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19892255 No.19892255 [Reply] [Original]

So im off work for once today. Just got back from HEB (hwy 6 in Houston) and heres the highlights of my haul. 2 new beers to try, a nice steak, and yes in Texas you can now buy Mexican xanax OTC without a prescription you just have to show your ID and sign the log like when you buy sudafed. Just ask any pharmacist (Texas only)
What are you fu/ck/ers gonna eat today?

>> No.19892326
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>What are you fu/ck/ers gonna eat today?

>> No.19892370

feel free to eat mine

>> No.19892388

Is it legal to hit up the pharmacy’s in Mexico and drive back into Texas without any problems as long as I have the prescription paperwork and it’s in my name and signed by a Mexican doctor?

>> No.19892408

you are legally allowed to claim and import 3 months supply of whatever prescription you legally acquire in Mexico.

>> No.19892430

>in Texas you can now buy Mexican xanax OTC without a prescription you just have to show your ID and sign the log like when you buy sudafed. Just ask any pharmacist

How do i ask a pharmacist about this without looking super sketchy? Just ask for alprazolam? If this is true it would be great because i need some loophole to get me out of this downward spiral towards an hero since i dont have the courage to actually go to a doctor.

>> No.19892464

Mexican xannie is being tainted with fent, even the shit you get from pharmacies. It’s not even worth doing anymore. Plus it’s really easy to get addicted to and very hard to quit. Heroin and cocaine are easier to kick. It’s just a bad drug. Not to mention that you will blackout and make very poor decisions.

>> No.19892467

Are there horrendous taxes to prevent people from doing this?

>> No.19892523

It's time to go to bed grandpa

>> No.19892544

>implying i dont make poor decisions while sober
nope. none. just dont get caught with 50 bottles in a hidden crotch pouch.
just go to Laredo, park your vehicle on the Texas side. Walk across the bridge into Nuevo Laredo, go to any doctors office, give the girl at the desk $50 and she will write you a legal prescription for anything you want.
Walking back into Texas is a breeze. they have a big fan blowing at you with a drug sniffing dog downwind. if ur carrying illegal drugs the dog might catch you, if he isnt asleep.
very few pedestrians get pulled aside for search. enjoy!

>> No.19892562

curious what store(s) in what cities/county in texas sell farmapram otc if you don't mind me asking. cuz that sound slike a legal grey area. i imagine you're not going to get it form a place like cvs or walgreens for example but maybe a small mom and pop store? i'm tired of paying $150-$180 for a 90 count bottle of farmapram.
you can legally bring back 100mg of farmapram across the border (without a prescription).

>> No.19892579

legitimate farmapram contain xanax and no fentanyl. also, saying x drug is easier to quit than y drug is meaningless because it's all subjective. if heroin is my drug of choice (which it is), then it's going to be harder for me to quit than other downers that produce inferior highs like xanax or fentanyl (despite enjoying them as well). and while i do enjoy stimulants, i can take or leave em whereas i am hopelessly unable to control my heroin/fentanyl use until my sack is gone if i have some on me no matter how hard i try. but ifi have a sack of meth or coke, i can have it sitting in my desk for weeks or months and not touch it or think about it. heroin was the hardest for me to quit and it being replaced by fentanyl was a blessing in disguise cuz the fent high sucks in comparison. and while i enjoy benzos tremendously and used to take up to 20mg xanax/day when i recieved my 10mg/month script for as needed use i was able to make it last me 3 months and only take it as needed.

>> No.19892583

HEBs are much nicer than CVS or Walgreens

>> No.19892587
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>> No.19892594

oh ok, i wasn't aware of what HEBs was since i'm not a texas local. i assumed it was some convenience store/grocery store that you picked up your beer and food at then went elsewhere for the farmapram. thank you! i have a friend in texas that i'll have go pick some up and send me.

>> No.19892644

Do the dogs only detect weed, coke, H etc? I just want pharmaceuticals and I’m really not trying end up in Huntsville. If that cannot be done can I bring a dozen cases of tequila back home?

