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19927672 No.19927672 [Reply] [Original]

Babish was raped when he was in a psych ward in Brooklyn last year. I couldn't make this shit up.

Start watching at 10:00

>> No.19927682

i don't care

>> No.19927689

Nobody gives a fuck his last watchable videos are from like 2019

>> No.19927692

oh I agree I can't stand this douche, that's why I find this so funny

>> No.19927696


>> No.19927709

He's like a textbook example of taking a good thing and running it to the ground lmao, maybe the face reveal video truly was where he jumped the shark

>> No.19927729
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how utterly shocking. glad she left him

>> No.19927736

Wait she left him? I haven't followed at all lmao, that's hilarious

>> No.19927737

Not a fan of this avatar of soi, but 8m not about to get schadenfreude from rape tbqh

>> No.19927739

Just about every YouTuber ends up this way, they end up chasing trends or trying to widen their audience and in the process they lose what made them interesting in the first place. The only ones I can think of that have stayed the course the whole time are Chef John and Steve1989, their videos have basically had the same format the entire time and I enjoy them for that.

>> No.19927740

Based and principlespilled

>> No.19927742

I think Kenji is pretty decent too. No bullshit, just doing the stuff and from the ever more rare pov angle too, which is nice.

>> No.19927756

townsends is the funniest

>> No.19927760

Oh my god don't even go there. They literally pushed the nuclear codes in when they started doing that, which is a massive shame because, again, once upon a time a great channel.

>> No.19927779
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I like to make fun of this guy but honestly he’s probably a decent dude. I work in psychiatry and those inpatient psych wards are Hell on Earth. They are comprised entirely of mentally ill people, a large chunk of them are meth addicts having psychosis, staffed mostly by techs that have been there 4 months and are already looking for another job that pays better than $12 an hour, and the occasional overworked MSW. It’s such a travesty, but there really isn’t a realistic solution to improve the system, and things just keep getting worse.

>> No.19927780

Babish has a gimmick which sets a lifespan before you have to branch out, whereas chef john and the dude babish is talking to are just regular food channels. Steve's videos are more fueled by autism and passion than anything else, he has a regular job outside of youtube.

>> No.19927781
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LOL dude totally got KWAB'D

>> No.19927787

The system being shit and Andrew showing obvious signs of narcissism don't have to cancel each other out.

>> No.19927793

>second divorce
He must be a handful

>> No.19927812

are there pictures of the girl?

>> No.19927849

What is with the veins on his forehead?

>> No.19927851

dickhead symptom

>> No.19927861

I wish he went into more detail about it. All he says is that his psych roommate sexually abused him and he moves on. For all we know it could be just him wanting more attention due to his narcissism

>> No.19927866

>his dick was this big

>> No.19927925

She was in at least one of his vids, don't know if he scrubbed it though after the engagement was called off.

>> No.19927934

she was a short blonde that got chubby over the course of their relationship

>> No.19927946

who was the chick with one arm why did he have a chick with one arm in his videos was it just a libtard thing or what

>> No.19927950

Steve is a genius because he prints money from his patreon that collects on a per-month basis instead of per-video and he releases just enough content to keep people from canceling.

>> No.19927983
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he should get with this chick

>> No.19927997

Notanothercookingshow is still pretty much the exact same as it was at the beginning which is nice. Same with Lagerstrom.

>> No.19927999
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>babish culinary universe

>> No.19928010

At least his colon was probably nice and supple from all the good eating.

>> No.19928016

I know this 4chan so maybe I'm asking for too much but can we please not make fun of someone for being sexually assaulted? Call him a goober, a hack, make fun of his tiny whisk, clown on him all you want but sexual assault is some serious shit I wouldn't wish on anybody. This thread is too trashy even by 4chan standards.

>> No.19928019

The takeaway here is his friends had a "work intervention" for him because he ws working "too much" making a mere 2 videos a week. No wonder millenials are poor if they think that's to much work lmao.

>> No.19928021

I just don't really understand how you can hate someone for "being a douche" while you yourself are getting joy out of someone getting raped? There's a disconnect here

>> No.19928022

Shut the fuck up and go back.

>> No.19928025

Guaranteed replies

>> No.19928028


>> No.19928055

yeah could always tell this guy was a bit off.

>> No.19928059

think he got nakadashi'd?

>> No.19928074

did this bitch disappear for good? pretty impressive how she utterly destroyed BA's youtube channel. fuhrer-tier matzoh purge.

>> No.19928122

people still watch this cuck?

>> No.19928283

I don’t like this guy but if he got raped that shit is not funny. Fagusea getting raped, well, now I might have to chuckle.

>> No.19928304

this is what happens when u think your smart as fuck and just overthinking everything

>> No.19928319

>Babish was raped when he was in a psych ward in Brooklyn last year. I couldn't make this shit up.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I bet he coomed 5 times while being ass raped. What a faggot.

>> No.19928323
File: 441 KB, 755x550, asdhfgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats you opinion on if this guy got raped?

>> No.19928329

I don’t know him but I’d prefer he didn’t get raped. Just fagusea.

>> No.19928331

he makes you sign up to his email newsletter if you want his pizza dough recipes though

>> No.19928339

Just use a burner email man. No need for man rape. Unless we’re talkin FAGUSEA heh heh

>> No.19928344

nah, i think charlie needs to be knocked down a peg or two, a raping would do just the trick.

>> No.19928353

psychward for what? being to rich and famous?

