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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19928689 No.19928689 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone genuinely hate thanksgiving like I do? First off, nobody in my family can cook a turkey worth shit and it comes out dry as shit always. Then the non-family members just HAVE to be there and drive around to three thanksgivings (I did this once and hated every second of it). Then there are the shit talkers in the family that I can't stand, but no we just have to invite them because it would be "too mean" not to.

>> No.19928694 [DELETED] 

Ungrateful fuck. Go call your mother and tell her you love her (anally)

>> No.19928695

my dysfunctional family larps like they're normal on Thanksgiving and can barely keep it together. usually there's a fight and someone ends up storming off and isn't seen for another year.

>> No.19928704

Anon. Go hug your father and tell him you love him before posting black pilled threads hating on family fun gatherings . Not to mention thanksgiving is a high holiday on /ck/.

>> No.19928725

Needing dedicated obligatory "do thing with people you love" days is fucking bizarre and stupid and I don't understand why people think that I'm being edgy when I say that, despite it being the exact opposite
I buy my mother a present whenever I feel like it; not on Christmas. Christmas is fucking stupid. I make a nice meal for my loved ones whenever I feel like it; not on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is fucking stupid. I don't need the arbitration of the mark on a calendar to tell me when to be nice to people.

>> No.19928739 [DELETED] 

Dude weed

>> No.19928740

That’s not what he meant by high holiday

>> No.19928741

for someone who wants to project kindness so fervently you come across as a very bitter person. I agree kindness shouldn't be tied to days, but if the goal is to foster love and others wish to express love more abundantly at certain times, what's wrong with doing for them on those days and doing for yourself otherwise?

>> No.19928751

>for someone who wants to project kindness so fervently you come across as a very bitter person.
I have ASD and many "normal" behaviors confuse me deeply to the point of immense vexation. Many people do not like to have their routines questioned — perhaps due to a lack of introspection on their part — and choose to resort to insults in lieu of answers. This does not quell my annoyance.
>what's wrong with doing for them on those days
Why those days? Says whom? And why must the main dish be a turkey in particular (I am not asking for the history of Thanksgiving, mind)? Did I miss a vote? Is there a psychic gestalt from which I have been severed?

>> No.19928756 [DELETED] 

Dude weed 420 blaze it

>> No.19928765

it's all about everybody getting their fair share.

normies will say you are edgy anytime you go against the grain.

they too once had those opinions and either grew out of them or gave in the social pressure.

because its mandatory.

>> No.19928767

if I came across as insulting I apologize, wasn't my intention. we're not dissimilar, I feel the same way on certain matters so your feelings certainly aren't wrong.

severance from a psychic gestalt would be correct if you want to define generational cultural practice that way. you don't want or seem to need any history lesson as to what makes holidays holidays, so you have your answer you just don't like that it's not one you had a say in. and yeah, that sucks. we're all living in the aftermath of rampant individual sovereignty. at least you're retained the understanding of kindness - in the end, that'll be your vote

>> No.19928777

im also autistic but christ you type like a fucking faggot

>> No.19928809

Because people who say the same thing as you never gift or cook anything for loved ones, fact.
These holidays are a check by society to see if you're still capable of the absolute minimum, being caring about your family from time to time.

>> No.19928814

>we're all living in the aftermath of rampant individual sovereignty
That's strange because I feel like my rights as an individual are almost never respected since the day I was born. If my individuality was respected, I wouldn't be missing a part of my body that was taken from me without my consent. If anything, OP seems to make a point against the NPC hivemind which treats the individual with zero respect by forcing insane traditions onto everyone.

>Eating food with friends and family that I like?
sounds good

>being forced to spend tie around people who treat me like shit and lost the privilege of being considered friend or family?
>eating food that tastes like shit?

>> No.19928817

>Did I miss a vote? Is there a psychic gestalt from which I have been severed?
No, but you're free (almost).

>> No.19928821

>First off, nobody in my family can cook a turkey worth shit and it comes out dry as shit always.
So it is your job to fix this. I bieve in you to save Thanksgiving, Anon!