>> No.19892718

afaik the dogs only sniff out illicit drugs. not sure how they could be trained to sniff out factory sealed pharmaceuticals but i can imagine it might be possible. just claim your 3 months supply on re-entry and you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.19892779

OP here guise dont forget to buy a bottle or two of Monte Alban Mezcal Con Gusano 1.75L to bring back. you cant get it here or at least ive never seen it for sale in texas.
you can thank me later

>> No.19892808

wait so i can just go up to the pharmacy counter and ask for "farmapram" ?

>> No.19892830

you have nothing to worry about as long as you have a legitimate prescription and/or are not bringing back a large amount. like i said in my post that you ignored, you can legally bring back up to 100mg of farmapram from mexico border to the u.s. with ZERO risk and no need to hide anything.

>> No.19892836

and that 100mg that can legally be borught back (50x2mg bars) does NOT require a prescription.

>> No.19892841

yup, if you live in texas.
just have drivers license or ID to show them, they record it and you have to sign the log. just like when you buy sudafed bc people (used to) make meth with it.

>> No.19892852

um no actually its 30 two mg tablets per month times three, so thats 180mg

>> No.19892869

Can I use my US passport?

>> No.19892879

Texas is doing it right holy shit
I’m envious anon

>> No.19892881

i cant say for certain, afaik this is for texas residents only, but dont quote me on that

>> No.19892903

it varies from state to state. i can only speak for california.

>> No.19892920

even though a non-expired U.S. passport is a valid form of identification some stores will be weird about accepting it for purchasing items that require ID. how underage ban are you to have a us passport but not a state id/drivers license?

>> No.19892936

What’s your diet like when using heavy. I knew a fent head that lived on Huel and candy, maybe some take out a couple times a month.

>> No.19892965

I just always use my passport card because it doesn’t have my address on it.

>> No.19892977

fentanyl doesn't really suppress your appetite the way heroin does for most people so most of the heavy fent users i know are all fat lel. but you'd be correct with your observation. regularly opioid use causes intense cravings for sweets and most fent addicts i know eat candy, soda, and junk food/snacks. very unhealthy diets. personally, i eat what i normally would eat when using heavy with the exception of buying $5-$10 worth of candy once or twice a month and ice cream maybe once a month. i don't eat sweets otherwise. i mostly live off rice, chicken, vegetables, fruits, nuts, water, juice, ensure protein dranks and frozen meals. when going through withdrawals i have zero appetite so during that time i force myself to eat rice with clarified butter, chicken noodle soup (and other soups that are easy on my stomach), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ensure protein shakes, slices of bread, and crackers. my mother is from india so i grew up primarily eating vegetarian indian dishes and make the dishes my mom made for me growing up for myself today mostly.
when i was IVing 1g of heroin a day and swallowing 20mg xanax/day i had no appetite and weighed 92 lbs. i struggled immensely to stomach any food and would just buy a $1 chicken sandwich/burger from a fast food place and thorughout the entire day take a small bite every 3-4 hours until i was able to finish it all. while benzos and weed are both notorious for giving the munchies, when you are taking that large amount for an extended period of time, that effect goes away sadly. currently weigh 105-108 lbs, but my 'average/healthy' weight is probbaly 115-120 lbs. i also have always eaten 2 meals a day my entire life since breakfast makes me nauseous.

>> No.19893003

i understand the rational. my suggestion would be to present your passport when asked for id. the worst they can do is say no then follow up with your state id/drivers license considering you aren't breaking the law unless you care more about being on a schizo list than you do about buying benzos. and if that's he case, then you're probably a good candidate for low abuse potential when it comes to benzo usage.

>> No.19893058

Damn, anon, congrats on getting off the other stuff but put the fucking meth pipe down. Also you must be like 5’4 or shorter if a healthy weight for you is 115-120 lbs.

