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19853050 No.19853050 [Reply] [Original]

is prime rib actually good or is it a boomer meme?
never actually had it, is it similar to a ribeye steak?

>> No.19853057

It’s delicious and very common in fancy restaurants in New England.

>> No.19853058

It is a ribeye

>> No.19853070

It's very tender, just go for poultry add and reduce as much. U want

>> No.19853086


>> No.19853103

It's the best but only if it's cooked right. I had one at Texas Roadhouse a few months back and it was fucked beyond belief.

>> No.19853185

precious memories

>> No.19853239

I prepared one of these for my dad using the reverse sear method, and it practically took the whole day to cook. Surprisingly, it was quite straightforward to do, and my dad was absolutely thrilled. I'll never forget the pure joy on his face. The next day, he surprised me with a PS5

>> No.19853251

It's a primal, roasted whole. Which is why it's a prime rib roast. Primal is a butcher's cut of a large piece of the steer before it gets processed into the smaller cuts. By roasting it low and slow until the muscle's connective tissue turns from collagen to gelatin you effectively make tender hamburger in steak form. Hamburgers do this process by manually breaking up the collagen in a grinder, but the end result isn't a steak.

It's not filet mignot, but still pretty great with horseradish and au jus. I honestly would rather have it on toasted white bread, but the restaurant could just be serving sliced roast beef with the name of prime rib so you have to make sure that it's actually sliced steak.

I feel like Hank Hill over here explaining beef after typing that.

>> No.19853261

>never actually had it
well then go have it idiot. find out for yourself.

also yes it 's really good, and yes it's ribeye.retard

>> No.19853264

My dad molested me from 4-12 and then again from 17-21 btw.

>> No.19853273

Any good stories/pics?

>> No.19853276

now I molest him in the nursing home.

>> No.19853283

That's all I needed to start yakkin my pen0r

>> No.19853296

One of my childhood friends experienced similar trauma and waited until he was bigger and his father was old and frail before bending his thumbs all the way to the back of his hands. I swear every rich family I know has skeletons in their pool shed.

>> No.19853306

what was wrong with you between 12-17

>> No.19853329

It's literally a ribeye steak except they forgot to sear it.

>> No.19853353

A pal of mine went through this when he was just a kid, in his late twenties, he was serving a 15-year sentence for having inappropriate material involving minors.

>> No.19853390

I know it's not exactly a ribeye, but for the average poster on this board, it's going to be the same.

>> No.19853400

>boomer meme
I wish it were more popular
I would get this with my boomers when I was a kid and now I look and that same restaurant doesn't have it anymore :(

>> No.19853442

When cooked good, it is fantastic - tender, juicy and flavorful. Usually I had good ones at Saltgrass.

>> No.19853448


>> No.19853662
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It’s delicious. I like it with fresh horseradish and jus

>> No.19853722

Prime rib is just undercooked rib roast. A rib roast is just an extra thick ribeye steak.

Any ribeye roast is going to taste better cooked medium with a nice char and rendered fat instead of cold, chewy, and blubbery like a prime rib.

>> No.19853842
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it's great, the slice in your picture looks a little overdone around the edges however

>> No.19853860

Nothing really, I didn’t turn him on as much when I dressed up as a girl.

>> No.19853867
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For me it’s prime rib and eggs

>> No.19853878

It can be quite flavourful but it's not usually as tasty as a less tender cut. The tenderness is the trade off.

>skeletons in their pool shed.
I only figured out a few years ago that I did, in fact, grow up rich (since I was surrounded by obscenely wealthy kids, I thought my family were just middle class) and once asked my dad, jokingly, if he'd ever liked anyone. He got very quiet, visibly upset and said nothing. Had he stammered, joked or even gotten angry, it would have been a less creepy response than saying nothing at all and looking like he'd just finished Old Yeller.
I asked because I'm not sure what he did for a living before he retired, just that it was a government job related to, but not directly involved with, diplomacy.

>> No.19854317
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Prime rib is delicious and extremely easy to cook as long as you have a good oven that can hold 500 degrees F. Use Method X. Cover the roast in butter,herbs,salt, and pepper. Take the weight of the roast times 5 minutes and you have your cooking time (round up to the nearest minute). Once your alarm goes off turn the oven off and leave the roast in it for 2 hour. Take it out, let it rest for 10 minutes then cut.

>> No.19854696

Collagen has insignificant denaturation until you're in like the 60c+ ranges. The meat never reaches above like 55. The meat has minimal collagen anyways or else you wouldn't eat it as a steak.

>> No.19854715
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100% a boomer meme but it can be good if you're in the mood for boomer chow

Boomer food is a lot like indian food in that it looks completely unappetizing and disgusting, and often it is, but when done right, it's amazing

>> No.19854741

>chewy, and blubbery like a prime rib.
stop my penis can only get so erect.