>> No.19928835

I don't spend Thanksgiving with family.
I cook a traditional meal with squash, beans, corn, and mushrooms, have pecan pie for dessert, then watch a movie or documentary about colonial era America, drink cider and rum, smoke a cigar, and think about my Pilgrim ancestors

>> No.19928837

Probably all the same poster
>inb4 code edit (You's)

OP you were forced to exist in a shitty world by stupid parents who didn't see or care the world around them was shitty, and chose to damn you to the slow and painful death of old age in this sad soulless uncaring world "because they love you" and
"wanted you to have more than them".


Just be a good person, and be good to other good people, and choose and judge carefully who you trust or choose to care about, but GIVE NO TIME OR RESPECT TO ASSHOLES AND IDIOTS.

>> No.19928843

Came here to say this
Been in charge of the bird for 18 years
Buy turkey and practice, don't do it on the fly on the holiday

>> No.19928847

you're hard to love. I love you anyway. have a blessed and wonderful thanksgiving, anon

>> No.19928849 [DELETED] 

Op owes me a sloppy blow job for his horrendous post. Extra slop and swallow

>> No.19928854

Only applies if you had genuinely shitty parents who raised you in a broken home really
Then again, familial love should always be reciprocal, otherwise its just toxic positivity really

>> No.19928855

>you're hard to love. I love you anyway. have a blessed and wonderful thanksgiving, anon

I don't want the fake love of passive aggressive entitled smug pretentious selfish lemon sucking fart sniffers

You're just disgusted I told the truth, so you hope to kill me with fake kindness with your forked tongue as a sword

>> No.19928856

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I've spent it with family, with friends, I've even worked on turkey day. Sometimes the food is better than other times, but usually the pie makes up for any shortcomings. My worst Thanksgiving memory is when I spent the day with vegans. There's nothing more depressing than a vegan Thanksgiving.

>> No.19928858

I'm not OP

>> No.19928861

I've only shown you understanding this entire thread because you are as worthy of love as all of us. You can feel how you feel, like I said it's understandable and I feel the same way sometimes. I choose to love you and tell you this publicly.

>> No.19928869

>I've only shown you understanding this entire thread because you are as worthy of love as all of us. You can feel how you feel, like I said it's understandable and I feel the same way sometimes. I choose to love you and tell you this publicly.

>agree with OP
>everyone assumes I'm OP
As out of touch as the entire jedi council

>> No.19928877 [DELETED] 

Don't care get on your knees and open up

>> No.19928878

>agree with OP
Well, except that part. I actually love thanksgiving

>> No.19928884

>Don't care get on your knees and open up

>> No.19929072

>star wars reference
What a geek.

>> No.19929084

Sure you're not.
>inb4 code edit (You's)

>> No.19929227

>three thanksgivings
Some people don’t even go to one.
My brother’s in-laws have a tough thanksgiving. Everyone is allergic to something so the food is very bland though well made. Quiet and calm, everyone watching football before and after the meal. Completely dry.
Our own family
>wine pouring by noon
>board and card games out
>chef host could always use a hand in the kitchen
>pets needing pats
>grandpa’s records playing
>people bring obscure and exotic dishes to supplement the traditional ones
>everyone gets stuffed and shitfaced then says what they’re thankful for. Then goes back to games
>teenage cousins drive everyone home (lmao get fukd losers I remember that job)
>return in the morning to have leftover breakfast and retrieve cars
Either Thanksgiving and anything in between is a beautiful thing.

>> No.19929556

Spatchcock your Thanksgiving turkey. You can thank me when you bite into juicy, succulent turkey meat

>> No.19929585

Buy turkey fillet, no one is gonna be mad you're not cooking up all the shitty and inedible parts of the turkey

>> No.19930450

> Only applies if you had genuinely shitty parents

Yep, some wounds never heal, only scar over enough to get on with your own life and try to be a better person than they were.

>> No.19930895


>> No.19930906

Guess it depends on your family. The food being bad really shouldn't be an issue, 90% of turkeys on Thanksgiving are dry. It's about seeing people you like, but if you don't like your family I can see why you wouldn't be a fan of the holiday. I'm not even a social person and don't really like Thanksgiving in particular, but I'm always happier for seeing my family after attending. It forces me to see people I otherwise wouldn't have.

