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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19932471 No.19932471 [Reply] [Original]

qott: What are you saving for the last minute?
old >>19917715

>> No.19932477

first for sneed

>> No.19932478

I made eggnog, coconut cream was actually a nice touch.

>> No.19932481


>> No.19932499

why would I need a thermometer for my fridge? it's cold

>> No.19932502

are you ok with gays coming to your thanksgiving?

>> No.19932503

of course, you need someone to cuddle and spoon with after your dinner

>> No.19932507

I will allow one gay guy. Any more than that and it's a no-go

>> No.19932520

I'm planning on cooking a turkey in my crockpot (I don't have an oven) any advice?

>> No.19932528
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Which one of them is getting the stuffing?

>> No.19932538

why do you have to assign heterosexual roles to an egalitarian partnership?

>> No.19932556

will it even fit?

>> No.19932560

the one year I had to cook a turkey without an oven I bought a breast and turned it into tendies.

>> No.19932595
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>look who decided to come out of his room

>> No.19932619

German here.
Blueball me on Thanksgiving. Is is more comfy than Christmas or, dare I say, Easter?

>> No.19932623

Turkey just went in the oven at 615am, on track for a noon-ish lunch. Plenty of time for it to cook, rest in her own juices and then pop her back in for a quick crisp.

>> No.19932629

I still have to cook:
the greens (they're already chopped and blanched, I just need to stew them with bacon and onion)
the stuffing (the most labour intensive since I've not prepped the veg yet)
the gelatin dessert (about to make it since it will need time to set)
the cranberry sauce (takes practically no time)
the gravies (made the turkey stock anyway, so that's good)
the butter braised corn (takes literally five minutes)
the sweet potato trifle (already roasted them; just need to blitz with cream and sugar and layer with graham crackers)
the turkey (duh)
We eat around 2pm.

>> No.19932631

Yeah barely. It's about 10lbs.

>> No.19932632

I'm bi but I'll ask my wife if she's okay with me at Thanksgiving.
She better be. I'm cooking the fucking thing.

>> No.19932633

It's like the little brother of Christmas. It really has a lot more focus on togetherness (whereas Christmas is more commercialized). The night before Thanksgiving is often seen as a night to catch up with old friends - lots of people travel back to their hometowns to see family and will spend the night drinking with friends and catching up. Most people take off the day after Thanksgiving too, so it's usually a four day weekend for a lot of people. Plus for many it signals the start of "the holidays", meaning people may put up Christmas decorations this weekend. It's comfy in its own little way. I think you grow to appreciate it more as an adult.

>> No.19932635

Sometimes I forget that some families are just ugly.

>> No.19932663

For me its definitely the flip flopped holiday. Didn't like it young but loved Christmas, now I really don't care for Christmas at all and enjoy Thanksgiving

>> No.19932695

All fags should fucking hang.

>> No.19932730

I'm pretty hung, yeah. Thanks for asking, microdick.

>> No.19932736

The women in that picture are scrumptious though.

>> No.19932739
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Kek at monkeypox faggot. Have you sodomites developed a new type of std yet? Back to ur containment >>/lgbt/ faggot. And stay there.

>> No.19932763

>tfw no hung bf to spend thanksgiving with

>> No.19932805

The irony is that I've definitely fucked more women than you ever will lol
An even bigger irony is that I have willingly fucked dudes but you're still the biggest faggot ITT lmao

I've got to start cooking soon. The missus (I'm >>19932632) just woke up and put a pot of coffee on and fed my kid breakfast before I kick them out of the kitchen for the day so I wouldn't be much company until the meal, anyway.

>> No.19932814

The very fact that 90% of the world population are brownoids, darkies, chinese or other """""people""""" from the third world live in squalor with little to no access to drinkable tap water and therefore being exposed to diseases that are literally extinct in the civilized world and projecting the world demographics to online forums like this very laotian copper engraving chair circle there is a 90% chance that you are one of these above-mentioned subhumans and it's very ironic that you talk about demographics-specific diseases.

>> No.19932822

I take it back. >>19932814 is now the biggest faggot ITT.

stfu lol

>> No.19932828
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The absolute state of this fag cope. Get aids and die faggots.

>> No.19932830

based bi cooking king

>> No.19932846

he doesn't actually like women

>> No.19932857

Ill prolly start the turkey around 10, its just me..maybe invite the girl I fuck off and on over. I dont wanna make a bunch of sides this year so I might just do mashed potatoes and gravy and veggies. I have a can of cranberry sauce so thats too easy. Honestly the onlh reason Im cooking anything this year is because I got a free turkey. Otherwise today is just another day of forever alone.

