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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 692 KB, 750x856, 58yr2h4qogi81_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19884764 No.19884764 [Reply] [Original]

vintage fast food.
look at the size of that pizza.

>> No.19884802

the caption implies that it's a family size pizza

>> No.19884816
File: 668 KB, 1200x628, OAjnZ-1452813451-605-blog-McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19884844

What is the modern equivalent of having parents who look like that?

>> No.19884867

The pizza wasn't bigger the people were just smaller

>> No.19884870 [DELETED] 

Now fast food commercials feature niggers with food on their faces stealing tacos from their fat white passing gfs.
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.19884986

are they are the hut?

>> No.19885057

me on the right

>> No.19885130

I think op is pointing out how small the pizza was in the 70's i'm not sure though.

>> No.19885138

I could eat the pizza and that family by myself

>> No.19885190

oh look another pants-shitting nostalgia thread where incels cry because the world has changed but they haven't

>> No.19885372
File: 464 KB, 1379x1960, Pizza Hut 1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Pizza Hut allow dangerous teen hoodlums to hang out there?

>> No.19885631

Cargo shorts and Star Wars T-shirt

>> No.19885639

It’s nice to see photos of people and places prior to the complete niggerification of society.

>> No.19885669

>people used to actually get dressed before going out in public
>now hogs in "gym" leggings waddle around the world with their pussies and asscracks visible

>> No.19885690

I miss those pizza huts, anyone remember in the 80s they had this priazzos?

>> No.19885722

This society doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.19887363

drop the fucking nukes already

>> No.19887379

because the people who shamed and trolled them post here instead of doing god's work in public

>> No.19887395

>slice on kids plate isn't the one missing from the full pizza
This shit is faker than the moon landing.

>> No.19887406

boomers ruined it.

>> No.19887419

That looks larger than even the 16 inch large, is it 18 inch?

>> No.19887434

how do you fucking retards not feel intense shame masturbating over literal advertisements? kill yourself

>> No.19887466

That's 2 slices idiot the other one is on the plate in front of the dad.

>> No.19887473

Thanks, niggers. Look what we lost.

>> No.19887475

Advertisements are a reflection of social values and ideals. The fact that those ideas used to be clean, comfy restaurants with just white people shows the collapse in standards in society.

>> No.19887480
File: 86 KB, 563x500, 765763575454654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19887482
File: 276 KB, 1200x628, mcdonalds-getty-668411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19887490

I just dry heaved

>> No.19887511
File: 69 KB, 594x627, 1232768107407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VGH the GLORIOUS fast food advertisements of yesteryear, the splendor of staged photos from basic bitch restaurants.......i weep, not for the plight of the boomers, who had it better than every other generation who ever lived, but for the generous pizza slices........*sniff* a time when you could trust advertisers..........to sell you shit you dont need but at least the models were white

>> No.19887513

At this point we should just merge this board with /pol/

>> No.19887517

ads are made to make you cosooom and create an illusion that you have choices instead of being simply government property

>> No.19887525

Can't blame the niggers, they don't know any better. It's the kikes who manipulated those low iq subhumans and the deplorable low iq libtards who enable them.

>> No.19887535


It actually did used to look like these pictures though. The fact that you find that idea ridiculous is more evidence of how far we've fallen.

>> No.19887537

None of this refutes my point.

>> No.19887542

Reading comprehension bro
I wasnt doubting the accuracy of the ad, I was making fun of anon for whining about advertisements

>> No.19887545

>uhhgg people buying what hey want not what they need???
face the wall, pinko

>> No.19887614
File: 485 KB, 505x367, 06-46-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza hut isn't good anymore billions must die

>> No.19887866

What shorts should they wear instead?