Once you're a big boy you can stop going and become a social outcast and wonder why you're always depressed.

>> No.19930915

Yes, Thanksgiving is easily the worst holiday. I'm lucky since my family never does big family gatherings but it still sucks

>> No.19930945

>nobody in my family can cook a turkey worth shit and it comes out dry as shit always
Brine. Whether you deep fry it or roast it or braise it, you should always let it sit in a brine bath for a bit before you cook it. For me -

brown sugar
maple syrup
kosher salt
bay leaves
orange peel

- overnight then on the smoker for 3-4 hours.

You should always brine poultry even in a pinch. Pickle juice works pretty good for quick brine for about 30 minutes.

>> No.19931438

lmao that's pretty wholesome

>> No.19931477

Damn dude. You’re like, a BAD customer. Have you heard of this character “the joker”? Cause you’re giving me some (why so) SERIOUS joker vibes…

>> No.19931525

Find things to be thankful for in your life, Anon.
God bless.

>> No.19931551

Yeah I was basically disowned by my mother today so not having a great Thanksgiving week.

Always hated it either way, but now I'll definitely hate it going forward. Thanksgiving food is totally overrated. Stuffing is ok.

>> No.19931586


>> No.19931589

Why did she disown you bro?

>> No.19931598

i loved thanksgiving for my entire childhood. it was the only time all year i would ever see my small extended family aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. i looked forward to it and it was pretty much the highlight of my year moslty for the social and family aspect but the food was nice too. i was so excited i would even ask for us to leave wednesday morning instead of thursday so we could have an extra day with family but we rarely did, so basically just 2.5 days a year (thurs afternoon, fri, sat, leave early sunday morning)

then getting into my mid-20s, it became bad because i became a massive loser. just the typical pathetic loser who still lives with his parents, doesn't have a career, no relationships, nothing to talk about. i went from happy to talk to family as a kid to becoming ashamed about what a loser i was. became reclusive, wouldn't really talk much, parents woul get pissed at my silence.

this year is the first one that i just refused to go on the trip (parents left this morning). in the year since turning 30 i've become completely avoidant and pretty sure i have avoidant personality disorder now. i havent seen the family for a number of years, but i could not stomach the idea of going there, being older than 30, still living with parents, still no career, still no relationships, basically nothing in my life, not talking to anyone, being an albatross of awkward misery.

theyre probably having a nice time with family right now and will have a nice meal tomorrow and fun friday as well, while i will be sitting alone in the house for the next 4 days. tomorrow im just making myself chicken. i dont even care anymore.

>> No.19931609
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Buddy, I know this 4chan, so we all haveto be assholes, but here is some honest advice: People like you beyond these surface level things you are worried about. Your company, and YOU are what they love and enjoy. You're still the same person you were when you were a kid. It's ok, they love you. Go see them, I know it is hard.

>> No.19931624

no one becomes a loser in a vacuum, and approaching yourself from the angle of being a loser denies yourself compassion and understanding. something caused a part of you to take control, to try to protect you through reclusion. why it did that is valid. you should talk to that person and understand why they holed up at home and did very little. you have some time to work on you, that's a blessing. show compassion for yourself and maybe next year you can see how others still have it for you

>> No.19931626

>First off, nobody in my family can cook a turkey worth shit and it comes out dry as shit always.

While I come from a family of cooklets, thank god they could follow instructions labeled on the turkey. So at least holiday dinners were fine - decent turkey, or a corn syrup laden ham. Both moist and perfectly edible. Sure everything else was from a can, but that shit is fine.

OP, best you can do is learn your ass to cook, then GTFO on your own.

>> No.19931630

The holiday was created for normal functioning people, it was never envisioned with the modern low functioning autist destroyed by Ritalin and in the womb drinking single mothers.

