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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19902238 No.19902238 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

For me its the mhw3bomber edition.

If you're new, start here. https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old, stop changing the fucking op.

Previous thread:>>19885656

>> No.19902245
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, 20231113_200324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like coffee look at me leedle leedle leedle

>> No.19902259

magical tamper

>> No.19902261

What is the true meaning of coffee?

>> No.19902263

Does anyone make a tamper that has the guide for keeping it level, but doesn't have the spring mechanism?

>> No.19902282

No but I miss being friends with an especially cultured machinist.

>> No.19902285

You ask the roaster to run a small batch of light roast. Hell he probably has some in his personal stash.

>> No.19902292

cheapest roaster you can get away with that isn't bad?

>> No.19902303

Used cement mixer and a small fire.

>> No.19902309

remove the spring

>> No.19902325
File: 78 KB, 1239x825, ghost-burrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill or bluepill me on ghostburrs, just tell me what my opinion is

>> No.19902341


>> No.19902358

Pullman Tampsure? Not really designed as a leveling tamper though.

>> No.19902457

Similar to espresso, you have to dial in grind size for moka. Different grind for different beans, desired extraction, and what you're trying to taste. Range is anywhere between the coarser end of espresso and the finer end of pourover. Yes, that's broad.

>> No.19902463

The Ethiopians here just do a cast iron pan on the stove

>> No.19902515

>technically there IS a roaster
Try asking this roaster if they can roast up a lighter batch for you.

>> No.19902653

Light roast? You mean like for women?

>> No.19902717

what's the point in drinking coffee when all flavor and even the caffeine has been roasted away? just drink coal

>> No.19902722

oops, meant for >>19902653

>> No.19902734

uhh I was recently researching and also asked with no answer. conical burrs produce bimodal grinds while flat burrs produce unimodal grinds which provides a more even extraction but less complex body and more clarity. better for lighter roasts I heard but up to personal preference. conical will produce more fines if you want that for your espresso. flat burrs need a motor so they are all electric beyond apex

>> No.19902752

bot >>19901128

>> No.19902762

okay but you didn't address ghost burrs at all, I already know about normal flat burrs and I already know about conical burrs,

>> No.19902783

Pretty sure there’s no difference in the light roast and dark roast caffeine amount because you are gonna weigh them to the same amount anyways.

Now on an unrelated note I have a question. Is high acidity a meme? I love complex flavors and sweetness but hate acidity and can’t understand how it’s something anyone could desire, but anyways I still buy specialty beans that are described as “high in acidity” and enjoy them because I just go finer and/or use hotter water. Idk if that’s a common thing to do with beans that are listed as high acidity but hey, I’m enjoying it.

>> No.19902812

>can’t understand how it’s something anyone could desire,
perhaps what you are experiencing is sourness, not acidity? would you really describe what you're experiencing as "bright"? perhaps what you're drinking is underextracted and that's colouring what could be pleasant acidity? personally I would always take an acidic fruity coffee over a mellow and chocolatey one

>> No.19902822

Nta. They're interesting, but so is nearly everything else. There's some general ghost burr info in this vid. Some nobody who posts on eaf discord, just did a quick glance through some of his recent comments. 49mm flat hand grinder, comes with a set of ghost burrs too.
>What I can articulate about ghost burrs is this: really sweet, really clean, you can push the acidity with them without ever getting sharp, harsh, or sour. On the acidity note, the acidity is elegant, unlike other burrs that can be a blunt force object with flavor/acidity.
>Ghost burrs are rad, and I don’t give a rip what anyone says.The cafesing orca is really nice for about $200, the brews from those ghosts are really nice.

>> No.19903116


>> No.19903229

Smells like burnt plastic.

>> No.19903261

Is the Kruve espresso glass a meme or is it worth it? Where I can them it in Europe?

>> No.19903263

Do you think it looks cool? Get it. Do you think it's lame? Don't.

>> No.19903279

tastes great tho

>> No.19903282

what does meme mean in this context?
its a glass
it looks cool

>> No.19903304
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got two coffees from coava and a grinder what am i in for?

>> No.19903336

what grinder

>> No.19903364
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I've got a pair of them. They're okay, just not worth $20 a piece for chinaglass. The little lip that forms the double wall is a pain to clean. I like the neat whiskey glass and torch little glass more. The neat aroma "meme" actually works, torch is just a very nice and thick handblown glass.
I hope you rested that rwanda(?) while I was banned for a few weeks. You manage to find a decent green supply yet?

>> No.19903367
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I prefer other stoneware glasses but they’re kind of cool, also >>19903282
meme in the context of pic related.

I can find other dual walled glasses on Amazon here in Europe but they’re not that fancy. delonghi glasses such as these are nice though, for a fraction of the price: https://amzn.eu/d/adibYp3

>> No.19903372


>> No.19903422

yeh i rested it for a week then had a taste and then rested it again for about another week and then brewed the rest.
110 green in, 100 roasted out. i was expecting more of a weight loss.
i waited so long to get the roaster but now that i have it im so busy i hardly have the time, whereas when i started talking about it like 6 months ago i wasn't really busy at all.
my beans tasted exactly like honey nut crunch cereal, idk if you have ever had that.
really good.
my first roast was 110 but i reckon i could do 200ish next time.
but i assume that will change how it roasts.
i took a pic. maybe i will upload it, idk.
the color wasn't as even as i would have liked but thats ok.
i'll probably have to roast again this weekend.
the site i got these greens from seems decent enough.
no burundi but a good selection regardless.
i have 2 bags of a costa rica micro lot, natural process.
very sweet, fruity. pleasant on these hot, humid days.
im almost done with the light roast and will move onto the medium in a couple days.

how are you doing.
i was banned too for about a week, what did you get slapped for?

>> No.19903433

I actually haven't brought one out in a while. It does feel very good in the hand. Nice 3 finger hold, lends itself well to swirling. Its well designed but stirring is always going to be better than swirling if your goal is to blend the layers. Little bit too narrow for the strainer I use with the cold ball meme. Almost too narrow for "raindrop" style espresso.