>> No.19932862

How exactly is cornbread supposed to actually taste? Is it supposed to be dry, salty, cake like? So many variants of cornbread yet people seem to only like only one variant of it never all three. Worth making if never had it before or stick to a biscuit recipe?

>> No.19932870

I think the problem is cornmeal doesn't really hydrate in the time it takes to bake it.
I suggest mixing a cup of cornmeal with 3 cups of milk in a saucepan and stirring over medium heat until it all thickens and is cooked first,

>> No.19932895

fake OP making gay threads

>> No.19932896

When I was in college I lived in germany with a bunch of other international students, for thanksgiving we put on a potluck where everybody brought food from their own countries. Was extremely comfy. Basically it’s just a holiday for getting together with friends and family, eating tasty food and watching football. There are certain foods people only eat during thanksgiving, like turkey, so it’s special for that reason. The tradition comes from the first year american colonists lived here, all their crops failed and they didn’t have enough food to last the winter, so a local indian tribe gave them a bunch of their food, and they had a feast for the harvest with whatever they could scrounge up.

>> No.19932903

Found the brownoids.

>> No.19932926

I have a gay cousin on each side. They’re both very nice kids

>> No.19932935 [DELETED] 
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Time to post your spreads.
Old thread: >>19917715

>> No.19932941


>> No.19932943

Thanksgiving is extremely comfy. Christmas has focus on presents, Easter has focus on Jesus (though both are also quite comfy). Thanksgiving is just about family and friends and putting some thought into how grateful you are to be alive. Though starving to death isn’t really a problem these days that’s the origin. It’s a harvest festival at core. I love how my family does it- the “meal” itself is about 8-12 hours
>wine and cheese out at noon
>board and card games
>grandpa’s records on
>everyone offering a hand in the kitchen
>pets needing pats
>once everyone’s good and drunk, go around the room and say what you’re most thankful for
The food is great but that’s not really the point, though if you’re cooking you do still need to put in the work.

>> No.19932948

Christmas becomes stressful as an adult, thanksgiving remains comfy lol

>> No.19932952

non american here and that does sound comfy, also I don't know why but the parade you have on tv sounds like it'd be nice to watch with your family dunno why. I blame American propaganda

>> No.19932956

If I saw that I’d turn right around and go back to my room.

>> No.19932960

The parade or football game must be on in the background. But it should not be the focus of the day. That is a depressing thanksgiving, just sitting around a TV screen. I wonder how much those football players shovel down after a good game, I hope they all get to go home to a nice meal afterwards.

>> No.19932964

It's a great background option while you start prepping for the big meal.

Not something most people would sit around and actively watch though.

>> No.19933150

Depends on what you're eating it with. If it's your traditional southern potluck meal with pinto beans the dry stuff is a must while the cake-y stuff goes really well with BBQ. I grew up with the dry stuff but I've grown to enjoy the cake stuff more.

>> No.19933154

No sticky?

>> No.19933250

stuffing is in the oven
its kinda soupy I hope it will end up normal
taters are peeled, chopped, and boiling, gonna try chef john gratin recipe maybe

>> No.19933276

family always comes first, chud.
even if they’re “destroying le heccin western values”
all those whiney effeminate right wing commentators you watch? they would all watch your loved ones boil in a vat of piss, just for fun, given the chance.
when shit gets real, your family is all you got.

>> No.19933287
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T-45 minutes. How's the place setting looking, boy-o's?

>> No.19933297

It’s the comfiest holiday of the year. It doesn’t have the religious significance of Christmas or Easter, it really is just an excuse to feast with family and friends. It’s also the unofficial start of our holiday season.

>> No.19933317
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hungry euro here, post more food pics!

>> No.19933319

where are the indians in that pic anon? you racist.

>> No.19933327

fuck, invest in a second table, jesus!

>> No.19933332

>Thanksgiving is just about family and friends and putting some thought into how grateful you are to be alive.
no it's about putting supermarkets in the black.

>> No.19933341

I bet you are the type of person that brings up abortion rights after grace.

>> No.19933353
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Turkey incoming. One of my best.

>> No.19933360
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And pumpkin pie. Not my best.

>> No.19933368

It's not even noon yet on the east coast of the US.

Most thanksgiving meals are mid-afternoon or later.

>> No.19933370
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Simple instant pot garlic mashed potatoes. A classic.

>> No.19933386
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Apple pies and butternut squash still need some time.

>> No.19933447
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Cheese injected

>> No.19933451

that better be butter...

>> No.19933453

Nah man it's a pepper Jack/cheddar bechamel.

>> No.19933462

no. but then we never said grace.
I'm dyed in the wool. conservative. I just state facts. I don't parrot long dead opinions on traditions that should have disappeared 100 years ago.