>> No.19893185

i'm 5'6. meth is the one drug i consume the least and, interestingly enough, has the least effect on my weight. i'm not a big fan of stimulants recreationally and moreso used them for my b.s. and masters degree to study for 10+ hours a day. i cannot comfortable use meth for more than 2-3 days in a row before needing a week break to recover. and usually will go weeks or months with a sack of meth sitting in my drawer untouched and out of mind. i got off heroin in 2016 which is around the time fentanyl started being introduced into the heroin supply and within a few years fentanyl replaced heroin as a street drug in the u.s. for the most part. i'm grateful for this because the fentanyl high is nowhere near as good as heroin was and with daily use of fentanyl it quickly stops getting you high and is just about staying well/avoiding withdrawals which is pointless to me so i rather use fentanyl infrequently in order to keep tolerance low and allow myself to continue getting a euphoric high and nod from it. at my peak i would use 1g of fentanyl/week then take a week off and by the 3rd-4th day or about halfway through the gram i would stop getting high from it. whereeas with heroin i always had a guranteed high. and for whatever reason, as much as i enjoy benzos and abused em heavily in the past, i rarely take them these days. for a year i had a script of 10mg xanax every 3 months and would take 0.5mg as needed for panic attacks and never got back into abusing them like i did when i was younger. when i was a kid i could easily stay up for 3-7+ days on meth but now if i skip a night of sleep i'm exhausted and require an entire day to recover so when i do use meth i try not to stay up all night on it and consume it during the mornig to early afternoon so that i can sleep by midnight to 2 a.m.

>> No.19893220

despite getting clean from heroin, xanax, and meth in 2016 i unfortunately relapsed with fentanyl at the end of 2021 and used pretty regularly due to curiosity after finishing my masters program.
these days i will pick up 1-3 days worth of fentanyl once or twice a month, get high on pcp once a month, take acid or shrooms once a week, dmt almost daily or binge it multiple times a day, 1g of ketamine once every 1-3 months and use it over the course of 3-7 days, 1g weed/week, mdma/mda once in a blue moon (used it twice in the past 15 years), low dose of benzos 1-3x/month or less, 10 ciggys/day, a couple beers 2-3x/week and meth maybe once or twice a week with weeks to months gaps inbetween depending. i've slown down a lot compared to the consumption in my youth but i'm still a major drug addict, have cut back significantly on IV use (just IV ketamine these days) whereas everything else is either smoked or taken orally. but because i've been abusing drugs for the majority of my life (started opioids at 8 years old and began to seek out street drugs recreationally at 12) i am uncomfortable going 24 hours without being under the influence of at least something and often settle for weed and/or alcohol most days as the lesser of two evils. about 80% of my 20s were spent sober with 1-2 years here and that almost 6 year period from 2016 to end of 2021 but always find myself returning. theo nly difference is i know how much i can 'safely' consume without destroying my life and do a better job at being a 'functioning' addict rather than a hopeless drug Luser.

>> No.19893221

Can you rank every drug from least to most favorite with reasoning please

>> No.19893236

I’ve been using etizolam on special occasions or to steady myself before public speaking for the past 7 years. Never fully blacked out or experienced withdrawal because I have seen friends of friends become bartards and exercise extreme caution with consumption. I really miss coke but had to stop because the supply is far too contaminated. I never had a compulsive attitude about it and was even able to make a 3.5 of fish scale last 15 months. In HS I purchased a bag of extremely high purity of H. I didn’t find the high to be as amazing as the movies make it seem. Mostly just sick and drowsy, kratom is pleasant though. I was completely straight edge until I decided to eat mushrooms and smoke bud for the first time together, that’s a dragon worth chasing. My one true love is ketamine, although the bladder issues are no joke, one time I did ket and dabs at an indoor water park after closing time. Copenhagen long cut is literally smokeless crack. My only struggle with drugs was a binge drinking episode that lasted a couple months, about two 1.75 of liquor a week if I wasn’t drinking beer. I have gotten it down to a social drinking level on my own, none of that AA propaganda. My adderall script is pretty tight. Used to smoke American spirits non filter, been a year clean off cigs. I have never tried whip-it’s.

>> No.19893256

I forgot Bromantane is awesome for working out.

>> No.19893267

I read all your posts and holy smokes, you’re fucking spun. All you’re doing is justifying your drug use and not taking taking responsibility for ruining your life. Keep this up and you will die. I’ve seen it happen many times to all kinds of people. Addiction doesn’t discriminate and you can’t intellectualize your way out of it. The drugs will win eventually. But you know all that.
>t. poly drug user for twenty two years. Clean now for two years except for a joint a day and beer on Friday/Saturday.