>> No.19887917

They cry for a world they never experienced and one that they wouldn't fit in to. Being a whiney faggot wasn't cool back then

>> No.19887920

You're one of those faggot geeks who wears suits and ties every single day despite the occasion or weather

>> No.19887923 [DELETED] 

Not an incel, a father of 3
We just hate fucking niggers, ok?
Everyone does. And one day you will, too.
So mind your tongue in the meantime, kid

>> No.19887940

your obsessed and I'm not kidding

>> No.19887944 [DELETED] 

It's you're
And you're projecting
Just wrap your head around the fact that everyone hates niggers and then fuck off accordingly

>> No.19887945

>just white people
That's because of WHERE these ads were shot not when. If this pizza hut was anywhere other than the middle of nowhere dustbowl land it would be diverse

>> No.19887947

important post

>> No.19887951

more like "millions of crusts are dry"

>> No.19887953

is baby having some constipation because of all that bbc he sourrounds himself with on a daily basis?
> fuck off accordingly
is what you should do

>> No.19887957

Absolutely non responsive to the part about advertising mirroring society.
Dilate, sneed, and learn to read.

>> No.19887992

Because I lived it

>> No.19888065

These ads from the 70s is just a shallow attempt to cover up the culture and sexual immorality shift of the 50s and 60s with mass consumption and consumerism.
"Yeah, we destroyed the fabric of social cohesion and family but at least you can fill the hole in your heart and soul with food and sex. No need for God or Jesus Christ in your life."

>> No.19888127

she cute

>> No.19888141

That guy was totally swinging back in the 70s.

>> No.19888164 [DELETED] 
File: 472 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20231110_115125_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting again
I keep bbc and nigger propaganda out of my life whenever possible.
Get lost and come back when you've got some more experience under your belt, boyo

>> No.19888190

It never truly existed.

>> No.19888521
File: 186 KB, 573x637, 1699644793358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19888541
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, 0ceeuco587hz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post on this whole board in months. God bless you anon

>> No.19888742

I hate boomers so much.

>> No.19888759

Not to derail this AAA thread here, but I'll venture to say that advertisers/entertainment media minds are the ones who're genuinely obsessed.

>> No.19888797
File: 40 KB, 772x772, 1552786801048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dominoes jack up their prices from $5 to $11 in a few months and no-one bats an eye
>large is half the size it used to be

>> No.19888802

you can't even go to a fast food place now without it being frightening at best and in the not too distant future it'll all be plexiglass inside anyway

>> No.19888827

That's because nobody eats full price dominos.

>> No.19888884

False. USA was 90% White up until the 70s, when the results of the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 started to show its impact.

>> No.19889203

where are all the obese brown people?

>> No.19889207
File: 903 KB, 1800x1205, hams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adult men shouldn't be wearing shorts in public unless they are at the beach or something

>> No.19889246

This doesn't look like an advertisement so why are so many insisting that it is one?

>> No.19889344

Not a brown person in site......

>> No.19889350

what is that girl eating, looks like literal cum sandwich

>> No.19889370

looks like a tuna/chicken salad

>> No.19889377

I was a kid during that time so my memory could be selective but I don't recall seeing Pizza Hut in the middle of cities. They were common in suburbs and even in rural areas but the inner city where non-whites lived seemed to have their own neighborhood pizza places, many surviving from before white flight. IIRC, Shakeys was a pizza chain that existed in cities. Maybe their ads have blacks in them. We never ate there so I can't say for sure who were their customers.
That ad is funny to me because even though we never rode horses to Pizza Hut, we would sometimes ride them to Shoney's on Sunday mornings, which was near Pizza Hut.

>> No.19889386

> the culture and sexual immorality shift of the 50s and 60s with mass consumption and consumerism.
"Yeah, we destroyed the fabric of social
No need for God or Jesus Christ in your life."

Christfags revising history to sell their fairy story. The good ol’ days featured whorehouses and numerous bars/taverns even in small, white towns. Teens got knocked up plenty. They got sent to distant relatives, and the kids got put in orphanages or adopted.

>> No.19889393

I love this image. I know I used to have it saved forever ago, thanks for posting it.

>> No.19889396

Citation or bullshit.

>> No.19889397

Whitest Pizza Hut commercial ever?

>> No.19889398

BIG creep energy on that guy. You just know if he were alive today he'd be weeping magatard tears about being "cancelled" for being drunk and touchy around women

>> No.19889404

Pizza Hut truly began going downhill when they made the horrible decision to not use these songs in a commerical.