>> No.19933466
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thank god I'm not eating any of that crap.

>> No.19933469

ITT how to screw up a meal.

>> No.19933479
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>5th year of alcohol free thanksgiving

not even one beer

>> No.19933482

He just said it was cheese, nigger. Can't say I've seen a cheese stuffed turkey before.

>> No.19933484

You've lost me senpai

would some people like that? Sure, offer a cheese sauce on the side.

Injecting that shit so EVERYONE has to suffer through it? No thanks.

>> No.19933490

It's raw... not crispy enough.

>> No.19933510
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Lmao you sound like the edgy faggot that never grew up. I know the facts too but I don't go spouting them off like a sperg when it's clearly not appropriate. Happy Thanksgiving

>> No.19933517

>You've lost me senpai
You are simple.

>> No.19933538

lol what? You think this one meal per year does that? How old are you?
Thanksgiving is nice because it's the one holiday where the entire focus is just on family and food. There are no presents or Easter bunnies or costumes or anything. It's just a giant feast with the family. Watch some football, maybe go outside and play a pickup game or something like that, but it's basically just all about hanging out with family and eating so much that even by American standards you feel like a glutton.

>> No.19933545

are you doing everything yourself? If you host Thanksgiving you're supposed to do the turkey and maybe a couple sides but get the guests to each make a side or something so you're not overwhelmed like this.

>> No.19933566

Depends on where the guests are coming from and how shit they are at cooking.

I've got some family members i'd rather tell to bring alcohol or nothing because anything they try to make will be dog shit.

>> No.19933567

I just bought vodka Tuesday. First time I've even been inside a liquor store in, like, 10 years so this wouldn't even register as a problem for me. ffs, I threw a cookout on the 4th and both of us completely forgot to buy any beers for it because we don't really drink. Had to run out to the supermarket and buy an overpriced case when I realised our error.
Are you keeping sober or have you been invited to a sober dinner the last five years?

My brother is like that. Last Thanksgiving we had together, he spouted off on his insane political beliefs, ones that are complete odds with the rest of the family and didn't shut up until I pointed out that we should keep that shit quiet because it's supposed to be a nice time together and no one brought it up or even anything tangentially related. Even his equally insane wife looked uncomfortable.
I didn't know at the time that our mother would die soon after and we'd never have another family Thanksgiving again so I'm glad I said something so that we'd have a nice final one.

>Christmas or Easter
Those are both Thanksgiving for my family, just with different food, lol
We didn't do gifts for Christmas growing up and after Easter service, the rest of the day was just springtime Thanksgiving

This. He's insane but he's still my brother and after all the shit this family's been through, we're the only siblings we have left, politics be damned.

Chinkoid, actually. Dad's half demichink.

Kinda accurate. I love two and one's dead. The rest I could take'em or leave'em.


picrel just cracked while blending the gelatin for one of the desserts with the butter and milk so I had to order a new one. I'm an hour behind schedule because of it so I have my kid some ants on a kid to tide him over.

>> No.19933569
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>no pic
Here's pic.

>> No.19933570
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Happy thanksgiving frens

>> No.19933573

>have my kid some ants on a kid
GAVE my kid some ants on a LOG
fuck me

>> No.19933589

Remove the blackened crust and cover the cracks/gorges with whipped cream

>> No.19933605

i'm cooking thanksgiving for one. should i do a cook along?

>> No.19933612

If you put effort into it.

>> No.19933614

Yeah, I'm doing it all. Nearly done, but I'm a little behind because >>19933569

It's really not that bad. Cranberries and corn are last minute, greens are cooked, sweet potatoes have been scooped and blended, turkey breast's going in the oven soon and the stuffing, which I'm about to cook in the pan, will go into the oven to finish when the turkey comes out to rest.
I do similar shit every year.

• carrot-and-cauliflower mashed potatoes
• greens
• stock for gravies
• gelatin

Needs doing:
• cranberries
• corn
• layering the trifle
• the stuffing
• the turkey
• thickening the gravies

Once the bird tit goes in, it'll be an hour to get shit finished.

No guests this year.

>> No.19933675

what does that even mean?

>> No.19933683

don't do a cookalong if you're going to half-ass your cooking.

>> No.19933688

what does half assing cooking look like? i'm genuinely confused

>> No.19933689

if you don't know what halfassed cooking is, it's probably what you do everyday, which is why the concept confuses you.

>> No.19933700

you seem oddly hostile, let me guess: michelin star chef?

>> No.19933728

Just me and my gf this year, so it's NY strips, twice-baked potatoes, and roasted brussel sprouts

>> No.19933786
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Happy turkey day. West coast smoker anon here. Sprayed, rotated and added more wood. We're halfway there!