>> No.19931658
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I used to like thanksgiving, when I was younger. we'd go over to my aunts house full of retards (literally). There was tons of food.

when I got married my mother-in-law made such a good thanksgiving dinner I even liked the turkey she made (I don't normally like turkey).

but then the bullshit started. we were having to try and go to my mothers house and then my wifes mothers house and eat 2 enormous meals in one day.

eventually I stopped talking to my mother for reasons that aren't important, so we only had to do one dinner. but then my mother-in-law was a bit rabid about thanksgiving, we HAD to have it, and it HAD to be done a certain way.

we wanted to skip thanksgiving sometimes and just stay home and relax BUT NO!

one time I asked my mother-in-law if she could stuffing using a different sage that did not have tiny little sticks in it, and she started crying because her mother made it that way. so one year I had my wife borrow her container of dried sage and we picked all the sticks out of it and then put it back without her knowing.

then my mother-in-law went through chemo and got neuropathy in her hands and could no longer cook so we HAD to make thanksgiving. I was getting tired of the same thing and on several occasions I smoked a rib roast, or made pork roast, or something different and you would have thought I shit on the dinner table. She ate it and liked it but "it wasn't the same".

when she died my wife and I didn't do thanksgiving or christmas dinner for 2 years and instead just stayed home or went on a short trip.

I'm done with the large meals for a ton of people, now we either don't do anything or go to someone else for thanksgiving or christmas dinner.

really though I'm done with it, thanksgiving and christmas are for children and selfish stubborn people.

>> No.19931666

no OP but when people browbeat you into doing something that is only being done because "we have always done it", or they have happy time feelings and YOU must do this thing so THEY can relive the happy time feelings. Then the fun and happy times aren't there.

if people don't want to do thanksgiving then the other people should just say fine and let it go.

>> No.19931669

anon your feelings are justified, and if people truly cared about you they'd let you tap out.

I've been there. the "thanksgiving or else" crowd are selfish assholes.

>> No.19931673

i cant see them anyore anyway. its 6 hours away and i cant get there. but regardless, i offer nothing to the family. i dont speak to these people, no text/email, nothing. 4 years since seeing them and not a single utterance to them. i offer nothing.
this is toosmart for me to understand

>> No.19931681

>These holidays are a check by society to see if you're still capable of the absolute minimum
BULLSHIT the holidays have morphed into a thing that makes money for business.

it's not about family, it's not about giving.

it's about getting. people who say it is better to give than to receive are usually the ones expecting to get.

>> No.19931682

>So it is your job to fix this. I bieve in you to save Thanksgiving, Anon!
what a load of shit. it is not his job to "save" thanksgiving. thanksgiving should die.

>> No.19931684

fuck turkey, the turkey industry should die. turkey is garbage food.

>> No.19931688
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hole' up.

>> No.19931695

>I choose to love you and tell you this publicly.
you cannot love someone you never met, I doubt you even know what love is.

>> No.19931698

>It's about seeing people you like,
it's about buying stuff to support the food industry.

90% of the people I have had conversations with about thanksgiving and christmas say they would skip them if they could, but are forced by relatives and society to conform.

>> No.19931706

>they love you
you believe in santa claus to don't you.

>> No.19931713
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Eh just stupid shit. It'll probably end up being fine desu- but yeah getting told "you fucked up our family" isn't doing my holiday spirit any favors

Worst part is I actually didn't do anything to deserve it. Sucks

>> No.19931717

>4 years since seeing them and not a single utterance to them
my mother was such a selfish conniving cunt I didn't talk to her for the last 8 years of her life. I was told she never understood why. narcissistic people never do.

>> No.19931723

people who live brady bunch lives with the waltons as a family, will never understand.

you are not bad for not wanting to buy in to a holiday that has morphed in to drudgery.

>> No.19931752
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just get the popeye turkey

it still shit and overprice but at least it's seasoned

>> No.19931778

Sorry for your troubles homie. Hope you have a good one tomorrow regardless

>> No.19931829

I agree that commodity is stupid, but the point is allowing people to predictably align schedules. Sharing is a lot easier when people are prepared for it and can allot the time and resources for it. Hallmark bullshit aside, aligning it with harvest season is just efficient even in an era with refrigeration. Frankly, with refrigeration, I think we'd be better off if we had another similar holiday in February that wasn't just Valentine's Day. Even if we'd still see spikes in suicide rates, I think it would lower the trend overall.

