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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 550x413, kids-chicken-tenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19864551 No.19864551 [Reply] [Original]

define "autism food"

>> No.19864558

would that be food that makes you autistic or food that autistic people eat?

>> No.19864579

sardines and eggs are the two most autistic foods, scientifically proven

>> No.19864585

White rice with butter and black pepper.

>> No.19864595

Chicken tenders
Mac and cheese with hotdogs

I guess if you had to make a wildly irresponsible generalization, autistic people tend to fixate on the texture of the food they eat. It could taste like anything but as long as it "feels right" they're fine. Hence all those hiding vegetables recipes from the 90s

>> No.19864606
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'rrots and 'negar

>> No.19864617

That one guy that only ate pizza and blotted it off with paper towels for a half hour before eating it

>> No.19864619

Was the 90s like the autism boom or something?

>> No.19864747

Ulilillia or however he spells it. He would only eat frozen pizzas and realized he needed to lose weight. Instead of changing his diet at all, he did autism math and decided if he dabbed the grease off first it'd lower his calorie intake enough. Dude lost a bunch of weight doing it too kek.

>> No.19864771

Drugging a whole generation may not have worked out?

>> No.19864799

They expanded the criteria for autism a lot back in the 90s. Before then, more kids were just labeled as regular retards

>> No.19864839

I don't remember a single autistic kid my entire childhood in the 80's and 90's. I had lots of friends and so did everyone else in my school. I think it's a recent disorder.

>> No.19864952

I legit think I'd be classified as autistic if I was a kid now, but instead I'm just a weird adult.
I think they didn't classify people like that as much back then.

>> No.19864955

Look at the Huel thread.

>> No.19864979

either creating absolutely horrendous combos like ramen with ice cream-autism
or separating every grain of rice, every pea in a can, every smudgeon in your mashed potatoes-aspergers
or earing with a spork-down syndrome

>> No.19864990

Whatever I’m eating is autism food

>> No.19865006

I feel like he lost weight because he spent an hour fucking with the pizza and just got bored or fucked around long enough to feel full from the 1 slice he ate

>> No.19865011
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>> No.19865119


Comes in a package, quick to cook, always has the same taste, you get to measure out specific portions of water, and it's vaguely Japanese.

>> No.19865161

Def: "autism food" - a phrase used by retarded fucking morons.

>> No.19865163

My autism food isn't autistic in taste/texture but frequency. I will go through days, weeks or sometimes months where I have zero appetite for anything but one or a few specific foods. I can eat other things if forced but it legitimately will not satiate me. I think it might be a dopamine thing.

>> No.19865458
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Is it more or less autistic to pull their little spines out?

>> No.19865468

I love certain foods raw like spinach, cooked like mushrooms, or fried like okra, and find them repulsive if prepared any other way.

>> No.19865539

more because you can just eat them

>> No.19865566

The things that people get autistic about and have generals for on this board, e.g. tea and coffee.

>> No.19865679
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Frozen pizzas
Tendies and nuggies
Varying crunchy shit (chips, cabbage, whatever)
t. works with autismo kids

>> No.19865844

chocolate hotdogs

>> No.19865853


>> No.19865856

microwave food, but with a loooot of sauce. or no sauce. ketchup is a sauce btw

>> No.19865863

they feel scratchy in your throat
just cut them in thirds by the neck and take 'em out. i've eaten my share and they're always better with a little removal

>> No.19865892


>> No.19866716

predictable, a uniform experience is to be had. for example the chicken tendy is processed such that you can expect a crunchy outer layer, and a consistent and smooth softness to the inner-meat. The maccaroni again, you get a contrast of the chewy macaroni and the soft practically liquid gooey cheese, it is as expected no unwanted crunch, little textural difference it is a predictable and delectable meal.

>> No.19866726

every day i eat soup that i make by putting chicken and water and vegetables in my crock pot.

>> No.19866757

I don't know if it qualifies as autism food, but I like to purchase the most disgusting meats I can find: breakfast sausage, hot dogs, minced beef 41% lean, bologna, american cheese, head cheese, and slim jims

>> No.19866786

imagine making a pie filling out of all those ingredients by blending them into a goo and resetting it with gelatin

>> No.19866805

Do autistic women have issues with restrictive food interests?

>> No.19866815

Post that meme where the guy forces the whore to eat the eggs

>> No.19866843


>> No.19866851

Go to an asian market and you can find all kinds of weird stuff. I love a good beef heart stew every now and then

>> No.19866906


>> No.19867194

this is the most compelling theory so far

>> No.19867244
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The hiding vegetables thing was because Americans didn't know how to cook vegetables. They would just microwave or boil them to death. So hiding them was more palatable to kids.
More autistic. You can eat the spines, they are barely noticeable, and they're good for you.

>> No.19867254
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Hamburger helper (without the meat) is the definition of autism food!