>> No.19933795

I'm thankful for you, anon. Enjoy.

>> No.19933807

Looking good anon, the best turkey I ever had was smoked. It was freshly slaughtered that morning, dressed, prepped for smoking and then put into the smoker all before rigor could set in (so no need to rest the bird for 3-5 days to let the meat loosen up)

Many hours later that evening we had an AMAZING smoked turkey, the best i've ever had and will probably never reach that quality again in my life. But damn was it good.

>> No.19933834

It tasted pretty bad desu :/

>> No.19933842
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>> No.19933855

I had a frozen pizza last year. I should have just done that instead

>> No.19933861
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I'm at the in laws' place, supervising the indirect turkey frying. Not a very difficult job.

>> No.19933862

mashed potatoes. figure ill give myself 2 hours to make. want to save them for last so i don't have to reheat them too much.

>> No.19933866

not american, but how the fuck does it take 2 hours to make mashed potatoes?

>> No.19933871

you were supposed to go to denny's

>> No.19933872

It doesn't

Even with prep maybe 45-60 minutes is enough to make enough mashed potatoes to feed 15 people.

>> No.19933879
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Just wanted to say happy thanksgiving y’all.

Pic unrelated, I saw starlink last night.

>> No.19933880

i would have liked to have a legit thanksgivign with turkey sides pies etc. unfortunately i turned down the invitation to go a family dinner because im a pathetic loser. so im just gonna make myself chicken thighs, brussels sprouts, potatoes, and an apple pie i have in the freezer.

>> No.19933886

Why don’t you want to be with family anon?

>> No.19933901

I don’t like to go out in public

>> No.19933906

that's a big reason you're eating shit alone

>> No.19933910

nta but i go out alone all the time, even talk to people. nothing ever happens. lol

>> No.19933912

because im a pathetic loser

>> No.19933940

I’m not complaining about eating alone, am I? I just didn’t like my microwave meal. It tasted bad

>> No.19933945
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Get over it crybaby. The holidays aren’t just about you.

>> No.19933965

does this give you anxiety? it does for me


>> No.19933977

ok all done cooking
I made chef john's mashed potato gratin except fancied up a bit with a LOT more butter, half and half than the recipe calls for, and chives and roasted garlic, I slightly overcooked the boiled potatoes (don't do this!) but hopefully it evens out cuz it was twice baked
i topped it with a lot of sharp cheddar and parm

I made smooth jellied cranberry sauce with ginger, orange juice and zest, and I pureed and strained it

I made stuffing with 2 chopped up loaves of sourdough, toasted walnuts, caramelized onions and carrots, sage, parsley, rosemary, thyme, a lot of homemade chicken stock (you cannot use too much), and sausage

an apple crumble, they were ALL out of granny smith apples last minute so I got honeycripp
I use a recipe where you bake the crumble topping separately first, also added chopped pecans

and I roasted the turkey (spatchcocked, dry brined, rosemary and sage, buttered) ahead of time

allll doneeee

>> No.19933988
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Not the anon who was responding to you originally but you seem like a Thanksgiving tourist. Make the cook along fun and respond to other anons or post your plate for the collage and stfu.

>> No.19933995

Damn that's badass.

>> No.19934023

it almost definitely won't but im giving myself too much time. they'll boil for like a half hour or more. then mashing and seasoning and whatever maybe another 20. i don't have a recipe. just do it to taste so it takes a bit longer.

>> No.19934027

He's still my brother damn, and I'm way more ok with the brother that's a fudge packer than the one that used to be a heroin addict.

>> No.19934032

There is no way that thing is gonna finish something as big as a turkey in time.

>> No.19934083

>indirect turkey frying

they pour oil in after putting the bird in the chamber?

>> No.19934095


>> No.19934101

I've had fresh beef and fish but never poultry. Jelly. Would love to try.

>> No.19934107

Aww that's how my great granny taught me to make cranberry sauce. Bone apple tea.

>> No.19934131

sounds good happy thanksgiving anon

what time did you begin cooking? 5 hours before dinner?

>> No.19934167
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One last spray. We ignite the rest of the apple wood and leave meat wrappers in the dust.

>> No.19934175

People trying to be moralfags on 4chan of all places will never stop being rich.

>> No.19934182

im tryna get as drunk as i can in an hour before i go but i only have light beer

>> No.19934185

Why do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October anyway? It's the same holiday in origin, meaning and how it's celebrated for them, but they do it on I think the 2nd monday of October instead.

>> No.19934195

The colder on average climate farther north meant the harvest had to be done a month earlier. That's pretty much it, since Thanksgiving is ultimately a harvest celebration. There's no real secret meaning behind it.