>> No.19931836

You fucked up our family isn't something a rational person says when you fuck up a meal. So you either did something to deserve it or you have shitty family members that you need to distance yourself from before they want to be your friend to help pay their bills.

>> No.19931905

You sound like a really ungrateful and unpleasant person to be around. Your mother in law wanted one day to be special and you couldn't play along for just a couple of hours? You can have roast and whatever the fuck meat you want 364 days a year, is it really so horrific a task to eat turkey one day a year? Thank god you aren't my father although from what it sounds like you are probably going to be childless except for your furbabies.

>> No.19931999

We have an uncle with a TBI. He’s often good but sometimes insane. He’s still invited and welcome to thanksgiving, we don’t want him alone on the holiday. Don’t spend so much time feeling sorry for yourself, go to thanksgiving.

>> No.19932114

>Once you're a big boy you can stop going and become a social outcast and wonder why you're always depressed.
Being surrounded by strangers is more lonely than being alone

>> No.19932252
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>"hating" a public holiday
We don't have it here but are you retarded and/or underage? Were you sexually abused or something? Same goes for this >>19928837 VERY obviously underage twitter user with the reddit spacing and caps telling you to hate your parents for birthing you. Definitely raped.

>> No.19932255

I laughed because it's relatable.

>> No.19932256
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I feel this from the other way. My grandma used to do it, then my gay uncle but he moved states. So I started doing it. Lasted about one year. Then the next year people ate somewhere else and came as a token that I put out a spread. Then I made it and no one came. Then I made it a week later because everyone said they still wanted to have family thanksgiving but wanted to do it at other peoples' the day of. Then a few years where I made it for me and my parents and sibling. Then a friends one.

Seriously, cooking for other people has just made me hate cooking. Always the criticism and nonchalant not giving a fuck about you making an entire meal when they would bitch about having to rinse off a plate or something not being on a platter in time of serving.

Fuck 'em. And now that I'm a partial owner of assisted living facilities, it's a job now every single holiday because retards and invalids are still humans too and deserve it. I just hate doing it.

>> No.19932257
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One time on Thanksgiving, I accidentally drop the entire boat of gravy on the table and everyone looked disappointed in me. As a result, we lost half the gravy and everyone had to ration the rest of it the whole thanksgiving. Ever since then I've been terrified of handling gravy.

>> No.19933166

>Your mother in law wanted one day to be special and you couldn't play along for just a couple of hours?
now you sound like her.

My wife and I would do things for here ALL year long. My wife was taking care of her when she came down with COPD because she smoked for 35 years. I took her to her chemo, and made thanksgiving AND OTHER dinners for her ALL year long. but let us have thanksgiving off. well FUCK YOU it's tradition. you're selfish for not doing thanksgiving. EVERYTHING you did all year is null and void. people who insist on thanksgiving and christmas should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.

fuck you, you don't know me.

>> No.19933185

many years ago when I had my first very well paying job (1989) I went out and spent $100 for every member of my family ($254 ea. in todays money).

1 year later I get laid off, and could only spend about $20 ea. ($45 in todays money). I mean I could have just skipped it.

One of my sisters opened her present and saw what I got her, and said "what? is that it?"

fucking never bought a gift for any of my relatives ever since.

>> No.19933191

I dont hate it but I do hate my family and their friends, all of whom have to be at our thanksgiving for some reason despite having their own fucking families

I probably wont even show up

>> No.19933192

You should be thankful you say your family "can't cook" but I bet you eat it in your basement in front of your computer just fine

>> No.19933206

prime example of someone who will force everyone to attend thanksgiving OR ELSE personality.


>> No.19933294

i didnt always hate it ,now im 29 and bitter and dislike it but its an excuse to cook so who gives a shit ,the only thing that bothers is all the stupid parties going on around me ill be forced to listen to mexican music until 3 am

>> No.19933713
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Moms planning on staging an impromptu intervention at the table this year
She's gonna fuck it all up
Thanksgiving dinner isn't the time to confront someone about their marital and drug problems woman, think for one second

>> No.19934763

Wrong, I haven't had thanksgiving outside of my immediate family in 10+ years. Just calling it like I see it with limited information. For me you only get one shot at life and only one family. Even if they are dysfunctional I would rather take the chance of something nice happening once a year than nothing at all.