>> No.19867296

The late 80s/early 90s was when autism hit the mainstream and people realized that the weird neighbor who hates interacting with people and who had an unnatural obsession with trains had a legitimate mental disorder and wasn't just "eccentric".

>> No.19867323
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>> No.19867330

Back in the 90s autism was redefined such that a bunch of different disorders with similar or overlapping symptoms were bundled together under Autism Spectrum Disorder. And then federal money got involved. And then every kid who had a little quirk or couldn’t see the point in endless busy work in class was recommended for assessment.

>> No.19867337


This is actually a good way to experiment; by making a plain, standard experience you are in effect creating a laboratory setting from which to introduce variables into.

>> No.19867341

>And then every kid who had a little quirk or couldn’t see the point in endless busy work in class was recommended for assessment.
that was me. also when I was little my parents called me "the little Professor" because of my knowledge of whatever I was interested. it wasn't till my wife went to a seminar about aspergers that suddenly all of my life made sense. it also save my marriage.

>> No.19867355
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Theres a BBC show Freaky Eaters about people who have this so bad that they will only eat 1 or 2 foods and nothing else.

Usually it is consistently textured and identically made processed foods, like frozen pizza or spaghetti-os, but in a few cases its stranger, like exclusively eating burnt sausages.

But this post is mostly correct - the very existence of these magically-identical corporate foods breaks something in peoples brains - and it happens to most people to some extent, these are just the extreme cases. And dont forget the effect of constant corporate advertising of these processes foods - mama's home cooking has no publicity budget.

>> No.19867357

>it wasn't till my wife went to a seminar about aspergers that suddenly all of my life made sense. it also save my marriage.
so your wife found comfort in a "scientific" explanation of your particular idiosyncrasies - now she can just explain you with "asperger" instead of actually trying to understand who you are. "saved" indeed.

>> No.19867370

there are fundamental questions emerging about the diagnostic system thats led to this.

it seems increasingly clear that these "diagnoses," rather than helping people understand themselves, quickly become crutches.

people who believe themselves to have a "disorder" quickly begin to believe their problems are unfixable and permanent - and worse, they often begin to take on additional symptoms of the purported "disorder", even ones they had no inclination toward in the first place. in other words, the giving of the label causes them to inhabit the label.

it has been observed many times at this point that young folks - lets be honest mostly women, but men too - who are given a diagnosis of autism or aspergers will develop "symptoms" - like stimming, or sensory aversions - *after the fact*!

The thought process is, "Well, if I am autistic, then I must have stims and aversions" - then they hyperfixate on things, and develop a "stim" where before they just had a "like", and an "aversion" where before they just had a "dislike."

Some people are seriously different from the rest of society, and such people deserve help according to their needs - but diagnosis is not a free action! Classifying someone as "officially disordered" has deep psychological consequences in and of itself.

>> No.19867392

I agree with this assessment. People tend to box themselves up into their neat little labels whether it’s a psychological diagnosis or a learning style preference or just a job they’ve been in for a long time.

>> No.19867401

Simple comfort foods like pasta and cheese, or nuggets and fries.

>> No.19867417

Why not just leave him alone with his trains

>> No.19867418

I still think calling it a "legitimate mental disorder" is going to far for what is mostly just different behavior. Not everybody has to be the same gabbering monkey who worships celebrities, and I find that much of what some call "autism" is just normal male behavior but women find it weird.

>> No.19867421

Please look at Chris-chan's life and tell me again with a straight face that calling autism a "legitimate mental disorder" is going too far.

>> No.19867444

No, don't know if it is autism or whatever but that is a legitimate mental disorder. But being a loner or being obsessed with trains is hardly a mental disorder.

>> No.19867445


>> No.19867452
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autism food should not be confused with goy slop, zog feed, zog slop, or goy feed they are different
a true autist has honed his diet to whatever they autistic ally prefer but it has to be healthy

>> No.19867461

Normies got so bored with their empty lives that they had to start prying into everyone else's.

Literally just having interests makes normies of current year freak out. They are pig people and need to be put down.

>> No.19867487


Obsessions and compulsions are legitimate mental disorders. The degree to which those compulsions interfere with life is the question.

>> No.19867500

normies will define "obsession and compulsion" as literally any behavior they dont like

this psychology babble is so fucking transparent. fuck off pill shill

>> No.19867505

Then by that reasoning everyone has a mental disorder which kind of makes it meaningless. While I know it's fashionable among women to have a "disorder" nowadays, it seems like it diluting the seriousness of actual illnesses like Chris-chan.

>> No.19867515

>Then by that reasoning everyone has a mental disorder which kind of makes it meaningless.
You are so fucking close to grasping the concept of autism but you're still not quite there.

>> No.19867531

This. Im taking college classes right now and the conversations between women revolves around what kind of retard disorder they have and what kind of retard disorder they kids or siblings have. As if it makes people feel sorry for them and gives them an excuse for shit.
Likes, dislikes, preferences and quirks have somehow been made to be "autism" and people use it and other over diagnosed disorders as a shield in order to hide what they really are, good old fashioned stupid.