>> No.19928355

Cleanse your soul of this evil; celebrating a man with a broken brain getting raped in a psych ward is poison for your soul. God will not look favourably upon you in the final analysis. I wouldn't even wish that fate on Ragusea.

>> No.19928370

why does this board hate ragusea? i like his videos

>> No.19928372

I agree with you, anon. Except for that last part about fagusea.

>> No.19928376

samefag. why are you so obsessed with the guy?

>> No.19928378

Of course I’m the same poster, Adam. Prepare yourself. It’s coming. ;)

>> No.19928381

i thought chlebowski or babish were charisma voids but this guy is even more bland and boring than them. how does he do it? oh and that squinty eyed thing he does makes him look like a douche

>> No.19928389

I am also a douche and I hate myself too. But also this is 4chan, welcome.

>> No.19928395

Sue me but I think he's very sexy

>> No.19928398

>t. cellmate

>> No.19928408

anon you can't stand trial, you're mentally impaired

>> No.19928427


>> No.19928436

You guys do realized that sexual assault can mean a lot of things, not necessarily rape?

>> No.19928450

so what he is complaining he got a free handy?

>> No.19928476

are you saying that by using that term he wants to have his rape and eat it too

>> No.19928480

someone probably just started jerking himself off while maintining intense eye contact. I used to work at a snf with dementia residents, happened all the time. one lady fucked herself with the call light constantly

>> No.19928484

it's my head canon that he was violently creampied in the ass.

>> No.19928496
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>> No.19928497

This. As much as I want it to be true the dude probably just touched him on the butt and made smoochie faces at him. Now he gets to cry rape and gets sympathy views, simple as

>> No.19928511

get raped, faggot

>> No.19928538

i hope one day that someone you love gets violently raped and you could have stopped it but you didn't.

>> No.19928554

I enjoyed his vids when he was trying to make absurd dishes. However, as soon as he ran out of stupid shit to make and started doing normal shit while pushing merchs was when he became gayer than he was already.

>> No.19928571

How the fuck are people this mentally unhinged?

>> No.19928588

Ok Andrew

>> No.19928608

for me it was when he got his faggot knife tattoo. and when i found out he doesn't actually come up with any of the food he cooks, he pays an actual professional chef to do all recipe development and planning. he just a fucking actor. and now he's calling it the 'babish culinary universe,' the absolute ego on this cunt.

>> No.19928616

maybe he shouldn't have done a dat ass reveal in the loony bin.

>> No.19928631

Binging with Babish RAPED? Raped in a psych ward???

>> No.19928634

Which is wild because he's not charismatic at all. The character he portrays just isn't likable.
Alvin being the center of 80% of the content being pushed out is the best thing that's happened to the channel in a long time.

>> No.19928658

He is not a chef in the creation sense, he is more like a fancy cook that can edit.

He started out making stupid dishes from cartoon and shit, so he never had to exercise creativity, which is the true end game being a chef. So, no surprise that he stunted his skills. And w/out the ability to create and come up w/ his own recipes, he could only chase trends and premade shit.

Most of these youtube cooking vids are really just that, a fancy cook.

>> No.19928663

grindring with babish!

>> No.19928680

[Babish voice over] Now it is time for me to get raped by a freakishly large mental patient inmate

>> No.19928686
File: 74 KB, 735x490, 0B9F8087-D9A7-4B10-88D8-281D1E2BF9F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he pays an actual professional chef to do all recipe development and planning. he just a fucking actor.
It's worse than I thought

>> No.19928702

I hope you get buttfucked by several niggers you kike faggot

>> No.19928718

I mean he unironically uses America's Test Kitchen recipes for simple things so it shouldn't be a shocker that he's a fraud

>> No.19928733

now THIS is content

>> No.19928831

Why are youtubers all painting their nails now?

>> No.19928915

Obviously but if he's going to be vague about it because what actually happened was likely next to nothing then I'm going to give him what he wants and play up the severity of the "assault" but for laughs
He is now forever the psych ward's Andy Richter the Swedish German

>> No.19928934

>The only ones I can think of that have stayed the course the whole time
ashens. 17 years of doing exactly the same

>> No.19928943

I have it on good authority that he was anally nakadashi'd. The guy was kissing his neck while he did it. My bro works at that psych ward and saw the security cam footy

>> No.19928948

>enjoyed his vids when he was trying to make absurd dishes.
It had some novelty when he made stuff like Rum Ham.

Now it's all extremely gay and boring.
The over produced video quality was clashing with the absurd dishes. Now it's just the same slop you see everywhere.

>> No.19928957

>full grown ass man admits to getting raped

I will never understand why someone would let this happen, let alone then go on to TELL people about it. I didn't even know I had any respect for this man left to lose, but there it goes.

>> No.19928964

Rape has become a joke ever since sexual assault allegations became weaponized and the term "rape" and even "sexual assault" itself started getting censored on the FAGMAN internet.
These are the consequences of your prissy virtue puritanicalism.

>> No.19928968

Don't paint your nails if you don't want others to take joy in seeing you suffer.

>> No.19928972

Exactly. Painted nails signify that you are a woman there to be taken

>> No.19928987

Give everybody ketamine and see what happens

>> No.19928993

Whenever I looked up recipes and stumbled upon this guy I literally couldn’t believe how shit at cooking he was and how aggressively Jewish he came off as

>> No.19929011

kek what a raped babitch