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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19889567 No.19889567 [Reply] [Original]

>drips oil everywhere
is there a more convenient form of bacon available?

>> No.19889583 [DELETED] 

>render out all fat
>pour off as you cook to encourage crisp
>save fat in fridge
>enjoy crispy bacon
I think the problem is you

>> No.19889585

You can still use that; throw it into the oven on a wire pan @325°F for 40-50 minutes.
Save the melted fat in a mason jar.

>> No.19889590

Crispy bacon SUCKS. Bacon should be tender, and chewy! Chewy!

>> No.19889597 [DELETED] 

Are you British?
Americans like it crispy. Nowhere have I ever been for breakfast where it's limp and soft

>> No.19889599

For me, it's pouring the grease down the sink drain

>> No.19889624

It's like that at Shoney's, coastie. I bet you don't even pour maple syrup on your bacon, do you? I'm so glad I don't live in a dystopian urban bug hive.

>> No.19889625
File: 2.27 MB, 320x568, I'll bet she smells like Lysol and mildew.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based liquid monkey-wrencher

>> No.19889652

crispy bacon sucks

>> No.19889656

Just eat it raw

>> No.19889730 [DELETED] 

You suck you fucking nigger

>> No.19889737

>leaf detected

>> No.19889742

hardwood smoked?

>> No.19889743

Turkey bacon.

>> No.19889747
File: 122 KB, 533x800, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save fat in fridge
why it's shelf stable and can be left out for weeks in a covered can.

>> No.19889752

it takes 11 minutes max to cook bacon in a skillet, why would you ever put it in the oven?

>> No.19889758
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>> No.19889762
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It's way that messy that way, It's pretty SOP in restaurants and resort kitchens.

>> No.19889763 [DELETED] 

>having smelly bacon grease on your counter
I bet you have a cat litter box near your stove

>> No.19889764

>Way less messy

>> No.19889765

if it's messy your doing it wrong. start with a cold pan, and as soon as the water shows on the top of the bacon, dab it off. it won't splatter anywhere near as much.

>> No.19889768

it doesn't smell idiot it's covered, and the reason it is covered is to keep dust out of it.

>> No.19889770 [DELETED] 

It does smell. It smells like bacon

>> No.19889772
File: 104 KB, 1270x720, Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19889773

yeah if you stick your nose in the can, otherwise you cannot smell it.

>> No.19889777
File: 222 KB, 1000x750, Kosher Bacon..STARRED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier for some than others...

>> No.19889785

she could hold 20 pencils under those flat bags.

>> No.19889798

Maybe more...
Or did you mean EACH?

>> No.19889804

Cleaner fat retention (drips and pools below the wire mesh).
Also, cooking it in a skillet, it shrivels.
Oven cooked bacon preserves the length better, and has better use for making extra BLT sandwiches.
No smoke, either.

>> No.19889812

Pick one

>> No.19889838


>> No.19889847

yum, I want to lick her entire body

>> No.19889869


americans are even disgusting when they tryn to be 'healthy'

>> No.19889872

That's not even grease it's juice

>> No.19889906

It's ALL of it.
Sneed oils and shit are probably fine to dump down the drain, since they stay liquid at cooler temps, but animal fats and saturated oils like Coconut, and palm oils are what cause the plumbing nightmares.

>> No.19889975

I like precooked bacon if bacon jerky isn't available or the price suggests one or the other is more affordable.
Lard is so cheap that there is no real excuse for buying it. Cotton oil is so vile that it makes soybean oil look desirable in comparison.

>> No.19889998

You don't make your eggs in the bacon fat afterward? What's wrong with you?

>> No.19889999

>Neanderthal face, tits, and body
No thanks, I know where that comes from.

>> No.19890028
File: 56 KB, 960x640, NiceGET.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you aren't wrong, and your get looks like a glitchy date on an old VHS tape.
Back to the bacon!

>> No.19890040

>your get looks like a glitchy date on an old VHS tape
I keep telling people OLEDs are a scam. Turn down your brightness down and don't use it for shit that's anything other than video/gaming or the image just burns in permanently.

>> No.19890085

Kek! I meant the stutter...Oh nevermind...

>> No.19890194

I don't know how to explain it, but oven cooked bacon gives it a kind of crispiness that I think is better than pan fried. I'd describe it as a soft crisp rather than a hard crisp. Though I cook my bacon 400°F for 20-30 minutes unlike the other anon.

>> No.19890200

You appologize to Mr. Hardwood.

>> No.19890207

Just microwave it on a plate with a paper towel on top.

>> No.19890257
File: 91 KB, 750x563, Costco-10500-Kirkland-Signature-Fully-Cooked-Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As gud as bacon cooked from raw?
>Pretty darned gud?

>> No.19890357

It smells. You're just used to it. Everyone who enters your home immediately knows you have a cat.

>> No.19890378

A nice pair of fried eggs to go with the bacon.

>> No.19890398

>Save the melted fat in a mason jar.

never understood why whitoids do this shit.
>huuuh let me pour my old slop over my new slop what's heart disease never heard of it!!

>> No.19890440

You set your oven to 400 or something and then put the bacon in for like 20 minutes do not preheat. and it will be perfect every time then after it's cooled off just mop up the grease with paper towel or put tinfoil in the baking sheet before you place the bacon.

>> No.19890462
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My 2016 LG C6 has over 10k hours and is fine