>> No.19867546

One of my coworkers said their kid refused to eat anything other than chicken nuggies. I dont remember what else but thatvwas pretty much it. I think this kind of behavior is only strengthened in todays society. In any other time, if there wasnt what some tard insisted on only eating they would starve to death and we would all rejoice.

>> No.19867561

I vibe with this, I would only eat hot dogs and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups when I was a kid because my mom straight up could not cook and refused to listen to basic requests. Everything was baked in the oven at 425 without pre-heating and was never cooked correctly. Fries were never done enough and tasted like raw potatoes, chicken was medium rare, literally nothing was seasoned...

>> No.19867585

Thats different because you really didnt have options. Ive known people that grew up that way too, eating just whatever was easy/safe because their parent couldnt cook anything. Its when you have a dozen different options and you choose the same thing every meal is when theres something weird

>> No.19867620

Not chewing food enough is a sign of autism
>Physical Development Delays.Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulty eating because the muscles used for biting, chewing, and swallowing might be weak or underdeveloped. This can make it hard for them to eat foods that require a lot of chewing

>> No.19867627

Lol physical and mental defects hindering their survival chances. They were meant to die

>> No.19867631

its the epitome of brainlet to look at a particular behavior in modern society and presume to derive anything about wild human behavior or evolutionary pressures

>> No.19867637

he has to consoom otherwise he is worthless

>> No.19867646

autistic sausage fingers typed this post

>> No.19867652

I do not understand the "my kid refuses to eat anything but frozen chicken nuggets" thing. I have kids and I just don't make separate meals for them. They eat what the adults eat. Yeah they threw fits initially when they first starting eating real food as opposed to formula but that's just them getting used to something new. They're too young at that point to understand the idea of strikes to get what they want so they just eat it eventually. Just don't ever give them the option of shitty frozen pre packaged food and they won't get hooked on it, autistic or not.

>> No.19867661

Truth. Either you eat whats for dinner or you dont eat. Eventually they will be hungry and have to eat. Thats why all the diagnosis of mental disorders is in itself, retarded. They dont have a mental disorder they are just spoiled.

>> No.19867666

autists just like repetition and dont want that repetition to be broken
they were never fed anything besides frozen food and nuggies and dont want that to change
if you fed an autistic kid something new every day, theyd start hating the idea of eating the same thing two days in a row because its a pattern being changed

>> No.19867671

>satan enforces the idea that autism isnt genetic, parents are just retarded

>> No.19867699

I hate ARFID retards who can't eat certain shapes of pasta because they are too organic :c ohhh wittle baby tommy hort???

>> No.19867779

skinny and had teen love. gonna cry?

>> No.19867797

What are organic shapes?

>> No.19867802

Anything with strong textures literally
>t. actual autist

>> No.19867806

>confusing autism with down syndrome

>> No.19867810

Speak English

>> No.19867820

This has been occurring long before current year, I was a target of such abuse as early as 2004. It’s not a new thing.

>> No.19867892

imo normies need religion or they become psychopaths. midwits are not intellectually equipped for a secular worldview.

>> No.19867927

I’m not an atheist personally. I find the ideology abhorrent.

>> No.19868028

Taking frozen breakfast portions and following the heating instructions on the box rather than cooking each of the dishes properly.

>> No.19868034
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Maybe I'm a special case, but I like quite a wide variety of foods. My mother isn't autistic, but she's extremely picky, and I grew up eating very plain food which was usually a mixture of meat, cheese, and bread of some kind with zero vegetables. I was fine with this diet as a kid, but when I became an adult and lived on my own, I discovered a whole new world of food and I loved it. I ate a lot of foods for the first time in my 20s, like broccoli, spinach, Asian cuisine, and so on. I do like things cooked in very specific ways, though, and I can't do certain textures like slimy food or the skin of sausages. There are certain foods that I will eat every single day if I have them in the house, like Snickers ice cream bars (I don't buy them because of this) and jalapeno kettle chips.

>> No.19868165

You missed his point. I don’t particularly agree with it, but he wasn’t saying that people create autists by feeding them repetitively, more that an autist fed repetitively will become more attached and dependent on the repetition than a normal kid.
IMO the “tendies and mac” association with autism has more to do with it being salty and oily yet inoffensive. All children like tendies and mac, autists just fixate and don’t grow out of it because they don’t want change or to be uncomfortable.

>> No.19868312

let me guess
>constipation food
>66% success rate for bowel movement

>> No.19869871

People with autism typically have what is called a sensory integration disorder. This causes them to experience the five senses in a much more elevated way than the average person. Bright lights, pungent smells and loud noises can be just as jarring as the taste of food. People with autism typically eat foods that are much more processed than other people because they enjoy predictable and specific tastes. Most of these foods are salty rather than sweet. The high calorie content and low satiety of these foods contributes to the fact that most autistic people are overweight and have some degree of irritable bowel syndrome.