>> No.19893286
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my list is going to be personal to me as it's subjective.
opioids will always be my number one. i had a series of 7 hip surgeries from ages 8-12 and was on opioids for 6-9 months out of each year well into age 13.strong opioids provide feelings of intense physical comfort, warmth, love and bliss accompanied by powerful and overwhelming feelings of emotional bliss, contentment, happiness and anxiety suppression.
benzos are probably the second most euphoric for me as i get occasional panic attacks, night terrors, and get performance anxiety. they provide sedation, appetite enhancement, muscle relaxation, and anxiety suppression.
psychedelics have always held a special place in my heart since high school due to their physical euphoria, analysis enhancement, conceptual thinking, cognitive euphoria, euthymia/depression reduction, introspection, creativity, novelty enhancement, immersion enhancement, personal meaning enhancement, emotion enhancement, empathy affection and sociability enhancement, increased music appreciation, increased sense of humor, motivation enhancement, ego replacement, personality regression, thought acceleration, thought connectivity, self-realization, unity and interconnectedness.
stimulants have geenrally been more of a performance enhancement tool and less of a recreational experience for me due to stimulation, physical euphoria, appetite suppresion, and stamina enhacement. along with analysis enhancement, ego inflation, cognitive euphoria, empathy affection and sociability enhancement, focus enhancement, immersion enhancement, increased libido, increased music appreciation, memory enhancement, motivation enhancement, thought acceleration, thoguht organization, time compression and wakefulness.
ran out of space so will continue in next reply...
pic very much related (fentanyl m30s and powder, cocaine, meth, and xanax)

>> No.19893339

yes, i am very high on meth still. i stayed up all night smoking for 15 hours and took my last hit around 4 hours ago. i am undoubtably justifying my drug abuse subconsciously to some degree but i am well aware of how my drug abuse has ruined my life and left a path of destruction. in no way am i in denial of this. you are correct that no amount of knowledge/wisdom/logic/rational can save me from my very obvious addiction and abuse. i would never encourage anyone to try drugs as you are literally playing russian roulette with your life the first time you take a substance. while it's quite common for adolscent and young adults to experiment with drugs and the majority of the population will never have an issue with it, it simply isn't worth the risk of taking that first drug to find out whether or not you are the minority who is a hopeless drug addict that will be cursed with the temptation to use drugs for the remainder of your life regardless of how long you remain sober. i would never provide anyone who isn't already a hard drug user with a drug they are interested in trying and instead am very open about exactly how these drugs destroyed my life in hopes of scaring others striaght. i walk an incredibly dangerous path that can lead me back to homelessness and psychosis i appreciate you calling me out on my bullshit rationalization. the drugs have already won, long ago. this should be quite apparant to anyone reading my posts. in no way am i claiming i have control. i htought this was quite apparant from this sentence
>the only difference is i know how much i can 'safely' consume without destroying my life and do a better job at being a 'functioning' addict rather than a hopeless drug Luser.
i guess i wasn't clear enough or maybe you're so used to addicts in denial that you assumed the same for me. anyway, keep up the good work and stay vigilant. i know many people, myself included, who relapsed after 5-10 years sober.

>> No.19893340

M30’s make me so nostalgic.

>> No.19893390

Thanks for the well wishes. I do know how easy it is for any addict to relapse, no matter how strong they think their sobriety is.
>i guess i wasn't clear enough or maybe you're so used to addicts in denial that you assumed the same for me.
I always assume this. Just like I assume all active addicts are constantly lying about everything. Look at yourself right now, anon, you’re tweaking the fuck out. It isn’t a knock on you personally and more about the nature of addiction, but I think you’re lying to yourself and to me about how badly off you are. Get some help, man. This is the most dangerous time to be an addict I’ve seen in the twenty+ years I’ve been around the scene. Fentanyl is in everything and I’ve never seen so many people die from drugs. It really isn’t safe to do any street drugs.