>> No.19903464

I prefer the simplistic looks of the zwilling line. I don't think the nose is that important compared to the surface area that meeets your mouth

>> No.19903490

Am I missing something with cold brew coffee?
If it's made overnight, you're gonna dilute the fuck out of it with milk or ice, at that point why not just make hot coffee and chill it if you wanted to make a milk drink?
Hot coffee over ice doesn't make any sense either, you're just diluting it with ice and it'll taste like tepid weak coffee.

Or am I supposed to dump milk and sugar in it?
because that's the only way I can imagine these tasting any good.

>> No.19903501

>a more expensive cup made of less material
nice try, merchant

>> No.19903582
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>110 green in, 100 roasted out
About where I'm at. ~115 in ~100+ out. Genecafe says 200g is optimal. 250g max.
>honey nut crunch cereal
I know the exact aroma. Distinctly cereally sweet. If that cereal note is more "forward" than the sweetness, you can develop the roast a little more. Touch hotter, touch longer or both. I've been bumping my heat right at first crack to mitigate any temp flicks.
>move onto the medium
Tailor your roast to the rok. You're not going to be able to extract hyper lights with it like big unimodal flats will, and you know you don't want to scorch your painstakingly curated greens or get into too much weight loss. So get as close as you can. The first 4 videos in this playlist are very good. Get out the stopwatch, figure out some data points, build your frame of reference.
>what did you get slapped for
"Doxxing" the trabozo.

>> No.19903583

To buy expensive gadgets and shit on le wagies.

>> No.19903594
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It’s not more expensive, you’re looking at the price including shipping in your country.

Pic related in $ would be 16, for 2 cups. The kruve set is $39 + shipping and import taxes if I have to order from the us


Will check

Thanks again

>> No.19903606

Yeah I’m going with the swilling, definitely.

Thanks anon who suggested me these. <3

>> No.19903610

this looks so sexual

>> No.19903615

no problem!

>> No.19903630

i did a 5min preheat to get to 210c then 13min roast
obv the temp dropped to 190 between finishing the preheat and starting the roast but it came back to target temp in about a min.
i didnt really understand the temp juggling people talked about before but now i do.
because the machine will hit the target and then will start to like self cool and will start to drop, so it would hit 210 and then a few seconds later start going down to 209,208,207... so you have to adjust the dial up and down to keep it in your targeted sweet spot.
and i gave it another minute so that it had 13 mins at 210 instead of 1-2 minutes at sub target temps.
the cooling took ages. i didnt think it would be that long.
about 5-6 min of cooling and then i put it into a metal sieve with a bowl under it to cool for a couple hours before transferring to my storage container.

i would say overall the profile was underdeveloped.
it felt like there was more potential there.
it was good and had a distinct flavor and smell and it was smooth, no bad... anything really. the only critique is that there wasnt much of an "oomph" which i feel like if i had got these same beans from my usual roaster it would have.

but researching beans, roasting them, resting them and then brewing and drinking the coffee. is pretty unmatched.
there is a certain pride you have when drinking your own beans that you just dont have when drinking from someone else's roaster.

>> No.19903734
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Thats a very long roast for a very small amount of beans. I charge my heater for ~30s, hit 1c @ ~4 min and start the 3min cooling cycle before the end of 1c. No wonder you don't have time to roast. Seems like you're underloading the fuck out of your chamber. I don't know enough about that machine to critique your technique but it feels like you're doing something wrong. I thought that genecafe was just a tilted fluid bed roaster with a drum to agitate. I buy greens off this guy, he can probably help you out.
>but researching beans, roasting them, resting them and then brewing and drinking the coffee. is pretty unmatched
Feels good huh? I think this january will mark my 4th year roasting. Having a stash of select greens on tap is very patrician. Having the ability to turn water into wine brings you closer to enlightenment. You'll get there. Flair Q1 2024?

>> No.19903804

i watched this video
as a guide.
i have only used the machine once since i got it.
and yes i did underload it, because it was my first time and i didnt want to fuck up and "waste" more than i had to
so i felt like 110g was enough to properly use the machine but was enough i was willing to "throw out" in case i totally fucked up.
but i did a good job so like i said next time i will probably use 200 or so grams.
also i will probably preheat higher so i can have a faster start. because it took forever to get to first crack
i think when i finished i had hit the start of 3rd crack.

>Flair Q1 2024?
i actually saved alot more than i expected so i could buy a craig lyn today. but most of the busyness i have had is medical shit.
got my bloods done and had some more dentistry done and i think i might have to go under the knife this year but my doctor is on break until the first of december so i need to have a meeting with him to discuss what to do (nothing life threatening but i have been putting it off for many years and i think i just need to fix it now)
so the flair will probably be 1 year after the grinder
i would say grinder 2024(fuck me its almost 2024!)
flair 2025.
(oh and pour over is combined with grinder because its so cheap its not even something i have to save up for but the rok isn't made for pour over so im not even going to bother right now.)

also i have said before but i have a feeling a new craig lyn model/revision is on the way and i dont want to buy before then.
imagine the egg on my face if i buy a 2022 and they come out with a 2023 model
they haven't really said or done anything all year.
i know you can't wait for me to get into espresso but you will have to be patient for a bit longer
but hey im a roaster anon now so, not all bad.

>> No.19903831

>i'm enlightened and sustainable because i have a coffee shop's worth of equipment for my own personal use
come on now dude

>> No.19903899
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i'm enlightened and sustainable because i have a coffee shop's worth of equipment for my own personal use

>> No.19903913
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I've taken the time to learn what I like and how to prepare it, while cutting down steps in the supply chain. I've got enough greens on hand to last a year or two. The little amount of roasted coffee I buy is from small operations with close ties to the growers. My grounds feed my compost and run a few gardens. Next step is getting some soldiers under my lights and expanding solar. I think having a tent of lion's mane/oyster bags fruiting is probably a more impactful use of my time and space though.
Godspeed roktard. Wish I could help out more with the genecafe. From what I've been reading getting any data logging into it is a bitch so you're left pissing in the wind until things click. All this time I thought it was a tilted freshroast with a rotating chamber but its closer to a behmor.
>imagine the egg on my face if i buy a 2022 and they come out with a 2023 model
Weber key v2 is already out so who knows? I can't imagine CraigLyn is too tied down by existing stock to do a refresh. What else would they add though? Also in other 83mm conical news, mx cool aries is up for preorder now.