>> No.19889405

And you're a NIGGER.

>> No.19889410

Zoom zooms don't even know the most easy to research common knowledge. Quite tragic.

>> No.19889421

87.5% in 1970, not 90% like you said. As matter of fact, the United States has never once reached 90% white. The highest was 89.8 in 1940.

>> No.19889422

>zoomer thinks it's always been current year, talking out his ass trying to convince his elders their own lived experiences aren't true
why are they so adamant in pursuing this line of argument? I guess I can understand the cope of not wanting to believe things used to be better but why do they dig their heels in like this?

>> No.19889426

blessed post

>> No.19889427

That means it was whites and niggers only and niggers knew their place.

>> No.19889429

Oldfag here. That wholesome white guy would have Playboy/Penthouse in his living room, he and his wife would smoke a pack/day even while she was pregnant, and have drunken parties (with the occasional swapping). It was normal for porn mags to be sold in convenience and grocery stores, and every barber shop had a huge selection of porn and titty postcards for a young man’s viewing pleasure.

>> No.19889430
File: 44 KB, 1920x1080, 1695464175604565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure showed him

>> No.19889437

OK? Doesn't change the fact he looks rapey as fuck...

>> No.19889438

Oof. Boomer can’t imagine life anywhere in the US outside of his red dirt shithole. Lemme guess - you were 17 before you actually crossed county lines for the first time?

>> No.19889444

I was agreeing with you, Einstein.

>> No.19889455

Ok sorry then. So many people on this site really believe the 50s-80s were actually like norman rockwell hotdog ads

>> No.19889462

Fuck people who think you need to go out of the USA. Fuck you!

>> No.19889469

Yea I just looked online today after not being there for 3 years. What used to be 7.99 is now 12.99 and then they added a mysterious $2 charge to get you to 14.99 before adding $1 for tax. Best part is when you call the local store, instead of getting the white guy by the cash register and within 30 seconds you've placed the order, confirmed how long it will be, and that you'll be coming in to pick it up...now instead their local store number routes you to a call center where an indian woman spends 5 mins+ trying to upsell you to a $23 pizza. These guys and subway are first to go during the next recession. They're coasting off of goodwill and dumb money and are not prepared for what's coming.

>> No.19889487

Why do poltards have to lie to make their points? 1. Nobody calls the pizza place LMAO you use an app or a website 99% of the time. 2. Even if you do have to physically call the place up like if it's a real local immigrant place or you're driving thru some Iowa ass shithole middle state you aren't getting routed to a call center lol that's retarded. You'll get a slack jawed Cletus that ain't never heared a no anne's jovies afore.

>> No.19889489
File: 123 KB, 932x467, zooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get their understanding of the world from TikTok. Pic related was dumb for thinking kids should know about Elvis and the Beatles but she's otherwise pretty spot on. They simply don't understand what it means for something to be true. The consensus of their peers is what makes something true. And for many of them, what they see as their peers are attention whores on social media.

>> No.19889497

>>19885190 >>19887917
Globohomo shills who want us to forget what has been stolen from us, or just zoomie faggots in denial?

>> No.19889506

Every single thing in that post has been said about every single generation of humans. The boomer spirit is eternal.

>> No.19889507

Zoom zooms don't even know about rounding up or down

>> No.19889511

The 1970s were a period between when obscenity laws were struct down in the late 60s and when new, more focused laws were passed in the 1980s. So for that decade, almost anything could go. Most people didn't actually deep dive into degeneracy but the ones who did felt very comfortable being open about it because all laws against it had been deemed unconstitutional. Even CP was starting to pop up, which is one of the reasons for the 1980s conservative backlash against the excesses of the 1970s. Towns went from having drive-in porn theaters to not being able to sell Playboy because the laws of the 1980s were nowhere near as broad as those that had previously been struct down. Turned out that most people didn't want to be sleazy swingers nor did they want to see sleazy swingers out in the open. That's why the backlash had such wide support.

>> No.19889526

whities why did you let this happen? why do you let it continue to happen?