>> No.19934197

Canada is further north and thus the end of their harvest happens earlier.

Beyond that it was traditionally late october/early november for hundreds of years until the late 19th and early 20th century when it was set to "a Thursday in november" which then became armestice day/remembrance day combined on november 11th, then they separated the two into distinct holdiays, before finally in the late 1950s setting it to 2nd monday of October.

>> No.19934243
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Plate set, got ham, turkey, cornbread stuffing, green beans with bacon, buttered roll, and grandma’s salad (midwestern macaroni salad tradition)

>> No.19934252
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>grandma admits cant cook like she used to anymore.
No more sinfully good rolls bros...it has ended.

>> No.19934254

>didnt get recipe and instructions years ago
your fault

>> No.19934255
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came back home for thanksgiving, mommy made an excellent dinner now im about to take a nap. hope for a comfy thanksgiving to all you guys as well

>> No.19934259

Its about the soul anon, I can make yeast rolls. Grandma's just hit different.

>> No.19934260

The fact she is still alive and could teach someone hasn't crossed your mind?

>> No.19934303

>hit different
damn zoomer

>> No.19934316

im about a 4 beers down. im gonna stop at the gas station and get a few fake fireballs

>> No.19934323

How did your brother get into heroin? where did your bro meet his dealer?

>> No.19934339

Is it weird to excuse myself for a few minutes to go whack off? I'm an introvert and it helps to recharge my social battery

>> No.19934365

Yes, very.

>> No.19934374
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Finally finished! These sweet potato Rosemary rolls are looking heavenly.

>> No.19934390

thank god I never have thanksgiving at my house
but if I did, I'd just be at the table playing my gba sp before everyone arrived to avoid this

>> No.19934396

>How did your brother get into heroin?
Fucked up shit happened to him as a kid, fucked him up real bad, took to drugs to cope.

>> No.19934404

But where do people even go to get heroin. i've always wondered. like i get weed, but how do people find heroin.

>> No.19934407

That I have no idea, my brother is the reason I vowed to never do any drugs.

>> No.19934412

How did you find out he was doing heroin?

>> No.19934416

Once you know the signs of someone "nodding off" you know whether or not they're on something. As for when he started, from my parents.

>> No.19934426

Hey fellas, just finished my meal at the in-laws, first time not at my family’s house or hosting myself. I have to say, I still prefer cooking but it was nice for once to only make one dish and spend the rest of the time watching my two small children play with their cousins and sip whiskey by my wife and her cousins. Honestly comfy as fuck, hope you all get to experience such simple joy one day of you haven’t already. Have a good one

>> No.19934447
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I blew it

>> No.19934450

and this is why I go low and slow with tin foil covering my bird for most of the cooktime so the breast/white meat doesn't overcook and gives the thicker areas time to reach proper temp.

>> No.19934452
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My meal

>> No.19934453

based, i'm about to pop a 'zza in 'ven

>> No.19934455

What brand? I just used store brand pizza. It was $4

>> No.19934462
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>> No.19934464
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The last smoking hour.
Blast the outside real quick then lowest low.
Dry pan for extra crispy.
Wet pan for gravy baby and wing snacks

>> No.19934468

I’m not a big fan of those. The crust tastes kind of chemically

>> No.19934470

God damn that looks good.

>> No.19934473


>> No.19934490

Mom is sick so brother and I are cooking the whole thing. Going well, gonna try my hand at some glazed shallots now that the turkey is done

>> No.19934492

it was on sale and classic crust was sold out except for plain cheese.

>> No.19934495

Hhahaha. What the fuck did you do?

>> No.19934501
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Snack meat ready
The rest is going in the pot

>> No.19934509

You ate the wings before anybody else could have them? You are a person of very low quality.

>> No.19934510

>are you ok with gays coming to your thanksgiving?
I don't believe in gay people as a concept so sure. You can come to Thanksgiving whatever your bedroom or bathroom habits are.

>> No.19934520

Nothing is more comfy than Christmas Eve night, but Thanksgiving is probably more comfy than Christmas Day. Thanksgiving food is extremely bland, though, even if it's done very competently.

>> No.19934521

Not having the dinner that I'm bringing a dish to till Sunday here. Gonna be Mac and Cheese any recipes you boys swear by?

>> No.19934531

for Mac & Cheese? Use Bobby Flay's method for stovetop Mac. The one that uses evaporated milk, mustard powder, and hot sauce. Whatever you do, don't bake it.

>> No.19934533

Ruined Thanksgiving

>> No.19934544

Buy a smoker for next year. Take low and slow to the extreme.