>> No.19903941

>eat a strawberry
>drink coffee
>the coffee has notes of strawberry
you can't explain this

>> No.19903977

>What else would they add though?
2-speed transmission gearbox like the weber HG-2 has.
i dont think it has the wiper/distributor on the bottom that the weber has.
burr update?
i wonder if craig lyn wants to be just the "little brother" to weber or if they want to go do something more unique.
i guess the dream scenario is flats
because weber doesnt do that and pietro is a pain to use so idk maybe they could corner the "premium flat burr hand grinder" market.
because right now the HG-2 and HG-1 PRIME 2022 are more or less the same grinder.
same burrs, same look(more or less), pretty much the same crank, same handle.
craig lyn going all in on flats could be the thing that sets them apart other than being weber but cheaper.
(i know the EG-1 has flats but thats not a hand grinder)

>> No.19904037
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hg1p is already geared at 2.5:1 tho. You really don't need to pay for a dark roast second gear you won't use. Got the wiper too.
>craig lyn going all in on flats
That would mean he concedes defeat and lets Doug Weber successfully steal his design. Doubtful. You're wording it like its a Weber clone. You know Lyn was selling it long before LynWeber existed right? EG-1 was also a LynWeber grinder before the split.
> He later switched gears to partner with Paul Nahhas, a classical violist for the San Francisco Opera, in pursuit of the best imaginable manual home coffee grinder. Together they built the HG-One company around the HG-1 grinder, an impeccably sturdy and precise manual grinder built of “heirloom-quality” materials.

>> No.19904055

From looking at that picture, it seems to me that ghost burrs pulverize more than cut the beans like traditional flat or conical burrs.

>> No.19904076

*barges into your thread*
*upheaves your coffee table*
how do you like them apples?

>> No.19904100

>You know Lyn was selling it long before LynWeber existed right?
i dont really know any goffee lore.
i thought the story was weber and lyn came together as business partners and then lyn split to make it in his own style but in a "divorce settlement" they agreed they could both make and sell whatever ideas that already had pre split which is why alot of their products look the same

>> No.19904104

do not engage with the namefag

>> No.19904152

>Originally the company and their flagship product were both called HG-One. Started by Craig Lyn and Paul Nahhas. Paul sold his interest in the business early on back to Craig. A year or so later, Craig took on a new partner Doug Weber, and a new name, Lyn-Weber Workshops arose out of that.
>I don't feel at liberty (it's none of my business) to speak on why they split, but they did. Doug Weber continues the company with the same manufacturing sources in Taiwan as Weber Workshops.
Dougie came in flush with apple cash, left with someone else's designs and hired people he knew from apple who also were flush with expendable stonk cash. I've also heard he didn't actually do shit on the original ipod team but takes credit. Who knows? Apparently they're both cocksuckers and both companies have shit customer service. Raymond over at WW did give my key preorder money back when they didn't have to so thats cool.

>> No.19904329


>> No.19904770

What's the ideal way of making a lungo?
>do a normal espresso shot
>pour in some extra hot water to dilute it
>use more water and have a longer extraction when pulling the shot

>> No.19904774

The former is an americano

>> No.19904793


>> No.19905162

Youre not missing anything, cold brew is crapp. Just brew highly concentrated coffee on top of the ice

>> No.19905174

I'm gonna clean the neglected Nespresso today and see about sourcing reusable pods. But I'm more concerned with finding s grinder before my bueno beans go stale

>> No.19905185
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Has there ever been a liquid nitrogen coffee extraction? Pour over and french press seem safer than bringing liquid nitrogen to 9bar if i had to do it.

>> No.19905190

i guess...

>> No.19905208

>extraction at -196°C
Not happening. Functionally impossible.

>> No.19905228

he freezes the beans.. then grinds them then brews them normally. not what i'm asking.

>Functionally impossible
can you elaborate?

>> No.19905289

>Take roasted coffee beans, grind them into fine or coarse particles and add water.
liquid nitrogen isnt water

>> No.19905307

You need heat to extract things so why the fuck would you attempt to extract shit out of coffee at an extremely cold temperature

>> No.19905324

>You need heat to extract
you can extract at 0c

>> No.19905345

>evidently never heard of cold brew

>> No.19905363

Thats how decaff is made. Caffeine is soluble in liquid co2

>> No.19905376

Really? At 0c? Please tell me how you extract using ice you fucking genius

>> No.19905413

midwit meme but hey you do you

>> No.19905418

how do you think they make coffee ice cream, retard

>> No.19905427
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If you like the sugar cookie latte from Starbucks but want a zero-sugar option I've found that equal parts of each of these replicates the taste pretty well

>> No.19905439
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Getting into coffee, Any recommende recipes for sweet tooths? I really like the sweetness of starbucks fraps, tried making a greek frappe but its still pretty bitter. FYI using instant coffee, not much space for coffee gear sadly.

>> No.19905451
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evidently not

>> No.19905453
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I like my french press more than my v60

>> No.19905484
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Instant coffee is going to be difficult to work with if you don't like bitterness. You can buy something like this to make coldbrew in, which will be less bitter. Put roughly ground coffee in the metal filter, put the filter in the jar, put cold water in the jar, put the jar in the fridge overnight.

If you want your drink to taste like a frappe, you'll need plenty of milk in addition to plenty of sugar. Whole milk is probably what you want. Then you can sweeten to taste with sweetener or flavored syrup.

>> No.19905488

add more sugar

>> No.19905518

There are compounds that cannot be extracted without heat which is why heat is used, in addition to it obviously speeding the process up. Cold brew is disgusting for this reason, it overextracts some compounds due to excessive brew time and underextracts others due to lack of heat. There is no reason whatsoever to attempt a -200C extraction. What possible advantage could that have?