>> No.19934843

>we're all living in the aftermath of rampant individual sovereignty
Jump off a cliff Chang. Just cause you need the government to wipe your ass everytime you crap in a hole doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

>> No.19934851

OP, just don't go.

>> No.19934864

Yeah but he has to tell us about it or it doesn't count. He needs everyone to know how counterculture he is. Down with celebrations, down with family. Everyone live deracinated in their own basement ordering all their meals from grubhub. That is the true american dream.

>> No.19934884

Thanksgiving is always so loud. Loud music, loud people. Everyone is always in a rush before and they do dinner super early so they can go wait in the cold for shit deals on shit products for n word friday. The holidays can suck my dick... at least it won't be as dry as that pos turkey 'dinner.'

>> No.19934908

No. I don't hate Thanksgiving because I'm not a tranny or a commie

>> No.19934953

>Definitely raped.
And you're next little man ;)

>> No.19934957

Fuck you, turkey mogs chicken in every category you dumb moron.

>> No.19935209

Anon, PLEASE tell us what happens when your mom goes full retard on turkey day.

>> No.19935288

Crisis avoided, Thank God
There was miscommunication between her and another relative, earlier last week the plan was to go to their house but their wife had a breakdown and cancelled the whole thing

So my mom and I spent last week buying shit and preparing to host dinner here at home. She texted this plan to them but apparently they never read it
So tonight they called asking when she was showing up to their house for dinner, and she assumed they were joking around, and asked them to bring drinks on their way over. The time for our dinner came and went, an hour later she sent a reminder message in a group text then said relative called and said that they were doing dinner at their home.
They argued back and forth, my mom being mad because of the money spent and time put into preparing a meal for 10 people, and they were mad because she....used a different method of communicating with them (texting) than she did before(calling)
She decided not to go over to their house and we ate dinner together, I told her she'd be laughing about this tomorrow and not to worry about it because now we wont need to cook for days

Some other relatives showed up for a bit and we fed them and hung out together in peace for a bit till they left
We're apparently heading to the other relatives house Sunday for dinner
All's well that ends well

>> No.19935423
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GenX rants abound...
I wouldn't be so stupid to say our gen was the last one to know really large Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners/gatherings, mostly unsullied by rampant consooomerism, but all through the 80s, the family holidays were for most, more about the family getting together and not all the bullshit trappings surrounding it.
Even shit like "Black Friday" is a quintessential Boomer thing, as it really only started in the mid 1950s, when Boomers were kids and poured over the Christmas catalogs that came the week AFTER Thanksgiving, and not this time-pushing advertising we get 2-3 months before, now.
You can add to that all the Family shattering bullshit that started well before the Covid/VAX scams, the absurd RED/BLUE divisions promulgated by TeeVee and eventually the heavily curated and overly-socialized social media.
In the mid 80s, the Yuppies,(Boomers,) took turbo-materialism to new levels, and as with any successful commercial venture, just laid it on harder every successive year.
I really don't know WHEN shit went truly sideways for most families, maybe it was 2008, but whatever the case, MOST American families are incredibly stressed--finances are streched thin, politics have been a ridiculously apparent scam for even midwits, the quality of everything has become minimum 10X shittier than ever before for 120% the price, Low-Trust society has become the norm, and 2/3rds of the population is on some kind of a drug, either due to mental "Illness" or physical infirmity.
There's been a palpable undercurrent of "Keeping up appearances" that nobody really believes, for the last 4 years now.
It doesn't help that either by folly or design, the combination of TOXIC entertainment and social media has generated a tremendous influx of Narcissists and (warranted) Malcontents.
We are all wading through the pools of sludge from a backed up sewage system from a failing empire...
>But hey, at least the Turkey turned out good this year.

>> No.19935443
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>Moms planning on staging an impromptu intervention at the table this year
TFW you finally understand that EVEN YOUR OWN MOTHER is a retarded woman who gets high off creating drama, and is an irrational, emotional midwit know-it-all who can't into reason nor accountability.
PLEASE let us know how it goes down.