>> No.19934547

How is your whole day ruined because you overcooked some meat?

>> No.19934553
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I shared them with my dad and brother.
My mom didn't get any because she didn't stop bitching long enough to get the invitation. Now we boil the jeus and make the tatoes.

>> No.19934558

Thanks for the reply anon.

Yes for Mac and Cheese, baked or unbaked is really unimportant to me, I tried searching a bit but can't seem to find the specific recipe you mention? The closest I've found with those 3 ingredients was J Kenji's on Serious Eats.

>> No.19934566
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Now I need to use this backup ham
It's raw!

>> No.19934592
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My bad. It's Alton Brown, not Bobby Flay. This is a great basic mac & cheese recipe. I usually replace 3/4 of the sharp cheddar with a processed cheddar that melts better and sometimes the other 1/4 with smoked gouda or other type of cheese.


>> No.19934596
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My food is on the way. So glad McDonalds is open on thanksgiving.

>> No.19934601
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That was roughly my lunch

>> No.19934602
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Midwest macaroni, pineapple, banana, marshmallow, sour cream, mayonnaise, and miracle whip salad.

>> No.19934603
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>mom bought a brined turkey

>> No.19934607

>$60+ worth of food
>$5 tip on fucking thanksgiving

You're a piece of fucking shit.

>> No.19934632
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He is indeed, I tipped almost that much >>19934601

>> No.19934637
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Sorry bro. maybe ask her if you can help her or she can help you make it.

>> No.19934639

Hope you don't mind me picking your brain a bit more, by processed do you mean mild or american cheddar? I like the idea of using gouda. Have you experimented with any others that you really liked?

>> No.19934645
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Just took it out the pellet smoker. Gonna hold it for a few hours until dinner time.

>> No.19934667

So? Order a pizza

>> No.19934670

Yo wtf that’s so expensive. Why didn’t you just go pick it up

>> No.19934674
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>> No.19934683

>he doesn't think family is just as much a spook as everything else
you are a le heccin westerner Billy

>> No.19934684

Order a meal from Dennys

>> No.19934690

Barring they are not acting like a flamboyant narcissist the entire meal then yes it's fine

>> No.19934693
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I typically use a processed cheddar for the sharpness when i'm just using one cheese and obviously using typically minimum 3/4 processed cheese for the smooth melt. You can use American or something like Velveeta for adequate results, but they're milder so that's probably when you're going to want to supplement something stronger for the remaining 1/4 of the cheese and my favorite is the smoked gouda. Works especially well when making lobster mac & cheese, too

There's a ton of experimentation you can do with blending rich flavors. It's a very forgiving recipe and is great for doing big batches that you can never get tired of eating since there are secondary uses like hamburger macaroni or broccoli mac & cheese.

using 1/4 horseradish cheddar pairs well with beef brisket skillet meal withe leftover mac & cheese.

>> No.19934709

Between all the mashed potatoes and corn I think I ate a full stick of butter in that meal. Now I'm just gonna sit here and wait until the dying feeling goes away so I can have some peach cobbler.

>> No.19934731

I got some buttery rolls, some catfish, some fried tilapia, some boneless motherfucking chicken titties smothered in Sweet Baby Ray's Hickory and Brown Sugar, homemade mash potatoes my nigga, got some macaroni and cheese going and what the fuck you know about motherfucking cornbread you feel me? Then a 26oz Café Valley triple chocolate fudge cake which I'm about to lay down to motherfuckin rest, lay my ballsack on that bitch, I'm gonna destroy that shit dog and then decided to go with a Dutch apple pie by Marie Callender
I'm about to fuck this shit UP. Hell yeah my boy

>> No.19934742

I ignored all the advice in this thread and the previous one and my Thanksgiving dinner turned out absolutely perfect. Thanks again, /ck/!

>> No.19934771

based Silver Spring anon, order Paisano's

>> No.19934780
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Made bread that looks like a little pumpkin again this year

>> No.19934782
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>> No.19934785
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First time making honey glazed ham. Pls rate.

>> No.19934786
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>> No.19934791

looks like pork with honey

>> No.19934798

baste af anon

>> No.19934799
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I’m just about done cooking everything.

>> No.19934812

how do you fuck this up so badly, your gay cousins are going to remember this abortion of a pie for years

>> No.19934817
File: 815 KB, 1836x2095, 20231123_162451-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked a Thanksgiving meal for one. Came out pretty great. I think I have more vegetables on my plate than most Americans.

>> No.19934823

looks like you kept the top elements on just a tad too long during the finishing, but otherwise good

>> No.19934831

>being foreign
>celebrating an American holiday
>by yourself
>"whilst" talking shit about Americans
>on an American-created site about 99% American things
Enjoy your never-ending negative obsession.

