>> No.19941208

"minimum tip" is a particular type of service charge

>> No.19942433

Oh my sweet summer child, let's break this down.

>> No.19942437

bay leaf

>> No.19942443

Agree accept you should switch wood cutting boards and “high end” rice cookers. Low end rice cookers are just fine and wood cutting boards are both cheap and the best.

>> No.19942464

oi its 7 bong

>> No.19942669
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I cooked with copper pans once and it was like nutting in a 10/10 virgin. Made my all-clad seem like a worn out roastie.

>> No.19942694
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My instapot doubles as a lobsterpot.

>> No.19942699
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>> No.19942715

If my bill includes anything else than what I ordered, it's trash.

>> No.19942724


>> No.19942899

holy ESL, batman

>> No.19944073

>oi me bloody take aways

>> No.19944136

The purpose of Le Creuset is to impress women who eat dinner at your house. No pot other than one that costs exactly $250 can communicate the fact that you have a pot that costs $250. In that sense, every penny of the price is justified.

If you personally don't want a pot that performs the function of costing $250 in front of female guests, then you're free not to buy one, but that doesn't make it a "scam." You might as well say that all jewelry, clothing, furniture, cars, decorations, and adornments are a scam.

>> No.19944185
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>Post in English.
I can't even into whether this is bait, or true 'Tardation.
Have a retarded(yuo) anyway

>> No.19944196
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty comprehensive list, anon.
You did leave out the American Cancer society, they've been quiet on myriad truly Carcinogenic foods, drugs and household chems.
I really think they are only in the business of getting more and more money to hold events and sell stickers and T-Shirts to make more and more money...
>INB4 that Sucralose faggot shows up.

>> No.19944206

2013 called it wants its mid-tier slang back

>> No.19944218

You're wrong about the propane

>> No.19944223


>> No.19944228
File: 269 KB, 900x906, Usually FILTHY....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>wooden cutting boards
>Absolutely fine.
Better than fine anon.. Wood cutting boards have always been easier to clean and disinfect than plastic. Bamboo is fine too.
I think the difference is that the plastic ones can be chucked into the dishwasher along with the dildoes and other sex toys for lazy disinfection, but in a restaurant setting, those things get pretty filthy no matter how much you scrub 'em. That's why everything is constantly wiped down with Sani-Cleen soaked, service towels.
Either way, filthy people have filthy kitchens.

>> No.19944233

>Le Creuset
You can exploit the Warranty Glitch and get free Le Creuset whenever you want

>> No.19944243

I hear they give GREAT customer servix

>> No.19944258
File: 11 KB, 225x224, Bio-Engineered-Round-up READY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd.
Also, The organic thing isn't a maymay, unless they are LYING about it.
NON-GMO is. That shit can still be sprayed down with Round-up, (99% of the time IS,) and still be Non-GMO.
It was almost never about the genetic modifications of the food, but WHY they were being modified,(to take copious amounts of Glyphosate and not die.)

>> No.19944275

I think it's fair to say that at this point, eating at restaurants is a scam across the board.
It's either way over priced for garbage food, or MASSIVELY overpriced for decent quality food.
There may be rare exceptions, but I doubt it, that shit is built into the whole system.

>> No.19944284

I bought my instant pot in 2014 and have used it once or twice every week since then. It is not a scam.

>> No.19944304

What was the big take away for you?

>> No.19944322

That's the problem. He's being English

>> No.19944376
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_8675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that phrase is as quintessentially UK English as "having a Chinese" or" going to hospital", Innit?
However, having worked in restaurants for over 10 years before almost HATING to cook because of it, I don't get take-out or take-away anymore.
>If only you knew just how bad things really are
I have a fully functional kitchen, and get much more enjoyment from preparing non-pozzed food myself at about 1/6th the cost.
Clean up is easy too, if you CAYG.

>> No.19945130

stop pretending you know English

>> No.19945444

Wasabi you get at most restaurants and at stores is horseradish with green food coloring.

Buying horseradish is basically the same thing but way cheaper.

>> No.19945457
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Also I'm pretty sure that all food labeled organic ALSO has to be non-GMO. So while "non-GMO" labeled foods can have pesticides/herbicides on them, "Organic" labeled foods have to be BOTH non-GMO and chemical free

>> No.19945469

>constantly wiped down with Sani-Cleen soaked, service towels.
Sure it is. If by 'constantly' you mean once or twice a shift, at best.

>> No.19945470

>Organic" labeled foods have to be BOTH non-GMO and chemical free
That's gonna depend greatly on the certifying agency.

>> No.19945489
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>> No.19945496

You can spray pesticides and still call it organic, as long as pesticide itself is organic (E.g pyrethrins when not mixed with other shit).

>> No.19947331

>wooden cutting boards
what do you use? glass ones? have fun with your dull knives

>> No.19947339

based post

>> No.19947366
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You know what I meant. It's picrel bullshit.


