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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19909613 No.19909613 [Reply] [Original]

>single handedly propped up western civilization for a millennia providing clean drinking water
>tastes great if you’re not a child
>now hated because Seattle hipsters popularized a shitty style
What gives?

>> No.19909673

who cares if anyone hates it. just drink whatever you want

>> No.19909675

you can drink it, i need my slaves alive for the winter

>> No.19909681

I drink a very low hop beer swill

>> No.19909801

>>single handedly propped up western civilization for a millennia providing clean drinking water
It's a myth that Europeans didn't have access to clean drinking water and turned to fermented or distilled beverages.
>>now hated because Seattle hipsters popularized a shitty style
IPAs taste great if you're not a child

>> No.19909815

>It's a myth that Europeans didn't have access to clean drinking water and turned to fermented or distilled beverages.

>> No.19909826

Does it make ANY FUCKING SENSE that it took europeans until like 1950 to figure out that running water through a jug full of charcoal and linen made you get sick a lot less

>> No.19909829

The meta is shifting back to macro brews dont worry.
>captcha: 42RTS

>> No.19909842

Imagine posting on /ck/ and not being learned on food history.


>> No.19909855

beer tasting good at all to anyone is a total psyop
it's neurotoxic and your body tells you that with the first sip.

>> No.19909864

you have a child’s palate

>> No.19909866

What region of the world might your ancestors be from?

>> No.19909875

If you’re drinking American grains you’re going to get bowel cancer

>> No.19909895
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>now hated because Seattle hipsters popularized a shitty style
they are intentionally doing it to everything they touch and the next generation doesn't have context to even know whats what so they just think thats the way of things

>> No.19909903

beer is food and great for fattening up the field hands for the winter

>> No.19909919

> IPAs taste great if you're not a child
Anyone who’s honest with themselves know it’s not a fun time to choke down an excessively bitter hop bomb. If you actually like the taste of IPA, you must not have any functional taste buds.

>> No.19909936
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yea since the concept of germs was even more absurd then believing God kill their brother because they masturbated yesterday.
And if that sounds dumb to you just realize we're currently doing something equally as dumb that people will look back on with befuddlement

>> No.19909986
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this is a historically accurate plague mask they would stuff with hay/straw for a filter back in the year of 1373, they kinda worked just like beer kinda worked as well and it was a simple way to purify a huge amount of water that could be stored for long periods without bacteria growth

>> No.19909991


>> No.19910001
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nothing but cane sugar for me

>> No.19910004

No one hates beer because hipster fags like IPAs you fucking spastic

>> No.19910018

i hated bitter, sour and spicy things but then i kicked a 10 year opioid habit then i couldn't get enough of those flavors

>> No.19910025

yes they do idiot.

>> No.19910032
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For me, at the end of a long work day it’s a shot of whiskey and a PBR, the beer for the working Man.

>> No.19910043
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>> No.19910058

My main issue with IPAs and the Hazy trend that followed them is that it became acceptable to leave in that bit of yeast (or an entire glass in the case of a hazy). That stuff gives me the shits and took me a few years to realize this was the culprit. Stick to lagers and pilsners with zero problems, but IPAs and Hazy's dominate the any tap list these days. The trend is starting to reverse, with some decent lagers starting to get made again, but for years you would get scoffed at for not going for the "superior" IPAs. Meanwhile German lagers are able to taste amazing without needing a shitload of hops or some fruit infusion

>> No.19910170

yeah anybody who doesn’t love JUST HOPS is a child! you are definitely the mature person

>> No.19910185

There’s a homebrew shop nearby that thankfully recognizes the value of variety. A third of their fridge is still dedicated to the 200 regional hazy IPAs since im in the PNW and that shits still popular here, but they also have a huge selection of nearly every style and a lot of good foreign imports that I can’t find anywhere else.

>> No.19910204

That's nice, especially the foreign import selection. Like I said, I think the trend is shifting more in that direction so I'm optimistic about the future of beer.

>> No.19910207

I'll drink just about any beer but IPA's are overrated. their flavor is hamfisted, in your face and zero subtlety. preferring an IPA to something like a Miller High Life is immature, hipsters aren't sophisticated enough to enjoy standard issue beer

>> No.19910252
File: 379 KB, 2000x1333, hard-apple-cider-stock-2000x1333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Burger
>Drank cider
>Protestants, women, and progressives work together to ban alcohol
>Everyone cuts down cider trees cause their apples taste like shit
>Have to drink OP's bullshit instead when it gets repealed since the orchards were wiped out
>Hot sauce connoisseurs have slowly brought back good cider from its sugary piss water status
I fucking hate the 18th amendment.

>> No.19910262

IPA > macrobrew lager

>> No.19910355

IPA is such dogshit. It's the beverage equivalent of being a cuckold. Palette spoiled to the point it can only take the most unpleasant aspect of the experience. America is hell

>> No.19910569

you can't binge drink cider without shitting your pants and getting diabetes

>> No.19910724

Cum it is then, just like yesterday.

>> No.19910747

This. Beer tasted like shit when I was 18 and it still tastes like shit now that I'm 30. All the faggots who scream 'muh mature tastebuds' can tongue my anus.

>> No.19910759

> hey mom look! I posted it!

>> No.19910767

>western civilization

>> No.19910771

anyone here unable to drink beer? even a single beer makes my stomach upset and two pretty much guarantees I will need to throw up.

i don't have that with any other alcoholic drink. i am wondering if I am allergic or something like that.