>> No.19934839

Sounds like you're the one who's obsessed. I am American comparing myself obviously to other Americans. As you can see there's no sweet potato's, macaroni and cheese or bread on my plate.

>> No.19934842

No American would eat like that. Especially on Thanksgiving. And running down your own country on a site that is now majority-foreign is just beta as fuck.

>> No.19934844
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Not a fan of Turkey.

>> No.19934845


>> No.19934853
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whats your policy on autists?

>> No.19934854

do turkeys go on sale after thanksgiving?

>> No.19934856

Me neither. You did well. Is that creamed green beans?

>> No.19934862

Basic bitch green bean casserole from the can. A guilty pleasure.

>> No.19934867

I decided to do it, came back and half the people were gone
Win win

It was an alix lynx video

>> No.19934868

The French's french fried onions are deep fried in palm oil and are exceptionally unhealthy. Very delicious, though.

>> No.19934870
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fuck yea bro

>> No.19934874
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I hope you ate your giblets, anon

its probably an immigrant that doesnt celebrate doordashing anyways

>> No.19934877


>> No.19934882
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This is super clever and you've inspired me

>> No.19934887
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>pellet smoker
Enjoy your sawdust and plastic.

>> No.19934888
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my store had them for $0.50/lbs but a limit of one, the checkout lady gave me a dirty look when i kept coming back into the store and buying another.I got 6 total before they chased me off

>> No.19934891

hard to fit more than 6-8 in a freezer anyway unless you've got a massive garage deepfreezer

>> No.19934892
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>> No.19934899
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Chicken casserole, green beans, mashed taters. All for me. :)

>> No.19934900
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>> No.19934901
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That looks so fucking good mane.
My nigga.

>> No.19934902

i do but i also bought 3 hams so its packed tight

>> No.19934903

But why is the breading raw?

>> No.19934907

>black people celebrating Thanksgiving
Only AI could create such fantasies

>> No.19934909

someone please post a webm of someone fucking a turkey

>> No.19934910
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i sorry

>> No.19934916
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>> No.19934919

Turkeys are basically ground vultures. I refuse to eat them.

>> No.19934921

Looks like some adequate gruel my dude.

>> No.19934930

Lookin good roastie boi

>> No.19934950

There's no egg or butter on it. I just topped the chicken with it. The chicken was fully cooked and white, don't want to dry it out and don't have a torch to flambe with

>> No.19935042

I washed off the potato I was going to mash earlier and left it sitting on the counter, but I guess there was a little water and it started to rot where it was touching. will it be ok if I cut that part off or should I throw the whole potato out?

>> No.19935045

Use a meat thermometer and probe the white meat and dark meat so this disaster never happens again.

>> No.19935056

Beef just feels wrong on thanksgiving.

>> No.19935058

cube them while they're raw, skin-on, then boil them. Drain in the same pot and mash, adding your ingredients like butter/heavy cream/cream cheese, etc.

>> No.19935062
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R8 my feast
Didn't get to do any shopping yesterday because I had work from noon to midnight :(
Based, looks yummy
'sed 'za 'oyers
I'd be starving to death right now if it wasn't for their goyslop

>> No.19935102

yeah but will the rot fuck the taste up even if I cut the bad part off? it smells pretty nasty. I wouldn't hesitate to just throw it out but I only got 3 potatos left.

>> No.19935121

Kek, are you sure you meant to use that word?

>> No.19935152

>classic firearm
>round in while playing with it
>in a pile of salt and grease, crown of the barrel against a burger
You're trying to bait someone into calling someone a slur aren't you?

>> No.19935170

You don’t want any competition in the gay-off?

>> No.19935180

Based. Blood is thicker than water amigo.

>> No.19935188

I got it for free from my grandpa. I'm never going to sell it so idc about the value of it

>> No.19935191

Looks like someone is about to start playing vatnik roulette.
>You're trying to bait someone into calling someone a slur aren't you?

>> No.19935202

I don't get along with them anymore. No money to travel either. My parents and I have stopped talking last two weeks. I just want to work and get myself a place to live not hear political propaganda and have strangers fish around for how much money/success I have attained in the last twelve months.

I was gonna have a restaurant thanksgiving meal, buty local changed from a holiday menu to a buffet. Price from 60 to 110 dollars. I made Bolognese at home instead.

>> No.19935242

Why did you stop talking to them?

>> No.19935246

It tasted pretty good, thank you very much.

>> No.19935248

well, yeah. rotten potatoes have a very distinct smell. If you can smell it, throw it out.

