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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19888907 No.19888907 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you bean chilli fuckers, you win. Here's a teaser photo for tomorrow's chili cook. Nothing canned here, just real chili with fresh chili paste from dried anchos, gadillos, habaneros.
Pinto and black beans have to soak overnight so no results till tomorrow.

>> No.19888913

How much did the meat cost per pound?

>> No.19888916

bout tree fiddy

>> No.19888918

Don't forget your hormone blockers hun

>> No.19888920

$4.99 on sale, welcome to fucking Canada.

>> No.19888933

>i can't believe it's not meat

>> No.19888945

Nah I'm good.

>> No.19888956

You're not using all those beans for that amount of meat, are you?

>> No.19888965

No they're bagged beans from the grocery store dipshit.
When you cook do you just throw everything in the pot? I would think the entire pack of dried habaneros would have you more worried than the beans.

>> No.19888971

>When you cook do you just throw everything in the pot?
When it comes to beans, yes. It's simple to dump in a 1 lb bag of beans and measure everything else to proportion than trying to measure the beans out and then store the leftovers.

>> No.19888986

So when you cook rice do you just use the whole bag too?

>> No.19888995

No, I measure rice by the cup.

>> No.19889002

So you just really have a particular problem with measuring beans by the cup.

>> No.19889008

it's $4.39/lb here in Oregon, and thats for the shitty 80% lean crap

>> No.19889011

this niggr ovr hear measuring beens by the cup hahaa;a;

>> No.19889016

Yes, because a bag of beans is never divides into a whole number of cups or half-cups. So you end up with an awkward fraction of a bag of beans that you have to later combine with another awkward fraction of a different bag of beans next time you want to make a bean dish. If I kept giant 20 lb bags of beans around, I'd probably use cups for beans, too, but I don't.

>> No.19889021

$3.49 a pound in Massachusetts.

>> No.19889022

Yeah this is regular, the lean was twice the price, so sear and drain it is.

>> No.19889024

I've done bean chili before and I'm tempted to suggest you should cook the beans BEFORE adding them to your chili

The acidity of the tomatoes/peppers is going to toughen them up like you wouldn't believe, I had to dump in baking soda before they let go and they had the consistency of grits afterwards

>> No.19889030

That was always the plan, soak overnight then cook the beans.
Yes I also plan to run back out and grab some kidney beans if i can find some dry ones in this shitshow town.

>> No.19889036
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>> No.19889048 [DELETED] 

Abandon thread

>> No.19889051 [DELETED] 

>10 habs is too hot for poor yt
I bet you never even shit yourself spicy diareah

>> No.19889110
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Check that out you bean naysaying fucks, you just cut the corner off the bag, measure the damn beans, and put a dollar store clip on it.

>> No.19889115

>two different types of beans
>ground meat
Utter garbage

>> No.19889128
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>He's never heard of three bean chili
Three now.

>> No.19889141
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This nigga soakin beans.

>> No.19889155 [DELETED] 

>Beans in chili

>> No.19889163

canned beans are better than dry

>> No.19889224


uhhh ill pass

>> No.19889238

Poilievre for the W.

>> No.19889250

we get it texas, chili don't have beans, har har

>> No.19889261

I’ve never seen green bell peppers in chili get anywhere near the amount of hate beans in chili gets.

>> No.19889352
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I was planning to put red bell peppers in this tomorrow

>> No.19890786

I always figured that bell peppers was some kind of confused cope from people who realize that chili is supposed to have peppers in it but have absolutely no clue what kind you're supposed to use.

>> No.19891470
File: 333 KB, 1515x2018, simmerin beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 10am and the beans are simmering after soaking overnight

>> No.19891525
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Chilis softening in boiling water.
2 habaneros and a pack of guadillios and anchos each.

>> No.19891558

keep me posted

>> No.19891624

you're supposed to remove the stems and seeds you nonce

>> No.19891656
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I do after they're softened you raging cock smoking bong faggot.
Seeded and cleaned, teaspoon of salt, cracked black pepper and cumin. cup and a half of water.

>> No.19891660
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Paste made

>> No.19891676
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1 medium yellow onion
2 shallots
4 cloves of garlic

>> No.19891684

Monitoring this thread

>> No.19891687
File: 535 KB, 1515x2018, beef browning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browning the beef in the onions cause i know if i don't someone will sure as hell bitch and complain that I didn't.

>> No.19891700

The only thing brown to complain about is your skin

>> No.19891711

I didn't believe you, since it's been so long since I've bought ground beef. 80% lean ground chuck is $4.44 on sale at the Tigard Oregon Wal-Mart. Holy shit. You can get whole chuck roast for $4.97 a pound right now at Fred Meyer's. What has Big Cow done?

>> No.19891712

How much paste is that, in volume units?

>> No.19891725
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Beef starting to brown, skin not so much, a lot less than you anyway Jose.