>> No.19905572

It's too cold for any of the soluble compounds to move into the liquid. On top of that, anything you do manage to extract would crystallize once all of the nitrogen evaporates effectively leaving you with granules of instant coffee.

>> No.19905576

well brew ground coffee will not be bitter, trying to work with instant is a wild goose chase.
A moka pot and a hand grinder will not take much space, they're your best choice.
Also if you like starbucks fraps and that stuff just get vanilla and caramel to pour into your drinks.

>> No.19905580

I've been looking at moka pots, i heard that its really easy to get burnt brews?

>> No.19905581

What's a nice setup for espresso if I have 1200$ to spend. Including some high quality cups. Already have a grinder

>> No.19905591

Try adding a small pinch of salt.

>> No.19905594

easy to ruin but easy to get right, it's a delicate balance but once you know how it's done it will always be right.
The aeropress will give you a similar strong coffee but requires more autism about water temp, ratios, weights and timing.
This is the best there is if you don't have the money and space for a real espresso machine.

>> No.19905658
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I svffered through 2 lbs of Costco beans and finally got back to decent beans
When all you use are good beans, you forget how bad covfefe can be

>> No.19905681

granules of instant coffee it is then although it seems to be too cold for them to be extracted. but once they're extracted and the nitrogen evaporates i'd like the granules of instant.
First without any water to taste the pure crystals. Not against adding water

>> No.19905698

Profitec go.
Vienna roast..

>> No.19905757
File: 84 KB, 306x306, staring pepe concerned coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does /ctg/ hate flavored coffee? what has my swiss water method decaf blueberry crumble ever done to you?

>> No.19905761

They’re le whacky, they call their medium roast Vienna and their dark roast French

>> No.19905876

Someone post that webm of espresso pucks being pulled from a discard drawer, covered in chocolate sauce, and served. I have need of it.

>> No.19905892
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>> No.19905900

>tell someone I do pourover with a V60 (literally the most basic way to make coffee)
>Wow you're hardcore
why are they like this

>> No.19905915

Fingoloïds already ten plays ahead. Sorry anon.


>> No.19905935

>the most basic way to make coffee
That would be the cupping method. To normies the most basic coffee brewer would be the french press or simply a pot of hot water.

>> No.19905967

V60 is gay and cringey as fuck

>> No.19905968

it's putting a nespresso pod then clicking on the button. that is the most normie way to brew coffee.

>> No.19905977

Based. Finally an answer to the question.
Thank you

>> No.19905983

Redpill me on the coffee orb.


>> No.19905985

>most normie way to brew coffee
Yes, but that's not the most basic. To normies a pod or drip brewer is still a fancy machine that uses technomancy. Pot of hot water is the most basal brewer.

>> No.19905992

redpill yourself and report back with the findings

>> No.19905993

Sorry the third world was implicitly excluded. This is an american website.

>> No.19906003

>friend visiting
>used to be a barista for a few years
>decides she's gonna show me how a pro makes an espresso
>can't use a grinder (more of a general failure as a human being than as a barista)
>doesn't understand what effect grind size has on espresso and why I'm not using preground
>thinks flow rate has to do with how hard she tamps
>tamps at an angle
>fucks up the shot (basically nothing comes out) which even I'm not entirely sure how she managed
At least she steamed milk well. And didn't break anything this time.

>> No.19906042

Hot liquid hits cold ball. Flavors and aroma that would be lost to steam are "locked in". It does change the cup, but its not a bandaid fix for bad espresso. Probably worth a $20 try if you don't have the stuff laying around already.
>Just had some cold ball guji

>> No.19906046
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i would have have sex with the barista world champion usa competitor chick

what do you guys think her body count is?

>> No.19906387
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I wanna give it a go but I think my balls are too small.

>> No.19906596

Profitec go is what I want to upgrade to.
Not neutral makes good glasses.
Googling any Japanese tea wares and you can find some cool nice niche ceramics.

>> No.19906606

For normies anything beyond instant or a mr coffee machine is hardcore.

>> No.19906610

A proxy for lust provoking images

>> No.19906612

idk, but based on recent pics posted on /ck/, she has hit the all already.

>> No.19906633

I do this regularly. It traps in some flavors you'd otherwise lose, producing a more complex taste. Kind of hard to tell the difference in a milk drink, though.
It does make the coffee lukewarm, which is kind of a bummer. It also adds cleanup, and it can be kind of a pain in the ass to set up depending on your equipment.
Well worth trying, but not something I do all the time.

>> No.19906634
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they're straight from her utub vids
it's joever

>> No.19906768

So she got a bit thicker. Get savage and make some waves.

>> No.19906810

What's the point in some $1000 grinder when I could just use a series of sieves and have get the exact size I want with just some extra waste? Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.19906857

>just some extra waste
most of it will be waste with a shitty grinder, and it really depends on what type of brew method you're using, something like an espresso isn't necessarily best with a heterogenic grind. also sieves assume perfectly square or circular grinds, but that's not how grinds work, you could theoretically have a kilo heavy, metres long grind go through a 0.08mm sieve if it's just really thin. ultimately a sifter is not gonna save you money over an expensive grinder, they're mostly used in conjunction

>> No.19906884

Literally a rebadged Potu grinder from aliexpress. I have seen them on there with flat burrs and ghosts for cheaper. Rebadging kikes just threw on a cute logo for the women and soifaces.

>> No.19906924

Ye I know. Speaking of soifaces I just saw sprometheus made a video on it. Not going to watch it but he has this pinned.
>Hey everyone, here’s a statement from CafeSing regarding the similarities of the Potu grinder others have pointed out: “Hi guys, we want to clarify two points:
1. The flat burr hand grinder was a collaborative development between us and POTU.
2. POTU will transition to electric grinders and no longer offer flat burr hand grinders.”

