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File: 3.46 MB, 2650x2020, Close-up_of_a_granule_of_Gold_Blend_instant_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19882258 No.19882258 [Reply] [Original]


"Said to have been popularised in the UK by GIs during World War II, instant coffee still accounts for over 75 percent of coffee bought to drink in British homes, as opposed to well under 10 percent in the U.S. and France and one percent in Italy.[11]"

What's up with that, Brits?

>> No.19882263 [DELETED] 

They're all brown or gay

>> No.19882267

You're an instant faggot

>> No.19882896

I always keep a jar or two of instant on hand.
It's great for breakfast shakes, or desserts that require coffee, where you'd rather not leave a brewed pot out to cool. Or even if I'm just in a hurry and want a cup of swill.

>> No.19882927

I really enjoy it, tastes better than most commercial stuff over a drip coffee machine and I can't be bothered over the gay elaborate brewing methods other than a French press

>> No.19882989

I don't drink coffee for the taste, I drink it to expedite my 8am shit.

>> No.19883017

curious what Americans drink at home now tbqh, not exactly known for their coffee

>> No.19883025

The fucj are you talking about. We drink a shit load of coffee. You're basically gay if you drink tea and no one respects anyone who drinks energy drinks

>> No.19883028

>britain drinks a lot of instant coffee
>uh um well er uh A-AMERICANS!
You're a parody of yourself at this point.

>> No.19883041

calm down ladies, bit touchy today are we?

>> No.19883048

Americans are very well known for their coffee. As to your question, most people drink drip coffee or cold brew nowadays.

>> No.19883074

Americans are known for disgusting 1000 kcal coffee milkshake abominations made with burnt beans.

>> No.19883078


>> No.19883080

You literally drink powdered sloppa while america pumps out some of the most prestigious coffee roasters in the world, cope seethe and drink another cup of instant nespresso

>> No.19883081

>burnt beans
Sounds French.

>> No.19883090

41% of americans drink their coffee black, and we invented cowboy coffee

>> No.19883147

seems there was no point pulling back out of politeness if this crybaby was going to start melting down about /int/posting anyway
you're known for coffee consumption but not known for good coffee, quite the opposite. I was surprised that only 10% drink instant

>As to your question, most people drink drip coffee or cold brew nowadays.
thanks for actually answering it, even if it took a while

>> No.19883167
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I drink pic related exclusively, it honestly isn't that bad

>> No.19883243


>> No.19883260

american """""black""""" coffee is more like brown sewage water
one or two beans per cup is not a coffee
there is a reason why coffee americano is just brewed with the latest used grounds and topped with 4/5ths hot water

>> No.19883266

Americans also brew at the highest extraction on average of the top coffee consuming nations

>> No.19883296

stovetop espresso maker, I like half coffee and half whole milk with a tiny pinch of sugar

>> No.19883300

>there is a reason why coffee americano is just brewed with the latest used grounds and topped with 4/5ths hot water
and whats the issue with this?

>> No.19883311
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I like instant cough

>> No.19883341

whe it comes to anglo coffee


>> No.19883356

Not american but feel like alot of americans rather buy to-go coffee on starbucks etc instead of brewing at home

>> No.19883370
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I'm a brit and I love instant coffee, more than with beans (which go on toast).
I'm not changing who I am or what I like to appease brown people or white men that eat horses.

>> No.19883372

I assume it's because Brits drink tea.

>> No.19883440

i drink 5 or 6 cups of nescafe a day, black. Its delicious.

>> No.19883454

Gold blend is pretty good. I do like to brew up some ground coffee every now and then though

>> No.19883458

i used to be a pourover nerd with all the ultra-precise bullshit figured out, but then I figured out I could get almost the same result for far less time/effort with a french press, so i converted. breakfast needs to be quick

>> No.19883498

It's easy to make when you're half asleep, it doesn't shit up the environment like capsule machines and you don't need a university degree like a proper coffee machine. Also you don't have to worry about cleaning properly like with a moka pot.

>> No.19883565


Based addict

>> No.19883682

old people and capsule machines mainly

>> No.19883694
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>instant coffee still accounts for over 75 percent of coffee bought to drink in British homes
embarrassing. never expected the number to be that high
>one percent in Italy

>> No.19883697

Then take caffeine pills

>> No.19883705

How does he manage to get away with wearing round glasses? It just makes me look like a faggot so I stick with rectangular ones.

>> No.19883706

Instant isn't inherently bad, the dehydration process isn't what makes it taste like shit. What makes it taste like shit is the industrial batch brewing processes they use to make the original brewed coffee before they dehydrate it, even if you were drinking that stuff fresh it would taste like dogshit.