>> No.19935282

No, maybe that's not the right term. The walls of the cooker thing get very hot and there's a fan. Sort of like an air fryer I guess? The turkey was fantastic.

>> No.19935362

It sucks, almost all the "matriachs" in my family that held all the various branches together have passed and now we're down to a single one. This Thanksgiving was the briefest and least populated one to date.

>> No.19935392

Looks great! Bet they tasted even better than they look

>> No.19935496
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>mom made the best cranberry sauce ive ever had this year
>also made the absolute worst pumpkin pie ive ever had

>> No.19935557

ate and drank too much earlier, feeling like shit now but it was good in the moment. Getting older kinda sucks.

>> No.19935569

I only nibbled on stuffing and rolls this year. I don't really like thanksgiving food.
always dry
>green beans
always undercooked
>pumpkin pie
alright but it's a dessert not actual food
only okay sometimes, if i'm not in the mood i don't want them

>> No.19935612

Props for actually stuffing it. But you shouldve browned the skin better

>> No.19935680

dry brine and spatchcock your turkey next time, once we started doing that it turned turkey into one of my favorite meals of the year.

>> No.19935692

my probe thermometer lied to me and my turkey looked like
when I cut a piece off even though it said 160 when I took it out. I'm eating a plate of sides while it's back in the oven. how dry is this shitbird going to be when I can finally eat it?

>> No.19936019

>Drank 4 low abv beers
Damn this shit really is a depressant

>> No.19936501

>Happy Thanksgiving


>> No.19936504

>lol what? You think this one meal per year does that? How old are you?
they count on it. same as black friday. older than you.

>> No.19936506

memebean casserole.

fucking dinner ruined.

>> No.19936509

If your business's year is made/broken by a single day, you're a failed business.

>> No.19936638
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here was last night's plate. rate please anons

>> No.19936657

I don't know how but somehow the tray of meat I carved off the turkey feels heavier than the bird did, goddamn I have a lot of turkey. I turned the bones into stock last night and plan on turkey noodle soup in the coming weeks. Tonight is open-faced Thanksgiving sandwiches, a layer of everything that was on the table yesterday all stacked together into a Dagwood tower of flavor.

>> No.19936719

Is the tradition of making lemon pigs not a thing anymore here ? Haven’t made one since 2020 but she’s still holding up

>> No.19936737

That's on New Years friendo.

>> No.19936748
File: 883 KB, 4048x2696, quick-and-easy-turkey-tetrazzini-3061823-hero-01-df5900f295734552a70ffa51d30cb7b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone cooking tetrazzini today? As traditional as the bird imo

>> No.19936881

No. We're going to be eating the leftovers straight until we run out of sides then the meat leftover after that will go into soup, stew or sandwiches. Everything should be gone by Thursday Next, which is also the titular character of a very good series of books. First Among Sequels is a particular favourite, despite it being the fourth sequel in the series, though I suppose it /is/ in fact the first book of the sequel series.

>> No.19936987
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A couple fights in particular about school and money and stuff. I still get some texts like "I'll allow you to talk to me again" or "okay let's hear your new plans and see where you're headed", more condescending shit basically.

The last time, my dad ignored the fighting we were doing and said "I'll have your opinion on the Israel war". I said "it's fake and gay like all the rest of their shit" and linked him to a super redpilled conspiracy site. He chimped out over text message and I said "fuck it, enjoy the rabbit hole".

Too busy working to give a fuck. I'll cook cool shit when/if I own a house.

>> No.19937047
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>> No.19937090

It’s not fake retard. Israel is committing genocide.

>> No.19937125

>waaa pissrael
Does it make you mad knowing that some people don't care about Jews or dune coons?

>> No.19937131

stepping on ants is not genocide

>> No.19937591
File: 306 KB, 960x1280, 4B18DD55-09F1-40B6-BF5B-C739E9BC8CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my thanksgiving anons. Sides include:
>green bean casserole
>sweet corn soufflé
>Mac n cheese
>mashed potato’s

>> No.19937594
File: 299 KB, 960x1280, 573EE422-E73B-4FAD-87C9-8D4000BEFF3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the bird by itself

>> No.19937674

drugs are awesome, dont do fucking heroin tho lol

>> No.19937725

lol at the word.

>> No.19937730

>spend all day cooking a big Thanksgiving meal for myself
>end up just getting drunk and eating the premade pie I bought and packaging up all the food I made as leftovers

>> No.19937738

I'd eat the shit out of that plate, good job muttbro

>> No.19937933

In the south it's usually the older women that keep all the family branches together and all the family gatherings are at their houses.

>> No.19938090

>4 carb sides
pick 2

>> No.19938100

double or nothing

>> No.19938143

I thought the same, but in the end.. totally worth it.