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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19894210 No.19894210 [Reply] [Original]

if you're okay with eating shrimp, then why aren't you okay with eating insect larva?

>less carapace to deal with than shrimp
>same amount of preperation to shrimp (deveining)
>tastes just as good as shrimp

>> No.19894212

> tastes just as good as shrimp
Prove it

>> No.19894218

Show me the bug cooked. Snails are delicious and absolutely a bug. I wonder why the french of all people didn't consume something with culinary value.

>> No.19894220
File: 341 KB, 469x452, 1685105595233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT UP STUPID GAY HOMO NIGGER FAGGOT!!! *kills you, shits on your dead body. Smears some of the poop on your face, takes a picture of it, breaks into your parents' home and destroys/deletes all their photos of you, replacing them with the dead poop corpse photo of you so its the only thing they'll have to remember your face with*

Now what, bitch? Too late to be sorry

>> No.19894223

>absolutely a bug
it's a mollusk

>> No.19894227

a shrimp is full of salted meat grown in brine
insect larva do not have meat, they're full of goop

>> No.19894231

Criticizing them will get you banned.

>> No.19894244

larva don't have meat. They're pure goo.

>> No.19894245

A gasteropod

>> No.19894246
File: 77 KB, 600x600, Black-Tiger-Prawns-Frozen-seo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP. Just look at that demonic hellspawn. It looks disgusting, even more so than Spiders that majority of people hate/are afraid of.

Society just got brainwashed into thinking that pic related is a good food.

>> No.19894249
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 52-125-175-Shrimp-Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these however are quite tasty
are there any insects that have meat like this?

>> No.19894261

you vill have to eat ze bugs for him to prove it

>> No.19894273

Shrimp is meaty, it flakes, I've never tried bugs from what I heat, they pop and gush, it's not "meaty" so to speak. I remember Gordon Ramsay eating a spider and he said it was like goo, and that was fried.

Texture is a huge factor, bugs typically have a crunchy chitinous outside but are pure mush on the inside.
Also shrimp kinda move different when alive, something about maggots just writhing around in the muck just makes them unappealing, shrimp kinda swim gently or shoot suddenly with a snapping motion, doesn't bother me cause it's kinda like how fish move.

>> No.19894278

Snails are closer to a clam than it is a bug/insect. Also insects are literally just land crustaceans. Not that I'd eat them, but I guess they're not as rampantly disgusting as I thought.

>> No.19894280

>insects are literally just land crustaceans
frogs are literally land fish

>> No.19894309

starting to think that the people who make these threads haven't actually eaten either

>> No.19894317

By that logic so are you.

>> No.19894422

Jews aren't allowed to eat shellfish

>> No.19894509

because they look cute and I feel sorry for them

>> No.19894520

My issue with eating the bugs is that they expect me to eat all of the bug.
I don't eat the shell and intestines of a prawn or lobster.

I guess I do eat the whole oyster or snail, though, so I don't really know where the line is drawn. Definitely don't want to eat chitin.

>> No.19894531

>tastes just as good as shrimp
I had stirfried mealworms. They must certainly did not. I've also had crickets (fried as a salty snack), ants (chocolate covered as an ice cream topping at Cold Stone; they did a promotion where if you get a weird topping, your ice cream is free and I don't think blue cheese crumbles woulda worked), grasshoppers (roasted for tacos) and ant larvae (live on a raw beef salad).
None were good, though the ants were only bad because it was shitty Americhocolate
I'll likely eat ze bugz again at some point but so far, none have been remotely good

>> No.19894542

rage bait thread, do not reply

>> No.19894581

because they're completely different things

>> No.19894582

Frogs are legit, the leg meat looks and tastes like chicken. But it's like 50/50 chicken and catfish. I'm gonna try making a mixed batch of Korean fried wings/frog today.

>> No.19894639

We eat the entirety of mollusks because their entire body is meat
Not the case with Arthropods

>> No.19894645

I think it tastes like fresh tuna but I can see catfish, yeah.