>> No.19906941

I don't get this complaint, it was made in cooperation with potu but it's not identical, and it comes with both burr sets, it's a better deal, likening it to drop shipping or rebranding is just not justified

>> No.19906987

>finished bimonthly gcp descale
>next one will be next year

>> No.19907302

i cleaned my grinder for new beanz

>> No.19907503

Get some standards instead

>> No.19907603

nigga you gay

>> No.19907615

What am I supposed to do when there's like a few beans left over but not enough to make anything? Just throw them out?

>> No.19907637

You're the one who wants to root someone that looks like a chubby boy

>> No.19907644

i think they arent small enough
they should either be big or be really small and then you can have a bunch of them

>> No.19907649

i like to keep all the leftovers and make a "mystery meat" goffee.

>> No.19907671

The scent is all woman.

>> No.19907677

Mystery blend

>> No.19907699

Hey. Retard. The conversation was about her being attractive before aging and getting fatter. If it's your position that she was never attractive to begin with, you're having a different conversation.

>> No.19907867

For light skinned people.

Notice how east Asians and northern Europeans drink light roast speciality coffee, while the poor, swarthy Mediterraneans drink dark roast commodity coffee.

You're basically not white if you drink dark roasts.

>> No.19907870

Have sex

>> No.19907878

I make my coffee in just-under-boiling water in a pot, stir, plop in some ice, stir, and pour through a sieve.
It gets you high as fuck, that's the point.

>> No.19907920

>If it's your position that she was never attractive to begin with, you're having a different conversation
Correct - that conversation is, if you're considering having sex with people who look like boys, that might not be the time to call someone else gay.

>> No.19907929

This thread is about coffee you faggots.

>> No.19907944

Coffee is a drug.

>> No.19907973
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Coffee is an aphrodisiac.

>> No.19907982
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It... it certainly is. By any objective measure it takes like shit. The whole point is to get high. It's basically the opposite of opium tea. Coffee actually kills people. It was one of the first drugs ever to have an attempt at being banned.

>> No.19907993

coffee IS a hobby

>> No.19908025
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Cheeky little late-night/early-morning instant affogato.
>5g instant
>50g water
>95g icecream
Got damn this taster's choice tastes horrible at espresso concentration and this is the wrong icecream for this application. Whatever, caffeine and sugar make brain go hee hee.

>> No.19908041

Sugar is actually a downer. It gives you caloric energy, not mental stimulation. Just saiyan.

>> No.19908068

>tastes like shit
Easily outed as a retard. Shit up another thread with your retardation.

>> No.19908081
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b-but muh sugar high...

>> No.19908134

>personally I would always take an acidic fruity coffee over a mellow and chocolatey one
Maybe that’s where we differ in opinion. Mellow and chocolatey always sounds better than fruity and acidic ones. Maybe if the fruits were berries, then that sounds fine. Although if it was citrus fruits or pineapple or something then I probably won’t like it. I extract such beans more to get a rich flavorful cup with as little astringency as I can. If it’s a light roast I use freshly boiled water and it’s really good.

Idk though, I’m still learning. I can’t really tell the difference yet between bright, sour, and acidic. The best coffee is the one that tastes naturally sweet and I find it easier to achieve that with medium-light to light roasts by using 95-98c.

I noticed that honey processed beans never disappoint. They are without a doubt the best tasting beans in my opinion and I wonder if that’s purely because I like them or because my V60 methods go best with it.

>> No.19908149

Coffee will never taste like pineapple or berries. Stop reading the label and taste it yourself.
The roast is important, 'blonde' or lightly-roasted coffee has more mellow notes and more caffeine, 'dark' roasts taste more burnt and they advertise them as chocolatey or complex.
There's also the fact that most american coffee is arabica, but there are also robusto varieties with [more caffeine and] their own flavor profiles by roast. There are also blends of both, though still most US coffee is arabica.
It all tastes like ass IMO without loads of whole milk.

>> No.19908156

Apologies, "robusta."

>> No.19908188

sugar high is an illusion

>> No.19908438

I know they will never taste like berries and pineapples, but I just use those terms to guess how much acidity there will be. Berries is like a code word for mild acidity while pineapples is like high acidity.
My point is, I know most of these labels are BS so here’s what I do:

>I go to a roaster and smell beans from the bags they’re in by squeezing it (from the one way valve)
>if it smells good I buy it, if I don’t like the smell then chances are I won’t like the taste. This works 90% of the time instead of just relying on the tasting notes which leaves me disappointed most of the time
>go home and brew it
>too acidic? Adjust grind size and temp until I hit the spot where most of the acidity is gone and it’s just the sweet notes that are left prominent instead of acidic ones

>> No.19908451

Very reasonable methodology, Anon. Thank you for sharing. What is your take on flavoured coffee beans?

>> No.19908506

Never tried them desu. I’m also gonna guess that it might make it a pain to clean the grinder.

>> No.19908711
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>Coffee will never taste like pineapple or berries.
Literally drank this with breakfast and the pineapple note comes through quite strongly in filter. Not so much as espresso

>> No.19908738

I've started this method of thinking as well. Although it is very nice when you actually taste the note. Had some coffee awhile back, blueberry note on the label and fuck me if it legit like I was drinking coffee with blueberries. It was a phenomenal cup of coffee as well. Nothing better then making a good cuppa frens.

>> No.19908762
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-2 filters
-200ml water at @ 95c
-10 sec stir after pouring
-press at 1:30

apple, mint chocolate, and a little vanilla. very nice.

>> No.19908768


>> No.19908772
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You mean like pic rel or like when they infuse coffee with fruits and wine yeasts during the anaerobic fermentation?
My roaster has three bags of the latter (strawberry, passion fruit & kiwi) but I never tried them.

>> No.19908773

you first

>> No.19909063
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I'm biting my tongue telling myself I don't need to buy a cezve, fuck I don't even know what turkish coffee tastes like but it does look cool.

>> No.19909142

I haven't tried this myself, but here's a guy using a steaming pitcher to brew Turkish coffee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvKuhOEOQvU&t=123s

>> No.19909234
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If the price is putting you off look into how much an enameled steel one would cost you. You can get them for nothing here, but turkish coffee is very popular so economy of scale might keep prices down.