I think it's bullshit cus they artificially inflate prices for "organic" just so upper class hipster tastelets jerk themselves off for buying "organic" to feel better. They likely don't give a shit about GMO.

>> No.19947414

Gluten-free oatmeal
Gluten-free potato chips
Gluten-free eggs
Gluten-free ribeye steaks
Gluten-free bacon
Gluten-free butter
Gluten-free cow milk
Gluten-free flour
Gluten-free corn

>> No.19947462

I pretty much agree with you. I'm not trying to sound like some classist douche but I've noticed that a lot of people who grew up poor just don't seem to grasp that value isn't everyone's top priority. When you have enough disposable income, sometimes you just buy stuff because you like it, not because it was the best value. Using something well made and beautiful is pleasurable even if it doesn't offer the optimal price-to-performance ratio from a strictly pragmatic point of view. That doesn't make someone a wasteful idiot, they just have different priorities.

>> No.19947589

Damn nigga that's a lot of words I'm not gonna read.

>> No.19947700

USDA organic absolutely is a meme both because it's mostly feel-good marketing to inflate prices, and because they literally don't even regulate whether the products labeled as organic meet the criteria they set. As long as the producer submitted a plan stating they weren't gonna use any of the methods labeled haram by daddy govt they get the label, even if they test the product and find it doesn't meet the standards.

Look up the rules and they straight up say "if your organic produce has GMOs accidentally that's okay as long as you didn't mean to use them"

>> No.19947741

How is the instant pot a scam? It's an automatic pressure cooker, nothing more, nothing less. And it's a pretty good one.

>> No.19947748

Every bakery unless it's either extremely cheap or extremely expensive

>> No.19947750

To be fair, stuff like gluten-free oatmeal or corn isn't as silly as it sounds. It's common for various grains to all be processed in the same facility leading to cross contamination. If someone has a severe wheat allergy, knowing that their oats or corn is free from trace wheat contaminants could be legitimately valuable information.

>> No.19947760

I get the feeling that your food is mediocre and you force the people eating it to listen to a speech while they eat

>> No.19947794

>Le Creuset
Legit quality
>Enthusiast grade knives (Just buy commercial kitchen brands)
Correct. Knife skill is far, far more important than knife quality. A knife needs to be sharp and stay sharp and that's it. Chemical sharpening services>>>home sharpening
>anything "ninja"
I have no idea what this is. If this is about Monster, Samurai, (Red) Bull etc etc branding then yes. That's utter garbage.
>propane grills
Correct. Charcoal gives better flavour. An open fire is even better.
>wooden cutting boards
As opposed to what? Eating plastic? No thanks. Wooden cutting boards are the way to go.
Anything instant is worthless
>rice cookers
I bet you like air fryers too. They have their use (singular) - like leg warmers on an 80s fitness model. All in all they're pretty useless.
>copper layered pans
I agree. You can tell a cook from the cleanliness of his pans, and copper pans don't lie.
>pizza steel
I have no idea what this is

Worth it:
Sea salt, pepper varieties, vanilla varieties, labels of origin on produce
All branded content. Champagne and ketchup being the best examples. What you pay for is marketing and CEO bonuses, not prime quality grapes or tomatoes.

>> No.19947798

>rice cooker good
>wooden chopping board bad
/ck/ are simple folk, stop exploiting them for (YOU)s

>> No.19947816

Real horseradish root is rare as fuck and is caviar/saffron tier expensive ingredient. Very few people have actually tasted the real thing.

>> No.19947818

You understand. Expressed very well.

>> No.19947847
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>> No.19947908

Im gonna fuck your mom till her pussy froths like an Italian cappuccino. And you can you can come take a sip afterwards.

>> No.19948259
File: 27 KB, 488x488, __GUEST_b4f05304-25b2-426b-a237-ec5f19313f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea what this is. If this is about Monster, Samurai, (Red) Bull etc etc branding then yes. That's utter garbage.
Ninja is a small appliance and cookware brand. There stuff is usually a slight step up from the cheapest brands but not good enough to compete with the truly high end stuff. A lot of their stuff ends up being hyped a ton for some reason.

>> No.19948591

Take your meds.

>> No.19948599
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I'm about to move into a new house and am trying to decide between a conventional toaster and a toaster oven. I like how fast conventional toasters work but toaster ovens are so versatile. I particularly like that you can use them in lieu of a microwave or a full oven. Maybe I'll have enough space for both.

>> No.19948610
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>Le Creuset
ok poor

>> No.19948643

my hot take is that i like my ninja food processor. i didnt pay for it and dont know what the price was (was a gift) so if its expensive maybe its not worth but otherwise id totally reccomend.

>> No.19948646

I have a Kitchenaid question, can someone help?

>> No.19948959

What's your question?

>> No.19948996
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