>> No.19894647

>le crustaceans are insects maymay

>> No.19894653

>ants (chocolate covered as an ice cream topping at Cold Stone; they did a promotion where if you get a weird topping, your ice cream is free and I don't think blue cheese crumbles woulda worked)
the most valuable goy award is yours

>> No.19894654

>fucks it up
Insects are crustaceans. Insects are a subset of crustaceans. Not that all crustaceans are insects. Learn basic taxonomy.

>> No.19894660


>> No.19894665

i agree. you, and many other people, shouldn't eat shrimp
and the price of the product should also decrease drastically
that'd be nice

>> No.19894675

post taxonomy chart

>> No.19894702
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>> No.19894804

cause that thing is full of gooey fluids and shit, you eat this from shrimps after tearing off everything, >>19894249 which is just white meat without any surprise

>> No.19894810

Because fuck you that's why

>> No.19894859

Isn't this shit all gooey inside? a LOT of it is just mush and goo, while shrimp are very plump and fleshy.

>> No.19894872

That's just intelligent design with faggot lines connecting them all because "duuuuhh these aminals look da same *drools*"

>> No.19894968

Good point.

>> No.19894980

im okay with eatting you ;)

>> No.19894982

>Isn't this shit all gooey inside?
Yep, most cooked larvae shrink a lot during cooking, since the water in their goo evaporates.

>> No.19894991

hmmm, do i want the tasty flakey meat free of all organs and chitin from a shrimp lobster or crab, or do i want a disgusting goop pocket with a healthy helping of shit, organs, and non-digestable chitin. really makes you think

>> No.19894995

>unironically claiming intelligent design when God's power is so grand that he created a lineage that even humans can discern
sub room temp iq behavior desu

>> No.19894999

>Shrimps are le bugs meme
If bugs are shrimp then a salamander is a fish.

>> No.19895175

I'm literally Jewish lol
I just didn't want to pay for something and, because I'd never been to Cold Stone before, thought they'd just put the topping on top rather than knead the shit into the ice cream lmao
Guess I should figured since it was called a "mix in" rather than a topping. And this was long, LONG before eatzebugs mania swept the world. Shit, this was before social fucking media was all consuming. MySpace was in its infancy

>> No.19895195
File: 177 KB, 540x720, 1697208510884448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally Jewish lol
>I just didn't want to pay for something and

>> No.19895216

Seethe more insectfag
Shrimp is le good

>> No.19895219

They're making it too easy

>> No.19895223

Yes, that was the joke.
I'm glad you both got it.

>> No.19895234

The world is waking up to your evils

>> No.19895237

Yes, I've eaten weevils, too.

>> No.19895840

>if you're okay with eating shrimp, then why aren't you okay with eating insect larva?
have you seen that fucking thing you posted?

>> No.19895863

I don't eat shrimp crabs or lobster because they are icky
I'm not eating the bugs, fuck off OP you fucking chink faggot

>> No.19896799

>if you're okay with eating shrimp, then why aren't you okay with eating insect larva?
not the same

>> No.19896823

They’re not the same go cry about the new world order on discord

>> No.19896840

I don't want to eat them. But I do want to breed them to see how big I can get them to be. I don't know why but you could get them massive with high oxygen, high altitude, and optimal diet. larva the size of a small dog. probably some genetic editing and optimal breeding needed but we could pull it off bros

>> No.19896852

>so far, none have been remotely good
This is the problem with the bugs and why they are a worst case survival food only. They just suck, and no amount of prep helps them. Only way you are getting non-poorfags to eat this shit is to powder it into base materiel like protein shit. Aka industrial process the hell out of it.

>> No.19896872

I've always heard humans can't digest chitin (the shells and shit) so I decided to search
>Human gastric juice contains chitinase that can degrade chitin
> In the remaining five of 25 gastric juices, AMCase activity was almost absent in both assay methods. An allosamidine inhibition test and the measurement at different pH values confirmed that this activity was characteristic of AMCase. The absence of activity in 20% of the gastric juices may be a consequence of virtual absence of chitinous food in the Western diet.
sounds like it's very minor and mostly what chitinase ability we do have is for parasite defense.
maybe you can take a specific chitinase digestive enzyme supplement? I take one from carbs when I have cheat days.

>> No.19896971

I wonder if women think of things

like really weird things

>> No.19897039

Shrimp is full of flesh and not just a wriggling sack of goo

>> No.19897373

There is a skunk in my yard that would love that thing.