>> No.19893414

dissociatives are a unique one as ketamine and pcp are so distinct from one another despite seeming similar on paper. ketamine has an opioid-light like body high which would obviously appeal to me whereas pcp is sedating initially followed by stimulation. the cognitive headspace and visual effects along with hallucinatory states are quite unique and unlike those produced by psychedelics. they are quite disconnecting, distorting, and suppressing of cognitive function with some loose cognitive overlap with psychedelic effects when it comes to creativity, ego, immersion, introspection, and distortion of time.deja vu is quite common. the ketamine body high is quite enjoyable whereas pcp is very bizarre (imagine feeling like a wrinkly plastic bag). but it's quite enjoyable to relive childhood memories long forgotten and to enter other individuals bodies, to become them, to have their thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.
of course, weedis a drug that goes well with an enhances almost all other drugs to varying degrees but also has the potential to negatively alter how the poly drug experience affects you physically, cognitively, and emotionally.
it's difficult for me to rank drugs for best to worst as i prefer to be on multiple substances at once so it's easier for me to mention my favorite combos, in no particular order. but if i had to rank drug classes i'd probably be
>IV heroin + IV dilaudid + oral xanax + weed
>heroin/fentanyl + xanax + meth + weed
>heroin/fentanyl + pcp + weed
>lsd/shrooms + ketamine + dmt + weed
>IV ketamine + vaped dmt
>lsd + methamphetamine + weed
downers are undoubtably my favorite followed by substances that alter my mind such as psychedelics and dissociatives and lastly stimulants. they all serve different functions and i seek different things out of each one.

>> No.19893502

i didn't take offense to what you said, quite the opposite. i greatly appreciate your genuine concern for the fellow addict who still suffers. i am well aware of how fucked off my life is, i'm just so sick in the head that i am ok with it. i wholeheartedly agree with how dangerous fentanyl is, partiuclarly to those who don't regularly use it. it is easily the worst thing to to have happened to the street drug scene. i've lived life at my lowest lows and deepest depths of absolute misery and hopelessness with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel. i've experienced and given sobriety an earnest chance. i understand that for an individual like myself, it's all or nothing. balls to the walls drug abuse or complete abstinance. i may be able to go years with just smoking weed and drinking a beer or two occasionally but it always leads me back to wanting more. my hat is off to you for your brief period of occasional weed and alcohol consumption. hopefully you're able to defy statistics and expert advice warning against your very behavior. very few with your history of long-term abuse are successful.
i wouldn't say you're lying to yourself in the way you think i am lying to myself. you genuinely believe that you have things under control and that the benefits of playing with fire outweight the very real risks due to your brief success. unlike you, i am very much aware and open about how fucked off i am and how dangerous of a game i am playing. the main difference is that i simply don't care about my future. i have resigned to this lifestyle and am willing to accept the psotive and negative consequences that come along with it. i've been on both extremes of addiction and sobriety and everywhere inbetween.i simply don't want to be sober or improve my situation. i am content with where my life is today.i wasn't content at rock bottom nor was i content with years of abstinance. maybe one day this will change.

>> No.19893643

Now it's time for some addict denial from me. I never used needles or did heroin or meth or suffered from the kind of profound addiction that you do. I didn't hit rock bottom or have a single bad incident that made me stop. There were too many bad incidents to count or remember. I stopped the drugs because I was tired of the lifestyle. I hated the awful people I had to be around to use/buy (including myself in that awful people category) hated feeling like shit all the time, I hated myself for wasting the majority of my life on frivolous hedonism. I hated seeing people I cared about become unrecognizable drug demons, hated seeing them die, I just really grew to hate the whole scene and everyone in it including myself. I had enough of the whole thing. Now I just smoke a joint everyday and drink 8-12 beers (which is too many, I know) on Fridays and Saturdays. I know I'm always at risk for relapse. I could relapse tomorrow if someone offered me a bump. But the longer I'm clean, the less euphoric recall I have about using and the more I think about the bad places drugs brought me to and the more disgusted I am with my using decades. I know I need to stop drinking and I should probably quit weed. There's that dirty word probably. My addict brain is saying "weed never got you in any trouble or made you make poor decisions so maybe you don't need to quit the weed". Anyways, I'm slightly drunk and rambling now, apologies. I'll just say that you are going to die sooner rather than later if you don't stop and you sound very fatalistic and like you've accepted your impending death. I'm sorry you're suffering so deeply and hope you can stop before you overdose. Too many people are dying too young from this evil shit.