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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19903736 No.19903736 [Reply] [Original]

You guys quit eating seed oils right? I can't believe I used to eat that shit

>> No.19903762

i learned baking when i quit

>> No.19903763

>muh seed oils

>> No.19903768

But baking calls for vegetable oil?

>> No.19903771

It's just oil, what's wrong that that? Don't throw your boomer logic at me either.

>> No.19903825

i only use butter and occasionally olive oil

>> No.19903839


tinfoilers think it's le bad, academics have shown that's le bullshite.

>> No.19903848

Yeah, it's safe and effective, trust the science !

>> No.19903854

>I do my researching on youtube
Postmodernism was a mistake.

>> No.19903855
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No, anon. the BEST pies are always done with lard, and breads and other pastries have been made for centuries before seed oils were even a thing.
>Olive oil
>coconut oil
>palm oil
Even Hostess fruit pies used to be made with tallow back in the early 80s
Nobody needs that industrial shit to have good bread.
you don't even need an oil to make bread, it's always been put on afterwards, historically.

>> No.19903856

You're saying "trust the science" like it's a meme while touting the words of a youtuber and having done literally 0 research yourself.

I want you to know that the world would be a better place if you killed yourself. I really need you to know that. Think about it a lot. Make the right choice.

>> No.19903857

These snacks are all empty carbs. Thats the bigger problem then all the seed oils they fry them in. If you buy the whole foods store version cooked in lard or whatever, it's still fattening and nutritionally worthless.
I've nearly completely cut out empty carbs. When i want sweets i eat shit like whole wheat bread with dark chocolate or yogurt with local honey. Simple things like that can actually be really good.

>> No.19903865

>it's a meme
It is a meme, that's the funny thing.

>> No.19903872
File: 171 KB, 1130x737, Sneedgoyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck back to Plebbit and binge watching "Raymond Blows the Milkman", or whatever retard brain-pudding you "Le RETARDs" dump into that absurdist cesspool of "Brain" of yours.
Go Vax yourself while you're at it.

>> No.19903873

Lard yes tastes better, but it is way worse for you than vegetable oil.

>> No.19903883

>I have a double-ply tinfoil hat

>> No.19903896
File: 581 KB, 515x745, SneedGoyls2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you puling midwit faggot, I have actual data and current NO-COI research to back my shit up..You have...
What? The News media? Magazine articles?
Debooonker websites?
For fuck yourself, you low information retards. You dipshits mindlessly nod your heads at whatever paid for bullshit the selfsame companies who make this shit crank out and distribute to media outlets, not realizing that not only are they the same companies who make the toxic AG chems that are sprayed on all our foods, but the additives as well, AND the Pharma drugs you are sold when you get the easily predictable afflictions: IBS, type 2 diabetes, obesity and insulin resistance.
Suck it up little piggy, don't mind the screams coming from the next room. How's that HEALTH INSURANCE treating ya?
It is NOT.
>pic related

>> No.19903910

I switched from seed oils to sneed oils and I've never felt better

>> No.19904254

>OxLDL is thought to play an important role in atherosclerosis formation; however, it is the oxidised linoleic acid contained in LDL that leads to harmful OXLAMs, which induces atherosclerosis and CHD. Thus, reducing the amount of dietary linoleic acid, mainly from industrial vegetable/seed oils, will reduce the amount of linoleic acid in LDL and likely reduce oxLDL as well as the risk for CHDcoronary heart disease.
>Generally, polyunsaturated fatty acids favor the oxidation of LDL while monounsaturated fatty acids are less conducive to its formation
Most seed oils are heated to 500F for 30 minutes during the process of making them. This renders them literally rancid, as polyunsaturated fat is very unstable and prone to oxidation. They then undergo a deodorizing process so the consumer cannot tell they are rancid.
Rancid oil is literally, factually and objectively toxic.

>> No.19904257
File: 267 KB, 1109x807, arteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no robust data suggesting saturated fat causes atherosclerosis:
What causes atherosclerosis is, instead, oxidized LDL cholesterol, which you get by eating oxidized fats, meaning the polyunsaturated fats found in common vegetable oils such as soybean oil which are literally rancid by the time you purchase them due to the high heat used in the process of making them:
Saturated fat was the primary fat source for humans for thousands of years, yet heart disease was almost unheard of until humans started eating vegetable oils.
Read the vanderbilt.edu link in this post.