>> No.19891733

youre a fat fuck

>> No.19891734

looks like about 750 ml all up going by the scale on the side of the blender.
Cup and a half of that is water. Will just reduce down however much i like on the stove once it's simmerin

>> No.19891741
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I can see my toes just fine Jose.

>> No.19891747

How much does it make for a kilo ?

>> No.19891748

wash your feet

>> No.19891752

Fuck off footfag, I know what you want.

>> No.19891761

Dude you're supposed to get some color on those onions before throwing the meat in. Also garlic should be added later than onions.

Also waiting for your spices. With all those beans, I hope to see some cloves.

>> No.19891767

The spices were in the chili paste, Salt, Cumin, Cracked black pepper.
This is chili not Martha Stewarts homestyle stew.

>> No.19891796

When cooking beans, add a small onion pierced by as much cloves as you can put on. Remove it when beans are cooked. You'll see the difference.

>> No.19891798
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Browned just about as brown as Jose up in the comments, and set aside.

>> No.19891799
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Got that nice fond to lift up and deglaze with some broth.

>> No.19891803
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I know there's gonna be bitching here, those white specks are fat which this brand of beef broth always has.
2 cups to deglaze that fond.

>> No.19891810
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Beans beef and broth all in.

>> No.19891816
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Paste in

>> No.19891819

you got the wrong beans

>> No.19891820
File: 843 KB, 1515x2018, chili shimmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there it is, that golden shimmer of real chili paste on the surface.
Time to simmer now for a couple hours.

>> No.19891822

nm i see kidney beans u good
don't forget your ro-tel chili fixin's

>> No.19891823

Pintos, black, and Kidney, No I didn't.
Classic 3 bean chili for bean fags.

>> No.19891826

Pretty sure Im not gonna find any rotel up here in leafland.

>> No.19891869
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Got that bare simmer underway for 2 hours, may go 3.

>> No.19891968

I was interested in the thread but you’re a bit of an insufferable faggot so I’m out

>> No.19891996

If you're not insufferable you're doing it wrong here.

>> No.19892002

but I'm hungry now!

>> No.19892018

Take your shirt off

>> No.19892035

This isn't yahoo dudes jack off chat anon.

>> No.19892076
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Just cause you asked nice though, here you go.

>> No.19892088

>real chili
>ground beef
try again

>> No.19892102

I did a texas chili cooking thread and the bean chilli faggots complained so now I'm doing a bean chili thread.
I never said it was real chili.

>> No.19892112

>I never said it was real chili.
>>Nothing canned here, just real chili

>> No.19892119

This refers the the real chili peppers pictured, rather than using chili powder. Not the chili as a finished product.
It's still just bean chili.

>> No.19892220
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Done, after letting it stand 30 minutes off the heat

>> No.19892228
File: 1.31 MB, 2688x2018, served.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And served, hope it doesn't suck.

>> No.19892232

what's the nut

>> No.19892247

Dollop of sour cream.
The verdict is it was fucking good. Maybe the bean chili anons are vindicated, I'm having a hard time not going back for another bowl.

>> No.19892252

Do you use sour cream for anything else?
I've been thinking about buying a small tub, but I can't think of any uses beyond tacos and I fear it's just going to rot away

>> No.19892264

Perogies, but no not a lot of use for sour cream no. I just buy the tiny container once in a while and even then I end up throwing half of it out when it expires.

>> No.19892269

I guess that's just the life cycle of sour cream for people like us...

Anyway, your chili looks great, I think I might make them next week.

>> No.19892295
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>> No.19892298

Final quantities.

1/2 cup each of dried pinto, black, kidney beans, soak over night at least 8 hours.
rinse and refill the water an inch over the soaked beans and bring to a boil, simmer for 90 minutes and drain.
4 oz of dried chilis softened and seeded, I used half ancho half guadillo, you can use fresh chilis if you have to, but dried are nice and smoky.
tsp each salt, cracked black pepper, cumin, 1 1/2 cup of water in the blender to make the chili paste. Hold back half a cup to rinse the blender out and get all that chili.
Brown the beef in your mix of onions and garlic of your choice, I used 1 medium yellow, 2 shallots, 4 cloves garlic. Alternately brown the beef separate and caramelize the onions in half a cup of red wine in the fond.
all in another 1-2 tsp of salt to taste, bring to a boil, simmer for 2 - 3 hours, let stand for half an hour before serving or serve the next day, chili is usually better the next day.

>> No.19892301

And as many habaneros as you want for kick. 2 is pretty medium, 4 is a decent kick and go up from there.

>> No.19892309

oh and yeah 2lb of ground beef or chopped chuck in 2 inch cubes. If you use chuck go 3 hours simmer so it breaks down to fibers.

>> No.19892406

5 dollars a kg on ground beef is really fucking good.
I haven't seen prices like that in a decade here.

>> No.19892482

Wait a minute, schwein und reind...
That sounds like ground pork Klaus.

>> No.19892510


>> No.19892526

So its pork and beef mixed?
What the fuck is wrong with you Germans.