I can speak on this because I am autistic.

>> No.19869941

crazy how we ALL knew at least one crybaby faggot who ate nothing but chicken nuggets & pizza

>> No.19870030

This kind of thing seems to be unique to the type of "person" who has no compulsion towards things that are real and unadulterated.

>> No.19870053

Lasagne is the ultimate autist food every single autist loves it.

>> No.19870067

tfw autistic and only started trying out new food at 27

>> No.19870073

What the fuck is negar suppose to be?

>> No.19870079

All women have autism Anon, that's why it's "Harder to diagnose". Can't see the trees with the forest in the way.

>> No.19870082

Vinegar, you negar.

>> No.19870097

It can be different for different people but autists always only eat one or two different things and then says they don't want to eat anything else because they don't like the "texture" of it. If you ask them if they've ever tried it they will lie to your face and say they have even though they haven't eaten anything other than their one favorite dish for the last 5 years.

>> No.19870111
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>autism food
nothing touching on the plate

>> No.19870126

i remember this show. Saw a guy who could only eat cheeseburgers, and another who could only eat fries.

>> No.19870131
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Why not just make the actual thing? Bananas aren't terribly expensive

>> No.19870136
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>> No.19870143

Just add a couple more things and you've got fried rice. You can do it anon.

>> No.19870165

kek, could go for this right now to be honest.

>> No.19870173

hey if that explanation gives (You) comfort...

>> No.19870175

>Not chewing food enough is a sign of autism
I knew a girl who always chewed her food exactly 36 times. THAT is autism.

>> No.19870178

the difference between your kids and actual picky eaters is that the picky eater will starve to death and you will have to explain how you let your child starve.

>> No.19870179

doesn't work that way. they won't eat.

>> No.19870181

>All women have autism
HA no, if they did they would be like Temple Grandin.

>> No.19870213

You need to go back to /pol/ and stay there. Fucking tourists.

>> No.19870244

>skin of sausages
so you don't eat kielbasa, pickled sausage, frankfurters, none of that?

>> No.19870410

okay this is me

>> No.19870436
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off the charts level of autismo

>> No.19870455

He also has a 20min video about degreasing pizza.

>> No.19870460

Doesn't exist. Broccoli will be like candy when a human is hungry enough. Higher consciousness will go away and they'll turn into a beast.

>> No.19870464

is this loss?

>> No.19870465

jesus christ anon I HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO but now i have to watch it.

>> No.19870591

the ironing

>> No.19870595

>you see the trick is to keep your kids in a constant state of starvation

>> No.19870599

>broccoli touching sprouts

>> No.19870620
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ive been on this fucking website for so long i remember being in that thread when it happened

>> No.19870621
File: 2.97 MB, 960x540, You must eat ALL THE EGGS!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the complete set:

>> No.19870696


>> No.19870766
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He's being facetious, anon.
If there were a study on "moast Autistic fuds" it would probably be dino tendies, tater tots and other regularly shaped and beige foods.
Then of course there are the "Samefoods"
There probably won't ever be a decisive study, because Auties range across the board.
What are your favorite "samefoods"?
Chances are good if you like foods that are nowhere close to being "burnt" or overdone, what you like is disgusting to another anon who is strongly averse to anything "RAW"

>> No.19870774

Based and pure-pilled

>> No.19870778
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>> No.19870780

they're sorted by color

>> No.19870785

Those are both full of nutrients

Dumb thread is dumb

>> No.19870958

as things should be.

>> No.19871240

Oh kek. Reminds me of that signed that spelt vinegar as "vinigger".

>> No.19871256

FPSRussia really let himself go

>> No.19871265

in the 90s the kids that would be labeled autistic today were the weird tard kids that you convinced to do outlandish shit and they'd comply in an attempt to be accepted by their peers.

>> No.19871280

it was "ADHD" in the 90s thoughever

>> No.19871308

That's FPSUkraine.

>> No.19871329

Is Papa John's stuffed crust the ultimate autism food?


>> No.19871352

so far the recurring theme seems to be consistency and predictability. lots of answers like fast food and frozen food and childhood staples

>> No.19871356

that's me

>> No.19871361

No, that's for incels who put a workbench in their living room.

>> No.19871364

my roommate eats frozen potstickers that he overcooks in an instant pot twice a day

>> No.19871394

Just because he hasn't been laid in 5 years doesn't mean that Tactical Soap doesn't work.

>> No.19871444

Any food that at least 2 autists like

>> No.19871456

fuckin kek

>> No.19871477

Meal prepping is autistic?

>> No.19871486
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>Usually it is consistently textured and identically made processed foods, like frozen pizza
Yep, this checks out 100%. My best friend's ex was an undiagnosed autistic and she INSISTED on nothing but 3 frozen pizzas a day while she sat inside and watched D&D podcasts and drafted D&D campaign lore for her waking hours.