>> No.19910776

yes, it's probably the yeast. does this happen when you drink very clear lager type beers too?

>> No.19910778
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There's a theory that beer brewing lead to farming and thus civilization.

>> No.19910791

Yes many people your age and younger grew up getting fed only frozen pizza and tendies from their single mothers

>> No.19910795

You're not making the point you think your making

>> No.19910802

This but wine. I'm a full blown functioning alcoholic but just one glass of wine gives me the worst fucking headache

>> No.19910826
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is also good for you

>> No.19910857

Sorry but guinness sucks ass compared to literally any other stout, at least in the US.

>> No.19910886

Regular IPA can be alright, but the west coast style of IPA just tastes like hops pickled in urine.

>> No.19910896

Skill issue, I love a good dry cider

>> No.19910904
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Whats a good cookbook/booze book for cocktails? Im drunk and need recs plox

I offer peak Alizee as tribute

>> No.19910968


>> No.19910974
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, Rainier_Beer_and_Mount_Rainier_from_Mount_St._Helens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now hated because Seattle hipsters popularized a shitty style
not gonna argue with that but I do wanna point out that Seattle also invented the platonic ideal "just a beer" beer so it evens out IMO. Picrel.

>> No.19911119

No you suck ass

Also its best fresh at the Dublin brewery
It would be a lot better in the US if we could brew it here

>> No.19911124

God damn shes so fucking fine bros

Also theres a cocktail thread up check there

>> No.19911138

Even to this day common first world water supplies have trace amounts of bleach administered in order to prevent microorganisms from contaminating the water supply.
At what point in history do you think there was never any micro organism growth in the wells and rivers?

>> No.19911799

Stout = sour = doppelbock = Belgian dubbels and quadrupels > other Belgian ales > shit > lager > IPA

>> No.19911829

>providing clean drinking water
No. You moron. People drank dirty water in the past. If you live in a place with bad drinking water, like Mexico or India, your body adapts to it.

>> No.19911875
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>Gives you more bitch tits than soy
Total alcoholic death inshallah

>> No.19911880

Yes because that's an extremely arbitrary thing to do for people who had no understanding of how diseases worked or what germs were

>> No.19911885

this image triggers me because it's edited (the pictured enemy is called a ripper)

>> No.19911889

>>Hot sauce connoisseurs have slowly brought back good cider from its sugary piss water status

>> No.19911895

proofread before you post.
makes you look like less of an idiot.

>> No.19911967

They do make it in the US, brainlet. Guinness has a brewery in Baltimore.

>> No.19912008

>tastes great if you’re not a child
>What gives
You being incorrect. Adults might be more tolerant of bitterness than children, but that doesn't mean adults enjoy the taste of IPAs. People just like and dislike what they like and dislike. They don't dislike IPAs because of the hipster fad. They never liked IPAs in the first place.
And then those who dislike IPAs starting getting fed up with two thirds of the taps being IPAs because everything was trying to capitalize on some forced hipster fad. Do you know how disappointing it is to go to a bar only to find out that they only have one, maybe two lagers on tap, and sometimes they're lagers you don't care for at that?

>> No.19912021

>Guinness has a brewery in Baltimore.
Can confirm. It's right near the airport.

>> No.19912486

Not beer, wine

>> No.19912582
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I'm Irish and I'm 100% sure that if I drank Guinness in America I would think it was shite as well.

>> No.19912589
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>> No.19912983
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>anyone here unable to drink beer?

I haven't had a beer (Bells Two Hearted is my favorite) since the Superbowl, as I get a headache after the first one or two (been drinking Long Island Iceteas instead) and this also happened to me about 10 years back but after a year, I went back to beer with no problems. Someone told me the headaches are from the tannins in the hops?

>> No.19912984
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>> No.19913003
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Humans were harvesting the much more common and wide spread wild grains long before they started farming.

>> No.19913095

You're probably just a huge Pussy. Harden the fuck up bro.

>> No.19913494


>> No.19913532

I live in Ohio and we've got a great selection of non-IPA beers. God bless being uncool.

>> No.19913540

Your body considers anything bitter to possibly be toxic. That's why children typically don't like coffee and tea the first time they try them and even some adults will sweeten them. Beer works the same exact way.

>> No.19913567

>getting diabetes
We’re not talking about angry orchard and similar dogshit. A good cider isn’t more sugary than a beer or wine.

>> No.19913589

I'd rather a Trappist ale or RIS

>> No.19913918
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>> No.19914671

Wild grains of today are still human-modified. Wild grains of pre agriculture were puny compared to modern ones. So were the fruits, but they're bigger in general. And just fermented grains is not a beer. Beer has always been the drink of faggots due to hops, which taste like shit with awful yields, to make beer you have to be wasteful.

>> No.19914743
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> Wild grains of today are still human-modified.

No, "wild" means natural, though the grains we eat today have been modified over the generations.

> Wild grains of pre agriculture were puny compared to modern ones.

Yes, and yet they were more widespread and plentiful then fruit and porridge that was made from them was the ancestor of beer, long before wine.

>> No.19914765
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/lit/ is writing one write now but so far it's mostly shit

>> No.19914808

>I like my beers to taste like I'm suck starting computer duster.
Piss off you pretentious fag.

>> No.19916163

Don't bother. People will perpetuate the small beer meme. In reality it was a way to get calories while also using up all your grain vs letting any of it go to waste.
Even today there are countless streams you can drink from with no issue.

>> No.19916236

Lol, what a backward colony

>> No.19916239

No because I'm not genetically inferior