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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19867743 No.19867743 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Coffee shits are the best bros edition.
Year old pastebin: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous thread: >>19837815
Is coffee good for you?

>> No.19867752
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Anyone tried coffee with kefir milk?

>> No.19867765

Why does the west coast of the USA and the southern part of Italy prefer dark roasts?

>> No.19867780

Do Americans look down on Commonwealth people for using instant coffee at home? I already have a kettle, I don't need a coffee maker. I only drink coffee in the morning to take a shit faster.

>> No.19867787

It's a fashion thing. It changes with time. Women love it because it sends out signals of who they (don't) want to connect to. Give it 5 years and the landscape will be drastically different.

>> No.19867794

What more do you need than a teaspoon or two of instant coffee in a cup of hot milk?

>> No.19867804

Bless them. Im from PR and I prefer my coffee strong so I only buy dark roasts. I also prefer dark chocolate. May be a tastebud thing, so genetics.

>> No.19867817

You don't need a coffee machine, you can get a pour over piece that sits atop your mug for a few bucks, and then some filters for it.
But anyone coming to a dedicated coffee thread absolutely will look down on you for using instant, yes, not that you should care (except you obviously do care).

>> No.19867823

No, why would anyone

>> No.19867849

Are dark roasts really stronger? They're more bitter, but less acidic and less caffeinated.

>> No.19867858

You answered your own question. If they are more bitter then they taste stronger, bolder.
Medium/light roasts are like coffee flavored tea to me.

>> No.19867886

>Medium/light roasts are like coffee flavored tea to me.
You're doing something wrong desu. Skill lvl too low or low quality beans.

>> No.19867979
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The science is settled. The tasters have chosen. Instant coffee is the best way to consume coffee. From the moment my brain tells my body to go and make some coffee, to the moment that sweet ambrosia crosses my lips is less than 2 minutes thanks to the technology of microwaves, and freeze drying brought to us by Science(tm).

>> No.19867991

>2 minutes
Expresso is great if you're not into slow coffee.

>> No.19867999

It might take 2 minutes to make some espresso, but it will be too hot, and you have to wait or mix it with milk etc. With instant coffee and a microwave you can heat the water to your exact preference and begin drinking immediately.

>> No.19868110

>Medium/light roasts are like coffee flavored tea to me.
It has nothing to do with the roast but rather the brewing method. A light roast in an ibrik for example will taste pretty strong.

>> No.19868144

So let me get this straight. Turkish coffee is:
>ground extremely fine
>added to cold water at a ratio of 1:9 and boiled
>brought to a foaming boil at least once, but traditionally up to three times
Wouldn't it just be extremely bitter, maybe even burnt and acrid? I've never had it. I might brew some just to try it. Anyone with experience got any insight as to how it should taste? I don't have a burr grinder that goes fine enough so I think I'll just blitz it in the trusty blade grinder.

>> No.19868272

is there such thing as a 50 dollar coffee maker that DOESNT leave your coffee sitting on a hotplate to keep warm? i would rather cold beans than burnt beans
>muh french press / espresso machine / etc
i do not want to make my beans. i want a machine to make my beans for me. I'm not THAT much of a snob

>> No.19868288

Nah. Not for 50. Most of the drip machines in that price range heat the brew water using the same heating element as the hot plate so you can't even disconnect it.

>> No.19868310

>...and then I put a drop of water in with the beans to prevent static buildup.
>Actually, that's called the Ross Droplet Technique. Why didn't you call it the Ross Droplet Technique? That's the Ross Droplet Technique, RDT for short.

>> No.19868385

>Do Americans look down on Commonwealth people for using instant coffee at home?
i look down on everyone who drinks instant because their indifference is the reason the industry is in its current state

>> No.19868414

>microwaving water
Do Americans really?

>> No.19868428
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Like 2 months ago I posted asking for light coffee roasters in the USA, someone recommended a couple and I just had a bag of proud mary which was pretty good (not pictured, no longer on sale). Just wanted to say thanks if you're still out there coffeebro

>> No.19868430

Why bother making coffee when you could just take a laxative?

>> No.19868435

How do I descale my office kettle without looking like a pretentious twat?

>> No.19868439 [DELETED] 

what makes you think anyone will know how you do it in order to judge you
besides the fact that youre posting about it here, anyway

>> No.19868445

A French press or Aeropress is literally lower effort and lower maintenance than a drip machine. All you need is a kettle.

>> No.19868451

You have to do it secretly. Come into the office early or stay late. Actually, if you do it early in the morning your coworkers might smell the vinegar or whatever when they arrive. So evening is better.

>> No.19868460
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Citric acid bruv for dat ninja smellz

>> No.19868465
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>> No.19868470

>Heem Absolute
what did he mean by this

>> No.19868478

Any time pal, glad you liked it. There was an anon who used to post their deluxe stuff here all the time. Try some sey or hydrangea next.

>> No.19868504

What's /ck/ consensus on Cách làm cà phê trứng ngon nhưng không tanh?

>> No.19868539

>Do Americans really have the technology to bring 300ml of water to near 100 degrees Celsius in just 60 seconds?

>> No.19868560

An electric kettle does it in 45 seconds and uses far less energy.

>> No.19868578

for me it's the lightest roast possible from south america or ethiopia and having my day ruined by agonizing anxiety after one cup in the morning.

>> No.19868590

Most electric kettles have a minimum recommended volume of around 500ml, and due to the voltage used in most American houses kettles are actually less efficient than a microwave for such small quantities.

>> No.19868700
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Work in progress: bicolour brioches with coffee dough (50% moka goff and 50% instant goff) and vanilla dough.

>> No.19868718

Fuck off, go back.

>> No.19868742
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>go back to the cooking board

>> No.19868744

>mutt brioches
>even the goff is mutt'd
Godspeed anon.