She really went downhill during covid. Before, it was just classic picky eater fatty food, not EXCLUSIVELY frozen pizza. He said he never intends to eat a frozen pizza again

>> No.19871577

I'm an autist who constantly makes wraps or tacos every week

>> No.19871667

>only eat fries
Some teenager in the UK went blind from lack of vitamins because he only ate french fries and potato chips.

>> No.19871677
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The cheesy potatoes sweathog was the funniest one

>> No.19871694

>when they start giving kids 20 vaccines on the first day of their life
>people start acting weird
>its a mental disorder, trust us goy

even if you think vaccinations are 100% beneficial, subjecting a new born child to so much trauma undoubtably fucks with their brain.

>> No.19871699

everything is autistic anon, read the thread.

>> No.19871703

There was some theory claiming that autism is extreme male brain

>> No.19872030

very much so, yes

>> No.19872524

The workbench is a sign of pique masculinity! Should the ceiling fan break he can fix it faster than you can call him an autist!

>> No.19872533

the good kind, but yeah.

>> No.19872542

I use to eat tater tots with chili and nacho cheese at my old job because they would usually throw it out. At the time, seeing this made me feel fucking disgusting with myself.

>> No.19872544

Whatever the hell /fit/ eats

>> No.19872553

>Whatever the hell /fit/ eats >>19870136

>> No.19872629

I can almost guarantee it was because your coworker cannot cook. That means that the processed nugs with the explicit instructions for retards is the safest food in the house, and kids are unfiltered at young ages - they are letting you know you suck balls at cooking in their way by being picky. I was picky because my parents couldn't cook for shit, and I am not currently because I can actually cook.

See this post for others proving my point:

>> No.19872714

yea. theres a difference between having a mental problem and being a retard. we need to bring retard back.

>> No.19872718

>”food eaten or otherwise associated with the autistic”

Is probably the most accurate definition

>> No.19872747

Men are more something like 4x more likely to be autistic than women.

>> No.19873083

>mostly just different behavior
You realize that the radically different behavior is caused by incorrect brain chemistry right?

>> No.19873267

go back

>> No.19873365

I accept your concession

>> No.19873458

It's not always that the parent can't cook, they sometimes just have shit taste. This happens a lot to people who grow up poor and get used to garbage (not necessarily badly cooked) food, then by the time they have children they eat way below their means because they got used to it and their palate is fucked beyond recovery. My dad grew up in bumfuck nowhere and by the time I was born lived in a mansion and drove a sportscar but to this day he still eats shit like plain boiled cabbage, giblet soup and the cheapest meat cuts you can imagine. It took me a decade to stop being picky after moving out and no matter how well I cook my family still doesn't like it.

>> No.19873462

this is why I used to hate fruits
you never know what you might be getting
that and fruits rotting by the side of the forest paths in autumn

>> No.19873468

Those that were high functioning were just "eccentric" and really into cars, dinosaurs or airplanes or whatever. Those low functioning enough to notice were shunted off into special ed classes or special schools before budgets got cut enough that they had to place genuine retards in regular classrooms.

>> No.19873652
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my good friend is obsessed with ketchup. Watching him eat it is mind-boggling. When we go and eat at Burger King or something he will dump ketchup directly onto his tray, sometimes covering half. Then whatever he orders, he doesn't dunk into the ketchup, he scoops it up, like using the bite in his burger to create a cup from which to scoop up ketchup.
It is extremely embarrassing and sometimes people laugh but I don't point it out

>> No.19873696

>I'm gently folding these small boxes down so they take up less space.
Somebody help this poor man.

>> No.19873701 [DELETED] 

They also massively broadened the definition and have decided that they should syndromize masculine traits, but yeah, sure, do go on.

>> No.19873729

I feel bad that he uses so many paper towels and spends so much time preparing his 'za.

>> No.19873742

for me its cutting around the egg whites on my fried egg so i can eat them before my yolk (which must also not break)

>> No.19874026

i just bite into the yolk and suck it up or i try to fit the whole thing in my mouth

>> No.19874034

>Clear shapes
>Non aggressive colors
>Salt an pepper as the only spice
>Easy to separate by type of food (carrot sticks and peas instead of salad)
>Generally it can all be microwaved together

>> No.19874103

That's OCD[1] (not autism). You're using "autism" as a blanket term for retarded behavior and/or people instead of classifying the behavior and/or people under the correct mental and/or behavioral disorder.

[1] Obsessive-compulsive disorder

>> No.19874124

no, it is in fact autism. someone with OCD would want to chew endlessly, theoretically

>> No.19874143 [DELETED] 

The fuck? No. I swear the general public getting hold of the DSM was one of the worst things that could have happened.

>> No.19874151 [DELETED] 

I wish I could think like you. Ahhhh the bliss of being actually (literally) retarded.

