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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19868842 No.19868842 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we created massive climate controlled hydroponics skyscrapers to be able to maximize space for farming and grow anything anywhere year round? We have the technology.
>Grug still plant seed in dirt in big field outside
Humanity has refused to progress for thousands of years.

>> No.19868860

it's simply cheaper to buy a fuck ton of land and throw thousands of gallons of water at it. also, setups like pictures don't scale well because standard agricultural equipment like threshers, combines, etc. can't be used.

>> No.19868861

Hydro plants I've had have tasted bland.

>> No.19868863
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China does it and everybody pisses themselves over it being le "dystopian" because the pigs might be sad

>> No.19868869

You could also enforce strict hygienic controls in a farming megastructure that is simply impossible out in an open field. You could prevent literally all insects from getting in. There would be no parasites in your produce.

>> No.19868878

Because its gay and the sun and microbial rich soil is superior in every way at producing healthier, tastier, more nutrient-dense plants. Likewise society is already moving towards its sustainability agenda and using artificial lighting as an energy source for plants instead of a free carbon less source called the sun would be retarded. I'm perfectly content not eating shitty hydro tomatoes in the winter

>> No.19868887

>a slaughterhouse is the same thing as a hydroponic-grow-op, muhhh chineese agriculture

OK chang

>> No.19868890

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.19868893

Mankind has reproduced the power of the sun in UV lights
>microbial rich soil
Mankind can isolate the vital minerals and inject them directly into the hydroponics system
KYS liberal faggot, stop holding back innovation

>> No.19868901

You have to power UV lights anon

>> No.19868905

>We have the technology.
Talk to me when you can economically grow something that isn't lettuce.
People need calories to live.

>> No.19868906

Good thing mankind invented electricity otherwise we would be in trouble.

>> No.19868912

You can grow fruit too.

>> No.19868914

because humans are retarded monkeys who imprisoned themselves with the concept of money

>> No.19868920

It was a certain tribe that imprisoned humans with the concept of money..

>> No.19868921
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>Crossover episode between chinese meat packing accident and chinese architectural catastrophe videos.
I don't know how it would help with pigs or whatever but can we get a gofundme started to donate a couple lathes and some extra security cameras for this place

>> No.19868927
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you must have me mistaken for yourself.

>> No.19868929
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invented electricity

>> No.19868940

Sounds like an amazing game changer OP. You should take out a loan and build one of these things and make bank with your superior produce.

>> No.19868941

Nobody gives a shit about luxury food goods.
How about some potato or beans.

Feed a person a full days worth of calories for less than 2x the conventional cost of farming first.
Vertical farming is completely uneconomical and the only solution to that is free/nearly free energy.
Anything happening in the space currently is a research project or a scam.

>> No.19868943

>money money money!
who gives a shit about profit? fuck off back to Israel. We could power vertical farms with nuclear power plants.

>> No.19868948

Yeah that's right. What did cats invent? Nothing.

>> No.19868957

It uses too much electricity to be economically viable. Maybe if you built nuclear reactors then we could have enough "clean" energy to power it, but we're not allowed to use nuclear power on a large scale because some slavs blew up a power plant 40 years.

>> No.19869054

You're a fucking retard

>> No.19869074

Because it is FAR more expensive to do hydroponics than it is to farm.

1. Sun is free, grow lights are like $20 a pop and aren't infinite like the sun. Sun even gives you a free day-night cycle.
2. Holy fuck are plants thirsty bastards. Water from city = $$, water from sky = free. Oh no, your hydroponics tower eats water like AG does, now the city is in drought because of your shit. Whoops, didn't think that through.
3. Oh, you want to grow without nutrient rich dirt do you? Well enjoy purchasing industrial chemical s to add to the water for the plants to grow, and oh shit now you have to be a fucking chemist to properly prepare all this nutrient water.
4. Your little hydroponics thing needs to be harvested by HAND. Aka human labor that is pissy, unreliable, and has demands for money, healthcare, and shit. Versus AG where they have big ass machines to do all this shit for them.

>> No.19869098

>infinite like the sun
All stars burn out.
>water from sky = free
If it rains every single day to provide the water you would water your field with every single day.
>nutrient rich dirt
Dirt hasn't been nutrient rich for decades. Compare nutrient levels today to 100 years ago. We have depleted the nutrients from our soil and it's ALL artificially added now anyway.
>by HAND
implying we won't be able to create robots to do that. and shitloads of existing AG has to be harvested by hand as is. Ever heard of vanilla beans?

