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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 1100x218, turkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19923708 No.19923708 [Reply] [Original]

Is Adam right? Should be stop trying so hard on the Turkey and rely on the gravy to make it moist and delicious?

>> No.19923724

Yes, just use more gravy, make sure to use the most unhealthy gravy with tons of additives, sugar/fat/salt that exists in the USA.

>> No.19923745

I dunno, I smoke my turkey now and I have zero problems with it being moist and delicious. Easy to do to: just defrost, pull the shit out of the guts, pop onto the smoker, smoke till done internally. Boom, juicy fall apart meat that is fantastic, and turkey leg is just like from the ren fair, so fucking good. Gravy not even required.

And it's not like the oven was ever hard growing up, even my cooklet parents could fucking figure it out. Not sure why Adam is having so much trouble, this shit is already a solved problem.

>> No.19923754

>Not sure why Adam is having so much trouble
Correction, I actually know why. Adam is an autistic retard who can't cook for shit and has retard hot takes on all sorts of crap. So of COURSE he doesn't fucking know how to cook a turkey.

Maybe he should dial up one of his useless PhD buddies and get a lesson on cooking turkey, as if they know anything either.

>> No.19923763

Adam Ragusea is a fucking hack retard who's content who has no right to be as smug as he is given the shit content he peddles

>> No.19923774
File: 529 KB, 1080x1920, 1W5rpGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably used to being on a pedestal as a college professor so anyone questioning him probably makes him very uncomfortable.

>> No.19923781

No, the real advice is to deep fry your Turkey.
Deep fried turkey, done correctly, will be the most moist and delicious you've ever had.

Just be careful to pay attention and not overcook it.
It can go from perfect to ruined surprisingly quickly.

>> No.19923807

>done correctly
I don't trust myself to do this on Thanksgiving and I'm not deep frying multiple Turkeys throughout the year to get some practice in

>> No.19923811

I mean does that sound right to you?
Eat shitty turkey but slather it in sauce?

>> No.19923817

That's good advice for frying in general

turkey is probably trickier because of the sheer size though

>> No.19923834
File: 287 KB, 540x335, b2c-flasker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you need a gas line

>> No.19923836

>Ceramic top is good because induction is good

>> No.19923842

I have a high end induction stovetop, cost me an arm and a dick. But I wouldn't rely on it in a pro kitchen. In the end it's a computer and subject to bugs and issues. For example one time it got some moisture ingress and the touch controls spazzed out for a week until it dried. Other than that it heats like a motherfucker and it's great for teaching my kids how to cook since the heat goes in the pot, not around it.
Not n US, we don't allow indoor propane tanks. You can poke a hole in the wall and keep the tank outside if you want.

>> No.19925254

This is easily the most retarded video that he's ever made, and that's saying something. The way to make turkey taste good is so easy, you'd be an idiot not to do it: cook the white meat to 145 F. If you let it rest for 10 minutes (which you should do no matter what), then the meat becomes fully pasteurized. The dark meat needs to be cooked longer, but you can just use Adam's method of frying the bird on the stove, which actually does work really well.

>> No.19925284

I liked his anti turkey seethe video
just skip gay meme meat and make something good

>> No.19925324

Its my house and I can do whatever I want.

>> No.19925329

With the price of Sneed cooking oil now, the cost of deepfrying an average fatass american turkey is just obscene now

>> No.19925341

I automatically disregard the opinion of "men" that look like FtMs

>> No.19925346

This nigga burned down his own house, his opinions are worth NEGATIVE value.

>> No.19925356

someone post the Chef John memes

>> No.19925358
File: 179 KB, 700x1050, IMG_2114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional thanksgiving gravy is just Turkey drippings and flour cooked into a roux, retard-kun

>> No.19925367

Is it smug to CONSTANTLY be going "this is what I like, you might be different!" sometimes multiple times per video?

>> No.19925374

With his faggy voice and whiny attitude? Yes,

>> No.19925386

I'm excited to see how much he loses his mind next year with Trump

>> No.19926615
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>> No.19926621

Oh, look. Ragusa is necro-bumping his adve...uh, I mean threads again.

>> No.19926624

That post is a new IP dipshit

>> No.19926625

Damn what a little bitch boy faggot Adam is. Pretty ironic for him to call the commentor elitist.

>> No.19926638

We all remember when you figured out how to reset your IP and couldn't help replying to yourself with one word posts every couple hours to keep your shill threads on page 1. Pathetic.

>> No.19926646
File: 2.62 MB, 2048x1598, V4VGJYSX6ONIFN7BJZCCY6NZJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course anon, no skin of my ass either way.
Maybe your neighbors care tho.

>> No.19926700

shouldnt of build the house of wood xd
captcha: P00JYP

>> No.19926778

>but trying to make your wife's pussy taste good without the aid of the bull's cum is folly, in part because the methods that ...