>> No.19874202

elaborate on this please. im always intrigued whenever i hear people say normal foods feel "off". like i get it if its pigs feet (which is still tasty when prepared well) but other things make me confused.

>> No.19874265


>> No.19874353

not your personal google

>> No.19874359

>The fuck? No. I swear the general public getting hold of the DSM was one of the worst things that could have happened.
The worst part is that gender dysphoria is considered a mental illness. People should be allowed to mutilate their genitals and sterilize themselves without having to deal with the stigma of being considered allegedly mentally ill.

>> No.19874368

>gender dysphoria is considered a mental illness
it isn't :^)

>> No.19874377
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>> No.19874379

broccoli has a very off putting texture. strange and mushy and full of little blobs and squishiness.

liver has an off putting texture. thick dry like caked blood grainy.

foods with tons of collagen have a sticky unpleasant texture gooey but not in a good way. chicken feet, boiled pig skin on pork belly.

>> No.19874383

oh ok then
what are you on about?

>> No.19874405

those are kind of understandable though since they tend to be unpopular foods anyway

>> No.19874408

Most people have mild neuroses. They become mental disorder when they affect your ability to function in regular circumstances.

>> No.19875530

the low iq replies to this prove you right

>> No.19875544

>created sonic the hedgehog
you tell me

>> No.19875680

I never stopped.

>> No.19875715

The food IS autistic.

>> No.19875781

That's not how it works. The damage for autism is in utero if not at conception.

>> No.19875797
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soft chewy meat-filled
pale 'tism food microwaved
behold the steamed bun

>> No.19875801

Not all disorders have to be debilitating.
Not all people with ASD act like that person.

>> No.19875867

They like uniform foods or whatever the hell makes sense in their retardation. My GFs little brother is autistic, the semi retarded kind that watches skibiddi toilet videos all day and I love fucking with him, specially his food, to see him have a complete meltdown. It takes no effort and nobody can tell.

Fuck retards.

>> No.19875874
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I fucking hate retarded people so much its unreal. I hate them more than fat people and niggers combined and that's fucking a lot m8, believe that.

>> No.19875894

This whole autism spectrum shit has a long way to go. Calling people who like to post on forums all day and eat chicken tenders the same term as people shitting their pants and speaking a made up language is ridiculous.

>> No.19875907
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>> No.19875916

Ok English major. Like I give a hoot

>> No.19875930

imagine an autist chanting "BAO BAO BAO BAO" forever

>> No.19875942

i hate autists so much it's unreal

>> No.19876333

The definition expanded. Also, the more education exists the more people will seek a diagnosis.

>> No.19876337
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>> No.19876361

1. You don't know everyone.
2. Some kids might have been recommended for diagnosis or had it, but parents didn't say anything.
3. Autism is a spectrum so everyone has different needs.
4. Some of your peers might have gotten diagnosed later in life.
5. You grew up in the middle of fucking nowhere where animals outnumber humans.
6. You grew up somewhere where mental health doesn't really exist.

>> No.19876369

I suspect that you are actually undiagnosed autistic and are arguing about this, because then that would mean that there's something wrong with you. There is, no person, who would say something like this unless they can relate in some way.

>> No.19876373

>As Early as 2004
>2004 wasn't a mere 19 years ago, a speck on the timeline of human behavior and civilization

All you proved with this post is that you're damn near underage b&.

>> No.19876393

Damn, this sounds like my mom. I have been wondering more and more if she's autistic and after reading this I'm starting to be more convinced that might be the case.

>> No.19876582

>when you're born in 2003

>> No.19876586

I got a brain aneurysm reading this. bi 4 joke that's what is.

>> No.19876592

My autistic ex always wanted me to buy frozen perogies, which she called progies.

>> No.19876612

t. retard that thinks tiktok children self diagnosing themselves reflects society as a whole

>> No.19876617

>would want to
You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.19876618

Yeah, it is

>> No.19876748

>Doesn't exist. Broccoli will be like candy when a human is hungry enough. Higher consciousness will go away and they'll turn into a beast.

I don't think you understand how important specific processes need to be followed. Ever done anything the same way everyday for twenty or thirty years, that sort of thing? Normal people can be tortured or tormented into change. You're a flexible human thing that can be enslaved the way other humans are, with some empathic understanding of what is going on around you enforced by a social order as opposed to whatever autistics are.

I don't know why it's something Nitzche and Herbert focused on in their autistic works, but we can't be tortured. Do you know the story of the slave philosopher Epictetus and his broken leg? He didn't care.

It is what it is. Why can you be broken like an animal Anon? If it were a couple hundred years ago and you were black why would you be plowing my fields? I think it's just something written in your DNA, spoken by you in this suggestion something like that would work. It's odd.