>> No.19868747

What happens if you brew the nescafe in the moka?

>> No.19868750

The minimum water level for most electric kettles is much lower than 500ml, in fact the primary purpose of many of these kettles it to make a single cup of tea/coffee (which would be less than 500ml). All you really need to do is make sure the heating element is covered, and for kettles where the coil is housed underneath a plate that means you just need to cover the bottom. And when you boil water in the microwave (particular filtered water), you run the risk of superheating it which will make it explode once you add something to it. So if you do insist of boiling water in the microwave, at least leave a wooden stirrer in the cup so there is a nucleation point that allows it to boil.

>> No.19868758

>If I add goffee to bbq sauce I can ruin the smoking threads too!

>> No.19868762

The instant coffee would melt as soon as rising water touches it and boiling water @ 1 bar with no puck resistance will spray from my moka killing me.
The resulting coffee would taste just as regular rehydrated instant coffee.

>> No.19868789

What if you mixed natural sawdust and instant coffee in an 80/20 ratio (so as to mimick the insoluble and soluble compound distribution in coffee beans), ground it for espresso, prepped the puck as you would if it was regular coffee grounds, and pulled a shot? How would that come out I wonder.

>> No.19868798

Sandwich the instant inbetween the sawdust.

>> No.19868873 [DELETED] 

Some of the bets coffee ive ever had

>> No.19868883
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Some of the best coffee ive ever had

>> No.19868913
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I want a light tasty coffee that goes good with milk. Yes I'm a widdle baby.

>> No.19868935

Any coffee will do
Now leave

>> No.19868947
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Maybe I should get a case of these for when I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.19868978


>> No.19869082

It's great if you only need a little water. It's probably the cleanest way to get heated water.

>> No.19869136

no but i used yakult in my coffee last week
it was ok
i had no milk left but i had a whole pack of yakult so i used that instead.
it has a strange sweetness to it that you cant get from sugar and the texture is different than milk
it works in a pinch

>> No.19869141


>> No.19869149

are you a puppet or a man?

>> No.19869166

its so dark and so bitter and so intense that the "coffee high" is much higher than even the "strongest" espresso or moka
you take small sips so that the silt stays at the bottom of the cup and you eat it with something super sweet like lokum
its a pretty heavy experience from my own personal experience, i dont know how people do it every day or even multiple times per day

>> No.19869173

>hitchhiker's thumbs

>> No.19869179

you buy a new kettle in secret(usually the exact same model) and you to 10 full boils to remove any new taste it has and then smuggle it into the office and replace the old one

>> No.19869182

sorry i dont speak amongus

>> No.19869185

wash your hands anon

>> No.19869187
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yes. it was the worst thing i have ever drank. i took one sip and immediately poured it into the sink.

>> No.19869200
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>> No.19869217

who is this semen demon???

>> No.19869246

Looks yummy anon, keep us posted

>> No.19869253
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mods are asleep post beans

>> No.19869289

I buy beans from the cafe down the road. Kinda expensive though and I don't use them fast enough so they go stale and because they're expensive I force myself to finish them. I feel like the otter eating watermelon.

>> No.19869329
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Thank you anon, I just froze them and will take some of them out in 6 hours so they can be eaten with the afternoon goff.

The smell is super nice.

>> No.19869379

Couldn't resist the siren song of the croissant, huh? Well here's hoping the internal structure turns out good. I believe in you, mokafrà!

>> No.19869410
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These are brioches, not croissants, so no lamination but only soft goodness.

I will try croissants again after Christmas I guess, I can’t eat them during panettone season (btw I need to open the first panettone shill thread on /ck/), but I need to succeed with an airy interior and no butter leaking in the oven.

Pic related is from the last batch I made last year, by using a 12 hours poolish + placing a pan with hot water in the oven during the baking process, I achieved peak softness.

Let’s see how it works with these new ones, I didn’t make a poolish for time related reasons though, so let’s hope for the better. :D

>> No.19869416
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>says to post beans
>look at picture
>its a bag

>> No.19869417

buy smaller bags

>> No.19869424

Noooo.you can't just keep a dossier on specific posters :'(

>> No.19869445
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>check roast date
>see this
The coffee was pretty good tho

>> No.19869448
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I fixed my espresso machine lads (it had a broken knob).
I just removed the knob and turn the thingie with a wrench now

>> No.19869460

Get some glasses anon

>> No.19869471

>clearly sweaty/greasy/oily skin
>dirt under fingernails

>> No.19869526

>tfw won't get to Rome this year for the traditional christmas Baladin panetone with barley wine
Life is hard sometimes

>> No.19869743

Ah, I should have known. I usually shape my brioche into the standard loaves, rolls, and buns. I'm sure they'll turn out tasty regardless. You should try making brioche with dried fruits, roasted nuts, and cream fillings. Maybe dress 'em up with a little bit of that caramel, yes?

>> No.19869748

it's eeffoc. it's funny

>> No.19869807


>> No.19869834
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Except it's not boiled, you remove it at about 85c or 90c since that's the point it would start foaming up. The second it starts boiling the foam ceases to exist and the taste is ruined. It's kinda true that the amount of foam in the cup would indicate how well brewed it is. Good Turkish coffee should be enjoyable without sugar and taste strong but honestly I find espresso stronger since the ratio for espresso is way lower. Every sip is so clear because all the fines should completely sink at the bottom, so once you are almost done and start to feel just a sliiight amount of fines in your last sip, that's when you put the cup down because the next sip would just be a gross sensation of practically eating fines.

I kid you not, I thought Turkish coffee should be reserved for stale or low quality beans but I tried some natural processed specialty El Salvador beans and it was mind blowing, granted it was a pain in the ass to grind. The aroma is unmatched and the flavor notes were apparent. Turkish coffee is basically similar to espresso in the sense that they're both enjoyed as shots, but it's for those who don't prefer acidity.