>> No.19926797

It's peak Reddit, a habit ingrained from constantly fretting that something you said might be deemed offensive to some mutant and their pet mods

>> No.19926799

What a colossal waste of a human being

>> No.19926800

Maybe if you're a cooklet like Adam is.

>> No.19926819

Speaking of youtubers I don't like, I just randomly ran into this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKVkQqFeTsQ&pp=ygUGYmFiaXNo where Babish says he was molested in a psych ward last year? lmao. Around 10:00

>> No.19926868

holy shit lmao, getting diddled in a brooklyn psych ward. josh clearly wasnt expecting this, i used to not like him too much but he has grown on me. still not gonna watch 90% of his content though.

>> No.19926910


>> No.19926933

>Adam is an autistic retard who can't cook for shit
He can cook but he treats his idiosyncratic way of cooking as gospel while simultaneously stammering youdoyoufriend like the conflict avoidant autist that he is.

>> No.19926965

>Chimping out because someone said glass tops are bad (they are bad)
what a tard.

>> No.19926973

This happened in my state because thousands of feet below the house abandoned gas wells eventually let left over natural gas escape into the house via cracks in the basement.

>> No.19927070

He is incredibly thin-skinned and you can tell he has an insecurity problem in his videos when he makes a statement followed by the likes of "and I don't care if you think it's bad, it's how I do it".

He feels the need to back himself up against possible future criticism. A well-adjusted man usually doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.19927230

>Is Adam right?
No, never.

>> No.19927327

It is. It's condescending. It only magnifies the speaker's solipsism when he acknowledges there are other people who feel differently but he can't begin to fathom how or why. Either speak with confidence or shut up and listen.

>> No.19927459

i feel like he would have a one line acknowledgment.

>> No.19927468

>Is Adam right? Should be stop trying so hard on the Turkey and rely on the gravy to make it moist and delicious?
Turkey wouldn't be made WITHOUT gravy, so what kind of idiot would claim otherwise. Adam, that's who. He's not logical because he's only average intelligence. Your gravy can be very basic and straight up simple, and be delicious as well. Browned flavor is delicious, that's why.

To make a moist turkey, simply don't buy a deep freeze turkey, but a fresh turkey, and cook it with a thermometer. Duh. Deeply frozen flesh brown down muscle fibers, which in turn have moisture loss and mushiness when you brine it.

>> No.19927547

Also put a bowl of water in the oven on the bottom rack. I do this with everything I roast and it makes all the difference.

>> No.19927987

he talks about how his wife has to use a dildo to get off in this video

>> No.19928420

>used to being on a pedestal as a college professor
tenure is a double edged blade, occasionally I would get fantastic teachers who truly loved to teach their material and you would be enraptured by their teachings, other times some fucking jew trying to peddle his bullshit course required published books for 200 a pop.

>> No.19929567

This can also easily turn into a house fire so cook with care

>> No.19929674
File: 48 KB, 596x628, ed7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a self entitled faggot he is, glad I have never heard of this cunt before.

>> No.19929686

Look at his nose. No wonder he hates gas ovens.

>> No.19929692

for different reasons, adam

>> No.19929700

I think "Don't be a retard" is the unspoken rule of cooking all the time, but it's /ck/ so I appreciate the heads up. o7

>> No.19929753

cook turkey at 200F and its not dry

>> No.19929756

You could just... you know, not roast it whole.

>> No.19929770

How's your third-world country treating you buddy?

>> No.19930882

This is it
Thanksgiving is more about the "spectacle" of a whole roasted turkey rather than good tasting turkey.

>> No.19930892

What more can you do to a turkey except brine it and then cook low and slow however with your fav herbs/butter under the skin? Seems like anything more than that is all gravy

>> No.19930952

Very pleb. My shit turns out very well every year because I cook low, properly baste, and use a good whole bird roasting pan with a lid.

>> No.19930965

I ran into Pierre while at work the other day. What a depressed bastard carting his kids around.

>> No.19930994

I'm making a turkey stock for my gravy but it tastes like shit. I just pulled all the bits out of it and am going to reduce it by 1/3 and then season it. What do I do if it still tastes like shit?

>> No.19931068

Not my problem.

>> No.19931085

you'll just have to get store bought with aromatics and some gelatin.

>> No.19931102

I just don't know why it tastes like shit to me but I've never made any stock before. It was the turkey carcass, onions, garlic, rosemary, thyme, peppercorn, and some carrots. There's no reason for it to taste bad.

>> No.19931166

Did you skim the scum off the top?

>> No.19931521

Literally just spatchcock the bird. They are always delicious.

>> No.19931789

>dont make the food good just drown it in condiments!!!!
Absolute fucking retard, no that faggot is never right. What people need to stop falling for is basting (unironically results in dry breasts) and injecting (does fucking nothing). A simple brine prior to cooking will infuse the turkey with plenty of flavor and the less time it spends cooking the juicier it will be, making gravy not unwelcome but unnecessary.

>> No.19931814

Not being able to make turkey taste cook is the primo ultimate sign of being a cooklet retard.