>> No.19935447
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I love the concept of Thanksgiving, but the execution is always hampered by most dishes needing to be cooked within ~30 minutes of each other for maximum appeal.

This results in a sort-of mad dash to the finish line, which turns what ought to be a fun time with the folks into a neurotic scramble. Especially if you're making the majority of the meal.

Ideally, Thanksgiving would be perfect if everyone talked beforehand and divided up the meal equally, because leaving it all up to the host just causes issues.

In terms of the actual food...? Meh. Turkey is a deli meat, not a main course. Stuffing, rolls, sweet potatoes, all of this shit is just carbs. No one gives a fuck about cranberry sauce and gravy is overrated. I just enjoy the process of making these things, eating them is boring and unsatisfying.

>> No.19935453

I agree with you on all but one point, so in the spirit of Thanksgiving I'll give you a thumbs up instead of starting an argument about that one point.
>Gravy was fuckin' killer this year.

>> No.19935468
File: 1.50 MB, 300x300, DogCake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree with you on all but one point, so in the spirit of Thanksgiving I'll give you a thumbs up instead of starting an argument about that one point.
I'll be more than amenable, anon.
I appreciate your gracious spirit, however.
What's the one point?
You may be right after all.

>> No.19935473

I really knew I should not have gone to Thanksgiving at the millionaire family members. I am absolutely exhausted and have been having a very hard time at work, including a horrible meeting right at the end of the day Wednesday that left me crying.

But I would look like the weirdo asshole for not showing up. Well i did show up and could not keep it together and looked like even more of a weird ashore and embarrassed myself to boot

>> No.19935476

They really don't- it is a time for the haves to show off all they have to the have nots -- no one actually asks or cares how you are doing its all about just checking in to see who is doing well and to laugh at those who are doing bad.

>> No.19935503

>What's the one point?
>Covid/VAX scams
I can't talk about the vaccine side, but COVID is a real motherfucker. I wound up catching it, and while I never got tubed I did take permanent damage to my sense of smell. More than a few people died in my area, too.
Every other point you made was precisely correct.

Raspberry crumble pie from a local farm, and top-notch vanilla ice cream. Yours?

>> No.19935526
File: 240 KB, 1000x742, Settings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we'll go ahead and let that one lie there then..
I'm told the Olfactory loss doesn't have to be permanent...something something NAC..
Might give it a look.
Tradition at my house is pumpkin pie from my Great grandmothers recipe. Redi-Whip on top.
We had a very smol T-day this year, but everything was great.
>Raspberry crumble pie from a local farm, and top-notch vanilla ice cream
Sounds amazing, sometime next spring, I may have to make an Ice cream thread. At the beginning of summer this year, I just happened to be at a goodwill for something else, and they had the EXACT model ice cream maker I grew up with, in near mint condition for $8.
>pic unrelated

>> No.19935571

>you dont know me
Thank god for that

>> No.19935635

Did no one compliment your new fedora today?

>> No.19936260

Not that anon but I think everyone would benefit from a good hard raping. People think too much of themselves and don't realize they're stinky bags of wet meat.
In a just world these delusions would be brutally destroyed

>> No.19936310

you must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.19936448

what you say when you find out you were wrong, but have to cover for it.

>> No.19936451

lives in a fantasy world as suspected.

>> No.19936453

that's like saying horse shit mogs cow shit.

>> No.19936557

Maybe you should try making crypto bucks so you can retire from being a loser.

>> No.19936660

I'm sorry you will never know the loving touch of another human being or the joy of familial bonds.

>> No.19936708

I love Thanksgiving. Each year my family rotates what we cook, and it gives my relatives and I a chance to introduce the rest of the family to new dishes or techniques. Thanksgiving is 10/10 and I genuinely love it more than any other holiday.

>> No.19936743

I'm a communist tranny and I love thanksgiving

>> No.19937164
File: 58 KB, 870x729, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happily married 29 years.

and you?

>> No.19937178

Jesus christ, a grandpa and still so bitter he can't even pretend to be civil with his one and only family one day a year. I'll say an extra prayer tonight thanking God I wasn't born your son.

>> No.19937390

>I'll say an extra prayer
I will also do nothing.