>> No.19869929
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Q2s or C3 for moka pot and french press?

>> No.19869943


>> No.19869951
File: 153 KB, 1073x1074, de-longhi-dedica-style-ec-685-m-metall-4092574395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys,

I'm from Germany and I love to drink Espresso.
Espresso is literally the benchmark of coffee.
I use a very small De'longhi espresso machine.
Its an older version of pic related. The Lavazza coffee pads are super handy
with this machine and super clean to use.

In the past I drank up to 5 espressi per day but now I reduced it to one per day
to keep the cost low and the pleasure high. Now its something special again.
Whenever I desire an espresso of higher class, I go max. once per moth in a local cafe
to taste the 2,50€ luxury.

By drinking less you can reduce to cost while maxing the pleasure.

>> No.19869977

>I'm from Germany
im sorry

>> No.19870021

>drinking black coffee brewed using my moka pot
>between sip break a piece of freshly baked bread, dip it in melted cheese and eat
The sweet Milky flavour of cheese goes really well with the contrasting flavour of coffee. I would recommend

>> No.19870048

I have a La Pavoni machine and it's too fucking complicated to use.

>> No.19870056

which one

>> No.19870065

entry level Europiccola from about 5 years ago. parents bought it and basically never used it 'cause of how much real estate it takes up in the kitchen. any time I get it out to use it, they just put it away.

>> No.19870069

this one?
its tiny.

>> No.19870071

Yeah. Like he says at 5 minutes 30 seconds. It's a temperamental machine. You need to prep the basket great, and use the machien right. For a rookie, it's quite a steep learning curve. Can be disheartening when you're starting out and not sure what you're doing.

>> No.19870075

ok but its a tiny machine
if you watched a couple guides and used it once per day for 2 weeks you would probably get to a point of making consistently good coffee

and the fact that you say that its "too fucking complicated" is you being lazy and uninterested in becoming better at using it.
which is fine but dont blame your tools for problems within you.

>> No.19870077
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>machine is small
>small thing simple
>simple brain needed

>> No.19870085

I'm a truck driver stranded in a terminal for 3 days now with almost no money and I would tear the kidneys out of an infant for a cup of vending machine coffee. Just the thought of instant is giving me a purple veined boner.

>> No.19870090

Why don't you have any money? You sound like a shitty truck driver

>> No.19870186
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>vending machine
They don't have these where you are?

>> No.19870230

>be me
>love the pourover taste
>hate the pourover body
Tis a hard life

>> No.19870271
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How do I get the beat out if a moka pot?

Also, is anyone going to the Specialty Coffee Expo in Chicago next year?

>> No.19870275

sorry dude that sucks

>> No.19870322
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It was a fail.

The dough was made correctly but the dried yeast fucked me the same way it ruined 2 batches of croissants.

I’ll bin all the croissants/brioches I have in the freezer and start again with fresh yeast.

I’m livid, mad, angry. Fuck this shit and fuck dried yeast, it failed me 3 times…

>> No.19870384

Failed mokistador. Failed instagrammer. Failed baker. No wonder trabeezy won't email you back.

>> No.19870409

>How do I get the beat out if a moka pot?
ignore any and all advice from italians
but generally if you combine the advice given in these videos you will be mostly fine

>> No.19870440

I was 100% expecting this post.
You disruption agents are so predictable…
Worry not btw, the dough tasted good and I will make small adjustments mainly with instant coffee dose for the next bath made with fresh yeast.

>> No.19870492

The Italian schizo will continue to schiz? Color me surprised. Nyeri Kiaguthu peaberry today. If only I had some shitty robusta to ruin it with. 22% maybe.

>> No.19870502

>The dough was made correctly but the dried yeast fucked me
You understand the reason it's called "proving" is because it "proves" the yeast is alive and happy? Why did you bother to bake it if it hadn't proved correctly?

>> No.19870503

One becomes a pastry chef by baking anon. Worry not, this is not a fail but a lesson.
Godspeed moka-frà.

>> No.19870533
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The dough fermented correctly before making and forming the brioches, then I froze them and put some of the frozen brioches in the oven to thaw and freeze overnight but they didn’t basically proof, the same that happened with croissants.

Either the dried yeast is shit of the freezing process fucks it up because it never happened to me with fresh yeast.

It’s so frustrating…I wanted to cry as I was throwing in the compostable trash 14 between croissants and brioches. All the time and dedication only to be fucked by the yeast..

>> No.19870535

>to thaw and freeze

*thaw and proof

>> No.19870547

>Either the dried yeast is shit of the freezing process fucks it up
Dried yeast is weaker (it's been dried) and freezing it on top of that probably killed it off.

>> No.19870707

boys the blood tests are back!
glucose totally normal
my iron levels are unbelievably low
cholesterol is low(somehow lower than my last test)
but it seems i have liver damage
actually on comparing my recent blood test to my test from 2 years ago i have less liver damage now than i did back then
oh right i stopped drinking...
that would explain it

anyway to get back on topic i had a cheeky midnight cortado
it was great
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19870734

Dropped 50 grand on an engine rebuild and haven't worked since the middle of October. Also, your mother started charging a quarter for head.
Sadly, no. I often use them at rest areas in Ohio and Pennsylvania though, and they've grown on me.
Thanks anon. Might be time wean myself off for a while.

>> No.19870758
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> Accidentally put my spresso beans in the grinder I seasoned for light filter roast
Fucking hell, I knew I should have labelled the grinders somehow. Can I recondition the burrs for light roast with another 15kg natty ethiopian or do I order a new burr set to be on the safe side?

>> No.19870845
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>> No.19871059

if you had to kill one coffee youtuber, who would it be?