>> No.19909305

going to make a cold brew with a french press, seems pretty easy.

>> No.19909474

I had some $85/125g sey that tasted like pineapple wine. Shit was nuts.

>> No.19909525

Hmm... I'll try out a steel pot and I know it won't be the same but it'll be close enough to help me make my mind.

>> No.19909551

Got some coffee flavoring from lidl to see what it would be like. Got the cinnamon and vanilla one. Literally tastes of nothing. It adds some aroma, but that's it. Was hoping it'd be a pleasant addition to winter goffee but I guess not

>> No.19909598
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does /ctg/ make any little pleasures to go along with their coffee? ive been making pullah and buns (this is a stock photo if you cant tell)

>> No.19909635

I do greasy dumplings for tea but solids and coffee don't work well together for me.

>> No.19909661
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I made some biscotti once.

>> No.19909688

>You could just have said "a little coarser than for espresso".
You can just drink nescafe too.

>> No.19909959

why just the once? i make biscotti from time to time, too, theyre a nice snack
you mean like russian teacakes?

>> No.19909962

I have a hard enough time bringing myself to cook, let alone making something like that. Wish I had the will to do it more often.

>> No.19909974

think of it as insuring future you will have a nice little bite to eat with his cuppa

>> No.19910061
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>> No.19910130 [DELETED] 

>seems pretty easy

>> No.19910135

I hate when that happens

>> No.19910136 [DELETED] 

>seems pretty easy

>> No.19910152
File: 297 KB, 480x360, homer-simpson-cereal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seems pretty easy

>> No.19910184

does anyone have that webm of the androgynous girl drinking a cold brew in like 2seconds outside in a parking lot

>> No.19910196


>> No.19910250

dude doesnt learn from mistakes

>> No.19910256

can u post it pls :)

>> No.19910277
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i lied

>> No.19910384

Thoughts on people who won't drink black coffee?

>> No.19910420

They've never had good coffee or they simply don't like coffee, I don't think about them at all.

>> No.19910426

you just did

>> No.19910440

*adds cream to your perfectly brewed/pull fruity specialty coffee that cost 8c+ a gram*
Ahh, much better. I just don't like how bitter it is.

>> No.19910451

Coffee isn't even supposed to be bitter, it only comes out like that after boiling away on an always warm coffee maker churning out only the finest folgers burnt robusta.

>> No.19910461

I made specialty coffee today and a co-worker asked if he could have some. So I made him some on the condition he try a sip black and he still insisted on putting cream in it even after tasting it (it wasn't bitter, it's a very fruity African varietal)
I just shrugged.

>> No.19910489

When I first got into coffee as more than an occasional thing, I had to wean myself off adding cream and sugar over several months, it took a while but it's definitely an acquired taste like beer, and hard liquor.

>> No.19910510

if the tamper has that flange how is it actually compacting the grounds
and how do you end up with the right amount of coffee to match the depth of the tamper

>> No.19910646

The flange hits the top of the basket. Its meant to be dialed in with the same dose of the same coffee for consistency in a shop. Not exactly sure how/why that guy is using his. Its just a set of addon spacers+a ring to make sure you tamp to a set depth.
>The TampSure intended purpose is for use with one coffee at a time, ie. the main coffee or “house” coffee.
>The simplicity and beauty of this tool is that it is a set-and-forget mechanism that only needs to be adjusted when a new coffee is dialled in.
>Easy for new staff to learn, reducing the time needed for training.

>> No.19910650

or you could just level it with your eyes..

>> No.19910913

v60 or orea v3, which way?

>> No.19911003


>> No.19911008

buy one
i did
its great
i have never made turkish but i still love it.

>> No.19911016

take a bite of (insert thing you want to dip into drink here) and then take a sip of the drink.
no more dunking
always the perfect amount of thing and drink combined
no little crumbs at the bottom of drink
no mistakes like this video
just simple, perfection.

>> No.19911017

I have an aeropress but I generally prefer pour overs. everything feels pretty busy in an aeropress, I like when things taste clean and clear

>> No.19911022

i dont care about other people's preferences unless they affect me

>> No.19911026

Looking for an espresso grinder under 1000 dollars. Being able to use it for pour-over would be a plus
please hit me with some recommendations

>> No.19911053

sometimes a bean is so sweet I get legitimately suspicious that the roaster might have added sugar to the beans somehow

>> No.19911080

1000 dollars is a big range. are we talking a literal 999$ budget? niche duo is a bit of a gold standard for home grinders in that range, can't say it's the best because maybe you'd find something better after hours of research, but it might be the most proven sure thing. wug2 looks super interesting, upgradeability is a big deal

>> No.19911107

What kind of espresso do you enjoy drinking? Straight fruit bombs? Thick choccy milk drinks?
>wug2 looks super interesting
Way more than a grand. Its great though.

>> No.19911132

Is there a French vanilla coffee thats not filled with bullshit but also doesn't taste like cheap cigars?

>> No.19911149

Eureka Mignon Specialita
DF64(gen 2 is out)
craig lyn HG-1 PRIME if you want are ok with manual grinding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL65i1XhVec (this is from weber and much more expensive but its essentially the exact same grinder)

>> No.19911152

oops i forgot to link the pastebin
also, i feel the pastebin is outdated.
should it be updated to new grinders/models?

>> No.19911157

Just bought a hand bur grinder and a French press.
Did a 15:1 water to coffee at about 190f.
Best coffee I've ever had
Dunno about my grind size so I may mess around with that

>> No.19911197

>Best coffee I've ever had
How many coffees did you have?

>> No.19911202

Yes of course

>> No.19911212

Gas station coffee and drip machine. 2-5 cups a day for 12 years>>19911202

>> No.19911237

you have a gas station drip machine? why? they're expensive and no better than the SCA certified coffee machines, you could buy a samantha II or maybe an xbloom for the cost of a normal commercial dripper

>> No.19911240

Look buddy I don't need to take sass from a queer tranny. Go back to dilating and being jewish

>> No.19911245

how did he know..