>> No.19877317

>Autism is a spectrum so everyone has different needs.
that makes the diagnosis redundant and only proves the criticism of overly broad criterium. fuck this nu-psychiatry
reminder, gender dysphoria is not regarded as a mental illness in the DSM anymore

>> No.19877420

Yeah that Vice package on Soylent proves it was autist food before it was cuck shit.

>> No.19877627

Something being "official" doesn't make it right.

>> No.19877645

you don't have autism

>> No.19877650

>reminder, gender dysphoria is not regarded as a mental illness in the DSM anymore
They also removed homosexuality from the DSM. Does that mean homosexuals are mentally sane?
I think we all know the truth.

>> No.19878278

Heterosexuality and homosexuality should both be in the DSM. Imagine not liking big throbbing cock and tight hot and wet pussy equally, and cutting your pool of potential partners in half too. No wonder you dumb fuckers are incel. Monosexuals are beyond retarded.

>> No.19878309

Foods that are
>child’s palate
>often made of sub-par goyslop ingredients like seed oils, or how the meat in tendies is often mechanically separated chicken

>> No.19878318

There is no reproductive or social benefit for males to be aroused by fucking poopy male rectums, nor to be aroused by getting fucked in their poopy male rectums. Meanwhile, there are numerous personal and social downsides, like not having a family with non-reproductive sex, and spreading plagues like HIV.

>> No.19878321
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only in /ck/ would i ever see the phrase "monosexual"

>> No.19878322

How about dick sucking then? No poopy, no aids.

>> No.19878328

Also non-reproductive, and can spread other STIs. It’s like centring your identity around masturbation or something; it’s ultimately a waste of time and effort.

>> No.19878356

And you can fool a dick with a hand.....

>> No.19878384

this thread cured me of autism

>> No.19878408

Add some crushed red pepper and we're eating good

>> No.19878414

people who just eat unseasoned, baked/boiled chicken breast (usually bodybuilders/health people). worse than prison food.

>> No.19878462

>we dont know whats going on but trust us, it isnt THAT thing. how do we know? cool it with the antisemetism pal.

>> No.19878726

heres the peer reviewed source of truth right here here it is in link posted

>> No.19878750

>be me, young
>see purepwnage
>kyle proceeds tosmash eggs apart in a pan with ham and pickles because he's trying to cook
>i replicated it every day for like a year and ate it

>> No.19878759


>> No.19878982

>Before then, more kids were just labeled as regular retards
When did they change that rule?

>> No.19878994

guys can douche to you know. They only fight over who gets to drink the before and who gets to drink the after, so those are your social benifits right there.

>> No.19879073

>Getting pricked by needles
How sheltered are you?

>> No.19879121

A post-enema rectum still has residual shit in it. If you picked up a fistful of poo, would you be content to splash your hand with a little water and call it a day?

>> No.19879357

whos poo we talkin?

>> No.19879386

This picture made me shit my pants

>> No.19879484

nigga think being a half retard is a superpower

>> No.19879487

so true

>> No.19879963

>autistic people tend to fixate on the texture of the food they eat. It could taste like anything but as long as it "feels right" they're fine. Hence all those hiding vegetables recipes from the 90s
exactly, i love raw vegetables but i throw up if they're warm and/or wet, doesn't matter if they're boiled, grilled or fried or drowned in butter i can't eat them but give me a dozen raw tomatoes or even a whole raw onion and i'll munch it down with ease
t. sperg

>> No.19880080

>It could taste like anything but as long as it "feels right" they're fine.
What? No; that's fucking stupid. I definitely do have issues with certain textures (gristle or unchewable fat makes me instantly lose my appetite), but I definitely do care about flavour.

>> No.19880084

how did you think that this was a winning argument

>> No.19880110

My gf is an autist.

Some of her safe foods:

>sliced red bell pepper
>apple slices
>scrambled eggs
>borger (just a bun and patty)
>hot dogs
>salad greens without dressing
>ham and cheese sammiches

I love her very very very much and feeding her makes me happy :)

>> No.19880129

easy to cook for, that's for sure.

>> No.19880146

As long as you love her I don't think it matters

>> No.19880152

why not just chop the chicken into little chunks before cooking, better seasoning spread, easier eating with just a fork/spoon and it's not like the full breast is gonna be any juicier after getting cold and possibly reheated

>> No.19880209

frozen food
rapeseed oils
energy drinks

basically anything that depletes the nutrients in your body and degrades both your body and mind

>> No.19880292

my girlfriend accused me of "stimming" and having undiagnosed autism when i streched my arm out

>> No.19880303

you are a pretentious autist. get off your high horse and eat the broccoli

>> No.19880516

Stop parroting this nonsense. That is not the metric of mental disorder. It starts being a mental disorder when your mental state is disordered.

>> No.19880540


My girlfriend accused me of being autistic when memorizing the order of several thousand chess games. It's not my fault I don't like trains and My Little Pony.