>> No.19904272

I think chicken fat is my favorite cooking oil. GOD it tastes so good.
Render and collect it when you fry chicken skins in a pan. Put chicken drippings in the fridge then scrape it off the top when the water part solidifies below it due to the collagen.

>> No.19904277

What does /ck/ think about high oleic sunflower oil as a cheaper substitute for EVOO?
Seems to have a similar lipid profile to olive oil. I worry that it's just soybean oil sold as high oleic sunflower oil, though, so I'll probably stick with my California Olive Kitchen 100% California EVOO which is lab-tested and confirmed as genuine.

>> No.19904281

BTW I recently taste-tested the California Olive Kitchen 100% California and Global Blend side by side. MASSIVE difference. The 100% California has that bitter note that EVOO is supposed to have. The Global Blend tastes like fucking nothing.

>> No.19904283

EVOO is not oxidized and is fresh and kept cool, the seed oils are rancid, oxidized vie long heat exposure and chemically treated to mask the rancidity. don't fucking do it.

the olive oil is cold pressed from olives and is kept in those green bottles that filter UV light and prevent oxidation, just like beer.

>> No.19904292

EVOO is also rich in antioxidants that counteract all kinds of harmful processes in human organism, not just the oxidized cholesterol. the bitterness largely comes from them but some people prefer a less bitter oil made from more ripe oilives like Spanish EVOO.

>> No.19904294

What about cold-pressed high-oleic sunflower oil?

>> No.19904295

I don't notice the bitterness when I use it in cooking but then I tend to spice my food generously. I'm not really doing the whole drizzle it on bread thing or anything.

>> No.19904304

probably fine in very low quantities, but since seed oils are in almost everything, why?

>> No.19904306

I still eat seed oils because I'm not a schizo

>> No.19904310

not a thing, sunflower seeds aren't cold pressed and unprocessed sunflower oil would taste like shit. if you found such snake oil, knock yourself out

you can add it to salad, pour on rice, add to bread and so on. it has many uses where the flavor is pretty isolated.

>> No.19904314

>I still eat seed oils because I've already got my alzheimers

>> No.19904315

they make you retarded unironically

>> No.19904387

>not a thing
I Googled it and it is a thing that exists.
>unprocessed sunflower oil would taste like shit
Oh. Well that sucks.
Cheaper than authentic EVOO, similar lipid profile to EVOO. Cold-pressed would theoretically have a similarly low amount of oxidized linoleic acid in it to EVOO.

>> No.19904404

Why would the food industry want to help out the pharmaceutical industry? That doesn’t make any sense, my dear schizo.

>> No.19904423

nice. i'm fond of beef tallow myself, i'll have to try that

>> No.19904430

What a dishonest graph. Why are carbs tracked in a different metric? The two are interchangeable so why use the one that makes it look irrelevant?

>> No.19904431

any papers testing said hypothesis?
what is the significance / relevance of this reference?

>> No.19904434

>sneed oils have a positive correlation with diabetes
>no other contributing elements exist

>> No.19904445

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious that the graph doesn’t establish anything. Also the dude who posted it is seemingly a troubled person. Just look at that rambling.

>> No.19904627

>Saturated fat was the primary fat source for humans for thousands of years, yet heart disease was almost unheard of until humans started eating vegetable oils.

You don't think that has quite a lot to do with living a much more sedentary lifestyle and having eliminated the vast majority of deaths from infectious diseases?

>> No.19904638
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>basing your life on what a bunch of terminally online 15-20 year olds on /pol/ tell you

>> No.19904651

>oxLDL/LDL-C ratio was positively associated with severity of coronary atherosclerosis (OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.31–3.14, p < 0.01)
>oxLDL/LDL-C ratio is significantly associated with the severity of coronary atherosclerosis

>> No.19904655

Plenty of people had sedentary lifestyles and lived to old ages before vegetable oils were used.

>> No.19904660

luv seeds
HATE sneed oil. simple as.

>> No.19904670

Not true at all. Prior to 1900, 40% of the population or more were farmers. Farm work was done mostly by hand, and was physically exerting. Many who weren’t farmers were miners, builders, lumber workers, and other high labour jobs. Even if you worked in a factory, you didn’t have a car, and you probably didn’t ride around in a carriage, so you were walking everywhere. That leaves only a small fragment of the upper class, and many of these people were much more physically active than the average modern person because there were no television or video games.