>> No.19871066

lance hendrick and its not even close

>> No.19871074

what drove you to do 50% instant if you have the means to make moka?

>> No.19871078

throw it out, unironically

>> No.19871079

I exclusively drink starbucks keurig pods from costco

>> No.19871083

how poor are you that homemade espresso cost is a concern?

>> No.19871086

that's what prompted me to post that lol. his silky milky shit is unbearable

>> No.19871109

Germans are very cost-conscious

>> No.19871135

i just hate every single aspect of his existence
if you can name it, i hate it

>> No.19871145
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>> No.19871166 [DELETED] 


>> No.19871176

>due to the voltage used in most American houses
You don't have induction cooktops over there?

>> No.19871184

Because brewed coffee (any kind) makes up for the liquid part in the dough, so if I want more coffee without having a dough with too much hydration I need to add instant coffee because it doesn't add water content and hydration stays the same (50-55%).

>> No.19871188
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>> No.19871213
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Who else puts a tablespoon of instant coffee on top of their moka grounds to fortify their at home espresso?

>> No.19871315

>all stainless steel moka pot
>cheap ass plastic handle


>> No.19871328

Seems worth the trade off for a decreased chance of Alzheimer's

>> No.19871333
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>> No.19871670
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Lucaffe will always be based as fuck.

RIP Luis.

>> No.19871930
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>I keep grinding finer but coffee still isn't flavorful enough or too bitter

>> No.19872048

what beans do you mokistas recommend other than triabatti obviously?
thinking about getting a moka. concentrated coffee and autism sounds appealing

>> No.19872183
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Sounds nice. How do you keep the cheese liquid? Small fondue set?

>> No.19872203

Don't give up. I wanna see how this coffee brioche really turns out given no complications. Try again from square one.

I believe the biggest issue is the freezing. This guy >>19870547 is correct.

>> No.19872373
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>> No.19872581

depends on your country

>> No.19873012

It looked best from 0:30 – 1:05, ruined by too much detail near the end. Admirable skill nonetheless.

>> No.19873039

Decided to get a Gaggia Classic Pro as my first ever espresso machine but the modding which I might do eventually seems overwhelming, but also kinda fun. Should be a month or so when it arrives. Would appreciate any tips for first time GCP owners. I already have a Kingrinder K4.

>> No.19873041

Adjust brew temp?

>> No.19873056

I think it looked best right after the brows were done, the fingers were a disaster

>> No.19873057

Darker people

>> No.19873058

>Women love it because it sends out signals of who they (don't) want to connect to.

>> No.19873086

Ignoring the shilling for kettles, this fag has a point.

Always be careful when boiling water in the microwave. Superheated water is legit and you can scald the fuck out of yourself from out of nowhere real fast. Not a fucking game, stay safe my dudes.

Oh we do, it's just standarly 125 around the house but 250 where it's needed in higher demand areas. Like kitchen, wqsher/dryer, water heater, etc. At least that's how house is laid out.

>> No.19873093

>he’s optimized his espresso consumption
How very german of you. I titter gleefully.

>> No.19873094

>also your mother started charging a quarter for head
Lol its real life trucker banter. I’m glad I stopped into the gayest thread on /ck/

>> No.19873110

Could be channeling, perhaps?

>> No.19873158


>> No.19873168

proud mary i suppose

>> No.19873287
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>> No.19873571


>> No.19874021
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still no discount on bripe

>> No.19874057
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Who will be the first anon to try the famous coffee from my bro Cait? Legitimately jealous of GTA anons.

>> No.19874074

Do black people drink coffee?

>> No.19874083

That's pretty fucking funny. My sister who is also an overweight glasses lady also got a masters in divinity which she absolutely never intended to do anything with.

>> No.19874132

Doesn't this person have a traumatic brain injury or something, be kind

>> No.19874273

Also Germans have the lowest after-tax per capita income relative to GDP in the world, they have no assets, and the highest rate of renters in Europe (50%+).
German prosperity is a complete mirage - if their supermarket conglomerates didn't sell them garbage "food" for pennies on the dollar, the people would be starving in the streets. Germany is just a large colony for ritualistic talmudic mockery, not a real country.

>> No.19874278
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make one, idiot.
it's just a small tin cup and straw welded together lmao. you can make one with 5 bucks worth of material, in 20 minutes.

>> No.19874286

Sar, i want to consooom. Making something with my hands is not what i want Sar.

>> No.19874289
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>this creature graduated college
The morbid curiosity to read her thesis is overwhelming me.

>> No.19874298

I have no idea about that girl, but my sister doesn't. She just makes weird schooling decisions.

>> No.19874337

what about the filter, you fucking cunt

>> No.19874419
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>> No.19874865

I don't venture outside of these threads
is teafags vs coffeefags something that happens a lot in /ck/?

>> No.19875230

I lurk /tea/ sometimes
It's just memes
Go to /g/ and compare /hpg/ to /iemg/, you'll see some animosity

>> No.19875283

I just made a macro to rile everyone up slightly. I think I was fair with it. Most of us do both, poorly.

>> No.19875412

it comes and goes
right now? no
before? yes
but anyway
total teafag death

>> No.19875486

cawfee :)

>> No.19875559
File: 3.99 MB, 854x480, 1697973261852015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wants cawfee?

>> No.19875596

I fucking love this moka pot, thanks for the recommendation /ctg/. Gonna take it a step further and start grinding my own beans, I fucking love coffee man it tastes so good

>> No.19875604

Just drink both
Coffee in the morning and early afternoon
Tea in the late afternoon and evening

>> No.19875869

>grinding my own beans
using a vertically cranked bench mounted, manual grinder i hope

>> No.19876325
File: 153 KB, 1440x1800, 393410468_18391795858037159_1364687642816230646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no discount on gripe :(

>> No.19876469

You’re literally me

>> No.19876535

So…. Mind dropping the recipe?