>> No.19911256

Based french press enjoyer.

>> No.19911266
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now they're making coffee machines with a grinder attached shit's wild

>> No.19911274


>> No.19911306

pic unrelated?

>> No.19911324

no it has a grinder on top

>> No.19911332
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>i have never made turkish but i still love it.

>> No.19911392

i use it to make hot chocolate
good hot chocolate powder is about the same particle size as turkish
its great

>> No.19911412

huh.. that's a shame, I was kinda interested cause it has a detachable watercontainer while being SCA certified

>> No.19911475
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That's actually very cool, being able to make coffee and chocolate is a killer feature.

>> No.19911708

Stainless steel vs Aluminum Moka Pot?

>> No.19911729

it doesn't really matter

>> No.19911784

Anon you could just say "I rim dogs" it uses less words

>> No.19911805

is the v60 outdated? feels like there are so many other pour over methods out there

>> No.19911809

Take the eating raw coffee beans pill. It's all the new rage. You just eat coffee beans

>> No.19911816

who cares?

>> No.19911958

How much coffee does /ctg/ freeze and for how long do you keep it frozen?
I'm considering buying 5lb bags for the best dollar value but it would take me ~2.5 months to finish a bag that size

>> No.19911979

That's like asking if cooking in a pan is outdated because we have airfryers

>> No.19912011

I did that in college, honestly I find it to be an inferior method best practiced when you're psychologically deranged
people seeking the best coffee
honestly it's more like asking if cast iron woks are outdated now that we have stainless steel flat pans and in this scenario both woks and pans are steak unitaskers, which is a more reasonable question even if the answers are pretty subjective

>> No.19912012

the best coffee brewing method is the one you enjoy the most

>> No.19912023

the best brewer is the one you have with you
>t. /p/

>> No.19912029

okay but I can't try every brewing method without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, so looking at others sentiments is a useful way to filter which methods to explore

>> No.19912073

>hundreds of thousands of dollars
holy midwit
you can try every method on earth for about 5k max
pour over is by far the cheapest way to brew coffee.
you can buy every different kind of pour over funnel and paper on earth for less than 1 thousand dollars.

>> No.19912195

literally a single espresso machine that won't quite brew like all the others could cost 50k, nvm all of them

>> No.19912197

you dont know what brew method is

>> No.19912200

no you don't. a methodology cannot be the same across different tools, just similar

>> No.19912238

you are baiting and shitposting

>> No.19912710

is zerohero another company started by former kingrinder/1zpresso/etc employees?

>> No.19912751

The three grinders I was really looking at were the Niche Duo [espresso burrs only], DF64 v2, and the DF83 v2.

>also, i feel the pastebin is outdated.
I think a little bit. In 2023 I don't get the appeal of a Niche Zero

>> No.19912760

>Niche Duo
not $1000

>> No.19912763

Niche Duo is under 1000 dollars, what are you trying to say

>> No.19912769
File: 2.01 MB, 2415x2415, 5C312761-9553-421B-B49D-144C737597C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered the zwilling cups, I’m hyped. 8)

Idk if I should also buy the cappuccino ones.

>> No.19912789

Honestly though? How long until we get a monstrosity that roasts the raw beans, grinds them, loads them into an espresso puck, stirs them, tamps them and pulls a shot all at the press of a button?

>> No.19912802

why is it cheaper in the uk?
550gbp = 682usd
im in australia so when i searched for it i got $2219aud which = 1442usd
why is it literally double the price here?
even with shipping its only an extra 100gbp

>> No.19912851

>im in australia so when i searched for it i got $2219aud which = 1442usd
I feel like living in Australia is discreetly hellish
You guys make like 80% of what Americans make and yet everything costs 2x as much

>> No.19912885

just had a nitro cold brew lads.

>> No.19912896

Back in 2020 I almost bought a nitro-cold brew maker
I'm glad I didn't, I've wasted enough money on coffee as-is

>> No.19912912
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Nevermind, I added the Sorrento whisky glasses because they’re the same size as my current ‘cino cups.

-10% discount with the newsletter subscription (use temp mail :D).

Comfy. I love you Zwilling anon.

>> No.19913299
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Beautiful double glasses anon.

>> No.19913341

>Being able to use it for pour-over would be a plus
For hand grinders, anything from the 1zpresso K series.

>> No.19913370

>Hey everyone I spent $10 on Chinaglass give me some attention please

>> No.19913387

Anyone tried Chiang Mai beans before?

>> No.19913424

... I need to buy some decaf beans. I'm always craving espresso but I limit myself to two shots in the morning

>> No.19913513

is preheating a flair essential? or would i be fine not going with the 58?

>> No.19913538

Bunch of coffee hobbyists in here.
Kinda sad

>> No.19913755

coffee is not a hobby though

>> No.19913804

You're still welcome anon, I love you too

>> No.19913811

coffee is a hobby though

>> No.19913936

coffee is not a hobby
espresso is a hobby

>> No.19913951

Wasting all your thousands of dollars on coffee equipment does not make it a hobby

>> No.19914004

espresso is coffee by definition, but one of the shallower types, people push other types and aspects of coffee further, there's only so much you can do to cultivate the concepts of pressure curves, baskets, distribution, and grinds, the physics, maths, and taste complexities of pourovers are equal or greater, and roasting is much deeper, as well as the nuances of learning varieties, the processes of raw coffee, and so on. espresso has absolutely no high ground to stand on because coffee doesn't get simpler

>> No.19914037
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>> No.19914320

the 58 just does the preheating for you
you still have to preheat in the other models(and all other manual espresso machines) with boiling water and then purge it and then set up a shot quickly after to not lose any heat
the 58 just streamlines all of that so you just push a button and you can make your espresso as normal without any of the preheating fuss.

you can also buy a 58 with no preheater which i think is cheaper. if you dont mind preheating and want actual independence from electricity
most of this video is frustratingly out of focus but you get the idea of workflow
in this video he uses the steam from the kettle to preheat which works ok but i feel like using boiling water in the chamber is better.