>> No.19869169

As you can see OP the main problem with the idea is it would trigger the schizos too much

>> No.19869205

Nuclear power is not an option because it would be used for useful things instead of retarded wastes of resources; and because unending immigration is not going to leave anyone capable of running them.

>> No.19869210

Nuclear power is undesirable because it does nothing to address the issues of systemic racism, it only produces clean cheap energy.

>> No.19869429

Poor ass fuck

>> No.19869481
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Do it.

My people are on it.

But we also love outdoor farming. Soul is real. Infinite abstract forces affect plants.
I gotta fuck dryads and milk girls.

Many of my communities use girls milk rather than cows

Power to gene splicing and cultured meat/“lab grown meat”.
It doesn’t need to be in a lab.
We make meat mountains and divinity
I’ll eat my own ass instead of killing timelines of all utmost potential

>> No.19869486 [DELETED] 

Don't the Chinese have pig farm skyscrapers?

>> No.19869487
File: 68 KB, 500x350, C188C99D-F926-4D98-A267-EE628821E9E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power to alternative foods and alternative meats.

Power to only my true people eating the food our farms produce. When food is only circulating my truest peoples, food is free.

Why does food cost money? Fake community.

Power to walls and real armies
Power and respects to real government

Cost is a lie made up by subversives.
Absolute love doesn’t tolerate.

>> No.19869492

Because we're fags that won't build nuclear reactors to power them.

>> No.19869722

>Döner on an industrial lathe gone wrong

>> No.19869726


So what are you?

>> No.19869729
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>> No.19870163

This idiot hasn't heard of the Haber-Bosch process, ahahahahahaha! What a dumbfuck!

>> No.19870167

pretty good schizoposting

>> No.19870170

You got lost on the way to /pol/

>> No.19870215
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>think of building aquaponic garden for fun on balcony
>ukrajew war starts
>energy prices skyrocket

>> No.19870219

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.19870441


>> No.19870614

Part of my plans involve building massive fully automated farms. That way I won't starve when I kill off all the humans.

>> No.19870825
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Dirt farming is still cheaper even with the crops lost to weather, insects, disease. Now if someone had taken advantage of the 0% interest rates and build some huge grow structures in or near to a large urban center in time they would due to their massively higher output out compete legacy farmers. But no one did so here we are.

>> No.19870838

People objected to the pig mega farm because they will suffer a massive disease some day and lose that use of the building because it's impossible to clean it well enough to prevent reinfection.
US pork producers would love if they could have it but it's simply too risky when you aren't backed by the government and can accept a total loss of production for years because of a single fuckup or evolution happening.

The Chinese released Covid on the world from the highest rating of biological containment labs what makes you think they will be able to keep the pigs isolated?

>> No.19870844

>The Chinese released Covid on the world
You fell for the propaganda. It was a bioweapon created by the american military to advance agenda 2030.

>> No.19870849

Sunlight -> water heating (75%) + electricity (25%) -> UV lights (5% × 3) + system operation (10%) -> climate controlled, higher output system with better thermal efficiency and stability.

>> No.19870865

It's funny because spectrum select LED lighting gives about 4 times more energy to plants than plants could absorb from the same area of land exposed to direct sunlight if it was covered in 20% efficient solar panels.
Plants are shit at using sunlight, with on average less than 1% conversion of energy.

>> No.19870871

Do you have a single fact to back that up

>> No.19870874

Look at the history of how trustworthy the american government is and the war crimes it has committed. A repeat offender can reasonably be expected to continue its behavior.

>> No.19870876

Okay so you don't.

>> No.19870882

I didn't have any proof that the NSA was violating the privacy of every citizen but everyone knew it was happening for many years before the proof came out.

>> No.19870941

The US federal government funded gain of function research in corona virus by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases giving grant money to EcoHealth Alliance to fund the work done in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The NIH had to use the EcoHealth Alliance as a cutout because that type of research is illegal to fund with federal money, but if you give the money to someone else that tells you they are going to do gain of function research with that money that's magically no illegal..


>> No.19871110

This only works for space colonization. As long as soil, water and fertilizers are dirt cheap people will always grow what yields the best profit

>> No.19871168

Dead microbes and critters are part of a well balanced diet. Have fun sucking on a tube of meat paste, loser.

>> No.19871174

kek okay shill
>much chinese bioweapon
that other anon already covered why you're wrong but i don't believe you're sincere in the first place

>> No.19871202
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>massive climate controlled hydroponics skyscrapers
Energy is expensive, the sun is free.
>to be able to maximize space
Space isn't an issue.
>grow anything anywhere year round
Importing food is cheaper, pic related.