>> No.19876539

Which one is the one that shows your liver is damaged?

>> No.19876556

i was born with a fucked liver and then i fixed it through years of agonizing medical treatment and then i started to abuse alcohol to drown my sorrows and then i quit and am back on the up and up

and i have no idea
i just copy pasted every like of the test and asked if my result was bad or not
im too tired to access my government health record right now, maybe later
but iirc its multiple different results that give data on different parts of the liver and you can combine each result to form a conclusion
same shit happens with blood and fat
they will have like 5 different lines that kinda all mean the same thing
like if you have a fucked liver you're not going to get 1 really bad result and 4 really good ones.
also on the report its all fucking medical acronyms and shit

>> No.19876593

Cool. Glad to hear you’re well. Yeah I know those tests. I was just wondering what specific part.

>> No.19876597
File: 239 KB, 1200x2133, 20231109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you coffee

>> No.19876598

>no wdt tool

>> No.19876637

i cant imagine being a barista
actually soulless
just made an affogato :3

>> No.19876656

Bros how come when I order an Americano here in Australia people make a big deal out of it as though they don't know what it is? One cafe had it listed, the second is my local place which when I ordered through the barista made it instantly with no issues, third time at the same place the girl taking my order freaked out and the not-usual barista made a fuss. Today, different cafe, luckily the girl was Korean and knew what the fuck it was.

>> No.19876668

because thats some seppo shit you fucking loser
(its ok to like what you like)
we have our own drinks invented right here

>> No.19876762

Just order a long black mate.

>> No.19876780
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>got sick
>congestion was so bad I couldn't smell/taste very well for a couple of days
>woke up this morning, coughed up a ton of fluid
>tasted and smelled the espresso I made for my gf when she left for work
>mfw that first whiff of the goff
Gonna make a moka this morning, and some Greek later. I'm smelling it all.

I don't know why, but I didn't often consider tea for an evening drink in the past. I'll give this a shot though, sounds very comfy.

Man, I need to work on my latte art.

>> No.19876892

absolutely gay beans

>> No.19876899
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the retard means literally.

>> No.19876906


>> No.19876938

i get the same reactions when i ask for dirty matcha latte here in South Texass

>> No.19877148
File: 1.92 MB, 2048x2048, 77FE9245-5BC8-41BD-9566-31EB00F829FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I try playing with the dead yeast croissants I had left my in freezer and this happened.

>6 hours thawing in the fridge closed in a box
>5 hours proofing in the oven, covered

It looks like there was some yeast still alive and some air bubbles appear inside the cross section of the croissants.

That’s it bros, it was basically 90% the fucking yeast that betrayed me.

Can’t wait to try again with proper fresh yeast, as god intended.

>> No.19877154
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>tfw Trabatti was right

What the absolute fuck is this shit? Looks like soap foam and not crema.

Yes it’s N*spresso because I have no time to make my moka right now.

>> No.19877168

yes she's brain damaged, pretty neat that she finished her made up degree

>> No.19877178

this anon >>19876598 is right. also it seems like no preinfusion? but maybe I just don't understand that machine. either way, what's the point of coffee shops buying such nice machines if there's no effort

>> No.19877193

stop nigga, get some help

>> No.19877202

I have an allen wrench super glues to the internal workings of my espresso machine that acts as a replacement handle for the hotwater/steam mechanism. used to use a wrench but wanted something more permanant and easy to use.

>> No.19877205

>I'm from Germany
sieg heil brother (im from America)

>> No.19877209

I really want to learn how to make croissants, where do I start bro

>> No.19877229

Who does a good dark roast in the US?

>> No.19877363
File: 275 KB, 2400x1800, IMG_7080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several guides on youtube, ranging from extreme autistic recipes to straight forward ones.

I’ll link you 3 of the best ones imho.

Pic related is the guide I made to illustrate how to laminate the dough, for the Italian chan I post in. Use Google translate to translate the image, it should work.




There’s no need to be a turbo autist to make these, I just post super precise methods so you can learn from a “perfect” method, just keep in mind that there’s a crucial step which is lamination. Remember to always cool the dough in the fridge between each cycle of folds (the image tell you when) so the butter stays plyable and don’t melt.

You need patience and practice, but keep in mind that the croissants I posted above were the second batch I made ever in my life, and if we forget that the dried yeast didn’t work properly I can say that I’m happy with the result.

Use FRESH yeast anon, for the love of god.

>> No.19877375

dunkin donuts

>> No.19877379
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Well, I did it lol.

>> No.19877602


>> No.19877721
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>> No.19877973

Sweet presentation. Will keep that in mind next time i make affogato.

>> No.19877990
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not a pipe btw

>> No.19878141


>> No.19878567

>Yes it’s N*spresso because I have no time to make my moka right now.
What happened?

>> No.19878584

Had to RMA it again :/

>> No.19878612
File: 140 KB, 1280x960, IMG_7087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, I just had 20 minutes before leaving my house again and made myself a nespresso coffee since that thing is ready in literally less than 1 minute, so it’s convenient from this point of view.


>> No.19878634

we can see your tiny penis in the reflection

>> No.19878639


>> No.19878663

Confirmed for disruption agents in a room.

Sad, very sad.

>> No.19878732

Tbh nespresso got me into goffee so there's that.

Sub 5min actual schizo answer time >>19878584
Sad desu.

>> No.19878806

>thread gets bumped
>people respond
Mamma mia

>> No.19878911
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How good is the pastebin in the OP? I've been drinking espresso using a $200 machine my dad bought me for ~2 years now. I want to step up my game because it just tastes alright, I can't reproduce what I can buy at starbucks even if I get fresh beans. I want to buy some equipment for regular drip coffee, starting with a burr since I've been using a spice grinder up until now.