>> No.19854821

>prime rib is cooked low and slow
either you're a stupid dumb idiot or 350F is considered "low and slow" now. I think the former is more likely.

>> No.19854824

Like other anons have said, It's a roast made of the cut that ribeyes are sliced from. It has an excellent beef flavor and is very tender. I like mine cut into 1/4 inch thick slices and served with piping hot au jus to heat it up in. Get some green beans and mashed potatoes and you've got a meal fit for a fuckin' king! My family and I cook one for Christmas dinner. It's fantastic.

>> No.19854829
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Medium rare niggas are mentally ill

>> No.19854839

I know. Rare is the way to go.

>> No.19854845
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For a split second, I thought that read "blueberry" rather than blubbery.
I once had blueberry venison jerky. It was revolting.

>> No.19854871

Is that what I got that one time I went there and just ordered the biggest steak and it was kinda just gummy and mushy and gross?

I'm a sirloin man now.

>> No.19854880

yes it's fucking delicious. it's the taste of christmas dinner. extravagant whole primal cut rib, cooked whole on the bone slasthered in garlic and rosemary and thyme for 5-6h until the roast is a perfect 110-115F (left on the counter rises to 125-130F) for a perfect pink inside. it's luxurious and rich. delicious with a side of garlic mash and gravy and a slathering of spicy horseradish sauce. it's the perfect holiday meal

>> No.19854920

sounds like ur dad was a spy, dude

>> No.19854941
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Based Christmas Prime Rib bro. A man after my own heart.
Turkey is for Thanksgiving, Prime Rib is for Christmas.

>> No.19855523

It's not as good as a ribeye steak due to the lack of crust except around the edges but it's better than most steaks.

>> No.19855585

Extremely appetizing post desu

>> No.19855660

I do this method and it always turns out great. First time I was pretty anxious about ruining an $80 piece of meat for Christmas but it worked, perfect rare throughout with a little crust outside. My uncle put his slice in the microwave because it was “too bloody.”

>> No.19855666
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>perfect rare

>> No.19855697

that's where I was the first time I had one, and it's the last time I'll have one
it was sweet, why was it sweet!?
my friend actually threw up in the parking lot on the way to the car

>> No.19855704

I've tried method x exactly was written in two different ovens and it's never worked. It always gets way too cold to cook properly
and yes I am letting the roast warm up before putting it in

>> No.19856047

>it was sweet, why was it sweet!?
lol yuck
that is american chain restaurant for you

once I had pork belly that was pure globs of fat WITH super sweet BBQ served all over

>> No.19856055

How do you explain to retards that there is effectively zero actual blood left in any meat you buy in the store?

>> No.19856085

What a fucking travesty

>> No.19856090

now that the dust has settled....which method is better?



has anyone done both?

>> No.19856092

I wouldn't take Texas Roadhouse as the end all for prime rib. Next time you're at a a decent steakhouse spend a bit extra and give it a 2nd shot. Like I was saying, it's the best cut of meat out there, but it's not immune to being fucked up during cooking which it sounds like Texas Roadhouse has a habit of doing

>> No.19856097
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I typically don’t really care about what people do or don’t like to do with their food, but people who like meats well done really baffle me. Maybe it just reminds them of mom’s cooking or something.

>> No.19856162

I think the sear on the newer method looks anemic. That's the trade off for the method being simpler. I'd say stick with method X.

>> No.19856199

>cold red, barely cooked, with red liquid coming out
Shut the fuck up nigger, we don't care, it's disgusting

>> No.19856209

I like my bacon well done because it gives me more lard to use to cook other stuff.

>> No.19856229

>Ewwww that stuff is RED, that means it's blood!!!
>it's not blood though
>I don't CARE it is gross

I wish I could press a button and kill all zoomers

>> No.19856237

Prime Rib is fucking legit. Very good, perfect holiday meal.

Did not think it was a regional thing, but yeah, I see it advertised at even more family style places here actually. And to expand on the above I sold plenty around Christmas and New Years when I worked in a butchershop, some people even did instead of or in addition to turkey for Thanksgiving.

>> No.19856248

These are the same people who think you can substitute avocado for mayo in tuna sandwiches

>> No.19856251

>These are the same people who think you can substitute avocado for mayo in tuna sandwiches
I use chocolate syrup instead of mayo in tuna sandwiches.

>> No.19856266

Well no shit fellow Anon yet that's still somehow less offensive than being afraid of tender, juicy beef

>> No.19856267
File: 1.58 MB, 4272x2848, hopr-group-shot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's God-tier when done properly.

>> No.19856374

what kind of horseradish sauce should I make

or just plain fresh horseradish

>> No.19856377

Horseradish, peel it
Food processor, salt, vinegar

>> No.19856414

Made yorkshire pudding the last time I made prime rib. Went very well together. Will do again and would recommend.