>> No.19889528

Yeah dude, the parents in the 1650 really were upset at the children of that decade being addicted to their smart phones.
>But adults have always thought kids are dumb
Yes, but that's not what the post specifically went into. You're trying to ignore details to project a high level commonality when it's the details that matter.

>> No.19889529

People like >>19889506 exist and after WWII white felt sorry for them instead of finishing the job that should have been done.

>> No.19889537

Parents in the 1650s were bitching about them dern kids and their newfangled literacy and playing cards. The details don't matter, boomers always find something to bitch about that's making the the world an intellectual wasteland. Boomer hominid monkeys were bitching about kids and their obsession with walking upright and throwing sticks. You are retarded. You have a demon on you and its name is Boomer.

>> No.19889612

Calling is extremely efficient. I remember one time I was completely done within 15 seconds of dialing. The fact that you can only think in terms of apps also shows that you're a zoomer, so I'm not going to continue arguing with a minor.

>> No.19889628

I'm 36. You're the one mentally trapped in your childhood. Old getting mad at the computer because you can't type a website ass bitch.

>> No.19889635

itt 20 somethings larping as tradlife oldfags

>> No.19889643 [DELETED] 

I hope your kids get shot in school faggot

>> No.19889646

>t. Delivers Grubslop to upper middle class women in his pajamas

>> No.19889685 [DELETED] 

Imagine thinking this much inside your own personal bubble

>> No.19889745

This is why you don't engage with bad faith retards because they will spew shit like this >>19889421 back at you.

>> No.19890052

i have travelled the world and it has only made me more racist

>> No.19890724

This is sadly yet hilariously really accurate, especially the music part.
One thing missing is that there are certain kids who are even worse than this and they're just completely unteachable. It's like they're on anaesthetic. If you've ever seen a video of someone after they've gotten their teeth pulled, that's how it is. Zero ability to make short term memories. You can say something to them and they've already forgotten it before you finish your sentence. Some of them, their parents put them on pills that help them concentrate and make it so they can learn something. But a lot of them are just gone mentally, and teachers are just told to let them sit in the back and fiddle on their phones. I knew a teacher friend who taught a kid who spent all class flipping through porn on his phone. He was in the fourth grade. The principal and parents just told the guy to leave him alone and just let him take up space in the back. They're just zombies, there's no other way to describe it.

>> No.19890749

what if it's hot

>> No.19890793

what about men who aren't adults?

>> No.19890812


>> No.19890822

>These ads from the 70s is just a shallow attempt to cover up the blah blah blah
No, these are advertisements intended to make people want to spend their cash by making their wares appealing. They are merely a crass commercial attempt to reflect the existing culture, not some calculated attempt to change society.

Where do people come up with this shit?

>> No.19890833
File: 153 KB, 650x504, Image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19890942
File: 41 KB, 520x342, BermudaShorts004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the stuffy British created Bermuda Shorts for tropical climates.

>> No.19890945

36 and still hasn't conquered social anxiety enough to use a phone. What a waste of a human life.

>> No.19891127

many people have this today

>> No.19891325

..I still remember when gas was 96 cents a gallon and I'm 34. God has cursed us millennial bros

>> No.19891329
File: 1.14 MB, 480x852, 1677384758012.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19891337

but it looks like that pizza for that kid only.
>the wife is getting her own food.
>there is an obstruction between the husband and the pizza (the pizza isn't centrally placed for him to access it)
>the husband's sidepiece already has some food.

>> No.19891402

You might want to get screened for autism.

>> No.19891612

It's a print ad, designed to get the point across at first glance, knowing full well the reader is going to flip past it as fast as possible. It's not designed to be scrutinized, much less analyzed. In that split-second glance, it needs to register the following things: (1) pizza, (2) enjoyable, (3) worthwhile. That, and not true-to-life accuracy, is what's driving everything from colors to models to how everything is arranged on the page.

If anything, I'd say that pizza is crowded too close to the rest of the stuff on the table. But the slice taken out helps represent it as an icon of a pizza.

>> No.19891811

It's weird how people take advertisements as proof of how good life used to be.
Pizza Hut does not care about you or your culture. It's a corporation. Taking their ads as anthropological evidence is much less accurate than an ordinary photo that isn't staged.