>> No.19904672

>who are women

>> No.19904678

Anyone who was not upper class, women included, were much more physically active than modern people. Everything took more effort before modern technology, and the only escape is being wealthy enough to pay others to do it for you.

>> No.19904682

Yeah they sure got a lot of exercise done in the kitchen.

>> No.19904683

You’re retarded.

>> No.19904686

Not an argument.

>> No.19904690

Yet it’s a true statement.

>> No.19905272

Lard is way BETTER for you than vegetable oil.

>> No.19905331

Academics also stated in front of US Congress that smoking didn't cause lung cancer.

>> No.19905424

Hey, basically I'm just not gonna eat them.
(The seed oils!!)
I know .... UGH I know .....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna eat them is all

>> No.19905578

Can you explain why lard is better for you than vegetable oil based on the chart you posted? I'm retarded and need help.

>> No.19905756

way too much omega 6 (6:3 ratio in body should be 1:1), toxic manufacturing process (deodorants, burning)

>> No.19905773

As soon as I quit sneedoils I got a gf
She lets me blow raspberries on her tummy :^)

>> No.19905792

>having sex outside marriage.
Why don't you marry her and have kids,fucking faggots.

>> No.19905824
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This is all new to me. So I can't have fried chicken anymore, unless I fry it in lard?

>> No.19905849
File: 533 KB, 524x902, Screenshot_20231115-142839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was treated by the owner

>> No.19905878

my mom was showing me how to make egg sandwiches today (break egg, pour it on pan, season, then flip the whites over the yolk and put it in croissant)
i took out olive oil to put on the pan, she grabbed my hand and forced me to use avocado oil instead
>t. zoomer neet

>> No.19905916

Olive oil is fine for cooking most things, unless you're doing really high heat cooking like searing a steak. If you like the flavor olive oil gives then use it. The main reason not to use olive oil for cooking is because it's typically more expensive, and you lose some of the aromatic compounds when it's heated, but if it's not some super fancy exotic varietal olive oil then don't worry about it.

>> No.19905921

just inform her that most avocado oils are either complete scams or rancid

>> No.19905938

image was created by the olive oil mafia.

>> No.19905974

enjoy your deodorized slop juice

>> No.19906087

Don't believe memes.

>> No.19906094

>big pharma
>big agri, big food

>> No.19906292

This. Olive oil is as much a sneed oil as any of the other oils in the graph

>> No.19906298

being contrarian isn't a personality

>> No.19906343

grapeseed oil is good for anal lube

>> No.19906584

Polyunsaturated fat is very unstable and easily oxidized. Oxidized lipids = oxidized LDL cholesterol = clogged arteries.
Polyunsaturated fat can and will oxidize during the manufacturing process. It can and will oxidize during the cooking process. It can and will oxidize inside your body even if eaten uncooked.
Saturated fat is very stable and not easily oxidized.

>> No.19906593

The fake avocado oil thing is worse than the fake olive oil thing because they don't have label certifiers like NAOOA, Applied Sensory or COOC doing lab tests on them and certifying them as genuine, so they can just straight up sell soybean oil and call it olive oil and nobody's testing them to call them out on their bullshit.
At least with olive oil you can buy something with a NAAOA, Applied Sensory or COOC seal on it and know you're getting something that's been lab-tested and certified as genuine.

>> No.19906705

I want to eat all of that. Except the cool ranch shit, I don't understand how people eat that flavor, it's straight rancid.

>> No.19907095

Anyone who can actually read that chart will instantly conclude that vegetable oil has significantly less saturated fat (15%) vs lard (43%). Anyone saying lard is better for you than vegetable oil is trolling.

All oils are bad in that you shouldn't be eating that much of them, but it is clear that dense saturated fat is much worse on your body than polyunsaturated fats (which includes omega-3s).

>> No.19907288


>> No.19907516

>saturated fat is bad

>> No.19907580

>You don't think that has quite a lot to do with living a much more sedentary lifestyle and having eliminated the vast majority of deaths from infectious diseases?
NO. It's caused by super inflammatory seed oils, retard. Now fuck off back to redddit

>> No.19907605
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probably fine, but I'd keep it refrigerated, and it will still go rancid fast.
Ever accidentally use bad sesame oil? That shit can make you violently ill from only a few drops.
I'd stick with the EVOO.
There are ways to reduce strong flavors for other uses, the boiling water trick is the best, but you'll want to do as needed quantities, since, as you stated, you'd be removing some of the things that preserve it longer.