>> No.19914345
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>It'ss been a while since I wore my Prince of Wales, perhaps thanks to the still hot days until recently.

>Today I decided to wear it as my "blue overalls" for work of the day, with the air of a special day, however...

>As if I had done it on purpose, the postman gave me the @gambero_rosso Bar Guide in Italy a few minutes ago , which I thank, with our umpteenth confirmation of the best coffee in Ferrara.

>It is always pleasant to see commitment and seriousness recognized - let's leave passion aside for a moment - in a profession that, in a few days, I have been doing for nineteen years.

>I don't like compromises, I hate pods and capsules, loans, robusta... In the wrong minds, these choices can become negative meanings.

>But won't it be a more correct way of approaching customers, to whom I owe so much, in terms of esteem and appreciation?

>Respect begins with exercising it, not with price or other devilry that poisons a potentially wonderful sector.

>Now, sorry, recess is over, and we're back to the roaster...

>> No.19914427

dont get me wrong, i love the clarity of flavor of a paper filtered pourover, but it just cant match the sheer VOLUME of flavor that i can get from using a metal filter instead
feels like im getting more out of my beans this way

>> No.19914693
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>coffee doesn't get simpler

>> No.19914735

Do I actually need a designated WDT tool or can I get away with some needles stuck into a wine cork

>> No.19914745

true you can get the most flavor out of a Moka Pot that hasn't been cleaned in the better part of a decade

>> No.19914746

why does everyone fuck this up if it's so simple?
just eat the beans

>> No.19914761

i like fresh flavor, though
i do sometimes but by the time the heat of my stomach extracts the flavors they are sadly beyond the enjoyment of my tongue

>> No.19914767

You realize caffeine is bad for you and also a drug, right? And that by consuming it you open yourself up to heart problems as well as withdrawal symptoms that include depression.
Then it's just bitter water isn't it?

>> No.19914771

just chew them together with boiling water

>> No.19914772

>Do I actually need a designated WDT tool
as long as the needle thickness and placement is more of less the same there is no difference.

>> No.19914779

>Then it's just bitter water isn't it?
if you use shit beans.

>> No.19914780

caffeine is my favorite narcotic
we all gotta die of something
ill work my way up to that by using my mouth instead of my carafe for my morning pourovers

>> No.19914787

that's how it was originally done, if you're using a filter(you should) you need to take care to not puncture it though. of course, you don't even NEED a distribution tool at all, it's just nice to have.

>> No.19914794

coffee is tasty, and it's sweet and acidic, not bitter. also it's on the overall good for you

>> No.19914795

thanks anons

>> No.19914814

they're like $10

>> No.19914847

your kippa is showing.

>> No.19914882

Sounds like the italitard has finally scraped together enough change for a flair?

>> No.19914893

if vienna and italy are the motherlands of coffee and cafe culture, why are scandinavians dominating the specialty coffee roasting industry? The rest of the world is not even close in terms of coffees used in barista competitions and general acclaim compared to tim wendelboe, la cabra, morgon, etc., you'd think usa could compete just because of sheer size too, it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19914898

I'm about to pull the trigger on a Kingrinder K6 from Aliexpress for $99 USD. Anything better for the price? Just want to make sure I won't regret my decision.

>> No.19914902

>im a poor
yes its obvious

>> No.19914931

Italians love shit coffee quickly. Scandinavia is far enough away to be removed from their sphere of influence. You'd think paris would have decent coffee but the proximity just fucks them.

>> No.19914953

Nah you're good to go. Might be a couple bucks off for black friday but I can't recall if they've gone under $99.

>> No.19914970

Thanks boss, I've ordered it.

>> No.19915037
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>he bought

>> No.19915051
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>> No.19915126

yeah that does make sense

>> No.19915136

genuinely how the fuck will I ever get my hands on eugenioides, I wanna try

>> No.19915196

>strawberry in mouth
>coffee in mouth
>you taste stuff in your mouth
>taste = coffee and strawberry

>> No.19915198

Onyx will probably get some in soon but it'll go quick. Seems like they sell small amounts in early dec every year.

>> No.19915214

do you know when gardelli stocks? I'd prefer it from a better roaster if possible

>> No.19915232

Going by their last listing, they haven't bought any since 2021?
>Picked in September 2020
>Arrived in April 2021

>> No.19915241

damn.. guess onyx really has it on lock, and they give most of it to brewers cup competitors.. shit

>> No.19915275
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>give most of it to brewers cup competitors
Sounds about right. From my quick searching, I just found out that hype sidra I've been longing for the past year is probably very similar to what won WBC2019.

>> No.19915462

I bought some v60 filters and my drawdowns are taking me +10 minutes now. What gives

>> No.19915467

different papers = different drawdown

>> No.19915483

Well yeah but is +10 minutes that normal? These papers take way longer and the beans taste and different

>> No.19915488

Beans taste no different*

>> No.19915490

do you swirl very aggressively? a vortex can cause fines to clog the filter. do you have a very fine grind? also an issue.

>> No.19915500
File: 413 KB, 1079x961, Screenshot_20231118_082609_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New coffee tuber just dropped

>> No.19915535

Not sure how to grade my swirling. I could just forgo it entirely next time and see if that changes anything.

My Kinu grinder is set to 2.0.0. I don't think that's particularly fine for a pour over, is it?

>> No.19915539

fuck if I know I don't have a kingrinder, but you can take pour overs fairly coarse, it really depends on what you want from them

>> No.19915561

>imagine the smell of her piss.

>> No.19915565

That's very fine. Around where I was grinding espresso on a 39mm flair basket. Pourovers I'd start at 4.0.0(~35g dose) and dial down.

>> No.19915612

Also consider the type of coffee they're drinking. Scandinavians drink a lot of coffees, actually more than anywhere else in the world, but they do it with filter coffee. A moccamaster is probably the most common coffee machine in Norway for example, I remember when renting a place there the old couple left their 40 year old ones, was nice.

>> No.19915688


>> No.19915976

historically, the dutch got their hands on koohee way sooner
that probably accounts for something

>> No.19916420

cute, thanks anon