>> No.19891865

Thanks for the info, Don Draper

>> No.19891884

They live rent free in your head. The new generation is genuinely retarded in a way that boomers could never forsee.

>> No.19892078

>to how everything is arranged on the page
maybe they should pay more attention to how things are arranged on the table. I don't want to dine at a table that has all the crap crowded where I'm trying to eat. There is so much unused space on that table.

>> No.19892084

>The new generation is genuinely retarded in a way that boomers could never forsee.
that's what all boomers say, but I think this time it's true.

>> No.19892525

Reminds me of the retards who still cry about fast food getting corporate reworks when it's a fucking mcdonalds in the first place

>> No.19892719


>> No.19892725

thats because you're the boomer now

>> No.19893436
File: 555 KB, 526x1039, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19893450

doesnt work
they have good coupons still but they all have a "minimum $30 purchase order" required to use them

>> No.19893473

We're completely fucked and we deserve every last bit of it. Why didn't we listen?

>> No.19893483

We don't want your kind here anymore.

>> No.19893553
File: 120 KB, 1200x750, pol-ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/polck/: SIG thread on how to get the most out of your ethnostate bakery while also making great gains!
>OP: Hand mixing and kneading batches of 100 loaves at a time is a great workout, and you can simultaneously subvert the ZOG...

>> No.19893616
File: 516 KB, 1349x4269, Screenshot_2020-06-30 The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception — Central Intelligence Agency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do people come up with this shit?
Well, shit.
I don't know quite how to break this to ya, but you both have elements of truth in your posts.
Since Bernays wrote "Crystallizing Public Opinion" and "Propaganda" in 1923 and '28, respectively, All mainstream advertising has been involved with hijacking primal drives to replace them with a product, and creating popular social movements that have the sole purpose of selling an "IDEA" which can comprise a whole set of products.
Both of these are on offer as PDF files with no sign-up.
Worth the read to see how they do...
Crystallizing Public Opinion:

Certainly Advertising has evolved considerably since the 20s.

>> No.19893663
File: 160 KB, 1024x758, we're ALL Fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lemme guess - you were 17 before you actually crossed county lines for the first time?
Holy shit, do zoomies really not ubderstand the difference between Boomers and GenX?
Also, genX and most Mills lived in a time when yearly family vacations were still a thing.

>> No.19893684
File: 1.26 MB, 640x356, Zoomers are WORTHLESS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Look at the Techno-Tard!!
You guys are FUCKED when the power goes out for longer than half a day, aren't you?
Your naive ignorance coupled with your absurd self-assurance are at once, hilarious and horrifying.

>> No.19893731
File: 21 KB, 326x229, 1699243651606056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what has been stolen from us
There are plenty of mom and pop restaurants with good prices you can still go eat with your family at these places it doesn't all have to be fast food chains.

>> No.19893741
File: 303 KB, 666x564, RIPPEN-Superliminal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still use it today, they just have big duct-taped refridgerators in the backroom...for some reason.

>> No.19893805

'jak 'em

>> No.19893972
File: 185 KB, 651x800, 4N04ctqMA85f5I-eOEswtTj6v57UG3JvA1HYpbViEEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19894117

Behind every zoomer, is a greedy boomer that didn't give them 2 days training.

Source? 14 years in banquet kitchens, restaurants, catering, etc.

>> No.19894229

>we have always been at war with east parentsia
>large scale cultural changes are impossible
>every generation is as capable as all others
Pigeon brain.

>> No.19894462
File: 36 KB, 474x290, th-1106552108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so pic related would have been a good advertising campaign in the 1980s because, after all, nothing has changed and advertising in no way reflects the current state of culture.

>> No.19894477

i got great calves and I work outdoors, suck me

>> No.19894480
File: 72 KB, 601x678, ronald mcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorts hater fully btfo

>> No.19895157

Kek no they don't you fat retard

>> No.19895180

i care WAY more about my comfort than your perception, because at the end of the day you are nobody

>> No.19895264

ok but be sure to keep the butt plug in so none of us have to smell that bussy