>> No.19907613

>You guys quit eating seed oils right?
Yeh about 2 years ago. Now whenever I eat it, I feel like absolute shit for the rest of the day.

>> No.19907635

I still like sunflower seed oil (expeller pressed) and a little peanut oil is okay for frying.

>> No.19907642

As I stated before, they are often owned by the same parent company.
You know that Bayer owns round-up, right?
You know that J&J and Jannsen are the same company, yeah?
Weak ass shills
>he must be mentally disturbed...Meds..
Go fuck yourself faggots.

>> No.19907656

>can't read a correlation slide
WoW! imagine my surprise.

>> No.19907665

How many boosters?

>> No.19907675

I guess all of the premise of Dickens' Christmas carol was futurism...

>> No.19907686

Are you actually trying to float the Idea that there weren't lots of office workers even as far back as the 1700s? You know where the term "Clerical work" comes from, right?
Those are sedentary lifestyles.

>> No.19907694

tinfoilfag here
I believe the seed oil shit because mcdonalds was around in the 80s and early 90s but america didnt get gigafat until they switched from tallow to oil for fries.

>> No.19907701

This is such an important thing to keep in mind. These dumbfucks try to make it about "authority vs rebellion" or other important-sounding shit like that, but at the end of the day it's about whether or not you elect to heed the words of literal teenagers who just ate a PBJ sandwich for lunch at school earlier and have to get their homework done.

>> No.19907706
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God I love not getting sunburn

>> No.19907713

That's not true.
but much of the Italian olive oil is mostly seed oil with only a little Olive,(fruit, not seed,) added for flavor.
You have to read ALL the labels if you want any sort of control of what you eat--even the shit you've been buying for a decade can change with the next shipment. I've been watching it happen for the last 5 years.

>> No.19907717

>seed oils are in processed garbage
>people who eat processed garbage get fat
>this doe NOT mean that seed oils are bad for you
>overeating is what is bad for you and processed garbage full of fat makes it easy to overeat.

quick breakdown for retards

>> No.19907722

I eat chips. They’re tasty.

>> No.19907728

seed oils ARE the processed garbage

when studies are published saying "Ultra processed food" is linked to poor health its because of soybean oil

>> No.19907745

I'm sorry to inform you, anon. but you've been LIED to in order to sell you both foods and drugs.
Of course, seed oils are only ONE of a few problems with the modern diet, artificial sweeteners, high concentrations of sugar, fructose in particular, and pesticides and herbicides all play a part.
**It's SUGAR that is the main cause of damage to arteries that the body tries to repair with plaque.
You NEED Glucose to fuel your brain and muscles, but much of it is converted from glycogen in the liver.

>> No.19907805

I think the problem isn't using a few teaspoons for your fried rice, but eating packaged meals and snacks all day and every single thing contains one sneed oil or another

>> No.19907821

Really milking that "no ID" angle aren't you?
It's hard to tell if you are just willfully ignorant retards or genuine shills, but your simplistic strawman arguments are weak, and nobody who has actually looked at long term, non-COI studies believes that these health issues are caused by a single issue.
At the same time that McDolans switched from tallow to hydrogenated soybean oil, Artificial sweeteners were flooding the market, Monsanto had ensured that 90%+ of the farms had been using it's proprietary poison for it's aggressive GMO seeds, (Glyphosate had been in use since 1976, ten years prior,) and HFCS had finally destroyed regular cane sugar competition due to massive subsidies won by lobbyists.(The whole reason for the New Coke/Original Coke shuck and jive.)
So, you can be as flippantly retarded as you want, but no one here thinks your low effort spew is me posting.
Hope you have good health insurance, Diabetes, Cancer and degenerative disorders of the GI are a GROWTH INDUSTRY.

>> No.19908653
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How bad is CANOLA oil? I don't know what to replace hummus with for healthy veggie dipping.

>> No.19908816

No, it's literally just fat and sugar all ground up and easily digestible which makes you a fatass and causes inflammation that is the problem. Fuck off with your schizo nonsense. I bet you are a fatass who is doing mental gymnastics trying to find a way you can avoid all the health issues of being a fatass by convincing yourself that it's actually seed oils that is the problem. Protip, you're a dumbass and being a fatass is what is making everyone unhealthy. Just don't be a fatass.