Also, are drip coffee machines worth it? Am I going to get anything that tastes decent from a machine <$100?

>> No.19879053

That grinder is perfectly good. If you really don't want to do something as involved as french press or pourover I'd tell you to consider a moka pot, the thread autist will shill you one anyway but they're the best cheap hands-off option.

>> No.19879096

Is the fellow stagg okay? Is the silicon in it a health issue?

>> No.19879202

That timemore c2 is functionally identical to a $35 kingrinder k0. The $88 kingrinder k4 will blow both of them out of the water.

>> No.19879438

kingrinder k0 is $50 on amazon
at that point id rather just spend the extra $20 for the (seemingly) better materials and build quality of the timemore

>> No.19879454
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>> No.19879468

whys it so cheap?

>> No.19879483

$50 with a $16 coupon on top.
>(seemingly) better materials and build quality of the timemore
Their brand new electric sculptor grinders people have been waiting months on Kickstarter for are currently shitting the bed and dying.

>> No.19879486

Does the titanium coating on the K4 burr actually make a difference compared to the plain steel K6 burr?

>> No.19879542

Yes, but the burr geometry is the impactful difference. K4 is 1zpresso J(kinu m47/apollo bplus/feldgrind knockoff), k6 is 1zpresso k(bigger comandante knockoff).

>> No.19880153

9pm goffee :)

>> No.19880611
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>Whether it is a blend, or a "simple" single origin, each roast is meticulously checked so that no defective beans or impurities of various kinds escape, the most feared of which are small stones.
>Sometimes even in the best cafés something can escape during the filling phase of the raw produce bags.
>in addition to roasting to order, another of our tasks is to verify that everything is carried out regularly, and therefore the control is an integral part of a pleasant tasting experience.
>Did you know?

>> No.19880633 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2463x3072, FFFA0AE3-9568-477C-AA74-8CB5AA9AB529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did this on purpose, right?

What a strange posture he chose.

>> No.19880669

This coffee shop kind of looks like the meme frog.

>> No.19880689

Instant is fine in theory, the actual process of turning brewed coffee into instant powder doesn't ruin the flavor that much, but the problem is with how instant is brewed initially.

>> No.19880699

Kingrinder might be dumping their stock. A lot of the kingrinder models are hard to find in my experience, because I think they only want to make k4 and k6s

>> No.19880703
File: 972 KB, 1833x2287, C7A5E711-3105-4065-9170-BBA3967274E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19880611 #
He did this on purpose, right?

What a weird posture he chose.

>> No.19880786

>meticulously checked so that no defective beans or impurities of various kinds escape
Post some more tips, chips, quakers and bugbites.

>> No.19880797

How do I get good at steaming milk for cappuccinos/lattes?
I really suck and don't know what I am doing wrong

>> No.19880814

Study under the silky milky experts.

>> No.19880964

the key thing really is the sound and visual cues. more than seeking out the paper tearing i think if you learn to control the "kissing" sounds by slightly raising and lowering the cup so the wand tip plays with the surface of the milk repeatedly, you will get great stretching. once the milk volume is increased for your liking, dip the tip a bit further in, about to the threaded end, and then let the milk circle around while the temperature rises, you should have the right results. if you start to hear a high screeching around this point, it means the pressure has dropped too much and a sign that you should end the process as soon as possible.

this has worked consistently for me , great steamed milk results.

>> No.19881133

Bros I need help. I am deciding between the ZP6 Special and anything from the K-series such as the K-Max. I want the maximum sweetness and least astringency out of my pour-overs, however I don’t want to sacrifice body TOO much and I heard the ZP6 special produces so little fines that it might do that. What are your opinions? Should I get the K-Max instead even though it is only for pour-overs? Actually the bigger question is, is there even that much of a difference between the amount of fines they create?

>> No.19881145

So true.

>> No.19881164

>Did you know?
No i did not. Grazie tanto! Beautiful composition btw.

>> No.19881183

Why does my coffee espresso have no taste but when i use a french press it has taste?

>> No.19881189

Trick question. You're using different grinders obviously.

>> No.19881215

What I've heard from people who have tried both is that k and zp6 present clarity in different ways. As in there is a noticeable difference, it's just hard to put the subtleties into words. You're fine with either. Id personally get a zp6 as they're harder to come by and go out of stock quicker.

>> No.19881224

oh so you're an angry schizophrenic

how about you just fucking kill yourself?

>> No.19881288
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Behold! The instaccino!
>10g instant coffee
>190g warm milk
>5g cane sugar
>aerated in a french press (I overdid this part)
My first time trying taster's choice. It was meh. Tasted hollow even with the milk and sugar. Haven't tried it black yet, maybe I'll try tomorrow. Does anyone know how this particular instant coffee is brewed (before it's freeze-dried)? Is it immersion, drip, or something else?

>> No.19881315

Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind if/when I try brewing turkish coffee. When you made it how many times did you bring it to foaming? I've heard traditionally it's made to foam up to three times.

>> No.19881323
File: 300 KB, 400x218, ad8fc8ab-0023-4980-9f98-b6ba9fed303a_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

96 hour reply time? Looking a little schitzy there faggio.

>> No.19881349

Anytime, friendo.
>When you made it how many times did you bring it to foaming?
Uhhh honestly I haven’t really tried bringing it to a foam multiple times. Just once seems to work but I might as well try bringing it to foam twice or something next time to see the difference.
I doubt it matters much anyways. I’d assume it would taste a little stronger.

>> No.19881494

>My first time trying taster's choice.
>It was meh.
Evidently not a taster.

>> No.19881668

how the fuck do blends of different roast levels or processes exist? these people work with coffee all day, how do they not realize that this makes it impossible to get a great cup? different roasts need different heat and extraction, different processes similarly so. if you really think you have something so uniquely kick-ass in your blend, sell them as companions and tell your customer to mix after brewing.