>> No.19883777

the trick is to be a faggot like that guy

>> No.19883784

But brewing coffee and the aromas that come from it is half the fun

>> No.19883817

>What's up with that, Brits?
takes two seconds to make, most people only drink it for the caffeine anyway, and are used to the instant coffee taste since thats what they always drank

>> No.19883818

As a britbong I fucking hated the taste of coffee until my mid twenties. Always thought it tasted burnt and acrid and dogshit. I could get the caffeine high from strongly brewed tea.

Went to Amsterdam and tried some freshly ground coffee, and while it took a couple sips to get a hold of it was significantly more pleasant than I was used to. Now I keep some beans on hand for the occasion of wanting a cup of coffee or to share with company I've got round.

Instant coffee is still fucking dogshit I feed to people I can't be arsed getting the mortar and pestle out for because I'm too cheap to buy a grinder.

>> No.19883822

More like instant vomit.

>> No.19884253

because a coffee machine is an unnecessary expense when compared to a kettle
also tea is superior, except for the morning shit ie >>19882989

>> No.19884283

There's quite a split here; boomers love their preground dark roasts and Nespresso rigs, which aren't great but at least they brew the stuff themselves. Millennial women go for the milkshake abominations (never seen a man drink one). Younger people either get autistic about it and buy v60s or aeropresses or whatever, or increasingly just don't drink coffee at all.

I never hear about their coffee. What's the scene like? Aus of course is bizarrely overrepresented in the serious coffee world.

>> No.19885663

>there is a reason why coffee americano is just brewed with the latest used grounds and topped with 4/5ths hot water

It's common for Americans to drink coffee all day long while at work, so a mild brew is preferred as opposed to a single very strong tiny cup of coffee just in the morning.

>> No.19885668
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If you think that's crazy, Latin America is close to 100% instant coffee consumers.

>> No.19885738
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'Murrican here and growing up, my Depression/WWII era Polish immigrant parents drank instant coffee but I think it was a gee wiz kinda thing for them, as mom had an old hand-crank coffee grinder and ceramic pot with a matching ceramic "filter" insert (I remember the slots being pretty big so a very course ground would be needed) buried in the back of the kitchen cabinet and which she never used.

I also drank instant coffee before getting a real job and moving out, whereupon I got a Mr.Coffee brewer with a timer so it would be ready as I stumbled out of bed and nowadays, buy Maxwell House, Folgers or Meijers brand pre-ground coffee (whatever is on sale) with Coffee-mate powdered creamer and sugar (beet sugar, I'm from Michigan).

>> No.19885759

members of the yamayurikai drink instant coffee and if its good enough for them its good enough for me

>> No.19885771

i just have a cup in the morning and drink tea the rest of the day. i've tried good coffee in shops that make a thing of it but i'm simply too lazy to faff about with equipment first thing in the morning while i'm getting ready for work. it's 'good enough' coffee.

>> No.19885815
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I'll talk shit about Mexico all day but I drink pic related.

>> No.19885831

It said 10% of AMERICANS drink instant, how is it unrelated?

>> No.19885920

buddy how many Starbucks are in your country?

where do you think it came from

>> No.19886611

I'm brit and everyone I know has a grinder and orders their roast beans over the Internet and parcel delivered once every few months, then just makes the coffee whatever way they like. honestly doesn't matter as long as the roast is somewhat fresh and the grind is fresh

>> No.19886634
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This confuses and enrages the Euro

>> No.19886653

How is a pour over elaborate

>> No.19886660

Huh? We have coffee shops and local roasters from coast to coast. America pumps out pretty decent coffee

>> No.19886668

but that's where the coffee grows ...

>> No.19886685

Probably a consequence of how poor UK was after the war

>> No.19886724
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>I'm not an Americano but I claim to be an expert on Americans because I watch commercials

Why are thirdies like this

>> No.19887372

>What's up with that, Brits
I don't know, but we're also responsible for James Hoffman and the age of pretentious coffee snobbery he's heralded, so I guess we're a place of extremes

>> No.19887381

At home I imagine most people these days use pod brewers or classic drip brewers, with fancier people using french presses.

>> No.19887405

Not really a coffee country.

>> No.19887436

I've never heard a good word about American coffee.