>> No.19909001

Sunflower is good if it's oleic and not linoleic, you can basically ignore the pufautism and still get cheap unsaturated fats.

>> No.19909286
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>It's good if it's not one of the two essential fatty acids for humans

>> No.19909350
File: 228 KB, 1155x677, 1613752355690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.19909415

what does that link have to do with either of my questions? presumably you mean it in response to my second, but the earlier paper was ref to oxLDL alone and the second in relation to the ratio between oxLDL and oxLDL-C (in diabetic patients), i.e. it does not demonstrate pathophysiological significance and its a study limited to people with type-2 diabetes. plz explain its relevance and the relevance of your original citation, and show any paper which tests the hypothesis in the former.

>> No.19909458

my entire family, huh?

>> No.19909542

Aren't pretty much all oils in processed food SEVERELY chemically treated?

>> No.19909546

Olive oil

>> No.19909552
File: 109 KB, 540x540, 16726827604570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way /pol/ memes the generic conspiratorial retards there into weird diets is hilarious
I think it was onions and something else before this
they just have no natural defences against this: joooos do this and here's a study I misunderstood, the west will fall if I don't do this

>> No.19909555

The ACTUAL breakdown is that processed food are overly dense in the digestible 'nutrients' chemically compared to unprocessed food. So it is extremely easy to overeat everything before your body even gets the signal that it is full.

Basically having processed food for a meal means you are eating far more than you should.
And that's not getting into the issue of artificial ingredients that tricks your bodies into the wrong digestion signals.

>> No.19909564

...you want me to eat carrots dipped in olive oil?

>> No.19909585

>pufa shit is essential
lmfao nah

>> No.19909587

Nevermind my mistake, i thought you meant a replacement oil to add into your hummus recipe and not outside of it

>> No.19909592

Seed oils is BS but I do get the baked chips now. it feels like a good compromise between snacking and not and they are crunchier than regular chips.

>> No.19909607

>Seed oils is BS
post your saggy mantits

>> No.19909693

It is extremely funny. Were I more a enterprising man, I might use their extreme susceptibility to half baked dietary conspiracies to my advantage ...buy up a bunch of cut rate, idk, vanilla extract and start shilling it as a way to decalcify your pineal gland or flush out nanobots or some shit

>> No.19909730
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Yes it is.

>> No.19909746

ah well thanks anyway but i'm not ready to start making my own

>> No.19909909

You have cognitive dissonance. Processed garbage is bad, seed oils are ultra-processed garbage, therefore seed oils are bad.

You cant claim seed oils are good while also believing "processed food" is unhealthy.

>> No.19909944
File: 2.63 MB, 1442x5834, 4chan seed oils fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"academics" have not come to an all knowing consensus. kill yourself faggot


>> No.19910382

No, my point is what is bad for you is the quantity of fat, not the type. If you eat a shit ton of sugar and fat you are going to get fat which causes all sorts of health issues. Seed oils are actually healthier types of fats than butter or tallow because they contribute less to raising bad cholesterol, but you will still get fat if you eat a bunch of them. There is nothing logically inconsistent with this and it's not hard to understand so I don't know why you're having trouble with it.

>> No.19910803

>I didn't read any of the links you posted at all
I can tell.

>> No.19910814

>quantity of fat, not the type
midwit take

>> No.19910820

Only hydrogenated, and that's banned now so just regular supermarket lard is fine

>> No.19910822

It’s a sedentary job, which doesn’t necessarily imply a sedentary lifestyle. Before modern technology everything was simply more work. Those clerks still had to walk everywhere, do all the housework, fetch water, etc. life simply required a lot more effort. It’s enough physical activity to push heart problems back enough for most people to have already died of illnesses, of which there were many, or problems from excess alcohol consumption, which were common, or to die of lung cancer from smoking.

>> No.19910829

"plenty" of people do today. Was that supposed to be an argument?

>> No.19910845

So they wash it, filter it, wash it again, filter it again, steam it and use CITRIC ACID?! my god that's a lot of scary GHS words too. might as well chug nuclear feed water

>> No.19911033

fat hands typed this

>> No.19911055
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