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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19896293 No.19896293 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19896297

legend or cruel reality

>> No.19896330

>using bottom of the barrel pc parts manufacturer for food appliances
guaranteed cancer

>> No.19896362

>bottom of the barrel pc parts manufacturer
so you know they're really good at making cases that can overheat

>> No.19896389

Biltong machine

>> No.19896392

too hot for biltong

>> No.19896477

I should get one since spinach and strawberries that have been frozen are very cheap, but also soggy and awful

>> No.19896522
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best /out/ gear

>> No.19896528
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wrong webm

>> No.19896530

i bought a cheap one and it sucks dick. maybe i'm using it wrong. needs multiple 12 hour cycles @ 135F to dry out peppers. feel like i should get a "real" one given that it's my preferred way to process what i grow in the garden.

>> No.19896533

>imagine the smell of the tent after eating this

>> No.19896542

>i bought a cheap one and it sucks dick
Poast brand and model
t.I've been married a long time.

>> No.19896545

the trick is to make thin slices, i like to use a mandoline slicer

>> No.19896551
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>> No.19896586

Could nikocado lose his waterweight if he solely eats dehydrated food?

>> No.19896599

ironically he would gain weight, because he would need to absorb more water from his drinks to compensate.

the way to lose water weight is actually to drink more water, until you finally are able to piss away all the excess salt and sugar in your blood.

>> No.19896614

why is she so cheerful?

>> No.19896622

gets to enjoy nature, doesn't have to bathe or shave

>> No.19896632
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I have picrel and I really like it. I mostly use it for the superhots I grow, but I'll make a batch of jerky every once in a while and it always turns out great

>> No.19896635
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i got an ivation 6 tray for jerky and it paid for itself in less than a year. dont really worth the trouble for fruit and berries unless you grow your own.

>> No.19897001
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Based. I'm happy for them, also that does actually look like it would taste really good while /out/

>> No.19897093

Like anon above said, slice them very thin. When i dehydrate jalapenos i slice in to rounds as thin as possible. Probably like 2 mm or something. You can basically see through them. Then i dehydrate at 160F and theyre done after 4 or 5 hours. If you're slicing thin and they arent done after 12 hours like you said then you have an issue with the heating element.

>> No.19897139

What the fuck are they doing putting carrots in chili?

>> No.19897143

>somebody likes something that I don't
Grow up.

>> No.19897323

having only seen this one video and judging from the way they look to the way they live. im gonna go out on a limb here and say they are just some retarded ass nature loving vegan types so dont go into anything expecting culinary genius.
quit being a faggot

>> No.19897916

these things look gay. can you use a vacuum chamber to dehydrate food at home?

>> No.19897932

>quit being a faggot
yes, you should

>> No.19897953

If you look and act like this, you're a waste

>> No.19897966
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I have an old Nesco I've been using for over 20 years now. Got it as a christmas gift when I was a teenager. Use it exclusively for jerky and even then it's maybe a once or twice a year thing.

>> No.19898072


>> No.19898125


>> No.19898128

What brand of autism is this

>> No.19898137

Bro I let them rock for like 48 hours at 135F. Comes out dry and crunchy. What's the rush?

>> No.19898147

/out/ism. these people are real, I've met them and they're just as scary as obsessive star trek nerds or some such.

>> No.19898157

My dad has a similar Nesco. Uses it only for jerky. Works fine.
For a cheap dehydrator, you want one with the heating element/fan on top like this one instead of on the bottom like the Rosewill in the OP.
Anything drippy will cause problems otherwise.

>> No.19898160 [DELETED] 


>> No.19898205
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>> No.19898224

>turning sauce into a fruit roll up
very cool

>> No.19898225

Nesco's are a decent enough entry tool, but their trays are too thin and small so you're limited to small pieces of paper-thin jerky. Also they don't distribute heat from center to outside very well at all (they have a nasty tendency to just run the heat straight down the center pipe and outside), and their trays are pretty small so you can't dehydrate enough in a batch to make it worth the effort. The bigger side-heating dehydrators with the 18" rectangular trays (Excalibur, LEM) can efficiently handle larger items (e.g. whole figs or strawberries) and will dry much more evenly, both between and across the trays. And they can run cool enough (95-100 deg F) to make proper biltong.

>> No.19898493

Jerky machine

>> No.19898812

Only barely, desu. They get too hot at the outside edges and are too cool in the center, and they're the wrong form factor for jerky, unless your area is heavily populated with triangular deer or cows. Their main advantage, such as it is, is they are extremely inexpensive and widely distributed.

>> No.19899794

Any good recipes for /out/ like >>19896522

>> No.19899950

>Remove the water from something
>Then bring water with you to rehydrate it at the expense of time
I hate women.

>> No.19899975

>remove life-giving water
>insert poisonous plastic

>> No.19899981
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That's what all the girls called me.

>> No.19899991

Fun fact, black people have no idea what a dehydrator is. Was in Walmart some years ago and asked a lady where the dehydrators were and she immediately said
>An buhbydrader?! I doen know what dat is
Said I'll just keep looking
Next guy was actually well spoken at first
>what can I help you find, sir?
>an umbydrada?!
I found it shortly thereafter

>> No.19900143

no, bring a water filter and use the water that's already out there, especially since you're going to be boiling it shortly thereafter.
takes you from having to carry sauce water + drinking water to just drinking water
perhaps you're more like what you hate than you'd like to admit

>> No.19900176

bitch looks 50, maybe hiking isn't so good

>> No.19900195

she has an attractive husbando..
maybe a childhood friend, maybe she was his teacher, she did something right

>> No.19900227

You are now aware why women wear makeup.