>> No.19881700
File: 152 KB, 892x1021, proudmaryjar_pp_8da4d01b-71d8-4a22-8371-9eadcb000486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this really triggers you then. 50/50 blend of columbian chiroso honey and honduran paraneima nat.
>Half roasted by Proud Mary Coffee, the other half roasted by Onyx Coffee Labs.

>> No.19881704

I have nothing to back this up, but I suspect most blends are just another way to keep costs of production down while charging higher prices due to greater percieved value.

>> No.19881742


>> No.19881773

Can I pay money to see her stick that spoon up her butt?

>> No.19881925
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drinking pic rel. these days
maragogype, maracaturra and caturra blend all from the same farm. three varieties from the same farm in order to maintain the same cultivation profile (soil, climate, altitude, origin).

>> No.19882066

yeah I'm not innately against blends I'm against blends that combine things that need different criteria to brew well

>> No.19882217

would making a spiral in the coffee bed help a drip coffeemachine disperse water more evenly?

>> No.19882222

how do you plan to do that

>> No.19882242
File: 1.58 MB, 1187x939, chrome_4PZz7vL1rT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a little meat skewer and swirl it around. it's pretty common for pour overs

>> No.19882246

thats cute

>> No.19882257

no u

>> No.19882269

>its a japanese thing
im hardly surprised
that said ill probably try it myself now because it looks fun
do let us know if you think it affects your drip brew, anon

>> No.19882291

I've already done it and I think I got a sweeter cup(at least with this one bean that I've been very unhappy with) but I worry about placebo

>> No.19882444

It only really helps with deeper beds/bigger batches. Just promotes early bed hydration and mitigates dry pockets without the need for aggressive stirring.

>> No.19882513

All hail Pepe the Meme Frog!

>> No.19882572

all you can do is keep making koohee and keep recording how well you thought it came out

>> No.19882588
File: 115 KB, 1242x1399, Black coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women love to pick random things and decide a guy is hotter/disgusting if he likes them.

>> No.19882771

9:42 honey gesha turbo. Feels good man.

>> No.19882773

is honey geisha more expensive than normal geisha?

>> No.19882861
File: 2.96 MB, 1080x1080, gesha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey processed coffees require more manual labor, so yeah a bit. They leave the cherry goop on and let it ferment longer so they have to keep turning the beans to prevent mold. High risk high reward. I think paid like $15/lb for these greens.
>Processing: Honey process, depulped and fermented for 12 hours and dried between 20-25 days inside solar dryers that provide protection from the rain

>> No.19883481

Honey processed is the tastiest type of beans imo. Such a perfect balance of flavors.

>> No.19883532

Uganda is rapidly becoming my favourite origin.

>> No.19883590

ok but where in uganda?

>> No.19883610


>> No.19883944

roast bros. do you see a significant variation in mass loss based on high altitude versus low? I roast light but I'm wondering if my roasts are under developed. example I get about 10% loss with a Burundi and I did a guatelama honey and got nearly 13 at a similar roast profile.
yes I am retarded l. I just haven't found any good sources on mass loss with different altitudes.

>> No.19884069
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New beehns brohss.
Also new accredited cuppa' n' saucer.
Will brew i a jiffy.

>> No.19884212
File: 1.75 MB, 255x191, 1534893605593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>time starts speeding up while making coffee
>literal hour passes in what feels like 10 minutes
>this has been happening to me very day

>> No.19884301
File: 1.29 MB, 542x1769, 1684606776275772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Guji Bule Hora station is in the Muje keble of Mesina District, Oromia County. Not far away, the famous Yirga Chefe area. The combination of fertile soils, regular rainfall and high altitude yields exceptional coffees. The Heirloom, a mix of wild Ethiopian varietals, gives this one its remarkable floral, stone fruit and chocolate aromas. Its silky texture is the perfect finish to this enchanting sensory experience.

Beans sniff, smells like chocco and some faint traces of the George Floyd process.
First sip, tastes crazy like chocco, same taste as the Matepono 90 from Orfève, with a little acidity to counter balance things.
Aftertaste, you get the sweetness, as if there was added sugar to the cuppa (no sugar, no milk in the cuppa btw).
Scrumptious sip.

>> No.19884441

i saw "cowboy coffee" being mentioned in another thread so i googled it and got this recipe
now i've hated coffee all my life until out of curiosity i tried the specialty coffee scene and found it tolerable to my palate and fun to tinker around with but i have almost no experience with the way most normal people drink coffee

this guy says you should boil the grounds for 12 minutes and based on all of the specialty coffee memes i know, this should make the coffee so bitter it's practically undrinkable by a human being. but apparently it doesn't.

anons, what is it like? i'd try it myself but in my country we don't have any brands of coarsely ground coffee and i don't want to waste the specialty coffee beans i do have for this, nor buy a package of supermarket beans just for this experiment. but if you lot tell me it makes for a good flavor i will.

>> No.19884447

>for a good flavor
i meant to say "interesting" flavor, i doubt it's good

>> No.19884457
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>go finer
>coffee is sour
>go coarser
>coffee is sour
>increase temp
>coffee is sour
Are pourovers just not for me? Should I kill myself?

>> No.19884465

how long extraction time
how light is ur roast

>> No.19884469

get an aeropress bro

>> No.19884472

Idk because I’m hopping on different methods more than a gym newbie hopping on different programs. Extraction time is always different between 2:00 to 4:00
As for roast it’s medium I’m pretty sure.

>> No.19884485
File: 210 KB, 854x1280, 1699537959833-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, c'mon tell us what you think about these Trabatti beans.