>> No.19856504

boomer food

>> No.19856539

what's the green stuff

>> No.19856542

it is a ribeye you dumb piece of shit

>> No.19856552

put full cap of salt and Montreal Seasoning around
40 min per LB at 350F
collect the drippings for Au Jus
sear on the grill for 15 min on each side
if you want the seared flavor all around grill it again once you slice the roast into steaks

>> No.19856566

Creamed spinach w/bacon

>> No.19856579

>is... good
No, now go away.

>> No.19856604

>cold, red, raw, with unrendered fat and has liquid oozing out that looks exactly like blood
no one cares if it's technically blood or not. It's coming from a damn near raw animal and the meat tastes like shit, with a raw blubbery consistency.

>> No.19856614

Prime rib really isn't complicated. Just like any other roast, salt it the day before, let it on rack uncovered overnight in the fridge, cook low and slow so it's tender and even temp, and just use a thermometer to check internal temp. Most people will prefer higher temp than they probably think. Once it hits the temp, turn oven up to 500f and cook for 15 more mins. I shoot for 137f internal (before 500f), resting temp will be low-mid 140f

>> No.19856969

dang that sounds good. I'm always more enchanted by the sides that steakhouse restaurants have on their menus.

>> No.19857829

>zoomers think that they are too good for prime rib
what a worthless homosexual generation of losers.

>> No.19857898

good thing you're gay, no one tell them about pussy.

>> No.19857906

pair with a rye old fashioned and this is the perfect meal

>> No.19857922

your uncle sounds downs syndrome

>> No.19858053

One of my favourites

>> No.19858099

It simply tastes better. If I eat the pink part I dont lie and pretend it 'has more flavor'. I just see it how it is- undercooked, less flavorful
please stop being a redditor dying on the rare / medium hill

>> No.19858130

It’s about the texture as well as the flavor. Well done is just dry and chewy, it’s unpleasant.

>> No.19858162

God I wish I could find this cut where I live, I miss having this with some garlic mash.

>> No.19858260

Its often not completely dry, and even if it was, its not a bad texture. Rare is gooey and gross.

>> No.19858308

You’re a fucking retard. Prime rib is cooked to 125F max, which is why it’s pink. Breakdown of fat, which is used for other shittier cuts of beef that aren’t fucking ribeye happens after ~205F. Keep your cocksucker shut while the adults are talking.

>> No.19858364

tastelet and brainlet

>> No.19860147

I made one recently for the first time on my Webber Kettle.
Salt, Pepper, Garlic then let it sit in my fridge overnight for a dry brine. Smoked it for 3.5hrs until internal temps reached 120f. Reversed seared it, then wrapped it in foil and a towel before resting it in my cooler for about 3hrs. It had continued to cook by itself which brought the temps up to 130. Which is a tad higher than I like. The wife made a beautiful gravy out of the fat trimmings to go with it.
Turned out amazing and saw family going back for seconds and thirds.

>> No.19860176
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Prime Rib is in my top 3 favorites foods

>> No.19860428

Does pepper so anything for a dry brine? I wouldn't think so. It isn't water soluble, so it won't penetrate the meat via osmosis. Isn't it just going to sit on the surface and oxidize? When I dry brine, I always crack my pepper on right before cooking.

>> No.19860486

>the weight of the roast times 5 minutes
Got a 2268g rib here, will report back next week when it's done.

>> No.19860501

it’s delicious. i do it by pulling back the cap, putting thinly sliced garlic in it, then coating the whole thing in an egg and salt mixture that hardens as it cooks and it keeps the juices in. and it doesn’t end up too salty after you crack the salt covering when it’s done cooking

>> No.19860560

>is prime rib actually good or is it a boomer meme?
the only people that don't like this are either poor, or vegans.

>> No.19860565

>take the weight of the roast times 5 minutes
fuck off grandma, use a fucking thermometer

>> No.19860571

t. 79 years old and needs dentures to gum through the sunday steamed beef slab at the nursing home

>> No.19861001

Nah, overcooked is chewy in its own way. Rare can have some really raw bits if it's undercooked. It should still be cooked. I agree, that can be a weird texture. I prefer a proper rare to medium rare.

>> No.19861020
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>the meat tastes gross!
>the fat is all blubbery and icky!
Ive got the perfect food for you buddy

>> No.19861060
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yeah it’s great, I love making it

>> No.19861643

>t. doesn't know how a reverse sear works

>> No.19861705

for me it's beef liver

>> No.19861777

hey anon i did the same thing. i didn't get a ps5 but the meal and smiles were worth it :D

>> No.19861943

It's a really good cut of beef. It's second to slow brazzed short beef ribs.

>> No.19862448
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>is it similar to a ribeye steak

>> No.19862472
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I do still check the temp every time, obviously. This method has never failed me once after making about 15 rib roasts using it.