>> No.19900229
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Love dehydrating

>> No.19900230

>it's not the veganism
>it's the hiking

>> No.19900233


>> No.19900441
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dehydrate some more, easy to clean

>> No.19900726

What meat are you 'drating?

>> No.19901300
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Best way to perfume the house

>> No.19901366

Does this guy have to piss really bad or something? What a fucking sperg

>> No.19901408

He's vibing out to the latest top phonk playlist. Naturally he's a goonacidial maniac, but someone on your level just sees a garden variety piss fetishist, naturally.

>> No.19901413

>bottom of the barrel
been using a Photon 750 for the past 8 years with no hiccups, faggot

>> No.19901416

Works great for making foreskin jerky

>> No.19902462

As if. Aftor a good hour of scrubing action and prepping the food dehidrates into a nasty unsatisfying imitation of less than quality food an hour more of scrubbing and it's back to the thrift store too sit on a dusty shelf with the outher four dehidraters.In my opinion thay never get used , take up half the kitchen and are impossible to clean. A perfect holiday gift fore people you really dislike.

>> No.19903315

Why is he so happy?

>> No.19903331

kill yourself brainlet

>> No.19904856

He's happy because he has a dehydrator.

>> No.19905422

they're making a video to entertain people and get them excited.

you have autism

>> No.19905511

Just looking at her you know she's vegan

>> No.19905513

Has anybody ever dehydrated boiled eggs?

>> No.19905525

brb ordering one to fill the void

>> No.19905527

They both look retarded and their lifestyle is abhorrent

>> No.19905531

You're just jealous because you sit at your computer instead of eating glorious dehydrated brapfeed

>> No.19905532


>> No.19905540

I'm gonna be real, they seems annoying, but only because I am jealous of their lives.

>> No.19905601

Is it worth it for drying excess herbs?

>> No.19905693

goes real fast with herbs.

>> No.19907006

cannabis you mean?

>> No.19907742

No I mean herbs

>> No.19907744

blessed post

>> No.19909388

You get the water /out/ you retarded neckbeard. I hate moids.

>> No.19909521

No, I'm a phone fag.

>> No.19910824

The best dehydrator is booze

>> No.19910892

kevmo phenotype, cancer deserving

>> No.19911100

The only thing that goes in my dehydrator is mushrooms

Turkey Tail

>> No.19911252

ime rosewill makes better dehydrators than oster, I don't remember who sold the rectangle one with the tinted trays but its back from when you could sell shit that wasn't nerfed out. that one works like a dehydrator should

>> No.19912410

what is that?

>> No.19912429

You still need to heat the food to remove water under vacuum. Maybe consider a freeze dryer.

>> No.19912438

I love hiking but hate outdoor "people"

>> No.19912502

why make fruit leather just to turn it back into juice. might as well just freeze it as juice.

>> No.19912512

fruit leathers are just dehydrated purees. you can take literal apple sauce and put it down on a dehydrator tray to make a 'fruit roll up'.

>but what recipe

cut up 3 pounds of apples, no core, put into a container with a lid and 1 cup of water and sugar (your preference). Peel or no peel, entirely up to you. Add a little bit of lemon juice to prevent oxidation. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove lid, blend with immersion blender, add some cinnamon if you want. Apple sauce is now complete. Let cool then pour into dehydrator trays. Dehydrate until its solid.

Presumably you could do this with any fruit puree or fruit sauce. If you want to be cautious, just use the apple sauce as a base and then experiment with additional flavors by adding them to the apple sauce

>> No.19912562
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Oh, good old Tardson! How would we fill the time if you didn't ask questions

>> No.19913274

NTA but if I had unlimited money, the first thing I would get is a freeze dryer. I have a vacuum pot for resin casting and a freezer for freezing but somehow I don't think they'll work together.

>> No.19913717

are you intellectually disabled?

>> No.19914499

I'd like to use mine (same type you posted) to make some beef jerky but between those slats is just a pain in the ass to wash .

>> No.19914536


>> No.19914729
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>have some extra basil i wanna dehydrate incase i dont use it all
>look up how much energy itll use
>7 dollars worth
nope that water is staying in the basil

>> No.19914786
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>t. serf

>> No.19914816

Veganism not even once

>> No.19915260

WHY DID THE FAGGOT CONTENT CREATOR MAKE PRESERVED FOOD IF THE GOAL WAS TO SIMPLY RECONSTITUTE IT AND CONSUME IT AND NOT STORE IT. Im not the only one who asked this, but you faggots only replied to me with nonanswers. Oh, turning it into SOUP is some how less calorie intense then a smoothie? FUCK YOU. That shit is retarded.

>> No.19915261

remember they banned this madlad

>> No.19916126

They look like they dehydrate their weed aswell.

>> No.19916130

He has some nice tits.

>> No.19916291

if you had unlimited money you could buy fresh food anytime you need it

>> No.19916349
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Nobody notices the salad stuck in your teeth when you shut your mouth.
Your stupidity is the very same as that stuck salad.

>> No.19916364

Dehydrated some sliced mushrooms to add to my ramen and stroganoff etc because they were on sale super cheaply a few weeks ago and they turned out great. I'm definitely doing it again. I never buy canned mushrooms because I hate the texture so it makes sense for me
Also I made homemade rhubarb fruit rolls with it and they turned out really good. I used apple sauce as a sweetener they weren't too sugary and it went well with the tanginess of the rhubarb
Also I dried parsley, german oregano, lemon thyme, and mint from my garden
Is it just me or are a lot of dehydrators being sold kind of small? My hand me down one is like the op pic but very BIG and has many layers but the ones in the store are easy bake oven sized. I feel like a lot of old stuff is better. Crock pots for instance I hate the new crock pots the "low" setting on them is like an old fashioned crockpots "high" setting so food gets cooked wrong or sticks to the bottom