>> No.19884491

and even at 4 it's still sour? when you say you go higher in temp how high do you go? i usually go for 96 degrees celcius
also whats ur ratio and actual amounts of water/grounds

>> No.19884494

>traces of the George Floyd process

>> No.19884569

Maybe I just can’t tell the difference between over and under extracted, or maybe even my brews are both.
I also go for 96c and it’s better that way. Also I haven’t tried going above 1:15 ratio in a while… That might be a small problem, I could try 1:16 next time or something.

>> No.19884586

Ok I'm much better now but still not good. Practice makes decent

>> No.19884590
File: 1.76 MB, 854x1280, Picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give up, your homosexual infatuation for that old Italian man is based on shitty commodity grade beans full of defects.
You're a total failure in everything you do.

>> No.19884653

Look at him schotz.

>> No.19884740
File: 22 KB, 303x166, schitzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a total failure in everything you do.

>> No.19884760

Is this your final answer? Do you want to add anything else or change your mind?

>> No.19884793

He's seething because everyone made fun of him in the 'tone thread too.

>> No.19884814

You have until 19:30 to give me your answer

>> No.19884841
File: 1.01 MB, 480x358, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19884848
File: 238 KB, 800x800, 1695304836504522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop it.
>get some help.

>> No.19884853

finally got a job recently and was thinking about purchasing a (relative) big boy espresso machine
thinking about the sage barista express, does anybody have any experience with it or am i just being irresponsible with my money

>> No.19884861

Okay machine, you'd be paying for a useless grinder.

>> No.19884871
File: 1.01 MB, 1221x820, 1684797446685824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filter gang, are these the proper ones? Even has the moonrunes and everything.

>> No.19884878

yeah i was thinking that the grinder would have issues, do you know of some alternate machines and a grinder to get instead?

>> No.19884927
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You had to shit on this coffee, one from your beloved roasters, lmao.


Be sure that I will do the same once I order from (((thebarn.de))) because making you look like an inbred idiot who clicks on ip sniffer links doesn't satisfy me anymore.

>> No.19884928

Sage Bambino/infuser is probably the best 'out of the box' experience you can get. Gaggia if you're willing to mod it and toss a bit more money at it. Flair if you're mainly interested in straight espresso and don't need steamed milk. Grinder depends on what you're planning on drinking and your budget.

>> No.19884929

Ps. I'm not even the Italian moka anon, you obsessed fuck, go away leave us alone.

>> No.19884941

I've never once tasted or posted about that roaster you tard. The anon who circled your beans isn't me, but he did miss a triangle. The two danish roasters I have tried and rec are April and La Cabra. Keep schitzing.

>> No.19884953

Ps. Did you order a cha he after I told you what they were? Lel.

>> No.19884957

Anyone got any experience of Osaka coffee gear? I know they got discontinued a few years ago but some of their stuff is showing up online again.
Is it a desirable brand?

>> No.19885097

I can’t even tell who’s schitzing about who anymore, can you guys just use trips or something already?

>> No.19885164
File: 16 KB, 300x250, 1653735685429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, they used to call me burr-tist around here. I assembled the hand grinder table and guide newfrogs towards coffee nirvana. I enjoy home roasting specialty single origins and making fun of robusta drinking europoors and instagrammers. Couple of them are very upset that I rec'd thebarn.de 6+months ago and are now schitzing about roasters that I've never heard of.

>> No.19885186

You also bought a $100+ USB cable that's 1m long.

>> No.19885215

You keeping dossiers now? Before I did a deep dive into the grinder market for /ctg/ they also called me cablenon. Sounds great btw. I mainly wanted to let anons know I had cables that cost more than their kingrinders though.

>> No.19885219

>Prescribed ADHD medication
>can't deal with more than a cup of coffee now

>> No.19885226

and what is a "cup", exactly?

>> No.19885265 [DELETED] 

Hey Everyone,
Do you like coffee and like to support little YouTubers? Then PLEASE visit Izad the Coffee guy, i just found out about him today, he's totally cute and I'd love for him to get bigger! Please do that for me! I love you!

Link: https://youtube.com/@Povcoffee?si=VS1dKAT8VIhHVp98
Thx so much!!

>> No.19885284

Are you black?

>> No.19885383
File: 2.59 MB, 3024x4032, ohcp9h3e39ja1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a drop. Are they known for their high fidelity audio systems?
>Currently playing:Miki Matsubara-It's So Creamy(1980 - See・Saw / C25A0077 / Japan / Vinyl)

>> No.19885481

Could be worse. You could drink coffee but it insteads put you to sleep.

>> No.19885553

When's the next update on the table burr bro? Lots of new notable hand grinders such as the ZP6 Special.

>> No.19885632

I can probably add it tonight. I stopped working on it once the italian shitposting took over. The plan was to have high res pictures of the popular burr choices underneath but its hard to find them all taken at a similar angle. I also need to figure out how to communicate that comandante clicks are the actual burr gap increase while 1zpresso/kin/others are talking about vertical burr movement. Not quite the same and I feel like adding it is just going to cause confusion. I've heard vertical burr movement * .66 is a good estimation. So the 22um(vertical movement) steps of the zp6 are roughly equal to the 15um(burr gap increase) on a redclix comandante.

>> No.19885657

> make coffee in a single-cup moka pot
> put it in a small ceramic tasting cup (or whatever the proper name is)
> add hot water to almost fill it
> sometimes add a touch of milk
I've grown addicted to having my coffee this way over americano etc and you can't stop me

>> No.19885659


>> No.19886676

Cowboy coffee is just a sloppier french press immersion style. Just experiment with those recipes.
I pretty much use a variation on the hoffmeme method. I like the grinds pretty fine and the water straight off the boil. I'm tolerant and partial to bitter flavors; Peppers, grapefruit, semisweet chocolate, hops. I get a bag every two weeks from a regional roaster and normally the second week of each batch I'm making cups better than the franchise cups.