>> No.19892550

ground beef is 3.49€ for 500g

>> No.19892566

That's pork. In Canada we can get $2.50/lb for ground pork

>> No.19892571

Looks pretty dark, I guess I use more tomato's

>> No.19892584

In this thread we do one chili blasphemy only, Beans is one thing, tomatoes and beans is getting dangerous.

>> No.19892586

add some chuck and beef rib with more chillis lad. Just ground meat and beans is encroaching dog food territory

>> No.19892631

> Onions clearly still raw

Lol, what a retard.

>> No.19892639

Do you think the onions were still even in one piece after a 2-3 hour simmer dipshit?

>> No.19892653

I normally make texas chili with chuck.
Chuck is also starting at $10 a lb here on sale now. And this was surprisingly good, and cheap.

>> No.19892748

I appreciate your effort but I have some doubts about the sequence of steps. For example: gently frying the paste in ample butter/oil after frying the onions and garlic for a while until golden brown draws out more flavor than adding paste to a pot with a lot of moisture, doesn't it?

>> No.19892766

Why fry chili paste? You can just toast the chilis in a pan before softening if you want more smoky flavor.

>> No.19892787

i really wanna suck your toes after a dip in your nasty 'chili'.

>> No.19892821

Because the goal of cooking and using fat is not just to evaporate water, soften food, kill pathogens, browning etc. It's to concentrate flavor in the fat with a temperature above the boiling point of water because that absorps the fat soluble substances from aromatics and spices. You can think about chili like a kind of curry.

>> No.19893174

That's not the point dumb fuck. Actually browned onions give a completely different flavor than raw ass onions. The fact that you think boiling them is the same as sauteing them shows what a retard you are.

>> No.19893193

Damn brother, that's a legit chili. Good job. >>19892571
It's the guajillo chilis, they make a dark ass paste when boiled and pureed.

>> No.19893297

The anchos are even darker than the guadillos.
I don't know you well enough for that maybe some other time anon.
You're a fucking mongoloid, got sit in the corner and eat paste. I sauteed them for about 5 minutes before I added the beef. Caramelized onions were not what I was going for.

>> No.19893422

Chili is extremely kino for easy weeknight dinners. I make it 2-3 nights a week at this point.

>> No.19893930

chili takes like 4 hours to make. who the fuck has that much time on a weeknight?

>> No.19893943

You can just make sloppa cupboard chili about as fast as you can open a few cans and brown some beef. And it's cheap eating for the week.

>> No.19894019

so you're not actually making chili

>> No.19894586

It really takes you 4 hours of prep time? Most of the cooking time is just sitting on the burner which requires no effort on your part.

>> No.19894592

>he thinks this is chili
I hope you enjoy sitting on a toilet all night after eating that disgusting slop.

>> No.19895061

I know it doesn't really matter for this dish but the dice on that on is pretty sloppy, anon.

>> No.19895088

Looks good my friend. I rate it 8/8 would eat with a date (the food, I'm not getting any where near 3d women). I see the hate you're getting, but next time try carmaliz.. caramel... carmil... making those onions cooked brown.

>> No.19895113
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>Pinto and black beans have to soak overnight so no results till tomorrow.
while those are common bean choices i'd recommend canned beans since they hold together much better and don't suffer overcooking and turning to mush

>> No.19895144

needs fresh peppers to brighten it up a bit and give it some texture, poblano and jalapeño work good and fresh habaneros> dried

>> No.19895252

That's because I cut my finger and just kind of one handed the last half of the medium size yellow onion.

>> No.19895261

The beans turned out okay and didn't mush.
They don't sell pintos canned here anywhere which is also an issue.
The only downside is that while the chili was very good, I farted my ass off all night.
I normally like to put in red bell pepper and criminey mushrooms but the idea here was just the most basic chili that would get the least amount of complaints about "that doesn't go in real chili durrr!".

>> No.19895293

You know what, I like my onions that way just cooked through for 2 - 5mins, and I ain't changing for anyone.
Marco Pierre white does them that way so its good enough for me.

>> No.19895460


>> No.19895773

Looks around 12 standard volumes units (SVU).

>> No.19896050

I don't get home until after 7 and I always immediately take a shit and shower so I basically can't even start cooking until 8. even if most of the time is spent simmering I still wouldn't be eating until after midnight.

>> No.19896083

The food rating on these packages is great

>> No.19897209

yea you really gotta cook the shit out of those dried beans to get the farts out of them

>> No.19897654

I'm scared now, I got a weeks worth of chili in the freezer and I already nearly gassed myself.
How the fuck can those beans still be undercooked when I simmered them for 90 mins then 2 hours more in the chili?

>> No.19897667

thread would be good if it wasn't for the beans
sorry, they ruin the whole thing, as they do with every recipe they invade

>> No.19897671

No it wouldn't. Cause the whole reason I did this cooking thread was because I did a no beans Texas chili thread and the beans people bitched for beans.

>> No.19897701

A dollop in scrambled eggs