>> No.19897936

How do you devein a grub? Aren't most of their insides guts?

>> No.19898055


>> No.19898134


>> No.19898135
File: 183 KB, 1403x1446, 1691755675620732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're okay with eating shrimp

>> No.19898162


>> No.19899214

Bug just means creepy crawlers. Spiders are bugs. Worms are bugs. Snails are bugs.

>> No.19899232

Shellfish tastes so good because it has been brining from the day it was born. That larva lives on land and only brushes salt with its feets.
I vill eat ze sea bugs. I vill not eat ze landbugs.

>> No.19899248
File: 48 KB, 554x418, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally Jewish
>I just didn't want to pay for something

>> No.19899262

Insects are conceptually unclean, so I don't want to eat them. Crustaceans are just crunchy fish so they're fine.

>> No.19899276

I like cocktail shrimp because I just like the sauce desu.

>> No.19899481
File: 140 KB, 220x217, 1693688342043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if eat sea bug, then why not eat... le land bug???
sea bug meaty. land bug bag of bile. now can we please stop having this stupid conversation?

>> No.19899484


>> No.19899963
File: 127 KB, 577x504, maggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19900020

>land bug bag of bile

>> No.19900370

Whats the texture like? I really only have a hard time with texture. I don't mind it and can stomach shitty tastes just fine. Does this make me a weenie?

>> No.19900544


>if you're okay with eating shrimp
i stopped eating that shit tho

>I really only have a hard time with texture
worse. you feel their little limbs twitching in your mouth

>stomach shitty tastes just fine.
it taste like nothing

>> No.19900579

based Jew

>> No.19900707

No. In common usage, spiders and centipedes can be bugs, but snails and worms are not bugs
Even microbes can be called bugs, but never snails or worms

>> No.19901753
File: 45 KB, 885x500, spoiderfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks disgusting, even more so than Spiders that majority of people hate/are afraid of.

>> No.19901797

If you slowly braised a big grub like that in broth, would the goop inside firm up at all, or would it explode?

>> No.19901844

Lmao get rekt

>> No.19901883

Larvae have a disgusting texture. They’re full of snot.

>> No.19902199

Snails are mollusks you fucking moron.

>> No.19902410
File: 12 KB, 571x500, 1661357411335566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snakes are bugs

>> No.19902688

I plan on living in the bush and eating witchetty grubs when SHTF. I'm unironically going to eat the bugs to avoid eating the bugs.

>> No.19902724

>free of all organs
that's not a good thing

>> No.19902726

If bugs are so goopy, then what about making them into a soup?

>> No.19902736

Yeah, but they're still known colloquially as bugs, you autistic little boy.

>> No.19902768

This big feller actually looks like it could be made into some tasty things. I'd definitely try it, given an appropriate recipe that works around their texture.
You think snails are delicious? The ones I've had didn't really taste like anything.
I could see the crunchy ones being bad, because that seems like eating a shrimp with its shell on. But the ant larvae were noticeably distasteful?
Mushrooms are full of chitin, we obviously don't suffer severe issues from eating them.

>> No.19903453

Too much fat, not enough meat.

>> No.19903499

I have had large sea snails and land snails. Both were fantastic. Land snails are like earthy clams.

Sea snails are similar in taste to clams, but the large ones have a stomach sack filled with algae that tastes like ocean patè. Fantastic tasting. Very similar to the sack filled with green stuff on some mussels.

I've also had geoduck, which is an easy 10/10.

>> No.19903514

chocolate covered bugs at cold stone? that was the survivor promotional stunt, wasn't it?

>> No.19903595

I've only had regular-sized land snails, but never sea ones nor geoduck. I'll keep both in mind, so thanks for the info.

>> No.19903888

This post be like "You fuck women, right? Well then why don't you fuck aligators?"

>> No.19903893
File: 641 KB, 644x644, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You fuck women, right?

>> No.19903907

hell if you cleaned and fried that thing up real nice I'd try a bite. if it wasn't good i would spit it in your face, though

>> No.19904035

I wouldn't eat a larval shrimp

>> No.19906077

No they are not. No one calls snails bugs.