>> No.19887489
File: 1.17 MB, 1009x1509, 46846191927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instant coffee still accounts for over 75 percent of coffee bought to drink in British homes

Gott strafe England

>> No.19887512

>Aus of course is bizarrely overrepresented in the serious coffee world
Italian migrants introduced us to proper coffee some time around the 80s I think

>> No.19887519
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>Compared to most other European countries, British coffee consumers drink relatively large amounts of instant coffee. A recent survey stated that up to 73% of British households prefer instant coffee for in-home consumption in 2021
suits their breathless defense of gray food under gray skies eaten by gray people

>> No.19887656

>Italian migrants
those are slovenes and croatians

>> No.19887690

I would say the majority now drink keurig slop. Just look at how much shelf space had disappeared for regular coffee in stores and has been replaced with k-slop

>> No.19887694

I legitimately prefer instant coffee to drip coffee, I think it tastes better and I like being able to just make one cup whenever I feel like it, as strong as I feel like and never having to deal with coffee grounds or cleaning a machine

>> No.19887698

You've never heard anything about american coffee aside from Starbucks because your entire perception of America is memes

>> No.19887727

well that's what memes are for

>> No.19887894

I went from a $4000 espresso setup to v60 pourovers to instant coffee.

The time, effort, counterspace, and especially cleaning just wasn't worth it. Good beans are also fucking expensive.

Once in a while I'll get drip from a good cafe but instant isn't that bad. Its a hell of a lot better than pod machines, which are filthy and taste like rotting slime after a few weeks.

>> No.19887902

Sounds like a larp. What was the setup?

>> No.19887975
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It was a quickmill e61. I don't have any pictures of the setup but here is a pour

>> No.19887980
File: 306 KB, 1080x1513, 20231110_085029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is where I am now, same counter and cup.

>> No.19888008

he's yuropoorean, so yeah

why don't you guys brew good coffee instead?

>> No.19888779

>hunger provoking image
>food wasting question
Fuck you op

>> No.19889043

instant coffee is good when you make a frappe, everything else sucks.

>> No.19889153

I drink assam, keemun, and lapsang souchong teas mixed with a dark roasted coffee. All plain and black, no sugars or milks. Everything mixed together. Hot or cold with ice.

>> No.19889178

They stopped selling my favorite instant coffee (Gevalia Colombia). Now I suffer through most cups.

>> No.19889828

Eat the instant coffee.

>> No.19889932

keurig coffee desu

>> No.19890448

>Italian migrants introduced us to proper coffee
why didn't they do this anywhere else?

>> No.19890505

i read some advice that if your jaw is square, round glasses look better on you. and vice versa.

>> No.19891313

>purely historical factors

>> No.19892152


you were just too lazy to do it right so you gave up halfway and went back to eating shit

>> No.19892870

Used to eat this stuff dry in boy scouts to stay up all night long

>> No.19892887

Imagine calling the drink you're trying to talk up sewage while trying to disparage another country for drinking a less concentrated version of it.
You're not very good at this, are you?

>> No.19892910

A larger percentage of British people drink instant coffee because they don't regularly drink coffee as they prefer tea. If they're going to spend time making something why not just make better tea?
You people can't into statistics at all. Fucking retards should stay away from understanding numbers when you can understand contextual reasoning.

>> No.19892972

Almost no one in America is drinking cafe americanos. Drip coffee is by far the most common style of coffee in America.

>> No.19893005

Instant coffee

>> No.19894482

Coffee is now a human universal, everyone drinks it everywhere

>> No.19894694

with their overpriced espresso goytoy machine

>> No.19894752

Genuinely cannot help themselves

>> No.19894765

>If they're going to spend time making something why not just make better tea?
That's a good question. Why haven't they learned to make better tea?

>> No.19894824

For me, it's extraforte

>> No.19895160

Elaborate on how British tea is sub-standard

>> No.19895212

it's british

>> No.19895218

go on

>> No.19895232

What more needs to be said?

>> No.19895249

what do they do wrong

>> No.19895262

I really cannot make this any clearer for you. If you're still having trouble grasping it, just give up.

>> No.19895702

Americans drink drip coffee brewed in a plastic machine, that ensures constant sloughing of estrogen into their good goy juice.
That way the boss gets his productive workers and the cops get their docile feminized serfs

>> No.19895748

this. the more round your face is, the more the glasses just focus the roundness of your face. unless you have a perfect jawline (and head shape) you basically have to wear the opposite of your face shape or you'll look like an idiot

>> No.19895914

Just bought a can of this. It's fucking good.

>> No.19895923

When's the last time you bought tea leaves grown in the UK?

>> No.19895926
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Hoffmanbros, how do we respond?

>> No.19895937

I don't drink this shit, I need no drugs in my body

>> No.19895956

My mom tried using those k cups for a bit but after a while switched to folger's instant, which she says tastes about the same but with less hassle.

>> No.19896335

Subpar subcontinental black tea drowned in milk and sugar is hardly any better than US Southern sweet tea. Good cha stands on its own. Only the chinks and nips got it right.

>> No.19896513

starbucks is your only coffee related export, and thats because america is not known for its coffee. literally name any other country in the americas besides canada and they have better coffee there than you do