I will eat the steamed broccoli with the baked chicken and brown rice on Thursday, alternating between bites with rice and with chicken, finishing the steamed broccoli before the rest of the meal like I have for the past seven years with two noteable exceptions and a switch from white rice to brown a few years back, like a perfectly normal human.

What the fuck is stimming?

>> No.19880551

I have a relative who is mildly autistic, was fun watching him grow up
>Ketchup with anything but it has to be certain brand
>Would only eat meat if it didn't come with bones or skin
>Absolutely nothing that has green color
>Had to have hit chocolate before sleep
>Deep fried food had to be at least once a day

>> No.19880559

everyone has autism according to feminists, don’t take them too seriously

>> No.19880706

stimming is the autism rebranded nervous tic

>> No.19880886

I'm currently trying to get out of my autism phase. Mostly because actual cooking took too long and I was too tired so getting easily microwaved food was all I wanted. Used to eat nothing but chicken nuggets or pizza, but my bowels and body hate overly greasy things now so I've toned down to just eating rice and chicken every day. I'm still pretty fat though, maybe the ketchup is the problem? I hear you can lose weight by just eating better, and the only way I lost we8ght before was just not eating anything besides once a day. Now that I've tried going back to a regular 3 meals a day, just feel bloated and fat again.

It could also be because I don't do any physical exercise whatsoever but again, I thought losing weight was mostly in the diet too so I'm not really sure what I'm doing.

>> No.19880900

I knew a woman who only liked food she thought was tasty and savory but also couldn't eat the same thing for more than a day, needed it to be different often. She would cry if it wasn't tasty or if she ate it the day prior.

>> No.19880910

Before then if there was a quiet, shy, and/or weird kid, he'd be just that. Now he would be considered autistic and be prescribed a bunch of meds that will make him fat and docile

>> No.19880911
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No, the pop of the skin when you bite into these foods actually makes me gag. And I find the texture difference between the skin and the innards is too great, it's a disgusting experience trying to chew two totally different textures from the same item. You can actually buy skinless kielbasa, which is what I buy when I make kielbasa cabbage and potato soup.

>> No.19881968


i coin it and fry it up on both sides til its like almost burnt so its all crispy

>> No.19882791
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>rips a square from the corner
>then opens the other side completely
>then dumps the packet while holding it with two hands
LMFAO this dude is off his rockers

>> No.19882797

retard using a fork to eat fried chicken, oh lawd.

>> No.19882823

my ex was fucking awkward to eat around in public. She HAD to put down 4 napkins to the right of her, the protein had to be at 12 o'clock on the plate and if it wasn't she moved it there. Once her meal was done, she had to use all 4 napkins by wiping her fingers, mouth and always tried to use other 2 on me. I just went with it because you know you're supposed to love the retarded creature, but man it was weird

>> No.19882830
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White rice with ghee and salt is much better. Do the needful and try it and report your experience.

>> No.19882838

Because deep down we all do be niggers.

>> No.19883608


>be born
>suddenly stabbed
>baby starts screaming
>goes into shock
>develops a fever
>lol how is this traumatic you pussy
>baby recovers
>time for more shots lmao

>cycle starts again

>> No.19883658

This post just scream autism.

>> No.19883663

The pop of the skin is the best part. I actually hate it when the entire sausage is soft af.

>> No.19883667

Broccoli is crunchy, why are the ones you eating mushy??

>> No.19883668
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Simple food that doesn't taste complex and thus doesn't challenge the tastebuds. It's often if not always unhealthy and only contributes to the mental comfort of the person eating said meal.

Although it's called autosm food, the food in question does not benefit the autist in the long run and will probably contribute to the degradition of the body and mind of the autist, making the symptoms of the autist worse and worrying the mind in the process.

>> No.19883675

>only proves the criticism of overly broad criterium
This doesn't make any sense. While everyone might have different needs the needs are still similar no matter what. So for example, someone may not need a physical help to live, but can still have a ton of issues with social/communication.

I don't understand why you think you know more than people who have dedicated their entire lives to studying this shit. Like what are your qualifications aside from your asshole?

>> No.19884026

Didn't read further. Extreme cringe.

>> No.19884196


>> No.19884810

Autistic nigga getting angry

>> No.19884815
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turned a frozen chicken cutlet into some gourmet shit

>> No.19884820

It's uniformity. For example by autistic bud hates berries because he can eat two blueberries from the same bowl and one will be sweet and the other will be sour.
However processed snacks are always the same. Every saltine cracker is the same.

>> No.19884945

looks alright anon, if it wasn't for the potato

>> No.19884950

>I don't understand why you think you know more than people who have dedicated their entire lives to studying this shit. Like what are your qualifications aside from your asshole?
fuck you, honestly. i've lived and seen the consequences you're a braindead NPC in its truest form
>inb4 hah! you're a pol schizo!

>> No.19884951

You did they just weren't labeled autistic.

>> No.19884973

A true sperglord pulls the spine out, eats it separately, then eats the rest of the deen.