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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 648 KB, 1024x1024, 1692478706033093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19943001 No.19943001 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone actually enjoy eating game meat compared to regular meat?

>> No.19943003

Us real men who love guns, whisky, conservative values, and anime.
Fuck all sex-havers

>> No.19943006

That's obviously her pet bear. Look how shiny and brushed his fur is.

>> No.19943007

In my personal experience elk tastes fantastic but is not enough of an upgrade to go out of my way for. Most other game is mediocre, and some is absolutely fucking trash and only eaten for the sake of saying you could/for the novelty of eating that animal. Like bear and moose.

>> No.19943033

anon, it's not a real bear. that's not a real human, either. it's not a real photo.

>> No.19943039

rabbit and feral hog...but only if the hog us < 120ish pounds...anything bigger than that is nasty

>> No.19943041

only tried venison and rabbit and didn't care for either

>> No.19943056
File: 439 KB, 456x480, bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know

>> No.19943280

Venison and rabbit, absofuckinglutely.

>> No.19943292

The taste of game meat versus regular meat is subjective and depends on personal preferences. Game meat, like venison or wild boar, often has a distinct flavor that some people find richer and more robust than conventionally raised meats. However, this can also depend on factors like the animal's diet and how it's prepared. It's worth trying both to see which you prefer, as individual taste preferences vary.

>> No.19943305

that you could easily be replaced by an ai and nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.19943316

Anon that applies to literally everybody and will happen in 2026 when we develop AGI and hit the singularity.

At least according to fags on reddit.

>> No.19943334
File: 66 KB, 256x200, 1639173106510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can't pay taxes

>> No.19943347

The concept of the technological singularity refers to a hypothetical point in the future when artificial intelligence would surpass human intelligence, leading to unpredictable and potentially profound changes in society. The idea is theoretical, and there's no consensus on whether or when it might occur.
Predicting the future of AI development involves numerous uncertainties, and experts hold different views on the feasibility and timeline of achieving a technological singularity. It remains a topic of speculation and debate within the scientific and tech communities.

>> No.19943348
File: 516 KB, 788x1095, Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure Venison, Moose, Fishes.

>> No.19943357
File: 44 KB, 480x535, mooseandsqurill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah i see you must not have had the opportunity to have moose. In the Northeast someone amongst our town would win a permit and its so much meat it gets shared around.

>> No.19943359

Yea Rabbit too, its just so incredibly lean.

>> No.19943371
File: 397 KB, 1536x2048, AtypicaldayinMaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moose and deer from the blueberry barrens, bear too, so good.

>> No.19943540

I think it's overrated. I worry about parasites in them so I can never cook a wild game steak rare, which is a shame. I had some 50/50 beef/deer meatballs recently and enjoyed them thoroughly. for steaxn4ayks though definitely overrated.

>> No.19943632

You get fresh poultry delivered to your house? Nice.

>> No.19943880
File: 148 KB, 750x728, lab-tracked-deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does anyone actually enjoy eating game meat compared to regular meat?
Dogs. Dogs love wild game meat more than people food. One exception though is bacon. Also, not meat I know, but cheese

>> No.19943889

Bear can be fantastic. You've obviously only eaten city bears that eat nothing but trash all their lives.

>> No.19944262

It's a painting dumbass.

>> No.19944289

personally I like hogs, and we keep them in pens before eating. The rest sucks IMO and I’ve heard it all before

>> No.19944507

>you just know

>> No.19944535

I hypothesize that one's opinion of game meat is highly relative to their ability to cook.

>> No.19944692


>> No.19944706

How the fuck do you beat heavy, corn-fed deer meat that you shot yourself? Marinate for a few hours, toss on grill and deliciousness. Bear stew's pretty damn good.

>> No.19944728

Yes I do, its immensely satisfying to go through the trouble of hunting, dressing, butchering, cooking and eating an animal. That being said I eat more fish and small game than I do anything else.

>> No.19944737

i took that photo. thats my sister.

>> No.19944749

No. Wild meat sucks.

My boomer hunts as a hobby. I thought he was at least getting free meat or whatever. but he pays so much per pound to "process" it that you could just buy a proper animal for eating

he gives most of the meat away to poor relatives before it gets too old.

>> No.19944786

Its so funny how boom booms will spend a hundred dollars to save twenty. That said best stew I ever ate was opossum, unbelievably rich and tender meat. They're packed with fat.

>> No.19944790

you sound like a wikipeadia bot

>> No.19944815

how should I cook venison steaks that are actually le good

flavor bible says juniper berries goes with it

>> No.19944841

please be real

>> No.19945324

How come AI generated images still look so AI generated. What are you doing AI!?

They always mess up the lighting.

>> No.19945344

Game meat doesn’t taste as good as GMO zog cattle but it’s good for stews and jerky

>> No.19945491

the only good posts itt are the 2 "you just know".
i didn't even read the rest of the thread, I just ctrl+f "you just know"

>> No.19945519

Your taxes don't pay for anything, the government can just print whatever money it needs. Taxes don't fund public goods, they just work as a deterrent from escaping poverty.

>> No.19945536
File: 338 KB, 1426x713, img59628.1426x713-429988641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbit stew

>> No.19945542

What about that bear that eats only blueberries and has sweet purple flesh?

>> No.19945546

lol good one>>19944507

>> No.19946376

i guess it must have been the jews

>> No.19946380

yeah i don't ever eat any meat apart from what the butcher has, but at least in Spain eating rabbit is very common.

>> No.19947418

In small amounts, yeah. I remember so far elk, boar, deer, bear.

>> No.19947709

That bear has the most perfect teeth I've ever seen

>> No.19947980
File: 38 KB, 1200x1200, butt out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he paying to "process" it at all? Surely you could just sell the carcass to a butcher for free money, right? Or you could clean it, cut it up yourself, and just freeze the meat? It's not like cleaning it is difficult with things like picrel.

>Shove it up the deer's ass
>Give it a twist to sever the anus from the rest of the body
>Pull the entire digestive tract out in one fell swoop

>> No.19948012

ai slop

>> No.19948019

Something about the AI filter used here is very unsettling.

>> No.19948089

Can tell you're a city rat.
1: butchers aren't buying random carcasses from people, they don't know where they came from or if they were taken legally. Imagine all your customers getting sick from roadkill. That and the quality of wild game is all over the place, no guarantee some random deer wasn't eating out of dumpsters most its life.
2: Toys like that work once if at all. Processing a 200 pound animal is an involved and messy process. You have to know what you're doing and do it quickly or you'll lose a lot of good meat. It's not like in your video games where you click a button and wait for a ding. Some people rather not deal with all the work and mess and I don't blame them.